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Clear the entire feed in classmates. Details on how to exclude a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki

The feed in the Odnoklassniki social network is a public place for posting your information, as well as for reflecting the activity of friends and groups. It shows the photos you've been tagged in, the people you've made friends with, and the statuses, posts, and pages you like.

It's all about the settings

The feed in Odnoklassniki is not much different from public places in other social networks. It can be customized to your liking. Many are wondering how to turn off the ribbon in Odnoklassniki. In Odnoklassniki, as well as in other social networks, it is customizable. You can customize not only the feed, but also the profile itself. If you are bored with messages from one of your friends, then it’s not at all necessary to think: “It would be nice to turn off the feed in Odnoklassniki.” You can simply include this friend in a specific list or completely refuse friendship. If you don't want publicity, make your profile private. Community news has ceased to be interesting - refuse this service. Customize your profile so that communication on a social network is easy and interesting, and does not create difficulties and problems.

How to disable the ribbon in Odnoklassniki

Social networks allow their users to design a page in the form of contact information with a photo. More detailed information, as well as the activity of a particular user, can be available to all network users or only to friends.

The activity of contacts is reflected on the main page in the form of successive events in which they participate. In the settings service, as a rule, there are functions that allow you to disable the ribbon. In Odnoklassniki, you can set up event notifications. You can do this on the main profile page. Each post in the News Feed is customizable. Select the one you do not want to see in the list and click "Remove event from feed" in the upper right corner of the post (two crossed lines). After that, the ribbon settings window will open with confirmation of your actions. Here you can also exclude all notifications about the events of this contact. If you go to the "Edit Settings" tab, you can view those who are excluded from the feed. Finding this feature is easy - under the main photo, click on the "More" button and select the desired option. Returning the publications of friends or communities is also elementary simple.

Go to the "Excluded from the feed" tab, hover over the contact that is there. Then select "Show in Feed" from the list of options that appears. After that, the activity of friends and communities that you have excluded from the feed will again be displayed on your page in the list of publications. If you are wondering how to disable the ribbon in Odnoklassniki so that it is not visible on the main page, then you should know that this is impossible. You can simply exclude the publications of all friends and groups from it. However, social networks assume the presence of such a service, and the news feed is designed to share information and notify friends of activity. If endless notifications about events from friends and groups make you wonder how to turn off the feed in Odnoklassniki, this means only one thing: you should be more selective in accepting invitations from users.

Today we will talk about how to exclude a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki. However, first let's say a few words about the project itself. Odnoklassniki is a social network that was originally created to give people the opportunity to find their school friends, classmates and colleagues. But at the moment, all social networks are often used with a variety of goods, services and resources. What if you don't want to see this kind of information in your news feed? At the same time, it is not possible to remove from friends the person who gives this advertisement. The answer is simple - exclude a friend's events from your feed. It's not as hard as blacklisting, but you'll get rid of unwanted news nonetheless.


Maybe you are interested in the question of how to exclude a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki, because there are such acquaintances who constantly share photos and videos that are not interesting to you, or contain obscene language? Perhaps, for some other reason, you do not want to see the news of these people. If you have a large list of friends in Odnoklassniki, then your feed is filled with events. If you do not want to see the news of a user in it, you can exclude him. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to exclude a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki.

Action algorithm

There is nothing super complicated in the task at hand. To achieve the goal, you must go to your personal page on the Odnoklassniki social network using your username and password. Then, in the feed, select the event that was published by the person whose news you want to hide. To the right of the photo, video or note, you will see a small cross. Click on it. An inscription marked with a check mark in a green circle will appear: “Event hidden”. There will be another post below. We are talking about the recommendation to hide all events and discussions of the friend you have chosen. Next to this inscription is a box in which you need to check the box so that in the future the events of this friend will not be displayed in your feed. There is also an option to complain below. If a photo, video or note contains obscene language or something else bad, you can check the corresponding box. After you have made the necessary mark, the “Confirm” button will appear below, you need to click it if you really made a firm decision to remove this friend’s events from your feed.

Checking the effectiveness of actions

In order to check which people and groups are excluded from your feed, you can go to the options menu on the Odnoklassniki website. To do this, under your photo, you must click "Change settings". And then in the menu on the left you will see the inscription "Hidden", and under it: "People", "Groups", "Games". The Black List is also displayed there. By clicking on the inscription "People", you will see users whose news are excluded from your feed. Similarly, by clicking on "Groups", you will receive a list of communities with events hidden by you. You can do the same with games, as well as check which people are on your blacklist and edit it.

happy outcome

That's all. Now you know how to exclude a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki and no longer see photos, videos and notes of those users that seem too intrusive to you in your news. By the way, if desired, the user can be returned at any time. To do this, click on the "More" button and turn to the settings. We exclude a friend from the list of "hidden". There is a corresponding paragraph for this. It will appear if you hover over the user's photo.

