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Working with a graphic vector editor. Working with graphic vector editor Text and graphic editors

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Graphic editors work with images">!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Graphic editor - a program for creating and processing various kinds of images, starting"> Графический редактор – программа для создания и обработки различного рода изображений, начиная с простейших и заканчивая видеоматериалами. Для работы с компьютерной графикой сегодня имеется широкий набор программных продуктов от простых редакторов до мощных профессиональных пакетов. Программы для обработки видеоизображений применяются для видеомонтажа, подготовки титров, видеоэффектов. Большинство текстовых процессоров, офисных и издательских систем, содержат в своем составе графическую программу. Например в Word (векторная графика) это объект Word. Art , вставка фигур, Средства рисования на вкладке Формат.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Computer graphic images can be represented by two methods: raster and vector. according"> Компьютерные графические изображения могут быть представлены двумя методами: растровым и векторным. в соответствии с этим различают редакторы растровой и векторной графики. Графические редакторы, в которых используется растровая графика: Paint, Photo. Shop, Gimp. Графические редакторы, в которых используется векторная графика: Corel Draw , Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape. Растровое изображение состоит из маленьких точек, у каждой из которых может быть свой цвет и яркость. Точки выстроены как в таблице: по строкам и столбцам, из них получается изображение. Благодаря маленькому размеру, отдельные точки не видны (Или малозаметны), и создается впечатление однородной картины. Минимальный элемент, из которого состоит растровое изображение, называют пикселем. Для хранения растрового изображения в памяти компьютера необходимо хранить информацию о цвете каждого пикселя. Растровый способ представления изображений прекрасно подходит для хранения фотографий и видеофрагментов. Редактирование растровой графики заключается в изменении цветов пикселей. Это удобно в том случае, когда нужно изменить мелкие детали изображения или применить какой либо визуальный эффект. Однако изображение, представленное в растровом виде, не хранит никакой информации о форме объектов. Форма получается в мозгу человека за счет разницы цветов соседних пикселей. Поэтому редактировать форму объектов, представленных растровым способом, достаточно сложно.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Another way to present graphic information information - vector graphics. Basic elements vector"> Другой способ представления информации графической информации – векторная графика. Основными элементами векторной графики являются простые геометрические фигуры, которые хранятся в памяти компьютера в виде математических формул и числовых параметров. Например, отрезок создается координатами первой и второй точки, а окружность – координатами центра и радиусом. Из простейших фигур складываются более сложные. Простейшие элементы, из которых состоит векторное изображение, называются примитивами. Обычно примитивами являются самые базовые геометрические объекты: точки и отрезки. Иногда к примитивам относят и другие фигуры: квадрат, окружность, прямоугольник, эллипс и т. д. Отрезок может быть как прямым, так и кривым. Прямые отрезки задаются координатами крайних точек, а для кривых отре 6 зков задаются дополнительные параметры, которые определяют степень и форму кривизны. Отрезки могут иметь и другие параметры, например, цвет и толщину. Из отрезков можно получать различные фигуры, в том числе и замкнутые. Замкнутые фигуры могут иметь определенный цвет или стиль внутренней закраски. Совокупность фигур и отрезков может изображать какой-то объект, который тоже может иметь определенные параметры, например, название, размер, угол наклона. Таким образом, для хранения векторного изображения необходимо хранить координаты и дополнительные параметры примитивов, фигур и объектов и взаимосвязи между ними.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Example showing the difference between the storage scheme of raster graphics vector, fractal and raster"> Пример, показывающий разницу между Схема хранения растровой графики векторной, фрактальной и растровой графикой (RGB): при увеличении. a: иллюстрация, увеличенная в 8 раз как векторное изображение; b: иллюстрация, увеличенная в 8 раз как растровое изображение. Растровые изображения плохо масштабируются, тогда как векторные изображения могут быть неограниченно увеличены без потери качества a: b:!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Paint graphics editor Graphic editor Paint enters after the program starts on"> ГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ РЕДАКТОР PAINT Графический редактор Paint входит После запуска программы на в состав стандартных программ экране раскрывается окно операционной системы Windows. Paint. Основной инструмент Программа Paint представляет при работе с изображением в простейший редактор растровой Paint, как и во многих других графики, позволяющий создавать графических редакторах - черно-белые и цветные рисунки, мышь. Клавиатуру вы сохранять их в файлах. Рисунки используете чаще всего лишь можно выводить на печать, для ввода текста. вставлять в другие документы. Редактор Paint можно использовать для просмотра и правки снятых с помощью сканера и фотокамеры фотографий.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Start Paint program in the operating system 8 starts as follows: 1."> Запуск программы Paint В операционной системе 8 запускается так: 1. Правый нижний угол 2. Всплывающая панель 3. Поиск 4. Ввести первые буквы названия программы и выбрать нужную. В операционной системе 7 запускается так:!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e So the Paint window looks like in earlier versions of the program">!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e So the Paint window looks like in" Seven "">!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e On the Home tab, all major work teams and the main tools are located Drawing:"> На вкладке Главная расположены все основные команды работы с изображениями и основное инструменты рисования: Работа с изображениями Инструменты рисования!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Working with a palette palette"> РАБОТА С ПАЛИТРОЙ Палитра в старой версии Для выбора цвета линии или заливки следует щелкнуть левой кнопкой мыши по нужному цвету в палитре. Для выбора цвета фона щелкают правой кнопкой мыши. Используемые по Палитра в новой версии умолчанию основной и фоновый цвета отображаются в палитре слева. В новой версии программы: Цвет 1 – цвет рисования Цвет 2 – Цвет фона!}

