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Russian computer processors. PC Elbrus

So in Russia, CJSC MCST and OJSC INEUM im. I.S. Bruk" at the 9th International Exhibition "ChipExpo-2011", which takes place in Moscow from November 1 to November 3, 2011 at the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre", demonstrates new processors, personal computers, laptops and other electronics running on microelectronics and processors of our own production.

Computers are intended primarily for: the civil production industry; military departments of Russia, CIS and BRIC; radar systems for civil purposes (sea, air, land transport). For civilians and businesses where it is necessary to install especially secure and reliable computers. Computers have different designs. Different security classes depending on the need. All computers have support or the ability to work with GLONASS and GPS, depending on the needs of the buyer.

In this note, I will try to explain the principles of operation of Russian computers and processors, as well as the areas of application of new products.

So, let’s briefly go through the new products, then we’ll look at the details and features of Russian processors and how to compare them.

Elbrus-2C+ is the first hybrid high-performance microprocessor from MCST. It contains 2 Elbrus architecture cores and 4 Elvis digital signal processor (DSP) cores. The main area of ​​application of the Elbrus-2C+ processor is digital intelligent signal processing systems, such as radars, image analyzers, etc.

Compared to the Elbrus-S processor, the following changes were introduced into the Elbrus-2C+ processor:
- The number of Elbrus architecture cores has been increased to 2.
- Level 2 cache reduced to 1 MB per core.
- Added a cluster of 4 DSP cores operating at the same frequency.
- Supported memory type changed to DDR2-800, bandwidth improved by 60%
- Added one more I/O channel. You can connect an additional KPI south bridge or a specialized device, such as a DAC/ADC controller, to it.
- A C language version of the compiler has been implemented for the hybrid processor, allowing you to compile code for DSP cores and ensure effective interaction between the main program running on the CPU cores and procedures for the DSP.

The latest 4-core microprocessor “MCST R1000” (“MCST-4R” working title)

The MCST-4R chip is a four-core system on a chip with a built-in shared second-level cache, a coherence controller, an input-output channel controller, a system switch and intersystem exchange controllers. The microcircuit is built on the basis of the R-500S system-on-chip previously developed at MCST CJSC

The microcircuit and the MVS4/S, MVS4-RS processor modules developed on its basis are intended for use in high-performance computing systems compatible with the Elbrus-90micro VC for automated control systems, as well as for creating high-performance single-board computers for wearable and embedded applications.

Possible areas of application of the MCST-4R microcircuit and MVS4/S, MVS4-RS modules include:

Wearable small-sized household computers for use as:
a computer for working in the field, in particular for performing operational calculations, storing reference information, preparing documents for various purposes, etc.;
terminal of radio-electronic and communication systems, mobile and portable equipment complexes,
terminal for testing and verification equipment in technical positions, as well as as a device for storing and preparing documents related to the operation of complex complexes and other applications.
Computers for automated operator workstations for use as display tools, documentation of work performed, etc.
Embedded control computers for solving problems of information processing and controlling the operation of special objects in real time
A class of mobile fault-tolerant servers for building automated systems for special purposes, in particular, automated systems of civil and military authorities.

CPU0… CPU3 – four processor cores;

L2 cache – second level cache memory;

CC – coherence controller

MC – DDR2 SDRAM memory controller;

IOCC – input/output channel controller;

ISCC – intersystem communication controllers;

SCom – system switch.

Embedded computers (modules) and finished products based on the MCST R500S microprocessor
The MUP/S module has been developed for industrial applications. The module is made in the Euromechanics format, 3U high, with a CompactPCI bus and has all the necessary components: processor, memory, video adapter, hard drive, external interfaces.

Processor MCST R500S, 500 MHz
DDR memory, 1GB
Video controller of our own design (MGA), 2 independent channels, resolution up to 1600x1200 with 24-bit color. Video buffer 2x8 MB, DVI-I and VGA outputs
Interfaces (external and with output to the rear system connector) USB2.0 (4 channels), PCI (32bit/33MHz), stereo audio, SATA 1.0 (3 channels), GBit Ethernet (2 channels), RS232, PS/2 (2 Kb&M channel)
Power supply 5 V, no more than 20 W
MCST has developed a thin client model with small dimensions and energy consumption
A thin client is a device for inputting and displaying information (terminal/mini computer). Physically, a thin client is a compact and silent computer without a hard drive (and without fans), the main operating system of which loads on the server. All user applications run on the terminal server (application server), but this is completely transparent to the user. Since the entire computing load falls on the server, the thin client has a minimal hardware configuration without any loss of performance.

What are thin clients used for?
Thin clients are used in organizations where most users use computers to perform the same type of tasks: working with databases, information catalogs (shops, pharmacies, libraries), working as bank terminals, etc. External view on the left is a thin client from the Japanese manufacturer NEC on the right of MCST.

