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Presentation on informatics "new information technologies". Presentation on informatics "information technology" Download presentation on information technology

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Information technology is understood as a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

Stages of development of information technology: 1st stage (until the second half of the 19th century) "manual" information technology, the tools of which were: pen, inkwell, book. Communications were carried out manually by sending letters, packages, dispatches through the mail. The main goal of the technology is to present information in the required form.

2nd stage (from the end of the 19th century) "mechanical" technology, equipped with more advanced mail delivery means, the tools of which were: a typewriter, telephone, voice recorder. The main goal of the technology is to present information in the required form using more convenient means.

3rd stage (years of XX century) "electrical" technology, the tools of which were: large computers and the corresponding software, electric typewriters, copiers, portable voice recorders. The main goal of information technology begins to move from the form of information presentation to the formation of its content.

4th stage (from the beginning of the 70s) "electronic" technology, the main tools of which are large computers and automated control systems (ACS) and information retrieval systems created on their basis, equipped with a wide range of basic and specialized software systems. The center of gravity of technology is even more shifted to the formation of the content side of information for the management environment in various spheres of public life, especially to the organization of analytical work.

5th stage (from the mid-80s) "computer" ("new") technology, the main toolkit of which is a personal computer with a wide range of standard software products for various purposes. At this stage, the process of personalization of the ACS takes place, which manifests itself in the creation of decision support systems by certain specialists. 5th stage (from the mid-80s) "computer" ("new") technology, the main toolkit of which is a personal computer with a wide range of standard software products for various purposes. At this stage, the process of personalization of the ACS takes place, which manifests itself in the creation of decision support systems by certain specialists.

6th stage - "network technology" (sometimes it is considered part of computer technology). Global and local computer networks are beginning to be widely used in various fields. It is predicted to grow rapidly in the near future due to the popularity of its founder - the global computer network Internet.

Such systems have built-in elements of analysis and artificial intelligence for different levels of control, are implemented on a personal computer and use telecommunications. In connection with the transition to a microprocessor base, technical means for household, cultural and other purposes are also subject to significant changes.

In recent years, the term "information technology" is often synonymous with the term "computer technology", since all information technologies are now in one way or another associated with the use of a computer. In recent years, the term "information technology" is often synonymous with the term "computer technology", since all information technologies are now in one way or another associated with the use of a computer.

However, the term "information technology" is much broader and includes "computer technology" as a component. At the same time, information technologies based on the use of modern computer and network tools form the term "Modern information technologies".

Systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for the collection, production, accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information and the ability to access information resources of computer networks (including global ones).

Computer graphics systems, software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application packages, etc.), etc .; modern means of communication that provide informational interaction of users both at the local level (for example, within one organization or several organizations) and globally (within the framework of the world information environment).

For the implementation of modern information technologies, it is required: to create technological conditions, hardware and software, telecommunication systems that ensure the normal functioning of the production sphere; within the framework of the international division of labor in national competitive information technologies and resources; For the implementation of modern information technologies, it is required: to create technological conditions, hardware and software, telecommunication systems that ensure the normal functioning of the production sphere; within the framework of the international division of labor in national competitive information technologies and resources;

Ensure the priority development of advanced production of information and knowledge; train qualified personnel; to implement the integrated implementation of information technologies in the sphere of production, management, education, science, culture, transport, energy.

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When translated from Greek (techne), tekhnologi means art, craftsmanship, skill, and these are nothing more than processes. A process should be understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving the set goal. The process should be determined by the strategy chosen by the person and implemented using a combination of various means and methods. The technology of material production is understood as a process determined by a set of means and methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials or materials. Technology changes the quality or initial state of matter in order to obtain a material product. Information is one of the most valuable resources of society along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processing of material resources, can be perceived as technology. Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

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The goal of material production technology is the release of products that meet the needs of a person or a system. The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and making, on its basis, a decision to perform an action.

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Technology components for the production of material products

Preparation of raw materials and materials Production of a material product Sales of manufactured products to consumers

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Technology components for the production of information products

Collection of data or primary information Processing of data and obtaining result information Transfer of result information to the user for making decisions based on it

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New information technology

Information technology (IT) - by now has gone through several evolutionary stages, the change of which was determined by the development of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of new technical means of information processing. In modern society, the main technical means of information processing technology is the PC, which has significantly influenced both the concept of building and using technological processes, and the quality of the resulting information. The introduction of the PC into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage in the development of IT and, as a result, the change in its name due to the addition of one of the synonyms: new, computer or modern. The concept of new information technology also includes communication technologies that ensure the transfer of information by various means, namely, telephone, telegraph, telecommunications, fax, etc.