SRC \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Pencil imitation drawing with a pencil. You can choose a thickness of the line and color from"> КАРАНДАШ Имитация рисования карандашом. Можно выбрать толщину линии и цвет из палитры. Чтобы провести строго вертикальную или горизонтальную линию нужно рисовать ее с нажатой клавишей Shift. При выборе этого инструмента указатель мыши принимает вид карандаша.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Brushes acts similarly to a pencil, but you can choose not only the thickness and"> КИСТИ Действует аналогично карандашу, но можно выбирать не только толщину и цвет, но и форму наносимой линии. Всего представлены: обычная кисть, две каллиграфические кисти, распылитель (аэрозоль), кисть для масла, пастель, маркер, текстурный карандаш, кисть для акварели. Все они имеют различные художественные эффекты.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Adding inscriptions to the picture. In order to make the inscription you need click"> НАДПИСЬ Добавление надписей к рисунку. Для того, чтобы сделать надпись нужно щелкнуть по кнопке "Текст”, а затем растянуть мышью рамку на рисунке - там где будет надпись. В старой версии: в меню "Вид” можно выбрать Панель атрибутов текста, где устанавливается размер шрифта, его начертание и т. д. В новой версии появляется вкладка, где есть параметры форматирования текста.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Drawing Autofigur Line is designed for drawing straight"> РИСОВАНИЕ АВТОФИГУР Линия Предназначена для рисования прямой линии выбранного цвета и толщины. Кривая Применяется для рисования кривых. Сначала рисуется прямая линия, потом ее "берут” за какой-либо участок и выгибают. Изменять линию можно два раза, после этого она фиксируется. Толщина кривой определяется также, как и в прямой линии. Прямоугольник Применяется для рисования прямоугольников. Если рисовать прямоугольник с нажатой клавишей Shift, получится квадрат. Можно нарисовать закрашенный, незакрашенный прямоугольник, а также прямоугольник без границы(В старой версии программы). Многоугольник Применяют для рисования многоугольников. Чтобы нарисовать многоугольник, нужно провести его первую сторону (перетащить указатель при нажатой кнопке мыши), а затем просто щелкать мышью в вершинах многоугольника. Заканчивают рисование многоугольника двойным щелчком. Эллипс Рисование эллипса. Если рисовать с нажатой клавишей Shift, получится круг. Скругленный прямоугольник Рисование прямоугольника с округленными вершинами В новых версиях программы появились дополнительные автофигуры: звезды стрелки, сердце, молния, рожица.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Pouring will make it possible to paint the selected color internal part, an arbitrary closed figure."> ЗАЛИВКА Позволит закрасить выбранным цветом внутреннюю часть, произвольной замкнутой фигуры. Для этого требуется выполнить щелчок в любой точке внутри фигуры. Если область не является замкнутой, то закраситься вся рабочая область. При выборе этого инструмента указатель мыши превращается в опрокинутую банку с краской!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Eraser tool for erasing part of the picture. It is possible to change"> ЛАСТИК Инструмент для стирания части рисунка. Есть возможность изменять размер ластика. Удаленный участок будет закрашен цветом фона. При выборе этого инструменты указатель принимает вид белого квадратика.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Pipette Select color. Allows"> ПИПЕТКА Выбор цвета. Позволяет "взять” любой цвет прямо с рисунка и использовать его для рисования. Для этого нужно просто щелкнуть по объекту рисунка окрашенного в нужный вам цвет. При выборе этого инструмента указатель мыши из стрелки превращается в пипетку.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Scale can change the size of the pattern in three ways: 1. Use"> МАСШТАБ Можно изменять размер рисунка тремя способами: 1. Использовать лупу. 2. Использовать бегунок в правом нижнем углу окна. 3. Использовать команду во вкладке Вид.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Paint features are not so big as, for example, Corel Draw or Photoshop, but also"> Возможности paint не такие большие, как, например у corel draw или photoshop, но и в нем можно сделать очень многое. Главное не стоит забывать, что в основе всех крутых рисовалок лежит те же методы рисования, как и в paint. Также всегда легче начинать обучение с изучения более простых программ.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Sample drawings made in Paint.">!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Pixel cities">!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Pixel-art paintings">!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Pixel -art in architecture and interior design">!}

Class: 11.

The date of the: 03/21/2013

Theme lesson: Lesson - Repeat on the topic "Graphic and Text Editors"

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of competence in the field of computer technology

Planned results:


    Formation of concept representation: graphic and text editors;

    Repetition and checking the ability to properly use computer technologies to solve the task;


    The ability to evaluate the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, its own ways to solve it;

    Formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies;

    Semantic reading;


    The formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice;

    Formation of responsible attitude towards teaching, readiness and ability to learn.

Software and Services used, Additional equipment:

    Computer class;

    Multimedia projector;

    Internet access.

Educational and methodical literature used in preparation for the lesson: Computer science. Tutorial for grade 10. Ugrinovich N. D. - M.: Binin. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2005.

The duration of the lesson: 40 minutes.

Organizing time : Check availability to the lesson.

Message Lesson Objectives: On the board was written a work plan and students must tell what they will do today in the lesson.

Work plan:

    Preparatory stage

    Layout of printed edition

    Adjusting your work


The disciples respond that the outcome of today's lesson should be a layout of the printed edition with its adjustment.

Repetition of the material studied: Before starting work, students are given by the PC - a survey associated with the repetition of the topic "Graphic and Text Editor"

Blitz poll:

    What is the difference between the Graphic and Text Editor? (A graphic editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images. Text editor -this is a program for creating and editing. textic documents. )

    What graphics editors do you know? (Paint Adobe Photoshop. )

    What 2 categories can be divided into graphical editors? (vector, raster)

    What is the graphical editor to relate to the vector? (Graphic Editor Built in Text EditorWord.)

    What actions need to be performed put images? (Insert - drawing - image selection - insert)

    What type of graphic editor do you choose to retouch the scanned photo? Why? (raster type, since it is the best means of processing drawings and photos)

    What type of file can be set to a raster graphic file when it is saved?(JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP)

Preparatory stage: After repetition of information about graphic and text editors, proceed to the manufacture of layouts. First you need to split the class on groups of 2 people. They must independently choose the material for the publication associated with any graphic editor and print it inMS.Word.. Condition: Font - 14TimesNewRoman., Interval - 1.5, alignment - in width and text should not be big! (8 - 10 sentences)

Picture of the printed publication:

Example of students' work:

Adjusting your works: The teacher gives the task of students to make their own adjustments to their layout. The number of changes is 5.

For these texts, the teacher proposed the following changes:

    Change the headers of the articles using the title style 1;


    Insert drawings (from the collection found on the Internet)

    Remove extra spaces before points;

    Change text background color.

This looked like the material after the correction:

Summing up and evaluation of work: The criteria of the assessment are voiced - how many adjustments made students in their texts, they will receive such an assessment. View multiple work with a multimedia projector. All participants showed good job skills using computer technology. Thanks for the lesson, goodbye!

Analysis of the lesson: The lesson is based on the use of techniques for modeling the solution of the problem in real life. The lesson is practical and ensure the development of cognitive activity and solving the educational tasks. As a result of working on their layout, students summarized knowledge and deepened skills to work with editors. The lesson was very interesting to the disciples and helped in implementing the goal.