Characteristics of the Russian thin client:

2-processor system MCST R500S, 250 MHz
DDR memory, 128MB
Video controller Silicon Motion SM722
Ethernet network 100Mbit
Other interfaces PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse
Power supply 5 V, 7 W

Wearable terminal (secure laptop)
Developed based on the MPY2 module.

Module features:

Low power consumption (27W)
wide operating temperature range
(-20...+50 degrees)
Impact resistance (up to 100g)
Base module MPY2, processor frequency 400 MHz
TFT display 15”, 1024x768
Video controller MGA
External interfaces 2xUSB2.0, 2xRS-232/422, 2xPS/2, Ethernet 100Mb, IEEE 1284.
Integrated devices SSD 8Gb, Wifi 802.11n a/b/g, Glonass/GPS receiver
Battery 3Ah, 16V
Operating system OS "Elbrus" based on Linux or OS "MSVS".
I’ll say right away that the case on the presented model is temporary, this is a test copy of mass-produced Russian computer cases you can see in the photo below. For comparison, on the left is a protective laptop from JSC MCST, and on the right is from Panasonic.

In general, the laptop case can be made in any way, the main thing is that it meets the standards of the consumer’s request. In this case, you need a well-protected and shockproof laptop.

Now let's look at some questions and statements like: not an iPhone at all, somehow not glamorous, where is the place for pens, the frequency of 400-1000 MHz sucks, Krevedko is saddened by the megahertz, finally started, sad, slow, etc...

Of course, this is not an iPhone, I won’t argue here, the processor manufacturer is not China, but Russia. And, I want to note, this is not the first time Russia has made computers and processors! And constantly. Many engineers trained and raised in Russia (USSR) work abroad and develop both software and computers with processors themselves. If we take the well-known Intel Pentium, then there are our, domestic, roots and developments. For example, the well-known Sun, according to B.A. Babayan (former head and developer of Elbrus), Peter Rosenbladt proposed cooperation with HP. But Babayan chose Sun (the first meeting with Sun management took place back in 1989). And in 1991, a contract was signed with Sun. Sun officials know that Elbrus took part in the development of the UltraSPARC microprocessor, optimizing compilers, operating systems (including Solaris), Java tools, and multimedia libraries. The E2k project was originally funded by Sun. Now the project is completely independent, all intellectual property on it belongs to Elbrus and is protected by approximately 70 US patents. B.A. Babayan explains, “If we had continued to work with Sun in this area, everything would have belonged to Sun. Although 90% of the work was done before Sun appeared. It is a big misconception that JSC MCST is the only one to produce processors in Russia; this is not true at all. Just to name a few manufacturers that produce processors:

SPC "ELVEES" - production of chips and processors, microelectronics. They are used in Russian PCs, access control systems and other small household appliances. They work in conjunction with OJSC ANGSTREM-T to produce chips and microcircuits according to 0.13-micron design standards. Lines are being prepared according to 0.09-μm design standards, under the leadership of Sitronics.

The manufacturer's most famous processor is NVCom-01 (Navicom), which is a programmable three-processor “system on a chip” with a built-in 48-channel GLONASS/GPS navigation function. The microcircuit is designed using 0.13 micron technology based on the MULTICOR IP-core platform, crystal dimensions 8.8 * 9.5 mm*mm, ~60 million transistors. The NVCom-01 microprocessor allows you to replace high-performance DSP processors of foreign manufacture, including ADSP TS201 (ADI) chips, a number of OMAP (TI) series chips, and SiRF Atlas-III (SiRF) navigation chips. Oriented for mass production at the promising domestic microelectronic production of JSC ANGSTREM-T according to 0.13-μm design standards. It is a programmable three-processor “system on a chip” with a built-in 48-channel GLONASS/GPS navigation function. The microcircuit is designed using 0.13 micron technology based on the MULTICOR IP-core platform, crystal dimensions 8.8 * 9.5 mm*mm, ~60 million transistors. The NVCom-01 microprocessor allows you to replace high-performance DSP processors of foreign manufacture, including ADSP TS201 (ADI) chips, a number of OMAP (TI) series chips, and SiRF Atlas-III (SiRF) navigation chips. Oriented for mass production at the promising domestic microelectronic production of JSC ANGSTREM-T according to 0.13-μm design standards.

To be more specific, processors and modular devices based on these processors are recognized in Russia as one of the best. In St. Petersburg, the Multiboard kit received high marks from international experts from ESA, NASA, University of Dundee, Astrium. It was with the use of the kit’s chips that at ISC-2010 the domestic branched SpaceWire network was first demonstrated, provided with the position of the M&T development network Administrator.

Together with specialists from the world's space agencies (ESA, NASA, JAXA), specialists from SPC "ELVEES" and SUAI actively participate in the work of the International Working Group (ESA, Holland) to improve and further develop the SpaceWire standard, including the development of a gigabit version of the new promising standard with galvanic isolation, tentatively called "SpaceFibre".

