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The sound of the keyboard and lock disappeared on the iPhone. Sound on iPhone disappears: solving the problem

If the sound does not work on the iPhone, then the normal use of the smartphone can not be speech. The call is not heard, the sound of the alarm clock is not distributed in the mornings, games and the video does not have an audio operation, not to mention the playback of music.

The malfunction requires immediate elimination, but first it is necessary to understand why the sound was disappeared on the iPhone.
Causes of the emergence of the problem can be divided into software and hardware. With the first user able to cope on their own, the second most often require a hike to a service center.

Software errors

Before reinstalling software errors or troubleshooting hardware, make sure that the volume is set at an acceptable level. Pay attention to the current sound profile. Perhaps the sound playback is disabled in its settings.

If the sound disappears periodically, restart the iPhone. Try to remember when the problems arose that they were preceded. Sometimes it helps the removal of the latest installed applications. If jailbreak was performed on the phone and tweaks are installed, it is recommended to roll back the changes. Incorrect Jail, installation of unofficial software - all this can lead to problems in the work of iOS, including a loss of sound. Help cope with a software failure can reset the settings: Open the settings, the "Basic" section. Go to the "Reset" subsection. Select "Reset All Settings" item. When resetting the settings, the content is not deleted, so you can not make a backup.

If the rollback to the factory parameters does not help, try erase the settings and content. After performing this operation, the phone will be "clean", that is, all user data will be deleted from it. Therefore, creating a backup is a prerequisite for the subsequent restoration of remote information.

Instead of resetting settings you can reflash the device. Before performing the firmware, also do not forget to make a backup. If the causes of lack of sounds are programmed, then the listed actions must eliminate them by returning the iPhone to a normal working condition.

Hardware problems

If the sound does not work on a new iPhone, the program errors are not noticed, it is better to immediately contact the service center. Although some actions can be performed independently. Possible causes of malfunction: mechanical damage or contamination of the speaker. Strike, fall, strong shakes can withdraw the speaker. The decision will be replaced by a damaged component in the service center. Squeezing chip responsible for playing audio. Even if the speaker did not suffer, the microcircuit fault will lead to the fact that the sound will disappear. Decision similar - professional repair. Moisture hit. As a result of the impact of the liquid, the chip oxidation may occur, which will lead to the appearance of different failures in the iPhone. If there is no sound only in headphones, check the connector, it could also clog out. There is no separate input in the iPhone 7, the headphones are connected through the adapter in the Lightning connector, so it should also be checked. The connector can be carefully cleaned without a hike to the service center, but with other hardware problems it is recommended to seek professional help. If there is no sound on the camera when recording video, make sure that the protective film or the cover does not cover the working microphone. It is located on the back cover between the flash and the camera. If you close it with a cover, the sound will not be recorded. If the microphone does not interfere with working fine, contact the service center. The volume setting the alarm clock of many users causes complexity to change the volume of the alarm sound. He can work, but so quietly sound that will not wake, but will be a background for sleep. From the overall volume of the iPhone an alarm clock does not depend, and this is good. Otherwise, when you turn on the silent mode, the alarm clock would also be disconnected. To force an alarm clock on an acceptable volume level, open the settings and go to the "Sounds" section. Configure the volume using the "Call and Reminder" slider. The method works on all modern iPhone, be it, 5s, 6 or 7 model.

An iPhone on which sound disappeared, actually loses most of its functions - it will not be able to use it as a music player or as a means of communication. Therefore, a user who collided with a similar malfunction is forced to immediately take care of its elimination.

Immediately prepare for the worst - to handle the service and expensive repair - the owner of the iPhone is not necessary. If the device is mechanically properly, then the user will solve the problem, most likely can independently.

The reasons for which the sound of a call or sound when conversation disappears most often on the iPhone, can be divided into software and hardware.

Software errors

Common program causes of sound loss include:

  • Unsuccessful jailbreak. Hacking the system may result in an error in the iOS code.
  • Installing unofficial software. From Cydia, only those tweaks that are verified and are recommended by experts thematic portals should be downloaded.
  • Hang of the operating system.
  • Invalidly displayed iPhone settings.

Hardware problems

Hardware malfunctions that can lead to a loss of sound when calling and in dynamics are:

  • Influence. Due to fluid from entering the body, chips for headphones connector are oxidized. Because of this, the iPhone is constantly "thinking" that the headset is connected to it - although 3.5-jack-connector is actually free. From the infinity of the iPhone is better to "treat" in the service center, however, the "first help" gadget should be provided personally. Our article tells what to do if the iPhone fell into the water.
  • Clogging of the dynamics or entrance for headphones. From this problem, people who prefer to wear iPhones in pockets are most often affected by without using protective covers. The grid of the dynamics and 3.5-connector are inevitably clogged with small garbage and dust.
  • Mechanical damage to the dynamics. The dynamics breakdown is a consequence of physical impact on a mobile device. In this case, the dynamics is required or at least the non-working chips. A person who can disassemble the iPhones and owning a soldering paw can be replaced.

