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Shot a component k2. Component K2 or excellent replacement to the standard component of articles in Joomla

This lesson will consider working with tags in component K2.. And the first question that may arise from the reader, unfamiliar with this concept, what is it and why is it actually necessary? And this is necessary for what. Consider such a situation:

Suppose you have on the site there is some material, going to the page of which, the user will be interested in this topic. Further actions of the reader? He may certainly go back to the search engine and make a question about the information you are interested in there. Of course, this option is undesirable, but it is quite possible. But the user can go and other and try to search for articles on your site. But again, he can either find similar articles, or not find them, the last option is quite possible, especially if the site has a huge structure in which it is easy to get lost. So what do we have? In the first case of the visitor we will lose, in the second, there is such a chance that we will lose. And this is undesirable for us.

Creating categories, materials and their binding to the menu in the K2 component. Lesson 2.

Creating categories.

In component K 2. You can create an unlimited number of categories of any nesting. Consider this on the example. Suppose we have a website that represents a certain company that is engaged in real estate trading. And in order not to get confused in the abundance of apartments and houses, it would be very convenient to create a certain structure, something like a catalog in which it is convenient to navigate. After all, such an object as an apartment or a house may belong to a particular city, street or district. So, it would be nice to create such a structure as:


Houses, cottages

Component K2. Installation and Russification. Lesson 1.

In today's lesson, we will consider the installation and Russification of the K 2 component, which significantly expands the capabilities of Joomla, turning it into a more flexible control tool. The fact is that initially there was no such necessary elements in Jumle as additional fields, labels and unlimited nesting of the category. However, the last item is relevant only for Joomla 1.5. In later versions, the concept of the section has already been abolished, and it became possible to create an unlimited nesting category, which is very convenient. The remaining items remained unrealized and in later versions.

K2 component One of the most popular components for creating blogs, logs, directories Created by JoomlaWorks and won the status of "Best Extension for Joomla" in 2010
The component of the K2 is currently installed on thousands of sites in mind its convenience and a wide functional, which cannot fully provide the basic component of the materials (COM_CONTENT) which is made in the Joomla distribution.
Download component K2 for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.7 You can on the official developer website.
If you need help on the component to look for Joomlaforum
If you are faced with the task of making a template for a component of K2 - then my translation of the K2 component template is to create a template

Multicategories in K2.

Published on November 23, 2012 15:15 Author: Sergey Vyacheslavovich has long been looking for a way to assign a few categories to one material in K2, and so that the work of the site did not suffer. It seems found, the world is not without good developers.

New version of K2 and new types of fields

Published on 11/22/2012 21:21 Author: Sergey Vyacheslavovich K2 develops and becomes more like a real CCK for Joomla. This week, the developers - the JoomlaWorks team again presented a new version of K2 - version 2.6.2.

New version of the component K2 is now for Joomla3

Published on 12.10.2012 07:56

New exit joomla version 3 stimulated many developers to rewrite components for full compatibility with the new version of Joomla, the joomlaworks command with a component of the K2 does not lag behind and from the rest.

New version of K2 - now with Community Builder integration

Posted on 19.02.2012 11:42 Author: Sergey Vyacheslavovich
A new version K2.5.5, according to developers, will come out in the next week. It will continue a series of improvements of this component, as well as provide compatibility with the new Joomla 2.5.
Update. K2 version 2.5.5 for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5 came out on March 7, 2012 and is available for download.
Attention Some webmasters report mistakes in a new release. Be careful - do backups before updating.

The component of the K2 is a fairly complex component for Joomla, thanks to which you can significantly expand the functionality of the site, turning it into a portal with huge features. Due to the fact that the component of the K2 has a really suggesting list of settings, then you need to tell about it in detail. To put on one level this component can be unless with VirtueMart (creates an online store). To study, the K2 will require a lot of time, but it will fully pay off the opportunities that will open after.

Component K2: Operation with Content

The developers of the K2 sought to create a component that will be able to create full-fledged portals on CMS, for example, as on Joomla or on WordPress, which even says the slogan located on the official product website. According to many professionals, the resulting product surpassed all other developments that were previously created.

Web masters using K2 can create not only portals of various topics, but also directories, full shops, blogs and more.

True, there is one point: Western webmasters use this component with might and main, but our, as a rule, bypass it with the side, and the reason for the banal is needed.

In general, K2 acts as a substitute for the standard form of containment. After the fact, the component replaces the COM_CONTENT engine, which gives the user the ability to work with the information part of the site and create content through the use of its own web panel. Note that the newest versions of Joomla have already received a part of the functional from the K2, but not all the developers showed a desire to update their Jumlu to the latest version. Many have remained to sit on version 1.5, and here in some cases without a component of K2, it is definitely not to do.