Most recently, we acquainted you with the first online operating system G.HO.ST. The launch of such a project has caused many disputes and discussions on how practical is such a development and what future it is waiting for it. One of the weaknesses of this operating system is the lack of a sufficient number of specialized applications, without which many do not see the meaning in the system itself. But is it all bad? In the current review, it will be about online graphic editors that can be used to create and edit graphic images directly in the browser. Some of these services are easily integrated with Regardless of whether the work of the user is connected with the design or not, with a lot of probability it can be argued that a graphic editor is installed on its computer. For someone, this program is a tool for processing digital photos, for someone - a convenient way to realize your abilities as an artist, well, and someone can even make themselves with the help of a graphic editor, engaged in conceptual design. And in all listed cases, the main tool that is most often used - Adobe Photoshop. For convenience and functionality, this program has no equal. However, not all functions of this program are needed by an ordinary user. Often, he applies only the opportunities of the editor that is necessary to solve specific tasks. For example, in the paper, the graphics editor is used exclusively for processing images that are shown on the digital camera, do not need to work with video and 3D to work. The developers of alternative graphics editors (including online) take into account this and often give a program to work with images with only a specific set of tools, positioning their product as a means to solve a specific task.


The service, which is located at this address, can be considered one of the best online alternatives to Photoshop. In terms of its capabilities, this online editor is largely inferior to an advanced package from Adobe. In appearance, this is a full-fledged graphic editor that has the main menu and toolbar. The service has multilingual support, so all commands and tools of the online editor are understandable to any user. PIXLR supports work with basic popular formats - PSD, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG and PXD. Images can be opened from a local computer or download them directly from the network, when you open the file link to the image. The program can work with high-resolution images, up to 3500 per 3500 points. In addition, the editor can work with the curves and levels of the image, leads the history of the accomplished actions, allows the use of a long list of filters - diffusion, kaleidoscope, waves, television raster, pastel, stamping, bas-relief, etc. The shortcut keys in PixLR largely coincide with those What is used in Photoshop (tool for free transformation - "Ctrl + T", allocate all - "Ctrl + A", etc.). Those who have experience with Photoshop may feel some discomfort due to the lack of the context menu of the program. To remove the selection, the desire arises to do it through the context menu and the Deselect command. However, PIXLR provides several other ways: you can simply click the left mouse button in the document field, use the CTRL + D key combination or use the Edit\u003e Edit\u003e Edit Editor command. If you hold a parallel between Photoshop and Pixlr, you can find another similarity. Like Photoshop, the PixLR editor has a lightweight version - PIXLR Express. The simplified version of the online graphic editor contains only the most necessary means for the daily tasks for image processing. For example, you can quickly change the resolution of the image, cut it, apply the effect of the image, add noise to the image, make a picture clearer or vico, blur it, create a vignette, perform the shade correction and much more. The PIXLR service offers another useful feature that will be interesting for users of the popular Firefox browser. If you set a special PIXLR Grabber option, any image on the web page can be quickly open online graphics editor using the command in the context menu. In addition, with the help of this addition, you can create screenshots of the entire online page or its dedicated area. On the official website of the project you can find API to integrate the editor engine to the page of your site. The disadvantages of the service should include some "thoughtfulness" editor, which after applying a tool stopped working for one to two seconds. Especially noticeable inertness of the service when working with large images. In the process of testing, the service issued a message about the error several times, despite the fact that the connection speed with the Internet was stable and high enough.


CoolrgB service is mainly focused on those who are developing Web design. On the pages of this service, you can find many different tools with which you can quickly make such mandatory design elements of any online resource, like buttons, advertising banners, icons, logos, etc. The resource is divided into sections, each of which is an online design designer of this or that graphic element. COOLRGB service is used by the XAML markup language and the free Paint.NET graphics editor. For example, in order to make a logo, you need to go to the Logos section and in the designer settings enter the text of the inscription, selecting the font and text size, as well as specify the effects of the effects with which the logo design will be created. When creating a logo, you can make a squeezing operation (bevel), making text volumetric, set color gradients that the inscription will be painted, add the effect of the discarded shadow, mirror reflection, luminescence, etc. After the design is created in the online constructor, you should click the Render button. After a few seconds, the service engine will generate the drawing with such settings that were selected by the user. Any graphic element created in the program can be saved in PNG, JPG, BMP or GIF format. Created graphic files have permission limit - no more than 800 per 600 points. On the service pages you can also find a simple code that allows you to create simple animation effects when hovering the mouse to the image. COOLRGB service is convenient to use as an additional tool to the main arsenal of the PIXLR image editor of the online editor, which we wrote above. Created using the RGB service Logo layout or lettering, you can quickly open and modify on the online service, using commands in the Edit In Pixlr or Apply Effects.


If the previous services were completely free, then the online editor Picnik is only partially. The Premium version for which developers are offered to pay, differs from the free option of the possibility of simultaneous work with hundreds of graphic images. In addition, the paid version contains more effects, there is an opportunity to work with the layers of the image, an unlimited number of rollback steps (History), support for the full-screen mode of operation of the editor, etc. Despite all these "goodies", the free version of the online editor is not much inferior version Premium and quite fit for the needs of an unassuming user. And besides, some "advantages" of the paid version seemed to us unconvincing. What is the point in full-screen mode of service, if in the browser this mode can be included for free? In order to start working with the free version of this editor, you do not need to register, but still a slight advantage of registration gives - for example, when using the account data, in the History section, the five latest images are displayed in Picnik. The Picnik interface looks quite attractive - in the form of tabs, each of which contains its tools to work with images. So, the Library tab contains links to all sources from where images can be downloaded. In Picnik implemented integration with various popular online services - Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, Photobucket, etc. Entering data on its account on one of these services, you can directly upload images from online albums and attached postal attachments. In addition, Picnik makes it possible to take a picture using a connected webcam. The image will be automatically loaded to the server, after which it will be prompted to edit a snapshot with an online editor. The editor has the ability to rotate the image, cropping, correct color reproduction, and also make an image clearer. There is also the possibility of eliminating the effect of red eyes, which occurs when using the flash. This tool today is not uncommon, and it can often be found even in the most simple editors of raster graphics. However, unlike other applications, Picnik offers two options for eliminating this lack of photography - in the presence of a red region in front of a person and with a similar defect in front of the detached animals. For the most lazy, the editor has an AUTO-Fix button that starts the automatic image correction mode. In this mode, the editor will configure the exposure, configures the color levels, etc. The service includes a large library of effects with which you can change the image or perform its stylization. Uploaded to the online editor photo can be decorated with a frame, rounding the edges, turn into a fifty-year-old prescription. You can add any inscriptions to the image and specify the mixing mode of the created text with the source image. Picnik has a rich customer library on a different topic - from simple uncomplicated geometric shapes, to pictures with New Year's symbolism. Among all the editor tools there are those that are available only in Premium mode. It is very easy to distinguish them. First, such tools instead of the Apply button contain the UPGRADE button, and secondly, when choosing a particular effect of the paid version, a label will immediately appear in the corner - Premium Feature. After the work on the image in the online graphic editor Picnik will be completed, the result can be saved as a JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PDF or TIFF file. At the same time, the program is very conveniently made export settings to the JPG format (it is used by the default editor) - when changing the parameters affecting the image quality, you can observe how the size of the stored file changes. If for some reason it is not possible to save the edited image, you can use a small download manager. To quickly edit images, you can use extensions for Firefox and Internet Explorer, after installing which the edit in picnik will appear in the browser context menu. Also on the project site you can find bookmarks for the above browsers and for Safari. In addition, access to the service can be carried out using a special Picnik Yahoo Widget widget.


