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All ways to log into the WordPress admin area. How to log into the WordPress admin panel - WordPress admin panel general overview

Every experienced admin knows how to get to his WordPress site in the control panel, but this question often arises for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this engine.

WordPress itself is very easy to understand, but we will still try to answer a number of questions that “green” administrators have.

More specifically, let's talk about how to log into the WordPress admin area.

To get into the admin control panel of your site, you need to go to the address, (where is the address of your site), after which you need to enter the login given to you when installing WordPress (by default - this is admin) and password. If the data was entered correctly, you will be taken to the admin control panel of WordPress. Here you can do whatever you want with your website: write notes, configure plugins, move widgets, etc.

If you cannot get into the admin control panel, then most likely you simply entered your data incorrectly, installed a security module, or your site was hacked. If your site is not very popular and could not interfere with anyone in principle, then the option of hacking should not be considered seriously, because breaking such a site is simply impractical. Most likely, you simply entered the data incorrectly, so try restoring data via email using standard functionality.

If, when you try to get to the address, nothing happens at all, then the admin panel address has been changed to another using one of the plugins designed to provide protection. One of these plugins is WordPress Paranoja-401, which is designed to protect the WordPress engine from XSS attacks and password guessing (the plugin creates double password protection for logging into the admin panel). Such a plugin can create a different login address, for example, By the way, if your site needs protection, then you can get the plugin described above and install it on your site at the URL:

How to log into the WordPress admin area when using this plugin can be found in its documentation.

Where to store passwords for WordPress, how to change the administrator password in the control panel

As for us, the most reliable option for storing passwords is the Kipasa program, the database of which can be stored on the cloud in Dropbox. Actually, you can get Kipasa at the URL:, and you can create an account in Dropbox through the address:

We recommend changing the admin username to something else to make it much more difficult for hackers to find your admin login information. Even if you have nothing to steal, the site can be hacked using the streaming method, after which it will be infected with a virus. As a result, your site will turn into a puppet (doorway). Note that you won’t be able to directly change the WordPress password due to the specifications of the engine, but you can do it a little more cunningly: create an additional user with administrator rights, and then simply delete the old one.

To do this, you need to select “Users” – “Add” in the admin panel, and then fill out the form that opens, in which you need to enter a new login, password, and email address. In the last item “Role”, be sure to select “Administrator”. After this, you will have to exit the WordPress admin panel, which can be done in the upper right corner of the admin panel. Now you will have to log in to the admin panel, but under your new login, and if everything was done correctly, the login will be successful.

We use the phpMyAdmin control panel to log in to the admin and create a small php file that can change the login password

This option becomes relevant when it is not possible to restore data through the “login”. You probably came across phpMyAdmin during the WordPress installation process. Actually, phpMyAdmin stores all the data about your site and users. Select the database that is used on your WordPress site; We also note that the database also contains tables comments, posts, usermeta and others. You also need to open wp_users, where you need to open your credentials and change them to others. Important: when changing your password in the user_pass line, you need to select the MD5 function.

You can also create a small PHP file that can change the password for logging into the admin control panel. To do this, open your Notepad++ and enter the following:

add_action("init", "my_password_recovery");
function my_password_recovery() (
$user = get_user_by("login", "new login");
wp_set_password("new password", $user->ID);

Here, instead of “new login” and “new password”, you need to enter the relevant data. After this, through any ftp client you need to access the root folder of the site (you need to log in with your hoster credentials); Next, find the wp-content directory and go to the mu-plagins folder. If such a folder does not exist, then create it and place the previously created file with the above contents. Note that you can “name” it whatever you want, but the main thing is that the file at the end has the extension .php.

Now you need to try going to the admin area of ​​your site and entering a new username and password. After this, as a rule, everything will start working, but just do not forget to delete this file so that it does not slow down the resource. If all the above options do not suit you, then you should ask your hoster for help - maybe the problem is a malfunction of some functions, and therefore you cannot log in. We hope that now you will not have any questions about how to log into the WordPress admin area.

