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How to increase the font in 1c enterprise 8.2. Fast scaling forms

Doctors argue that a long stay at the monitor is harmful to the eyes - there is a risk of developing chronic fatigue and impairment. Accountant spend most of the working time at the computer. How to enlarge the font in 1C to do the job more secure read in this article.

There are two main approaches in order to increase the font in 1C:

  1. Increase the font in the settings of your operating system. In this case, an increase in the font will occur not only in 1C, but also in all other programs and applications;
  2. Increase the font directly to 1C. This method is suitable for programs on 1C 8.3 platform.

The first way will increase the font globally: it will become more in all Windows windows, in all programs in which you work, in Word, Excel applications, in the mail, Skype, and so on. It is not always necessary, because the font is different everywhere, and the need to increase it may occur not for all programs and windows, but for a specific 1C. In addition, all programs will increase not only the font but also the scale of windows, and this can lead to displacement of useful information beyond the usual boundaries. All these factors can adversely affect the visual perception of the image and working with programs.

In our article, we will tell how to increase the font by both ways.

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Increase in 1C 8.3 Font all windows

In the 1C programs on the platform 8.3, increase the font simply. To do this, click on the arrow in the upper left corner of the screen (1), select the "View" (2) menu and click on the "Cancel" link (3). The settings window opens.

In the window that opens, zoze the scale to a comfortable (4) and click the "Install for All" button (5). With an increase in scale in the program 1C 8.3, the font will change proportionally. Changed setting will be valid for all windows of the program 1C.

Increased font in Programs 1C 8.3 Trade Management 10.3, 1C 8.3 Complex Automation, 1C 8.3 ZUP is being made in the same way.

Increase the selective font in 1C 8.3

In 1C 8.3, you can increase the font not for the entire program, but selectively, for individual windows. To do this, go to the window or document (1) in which you want to increase the font, click on the arrow in the upper left corner of the screen (2), select the "View" (3) menu and click on the "Change" link (4). The settings window opens.

In the window that opens, set the desired scale (5) and click on the cross in the upper right corner (6). Now the selected document will always be opened in a modified scale. In the same way, you can configure the font in 1C 8.3 for any windows and documents.

Increase the font for 1C 8.2

In the program on the 1C 8.2 platform, there is no such fast way to increase the font, as in 1C 8.3. To increase the font in 1C 8.2, you need to change the screen settings of your operating system. This will increase the font in all programs, applications and windows in which you are working.

To configure the screen, right-click on your desktop and click on "Screen Resolution" (1). The screen settings window opens.

The default settings window sets the "fine" (3). To increase the font, select the value "medium" (4) or "large" (5). To save the setup, click "Apply" (6). Now the font will increase in all your programs, including 1C.

Many users are often faced with the situation when in the menu and windows 1C font too small. Some are trying to solve this problem by reducing the resolution of the entire screen, but this method has one undesirable effect, the font increases not only in 1CBut in the entire Windows system. This method is inconvenient, which is why we will consider with you a more correct decision of this situation.

Where to increase the font in 1c?

So, now we will increase the font in 1C to the size you need, it is worth noting that this method is received only for databases 1C 8.2 which run in the launch mode. Normal Appendix 1C. To begin with, we go into the configurator, on the left side in the object tree, click on the "+" and open the "General" twig, then we will be interested in the "Styles" object, open it and see it the object "Main", click on it twice and see the window which opens, it is shown below.

We are interested in 4 parameters here. This "text font", "small font", the usual text font "," big font text "and finally" the biggest font of the text ". First we try to change the" text font ", press three points for this. , we will open the window that is shown below.

We specify a specific value to increase the font in 1C

In order to enlarge font in 1c We need to first remove the checkbox "from style", after that it will be available to choose from the size of the font, select the desired and click "OK". Now we save our database and launch the company. If the font has not changed, then we try to change the font size of the "fine font of the text", the usual font of the text "or" big font of the text ". Some one of the options will necessarily work.

The appearance of the program 1C is fully (or almost completely) configured. For example, a font that is used and the 1C configurator and in the enterprise mode 1c. Fonts can be controlled directly from Language 1C.

Of course, someone may seem "all sorts of interface pieces", but for many it is important to configure the program "Under itself".

Fonts 1C for programmer

Most of its working time, the 1C programmer conducts in writing programs in 1C, which are in.

The texts of the programs have the standard, prevailing historically color. Some it may seem strange, especially those who started working with 1C after Microsoft Visual Studio.

