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How to enable the second core of windows 7 processor. How to enable all cores

When a user wants to increase the performance of his device, most likely he will decide to enable all available processor cores. There are several solutions that will help in this situation on Windows 10.

All processor cores operate at different frequencies (simultaneously), and are used at full power when required. For example, for heavy games, video editing, etc. In day-to-day tasks, they work in normal mode... This makes it possible to achieve a balance of performance, which means that your device or its components will not fail prematurely.

It should be borne in mind that not all software vendors can decide to unlock all cores and support multithreading. This means that one core can take over the entire load, while the rest will work normally. Since the support of several kernels by a certain program depends on its developers, the ability to enable all kernels is available only to start the system.

To use kernels to start the system, you first need to find out their number. This can be done with special programs or in the standard way.

  1. Run the application.
  2. In the tab "CPU" ("CPU") find "Cores" ("Number of active cores"). The specified number is the number of cores.

You can also use the standard method.

Method 1: Standard System Tools

Only one kernel is used at system startup. Therefore, the following will describe how to add a few more cores when you turn on the computer.

Remember that there must be 1024 MB of RAM per core. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. If you have 32 discharge system, that is, the probability that the system will not use more than three gigabytes of RAM.

  • Uncheck PCI Blocking and "Debugging".
  • Save your changes. And then check the settings again. If everything is in order and in the field "Maximum memory" everything remains exactly as you asked, you can restart your computer. You can also test the functionality by starting your computer in Safe Mode.
  • If you set the correct settings, but the amount of memory still gets lost, then:

    If nothing has changed, then you need to configure the loading of multiple kernels using BIOS.

    Method 2: Using BIOS

    This method is used if due to a failure operating system certain settings have been reset. This method is also relevant for those who have unsuccessfully configured "System configuration" and the OS doesn't want to start. In other cases, it makes no sense to use the BIOS to turn on all cores at system startup.

    This is how you can enable all the kernels in Windows 10. These manipulations affect only the launch. In general, they do not increase productivity, as this depends on other factors.

    Hello everybody! Sometimes a game or program does not run at full capacity. not all kernels are responsible for performance. In this article, we'll see how to use all the cores of your processor.

    But don't wait for the magic wand, because if the game or program does not support multicore, then there is nothing to be done unless you rewrite the application.

    How to start all processor cores?

    So, there will be several ways. For this I show first.

    We go into start - run or keys win + r

    We choose your maximum number of processors.

    • We go to the task manager - ctrl + shift + esc.
    • Or ctrl + alt + del and task manager.
    • Or right-click on the control panel and select the task manager.

    Go to the processes tab. Find the game and right-click on the process. By the way, the game must be running. You can collapse it either Win + D or alt + tab.

    We choose to set the correspondence.

    Select everything and press ok.

    To see whether all the kernels are working or not, in the task manager, go to the performance tab.

    All tabs will have a diagram.

    If not, then press again to set the correspondence, leave only CPU 0, press ok. We close the task manager, open it again, repeat the same thing, select all processors and press ok.

    In laptops, power saving is sometimes configured in such a way that the settings do not allow using all the cores.

    • Win7 - We go to the control panel, go to the power supply - Change the plan parameters - change the additional power parameters - processor power management - the minimum state of the processor.
    • Win8, 10 - Or: options - system - power and hibernation - advanced power settings - power scheme settings - change advanced power settings - processor power management - minimum processor state

    For full use, it should be 100%.

    How to check how many cores are running?

    We start and see the number of active cores.

    Do not confuse this parameter with the number of virtual processors, which is displayed to the right.

    What does the number of processor cores affect?

    Many people confuse the concept of the number of cores and the frequency of the processor. If we compare this with a person, then the brain is a processor, neurons are nuclei. Kernels do not work in all games and applications. If, for example, 2 processes are running in the game, one draws a forest, and the other city and the game is multi-core, then you need only 2 cores to load this picture. And if the game has more processes, then all the cores are involved.

    And it can be the other way around, a game or an application can be written in such a way that only one core can perform one action, and in this situation the processor with the higher frequency and the most well-built architecture will win (this is usually why).

    For those who are interested ...
    This question "How to enable all kernels on Windows 7" is often asked by users whose computers work slowly and periodically freeze.

    Even on multi-core devices, braking may appear. Let's take a closer look at how to effectively speed up your PC and "force" the system to use all available kernels to the fullest.

    Modern computers are multi-core devices. However, no operating system uses all cores to their full capacity. Such a limitation is necessary to save resources of PCs and laptops.

