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BootMGR IS Missing Error: Causes and Solutions. BootMGR IS Missing Error: Causes and Solutions Press Any Key Restart What does

The loading of the computer is interrupted at the very beginning and the message appears on the screen: "No Bootable Device - Insert Boot Disk and Press Any Key" - "No Footage Found". What is the reason? How to fix a similar problem? In our article we will briefly answer these and other questions.

When the computer works normally, we do not experience a special desire to understand whether everything is arranged in it. " However, when the computer fails, it stops loading, and "mysterious" error messages appear on the screen and we do not have the opportunity to call for the help of a computer specialist, then we are forced to look into the "Inner World" of the computer to return it to the working condition . Let's figure it out, which means the error message "not found for boot devices".

What does it mean and how to fix the error "no boot device"?
The computer has built-in software that is functioning independently of the operating system. This is the "sewn" software in the flash memory of each motherboard and is called the BIOS (basic I / O system). Its task includes loading devices and various components of the computer. After polling and testing computer components, BIOS transmits operating system management. It is BIOS that tells us by displaying the warning that the boot device is not found. This happens when the BIOS cannot load the operating system with any carrier on the computer. The "boot device" can be such media as hard disk, CD, DVD, a floppy disk or a common "flash drive" on which boot information or operating system may be. If this device is missing, disabled or have problems with the operating system, the above error message appears. Make sure that the BIOS menu is selected by the hard disk section or any other device that is planned to be used as the bootloader.

Now we will tell you about three possible reasons that can lead to a similar error.

File System Problems
The most likely the reason that the BIOS is not able to detect the boot device, is the operating system failure installed on the hard disk. This can occur due to a viral attack, randomly deleting system files or randomically compressing the system disk, i.e. Any reasons, due to which the existing operating system settings can be violated. In this case, when the system is started, the operating system is not detected, and you receive this error message.

The only way out in such a situation is booting from the Windows installation disk, followed by restoring or reinstalling the operating system. In the case of recovery, you can save all data on the section restored, in case of reinstallation, the data will be lost.

Hard disk disabled
In rare cases, it happens that the BIOS cannot detect a hard disk as a boot device, because it may have been physically disconnected from the motherboard. This may occur if the system unit suffered from falling or shocking. To make sure that this is true, go to the BIOS settings by clicking on the system startup the corresponding key (F1, F2, DEL, etc. options are possible).

In this case, you need to open the computer's system block case and check whether the cable from the motherboard is properly connected to the hard disk. If it is disconnected, simply connect it and the problem will be solved. In the case of a laptop, you will have to do the same. If your laptop or desktop computer is under warranty, then it is better to give the computer to the specialists of the service center.

Damage to the hard disk
Physical damage to the hard disk or the appearance of failed sectors can cause an error. The hard disk may be damaged as a result of voltage jumps in the network, dust, impact, etc. In the case when the hard disk is damaged, it is not detected by the BIOS "Ohm.

In this case, you may have to replace the hard drive. Hard disk must be tested for failed sectors. In the case of restoring its performance, it can be used as a secondary media.
If not one of the above measures did not help you, then you need to seek computer help To experts. At least your conscience will be calm, since you have done everything you could. In addition, we do not recommend you, open and repair a computer that is still on warranty service. Better, as mentioned above, pass it into the service department. Since it turns out that any element needs to be replaced, you do not have to buy and change it for your money.

The most likely cause of this failure is usually problems with the operating system affected by the attack of viruses or damage system files. In most such cases, you will have to reinstall the operating system. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to establish anti-virus software that effectively prevents viruses induced by the system.

Most users have already met with a BootMGR IS Missing error. When it occurs, Windows operating system instead of booting, welcomes you with a black screen with the text Bootmgr Is Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart. Many users enter panic and carry their computer to the master, which offers to reinstall the system for rather big money or puts a good account for the repair of computer components. We will try to solve the problem yourself without reinstalling Windows. And if nothing helps, then you will be the road to the service center. Let's consider everything in order.

Windows Boot Manager What is it?

Windows Boot Manager is a special operating system boot manager located in the smallest system section that is not available for viewing and editing the user.

The download manager controls the launch of the operating system from start to the end. Its function includes the launch of an important WinLoad.exe file that is responsible for the start of Windows loading. Use BootMGR, Microsoft's developers have begun from the time of Windows Vista, and continued to use it in newer versions.

Stage of the appearance of BootMGR IS Missing Press CTRL + Alt + Del to Restart

As I said above, the error appears at the initial stage of the computers. While BIOS could not find a special download file. At the same time, the launch of the operating system and the computer displays an error on a black background BootMGR IS Missing "Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to reboot"

Most often, the computer issues such a mistake due to a serious problem, and it will not be possible to fix it with a simple reboot. The error will appear again.

The main causes of the download manager error.

The reasons for the appearance of the error "bootmgr is missing in Windows 7" set. Let's consider the most common:

  • Problems in the hard disk of the computer: Very often, the appearance of failed sectors in the disk area where the download file leads to the loading of the OS;
  • Damage to Windows 7 system files: occurs in a consequence of computer infection with viruses or incorrect user operation;
  • Damage to boot information on HDD;
  • Incorrect BIOS settings: Bound up the priority of loading hard drives in BIOS.