KB "Korund-M" specializes in the assembly of various electronic modules of computers, processors and chips, including military applications and harsh operating conditions, the design and manufacture of complex, highly reliable electronic devices and computer components. The photo shows a Baguette Super processor for PCs and laptops and a motherboard.

STC "Module" is an enterprise formed in 1990 by military-industrial complex enterprises - NPO "Vympel" and the Research Institute of Radio Instrument Engineering. He is engaged in applied research in the field of pattern recognition and the development of hardware for digital signal and image processing and the construction of functionally complete computing systems on their basis. Developer of the well-known NeuroMatrix series of microprocessors. Embedded computers developed by STC "Module" are used in industrial systems, on-board avionics and space applications. Particularly secure PCs are distributed among departments. In particular, MBC186 is installed on the Zarya module of the International Space Station, as well as on the ISS service module and the Yamal telecommunications satellite.

I would like to note that STC “Module” has granted the German division of Fujitsu (Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH) a license for the NeuroMatrix Core processor core, aimed at use in signal processing systems and the construction of neural networks. It can be used in various multimedia and telecommunications devices (for example, MPEG-4 decoders).
The Fujitsu division has received non-exclusive rights to use NeuroMatrix Core in the EU (patent license for 4 years). The contract amount has not been announced, but such agreements typically cost between $250,000 and $1 million, plus sales royalties.

A representative of Licensintorg noted that the agreement between the Scientific and Technical Center Module and Fujitsu is the first agreement in recent years on the export of a Russian high-tech product in the field of microelectronics, although a lot of agreements on the import of similar technologies have been concluded. In general, I can talk for a long time about Russian manufacturers of processors and chips, but I hope the essence is understood that we were, are and will be in this direction. Now let's talk about the appearance. Many people reproach that computers are cut square, etc. And that the size of the motherboard will only fit on a stretcher and that the computer can only be transported on a tractor. Complete nonsense. For example, in Russia there is a company, ZAO GRANIT-VT, which makes various computers, mostly built-in. Of course, such computers are needed for production, but just look at the photo to see what kind of single-board computer they managed to make.

In the photo, the GRANIT-VT Module VM503 is designed to work as an embedded small-sized on-board PC for automatic and automated control systems for moving objects, industrial control and data acquisition systems, as well as other systems operating in difficult operating conditions... The computer processor is from the manufacturer JSC MCST " Now let's get back to the glamor. Standard housings from the manufacturer for domestic and civil needs from JSC MCST look like this:

Next to the photo is what is built into a regular case. Slots are unified. You can buy any case to your taste, even made of gold and with rhinestones, if someone needs it. The simplest versions of civilian PCs, such as Elbrus, look like this.

Inside is a standard motherboard of familiar sizes. The only thing is that Russian processors do not need water or conventional cooling; you will not see fans on processors. Here's what's inside:

Expansion slots are standard PCI and S-BUS. ATI Rage128 runs on Elbrus-90micro, our processors handle this card with a bang. The HDD and CD-Writer drive are working.

Now about performance and megahertz. Often people do not quite correctly understand the clock frequency, for example 150-200-300-400 or 1000 MHz, on Russian processors, comparing it with foreign analogues. The clock frequency of Russian processors is low - but it is compensated by the “explicitly parallel” architecture (EPIC). Some Russian processors at 300 MHz are on average 1.5 or 2 times faster than Pentium 4/1.4 GHz. Let's start with simple examples and small numbers “my dear millions” (c)…

At one time, STC "Module" processor NM6403 NeuroMatrix core frequency 40 MHz arranged a sparring (test drive as is now fashionable) with an Intel Pentium II processor with a core frequency of 300 MHz, and severely knocked out the latter, the microprocessor created in "Module" is a hybrid so called RISC - a processor with a massively parallel ultra-high-speed computer. The resulting architecture as a result of this “crossing” is ideal for tasks of digital signal processing and neural network modeling. This interaction is the main difference between the Russian development and all world microprocessors; the NeuroMatrix’s bit depth is arbitrary from 1 to 64 bits, which allows the processor to process a larger number of words at the same time - this is exactly the same parallelism in calculations. As a result, the NM6403 can achieve performance that is comparable or even superior to all well-known brands of microprocessors.

An example is the Sobel Transform performance test, which is used in object detection and classification systems. The NM6403 runs it at 68 frames per second. The TMS320C40 processor from the American company Texas Instruments, which has a clock frequency of 50 MHz, performs this conversion at a speed of 6.8 frames per second; an Intel Pentium with a core frequency of 200 MHz performs the same operation at a speed of 21 frames per second. And this despite the fact that the operating frequency of the NeuroMatrix core is only 40 MHz.