What should I do if the sound disappeared on the iPhone?

An ordinary user can hardly manage to accurately diagnose the cause of the loss of sound. Therefore, there will have to take action aimed at eliminating all sorts of reasons - Starting with the simplest.

It is necessary to follow this algorithm:

Step 1.Make a visual examination of the gadget. The reason for the lack of sound can lie "on the surface" and to conclude, for example, in the fact that the speaker is closed with a film or cover.

Step 2.. Restart the gadget. As a result of the restart, the cache will clear, temporary files will be deleted, and iOS will start working again. With the help of a reboot, you can eliminate such a reason as hanging operating system. If, after launching an iPhone sound, there is still no, you should exclude this reason from the list of possible and move on.

Step 3.. Reset settings. Using this action, you will allow all mobile device settings to the initial configuration. Go along the path " Settings» — « Maintenance» — « Reset", Press " Reset all settings"Enter the password twice.

Resetting this type will not delete user data, so it is not necessary to create a backup copy before this operation.

Step 4.. Delete applications. Remember which of your actions preceded the loss of sound. Perhaps you installed tweak from Cydia and then immediately discovered the problem? "Bring" applications and tweaks that have been loaded lately, restart the device again and check the sound.

Step 5.. Make a backup of data in any way. The next operation will delete information on the iPhone.

Step 6.. Restore the gadget via DFU mode. Connect the iPhone to the PC cable, open iTunes and enter the "apple" device in DFU MODE. How to start the DFU mode, tells on our website. When a question appears in Aytyuns to restore the gadget, answer it positively.

If none of the listed measures gave the result, no program errors - the problem lies at the hardware level. All that in this case can make a user predit - Clean the headphone and speaker connector.

You need to do this work as accurately! Metal tools should not be activated (for example, a needle), otherwise you risk scratching contacts. Remove the dirt from the 3.5 mm connector with a toothpick or a thin stick with a cotton tip.

Good day.

This article, based on personal experience, is a kind of collection of reasons, due to which the sound can not disappear. Most causes, by the way, can be easily eliminated yourself! To begin with, it should be distinguished that the sound can abide on software and hardware reasons. For example, check the operability of columns on another computer or audio / video technique. If they are working and sound - then most likely questions for the software part of the computer (and here about it in more detail).

And so, proceed ...

6 reasons why no sound

1. Non-working columns (often driving and broken cords)

This is the first thing to do when setting up sound and speakers on the computer! And then, sometimes, do you know such incidents: you come to help a person solve the question with sound, and he turns out to forget about the wires ...

In addition, you may have connected them not to the entrance. The fact is that there are several outlets on the sound card: for the microphone, for columns (headphones). Usually, for the microphone, the output is covered with pink color, for columns - green. Pay attention to it! Also, here is a small article about, there this question was disassembled in more detail.

Fig. 1. Cord for connecting columns.

Sometimes it happens that the inputs were strongly worn out, and they only need to fix it slightly: to take out and insert again. You can also clean the computer from dust, at the same time.
Also note whether the columns themselves are included. On the front of many devices, you can notice a small LED that signals that the columns are connected to the computer.

Fig. 2. These columns are included, because the Green LED on the device case.

By the way, if in the speakers add the volume to the maximum, you can hear the characteristic "hissing". Pay all this attention. Despite the elementality, in most cases problems are just with this ...

2. Sound is eliminated in the settings

The second thing to be done is to check, and whether everything is in order with the computer settings, it is possible that the sound is reduced in Windows, the sound is minimized or disabled in the audio control panel. Perhaps if he is simply unbalanced, there is a sound - it plays very weakly and it is simply not heard.

We show the setting on the example of Windows 10 (in Windows 7, 8 everything will be similar).

1) Open control Panel, Next, go to the section " equipment and sounds«.

3) You need to display audio devices in the Sound tab (including columns, headphones) connected to the computer. Select the desired speakers and click on their properties (see Fig. 4).

4) in the first tab, which will open in front of you ("General") need to look closely on two things:

  • - Is the device determined?, if not - you need drivers for it. If they are not, use one of the utilities for, the utility at the same time and recommends where to download the required driver;
  • - Look at the bottom of the window, and whether the device is enabled. If not - then be sure to turn it on.