The feed of friends in Odnoklassniki is a convenient function to follow the news of your comrades. There is no need to visit their pages daily to check for new photos or videos. All updates are automatically displayed in the news feed.

This handy feature also has a downside. When the count of friends on the site exceeds a hundred, the alerts turn into a real mess, replenished with new information every minute. Especially if someone from the list of friends is an active user of the social network: he regularly adds photos, puts classes under different topics, and often rewrites in the comments. Such uninteresting events clog up the personal feed. In this article, we will tell you how to clear the feed in Odnoklassniki, as well as how to customize it to your needs.

Deleting entries from the activity feed

Getting rid of notifications of a specific friend is easy and simple.

Important! Please note that you can block both the person who posted the photo/video/topic and the person who rated this post. Before taking any action, carefully look at the profile you are blocking.

Disable notifications from a group

Being in a group, we receive dozens of topics every day in our feed. If you don't want to leave a community, but want to get rid of their notifications completely, you have two options.

First way

Second way

How to return notifications to the feed

If over time you want to return the news of a friend / group / game, then this is done simply and quickly.

Now all topics of the group are displayed in the news in the usual format. Similarly, you can unlock a person or a game.

Every day, our friends and groups to which we are subscribed publish a lot of photos, statuses, videos, polls and other things - this simply “drowns” the information that would be really interesting to us. How to clear the feed (wall) in Odnoklassniki so that nothing extra appears? Let's see what can be done here.

What options are there

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely clean the feed in Odnoklassniki, or simply delete everything that appeared in it, say, in a day. But then you can selectively disable publications from individual friends or communities.

How to disable people:

  • Straight from the wall. Select a post from an "unwanted" friend, click on the cross in the upper right corner, and then "Hide all events and discussions."
  • We go to the friend’s profile, in the panel under the first name and last name, click on the button on the far right and select “Unsubscribe” from the list.

How to quickly clear your feed in Odnoklassniki from publications from groups:

  • Straight off the wall. In the same way as in the case of users, to clear - a cross in the upper right corner of the post, and then "Hide ...".

  • We go to the community, publications from which you want to disable. Next to the "In a group" (or "Participant") button, click on the button with the "three dots in a row" icon. Click on "Exclude ...".

Please note: in order to return everything as it was, you need to do everything again, as described above, but click on "Subscribe" (if we are talking about a person) or "Return ..." (for a community).

How to clear the tape

The activity feed of friends on the Odnoklassniki social network is a convenient service: after all, without visiting a friend, you can know about almost all of his actions on the site, with the exception of correspondence with friends. It doesn’t matter if the user liked the statement, status or image, commented on someone’s statement, put “Cool!”, started a new game, made friends with new people or received a gift from someone - everyone will instantly know about all this his friends. But if you are not interested in someone you know and you do not want to know what is happening in his life on the site, just remove him from the activity feed.

Easy to remove from feed

To get started, go to your page on the social network and, under the status, find the activity feed, which displays all the information about the actions of your friends on the site. Choose a friend. Move the cursor to one of its events in your feed and next to the time of its publication, click on the cross icon, next to which the message "Remove event from the Feed" will immediately appear in the drop-down window. Click on this sign and in the new window that opens "Ribbon Settings" confirm your desire. To do this, you need to check the box next to "Turn off all event notifications ..." (in a group or with a friend). To complete the settings, click the "Clear" button. If you change your mind about not tracking your friend's events, use the "Cancel" button.

There is also another way to exclude a friend from the news feed. To do this, go to the mobile version of the site, select the "Feed" section and mark the friend you are going to remove from the feed. Go to his main page and at the bottom in the list of options, find and click the "Feed" button, after which you will go to the activity page of a particular person. To exclude him from the list of alerts, just click the "Unsubscribe" button located almost at the very top of the page. And then to confirm the decision, repeat the request by clicking the "Exclude" button.

There is also a more radical option for removing a user from the activity feed. For him, you need to end the friendship by excluding the person from the list of his friends.

Return to feed

If at some point you decide to restore a person deleted from the feed, click the "More" link under the personal photo, then select "Change settings" in the drop-down window. On the next page, find the Ribbon Settings section. Click on this link, and a list of users and groups excluded from the feed will open in a new window. To make their actions appear on your wall again, hover over the user and select “Show in the feed” in the drop-down window, after which you will need to confirm the decision. To do this, click the "Enable" button.