Another test is the "Fourier Transform". The Russian processor does the conversion for 256 points in 102 microseconds, the TMS320C40 is four times slower, the Intel Pentium II with a clock frequency of 300 MHz is two times slower.

The reason for such high performance of the NM6403 is that the developers from STC “Module” took the path of improving the architecture, and not along the path of increasing the clock frequency and cache memory capacity. As a result, the processor uses all its resources to the maximum when performing any operation, which allows it to “beat” the speed and performance of the Intel Pentium, which has an eight times higher clock frequency. But these, experts may argue, are synthetic - special laboratory performance tests. If we talk about the vital application of Russian development and its efficiency and speed in work, then imagine such a situation. A video camera with a built-in NM6403 is installed on the Moscow Ring Road and monitors traffic.

At the same time, she is able to instantly recognize the make, color, size and license plate of each of the cars flying past her at great speed in all eight lanes. Moreover, it will not only recognize each individual car, find out whether the driver has undergone a technical inspection or whether the vehicle has been stolen, but will also transmit all the information to the nearest traffic police post. By the way, on the international space station “Alpha”, in the Russian block “Zarya”, an on-board computer complex based on NM6403 NeuroMatrix has already been installed, which interacts perfectly with Western-made computers that are familiar to all.

The chip created on Module can be installed in a regular home computer. But in this case, the result will be a cannon shot at the sparrows. In his opinion, for everyday needs it is difficult to come up with tasks that would justify the need for this chip in a conventional processor. NM6403 is designed for research projects, solving applied problems, encryption and decryption, and processing information received from spacecraft in real time.

In Golitsyn, where the center for processing such information is located, and where its volume per one operator is equal to all the programs of Central Television for a year of continuous operation, the STC “Module” chip is not yet installed. But according to his capabilities, he is able to “shove through” all this and much more additional information. Of course, the processors are outdated, but I gave this example to make it clear that the frequency of our processors can be safely multiplied by 2 or even 3, depending on performance tasks. And then there will be approximately equal performance of processors in terms of gigahertz. Let's take more recent testing, for the State. tests of processors, for example, Elbrus-3M/300 MHz on average exceeds the performance of Pentium II/300 MHz by 1.75 times and is 17% higher than that of Pentium III/450 MHz. In a broader class of tasks, the performance of the Elbrus-3M computer when executing IA-32 codes is comparable to the performance of Pentium II, Pentium III and Pentium IV processors operating in the frequency range 300-1500 MHz. At one of the exhibitions, Elbrus-type computers were presented to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev; in the presence of journalists, programmers, and gamers, the SPEC test was run on the computer; he highly appreciated the performance and compactness of the computers. Regular users happily tested the Windows shell and Microsoft Office on it. Gamers were happy to test their favorite games like Quake, Kerchief, etc... Today, Elbrus-3M runs about 20 operating systems in IA-32, MS-DOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, QNX, Elbrus OS, OS " WSWS", Ubuntu OS, etc. Under the control of these operating systems, about a thousand applications run on the Elbrus-3M platform, including computer games, programs from the Microsoft Office package, videos, data compression programs, and external device drivers. All this indicates the reliability and completeness of the binary translation system and its competitiveness. Do not forget that Western analogues of x86 processors have reached their performance limit and are shifting the processor frequency higher for commercial use. Performance does not increase as much as they would like + huge heat generation, and as a result, the need for powerful cooling coolers or water cooling of processors. What looks energy-consuming, dangerous, inconvenient. New Russian processors, such as the six-core Elbrus-2C+ processor with a clock frequency of 500 MHz and the four-core MCST-4R processor with a clock frequency of 1000 MHz, do not need such cooling. And if you want to express your opinion about their performance, then, as I already wrote to you above, the processor frequency must be multiplied by 2-4 times, depending on the task assigned to the PC with its processor. And only then will you approximately reach the frequency figure of our processor, measuring it in the frequencies of foreign analogues. Moreover, Russian manufacturers of processors and Elbrus-type computers of the same name are developing not only multi-core processors, but also multiprocessor ones. In the photo below you can see a motherboard with four domestic processors at once.

Such computer boards were supplied to us in the south, to OJSC Taganrog Plant Priboi. They are made to meet the requirements for harsh operating conditions. Used to create navigation devices for transport and the military. The MBC/C processor module contains four dual-core R-500S microprocessors, thus representing a single-board 4-machine system with a total of eight processors. It is also available in the MVS/S-K version with conductive cooling.

The plant is the fourth organization that uses modules of this type in the radio systems being developed. In general, I can talk about computers of these families for a long time and tediously... The main idea is that processors and computers have been made, are being made, and will be made by us. “National Unity Day” is approaching, I would like to congratulate all visitors to our portal on this holiday. And happy holiday to those who make and develop Russian microelectronics.

