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What to do if you dropped your phone in water or spilled liquid? How to save a phone that has fallen into water.

Have you ever left your phone in your pocket when it rained or forgotten to put it out while doing laundry? Have you ever dropped your phone in the sink?

There are many typical situations that result in water or other liquid getting into the phone, which subsequently, with a high probability, will lead to a complete or partial malfunction of your device. But one question remains - what to do if phone got wet and exposed to liquid?

I remember the first time I dropped my phone in the water. I did not know what to do and therefore I was not able to resuscitate my device.

It is worth noting that liquid getting into a mobile phone is one of the most dangerous situations for it, which may result in the purchase of a new device. But don't panic ahead of time. With a timely response, it can be saved and almost completely restored.

What to do if water gets into your phone:

1. Naturally, first you need to get it out of the water as quickly as possible. In this case, even fractions of a second are important. 20 seconds is enough for the liquid to completely penetrate the body of the mobile device. Of course, it all depends on what kind of phone you have. Some mobile devices are designed for use in harsh conditions and interaction with water does not threaten them. Considering that you have an ordinary mobile phone, you shouldn’t expect high tightness from it (water easily seeps through the small gaps of the case and keyboard).

2. Remove the battery as quickly as possible, even if your phone is turned off. This will prevent short circuits and concomitant electrochemical corrosion of board elements, processor and other microcircuits. In other words, the board and all its elements begin to rust and rot. The longer the corrosion occurs, the more difficult it is to restore your phone. After the battery is removed, wipe the phone's battery connector with a soft cloth or cotton wool. Under no circumstances turn off the device by simply pressing the button; the battery should be removed immediately!

3. Take out the SIM card. Sometimes telephone contacts are much more expensive than the device itself, and besides, I don’t think you should have much interest in restoring numbers. Wipe it with a cloth and put it to dry. The SIM card is practically impervious to water and will almost always remain operational, but there is no such thing as unnecessary safety net.

4. Disassemble your phone down to the last screw. Just don’t forget in what order you did everything, otherwise you’ll have to take it to the service center. Lay out all the parts on a soft cloth and leave to dry for a couple of days. For more efficient drying, you can use a hairdryer, but you should take into account the distance to the parts (when heated, some elements of the board can melt). You need to ensure that the air supplied by the hairdryer is at room temperature. You can also cover the parts with dry rice, they say it helps. Some companies produce special bags for drying devices (for example, Bheestie or Gadget Genie), which are several times more effective than rice, although they cost about $15. The best effect is achieved by properly drying the phone in a so-called ultrasonic bath, which is intended primarily for drowned phones. A special ultrasonic bath solution washes away the remaining salts and oxides that remain even after the device has completely dried. But not everyone has a “miracle bath” at home and therefore has to improvise.

5. If something other than water, such as juice or coffee, is spilled on the phone, you should rinse all parts with clean, preferably distilled water. The main thing is to prevent this kind of liquid from drying out, otherwise it will be very difficult to get rid of it even for masters from the SC. After washing, we leave the phone to dry for a couple of days.

6. After the phone and all its components have dried well, put it back together in the reverse order, insert the battery, pray and press the power button. Most likely, your phone will turn on safely and work if you have read and used these recommendations correctly. In some cases, when turning on and operating, the phone may behave strangely, which is direct evidence that you have not completely dried the parts and there is condensation left somewhere, which causes the device to “sausage convulsively” If, after all, your mobile device refused to turn on - you have a good reason to buy yourself a new phone.

Please note that you do all manipulations with your phone at your own peril and risk. If your phone is drowned, then any warranty will not apply to it.

If it was not possible to restore the device using these methods, you can take it to a service center, but you should not hide the “medical history” of your mobile phone - the technicians will in any case find out that water has got into the phone. Remember that not one of the methods will give you a 100% guarantee of restoring the “drowned man”. Take care of your mobile friend and never drop it into water (they don't like to take baths).

