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1s 8.3 predefined elements are not displayed. Predefined directory elements

Updating 1C is a necessary procedure that allows you to improve the form of reporting and documentation. Innovations are constantly appearing in the current legislation, and calculation methods are regularly changing in the economic field. Therefore, you need to update the 1C configuration in order to fully comply with all changes.

The 1C company tries to simplify as much as possible for accountants and entrepreneurs the work with their software. It, at the first suitable opportunity, releases high-quality software updates. They must be correctly and accurately installed.

Many people think that updating 1 C is a job for a specialist. Like, do it yourself this procedure not possible to implement. This is an erroneous opinion. The complexity of the update lies in what kind of database you are using - standard or modified. And also, on what configuration is installed on the computer.

If the standard database (that is, the programmer did not add anything to it and did not change anything), then the update will take from 15 minutes to 3 hours maximum. The procedure is performed in user mode. If the base is changed, then it will take much more time.

In the event of an incorrect and poor-quality update, lost data and the abyss of all previously completed improvements. so

Error 1. "The name of the predefined element is not unique"

This means that the essence of the error lies in the program platform itself. It was incorrectly updated by you on latest version 1C. To fix this, you need to downgrade the program to the previous one. If there is no previous release on the computer, it can be downloaded from the official website. After installing the previous version, you can start re-updating the data configuration.

Error 2. "The file does not contain available updates"

This means that a configuration mismatch has occurred. There are standard and non-standard configurations. Perhaps the downloaded files belong to one configuration, and another is installed on the computer. Solution: create an empty generic configuration database and save it to a .cf file, then use the file to update the no longer generic configuration. To get the generic version, the configuration must be supported (that is, a yellow cube must be displayed).

Error 3. "The predefined element is missing from the data."

Error 4. "Stream format error."

What happens most often is when people don't stick to incremental updates, but take their configuration and compare it to the distribution file. They do this to save time. The essence of the process: the distribution file and configuration are opened, and their careful comparison begins; All observed changes are recorded in text editor. Then they are added to the configuration. It's better not to do that. Let it take you longer to upgrade consistently. But you won’t sit and puzzle over why the 1C program “flies” and a stream format error appears.

Error 5. "The name of the predefined element is not unique."

This means that the configuration was not updated on the previous platform, and already on the current updated platform, it does not consider the name of the predefined element unique. You need to return to the previous 1C platform, update the configuration there. Then install the new platform. The error will disappear.

Error 6. "Error writing the country of the world" and "Error when calling the context method."

This happens when an existing configuration is severely corrupted. On your screen, you can observe the following picture: the program will update the configuration to a certain moment, then it will simply “crash” or, for no reason at all, will start the update process all over again. What you need to do: get the update file from the developers; we read information that such and such an update will be installed and it will replace the existing version; click "ok" and we get a notification about what exactly was changed in the configuration (it may be that nothing has changed); click on "accept changes"; a window will appear asking you to update the entire database according to new configuration; We give our consent to this procedure. It is very important to keep the sequence. Let the program slowly do all the actions in order.

Error 7. “Error writing profile. Such a profile already exists.

You need to go to the user profile directory and analyze it. There are probably duplicates. For example, several profiles of accountants or administrators. If found, delete unnecessary profiles and leave one. After that, the error will disappear from the computer screen.

To eliminate all of the above errors, you need experience with the 1s program, as well as professional skills. If you are poorly versed in errors and could not fully understand their description (remedy), you should contact a specialist.

Some types of errors do not require the presence of a specialist on site. They are so simple that their solution can be explained over the phone. To eliminate more complex errors, you need the direct participation of a specialist.

If you urgently need to draw up reports, make calculations and generate documentation, but you have not found ways to eliminate the error, please contact us.

Predefined elements of reference books are created in the configurator mode. In the "1C: Configurator" mode, the names of predefined elements are defined. The elements themselves, which are stored in the database, are created in 1C:Enterprise mode. Thus, a predefined element is metadata (the name of the predefined element) and data (the directory element itself).

1C:Enterprise 8.2

In 1C:Enterprise 8.2, predefined elements added or removed in the configurator are automatically added or removed in the database.

1C:Enterprise 8.3

In this version of the platform, each directory contains the standard attribute "PredefinedDataName". It is created to hold a predefined name and is available for program change. When adding a new element in the configurator, this element can be created in the database or not - it depends on the "Updating predefined data" lookup property. If the "Update automatically" value is set, then the predefined elements created in the configurator will be automatically added to the database. If the property is set to "Do not update automatically", the elements will not be added to the database. In this case, you need to create them yourself and programmatically bind them to the predefined elements of the dictionary by setting the "PredefinedDataName" prop.

The very idea of ​​programmatic work with predefined elements, in my opinion, is very correct. There are just some nuances that need to be taken into account when working.

First you need to clearly understand for yourself that there are predefined elements in the configuration and there are predefined elements in the infobase (IB). Technically predefined IS elements are the most common elements of directories, in which the "PredefinedDataName" attribute indicates which predefined configuration element they correspond to. They are no different from ordinary elements. Accordingly, any ordinary element of information security can be made predefined, any predefined element can be made ordinary. To do this, just enter the desired value in the props. "PredefinedDataName".

Periodically, this property does not contain the value that the developer provided. As a result, errors occur in the work of 1C. From critical, in which work is impossible in principle, to non-critical, in which the logic of the algorithms is violated.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish three types of errors:
1. "The predefined element is missing from the data";

3. Wrong indication predefined element;

1. "The predefined element is missing from the data" - oh the absence of a predefined element described in the configuration in the IS data.

This is the easiest type of error to debug and fix. Its simplicity is that the platform correctly reports this situation "The predefined element is missing from the data" and it is quite clear how to fix it.