Developers from the Russian Federation began to create their own microprocessors, which are considered quite competitive with the products of the world's leading brands. There are already serial samples being prepared for industrial production, as well as planned developments. Which Russian processors—current or promising—deserve special attention?

Main developers of Russian processors

The Russian IT industry is actively developing. Among its most technologically advanced segments is the development of microprocessors intended for use in PCs and servers, which are usually classified as IBM architecture. Now this market is dominated by two global brands - Intel and AMD. There are very few competing developments in the world. But these can be proposed by Russian engineers.

Among the promising microcircuits from the Russian Federation that can become competitors to Intel and AMD is the Baikal processor. It is assumed that this chip will be installed on computers ordered by government agencies. Probably the most famous microprocessor vendor that has created working samples of microcircuits that are being prepared for serial production is the MCST company. It produces chips under the Elbrus brand in a wide range of modifications.

Let's take a closer look at what features characterize promising and current Russian-made processors.

Processor for the future: “Baikal”

In June 2014, news spread across the Russian media: the Ministry of Industry and Trade had placed an order for the development of microprocessors, which were supposed to be subsequently installed on PCs purchased for government needs. We are talking about chips under the Baikal brand. What remarkable facts are characteristic of this microcircuit? The Baikal processor began to be developed by the Baikal Electronics company. The project is financed by the T-Nano center, which was created by the T-Platforms corporation, with the participation of Rusnano. The United Instrument-Making Corporation is also working on the processor. It is known that brands such as Depo Computers, Aquarius, and Kraftway may participate in the project.

It is assumed that the Baikal processor will be created in several modifications. The first, according to some data, will be 8-core Baikal M chips, as well as M/S for PCs and servers. They will be produced based on 28 nm technology, as well as Cortex A57 cores operating on a 64-bit principle. The performance of Baikal processors will be about 2 GHz. The chips are expected to be compatible with Linux OS. Subsequently, 16-core microcircuits will also be produced. They will be made using 16 nm technology. There is information that the Russian Baikal processor will be produced by the Taiwanese company TSMC in the first batches.

Brand "Elbrus": basic facts

Another well-known microprocessor brand both in the Russian Federation and abroad is Elbrus. Chips under this brand have already been released in several varieties. There is a dual-core Elbrus processor. There are chips with 4 and even 8 cores.

There is information that PCs based on these processors will be launched on the market in the near future. Currently, working samples of computers of various modifications have been created based on Elbrus chips - laptops, all-in-one PCs, desktops, servers. The main customers of PCs in which the Russian processor developed by MCST will be installed are expected to be defense structures. There are also hopes for demand from large businesses. Elbrus chips can run under the main operating systems for IBM-architecture computers - Windows, Linux.

Let's take a closer look at how Elbrus processors were created.

Elbrus processors: history

The first computer, with which the history of the brand begins, was created by Soviet scientists in the 70s. It was the Elbrus-1 computer complex. It was based on TTL-type chips and contained 10 processors with a total performance of about 15 megaflops. To some extent, it was a unique machine: in particular, it implemented the principle of parallel execution of commands. According to some sources, such computers had not yet been developed in the world at that time. The amount of RAM in Elbrus-1 was 64 MB - more than decent.

For a unique start, we developed our own operating system and separate programming languages. In 1985, the Elbrus-2 complex appeared, which was an improved model. It was distinguished by an updated one with ESL-type microcircuits. The total performance of the computer complex processors was more than 125 megaflops. The architecture of this computer implemented a modular principle. The Elbrus-2 complex was characterized by a high level of performance and operational stability. It is known to have been used at various military installations. In total, Soviet industry produced 30 Elbrus-2 complexes.

In 1990, a prototype of the Elbrus-3 computer was manufactured. But at that time, due to the difficult political situation in the country, funding for the project was stopped. However, already in 1992, Moscow Center for SPARC Technologies LLP was formed, which was soon renamed the MCST company. The company began to produce industrial systems that were based on the then popular SPARC technology created by Sun Microsystems.

SPARC-based solutions

Working with solutions based on SPARC, the MCST company developed its own product in the form of a microprocessor. In early versions, its architecture was known as E2k. The first processor model based on it, called R150, was released in 2001. The technical process involved the use of 350 nm technology. That Russian processor operated at a frequency of 150 MHz with a performance of about 150 megaflops.

In 2004, a much more powerful chip appeared - R500. It was 500 MHz. It was produced within the framework of higher technological standards - 130 nm. In 2007, the MCST company released the dual-core processor R500S, which included developments in the field of SPARC technology. Its performance was 1 gigaflops.

Simultaneously with the development of SPARC-based chips, MCST was creating a processor entirely based on its engineers’ own developments. Thus, by 2007, the Russian Elbrus processor was created and passed state tests. It was manufactured according to the 130 nm standard and operated at 300 MHz. The processor was equipped with one core and operated at a speed of 4.8 gigaflops. This chip, as well as developments on it, laid the foundation for a whole family of microcircuits that have grown into technologically advanced, high-performance solutions. Let's look at them.