From the author: WordPress admin panel. For some of you, this is a painfully clear site control panel. Even if they wake you up at 3 am, you will have no problem showing what is there and how it works. But among our readers there are also beginners, for whom this simple panel may seem like the control panel of a space shuttle. But in reality everything is much simpler, let’s figure it out today.

WordPress admin login

But before we move on to analyzing the capabilities of the admin panel, let's look at how you can access it in general. I still remember the day when I bought my first website, it was on WordPress. The seller gave me all the necessary logins and passwords. I looked at all this for 5 minutes, and then asked him a question: “Well, how can I access the site?”

The seller laughed a little, but then took pity on the teapot and wrote a response:

Yeah, that's it! It was a complete revelation for a person who barely understands what an engine is, and who actually heard the word “Wordpress” for the first time today.

But WordPress greeted the menu in an unexpectedly friendly manner, deciding not to torment the newcomer with any complex terms and instructions, showing a menu that was quite understandable even for a complete dummie. Today we will look at this very menu, which is also called the admin panel, in as much detail as possible!

But for now I’ll make a small digression. In general, aren’t you embarrassed by the fact that anyone can come into your admin area? Then he can start bombarding her with his attempts to enter a login and password. By the way, I hope that your login is not admin, and that you chose a password that is more or less complex.

But still, such protection is not enough. It is advisable for you to limit the number of attempts for incorrect input, or even move the admin panel to another address. The first option is very easy to implement using a plugin. We show an overview and configuration of such a plugin in. I advise you to take a look, because in addition to this there are a lot of useful recommendations.

Home page

So, in order to keep things simple, I’ll show you right away what the WordPress admin panel looks like:

I opened one of my sites on a local server. There are no additional plugins installed that would expand the panel, so it looks like this. What it should look like immediately after installing the engine.

By the way, you can easily change the color scheme of the panel. In the upper right corner you can see the inscription “Hello, your login”. Point and click on the “Edit Profile” button. There you can choose a different color scheme. Personally, I constantly change colors, the same thing gets boring. It's like changing your desktop image. In general, choose the most pleasant color scheme for you and we will begin to explore the admin panel.

Actually, the panel itself, as you can see, is on the left. Its first point is the Console. This contains a link to the main page of the console, where we are already in the screenshot above.

What do we see on the main page? Everything that WordPress considers necessary to show you. For example, the “In Visible” block is very useful; I recommend that you leave it visible so that you can always see the number of posts and comments on the site.

The “Welcome” block will be useful only for beginners. It gives you a tour of the basics of working with the engine and helps you easily complete your first steps with the site. If you are an advanced user, you can turn this block off.

The next “quick draft” block will be very useful for those who like to make a lot of drafts of notes, and only then finish the article to a normal state, when they can collect more information.

The home page also displays the latest activity on your site - the latest posts published, as well as scheduled posts, if any. In addition, there is a news block, although everything in it is in English, but you can find out certain useful things. For example, through this block I just learned that WordPress 4.6 is coming soon. Well, let's wait!

In addition, in the Console item there is a link to the updates page. This is a general page on which the engine will notify you about all updates to the engine itself, plugins, themes and translations. On the same page you can update all the necessary components.


Great, let's go ahead and look at the “Records” item. Here you can manage everything that is somehow related to records. That is, view them, create new categories, tags, and the entries themselves, of course. On the All Posts page, you can see a complete list of published and scheduled posts, as well as your drafts and deleted posts. This list displays 20 entries per page.

I would like to note that the entry must be placed in some category. If there are no categories on your site yet, then it will fit the one created by default. Therefore, before filling your site with content, I recommend sitting down and thoroughly thinking through the structure of the project, its headings, then creating them and placing information in them.

A shortcut is an identifier by which you can access all entries in a category via a URL. For example, if the category label is html, then all its entries can be viewed at:

A category can also be nested. Let me give you an example. Let's say you have a general html topic, but this is a global topic regarding markup language as a whole. In it you can create subcategories. For example: html tags – html history – layout and html, etc. Then they will need to specify html as the parent category.

It is not necessary to fill out the description; anyway, it will most likely not be displayed by default; to do this, you will have to slightly change the template code.

Tags are created in the same way, but there is one difference. Tags are an optional attribute of posts - they can be used or not.