Probably each of us has at least once dropped a mobile phone into water or simply gotten it wet. For example, he put the phone together with his clothes in the washing machine, forgetting to take it out of the clothes, or he spilled some liquid on the phone (coffee, tea, juice), dropped it into a puddle, into a sink, or while on vacation into a lake or river. And in winter, cases often arise when the phone falls into a snowdrift or simply into the snow, but in order for the phone to stop working, just one drop of water is enough for it. And the point here is not the water itself, but the fact that water or moisture serves as an excellent electrical conductor, causing a short circuit of parts in the phone. As a result, the internal parts of the phone simply burn out.

But a short circuit of parts can only occur in one case, and that is if the phone is turned on after it gets wet. Otherwise, nothing will happen to him.

Therefore, in order to prevent the phone from burning out and return the phone to its previous working condition, you need to perform a few simple steps. Namely, the first thing is to immediately turn off the phone after it gets wet, or, if it was already turned off, then do not try to turn it on.

The second step is to prepare the phone for drying so that the phone is completely dry. To do this, you need to remove everything that can be removed from the phone, disassemble it, but in such a way that you can then reassemble it yourself. The first thing we do is remove the back cover, take out the battery (battery), if the battery is not removable, then naturally we leave the battery in place (the main thing is that it is de-energized - turned off). We take out the SIM card, memory card, remove all the plugs (the more holes appear, the better - for more air access).

Then, we leave the disassembled phone to dry, just at room temperature (just not in the sun, on a window, not on a hot battery or on any other heaters) for 2 - 3 days.

There are also good auxiliary and effective methods for drying the phone, which can be used as mandatory manipulations to save the device.

what to do if your phone falls into water

1 – put the phone in the rice and leave it in the rice for a couple of days. Rice groats perfectly absorb moisture and can remove all excess moisture from the inside of the phone.

what to do if your phone falls into water

2 – when the phone is already disassembled, you can dry it with a vacuum cleaner with a narrow tip nozzle, carefully vacuuming the inside of the phone for 5 - 10 minutes.

3 – You can also use a hair dryer. Just now the air flow of the hairdryer should not be hot, only cold, and use the hairdryer to dry the phone. An ordinary fan aimed at a disassembled or open phone for 20-30 minutes will also work. But then, don’t rush to turn on your phone, but let it sit for a couple of days alone, just to be safe. After using a hairdryer or fan, you can reassemble the phone by placing it in rice for a couple of days to lie in the rice.

If your phone did not immediately burn out after it got wet, and there was no short circuit in it, then after drying the phone will definitely work again, like new.

Personally, my phone fell into water. I just immediately removed the back cover, took out the battery, and left the phone open for a week in the room, during which it was completely dry. Then I turned it on and it worked as if nothing had happened. My phone still works 6 years after I took a swim.

what to do if your phone falls into water

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In emergency situations you need to act quickly and deftly. Knowing in advance what to do if your phone falls into water, you can “heal” your favorite device. It may suffer from your carelessness or inattention. People often leave their mobile phone in their jacket pocket when putting the item in the washing machine. Even more often, it falls into the toilet or into a washbasin with an open tap. An accident doesn't only happen when a phone is dropped into water. All it takes is one overturned cup of tea on your desktop for liquid to penetrate into the case, damaging the buttons or screen.

The main rule for saving a mobile device is to remove it from the liquid as quickly as possible. Moisture instantly penetrates into the connector for the charger, headphones and USB cable. The less time the phone has been in water, the greater the chance that it will work again after drying. After removal, be sure to turn off the mobile phone so that a short circuit does not occur.

If the phone was charging when it fell into the water, do not try to pick it up with your bare hands.

No matter how scared you may be, don't panic. Rash actions can permanently destroy your phone and cause damage to your health. If a mobile phone falls into water and is being charged from the mains, you may receive an electric shock when you try to remove it. Water is the best conductor for electricity. It is necessary to de-energize the entire apartment to avoid receiving an electric shock. Health and life are not worth saving the device. When removing, try not to press buttons or switches.

Procedure for rescuing touch and push-button devices

Immediately after removing the device, blot it with dry wipes or a dry towel. Then you need to remove the back panel and remove the battery. Some modern touch devices have a solid body, and without special screwdrivers the back cover cannot be removed. The chances of their salvation are slightly less. In the corner of the battery hole there is a small white indicator in the shape of a square or circle. It can be used to determine whether the mobile phone has been damaged by water. Damage is indicated by a pink tint of the indicator.