    Modern hardware technologies make it possible to "load" the required number of cores while working with certain programs that require more performance.

    If your PC does not start to run faster even when a powerful photo editor, game or editing program is running, you need to configure the processor usage mode yourself.

    Method 1 - Setting up multitasking in OS startup mode This setting option is one of the simplest and most effective. The bottom line is that the processor is overclocked immediately during the launch of the OS.
    The user can always change the settings and return the original parameters.

    Follow the instructions:

    Open the command execution window using the Win and R keyboard shortcuts;

    In the text field of the window that opens, type in the command for setting the system configuration msconfig;
    Rice. 1 - call the Windows configuration window

    Now go to the downloads tab. Here you can view the version of the installed OS, configure safe mode and other boot parameters;

    Press the additional parameters key;
    Rice. 2 - Windows configuration window

    In the tab that opens, the mode of using the available computational characteristics of your PC is put down. Check the boxes next to the number of processors and the maximum amount of memory. These lines were previously inactive because the computer was in the resource-saving mode;

    Please select the largest number cores and maximum amount available memory;
    Rice. 3 - configuring boot parameters

    After turning on the computer again, multitasking mode is activated. The user can also choose fewer processors and memory. Optimal number for fast work- 5-6 cores and 1024 MB of memory for each processor.

    Method 2 - BIOS setup

    Another option for adjusting the operating speed of the OS is putting down new settings in the BIOS. This option allows you not only to increase the efficiency of task execution, but also prevents crashes that have occurred in the OS and the regular appearance of a blue screen.

    First, we need to go to BIOS. Most desktops and laptops run the I / O system the same way. It is enough just to turn on the PC and in the first 5 seconds after pressing the "Power" key, click on the Escape, F5, F2, or F1 button. The lower left corner of the screen indicates which button to press.

    Next, the BIOS will start. In some cases, activation may take longer than one minute. Control in the window that opens is carried out using four directional arrow keys. Choice is clicking on Input.

    The appearance, arrangement of tabs and their sequence may vary. It all depends on the PC manufacturer and BIOS modification. To set up multitasking, follow the instructions:

    Open the Clock Calibration section as shown in the picture below;
    Rice. 4 - calibrating the use of kernels in BIOS

    Use the left-right arrows on your keyboard to set the parameter"All Cores"... Thus, the laptop will use all available cores at the same frequency;

    Save your changes and exit the window BIOS.

    Wait turning on windows 7.

    Method 3 - CPU-Z utility

    You can also activate the operation of all cores using third-party programs. They require minimal user intervention and have a simple and intuitive interface. One of the popular utilities is CPU-Z.

    The program allows you to carry out a comprehensive configuration of hardware and software components:

    Parameters system module(Serial Presence Detect).

    To enable all cores, we need the CPU tab. The figure below shows the configuration display window in the CPU-Z application. At the bottom there is a Cores field, its value is the number of PC cores that operate at the same frequency. Write in the field the maximum number of processors. Field Threads(threads) must be equal to Cores.Rice. 5 - the main window of the CPU-Z application

    After making changes, press the "OK" button. Turn off the program and restart the device.

    Method 4 - AIDA64 program

    Another one good program to configure the number of cores used is AIDA64... Features of the app:

    The ability to view the hardware characteristics of a PC or laptop;
    Generation of reports on the operation of the device;
    Displaying the characteristics of the installed OS;
    The ability to change the parameters of the processor use;
    PC speed test function.

    First, look at how many cores are available on your PC. The information is located in the Multi CPU tab (in the left part of the window, select the item "System board" - "CPU"):

    Rice. 6 - the main window of the AIDA64 utility

    turn on each of the cores. Restart the program and check if the activation of the processors is not lost. This can happen due to a conflict between the program and the hardware components of the PC. The setting should be repeated again. Remained only again turn on the computer and enjoy its fast work.

    It is advisable to activate all cores if there is an urgent need to perform complex operations in the process of editing videos or to speed up the work of video games.

    If your computer is running too slowly without using all the cores, this may indicate a malfunction in the OS. A set of actions should be taken to optimize the operation of the operating system.

    OS optimization

    Optimizing your computer is actions that result in OS starts working faster and fewer errors. How do I optimize Windows? This procedure is carried out in the same way, regardless of the version of the system.

    To speed up your browser and other programs, close unnecessary processes in the Device Manager window. And also clean the tab from unwanted software that starts with the OS turned on and runs in the background.