Okay, let's take a closer look at how to add an entry. This is the page that awaits you when you click on adding a new entry:

In principle, the interface is as beginner-friendly as possible. WordPress offers us 2 modes in which you can write text. The first is visual. I recommend using it for beginners, those who do not know the basics of html. Another advantage of this mode is that you can almost immediately see how everything will look in the end.

The “Text” mode is worth choosing if you are already a little familiar with html tags. Personally, I like this mode better, because you can freely use any tags in it, WordPress will not overwrite them. Of course, in this mode you cannot see in real time what the text looks like, but you can do this using the “Preview” button.

Actually, the WordPress editor is very simple and convenient. Here you can manage the visibility of a post, schedule its publication, manage its status, set categories and tags. By the way, you can easily create new categories on the same page.

Many widgets are simply not displayed on the screen because they are less important. You can enable them using the “Screen Settings” button, which is located at the very top. This is where we will finish with the notes; we have more or less covered this point.

Media files

Here you can add a new file or view those that have already been downloaded in the library, as well as change their parameters. To do this, click on the desired file.

For pictures, as you can see, you can set an alternative test, description, title and signature. Of all this, only the signature will be directly displayed on the web page if you write it down. Files can be easily deleted.

Media files include images, audio recordings and videos. These are the files you can upload to WordPress. Usually I don’t go to this item at all, but add all the necessary media files directly when writing a post using the “Add media file” button.


There is nothing interesting here, you just can see a list of all pages and add a new one. It is added in the same way as an entry. The page is different in that it usually displays static information that is not directly related to the topic of the site.

The page can be, for example, a site map, author biography, contact information, feedback page, rules, terms of cooperation, etc.


Actually, on this page you can see all the comments on your site, edit, reject them, mark them as spam, etc. The commenting settings themselves are configured elsewhere.

Depending on your settings, you will still have to moderate comments when you receive them. I'll tell you honestly that if you leave everything as it is, you will receive a lot of spam. How to get rid of it is another matter; any anti-spam plugin will help you here.

For example, you can set it up so that only the first comment from a user requires approval. Then all his further comments will not need to be approved. Or you can set it to require admin approval for all comments.

In this case, you will have to deal with the issue of moderation much more often. If you have a large website, you can even hire a person who will be responsible for this matter.


This paragraph contains a lot of subparagraphs. For example, you can manage WordPress themes. At this point they can be installed and switched.

The “Customize” item, in turn, has a lot of simple settings for the appearance of the site. For example, here you can set a title and description, an icon, a general background color or image, a logo, add a menu, and change widgets.

Again, these opportunities may not exist. It depends on the template itself and on its developer - whether he included the appropriate customization options in the theme or not. There’s not much to explain here; it’s best to learn by directly practicing operating the engine. It is best to do this on a local server.

The Widgets, Menu, Header, Background items contain almost the same functionality as the “Customize” page, but allow you to deal with one component on a separate page.

I would especially like to note the “Editor” item. It allows you to change the code of the php files of the active theme, as well as the style file, directly from the admin panel. I don’t recommend beginners to go here, but if you understand php, html and css, then this will be a convenient opportunity for you to quickly fix or add something, because you don’t need to connect via ftp or go to the hosting to change files.


WordPress is a great engine, but it wouldn't be half as good if it weren't for the plugins that make it look like a piece of cake. So, you can install, activate and deactivate plugins on this page.

It also has its own editor, which allows you to edit the plugin code. But this is also for advanced users who are fluent in PHP.


Another feature of WordPress is to easily add new users, as well as delete them and change their rights. To add a new user, you need to fill out the following form:

For example, you want to hire someone to work on a website. For example, he will write new entries. It would be convenient if he did not do this in Word, but immediately wrote it in the engine editor, so that you, as an administrator, would not have to publish these records yourself.

Accordingly, you must also select the capabilities of the new user. For example, if you specify “Author,” the user will be able to add and edit his own entries, but his rights are limited to this; he cannot touch other people’s entries. This is exactly the ideal role for a hired copywriter.


Here I already have a little more points, since earlier I apparently installed a couple of plugins that added new tools. In general, the default tools here are import and export of your posts, categories, tags and comments and an xml file.