The first serial chip from MCST is the Elbrus-S processor, which appeared in 2010. It was produced according to the 90 nm standard. This chip could operate at a frequency of 500 MHz and provide performance of about 8 gigaflops.

It can be noted that the AMD Athlon 64 chip operating at a frequency of 2.2 GHz could then show similar performance.


In 2011, the next modification of the processor appeared - the Elbrus-2C+ chip. It was also manufactured in accordance with the 90 nm architecture, but its performance was much higher - 28 gigaflops. It can be noted that similar indicators could be achieved by such chips as Intel Core 2 Duo, as well as Intel Core i3. There is information that the developers were able to achieve such progress due to the fact that the processor is accompanied by 4 cores of an additional chip. This component performs digital signal processing. However, the built-in processor of the corresponding type, as MCST engineers considered, was characterized by too high resource intensity during the release process. Therefore, in the following Elbrus models it was replaced by alternative solutions.


In 2014, serial production of another microprocessor masterpiece, Elbrus-4C, began. This chip is manufactured using 65 nm technology. Its cores (4 in total) operate at a frequency of 800 MHz. Each of them is equipped with 2 MB of cache memory. This made it possible to achieve processor performance of 50 gigaflops. This is almost the same as, for example, the Intel Core i7-975 chip - 53 gigaflops. At the same time, the power of the Russian chip is 45 W. In this aspect, the power supply of the Elbrus-4C processor, as many experts believe, is more economical than that of the American design.

The chip with 4 cores from MCST is one of the most versatile. Types of computers in which this processor can be installed are PCs, laptops, servers, all-in-one PCs. Actually, in the line of computing systems, which are also produced by the MCST company, there are machines in all the noted configurations.


The newest processor from MCST has 8 Elbrus-8S cores. The chip operates on the 28 nm standard, which brings it very close to the world's leading microprocessors. The second level cache on the Elbrus-8S chip cores is 4 MB, the third level is 16 MB. The processor can work with the common standard RAM type DDR3 1600. The performance of the chip, measured in single-precision calculations, is 250 gigaflops. The processor has 4 memory controllers. The indicator for interprocessor data exchange channels is 16 GB/sec. The reported performance of the chip is 250 gigaflops. How does it compare with the performance of world analogues of the Russian processor? It can be noted that the 4930K chip produces about 130-140 gigaflops. New motherboards are being created especially for the latest Elbrus processors, as well as a separate version of the OS. It is also possible that multiprocessor computers based on the chip will be developed.

There is information that by 2018 the MCST company will release processors of the Elbrus-16S type. Their estimated performance is 1 teraflops. It is also expected that the chips will be based on sub-28 nm standards.

Prospects for chips

How do experts evaluate the processors produced by the Russian brand? The reviews from many IT specialists are, one might say, enthusiastic.

There are several reasons for this. For example, many developers are already proud of the fact that the processor was created in Russia, and in conditions when for a long time the economic situation was not conducive to the active development of the IT industry in such a high-tech and knowledge-intensive segment. In terms of processor performance, the ratings are also generally positive.

There are some comments from experts regarding the marketing prospects of chips. To make them profitable, large sales markets are needed, which are occupied by world leaders. Experts believe it will not be easy to compete with them.

At the same time, according to some analysts, Elbrus processors may well become a worthy alternative to solutions from Intel and AMD within the Russian Federation, especially in terms of military supplies, in which the most stringent requirements are imposed on developers in terms of the reliability of electronic components and the safety of their use. The MCST company, experts believe, is quite capable of ensuring that the processors it produces comply with these requirements.

OS "Elbrus"

It is worth noting that a separate operating system was created specifically for computing systems from MCST running on the Elbrus processor. Its basis was the Linux kernel in version 2.6.33, but it underwent a deep fundamental rework. The result was the Elbrus OS, characterized by the highest level of security and stability in operation. Specialists from JSC INEUM named after. took an active part in the creation. I. S. Brook.

This week, the Ministry of Industrial Trade issued a subsidy of 150 million rubles to the T-Platforms company, which will be used to develop a heavy-duty laptop that will use domestic Baikal processors.

According to Slovodel, domestic hardware will be superior to Western analogues in a number of important criteria.

"Indestructible" laptop

T-Platforms began active work after the introduction of sanctions by Western countries as part of the import substitution policy and has already implemented several projects. The company is currently developing two projects. The first is dedicated to a laptop that is being created based on the x86 Intel processor, the second project is a completely domestic development based on the Baikal-M processor from Baikal Electronics, a subsidiary of T-Platforms. In this case, the laptops will run on the Linux operating system, but at the request of customers they will embed Windows 10.