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    New information technology - information technology with a "friendly" user interface, using personal computers and telecommunications facilities. Three basic principles of the new information technology: interactive (dialogue) mode of working with a computer; integration (docking, interconnection) of software products; flexibility of the process of changing both data and task settings. The term new information technology reflects in its structure not only technologies based on the use of computers, but also technologies based on other technical means, especially on the means of providing telecommunications. The term NIT is gradually beginning to disappear, and by IT they begin to understand the meaning that is invested in NIT.

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    An interface in computer science is understood as a set of tools and rules that ensure the interaction of computing system devices and (or) programs. A friendly interface is a visual and user-friendly means of interacting with a computer that does not require prior training from him: menus, formatted screens, prompts in a dialog. Intelligent interface - a set of means of interaction between a user and a computer in a natural language, including a dialogue processor, a scheduler that converts the description of a problem into a program for solving it based on information stored in the knowledge base, and a monitor that controls all interface components.

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    1. It must have the means for analyzing textual (and possibly speech) messages arriving at the input of the system. At the same time, it must ensure understanding of the user's messages. When exchanging between the user and the system only written messages in the interface, the procedures that are used in computational linguistics for the analysis and synthesis of texts should be used. During speech communication, the interface should include blocks for analyzing speech messages and synthesizing such messages. 2. The interface should have tools that allow converting the text-tasks coming from the user into programs that are understandable for the computer. That is, there should be procedures for the transition from a text task to a recording in a programming language, and tools used to translate the records programs in high-level programming languages ​​into machine languages. 3. The interface should include a means of explaining and justifying decisions. Modern PCs have a user-friendly interface and some elements of an intelligent interface. The creation of an intelligent interface will allow the user to work directly with the computer, without resorting to the help of IT specialists. The final scheme for solving problems by a team of users simultaneously interacting with an intelligent system in a time-sharing mode between them will have the form shown on the next page. figure.

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    In the 70s of the XX century, the central task of creating new IT was to search for technologies that would exclude people who were specially engaged in converting tasks into a form understandable by computers from the chain of "task - solution", i.e. programmers acting as intermediaries between users and computers. In the process of solving a problem on a computer, three categories of persons took part, standing between the user who wants to solve the problem and the technical means that ensure the search for a solution: Analysts transformed the original form of the problem that arose from the user into a form that would allow describing the algorithm for its solution. Applied programmers for this task, using programming technology, translated the algorithm into a form acceptable for a computer. Information workers dealing with banks and databases provided the information needed to solve the problem. Intellectual and friendly interfaces allow already today to take applied programmers out of the problem solving scheme. In the future, all intermediaries between the user and the computer should disappear.

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    Information Technology Toolkit

    The implementation of the technological process of material production is carried out using various technical means, which include: equipment, machine tools, tools, conveyor lines, etc. For IT, such technical means of information production will be the hardware, software and mathematical support of this process. With their help, the primary information is processed into information of a new quality. Let us separate software products from these means and call them a toolkit, and for greater clarity, it can be specified. calling it software tools of information technology. Information technology toolkit is one or several interconnected software products for a certain type of computer, the technology of work in which allows you to achieve the goal set by the user. Examples of tools: word processor (editor), desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, functional information systems (financial, accounting, marketing, etc.), expert systems, etc. ...

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    IT is closely related to information systems, which are the main environment for it. At the same time, IT is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations, actions, stages of varying degrees of complexity on data stored in computers. The main goal of IT is as a result of targeted actions on processing of primary information to obtain the information necessary for the user. IS is an environment, the constituent elements of which are computers, computer networks, software products, databases, people, various kinds of technical and software means of communication, etc. The main purpose of IS is to organize the storage and transmission of information. IS is a human-computer information processing system. Implementation of IS functions is impossible without knowledge of IT oriented towards it. Information technology can exist outside the sphere of the information system. The combination of two information technologies - management and computer - is the key to the successful operation of the information system.