5) Without closing the window, go to the laying "Levels". Look at the volume level, there must be more than 80-90%. At least until you have a sound, and then adjust (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Volume levels

6) In the "Advanced" tab, there is a special button to check the sound - when you click you, you should play a short melody (5-6 seconds). If you do not hear it, go to the next item, saving the settings.

Fig. 7. Sound check

7) can, by the way, once again go to " control Panel / Equipment and Sounds"And open" volume settings", As shown in Fig. eight.

Here we are interested in, and whether the sound is not reduced at a minimum. By the way, in this tab, the sound of even a certain type can be reduced, for example, the whole that is heard in the Firefox browser.

8) and last.

In the lower right corner (next to the clock) there are also volume settings. Check whether there is a normal volume level there and the speaker is not turned off, as in the bottom of the bottom. If all is well, you can move to clause 3.

Fig. 10. Setting the volume on the computer.

Important! In addition to Windows settings, be sure to pay attention to the volume of the speakers themselves. Perhaps the regulator is at a minimum!

3. No driver on the sound card

Most often, there are problems with drivers for video and sound cards on the computer ... that is why, the third step to restore sound is to check the drivers. Perhaps this problem you could already reveal in the previous step ...

To determine whether everything is in order with them, go to device Manager. For this discover control Panel, Next, open the " Equipment and sound", And then run device Manager. This is the fastest way (see Fig. 11).

In the Device Manager, we are interested in the tab " Sound, game and video devices". If you have a sound card and it is connected: it should be displayed here.

1) If the device is displayed and an exclamation yellow sign (or red) is lit - it means the driver works incorrectly, or not installed at all. In this case, you need to download the version of the driver. By the way, I like to use the program - it will show not only the model of the device of your card, but also tell me where to download the necessary drivers for it.

An excellent way to update and check the driver is to use utilities for auto update and search for drivers for any equipment in your PC :. Highly recommend!

2) If there is a sound card, but Windows does not see it ... There can be anything. It is possible that the device is not properly, or you have poorly connected it. I recommend writing a computer from dust to start, blow out a slot if the sound card does not have a built-in. In general, in this case, the problem is most likely with the hardware part of the computer (or in the fact that the device is turned off into the BIOS, see a little lower in the article).

Fig. 12. Device Manager

It also makes sense to update his drivers or install the driver of another version: older, or newer. It often happens that the developers are not able to provide all possible computer configurations and it is possible that in your system some drivers conflict with each other.

4. No codecs on audio / video

If you have a sound when you enable the computer (you can hear, for example, a Windows greeting), and when you enable some video (AVI, MP4, DIVX, WMV, etc.) - the problem is either in the video player or in codecs or in the file itself (Maybe it is spoiled, try to open another video file).

1) If the problem with the video player is recommended to install another and try. For example, the player - gives excellent results. It already has built-in and optimized codecs for its work, so that it can open most video files.

2) If the problem with codecs is advised to make two things. The first is to delete your old codecs from the system completely.

And the second, install a complete set of codecs - K-Lite Codec Pack. First, in this package there is an excellent and fast Media Player player, secondly, all the most popular codecs that open all the most popular video and audio formats will be installed.

An article about K-Lite Codec Pack codecs and their proper installation:

By the way, it is important not only to install them, but to establish them correctly, i.e. full set. To do this, download the full set and during installation, select "Lots of Stuff" mode (in more detail about this in the article about the codecs - the link is slightly higher).

Fig. 13. Setting the codecs

5. Incorrectly configured bios

If you have a built-in sound card - check the BIOS settings. If the audio device is turned off in the settings - you can hardly get it to work in Windows. Frankly, usually this problem is rare, because By default, the BIOS settings - the sound card is enabled.

To go to these settings, press the F2 or DEL button (depending on the PC) when the computer is turned on. If you do not turn out, try to look at the computer download screen, as soon as you have turned it on, more closely. Usually it always writes a button to enter the BIOS.

For example, the Acer computer is activated - the DEL button is written down at the bottom - to enter the BIOS (see Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. BIOS input button

In BIOS, you need to look for a string containing the word " Integrated.«.

Fig. 15. Integrated Peripherals.

In the list you need to find your audio device and see, and whether it is included. In Figure 16 (below), it is enabled if you are "disabled" opposite - change it to "enabled" or "auto".

Fig. 16. Inclusion of AC97 Audio

After that, you can exit the BIOS by saving the setup.

6. Viruses and advertising

Wherever we are without viruses ... the more they are so much that it is unknown that they can generally be presented.