When accessing the missing element in the code "Directories.Types of Contact Information. Email of Contact Person", a message is displayed

When accessing the element in the query "VALUE(Catalog.KindsofContactInformation.EmailContactPerson)" the following message is displayed:

Such an error occurs if the element is described in the configuration, but the element is not associated with it in the database.

To begin with, we clarify that this situation is not always erroneous. It is quite possible to use predefined data in some kind of program logic, which for most users may not be used. In this case, in order not to litter the directory for all configuration users, it is logical to define predefined elements in the configuration, but not create them in all IBs, but only for those IBs in which the required configuration logic is used. In this case, the programmer can specify the "Do not update predefined data" property for the directory and create the elements programmatically when accessing the module's functionality. Or allow the user to independently bind the predefined elements of the module to the usual elements he has.

Also not used automatic creation predefined elements when working in RIB mode. Since new elements should be transferred from the central base, and not created in nodes with different UIDs.

Those. sometimes it is an error to refer to an unmatched element, rather than the existence of such an element itself.

It is necessary to analyze why the element was not created. It may need to be created when some program mode is executed. For example, after performing an exchange in RIB. Or maybe it was just accidentally deleted.

If the logic provides for the filling of predefined elements not automatically, but in a separate mode, then before using the call by name " Directories.Types of Contact Information.Email of the Contact Person" to prevent an exception, it is desirable to check that the element is already in the database. If the element is missing, then inform the user about this and explain what mode he needs to perform to fill in the element. For such a check, you can query the data.

Request = New Request; Query.Text = "SELECT | Contact Information Types. Link | FROM | Directory. Contact Information Types AS Contact Information Types | WHERE | Contact Information Types. Predefined Data Name = "" EmailContactPerson"""; ElementMissingData = Query.Execute().Empty();

If this is still an error in the database data, then it is necessary to bind to a predefined element of the IB element. Those. it is necessary to explain to the system which IS element the program code should refer to by this name. Technically, binding is just specifying the name of a predefined element in the "PredefinedDataName"of the IB element. To install it, just run the following code:

2. "The predefined element is not unique" - h advoiced predefined elements:

This situation is that several IB elements are bound to one predefined element. In this case, when accessing the predefined name, the element will be selected randomly. This situation is always wrong. Its complexity is that the platform does not report about it in any way. It's just that the algorithms start to work incorrectly.

The platform will only report a "Predefined element is not unique" error when attempting to edit a duplicated element.

As long as no one needs to edit the element, no one will know about the error.

Such duplicates can be created, for example, if RIB is used for the directory and the "Update automatically" mode is specified in the properties for predefined data. In this case, when performing an exchange, one instance of the predefined data will be created when the configuration is updated. The second instance of the predefined elements with the same name will be transferred from the central database during the exchange.

Also, these duplicates will occur when using the processing of the exchange between configurations if different IS elements correspond to predefined elements in different databases. In this case, one instance of predefined data is already in the database, the second will come when loading data with a different UID. If you are performing data migrations, you must decide which database items are considered primary and use them in the subordinate database. In the subordinate base, you need to replace the use of old elements with elements of the main base.

Such errors in the database can be detected by a query like:

SELECT Types of Contact Information. Name of Predefined Data, QUANTITY (DIFFERENT Types of Contact Information. Link) AS Number of Predefined FROM Directory. Types of Contact Information AS Types of Contact Information GROUP BY Types of Contact Information. Name of Predefined Data HAVING QUANTITIES (DIFFERENT Types of Contact Information. Link) > 1

This query will return a list of predefined elements with more than one IB element associated with it.

If there are such elements, it is necessary to remove the connection with the predefined one for one of them. Those. it is necessary to unambiguously determine for the system which IS element the program code should refer to when using this name. To do this, just execute the code.

3. Wrong indication of a predefined element.

The error lies in the fact that the predefined element does not correspond to the element that is provided by the program logic. Such errors are the most difficult to diagnose. Unlike the first two types, the configuration cannot be automatically checked for these errors. They can be identified only by analyzing the logic of work. When in doubt, you can check whether the correct element is being used.

To do this, just execute one of the commands.

//Define the IB element that is bound to the required predefined Report(Directory.Types of Contact Information.Email of the ContactPerson) //Define the predefined element to which the selected Report is bound(ReferenceToElement.PredefinedDataName)

When such errors are detected, it is necessary to remove the incorrect link to the old element and add a link to the new element. The operation code is similar to the code for correcting the first two types of errors.

Well, briefly about the errors when program work or in config mode:

"The predefined element does not belong<Имя справочника>" - an error occurs when trying to write a predefined element with a name that does not match the name in the configurator.

"Non-predefined objects cannot have predefined sub dimension type entries" - error occurs when trying to make a predefined chart of accounts element unpredefined. To eliminate errors, it is necessary to remove the "Predefined" flag from each line of the element's subcontact.

"Non-predefined objects cannot have predefined lead calculation entries"- an error occurs when trying to make a predefined element of the plan of calculation types unpredefined. To eliminate errors, it is necessary to remove the "Predefined" flag from each line of the leading calculation type of the element.

"Predefined elements are not unique"- an error is thrown in the configurator when updating information base on a configuration release without 8.3.4 compatibility mode. It is necessary to check for duplicates before updating and eliminate them.

"Predefined element name is not unique" - an error occurs when there are several predefined elements of the same name in the configuration when updating to the platform8.3.6.2332 and above. It is necessary to eliminate duplicates in the configuration.

To work with predefined data, I recommend processing . It can perform any actions with predefined data, and can also check the configuration as a whole for the presence of errors of the first two types (doubled and missing elements) in all IS objects (directories, charts of accounts, PVC, PVR).