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Why the profile in classmates is not closed. How to close a profile in Odnoklassniki for free: a step-by-step guide

In Odnoklassniki, and touched on the topic of a closed profile in OK.

In this article, we will tell you how to close your Odnoklassniki page from outsiders, who will need this feature and why.

If you don't like the excessive openness of social networks and would like to close your profile from other users, it is possible to do this with the "Private Profile" feature in OK.

Despite the fact that this option is paid, it can be useful for those who wish to hide their profile data from unknown users. Page information will be available only to friends.

Some sections of the profile will be available only to you, and some - only to friends.

There is no function to hide friends from friends in Odnoklassniki, but you can hide subscribers.

A private profile will have new privacy settings available. For example, you can hide your feed, photos, notes, and more from strangers.

How to close a page in Odnoklassniki

Step #1

We enter the OK profile.

Step #2

Go to my settings in the menu on the left:

Step #3

In the main settings at the very bottom there will be an option "Close profile". We click on it:

Confirm the actions in the window that appears:

Step #4

The next window will prompt you to buy the feature. Click on the "Buy" button.

Step #5

We buy a profile using shackles in Odnoklassniki. If you do not have them, you will have to purchase by paying for the purchase with a bank card.

Step #6

If the payment was successful, a message will appear that the profile is closed and you can go to the settings.

Step #7

Customize your profile as you wish.

Now none of the outsiders will see the information from your page, when they go to you, users will see a message that the profile is closed.

You can close your profile from the public settings:

You can also close your profile using the settings at the top of the page:

This way you protect yourself from intrusive attention and unfamiliar guests on your page.

By the way, only friends will be displayed in your guests. And if an invisible person came in, then you will definitely know that this is one of your friends.

The creators of the OK social network made sure that users set their own privacy and determine who can access their profiles. Thus, two different functions appeared in the service - these are publicity settings and "Close profile". In this article, you will learn what it means to close a profile in Odnoklassniki, how to do it, and how this method differs from the settings in the "Publicity" section. Also read on our website about that, and a number of other useful tips and tricks.

Close profile in Odnoklassniki: what is it?

First of all, let's figure out how this function differs from the publicity settings:

  • firstly, with its help you can completely hide your profile from all users in just two clicks;
  • secondly, this option is paid. However, the payment is one-time, that is, if you purchase this feature once, then in the future you will not have to pay money again to hide the page.

How to find out that the profile in Odnoklassniki is closed?

If you go to someone else's page and do not see anything but an avatar, and a large padlock "hangs" on a white background, then this profile is closed from outside users. If the owner of the page has set privacy so that only friends can write to him, you can try to be added to his friend list.

What gives a closed profile in Odnoklassniki?

We talked about what it is. Now let's move on to the opportunities that you will have when buying this option on the OK social network:

  • access to your profile is received either by friends, or only by you;
  • no one will be able to comment on your posts and put classes under them;
  • now no one will watch your photos, videos and any other content that is on your page;
  • and the last (probably, for many, this is the main reason for the purchase) - none of the third-party users will be able to send you private messages until they are added as friends. And to accept the application or not - it's up to you. Thus, you can weed out unnecessary and annoying people, making your stay and communication on the network as comfortable as possible. Also you can pesky people.

Now you know what it means to close a profile in Odnoklassniki. Let's figure out how to do it.

Connection instructions

To activate this service, follow these steps:

Also read on our website detailed instructions on how to close a profile in Odnoklassniki.

What does it mean - closed profile

Odnoklassniki is a huge and popular social network. For several years, this social network has been giving us the most pleasant and convenient features. But not all of these functions are available, most of them need to be paid using OKs (the currency of the Odnoklassniki website).

How to close a profile in classmates from strangers

There are also users in Odnoklassniki who do not want strangers to visit their page. One thought that someone unfamiliar is viewing photos, records, and videos can be unpleasant for many, and in order for no one to view all your personal photos without your permission, you just need to close access to your page.

What is a closed profile, and how to close a profile in Odnoklassniki 2017? A private profile is a convenient feature that allows you to block access to your page from outsiders. But this function, although convenient, but, unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, is paid. It costs only forty-eight OKs, about forty-eight - eighty rubles. In order to close your account, you must do the following:

How to close a profile in classmates for free

Unfortunately, it is impossible to close access to your page for free. But there are "Publicity Settings". This is an easier and free way, it will partially block access to your account, but here you have to, as they say, "plow". In order to close your profile from outsiders, you need to do the following:

In this way, you will be able to solve the problem with the profile for free. Unfamiliar users will only be able to go to your page, but will not be able to see: photos, videos, posts, and even your feed.

How to close a profile in classmates from the mobile version

So now we're going to talk about how to close a profile in classmates from the phone. This service is not free, and even very paid. To block access to your page, you need to do the following:

  • Go to "Odnoklassniki";
  • Enter your username and password;
  • Find and select the "Settings" section;
  • At the very end, find "Close Profile" and click on it;
  • Confirm your action;
  • Select payment methods.