This is a fairly convenient option; it allows you to very quickly export data and then upload it, for example, to a local server. There you can change them and download them back. True, to import you will need to install the official plugin from the developers.

You can familiarize yourself with the remaining tools by clicking on the “All tools” link.


Finally we come to the last point of the admin panel. It could take a very long time to describe it, but I will try to talk only about the most basic and necessary settings.

Actually, there may be much more items here; they will appear after installing new plugins. As you can see, I already have the corresponding items for 2 new plugins.

In general settings, in principle, there is nothing to explain. Here you can set the time zone, date format, name and description of the site, and language. In general, everything is very basic and basic.

Writing. There are no particularly important settings here. You can set up publishing via e-mail, I personally have not done this. You can insert a list of ping services into the very last field. Many people say that this way you can speed up the indexing of a new page. I don’t know how relevant this is for RuNet, you can find a list of sites and paste them here.

Reading. And here we have very important settings.

In particular, you must choose what will be displayed on the main page, how many posts will be displayed on 1 page of the blog, as well as in the RSS feed. It is not recommended to display more than 30-40 entries on a page, as then it will be too heavy.

If you have set up broadcasting of publications via RSS, then I recommend that you display only the announcement of the post in them, and not the full text, so that thieves cannot steal your texts through the feed.

Finally, there is a checkbox that allows you to disable site indexing. But WordPress itself does not guarantee its operation. If you have already decided to close the site completely from indexing, then in addition to this checkbox you will need to take other measures.

Discussion. It is also very important to set up a discussion on your site. There are a lot of settings here, so we won’t go into detail; you can figure them out yourself. The main choice you have to make is to allow people, after one approved comment, to write others without the need for approval, or to manually approve absolutely every comment except your own? Here you must decide for yourself what to do.

Media files. Here you can set default sizes for thumbnails, as well as specify maximum sizes for medium and large images.

Permanent links. Here you must choose how exactly the URLs will be generated. I strongly recommend that you use the option – Post Title. Or customize your own based on the prompts. For example, so that the category label is also shown in the URL.

That’s all, we’ve looked at the standard WordPress settings, there’s absolutely nothing complicated about them. The last button that is in the panel is the menu collapse button. You can click and see how the appearance changes. Personally, I prefer the expanded menu.

Well, we’ve looked at all the features of the WordPress admin area; the rest will be added depending on what templates and plugins you install. With this, I say goodbye to you and wish to continue studying WordPress, because there is nothing complicated in this engine. We have many premium lessons and 2 good courses on wordpress, you just need to start your training and you will quickly grow from a beginner to a professional.

In addition, you can log into the admin panel of the Ready-made solution on the CMS by link sent to contact e-mail after ordering the service.

Please note that when you change your password through the CMS admin panel, it will not change on the “Information about enabled services and access passwords” page, but will remain the original one. It will be impossible to log in using the old password.

I changed my password and forgot it, can I reset it?

To restore access to the CMS admin panel, use the following articles:

How to log into the Ecwid online store in a ready-made Wordpress solution

If you already have an ordered Ecwid online store service on another hosting, when you try to enter the control panel through the position “Ecwid online store for your domain” you will be taken to the previous store edit menu. To work with the service “Ecwid online store in a ready-made Wordpress solution”, use the instructions below.

Make sure you have ordered the service Ready-made Wordpress solution with Ecwid online store. If the service is not available, order it according to the instructions.

Login to the ordered service is carried out through the Wordpress administrative panel. To log into the Ecwid online store and make the necessary changes:

To log into the Ecwid online store after the initial setup, repeat steps 1 - 5 of these instructions.

How to edit Ready-made solutions on a CMS?

Changes to a ready-made website on a CMS are made through the CMS admin panel. You can get to the site control panel according to the instructions above.

Website specialists do not provide support for editing websites on a CMS. You can get all the necessary information on official websites and thematic forums:

  1. WordPress:

It provides a complete description of the entire installation process of this engine with images. And in this review, I will try to touch on the main menu elements of the admin panel itself. Where you will spend most of your time. The article is informative and will help novice users navigate the interface in the initial stages. And so let's get started!)