Previously, this service wore another name - Fauxto. The change in the name also meant a new round in the development of this project. After changing the name, the engine of the editor became somewhat different. Now the user has the ability to change the size of the windows and elements of the editor interface, to process an image with a resolution of up to 1500 per 1500 points. In addition, it can use various tools - highlighting with Lasso, image trimming tool, virtual brushes with different drawing profile, etc. It is worth noting that such a small resolution of supported images does not even allow you to edit photos from a digital camera, so splashup should be considered exclusively as a tool for preparing pictures for publishing a blog. Our conclusion confirms that SPLASHUP supports downloading images from different Internet services, including Photobucket, Picasa, Smugmug, Facebook, etc.

When using filters or other tools for image processing, the online splashup editor does not "slow down", any effect is applied almost instantly. However, for fairness, it should be said that the toolkit in the program is far from the best and is suitable only for the simplest operations. Nevertheless, this online editor has its advantages. It allows you to handle multiple images at the same time, allows you to work with layers and even set the parameters of their mixing. To any of the layers in the project, additional effects can be used - glow, shadow, gradient glow, gradient extrusion with a bevel, etc. In addition, in the program, you can edit the image obtained from the Web Camera. Using the text creation tool to create a text layer. Despite the fact that you can choose the type of font, the list of the design options offered by the design options is quite modest. In addition, in Splashup it is impossible to apply inscriptions in Russian. In addition to the basic development of the online schedule editor - on the official website of the program, another interesting idea is presented - the version of the Splashup Light, intended mainly for mobile device owners.

Bakumatsu koshashin generator.

The author of this small service is the Japanese. Therefore, when you download the page, do not be afraid of the abundance of hieroglyphs, everything is extremely clear and without translation. In addition, on the site there is an interface version with an English language, to which you can switch to the image loading buttons to be more understandable. The service allows you to make only one effect with a photo, but quite interesting - after processing the picture you get a generated image. In principle, the same effect can be easily repeated using any professional graphic editor. However, for this you need to have some work skills with Photoshop, and besides, this process will take some time. Online version of the "Action" of images will handle photographs in a matter of seconds, faster than the graphic editor will start. You can process photos by downloading them from the hard disk or specifying the link to the image laid out on the Internet you want to "range".

According to the authors of the service, after processing the picture will resemble a black and white photo, which is about 100-150 years old. In practice, the processed picture looks more like a clipping from the newspaper, a faded, thoughted and slightly torn.


Sprout service is not a completely ordinary online editor. It would be more correct to describe this project as a visual editor to create presentations and web site design. Using the Sprout Builder tool, you can create not only the usual schedule, but also flash banners, as well as multi-page widgets with a variety of multimedia content (sound, video), with news ribbon, etc. At the same time, the main feature of the service is that to create a project In the online editor, Sprout Builder is not at all necessary to have programming skills or be a specialist in Flash technologies. To work with the Sprout editor, you must pass a simple registration. Unfortunately, the service is paid, however, there is a free option of this online service. The free version of the service allows you to create up to three projects with some restrictions - projects should not exceed the volume of the disk space provided (100 megabytes) and not create traffic exceeding the limit of 10 gigabytes. On the online editor it is very convenient to work with the help of templates. You can choose a predetermined design and add your own media structures to it, various images and text. The created widget may include a wide variety of elements - calendar, links, various menus, navigation buttons, drop-down lists, various forms, etc. You can also integrate online video, for example, YouTube, MP3 sound, and besides, links to Google Charts, Polldaddy, Twitter, Seesmic, Yahoo!, can also be integrated into the SPROUT project. Maps, Google Forms.

When working with the project, you can use your own files loaded in the service storage. From graphic formats, the service supports work with PNG, GIF and JPG. The editor has limitations associated with the size of the files downloaded to the library. For example, graphic files should be a volume of no more than one megabyte, MP3 music and video in FLV and SWF formats - no more than 18 megabytes.


Aviary service is a real paradise for a designer and any creative personality. He combined seven independent tools at once, with which you can implement any creative ideas online: two editor of raster graphics and one editor vector graphics, a tool for creating screenshots, tool for selecting colors, utility to add effects to the image, as well as an audio editor. Image Editor is an online graphic editor that developers called Phoenix. Of all the services considered in this review, the launch of this online editor took the most time. However, this is the disadvantages of the service, you can say, end. Unlike most online editors, in this program (as well as in other online utilities Aviary) there is a context menu. With it, you can easily select the editable layer. From tools for working with photos, you should mark the tool for highlighting similar points in the image (analogue of Magic Wand in Photoshop). The edited image can be exported to PNG, TIFF, GIF and JPG formats. The next utility offered by the service is Color Editor. This is an online application - an indispensable tool for site developers. With it, it is easy to choose the desired tint palette and see how several selected colors will be combined. With Color Editor, you can create a plurality of shades of one color and use them when designing the elements of the site. One of the most important features of this utility is that the color palette composed with it can be available directly in the PHOENIX Image Editor graphics editor.