Actually, you can get it on the URL:\u003dcom_k2&itemid\u003d190&id\u003d115_d1fb3b0162f8bd73a4f657fff600e348&lang\u003dru&task\u003ddownload&view\u003ditem\u003dgyias8R9T0Y.
But let's get to the specifics from loud phrases:

  • One of the main advantages of the K2 is the ability to create a multi-level structure, while the usual Joomla functionality has a two-level system - "section" and "category";
  • In K2, it is possible to organize a good commenting system with a drop-down developed by Google. Standard Joomla does not have such an opportunity, but in general this question is solved using the JComments component (we note that it is one of better options for commenting);
  • The K2 component provides the ability to add tags to articles by analogy as in WordPress. But besides tags, you can also display the archive of materials, the search box, the list of categories, calendars, bread crumbs, etc.;
  • After installing K2, the web administrators have the opportunity to create articles in the Joomla itself and the K2 admin panel, inserting the necessary pictures in them. In principle, there is nothing special here, but there is one pleasant moment: K2 can customize images under one size, which is especially important for copyright blogs;
  • In the K2 panel, you can insert galleries directly to the articles, with just a few clicks. To display it is enough to specify the path to the archive with images or photos and select the display option. By the way, Joomla also has the possibility of inserting a gallery, but only with the installation additional extensions, for example, as Phoca Gallery Plugin;
  • You can also insert videos. And the insertion of the rollers is much easier than the insertion of the images (it is enough to copy the code and insert into the article);
  • The K2 component makes it possible to insert links to download, and this can be done in just a couple of clicks during the creation or editing of the material;
  • Another advantage of K2 is the ability to install buttons social networks. And in the jumlet itself it can be done, but only with the help of additional extensions and components. When performing work with the K2, there is one not the most pleasant moment - a list of social networks is focused on a Western user, but when knowledge of the code, this sheet can be removed under the domestic visitor (a list of social networks, for example, you can take from the popular service "one button") ;
  • In the admin panel of the K2 panel, you can configure the ability to fill additional fields when creating an article. These fields, in turn, can be tied to a specific category, which can be very useful when a directory is created on the basis of the component. As a result, you will get something similar to the work card of Virtue Mart;
  • With the help of the K2 component, a functionality is added, which makes it possible to place materials to registered users. In other words, a portal will be created with personal blogs User. Note that users will be able to add not only their materials, but also to use all the other component capabilities (inserting photos and video, filling additional fields, etc.). Users can also edit their profiles, as well as perform comments moderation.\u003dqvbrT_lhoj8.
In principle, these are the main functions that can be implemented using K2. By installing and configuring the K2 component, you can add your site to Joomla significantly more functional than using standard methods Joomla. And to obtain such a functionality, you will have to put a bunch of additions, some of which will be paid.

Russification of K2.

The component is designed abroad, so its main language is English, because of which in the settings, not every person will be able to figure it out. That is, for full-fledged work with the K2 - it is necessary to Russify it. Rusification is available on the URL: The installation process is similar to the installation of the component itself, so there should be no problems.

After the installation is completed, Joomla will become fully understood by Russian-speaking users (of course, provided that the component has Russified successfully).

In completion, we note that it is possible to understand the component yourself, it is worth only to be as attentive as possible. And to learn how to really a lot: engage in imports of articles from Joomla, organize a house hierarchy, create galleries, work with the administrator K2, set up the appearance of articles, etc.\u003dzbkeyohmzqu.

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Hello everybody!

Today I wanted to talk about such a component for Joomla as K2.. Maybe someone enjoyed them, someone only heard, and for someone this is an unfamiliar combination of characters. At least I use it in every second project.

I will immediately say where you can take this component - And his crack -

What can he? And maybe he is a lot. In theory, this is a powerful replacement for the standard built-in Joomla component of articles with a rich set of sets. additional features. It can be done, for example - News Website / Journal, Product Directors, Portfolio, Knowledge Base, Catalog. A feature is the creation of a heap of additional fields for materials.

There are also several specific types of content - articles, blog, product page, list of directory files.

Let's put it better and see from the inside to K2.. After installation and Russification (it is also placed as components through Expansion Manager). This is what happened in the admin:

Tags - Words to search for articles that are combined on this tag.

Comments - Yes, there is its own built-in comment system (there is also a pinch from the google server), which is so lacking in the standard component of the Joomla articles!

Extra. Fields and groups add. Fields - It is just an additional fields for articles, and with the union in the group.

Also, as you can see, there is a built-in Media manager and Users (To work with content on the site).

By the way, if you have already articles in the standard component Joomlathen they can be transferred to K2.. For this, prudent developers made a button in the K2 panel - Import content fromJoomla(the most extreme button on the right).

Let's create a couple of directories with articles and look like it works. To start add two groups add. Fields For comparison.

As a result Groups 1. I did the following 3 fields ( text, drop-down list, link)

And for Groups 2. I did the following 3 fields ( text field, date, search labels)

Let's now make a couple of categories with different groups Additional fields.

And let's finally create for these categories. And in one of the materials add Tags.

As you can see, here you can add to the material yet picture, gallery of images (the truth for this we need will be plugin Simple Image Gallery Pro, and he is paid, but it's not a problem in the Internet to find it), also insert video audio (for this we need will be allvideos plugin And he is free).

Finally - tab Extras. Here are ours extra. field which we have previously added (in the fields are the default values)

There is also tab Investments - You can add nested files there. I will add for example PDF. file. And by the same principle added Material 2. with additional fields from Group2.

Now let's all be displayed on the site through the menu. Choosing a menu type K2 - Categories.

And that's what the site will appear on the site, namely the list of all category materials.

And if we go to Material 1:

As you can see a lot of things displayed. But if something is not needed, you can be unnecessary in the settings.

But I. Material 2.

IN for more information Our additional fields are displayed.

That's actually briefly on the component K2.. It did not consider the settings of the component, but they can be bought by themselves, in Russian there everything is clear. In the future, I will disassemble the bulls that can be screwed to it.

And as always waiting for your questions and comments!