    Cleaning can improve overall system performance. hard disk from unnecessary files and other garbage. Go to the tab "My computer", click on the storage medium icon and open the properties window. Please select Disk Cleanup and wait until the end of generating a report on unnecessary files. Clear all data by checking unnecessary fields.
    Rice. 7 - Windows optimization 7

    Video instructions:

    Many do not experienced users A PC or laptop is wondering how to enable all the cores of a device when complex applications fail.

    How to enable the second processor core: instruction

    As a rule, the second core of the processor is turned off to save electricity. To enable it, you need to refer to the commands in the Start menu.

    1. From the Start menu, select Run. In the window that appears, enter the command "msconfig". Alternatively, you can use the Win + R keyboard shortcut to bring up the Run window.
    2. In the window that appears, go to the "Download" tab. A list will open where you need to select the operating system used (in case several are installed on the computer). Now click on the "More Options" button.
    3. You will see the item "Number of processors". Put a tick next to it, and from the drop-down menu select the number "2". Also, take a look at the Debugging and PCI Balancing items. It is necessary to make sure that there are no check marks on these functions.
    4. Now click "Ok" and then "Apply".
    5. Close all windows and running programs. Save all unsaved documents. Enter the start menu and restart your computer.
    6. After rebooting, open the Task Manager, which can be invoked with the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Alt + Del". In the Manager, open the Performance tab.
    7. In case 2 cores are connected, you will be able to observe two independent graphs of the "Chronology of CPU utilization".
    8. For finer control over the operation of the processor, you can assign different cores to the operation of certain programs. To do this, go to the "Processes" tab and right-click on the desired program, select Set Match.
    9. After that, you will have the opportunity to choose the operation of one or another kernel (or all together) to serve a particular application.

    In a similar way, you can turn on all the processor cores.

    Despite the fact that Windows is considered an operating system for ordinary users, in contrast to numerous Linux distributions, still allows you to perform some operations, for which experienced users still prefer the latter. In particular, this refers to access to hardware components. The OS itself and installed drivers do so (or at least try to) so that they work to their maximum and provide the best user experience. First you need to know how to enable all processor cores on Windows 10 and we will analyze this issue in detail in this article.

    Find out the quantity

    If suddenly you do not know how many of them there are in total and want to find out the version of the kernel in Windows 10 in your processor, then you should start with this. The easiest way to do this is using the tools of Windows itself. Right click on Start> Computer Management. In the left menu turn on "Device Manager"> "Processor".
    The number of points and will indicate the number of processor cores that can be used when you know how to activate all processor cores in Windows 10.
    Similar information can be obtained using third-party programs:

    • CPU-Z;
    • AIDA64;
    • Everest.

    The first is free, the rest cost money, but, of course, in addition to the quantity, they suggest how to view a huge amount of information about the computer and the system, from the list of components to the end. Of course, they only provide information, and do not know how to enable and start all processor cores in Windows 10.

    How kernels generally work and how to enable them

    There is a common misconception that not everyone works on a computer. This is not true. At any time other than enabling, all of them are involved, so of course, you will never know how to disable the processor core, because that is not possible. But there is another nuance - they can work with different frequencies, being responsible for different tasks. Modern processors often equipped with several productive ones, which will be launched during games, editing and other complex tasks; and more simple - for elementary processes. Thus, a balance of performance and energy efficiency is achieved, which is especially important for notebooks. But there is no answer to the question of how to enable the second processor core in Windows 10, because they all work the same way.
    You also need to pay attention to the fact that in some cases it is impossible to turn on and direct the power of everyone to process a specific task. It depends solely on the software developer. It alone decides whether to unblock the kernels and whether to support multithreading or not. If not, the greatest load and all the work will be done by only one, while the rest work in a sparing mode.

    How to enable all processor cores on Windows 10 at startup?

    There is one moment in the operation of the operating system when in fact only one thing can be active - this is the process of turning on the computer. But even in this case, you can change the situation and find out how to enable 4 cores on Windows 10. Using the built-in system tools and BIOS.

    In the first case, you need to enable the "Run" dialog box or use the hotkeys "Windows + R". Then enter "msconfig" and click OK.
    A window will open with basic settings systems.

    BIOS option

    The second option, how to use and configure all processor cores to work in Windows 10, is to use the BIOS. It starts when you turn on the computer using the F2 or Del keys, depending on the type of device.

    In the BIOS itself, again, depending on its version, you need to find the item "Advanced Clock Calibration" or similar, and there enable the value "All cores" or "Auto".

    Again, it should be noted that these settings will only affect the computer startup process and will not work that way. The operation of the operating system, as a whole, or individual programs entirely depends only on the developers. Did they add this opportunity turn it on, and how well they optimized it.