First, pay attention to the work of the computer as a whole. If frequent, response of antivirus, brakes are in a flat place occur. Perhaps you really got infected with a virus, and not one.

The best option will check the computer for viruses by some modern antivirus with updated bases. In one of the articles earlier, I brought the best at the beginning of 2016:

By the way, good results show the antivirus, it is not even necessary to install it. Just download and check.

Secondly, I recommend checking your computer using or flash drives (the so-called Live CD). Whoever did not come across, I will say: how would you load from a CD (flash drives) a finished operating system in which there is antivirus. By the way, perhaps you have a sound in it. If so most likely you have problems with Windows and maybe it will have to ...

7. Restoring sound if nothing helps

Here I will give a few tips, maybe they will help you.

1) If before you had a sound, and now there is no - you may have set any programs or drivers that caused the equipment conflict. It makes sense at this option to try.

2) If there is another sound card or other speakers, try to connect them to a computer and reinstall the drivers to them (deleting from the driver system to the old devices that you have turned off).

3) If all previous items did not help, you can risk and. Next, immediately install sound drivers and if suddenly the sound appear - carefully look after it after each installed program. Most likely you will immediately notice the culprit: a driver or a program that has previously conflicted ...

4) Alternatively, instead of speakers, connect the headphones (instead of headphones - speakers). Perhaps it is worth contacting a specialist ...

If the iPhone stopped playing the sound of an incoming call or messages, then it does not mean that it is time to run to the service center. There is a chance that you came across a rare, but not a single bug. Banal reboot or switching on / off the silent mode switch may not help, namely, try to use our instructions.

In contact with

What to do if there is no sound (disappeared) incoming call to iPhone

Despite the fact that the iPhone is a very reliable thing, sometimes users encounter a sudden disappearance of the ringtone when calling. Incoming call is carried out, but there is no sound signal, what to do? Below we will tell you how to solve this problem.

Perhaps the sound is disabled on the iPhone

In most cases, the ringtone has ceased to play due to the fact that the iPhone was translated into a silent (silent) mode. Of course, this explanation is very simple, but it is often precisely the most correct, especially for very "new" gadget owners.


In order to solve this problem, check the volume switch on the left side of the iPhone. If the switch stands on a silent mode, simply move it, and the music will play again with an incoming call.

iPhone Restart requires

If the volume switch is in the desired position, but the melody does not sound anyway, it is possible to restart your device. Forced reboot will correct program errors, because of which the ringtone could disappear. How to restart the iPhone (4 methods).

No sound with an incoming call to the iPhone - Activated mode "Do not disturb"

If you have stopped calling ringtone on your iPhone, check if the "Do not disturb" mode is not enabled. Users mistaken often activate this mode, without noticing. If you see the icon in the form of a crescent at the top of the screen, it means that you have no disturbance mode, turning off all sound notifications.

Solve this problem is easier than simple. Spend your finger from the bottom up the screen, open the "control point" and turn off the mode. Now the beep must appear again.

Check the sound settings

It is possible that the problems with the ringtone originated due to the wrong sound settings. Open the "Settings", select "Sounds" and set the rings and notifications that appropriate for you. Here you can enable the "button change", which will allow you to adjust the volume of the ringtone using the volume button on the left side of the iPhone.

No sound with an incoming call to the iPhone - the headset mode erroneously turned on

If you have tried all the above methods, but none of them helped, it means that the problem is somewhat more complicated. For example, your iPhone could have been mistaken in the headset mode. It is easy to check in the application of the music or control point by clicking on the icon Devices ».

Try to connect and disable headphones several times, carefully clean the audio / lightning toothpick connector, restart the iPhone.

Troubleshooting with AssistiveTouch

1. Open the menu Settings → Basic → Universal Access.

2. Go to the section and activate this feature through the appropriate toggle switch. A dot will appear on the screen with an additional menu that can be positioned anywhere in the display.

3. Tap the menu AssistiveTouch. and select " Apparatus».

4. The right to be the icon " Disable sound»With a crossed bell (if not, then translate this function to this position), and on the left tapap Louder"To zoom in a call volume.

5. Disconnect AssistiveTouch. Lost.

Often, users complain about the situation in which the sound disappears on the iPhone. And no matter what model you have. This problem can still disturb even the most neat and leaning person. Honestly, the options for developing events here are a lot. But we will try to fully deal with them. Why on iPhone in a matter of or different? All this now will be discussed.

Downed mode

The first cause of our problem can be a banal reset of the settings. That is, if you noticed that you have 4 on the iPhone, you should not instantly in panic. Check if everything is in order with the settings.