Remove the SIM card. This will help you save all or part of your contact numbers. The maximum amount of air should enter the device, so you need to release all connectors and remove the memory card. If there is protective film or glass stuck to the screen, it is advisable to remove it. Anything that can be unscrewed and unscrewed must be removed. The main thing is to know how to assemble a touchscreen phone after drying.

Drying the phone

Once you've figured out what to do if your phone falls into water, you need to know how to dry it safely. In order for the mobile phone to start working again, the moisture must not be blown out as far as possible, but, on the contrary, blown out of the case. This can be done using a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle. Turn on the lowest setting and blow through each hole and each removed part for 10 minutes. After sucking out the moisture, the chance that the phone will work again is very high. The main thing is not to lean the vacuum cleaner tube close to the connectors, maintain a distance of one centimeter.

Another surefire way to save a push-button or touch phone is to place it in rice grains. Rice absorbs moisture very well, which gives your mobile phone a chance to “recover.” A special absorbent material, which is found in small bags in shoe boxes or leather bags, is better suited. Pour the contents into a container and place your mobile phone in it for 48 hours. If it doesn't turn on after the specified time, try charging it (it might just be dead). If the phone still refuses to work, contact the service center.

You cannot use a hairdryer to dry your phone!

Errors when rescuing a mobile device

Many people immediately grab a hairdryer and start blowing a hot stream of air into all the holes, on the buttons, or simply on the touch screen. After such drying, the device may stop working forever.

Why can't you use a hair dryer?

  1. Too hot air can melt the thin plastic parts of the mobile phone.
  2. A powerful air flow blows droplets even further into the device body, which will lead to further corrosion of individual components.

The second mistake is trying to hold the device over gas, place it on a hot radiator, or use a microwave oven. The instructions for using mobile devices clearly indicate that overheating damages the battery and other parts.

The most difficult thing to save is the touch screen. If moisture has reached it, you will notice spots or stains. Most often, the sensor immediately stops working. Do not try to take the entire phone apart to clean the inside yourself. Without certain knowledge and skills, it will be impossible to complete this procedure. If the device works after it's completely dry, but the screen still has streaks or streaks, the part will likely need to be replaced.

Take your time and think sensibly. If your beloved phone falls into the water, you need to act as quickly and judiciously as possible. The faster you get rid of excess moisture, the less likely it is that water will penetrate under the touch screen or reach the internal elements of the phone, causing subsequent corrosion. If you strictly follow all the tips listed, your phone will work again.

Stores with mobile devices sell special bags for drying equipment. Every owner of a mobile phone, camera, player or tablet would do well to have a couple of these miracle bags at home. User reviews confirm that they absorb excess moisture as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Dropping a mobile phone into liquid is a fairly common cause of breakdowns. What to do if Most problems in the operation of this device begin with moisture getting inside. Of course, the severity of the breakdown will depend on the type of liquid, how long its contact with the microcircuits lasted and whether the mobile phone was turned on. Has your phone fallen into water and won't turn on? We will solve the problem promptly. When your mobile device decides to take a bath, the first things to suffer are the microphones, speakers and circuits. And the nature of the breakdown directly depends on the model and manufacturer.

What are the dangers of water getting into your phone? So, what awaits you: keyboard sticking; battery malfunctions; metal parts begin to rust; the screen flashes; the speaker wheezes, etc. In other words, if you do not take the necessary measures in the first minutes, then repairing your phone after water damage is inevitable. Why can't you turn on your cell phone? Water is known to be an excellent conductor for electricity. When you try to turn on the device, an electrical signal will be given, the water will pick it up and short-circuit all the microcircuits. This will happen and all the circuits will fail completely. You also need to remember that water is a good oxidizing agent, and with additional exposure to electric current, metal corrosion processes only intensify.