Ways to eliminate BootMGR error.

Check the BIOS settings.

Let's consider the easiest option, solve our problem. First of all, you need to check if the settings of the loading of hard drives did not move.

Consider an example: if there is not one hard disk on the computer, but the operating system is located only on one of them. Then there are cases when the BIOS settings are knocked down and the sequence of discs that the system uses to download. If the first list disk without OS, the system will think that the loader is damaged or missing. Because of this, the error will immediately fall out.

In order to exclude this option go to the BIOS motherboard (you can log in by pressing the Del, F2 keys or other combinations). If the standard keys are not suitable, then you can see which buttons to press in the instruction manual.

After you went to the BIOS, looking for the section "boot"

In the window that opens, set the correct order of loading of hard drives. The very first to put the disk on which the operating system is located. Also check if the boot flash drive is not inserted into the system unit. If there is, remove it.

Use Windows Recovery tools.

If, after checking the BIOS settings, it was not possible to solve our problem, then we try to download Windows 7 recovery tool. For this, after the computer's enable button is pressed until the bootmgr is missing error appears, press the F8 button to download the additional Windows settings.

If everything is done correctly, a window must be downloaded with the options for starting the system.

We are interested in "Troubleshooting Windows". After pressing the "ENTER" key, the special utility will search for trouble and may eliminate our problem.

Important! There are cases when there is no "Troubleshooting" menu in the Advanced Settings menu. This is due to a serious damage to the download area or due to problems with the boot record.

Accordingly, this method is not suitable for us, so we turn to other options.

Eliminate the problem using a boot disk or flash drive with Windows 7.

With the help of the available boot flash drive, you can easily restore the Windows bootloader using the built-in toolkit problems.

In order to download the operating system from the bootable media, you need to go to the BIOS. In the "BOOT" section, set the first download from or drive DVD on the list.

The "System Recovery Settings" window opens.

We need to go to "Start Restore" item. Next, the system will search for problems and offer them to correct and restart the computer.

Note! After restarting the computer, do not forget to extract the bootable media. Otherwise, the system will start loading from it again.

We restore bootmgr using the command line.

The start of the actions in this method, similar to the previous, but now in the "Recovery Settings" window you need to open the item "". He is at the very bottom.

After starting the command line, we will try to restore a small system partition in which the Windows Boot Manager file lies.

To do this, we prescribe the "diskpart" command and click "ENTER"

Next, we write "List Volume" and look at which letter is assigned to the most small partition (the size of the section is about 100 MB), as well as what letter is assigned to our boot disk.

After, we leave the "DiskPart" menu, speaking "EXIT". The next step, open our boot disk. We write "M:" or another letter, depending on what your disk is assigned.

After writing the team, FIR BOOTMGR C: \\. Thus, we copy the boot file to the system disk. The problem should decide.

Check the hard disk on errors.

If the problem faced the above methods could not be solved, then you need to check the hard disk on errors. Check can be carried out in different ways. If you have a different computer at hand, we post a hard disk with a non-loading system and connect to the working computer. Next, run the Victoria program, and perform the disk check for errors. How the Victoria program works you can read in the article -.

If you connect the hard drive to another computer there is no possibility. You can start with Windows Life CD and already check the disk on errors.

Using third-party software.

BootMGR IS Missing error can be corrected using a special Acronis Disk Director program. You can start it as much as Live CD. But it is necessary to use this program in extreme cases, as you can continue to remain without data on the hard disk.


We looked at the most popular ways to solve the problem of the BootMGR IS Missing Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart Windows 7 error. In most cases, it turns out to restore the operation of the operating system without its complete reinstall, as well as without contacting the service center.

The article disassembles the typical causes of BootMGR IS Missing error and treatment options.

In order:

What is bootmgr?

Bootmgr. - Program-serial boot manager of the Windows operating system. Was presented for the first time in Windows Vista and came to change the download manager Ntldr. In previous versions of the system. Its task is to read the download configuration data and display the list of operating systems in a special preliminary menu. It is thanks to him you and see the first window with a list of systems on a black background. It is pulled up, etc. Its typical location: that disc, where your Windows is lying or ..

Where is BootMGR?

This is no longer just some text file, as it was in Windows XP (it performed its task), and a whole small database, by the structure resembling the registry of the system. When installed on a formatted hard drive, Windows itself reserves itself (usually several hundred megabytes), where the file is safely and prescribed. If you open the disk management console, it will be easy to detect (if any): Windows marks it as Reserved system And sometimes it does not assign any letter (so safer) to him:

the disc is reserved, however, the letter is assigned

and here the disk looks like most users

As you can see, he is already without a letter, so there will be no display in the conductor.

However, after some manipulations with the installation-reinstall, it often lives in the root folder of the Windows, from where it is better not to transfer it. The system immediately assigns attributes Hidden and Systemic, Limit rights to use the file, so that by default the user does not see it:

What will happen if bootmgr delete?