The third utility from the Aviary tool kit is called Peacock Effects Editor. This online editor is designed to create various effects with images. The principle of operation of this tool is that the utility generates to a predetermined algorithm pattern using a set of combined operations over the image for this. Like the previous package utility, Peacock Effects Editor supports integration with the main online service tool - image editor. Next tool, Raven Vector Editor is an online vector graphic editor. The format of vector graphics is often used in preparing layouts for printing on different products, for example, on clothing. With the help of Raven Vector Editor, you can create various curves, to give them the desired form using tangent markers, perform gradient fill, use text, etc. In this case, the program can save the created project into SVG, EPS formats or as a bitmap image BMP. When saving in the vector format in the program, it is possible to convert text inscriptions into curves. Another very useful feature of the online editor of vector graphics is an integrated traceser integrated in the program engine, with which you can convert any raster image into a vector. Moreover, during the conversion process, you can set the number of colors on the final vector image, and you can also follow the end result before the trace starts using the preview function. The Falcon Image Markup utility is a simple graphic editor. It suggests a completely reasonable question - for what to create another online application for working with graphics, if the Aviary utility package already has an excellent Phoenix Image Editor editor? Probably, this step was made by developers due to the main disadvantage of Image Editor - slow download. If you want to perform simple image operations (rotate, trim, add text, etc.), it can do everything in a simpler Image Markup editor, which is deprived of many tools and thanks to this it starts much faster. In addition, if during the work with the image in Image Markup, the user will understand that it is not enough to edit tools, it can quickly switch to another package utility, for example, in the same Phoenix Image Editor. Another utility from the AVIARY tool kit is Screen Capture, designed as it is clear from the title to capture the screen. The utility works like this: In a special field, you are invited to enter the address of the Web page, the screenshot of which you need to do. Before capturing, you can select the resolution, specify the quality of the stored image, as well as clarify the area you want to "take a picture". After the utility saves the web page screenshot, the image can be opened in the Falcon Image Markup editor. Firefox users can use a special TALON supplement, with which you can screenshots and quickly run Aviary applications.

Aviary on us made a very positive impression. In Aviary, we saw many thoughtful trifles, which are useful in work and have a user to themselves. For example, on the site you can find many video tutorials showing how to work with one or another application. In addition, on the official website of the project you can see the lessons for editing images (various collages and examples of photomontage), and many of them are quite effective.

Sumo Paint.

As already mentioned in joining, most online editors are convenient for specific actions, for example, to create graphic design of the site. The project Sumo Paint we would recommend first of all those who like to work with virtual brushes. In the Sumo Paint editor, this tool for flexibility and convenience of operation closely approached the virtual brush used in Photoshop. For example, the program has the ability to use different profiles, including not only profiles with ribbon edges or blurred outlines, but also such that are images of symbols, as well as individual items, such as leaves, trees. Another interesting Sumo Paint tool - Symmetry. It works like this: the user begins to draw a virtual brush, and the smears created on the canvas on canvas are repeated repeated and are located symmetrically relative to a certain point. As a result, the image of something resembles a picture from Kaleidoscope. In addition, in Sumo Paint, you can find a huge amount of tools that are in Photoshop, but are not represented in competing online editors. This is a tool for creating cloned image fragments Clone Stamp, pencil (Pencil) and mascara. Another strong side of the editor concerns working with the text. Unlike other similar services, Sumo Paint makes it possible to use in projects fonts installed on the computer. An online Sumo Paint editor supports downloading files in JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG formats. The image can be opened as a separate work project layer. Export images are possible only in two formats - JPG and PNG. If you look at the browser header, you can notice not only the service name, but also version number - 2.0. The presence of the version number says that this editor is developing and improving. Among the selected deficiencies of the service is not very stable work. So, when trying to create an image with the maximum permissible resolution (4095 per 4095 points), Sumo Paint caused an error in the browser, and it closed.

Photoshop Express.

Considering online services for processing graphics, of course, it is impossible to pass by Adobe. The online version of the most popular graphic editor is called Photoshop Express. Even before the work, you can encounter inconvenience - in order to get the opportunity to download the image to the service, you need to go through the registration procedure. However, the need for registration is justified by the fact that every user free 2 GB of space storage spaces on the server, as well as its own subdomain of the type of to share photos. True, the service is officially granted only for US citizens - when specifying the desired name for a subdomain, you must select the country from the list. The list includes only one country - United States. True, no one checks the passport - after the selection of the country, the registration is successfully completed. Photoshop Express contains both images for editing images and tools for their organization. Images downloaded to the service are saved in the user library. For each of them, you can add a description, as well as specify keywords (tags). Tags you can specify for group of images simultaneously. Pictures can be grouped by albums, on their basis, a slideshow, download to popular photos for exchanging photos. The photos are not necessary to download to the service from the hard disk - you can quickly access your pictures stored on Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook and Picasa services, as well as download pictures from libraries of other service participants (if the owner allowed it). To edit images you need to go to Edit mode. A set of available tools is so small that they can easily recalculate on the fingers - eliminating the effect of "red eyes", setting the saturation of colors, raising the definition, white balance. Tool settings also leave much to be desired - for most of them, several options for the image are simply represented, and the user is invited to choose the one that seems to him the most successful. True, the configuration of some tools can be performed more flexibly, using the slider. Using a tool for changing the image resolution, you can enter new picture parameters manually or select one of the templates: to send an image by mail, publishing on the Internet or viewing on the portable device screen. Separate Decorate mode, which is currently working in beta, is designed to add images of various elements of clips, callouts, vector pictures, frames.

Taking into account the fact that Photoshop is a unconditional leader among graphic editors, from online service, in the title of which the famous brand appears, could be expected much more. We also see an online graphic editor, whose capabilities not only do not reach early versions of Photoshop, but can not even compete with other online projects to edit photos. Photoshop Express recalls, rather, a toy for children than a serious tool for working with raster graphics. Animated interface elements, and the presence of ready-made options for the impact of a tool on the image, and the ability to create comics and cartoons using the clip library. It seems that Adobe has made its service "for a tick", just to keep up with time. Photoshop Express can hardly be considered a competitor to such functional online editors, such as Aviary.


Using an online image editing has quite a few advantages. First, the ability to edit images you do not need to post money - it is enough to have an Internet connection. Secondly, the graphics processing is not on the local computer, but on the remote. This makes it possible to perform complex operations in the online editor, even on the lowest computer (the owner of the laptop direct benefits is less than the load on the processor, longer battery life). In addition, an online editor does not need to be installed, a browser will be enough to work with it. Such an application will never "hang" a computer and take hundreds of megabytes for temporary files on the hard disk. Of course, not everything is so smooth as I would like, and there are still disadvantages from such services yet. For example, many services impose a limit on the processed image, for example, to the maximum size of the picture. In addition, in the list of supported formats, it is mainly possible to find only those that are in demand most often - JPG, GIF and BMP. An online editor does not support additional modules, so graphics processing is possible only with built-in services of service that is not always enough. And yet, despite some skepticism, which is viewed by users with respect to online utilities, such projects like Pixlr and Sumo Paint prove that the services for working with graphics have a future.