After that, your profile will be closed from strangers. This function will serve you as a good assistant and will allow you to get rid of annoying visitors.

Let's figure out how to close your profile from unwanted guests.

The year 2016 has come, the Internet is still rapidly, by leaps and bounds moving towards becoming an integral part of our lives. Every day, millions of people around the world use social networks to communicate with friends, exchange messages, breaking news and opinions. Once registered and creating a profile in one of these networks, the user, first of all, wants to find his friends and relatives, and, possibly, make new acquaintances with common views and interests. But, unfortunately, not all visitors to such sites are decent adequate people, because it’s always like this - where there is a large crowd of people, scammers are sure to operate and asocial personalities appear. With scammers, in general, everything is clear - you need to be extremely careful not to follow suspicious links, even if they are sent from old friends - because they could simply be hacked. It is also not worth joining dubious communities that offer momentary benefits and offer instant benefits. And what can be done about the second, very large group of outsiders who bombard you with spam or advertising? With their behavior, often very boorish and intrusive, such individuals spoil not only the impression of using the social network, but also the mood in general. What can you do when, for example, your page in classmates is bombarded with unpleasant messages from a complete stranger who annoys you with his behavior and attitude? How to close a page in classmates, prohibiting such irritants from gaining access to you and wasting your precious time and nerves? These are the questions we will discuss in this article.

Let's first figure out what it means to close your profile in classmates. If you follow this procedure, it will mean that those who are not in your friends, going to your page, will only see a smaller version of your main photo. Optionally, you can expand the circle of access to the friends of your friends, excluding only completely strangers.

Previously, this procedure was more time-consuming, but 2016 has already come, quite a few years have passed since the appearance of classmates, progress does not stand still and social networks are doing everything to make life easier for users. Now, to make your profile private, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Naturally, you have a question - is it possible to perform this procedure for free? Unfortunately, making your profile in classmates closed for free will not work. From this, logically, the next question arises - how much does it cost?

This procedure costs 20 CPs. Oki is the internal currency of Odnoklassniki, users purchase it for gaming applications in Odnoklassniki, for buying intra-site gifts and other paid actions on the social network.

Despite the fact that you cannot close your profile in classmates for free, this action is not so expensive. The year is 2016, but the approximate rate of OKs has not changed much. Previously, it was one to one, now it is about 1 to 1.5, that is, for example, 30 OKs will cost you 50 rubles. How much are you willing to pay for peace of mind and personal comfort? I'm sure it's immeasurably more. The only caveat is that when purchasing OKs, a commission may be taken, but it will not be so significant as to alienate potential users of paid services on the site. The easiest way to replenish the balance of OKs is to purchase currency using your mobile phone. To purchase OKs, you need to go to your page in classmates, and under your profile picture, click "buy OKs." A window will appear in which your phone number used to verify the page will be indicated. You just have to choose the number of OKs you are interested in, and click the green “Order” button.

After that, you will need to confirm the purchase, send an SMS message with the specified code to the specified number. Oki will come to your account almost immediately, which means you can block access to your profile. To do this, click on the "Close profile" link under your profile picture and follow the instructions. After OKs are debited from your account, your profile will become unavailable for study by strangers, which means that you were able to make using the site as comfortable and safe as possible. Previously, the procedure was different, but as of 2016 it is very simplified and looks exactly like this.

When registering on a social network, each user receives a personal account, also called an account, with a unique login and password. He enters personal data into it - first name, last name, age, city of residence and other information that will later be needed to identify him on the Web. This personal page is called a profile. By default, the account is visible not only to users of the same resource - it can be found and viewed through search engines.

Odnoklassniki provides functionality that allows the user to independently set access settings for his page. You can completely close it from visiting unfamiliar users using, or set a ban on viewing certain categories in the free publicity settings.

Option Closed profile

When this function is activated, access to the page is completely blocked for users who are not among the "Friends". When they try to visit the account, they will see only the owner's avatar, but all personal data - photos, videos, list of friends, groups, etc. will be hidden. Also, strangers will not be able to leave their comments, put "Class" on publications and write a message.

The service is paid, to connect it on the account you need. After the purchase, the service can be used without any restrictions - turn off and activate for free an unlimited number of times.

To connect option:

If you have Okov on your account, the service is activated immediately. If there are no funds on the balance, the system offers to replenish it by one of the listed methods - from a mobile account, from a bank card, an electronic wallet and others.

Changing publicity settings

You can restrict access to your account in the following way:

If you translate all the dots to the right, you can achieve the maximum possible privacy of the page. The main thing is not to forget to save all changes.

IMPORTANT: The "Private Profile" and "Publicity Settings" features are mutually exclusive. When your account is closed, be careful with the publicity settings - when you change some items, the page automatically opens.

In the event that a user wants to protect his page from visits by a specific person, it is not necessary to change the settings and buy a “Closed Profile”. An unwanted guest can be added to - in this case, access to the page data will be completely blocked for him.