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Email mail - registration, choosing an email address, how to enter your mailbox and how to view incoming letters on your page. How to register your E-mail address (e-mail)? Standard Gmail program

The electronic mailbox today is almost an obligatory attribute of a modern city dweller. It is a very convenient tool for both business life and leisure. On email you can send or receive documents, photos, audio and video clips small size... Without it, it will not be possible to register on social networks classmates, Vkontakte, Facebook or other website, or to receive services on state portals or services. Registration of e-mail usually does not raise any special questions, but nevertheless, there are still users for whom it is difficult. As a rule, these are pensioners and elderly people. Especially for them, I will tell you in detail how to create an email to, Yandex rambler or google.

So, the e-mail registration procedure itself consists of the following stages:

1.enter personal data

It implies entering the surname, first name. Age and gender. Also, I would strongly recommend that you provide your contact number. mobile phone... This will allow you to quickly restore access if attackers steal your credentials in some way.

2. come up with a name for the e-mail box

A complete email address consists of two parts:
Everything up to the dog sign is the name of the box that you come up with. Everything after is the name of the mail service on which your e-mail is registered.

The mailbox name must be unique within the same mail service (read server). If the name that you have invented is already taken, the system will offer you other available options.

3. come up with a password

Many users do not pay due attention to this point. But in vain. It is a simple password that is the reason for hacking e-mail in 90% of cases. Email password must be an arbitrary set of characters not shorter than 8 (or better than 10) characters and consist of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. In this case, it is better to use both lowercase and uppercase letters. By the way, never store your email password in text files on your desktop.
After the registration of the mailbox is completed, the browser will automatically redirect you to it. Now you can safely use the created email for personal or business correspondence.

4.confirm your details

A dozen years ago, in order to create an email for yourself, it was enough just to fill in the required fields with a first and last name. And not necessarily your own, you can also invented. Now everything is gradually changing towards mandatory personalization. Today, in most cases, confirmation is already required with the help of an SMS-code, which will come to the phone you specified. On the other hand, it is a convenient tool for restoring access to e-mail if you accidentally forgot your password or hacked it. If you are a law-abiding citizen, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Let's look at step by step how to make a mail to example of three the most popular postal services in Russia.

Registration in Google mail

We go to the most popular mail service in the world from Google - (gmail or jmail).

Click on the "Create an account" button. A window for entering registration data will open:

Here you must indicate your name and surname.
Below you will need to come up with a "Username" (email address) and a password used in the future in order to go to Google mail.
Next, you will need to indicate your date of birth, gender, mobile phone number and a spare email address (if any). The last two points are needed in order to help restore access to the mailbox if it is hacked or you forget your password.
It remains only to enter the verification text from the picture and agree to the terms.

Click on the "Go to Gmail Service" button to open the service interface.

That's all, the Google mailbox has been successfully created and you can work with it - send and receive letters.

By the way, the created email, or rather the mailbox name, will be used as a single login on all Google services - YouTube, Google drive, Maps, Blogger, Play Market.

Creating an email address

This is perhaps the oldest email service in Russia. To get an email address - go to the site of the same name and click on the "Register" button in the left corner of the screen:

Then the following page will open:

Enter data about yourself - Name, Surname, date of birth, place of residence and gender.
Then, you will need to come up with a mailbox name and password to it. By the way, the service allows you to select one of the server domains - besides @, @ list.r u, @ and @ are also available.
For the opportunity quick recovery access to mail, it is desirable to indicate your mobile phone number.
Click on the "Register" button.
After that, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code on your phone, which must be entered in the window that appears:

Enter the number from SMS and click on the "Finish" button. If the code is correct, you will be transferred to the successfully created mailbox

From here you can send and receive letters. Here you will also have access to the IM-client [email protected].

Yandex email

The largest Russian search engine also has an excellent mail service. To register your Yandex mail e-mail, you need to home page search engine, in the upper right corner, click on the link "Create mail".

The registration form will open:

Here everything is the same as in the previous services - we register the Name and Surname, come up with the name of the Yandex mailbox and indicate the mobile phone number.
Click on the "Get Code" button. An SMS will be sent to your phone, the code from which will need to be entered in the field below, after which a checkmark will appear that the phone has been successfully confirmed.
Click on the "Register" button. As in the case of Google, the created account will be the same for other search engine services - Maps, Market, Pictures, Video, Music, etc.

Authorization on the web service seems to be an unpretentious operation. I typed in the login (aka e-mail address), typed in the password, clicked the "Login" button - and you're done. On the display is a personal page. As it should be.

Yes, that's right, that's right. But there are still some useful nuances of logging into the service that can be useful to owners of computers and mobile devices. Read more about how you can log into the service email in this article. on a computer

If you go to the mail several times a day or work with it constantly during the working day, create a bookmark in your browser for quick access to the service.

V Google chrome it's done like this:

1. Open the main page of the web portal.

2. Right-click on an empty space in the top panel (it is located under the address bar).

3. In the contextual list of functions, click "Add page".

4. After activating this command, the icon will appear in the top panel. To quickly go to the site, click on it once with the left button.


Login to the mail is carried out in a special panel located under the logo:

1. In the first field, enter your username. Change if necessary Domain name in the drop-down menu: c @, for example, @ (if you registered a mailbox with this name).

2. In the bottom field, type your password.

3. To open a profile, click on the "Login" button.

Note. Personal page in social network the web portal is located in the "My World" section (top menu of the account).