Setting up 1C fonts for programming is performed in the configurator in the service / parameters menu.

On the Module tab, you can select the desired 1C font and its size. The text color is set separately for various elements of Language 1C.

Example 1 Color settings.

Example 2 Color settings.

These settings depend on the computer / user and do not depend on the specific configuration / database.

Configuration styles

How the program will look like in the enterprise mode - set in a specific configuration. Settings are in the list, in the common / styled branch.

To change the configuration styles, a special editor opens, which allows you to change the fonts 1c and colors for various form elements - like this is done in Windows.

An example of non-standard font settings 1C.

Font 1C in printed form

Prints 1C (documents, reports) in the configurator are called layouts. They are located either in the branch of general / layouts or in a specific directory, document, report, in the inner branch of the layout.

Font 1C can be set in the cell. Select one or more cells, press them with the right mouse button. In the properties window, you can select Properties Font 1C and Text Color.

An example of such a function:

Function Greater (Drainies, Data)
// Check a certain condition, "Service" is a list column
If data is given
// Change the background color
DecoresInstroy. Blowfone \u003d WEBTSVET.
// Make the color of the text in the cell "Service" fat
Decalanestrals. Miscellaneous. Support. Shift \u003d New Font (DiagranceNesters. Miscellanences. Support. Shift, Truth);

Implemented in version

We have implemented a mechanism for quick scaling forms. For the most part, it is intended, of course, for users, but the developers can use it if there is a need for it.

We believe that this mechanism will be convenient and useful in cases when it is necessary to quickly and simply, or for a while and temporarily to increase or decrease the scope of application data displayed in the form.

You probably know that you can increase the font by changing the screen resolution. And some time ago, we finalized the platform mechanisms in order for the applied solutions to be clearly and correctly displayed at. But the change in DPI is a relatively complex and "fundamental" operation. First, not all users possess sufficient knowledge to perform it. And secondly, it affects all applications installed on the computer. If you need to increase something or reduce only "here and now", or if users do not have sufficient qualifications, they will not change DPI.

In such a situation, the mechanism of rapid scaling forms will have to be very useful. If the user does not have good eyesight, it can easily make a "bigger". And if the vision is good, but not the entire table is placed in the width of the form, you can make a "bed".

In client applications

To change the scale of managed forms and documents in client applications, you can use either the main menu, or the command from the field of system commands:

The scale setting dialog opens in the upper right corner, but you can move it to any convenient screen location:

The scale of the form can be changed in the range from 50% to 400%. It does not simply increase or decrease the font size and elements, and the entire form is rebuilt under the new dimensions of the elements.

For example, you can increase it up to 200%.

Or vice versa, reduce up to 70%.

Scale change is performed on the client and does not require a server call.

Scaling applies only to the contents of the form. System panels, the chosen dialogue and the history dialogue are not scalable. Also not scaling the frames and scroll bars inside the form. Changes in size of these elements can be achieved by changing the screen resolution (DPI).

Moving the slider, you change the scale for one form. But if this scale you want to apply to all forms, then there is a button for this. Install for all. The same button will help you at any time to return the scale of all forms to 100%.

Despite the fact that we laid a rather large range of scale changes, we do not believe that all it will definitely be used. According to our estimates, users who want to apply this opportunity will slightly reduce all forms, up to 90-95%, and some forms on the contrary will increase slightly to 105-110%.

Saving scale

Scale is stored for each form separately in the local storage on the user's computer. In addition, there is a shared scale for all forms, which has a standard value of 100%. When installing a new scale for all forms, the individual values \u200b\u200bfor each form are deleted.

Scale form in the configurator

In the configurator, you too can specify the scale in which the form will be shown to the user. To do this, we have implemented a property in the form Scale. This property we recommend using in cases where you used to use Optional software: Compact. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that in compact mode, the scale of the form is approximately 80%.

Preview form on scale

In the process of editing the form in the configurator you can see how it will look like on different scales. In the form editor, there is a choice of a scale of several fixed values.

As a result, the form displayed in the preview area will be increased, for example, up to 150%.

Show pictures

In order for enlarged forms to look good, you must have several options for the same pictures designed for different permits. Therefore, the mechanism of options for pictures, which already exists in the mobile platform, we expanded on the platform for personal computers.

Now there is not one picture to display for display, and the set of options for this picture as an archive. This archive has options for different permissions and for different interface options. To display the platform selects the option suitable for the current DPI and the scale of the form.