Well, what do you think? Utility winLoad.exe.loss in touch with reality and will patiently wait for data to download. Sometimes it is accompanied by a black screen:

But often the system honestly warns the user that the file is simply no:

She has two varieties that do not differ from each other:

Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart "

Press Any Key to Restart

To schedule delete file bootmgr., certain skills are needed and have a number of steps. See (I do not advise you to repeat!):

  • in console Disk management Assign any liter to the reserved disk (if the file lies in the Windows root folder, you can skip these items)

  • it will immediately appear in the conductor:

  • however, when trying to intervene in its existence, the file naturally refers to the lack of rights on your part:

  • without problems, we pass the procedure for changing rights.

bootmgr.Properties - Tab SafetyAdditionally:

What is here with us?

  • Click a couple of times ok and and go out on the window Bootmgr properties. Click to change, in the list of users, select your account and expose maximum rights by installing ticks for all items:

everything is ready - you can delete

And delete ...

bootmgr is. really Missing.

Restart the system - come across the problem


Be careful when carrying out manipulations with the file. As you can see in drawings from above, a reserved disk has not only a file in its composition. bootmgr.. So the appearance of various errors on the screen can cause not only damage to the file itself, but also damage to the disk or boot order! However, this will serve as a starting point for finding a real problem.

Bootmgr Is Missing: Causes of Appearance

As you understood from your described, the reasons are somewhat:

  1. breaks system files on the hard disk due to the appearance
  2. again the BAD sectors of the disk, but the reason is a mechanical malfunction
  3. problems in BIOS.
  4. problems - attention - (I encountered once)
  • Let's start with the simplest. Before turning on the computer, we take all drives connected to ports. Any flash drive with a simple set of films and music is able to "distract" BIOS on yourself, which will take it to look for a boot file there. So immediately exclude this problem immediately.
  • Boot disk with Windows to help. The ideal option is exactly what system and was installed. If not sure, be prepared to find a suitable image of the system. It can be officially downloaded from Microsoft servers (Windows XP versions there) with the help of the utility:

is free

  • The sequence of actions is set forth in the drawings in stages. You need only forward:

click to enlarge

Attentive user will notice for a second the console window appeared on the background with running bcdedit.exe.which simply re-sends the missing file bootmgr.. Usually she is doing this when working with an error. And it doesn't matter if the files are damaged in the boot record or simply no - this is the most effective option to get rid of an error. The main thing is that the parameter window can detect all copies of Windows.

This method has several variations. One of them - if after the window with the requirement of a reboot (see above) the error does not disappear - delete the file independently (two locations are already known to you), first hitting the system using a Live DVD disk, for example, and then repeat the procedure described above. The system disk can be easily detected, because if you have problems with the controller, which is much more serious, the error will look:

No Bootable Device Hit Any Key

So in our case, the Tips "Reset the BIOS settings, check the loops" if nothing excess of USB sticks out, actually lose meaning. There is a small probability that some of the information will be lost due to a faulty loop, but I have not met with such a thing.

By the way

The Hiren's problem is coping independently.

  • Sometimes the cause of the error appears is to change the active disk. This will not happen if the system when loading first refers to what is reserved. However, if bootmgr. before stored on the same disk, where all the Windows folders, and with all the fact you multiple TomovIt is likely that the discs simply changed roles. And as a result:

Your task to check it. You also have several options, but you have to work with the command console. How do you call the command line - using boot windows or Hiren's. - your choice. This function is in the boot disk (you can and through the disk from Hiren. - Only it turns out how "to Moscow through China" - so we go to the shortest way):

well, or in Russian:

By the way, the boot disk restore means can cope even faster, instantly determining the wrong sequence in the disks, issuing this window:

It remains to follow the advice of the manager and click on the button. However, this is not always the case. But we have several tools in stock. Here is the first. In the console, try to call the BootRec utility with the flag:

bootRec / FixBoot

This is the same command, which for a second appears the background in the recovery parameters window. But she, as you understand, will not help if the disks "confused". So remember the commands utilities diskpart.from Windows to work with discs. Here they are in the console of the boot disk:

So, the section is found. Activate it and leave the console through eXIT:

you can simply restart the computer

By the way, if I come across such a problem with the customer, I immediately hide this section so that this problem does not happen. This can be done without leaving the console team


ID 07. assigns the attribute section Hidden. Yes ... I almost forgot, teams list for lazy:

DiskPart List Disk Select Disk List Partition Select Partition Number: Section Active Set ID \u003d 07 Override Exit

What other options?

The following method rather refers to the chip section: Now we simply block the download files or the system reserved section (the one that is in a hundred megabytes) is entirely. We will again rescue the program. It can make a copy of the section and transfer files (optionally visible to the address) to the C drive from there it will be possible to restore the infinite number of times:

What you need to know here. This section will not be shown. However, the place where the system will look in search of boot files will change, and the download will occur from the disk S.

We succeed to all.

Read: 409.