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    Information technology components

    Technological concepts used in the production sphere, such as norm, standard, technological process, technological operation, etc., can also be applied in information technology. Before developing these concepts in any technology, including information technology, you should always start by defining a goal. Then you should structure all the proposed actions leading to the intended goal, and select the necessary software tools. On the next pic. the technological process of information processing is presented in the form of a hierarchical structure consisting of stages, actions, operations.

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    1st level - stages where relatively long technological processes are implemented, consisting of operations and actions of subsequent levels. 2nd level - operations, as a result of which a specific object will be created in the software environment selected at the 1st level. 3rd level - actions - a set of work methods standard for each software environment, leading to the fulfillment of the goal set in the corresponding operation. Each action changes the content of the screen. 4th level - elementary operations for controlling the mouse and keyboard.

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    The technology for creating a document form template in the Word 6.0 word processor environment consists of the following stages: stage 1 - creating a permanent part of the form in the form of texts and tables; stage 2 - creating a permanent part of the form in the form of a frame, where the drawing is then placed; stage 3 - creating the variable part of the form; stage 4 - protection and preservation of the form.

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    How to understand the operation

    Stage 2 of the technology for creating a permanent part of the document form in the form of a frame in the word processor environment Word 6.0 consists of the following operations: operation 1 - creating a frame; operation 2 - frame setting; operation 3 - embedding a picture into the frame.

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    Operation 3 - embedding a picture in the frame in the Word 6.0 word processor environment consists of the following actions: action 1 - placing the cursor in the frame; action 2 - execution of the INSERT, Figure command; Step 3 - Setting the parameter values ​​in the dialog box.

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    How to understand an elementary operation

    It can be: entering a command, clicking the right mouse button, selecting a menu item, etc. It is necessary to understand that the development of information technology and its further use should be reduced to the fact that you must first master a set of elementary operations, the number of which is limited. From this limited number of elementary operations in different combinations, an action is composed, and from the actions, operations are composed that determine a particular technological stage. The totality of technological stages forms a technological process (technology).

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    IT should: Provide a high degree of division of the entire information processing process into stages (phases), operations, actions; Include the entire set of elements necessary to achieve the goal; Be regular. Stages, actions, operations of the technological process can be standardized and unified, which will allow for more efficient purposeful management of information processes.

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    Information technology of data processing Information technology of management Office automation Information technology of decision support Information technology of expert systems

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    Information technology data processing

    It is intended for solving well-structured problems for which the necessary input data are available and the algorithms and standard procedures for their processing are known. It is used at the level of performing activities of low-skilled personnel in order to automate some routine, constantly repeated operations of managerial work. For example, in a firm at the level of performing activities, the following tasks are solved: - processing data on operations performed by the firm; - Creation of periodic control reports on the state of affairs in the company; - receiving answers to all kinds of current requests and their registration in the form of paper documents or reports.

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    Information technology management

    The purpose of this technology is to meet the information needs of employees of a firm, an organization dealing with decision-making. This technology is focused on working in a management information system environment. To make decisions at the level of management control, information should be presented in such a way that trends in data change, the reasons for deviations that have arisen and possible decisions are visible. At this stage, the following tasks are solved: assessment of the planned state of the control object; assessment of deviations from the planned state; identification of the reasons for deviations; analysis of possible solutions and actions. This technology is aimed at creating reports: regular, ad hoc, summarizing, comparative, extraordinary. Input information comes from performance-level systems. The output information is generated in the form of reports in a form convenient for making decisions. The information system contains a database of operations performed and regulatory documents that determine the planned state of the control object.

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    Office automation is designed to provide rational automation of managerial work. The automated office provides new means of communication with the external environment. Information technology of an automated office is the organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment based on computer networks and other modern means of transferring and working with information. Office automated technologies allow, for example, to increase the productivity of secretaries, improve the decisions made by managers. Currently, dozens of software products are known that provide office automation technology: word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, electronic calendar, audio mail, teleconferences, video text, image storage, specialized management programs: document management, control over the execution of orders, etc. ... Widely used: audio and video conferencing, facsimile communication, copier and other technical means.