All the company’s developments go into service with domestic companies that have infrastructure and people working in extreme conditions.

“In certain segments, such computing equipment is certainly in demand; “industrial” laptops are needed for field exploration, gas and oil production, where conditions are difficult, including weather, but the question, naturally, is price: will Russian laptops be competitive with respect to foreign analogues. If we are going to develop our economy, we need to have our own technologies, not localize imported ones, but produce our own equipment,” says Svetlana Apollonova, chairman of the board of the Association of Manufacturers of Electronic Equipment and Devices.

According to the developers’ calculations, it will take them at least a year to create an “industrial” laptop.

For changingIntel

Prior to this, the company developed the Russian dual-core Baikal-T1 processor based on the 32-bit MIPS Warrior core. According to Alexey Vanin, a representative of the Russian holding Rikor, prices for domestic processors will vary within $50, while the same Intel Core i3-3110M processor now costs $100. The combination of the processor and high-speed interfaces allows the chip to operate quickly and with minimal energy consumption. The manufacturer claims that the Russian processor is highly competitive.

Last year, a batch of Russian production was sent to the German computing center Forschingszentrum Julich, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, the Riga Technical University, and the Finnish supercomputer center CSC-IT Center for Science.

Negotiations are also underway with the Russian smartphone manufacturer Yota Devices. The founder of Baikal Electronics, Vsevolod Opanasenko, explained:

“If we reach an agreement, we will start developing a processor for mobile devices.”

Now over 100 companies are interested in Russian processors, including from Taiwan and a number of European companies. At the same time, according to statistics, sales volumes of Intel and AMD processors in Russia are declining.

The subsidiary company Baikal Electronics, with the participation of Rostec and Rusnano, has been creating Baikal microprocessors for personal computers and microservers since 2014. In August 2015, the Expert Council of the Industrial Development Fund approved a 500 million ruble loan in order to release the Baikal-T1 processor into mass production. By 2020, at least 5 million of these processors will hit the market.

The first Russian processor Baikal-T1 (Photo:

Vice President of the Russian computer assembler Depo Computers Viktor Urusov is not yet familiar with the official prices of Baikal Electronics, but is testing samples of the Baikal-T1 processor. Processors have several dozen properties, so it is incorrect to compare them with each other, he notes. Baikal-T1 can be used as a chip for machine tools, routers, phones or a thin client (PC without its own computing power). In each specific case, the processor will have different analogues, explains Urusov: the cost of a competing processor for an industrial machine tool can be $1.5, and the cost of a processor for a thin client can be two to three times higher than the prices of Baikal Electronics.

Direct competitors of Baikal-T1 are the processors of the American company Broadcom Stratagx series, as well as the Freescale company QorIQ T1020 series, says Valery Shunkov, head of the microelectronics department of the Fifth Generation experimental design bureau. These series are designed specifically for routers, routers, digital TV set-top boxes, home appliances, etc. The cost of such processors from Broadcom and Freescale is $50-70, says Shunkov. According to him, the price also largely depends on the size of the batch: if one processor costs $100, then if you order a batch of 500 thousand pieces or more, it will cost “significantly less.”

Russian computer

At the beginning of December, the Izhevsk Radio Plant handed over a batch of 80 Elbrus-401 computers to the Moscow Center for SPARC Technologies (MCST), which is the customer and developer of the Elbrus architecture microprocessor, the TASS agency reported.

Next batch

The first batch received by MCST includes 80 computers and 20 motherboards, the report notes. In 2016, the plant will continue to produce Elbrus computers, according to the company’s website. A representative of the plant confirmed this information to RBC, but refused to disclose the size of the future batch.

MCST ordered Elbrus-401 computers for sale to software developers who “plan to transfer it to the domestic platform,” said MCST representative Konstantin Trushkin. In addition, the company has already sold computers to private and public companies as part of import substitution projects: these organizations are considering the possibility of transferring various information systems to the Elbrus platform.

Russian means expensive

Computer production in Russia is currently much more expensive than in China, especially in small volumes, Trushkin complains. Now the cost of producing one Elbrus-401 costs “several thousand dollars.” He declined to name the exact amount. Elbrus-401 was also produced at another enterprise - FSUE Oktyabr in Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region (produces radio-electronic equipment for aviation, industry, energy, the oil and gas complex, printed circuit boards and other products).

One hundred computers

In total, more than 100 Elbrus-401 computers are currently operating in Russia, the MCST representative emphasized. He declined to say how many computers will be released next year. According to Trushkin, MCST has not yet exported its devices abroad.