Topic 10: HTML file creation tools


2. Microsoft.Frontpage.

To create any HTML document, quite a simple text editor, such as notepad (Notepad. ). However, most developers believe that it is preferable to use a specialized HTML editor, providing automatic error control and other useful functions.

1. Standard HTML editors

Standard HTML editors are independent applications designed to prepare HTML documents that do not require additional software tools. There are two main types of editors - text and graphic (typeWYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get See Is What YOU GET , or "what you see, then get"). When working S. text editorsHTML code is displayed as ordinary text, and HTML descriptors are highlighted, for example, by another color.

Graphic editor allow you to create a layout of the page with the mouse. In this case, on the screen, you will immediately see the result as you will see the server's visitors to the Web. As expected, in many HTML editors, both types of interface are used, between which you can easily switch.

Table - arguments "for" and "against" the use of specialized HTML editors



Convenient interface and workspace with toolbars

The absence of a general one-type interface requires the user to study each program.

Display in modeWYSIWYG. and specialized toolbars

The interface of some editors is very similar to the interfaces of text processors. Unfortunately, not all HTML formatting tools are supported by all programs, so documents may look different in various browsers

Conditionally free and free programs provide for the possibility of user feedback with their authors.

To display the final type of document, it should be downloaded to the browser

Low price

Constant update and lack of support for previous versions

Because graphic editors can completely hide from the user actually HTML text, it may not have the impression that the HTML language is not needed to study. However, learning a language remains a very important point, especially if professional development of HTML documents, writing manually and debugging programs and scenarios.

Graphic editors provide a more aesthetic approach to creating documents, allowing to focus on their makety and formatting.

Table - advantages and disadvantages of graphic HTML editors



Graphic view allows you to better display the created page layout.

A large amount of disk space is used to work with descriptors and fonts, as well as to display them.

Built-in syntactic control

For preview mode, you do not need an external browser

Interpretation of the page internal browser is not always correct

Ordinary text editors

One of the main reasons for which the developers prefer to use text editors is that with their help, it is much easier to contribute to any changes that have to do almost constantly. Those who use text editors also argue that these editors allow them to incompanently manipulate the text of the document and provide a more flexible and creative approach when placing a software text into a document. In addition, text editors make it easy to simply contribute to the dynamic HTML codes.

Table - advantages and disadvantages of text editors



Quick Screen Update

Friendners often need to be addressed to additional sources with reference materials.

Specialized editors provide entry and closing descriptors by providing the user with the ability to simply fill their data.

Most editors lack syntactic controls

The user has the ability to use its own descriptors

The supply of editors includes a small amount of help information on the creation of HTML-code

2. Microsoft.Frontpage.

The most popular tool for developing Web servers and management is the applicationMicrosoft Frontpage. . With the release of the latest version, the possibility of this application has expanded significantly. It provides practically adequate browsers a graphic web page development, and also provides integration with package applications.Microsoft Office. Based on technologyDrag - and - Drop . The program provides for the use of template type web pages and graphics tools, as well as management of the created Web servers usingFrontPage Explorer.

FrontPage program It will be especially useful to those to Web designers who are interested in applying the latest Web technology of the companyMicrosoft, such as VBScript and controlsActiveX. . In addition, support is providedJava, JavaScript . The main advantageFrontpage. Are his tools for managing Web servers. The management functions ensure control over all aspects of the servers being created, including automatic updating of URLs between the initial page and its child pages.

In addition, the functionThemes in FrontPage. Allows you to change the characteristics (or themes) of the entire server. This is especially useful if you want to standardize the topic used or the appearance of the pages of the server being created, but it is unwanted to change or reformat each page separately.

FRONTPAGE application Consists of several interconnected components that form a single tool for creating Web servers and control them. One of the most powerful components is the editorFrontpage Editor . It is in this editor that you create the components of the page web server. INFrontpage. New for the editor is the presence of three tabs in its window, providing views of the HTML-text created in three views. The first idea is the usual graphicWYSISYG. - Making a document created. In this case, it is possible to enter the text from the keyboard to it, drag to the document graphic objects, determine the usual and insert graphic hyperlinks, format a shared page layout and place other components on itFrontpage. Frontpage components - these are elements that are created inMicrosoft. Small scenarios are intended for performing specific functions on web pages.

Because FrontPage. is graphicWYSISYG. -Instrument, its editor also allows you to view and change the real type of Web pages being created. In addition, you can see all the components on the page in the form of HTML text, and it is allowed manually editing. For these purposes, the HTML tab is served.

PREVIEW Tab is the third tab of the editor windowFrontpage. . It is on it that it is possible to see the real twit of the created Web page as it will be after shipment via the Internet.

Frontpage Editor Allows you to create tables, sheets of styles, use animation, change the background, place the controls on the pageActiveX, Java. -apes and many more with maximum amenities.

Another powerful componentFrontpage. Is programFrontpage Explorer. allowing you to visually control the scheme of the created Web server. Based on the visual information provided, it is clearly defined what and how it happens on the server, i.e. The developer can manage all the hyperlinks associated with the initial page of the server.

Working in the FrontPage Explorer window in Navigation or Hyperlinks mode You can easily move and change the interconnection of the web server pages.

development Subject: Text editor . 2013 The value of the topic is aware of the study of this topic in the course of informatics of the 10th grade due to the fact that Word is the most popular text editor . It allows you to create documents containing text, tables and schedules, at a professional level. This topic is of great importance in the course of studying applications for Windows. During the development textoy editor Word for Windows ...

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  • Text editor

    aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnyova »Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications Department of Informatics and Computer Course work on discipline Object-oriented programming on the topic: " Text editor "Completed the student of the BIS11-01 group of day form of training Baturin M.S. Leader: KTN, Associate Professor Vdovenko V.V. Date of delivery: "_____" ________ 2013. Date of protection: "____" ________ 2013. Rating: Krasnoyarsk 2013 Content ...

    1422 words | 6 p.