The content of the article:

How to log into the WordPress admin area - admin area address and login fields

After installing WordPress! Any novice webmaster needs to become familiar with the main menu elements of this content management system. The first thing we will start with is logging into the admin part of the site. You can log into the admin panel using the following links: http://your_site/wp-admin/ or http://your_site/wp-login/

  1. In this field you must indicate your username or e-mail, exactly the ones you entered at the end of the CMS installation.
  2. Password input field.
  3. Be sure to check the “Remember me” box.
  4. Click "Login"
  5. If you have forgotten your password, then you need to click on the “Forgot your password?” link. Next, enter the mailbox address that you specified when installing the engine. You will then receive an email with information to reset your password.

WordPress site admin - description of the main sections of the site administrator

If you managed to log into the site admin area, then everything is fine and the instructions described above were useful. I hope that you did not have to recover your panel password. After logging in, you will see the main page that looks like this:

Let’s move on directly to the description of the main sections of the site’s admin area.
1. Console— contains additional tabs “Home and Update”. Home - a working window with basic functionality for getting started. In this window you can observe changes on your site. The window also has the following functions:

  • Draft - quick publication.
  • News - Basic WordPress news.
  • Activity - actions performed on the site.
  • Visible - published (posts, comments, pages).
  • Site settings - go to the site settings page.
  • Setting up menus and widgets - go to the corresponding pages with settings.
  • About Page - Create a first page with your bio.
  • View Site - Directs you to the home page of your site.
  • Learn more - directs you to the main page of the CMS.

2. Update- Responsible for updating the entire system. Also in it, you can update: Themes, plugins and translations for your WordPress installation.
3. Media files - contains the “Media Library” and adding a new media file. In this tab you can upload and edit your images. In the latest versions of the engine, it has become possible to download audio and video files.

Popular sections of the site control panel

4. Pages— contains a window with all the pages of the site. In this tab you can create, edit and delete pages for the site. You can save unfinished pages as a draft.

A page is a static element of the site and is accordingly suitable for (site maps, about me, contacts, contents, galleries, etc.)

Hi all! Congratulations, the moment has arrived! If you have created your own website, or ordered it from a specialist, the day has come when it is ready, it is in front of you, and now the most interesting work will begin! The first thing a beginner needs to know is how to log into the WordPress admin area.

WordPress admin login links:
or with your domain)

Even if your page only loads, where is your website, logging into the admin panel is easy. Enter the magic phrase into your browser and you will be taken to the resource access page. Now you will need to enter your username and password in the form that will open on the page.

There is an alternative way. On WordPress, you can also see the entrance to the admin panel using this link

It's worth remembering these simple tips if you plan to periodically clear your browser history, clear your cookies, or work on your project from different computers. Because each time you will have to go through this procedure of logging into the control panel again.

Can't log into the site admin?

  1. It may be that the login link has been changed. This is done by the developer to improve protection. If you once changed your login link, you will need to change it through the Database or try writing to hosting support.
  2. You could have been hacked and you need to either restore access via email or do a site rollback (backup). As a result, always change your login information (Login and Password). To restore access to the site, try these

How do I find out my login username and password?

This is the same data that you provided when installing WordPress on your hosting. If you ordered this work from a specialist, he should provide you with this information. Often this is the standard login “admin” and the matching password “admin”. Therefore, in order to avoid hacking in the future, when your website becomes popular, replace your login and password with new ones, making sure to keep this data with you. Even if you think that it is not of particular interest to a hacker, it happens that web pages fall into the stream and become infected with viruses. Therefore, it is worth thinking about safety in advance.

In order not to remember your new login and password every time you log into the site, and not to enter them again, I recommend checking the “Remember” box. This is especially true when your password is alphanumeric and uses additional characters. If you save them in this check block, then when you get to the login page in the admin panel, you will automatically be able to enter the page - just click the “Login” button.

Now you know how to log into the WordPress admin area, and you can manage the resource by adding media files, categories and articles, work with widgets and install plugins.

Just in case, if you have lost your login and password information (if you installed the site yourself on hosting and provided a working e-mail), then look in your mail for a letter with an active login link, this information will be there.