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    Decision support systems and the corresponding information technology appeared in the late 70s - early 80s. XX century, which was facilitated by the widespread use of personal computers, standard software packages, as well as advances in the creation of artificial intelligence systems. The main feature of this technology is a qualitatively new method of human-computer interaction. The development of a solution occurs as a result of an iterative process, in which the following are involved: an adoption support system; a person as a control link, specifying the input data and evaluating the resulting computation result. The end of the iterative process occurs at the initiative of a person. Distinctive characteristics of this technology: focus on solving poorly structured (formalized) problems; combination of traditional methods of access and processing of computer data with the capabilities of mathematical models and methods for solving problems based on them; focus on the non-professional user; high adaptability to the peculiarities of the available hardware and software, as well as to the user's requirements. This technology can be used at any level of management. In addition, decisions made at different levels of government often need to be coordinated. Therefore, an important function of both systems and technologies is the coordination of decision-makers both at different levels of government and at the same level.

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    Information technology expert systems

    Expert systems are based on the use of artificial intelligence. They provide an opportunity to receive expert advice on any problems about which these systems have accumulated knowledge. Expert systems transform the experience of experts in any area of ​​knowledge into the form of heuristic rules (heuristics), on the basis of which they give sufficiently acceptable solutions for their practical use. The similarity of IT used in expert systems and decision support systems is that that both provide a high level of decision support. Differences. - The solution of the problem within the framework of decision support systems reflects the level of its understanding by the user and his ability to obtain and comprehend the solution. ES technology invites the user to make a decision that exceeds his capabilities. - ES explain their reasoning in the process of obtaining a decision. - A new component of IT is used - knowledge. The knowledge base contains facts describing the problem area, as well as the logical relationship of these facts. Rules are central to the knowledge base. The rule determines what should be done in a given situation, and consists of two parts: a condition that can be met or not, and an action that should be performed if the condition is met. All the rules used form a system. In addition to the knowledge base, the main components of the ES are the user interface, the interpreter and the module for creating the system. The user interface is used to enter information and commands into the ES and receive output information. The interpreter processes the knowledge in the knowledge base. The system creation module is used to create a set of rules. The Lisp and Prolog languages ​​have been specially developed to represent the knowledge base.

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    There are several points of view on the development of IT, which are determined by various signs of division. Common to all approaches is that with the advent of the PC, a new stage in the development of information technology began. The main goal is to meet the personal information needs of a person both for the professional sphere and for the household.

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    The division sign is the type of tasks and information processing processes.

    1st stage (60s - 70s) - data processing in computing centers in a shared mode. The main direction of development of information technology was the automation of operational routine human actions. 2nd stage (since the 80s) - the creation of information technologies aimed at solving strategic problems.

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    Division sign - problems standing in the way of informatization of society

    Stage 1 (until the end of the 60s) is characterized by the problem of processing large amounts of data with limited hardware capabilities. Stage 2 (until the end of the 70s) is associated with the spread of computers of the IBM / 360 series. The problem is that software lags behind the level of hardware development. 3rd stage (since the beginning of the 80s) - the computer becomes a tool of a non-professional user, and the IS becomes a means of supporting his decision-making. Problems - maximum satisfaction of the user's needs and the creation of an appropriate interface for working in a computer environment. 4th stage (from the beginning of the 90s) - creation of modern technology of interorganizational relations and information systems. The most significant of the problems: - the development of agreements and the establishment of standards, protocols for computer communications; - organization of access to strategic information; - organization of information protection and security.

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    Division is an advantage that IT brings

    Stage 1 (from the beginning of the 60s) - effective information processing when performing routine operations with a focus on the centralized collective use of the resources of the computer center. The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the created IP is the difference between the funds spent on development and the funds saved as a result of implementation. The main problem is psychological - poor interaction between users and developers due to the difference in their views and understanding of the problems being solved. The second stage (from the mid-70s) is associated with the emergence of the PC. The approach to the creation of IS has changed - the orientation is shifting towards the individual user to support his decisions. The user is interested in the ongoing development, contact is established with the developer, mutual understanding of both groups of specialists arises. At this stage - both centralized data processing and decentralized, based on solving local problems and working with local databases at the user's workplace. The third stage (since the beginning of the 90s) is associated with the concept of the analysis of strategic advantages in business and is based on the achievements of telecommunication technology for distributed information processing. IP is aimed not only at increasing the efficiency of data processing and helping the manager. Appropriate IT should help the organization to compete and gain an edge.