What to do if your phone falls into water? The first step is to remove the battery. Under no circumstances should you try to check if the phone is working by trying to turn it on. To remove liquid from the mobile phone body as efficiently as possible, you need to “unleash” it as much as possible: remove all panels, remove the battery, remove the SIM card and the additional one (flash card). It is not advisable to shake your mobile phone: some contacts may come off. The phone must be dried, but under no circumstances with hot air from a hair dryer. Hot will also not work. Under the constant flow of high temperatures, delicate microcircuits can begin to melt. Any hair dryer has cool air functions, so this is an ideal option. If it is not possible to dry it with an air stream, then you can place the device next to a working heating radiator.

What to do if your phone falls into water? The rule is the following. Many people have heard about the property of rice to absorb moisture, especially housewives. They know that the readiness of the grains is symbolized by their size, which increases by at least one and a half times due to water. The amount of moisture absorbed depends on the type of rice. We need a container with a lid. We pour regular rice into it and put the mobile phone from which the case has been removed. Close the lid and forget about it for a few days (at least). The rice will absorb the remaining moisture that remains in the phone even after trying to blow it out with a warm stream of air from a hairdryer. This is just one answer to the question “what to do if your phone falls into water.”

If after simple procedures the mobile phone does not work, then show it to the technician at the service center as soon as possible. He will determine the exact cause of the breakdown and try to bring the device back to life by replacing important parts.

If the phone drowns in water, this is not a reason to throw it away. In this article, “Ruformator” will tell you how you can resuscitate a “drowned man.”

One day it is quite possible to be left without your favorite mobile phone due to incidents related to water. It may get wet in the pocket of your jeans or jacket, it may fall out of your hands in a puddle, or you may be generously doused with a dirty shower by a guy passing by in an SUV.

"Ruformator" presents to your attention a translation of the article “How to quickly fix a cell phone or MP3 player damaged by water,” but warns that you use these methods at your own peril and risk.

Act quickly

The minute you discover that your phone has become a submarine, act without delay. Remove removable elements, if any. For example, memory card, SIM card, battery and back cover. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remove the touch screen - we will tell you how to do this a little later.

Using toilet paper or a thin cloth, wipe the gadget wherever possible; both outside and inside the phone - in general, wherever you can get it with a cloth (addition from Ruformator - cotton swabs will also do). If you don't do this quickly enough, the water may begin to evaporate and damage the internal components.

Theoretically, the phone can already work if it has not been in the water for long. If this is not the case, read on.

Quick drying

Now it's time for your phone to take a trip to the beauty salon. Dry your phone with a hairdryer, paying special attention to the battery compartment - it usually has tiny holes that allow water and air to pass through freely, but a Q-tip does not.

Warning: Do not hold the hair dryer too close to the phone! Maintain enough distance so that you can put your hand on the phone without getting burned. If you bring it closer, you will damage the circuits in the phone. Don't believe me? Bring a piece of paper close enough to the hairdryer and you will see a blurry brown spot. Do you want the same thing to happen to your phone?

If after 20-30 minutes the phone does not work, we will use plan C.

Long drying

This is the most difficult method for the most advanced cases - when the phone took a full bath (for example, falling into the toilet). Place it in the laundry pile or other very dry place in your home. It will also work next to the dryer or boiler. The idea is to keep the phone in a warm and dry place, but not too hot. Putting it on the battery, as is sometimes advised on forums on the Internet, is not worth it under any circumstances - it will not be difficult to damage the phone, which will become very hot from this. Moreover, the water inside will evaporate faster than necessary.

By keeping your phone in a dry and warm place, you allow the water to evaporate slowly and escape through the holes. Be sure to remove the battery and all other removable items.

Let's give some tips on this method:

  • Turn the phone over with the back side facing up. This will allow the water to evaporate easier and faster.
  • A room temperature of 20 degrees will be ideal.
  • Remove everything you can from your phone.

The chances of bringing your phone back to life using these tricks are 75%.

Let's say a few words about phones with touch screens. The risk is that moisture can damage the screen elements. However, many models have tiny screws on the back that will allow you to unclip the screen from the case and dry it. Don't forget - you do this at your own peril and risk!

Despite manufacturers' assurances that it is impossible to revive a phone that has been bathed, it is actually quite easy to do. Many people think that once water gets into the phone, they can throw it away. But a phone is just a collection of circuits and screws along with a screen. The main reason for device failure in the event of drowning is a short circuit. So the chances are always there, and quite high.