Setting up a mode for working with multiple accounts boils down to the following:

1. After logging into the first account, click the login at the top right.

2. In the drop-down block, click "Add mailbox".

3. In the form that appears, enter the login and password of the second account. Click Sign In.

4. To enter the second account via login, open the profile panel again and click on the block with its address.

Attention! This way you can add third-party service profiles to your account. For example, Yandex, Gmail.

Browser addons

For real-time monitoring of incoming correspondence in e-mail, use the Checker addon. It can be connected to the browser in the official app store.

After installing the add-on checker, click on its icon in the web browser panel to read the received messages.

The setting panel is opened by clicking on the "wrench" button.

In it, you can configure the time interval for checking new letters, the sound alert signal. Remember to click the Save button after changing the options.

Mail.Ru agent

"Agent" is a standalone web portal messenger. Allows you to correspond with addressees without going into the profile on the site.

To install and run "Agent" on your PC, follow this guide:

1. On the main page, under the login form, click the link " Agent".

2. On the panel that opens, uncheck the box "Install Amigo and additional services"(Mandatory! Otherwise, the messenger will be installed along with additional software).

3. Click on the green "Download" button.

4. Install the downloaded distribution kit. Start the messenger.

5. To enter your personal profile, enter your username and password in the "Agent" window, and then click "Login".

Note. To set additional connection parameters (select protocol, socket, proxy), click the "Settings" option at the top of the window.

Mobile applications

(on the example of Android OS)
To use on mobile device, you need to go to the application market (depending on the device used - Google play or App Store) and install special application... This procedure is performed as follows.

Creation of a mailbox - an electronic address (E-mail).

On the Internet, it is referred to as an electronic address (E-mail). Probably, there are almost no users on the Internet who do not have their own email address.

Here are a few jargon as e-mail is called on the Internet: e-mail, e-mail, e-mail, e-mail, and even "Soap", and much more.

What will give you the creation of your E-mail address - first of all, it is the ability to exchange various information (text, tables, photographs, programs and much more) at any distance in a short time using your e-mail (E-mail). Having created your E-mail, you can use it to communicate with friends and relatives who are far away from you, you can also use it for official correspondence and exchange of office documents.

Now a few words about e-mail itself - this is one of the very first and demanded services on the Internet. E-mail appeared a long time ago and is constantly being improved, providing its users with more and more opportunities. In order to use e-mail you need to create your E-mail. It is created on special e-mail servers, there are a lot of them now.

Now let's move on to the very methods of creating an electronic mailbox (E-mail address).

1. Free services for creating an electronic mailbox (E-mail)
There are many services on the Internet that offer to create your own E-mail address for free. Here are some of the largest free services:
* mail to - to register, go to the service website;
* mail to - to register, go to the service website;
* mail to - to register, go to the service website;
* mail to - to register, go to the service website.

Registration on these services free mail very simple. You just need to find the link "Registration in the mail", follow this link, fill in the required fields and you can use your e-mail.

2. Corporate mail
Corporate email is also free, but slightly different from free services. Only an employee of the company that owns it can have a corporate mailbox. If you work in a company that has a corporate mail, you can get yourself an E-mail address. To do this, contact the specialist who is responsible for the work of e-mail.

Here it is necessary to take into account that if you are going to leave the company where you have a corporate box, then you will simply lose it. Therefore, if the company's regulations do not oblige you to have a corporate mailbox, then it is better to use the first item to register your email address on free services.

3. Own mail or complete freedom of action
Your own mail is not the ultimate dream, but the routine of today's Internet. For example, your name is Ivanov Ivan, and create a mail like ivan @ivanov .ru- You can do it without any difficulty.

To do this, you need to register a domain and, after registering in the domain settings in the domain control panel, set up mail. Also, with the help of one button you can configure on your domain:
* Gmail or Yandex mail
* Blog at
* Enable Google Talk for domain
* Make the domain a blog
* Attach the domain to your page in Mirtesen or to the Ucoz system

For more information on all the possibilities of managing your own domain, see the page.

The section my page is entered through the main site -

From here you can directly access the following sections:

  • My world
  • Email
  • classmates

In order to get into e-mail, click on the text "Mail":

After that, a list of your recent correspondences will open:

After checking your inbox, you can also send a message, delete unnecessary ones, and perform other actions in your inbox.

Recover password mail ru

If for some reason you do not remember your password from mail or lost it, or maybe you were hacked, then there is a way out, if you indicated and confirmed the phone number during registration, then you can do password recovery in just a couple of steps, or additional mail , if you did not specify a phone number or mail, then it will be a little more difficult to do, but it is still possible, the main thing is to enter the data during registration and not forget them, because you will need them during recovery. (You can save the data to a notepad and store it on a computer, flash drive). Now we do as I write to you and look at the pictures. To get started, go to the entrance to your mailbox and click on "Forgot your password":

Now we indicate the mail to which you have lost access (Password) and click restore:

If you did not indicate the phone number (Additional mail) when registering, or let's say if your mail was installed Two-factor authentication, then you will have to recover the password according to the standard scheme, just enter the data that you entered when registering an account and click "Send" (In some cases, support mail ru may request additional data) and wait for a response to the mail that you specified when sending your data , picture below:

If you indicated the phone number (Additional mail) during registration, then literally in a couple of steps you will recover the password to your mailbox, instead of the form you see in the picture above, there will be such a form if you specified additional mail:

Enter the captcha and click restore. Your additional mail, which you specified during registration, will receive an email to reset your password. And now if you specified the phone number during registration, you will see the following form:

Well, here in general everything is simple, your phone number, which you indicated during registration, will be indicated here, enter the captcha and click "Get code by SMS". You will receive a password recovery code on your phone, by entering which, you will be prompted to enter a new password for your mail and after which you can safely enter it.