For example, now the box flag is a set of several options: for platform 8.2 (normal interface), for platform 8.3 (interface Taxi), for a compact mode, for different scales.

Pictures stored in the configuration can also be represented as a set. Now for the picture you can specify not only the density of the screen (scale), but also the interface option for which the picture will be used.

Not easy to work an accountant, a bunch of papers, constantly in front of the computer, how to save your eyesight and comfortably work? One of the main tools of the accountant is the 1C program, but the program interface is not always comfortable for the eyes and directly depends on the monitor, permissions, etc., but it is often not possible to change the monitor, and the need to increase the font is always present.

If in version 7.7, the font has increased through the service menu - the interface parameters, then in 8.2 such a tab is no longer. 1C 8 uses themes and fonts installed by default in the system, so the easiest way to increase the 1C font is to increase the system font of the operating system. Consider the available methods for increasing the size of system fonts for different generations of Windows operating systems.

Increase the system font in Windows XP:

In essence, the application zoom of applications appeared in subsequent versions of Microsoft's defiation systems, however, in XP, there is still the ability to customize the font size without editing system files. The easiest way is to reduce the monitor resolution, but this is not our method, because solving one problem we get a new one in the form of blur, which is even worse for the eyes. Click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Screen" - Tab "Design" and the window at the bottom of the window is the desired "font size" point, select the option suitable for us and reboot to correctly apply settings. Moreover, if you go into the "effects", you can increase the size of the icons, which will be much more convenient and more pleasant.

Increase system font in Windows 7:

Microsoft is increasing the friendliness of its systems after Apple (by the author's Note) and pays great attention to the visual and personal design of the desktop. Now the font settings are available from the screen menu. We go "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Screen" and here we immediately offer the item "Ease of reading from the screen" where one of three options scaling the font, badges and everything connected with it. There is one nuance: on different graphic adapters in some applications, an increase in the system font can be displayed in reality "scaling" with all the arctic artifacts and blurring.

Increase the system font in Windows 8 / 8.1:

Finally, the core of the system seems to be "doped" and Microsoft tightly engaged to grab your product. Just and quickly configure a convenient area of \u200b\u200bwork.

Due to the lack of the Start button, you can get the screen in two ways in the Settings menu:

1. Click right-click in any free desktop location and select the "Screen Resolution" item there quite intuitively carry the slider to the desired result.

2. Take the cursor in the priest corner of the screen until the auxiliary panel appears, where in the search writing "screen" and choose the corresponding icon, then on the Nativity.

Increase the system font in Windows 10:

Finally, Microsoft heard his slaves and crossed her new items with the old familiar and beloved organization of the workspace from Windows XP-7. We go "Start" - "Parameters" - "System" - "Screen" and there in the right side of the window we drag the slider to the desired result.

The basic possibilities to increase the font in 1C are mastered, but there are cases when for reasons it is not applicable or not available, then ...

Increased font in 1C 8.2 by means of 1C itself

1 Method for users. A little to improve the situation with fonts can be independently directly in the platform configurator 8.2 via the service menu - parameters - texts.

Here the font will change directly in the documents, but not in the menu, etc. Suitable picking up the font type and its size can be considered "to increase the font in 1C with your own hands" made, but the big victory is difficult to call it.

2 way For advanced users. The charm of table 1c lies in its data organization structure, and the concoct seams 1c is essentially configuration, and the technological platform is just an interface for working with the database. Each table has connections to another table, the data have specified links with other data and mathematics operates at the rules level also specified in the configuration. According to this rule, the design is also concluded in the configuration itself therefore is available for editing.

We warn that the following steps in incomprehensible execution can lead to problems! Be sure to make a backup and be careful if some actions are not clear, it is better to stop and consult specialists!

Open the configuration in the "Configurator" mode. Select the "Configuration" item and then "open a configuration", we wait a little before the base structure appears in the right part. Go down to the "Styles" point, reveal and select "main" for editing. Further, in the right part, we can fully personalize the design of 1C for yourself, we will not describe in detail the process, since further work for experienced people who understand, but also for Hatskers a few warnings:

Changes are available in the configuration after removing the appropriate elements with support, which will make the configuration of the non-type and subsequent updates to do it will be necessary to save this data area. Read more in the "Updating of the Nepical Configuration 1C". The changes made will be applied to the entire configuration that network work will affect all users.

If you have questions or suggestions - I will add to the article without any problems! The main thing be attentive: all the actions are carrying out at your own risk and risk, you carry illegality for them too!