  • Graphic design of the table

    Graphic Objective table design: learn ways graphic table design; Get an idea of \u200b\u200bsetting properties Tables. Legal lesson 1. Organizational moment II. Validation of knowledge - lists possible ways to create a table. (Methods of creating tables: Use the Table / menu command to add a table; Use the toolbar button to add a table; using the Table menu command / draw table; text conversion to table.) - For what are used ...

    1545 words | 7 pp.

  • Circle classes on the GIMP Graphic Editor

    higher Professional Education "Northeastern Federal University named after M.K.ammosov" Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Department of Theory and Methods of teaching computer science Savvinov Nina Aleksandrovna Circle classes graphic editor GIMP Specialty 050202. Informatics Graduate Work Scientific Director: Vasilyeva Svetlana Mikhailovna Assistant Department Timoy Reviewer: Lytkin Sergey Dmitrievich Head ITO IU FFU Yakutsk 2012 Content Introduction ...

    9004 words | 37 p.

  • Comparative analysis of text editors

    opportunities textic editors PC executed a student (ka) _______ study group ____________________________ ________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic) ________________________________ (signature) Scientific leader: ______________________ (scientist degree, title) ________________________________ Surname, first name, middle name Moscow - 2016 Opening (a sheet with a task is inserted) In graduation qualifications, the concept of digital representation is disclosed textoy Document ...

    9109 words | 37 p.

  • Enter text and graphic information

    Table of Contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Hardware and Input Software textual and graphic information 5 1.1. Purpose and classification of input devices 5 1.2 Species and characteristics of scanners 11 1.3 Types of work programs with text 14 Chapter 2. Textic editors and image recognition programs 17 2.1 Notepad 17 2.2 MicrosoftWord 20 2.3 FineReader 25 Conclusions and Offers 29 List of References 30 Introduction When the first computers appeared, they developed ...

    4719 words | 19 pp.

  • Classification of graphic editors

    C. Introduction ........................................................................... 3 1. Classification graphic editors ........................... ......... 4 1.1. Concept graphic editors ................................. ...... .. 4 1.2. Basic functions graphic editors ............................ 6 2. Mainstreams graphic editors ……………………….... 11 2.1. Graphic editor Paint ................................................ 11 2.2. Photoshop ..................................................................... .. 13 List of used sources ...................................................

    3428 words | 14 pp.

  • INKSCAPE graphic editor

    Content: 1. Introduction .............................................................................. .2 2. Vector graphic editor ………………………………………..4 3.1. Graphic editor Inkscape ................................. .. ........6 3.2. Graphic editor Corel Draw .................................... ..1.1 3. Comparison editors Inkscape and Corel Draw ............................................ ..14 4. Creating a complex of training tasks .........................................17 5. Conclusion ........................ ................................................ ..22 6. List of references .................................................................................. Present computer graphics ...

    3777 words | 16 pp.

  • Tools and technology processing textual information

    the activities of the modern man is processing textual information. Tools for processing textual Information are One of the components of the automation component of the institutional activity in the broadest sense of its understanding, allowing the user with maximum amenities to create high-quality documents for various purposes through a personal computer and appropriate software. Modern textic Processors provide the user with ample opportunities ...

    4042 words | 17 pp.

  • Text Editor Word.

    Content Introduction 3 1. Textic editors . Purpose and classification 4 2. Working with textual editor 5 3. Working with text 6 4. Interface textoy editor MS Word 7 5. Displays the document in the window 8 6. Editing and formatting text in MS Word 8 7. Text Wordart 10 8. Working with text fragments 11 8.1 Selection of text fragments 11 8.2 Actions with a fragment 12 9. Working with tables 12 9.1 Insert and format formatting 13 9.2 Adding and removal of boundaries 14 9 ...

    3263 words | 14 pp.

  • Interactive graphic systems

    Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Abstract on discipline: "Interactive graphic Systems B. information technologies "on the topic:" Full-featured graphic Applications, to create SVG-graphics, "performed: students of the 3rd course of the group of 71 Vafin A.D. Ermakova L.N. Checked: Poor Svetlana Gennadevna Samara 2010 Table of Contents: Introduction 3 Overview Software for SVG-graphics 5 Tools SVG 6 Pluses ...

    5275 words | 22 p.

  • MS Word text editor graphic features

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus Education Institutions "Gomel State University named after Francis Skorne" Abstract on the topic: Graphic Microsoft Word features: Students of the F-14 group. Kolyada A. and Volodkovich D. ...

    2991 words | 12 pp.

  • Text Editor Word.

    CAPABILITIES Textoy Editor MS Word. Text editor MS Word is designed for preparation of both simple documents, business letters, professional documentation and documents of large volumes with tables, formulas, graphs, drawings. To work with Microsoft Word, you need a Windows environment, since Word is a Windows application. After starting Word, a standard Windows program window appears on the screen, having a menu bar, toolbars, status bar and other main ...

    3937 words | 16 pp.

  • Text Information Processors

    Topic: "Processing processors textual information "student group teacher Moscow 2005 content Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1. Opportunities textic processors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Text editor MS-DOS EDITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Text editor WordPad. . . . . . . . . ...

    4757 words | 20 pp.

  • Functional features of graphic editors

    functionality graphic Systems for example graphic editors Adobe Photoshop, as well as CorelDRAW. Interface will be considered, talks about formats graphic Files and filters. The first chapter tells about computer graphics, its species, applications. The second chapter describes graphic editor Adobe Photoshop, its interface and opportunities, General information about the company Adobe Systems Inc. In the third chapter discusses in detail graphic editor CorelDRAW interface ...

    11261 words | 46 p.

  • Training Methodology Graphic Editor Adobe Photoshop in the Profile Informatics

    cities of Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Mathematical Faculty of Department of Informatics and Applied mathematicians thesis work on the topic of learning technique graphic editor Adobe Photoshop Profile English Profile Informatics in the specialty 050202.65 "Informatics" Female students of 5th courses of student in full-time education Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Informatics Department ...

    11872 words | 48 p.

  • Tools for the creation of complex text documents: MS Word

    comprehensive textic Documents: MS Word Faculty: Lecturer: Group: Marker for protection _____________ Student: Date of protection<__>_______2013 Novosibirsk 2013 1. Force: familiarization with functionality textic Processors ...

    750 words | 3 p.

  • Word text editor

    Microsoft Word Word - text editor , program for creating and processing textic documents allowing Browsing on the screen ready for printing the document without having to spend the paper on the test print. 1. Setting up the Word 1.1 window. Working with windows Microsoft Word multi-color organization allows you to simultaneously work with multiple documents, each of which is located in its own window. When you entered and edit text, the user works with an active document in an active window ...