The main Russian competitor of Baikal Electronics, the MCST company, released a trial batch of its Elbrus-8S microprocessors with 28 nanometer production technology back in 2014, but they have not yet been put into mass production. It is only known that the first batch of Elbrus-401 computers, produced by the Izhevsk Radio Plant in November 2015 in the amount of 80 pieces, is equipped with Elbrus-8S microprocessors. Representative of the Moscow Center for SPARC Technologies (MCST) Konstantin Trushkin told RBC that they began selling processors to private and public companies (their names are not disclosed), the cost of Elbrus-8C exceeds $60, since, unlike Baikal Electronics products, it Designed for servers and desktop computers.

The GS Group holding, which produces equipment for pay television, uses its own developments in the production of General Satellite digital set-top boxes - the GS Nanotech SiP Amber microprocessor, Andrey Bezrukov, the company's director of strategic marketing, told RBC. There are several active elements inside the multi-chip microprocessor, including foreign components STMicroelectronics and Mstar, he specified. The cost of GS Nanotech SiP Amber is tens of times lower than the Baikal-T1 processor, says Bezrukov. But the microelectronics development and production center GS Nanotech (funded by GS Group) is interacting with Baikal Electronics regarding the use of their developments in devices for watching TV from a “second screen,” such as a tablet, he said.

Who owns Baikal Electronics?

The Baikal Electronics company is registered in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region, 75% owned by T-Platforms and 25% owned by T-Nano. Rusnano and the same T-Platforms own 50% of T-Nano.
T-Platforms was founded in 2002 by Vsevolod Opanasenko. Today he owns 75% of this company, and 25% belongs to Vnesheconombank (since the end of 2010). Thus, Opanasenko himself indirectly controls 68.75%, VEB - 18.75%, and Rusnano - 12.5% ​​of Baikal Electronics.

Government order to help

At the end of August 2015, Baikal Electronics announced that the expert council of the Industrial Development Fund had approved a loan of 500 million rubles to the company. for the production of processors. At the market price, the domestic processor has high performance, so the product will also be supplied to the foreign market: it is planned to sell at least 5 million units by 2020, the company said in a statement.

It makes sense to create devices based on Baikal Electronics processors if the state restricts fiscal authorities in purchasing computer equipment, says Gleb Mishin, CEO of Lenovo in Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe. Otherwise, the products will not be competitive in price, he believes.

RBC's interlocutor at another foreign company that produces electronics agrees with this. According to him, as long as government agencies in Russia do not specify the presence of a Russian processor as a prerequisite for state purchases of equipment, it will be difficult for Baikal Electronics to compete with other market players. “If tomorrow the mayor’s office and the Ministry of Defense announce that they will purchase computers only on the Baikal processor, then everyone will begin to cooperate with Baikal Electronics,” says RBC’s interlocutor.

As part of the import substitution program, the state can really support domestic producers in this way, Mishin believes. According to him, Lenovo is waiting for the emergence of a more powerful Baikal Electronics processor. The Russian company is going to produce four processors, one of which will be designed for personal computers (laptops and desktops), he knows. Lenovo devices can be adapted to them, but the company will do this if the processor manufacturer offers a competitive price or there is demand for such devices from the government - in this case, Lenovo is ready to purchase processors even at a higher price.

In 2016, Baikal Electronics is also going to present an engineering sample of a processor based on modern 28-nanometer technology Baikal-M for desktop computers based on ARM architecture, Malafeev said. The number of cores in it will reach eight. In addition, by the end of 2017, a processor for Baikal-MS microservers should appear on the market, the founder of Baikal Electronics, Vsevolod Opanasenko, previously told RBC. These company plans remain in force, but Baikal Electronics does not disclose the details.

Processor market in numbers

7.9 million processors for personal computers were supplied by manufacturers AMD and Intel to Russia
in 2014

$3.89 billion amounted to the market volume of imported PC processors in 2014

$20.9 billion reached the global smartphone processor market in 2014, according to the analytical agency Strategy Analytics

$4.2 billion equaled the market
processors for tablets in 2014

$60 Russian Baikal-T1 processor will cost

$100 billion exceeded mergers and acquisitions in the microprocessor market in 2015

Sources: IDC, Strategy Analytics, Baikal Electronics

Russian private satellites went into space

On December 22, it became known that the Russian private space company Dauria Aerospace had completed a deal to sell the Perseus-M series satellites already launched into orbit to the American company Aquila Space. The deal also included licenses for the use of technologies. The total cost of the transaction will be from $4.35 million to $6 million, depending on the amount of license payments.

“We are pleased to complete, perhaps, the first private space contract executed in Russia. The successful launch of satellites, their subsequent operation in orbit and, finally, implementation is a confirmation of the competence and technological level of the Dauria team. This is a very successful deal for us,” Sergei Ivanov, general director of Dauria Aerospace, explained to RIA Novosti.

The Perseus-M1 and Perseus-M2 nanosatellites were launched into orbit in June 2014 by the Dnepr launch vehicle. The payload of Perseus-M is signal receiving units for the Automatic Identification System, which is used on ocean-going and large river vessels to prevent collisions and inform traffic participants on the water.