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    Division sign - types of technology tools

    1st stage (until the second half of the 19th century) - manual IT, tools - pen, inkwell, book. Communications - manually by sending letters, packages, dispatches through the mail. The main goal is to present information in the required form. 2nd stage (from the end of the 19th century) - mechanical IT, tools - a typewriter, telephone, dictaphone, equipped with more advanced mail delivery means. The main goal is to present information in the required form using more convenient means. 3rd stage (40s - 60s of XX century) - electrical IT, tools - big computers and corresponding software, electric typewriters, copiers, portable voice recorders. The purpose of the technology is changing. The emphasis begins to shift from the form of information presentation to the formation of its content. 4th stage (from the beginning of the 70s) - electronic IT, tools - large computers and automated control systems and information systems created on their basis, equipped with a wide range of basic and specialized software systems. The center of gravity of technology is shifting even more towards the formation of the content side of information for the management environment, especially towards the organization of analytical work. Stage 5 (from the mid-80s) - new IT, tools - a PC with a set of standard software products for various purposes. Decision support systems are being created by specialists. These systems have built-in elements of analysis and intelligence for different levels of control, are implemented on a PC and use telecommunications. In connection with the transition to a microprocessor base, technical means for household, cultural and other purposes are also subject to changes. Global and local computer networks are beginning to be widely used in various fields.

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    Information technologies The presentation was made by the students of the Baimak Agricultural College Alibayeva M.F. and Aslaeva M.M.

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    Definition of information technology Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a class of areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing a huge flow of information using computer technology.

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    Information technology is a system-organized sequence of operations performed on information using automation tools and methods. Operations are elementary actions on information.

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    Information technology market Thus, the information technology market is transforming towards an orientation towards IT services, while a significant part of these services will be provided from developing countries. Unlike manufacturing industries, where the international division of labor has already taken shape, the geographic distribution of the IT industry is not yet complete, and Russia has a chance to significantly increase its share in the global market.

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    Classification of information technologies As already noted, the concept of information technology cannot be considered separately from the technical (computer) environment, i.e. from basic information technology. Hardware (technical) means intended for organizing the process of processing data (information, knowledge), as well as hardware (technical) means intended for organizing communication and transfer of data (information, knowledge)

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    Economic problems solved in batch mode are characterized by the following properties: the algorithm for solving the problem is formalized, the process of solving it does not require human intervention; there is a large amount of input and output data, a significant part of which is stored on magnetic media; the calculation is performed for most records of the input files; long time for solving the problem is due to large amounts of data; regulation, i.e. tasks are solved at a given frequency.

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    Technology is a complex of scientific and engineering disciplines implemented in labor methods, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. The word technology, which appeared among the ancient Greeks as a term for the skill of making things, in its modern interpretation means a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge about the methods and factors of production for creating a product or service.

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    Information technology (IT) is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study: methods of efficient organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computing technology; methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications; associated social, economic and cultural problems.

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    Division sign - the type of tasks and information processing processes Stage 1 (60s - 70s) - data processing in computing centers in the collective use mode. The main direction of development of information technology was the automation of operational routine human actions. 2nd stage (since the 80s) - the creation of information technologies aimed at solving strategic problems.

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    Sign of division - problems standing in the way of informatization of society The 1st stage (until the end of the 60s) is characterized by the problem of processing large amounts of data in conditions of limited hardware capabilities. The second stage (until the end of the 70s) is associated with the spread of the 1VM / 360 series computers. The problem at this stage is that the software lags behind the level of hardware development. Stage 3 (from the beginning of the 1980s) - the computer becomes a tool for a nonprofessional user, and information systems become a means of supporting his decision-making. Problems - maximum satisfaction of user needs and creation of an appropriate interface for working in a computer environment. 4th stage (from the beginning of the 90s) - creation of modern technology of interorganizational communications and information systems. The problems at this stage are numerous. The most significant of them are: the development of agreements and the establishment of standards, protocols for computer communications; organizing access to strategic information; organization of information protection and security.

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    The sign of division is an advantage that computer technology brings. Stage 1 (since the beginning of the 60s) is characterized by rather efficient processing of information when performing routine operations with a focus on centralized collective use of the resources of computing centers. The second stage (from the mid-70s) is associated with the emergence of personal computers. The approach to the creation of information systems has changed - the orientation is shifting towards the individual user to support his decisions. The third stage (from the beginning of the 90s) is associated with the concept of the analysis of strategic business advantages and is based on the achievements of telecommunication technology for distributed information processing.