    7471 words | 30 pp.

  • Analytical overview of text and visual editors

    State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Regional Humanitarian Institute Department of Informatics Analytical Overview textic and visual editors Course work on the computer science computer 4 courses Faculty of informatics ...

    5689 words | 23 pp.

  • Text information

    Processing economic information Coursework on the discipline "Informatics" on the topic "Modern technologies and means of processing textual Information "Moscow - 2009 Table of Contents Introduction 1. Textic Editors 1.1 Concept and general purpose 1.2 Types Textic Editors 2. Text EDITOR Microsoft Word 2.1 Composition of Windows 2.2 Features Microsoft Word 3. Working with information in Microsoft Word 3.1 Creating a document 3.2 Editing and ...

    1915 words | 8 pp.

  • Graphic File Formats 2

    Introduction Graphic The format is a write method graphic information. Graphic File formats Designed for storing images, such as photos and pictures. Knowledge of file formats and their capabilities is one of the key factors in computer graphics. Yes, today there is no such kaleidoscope of extensions, as in the early 90s, when each company-producer editors I considered the image to create your own file type with my duty, or even one, but this does not mean that "everything ...

    3226 words | 13 pp.

  • ICT Working Program in Trade Information

    2.2. Thematic plan and content of the learning discipline "ICT in processing textual information »Separation names and the content of the educational Material, Laboratory and Practical Work, Independent Works Student Volume Volume Master Master Level 02.01 ICT in processing textual Information 66 Topic 1. Enter and processing textic Data Conditions Curriculum 6 Set and Editing Text 2 Marking and Formatting Documents Saving, Copying and Reservation of Documents ...

    1693 words | 7 pp.

  • Text editors

    web site 5 1.1 Development of site structure 5 1.2 Creating a block diagram of site 5 1.3 Navigation 7 1.4 Site content and design 7 1.5 Website design 7 2. Selection of the program 8 2.1 Designer of Jimdo 9 sites 3. Technology for creating the site " Textic editors »11 CONCLUSION 18 List of references 20 Appendix 1 21 Introduction In this paper, it is considered rather new, promising and interesting topics associated with the technology of the future, namely with the Internet. Not a secret...

    1567 words | 7 pp.

  • Graphic editor for the development of logical thinking

    basics of use graphic editor As a means of developing the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren 1.1. Psychological and pedagogical features of younger school age 1.2. Features of the development of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren 1.3. Role and place graphic editor In the initial computer science 2. Using graphic editor Paint for the development of logical thinking of younger school age 2.1. Features of studying the topic " Graphic editor Paint "in elementary school ...

    5740 words | 23 pp.

  • Graphic editor

    Editor Paint. Graphic editor PAINT, which is included in the standard MS Windows 95 software, allows Using the "Mouse" manipulator, perform black and white and color drawings, framing them with text, print. In Paint, you can work with fragments graphic Images: Copy, move, rotate, resize, record on the disk and read from the disk. Using Paint you can handle graphic Images, as well as read and write to the file in whole or in part ...

    2081 words | 9 p.

  • Text processor

    Education Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education Volgograd Technological University (VolgGTU) Faculty of Preparation Engineering personnel (FPIK) Department "Computing Technique" Theme of the abstract: Text Processor Student Group: VTE-360 ...

    2602 words | 11 pp.

  • Text Information Processing Technologies

    CAPABILITIES Textic Processors ....................................... 6 2 Textic Editors ............................................................................. 9 2.1 Text editor Lexicon ................................................... 9 2.2 Text editor Word Pad ................................................... 10 2.3 Text editor WordPerfect ................................................ 10 2.4 Text editor Microsoft Word 6.0 ....................................... 11 2.5 Text editor NotePad ++ ................................................ ..12 2.6 Text editor Microsoft Word ...

    2517 words | 11 pp.

  • Text information

    Introduction in theoretical part of the work "Means and technology of processing textual Information »are considered textic editors and processors that serve for processing textual information. In the practical part of the work, a table was constructed according to the above form using the calculated formulas, and a statement was drawn up according to two tables. The indicators are calculated: balance at the end of the month in y. e. and rubles. A built histogram reflects the balance at the beginning and end of the month. The work is performed on the Intel PC (R) ...

    3101 words | 13 pp.

  • Photo Editors Photoshop and Paint

    motor Transport College "" Graphic editors Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Paint »Performed: M to Students Group: 1416 Head: I. V.A. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Main Part 5 Adobe Photoshop 6 Microsoft Paint 8 Comparative Table 11 Conclusion 12 Reference Literature 13 Internet Sources 13 Purpose: Explore graphic editors Photoshop and Paint, compare ...

    2393 words | 10 pp.

  • Graphic designers (for constructing schemes, diagrams, video

    economy »Subject:" Graphic Designers (for constructing schemes, charts, video) »Students Groups of the Faculty of Cipher: Head: Pskov, 2009 Content. Introduction ........................................................................ .. .... 3 Chapter 1. Computer graphics ............................................................. .. 5 1. Concept of computer graphics ....................................... 5 2. Graphic Formats ............................................. ...

    4586 words | 19 pp.

  • Graphic editor

    Plan-abstract lesson on computer science on the topic: " Graphic editors "1. Grade 2. Date: 01/27/2012 3. Topic of the lesson: Graphic editors . 4. Type of lesson: Study of the new topic of the objective of the lesson: - Help students get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe types graphic images, formats, programs for creating and editing images, give the basic concepts needed to work on the computer. - Education of the information culture of students, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perfection ...

    1378 words | 6 p.

  • "Text Information Processing Technology" in Informatics Main School

    teaching computer science "Technology processing textual Information »In the course of informatics of the main school Author: Ginetov E. V., Student 4" A " Course informatics department Head: Kovalenko I. N., teacher of the highest qualifying category Kamensk-Shakhtinsky 2010 Table of contents Introduction 3 Chapter. Technology processing textual information 5 1.1. Representation textual information in computer 5 1.2. Capabilities textic editors 9 1.3. Text Microsoft Word 12 chapter II. Technique ...

    8053 words | 33 p.

  • To use computers for graphic data presentation

    Introduction to the use of computer for graphic Presentations of data came in the mid-fifties in scientific and military purposes. Graphic The method of displaying data over time has become an inseparable part in computer systems. Computer graphics are graphics, that is, images that are created are converted, digitized, processed and displayed by means of computing equipment, including hardware and software. The first step in the technology of visual ...