Most likely, you will notice that you have a silent mode. It is enough to change it to any other, and the problem will disappear by itself. In principle, this is a very common case. But unfortunately, the subscribers are more often thinking about the problem if the situation is different. So what else could be the case? Why on iPhone

Damaged speakers

The following reason is damage to the speakers in the device. Also a completely common case. And just he brings a lot of inconvenience to users. After all, before making such conclusions, you will have to exclude all other options.

If you find that you have a sound on iPhone or it is now working quietly, it's time to check the speakers for integrity. It is best to attribute the device to the service center. There you will definitely say what is the problem. If the dynamics on the device are really damaged and refused to work, only one thing will help here - their complete replacement. As a last resort - repair. But it's not worth doing this business. Again, you have to contact the service centers. No other way.

Moisture hit

What should I do if the sound disappeared on the iPhone? It all depends on the situation. Sometimes the cause of this problem becomes moisture in the device. Talked on a smartphone in rainy weather? Did you drop it into the water? Then do not be surprised by the problem! Any phone begins to "bug" in touch with water. By the way, high humidity in the room can also cause the loss of sound.

Everything is solved quite easily here. If the sound disappears on the iiphone (or it disappeared at all) due to moisture in the device, it must be dried. Disassemble the phone to the maximum, and then blot each component of the towel. Carefully dry all the details using a hair dryer. The faster you do it, the better.

What's next? As soon as the entire smartphone is dried, you can assemble it and check the performance. Practice shows that it usually disappears. It is not necessary to limitate only by these cases. Sometimes sound and for other reasons disappears on the iPhone. Some of them are very simply eliminated. And some generally not subject to adjustment.

System failure

By the way, you can try one very tricky reception. It helps when with the phone itself everything is in perfect order. After all, if the sound is gone on the iiphone, you can complain to a regular system failure. Such phenomena can happen on any phone for various reasons.

Usually the situation is subject to simple adjustment. First, you can system - this is what helps to return all settings to normal and eliminate even minor failures. This is not the most favorite reception.

Subscribers more often use one cunning: if the sound disappears on your iPhone, connect for a while, and then disconnect the headset. Headphones - this is what helps to cope with the situation. This method helps very well. In any case, so the majority of iPhone owners argue.

Reset everything

I do not want to look for the cause of the breakdown and the loss of sound? Then you can try to do without it. It is enough to reset all iPhone settings to the initial one. If the reason lies in the device's operating system or some failed, it will be eliminated. When can I try good luck? For example, if you have a lock sound on iPhone.

How to realize the idea of \u200b\u200blife? Go to the settings of the smartphone. There you need to select the "Main" tab - "Reset". Carefully look at all the items that the system will offer you. Here, click on "Reset All Settings". Now you should wait some time. Do not be afraid if the iPhone reboots immediately upon completion of the processing of your request. This is a completely normal phenomenon.

You can watch what happened. Practice shows that resetting the settings to the initial not only returns the sound, but in general, the work of the smartphone operating system is in general. True, it will have to set up call call calls for a long time. This is not such a big trouble compared to the sound disappearing on the phone.


But there are more unpleasant moments. For example, if we are talking about a pirated copy of an iPhone. Buyers very often complain about eternal problems with the operation of gadgets. And the sound on them disappears very often.

What can be done? First, try to try all the proposed decision methods. Most likely, they will not help. Secondly, if a warranty is still applied to a copy of an iPhone, it can be used by it. Just exchange the phone to the new one. It is worth noting immediately - such a phenomenon is rarely observed. Often buyers of fakes remain with anything.

Then you can only sympathize. And it is not suggested to continue to use fake gadgets. Or learn how to work with an iPhone without sound, or change your phone completely. But no longer on the "pirate". There is no other output.


Have you bought a new device and noticed that the sound disappears on the iPhone? Most likely, the reason here lies in marriage. Do not hesitate, try quickly how exactly?

Contact the store where you purchased the gadget. Present check and explain the essence of your complaint. The iPhone will have to give an examination. They will definitely install what is the problem. If the sound disappears due to a marriage or production error, you or will be returned to you or offer a new copy in return for the old one. But so you can act as long as you have a guarantee on your smartphone, as well as before the expiration of 14 days from the date of purchase.

Warranty expired? Carry the iPhone to repair or change it at all. As you can see, cases when the sound disappears, enough. And you do not always need to pick up panic. Often you can independently cope with all the problems. If you are afraid to put the wrong "diagnosis", contact your nearest service center. It will save you from an excess headache.