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Schematic diagram of a shocker powered by 220v. How to make a shocker at home

An electroshock device (stun gun), abbreviated as EShU, is a publicly available special means of protection against offenders and an effective means of scaring away and protecting animals, such as dogs, when attacked.

Shockers on the market are presented in a wide range, but the principle of operation of all models is the same. They differ from each other only in the magnitude of the voltage on the electrodes, the power of the arc, reliability and the presence of additional services, such as a flashlight and a built-in charger, and others.

The main consumer parameters of any shocker are the open-circuit voltage on the arrester electrodes and the arc power. According to GOST R 50940-96 “Electroshock devices. Are common specifications." The voltage shockers on the electrodes are divided into five groups. The first is from 70 to 90 kV, the second is from 45 to 70 kV, the third is from 20 to 45 kV, the fourth is from 12 to 20 kV and the fifth is up to 12 kV inclusive. And according to the power of the impact of the arc - into three types. The first is from 2 to 3 W, the second is from 1 to 2 W and the third, from 0.3 to 1 W.

Classification of stun guns

Depending on the combination of type and group that the specific model stun gun, according to GOST R 50940-96, it can be attributed to one of five classes. To which class the stun gun corresponds, it is easy to find out from the table below. For example, a stun gun of the second type of the third group belongs to the third class.

First class stun guns are very powerful and expensive, they are weapons for special forces. For personal protection, a shocker of the second or third class is quite suitable. Shockers of the fourth and fifth class are more suitable for intimidating an attacker than for real protection.

Attention, if you decide to buy a stun gun, then consider the following. For a temporary paralysis of the physical strength of an attacker, the time of continuous exposure of the shocker discharge to his body should be about 3 seconds. With a shorter exposure time, you will only anger the offender and then it is quite possible that you yourself will fall under the influence of your own shocker. It is permissible to use a shocker only if you are sure that you can hold the shocker pressed by the electrodes to the opponent's body for three seconds.

The electrical circuit of the stun gun, the principle of operation

I had to repair a JSJ-704 stun gun with a flashlight. Appearance of this shocker is presented in the photo above. According to external signs, the shocker was in good order, the LED indicating the battery charge was lit when the shocker was connected to the network. The flashlight worked, the ready-to-discharge LED also glowed, but nothing happened when the discharge button was pressed. It became obvious that the fault lies in the high-voltage converter circuit.

All stun guns, regardless of model and manufacturer, work on the same principle. The voltage from the accumulator or batteries is supplied to a high-frequency generator, which converts the DC voltage into AC voltage. Alternating voltage is supplied to a step-up high-voltage transformer, the secondary winding of which is connected directly or through a voltage multiplier to the external electrodes of the shocker. When the stun gun is turned on, a powerful electric arc occurs between the electrodes.

The photo shows an electric circuit diagram stun gun model JSJ-704.

The scheme consists of several functional units. A charger is assembled on the capacitor C1 and the diode bridge VD1 battery GB1. C1 limits the charge current to 80 mA, the diode bridge rectifies the voltage. Resistor R1 serves to discharge the capacitor C1 through it after the shocker is disconnected from the mains voltage to prevent the discharge of the capacitor through the human body in case of accidental contact with the plug terminals.

LED HL1 serves to indicate the connection of the shocker to electrical network 220 V, R2 serves to limit the flowing current through HL1. This part of the circuit does not directly participate in the operation of the shocker and serves only to charge the battery and may be absent in models of other shockers. Charging time for a fully discharged battery is 15 hours.

LED HL2 with current-limiting resistor R3 is a flashlight. The lamp turns on when the switch S1 slider is moved to the middle position. The flashlight is placed between the discharger of the shocker and is convenient in the dark. Some models of shockers may be missing.

LED HL3 with current-limiting resistor R4 serve to indicate the inclusion of the shocker in the mode of readiness for use. To prevent accidental inclusion in the discharge mode, triple protection is provided in the form of three switches. In order for a discharge to appear between the electrodes, you must first move the sliding switch S1 (located next to the round button) to the extreme right position, then the second sliding switch S2 (located next to the socket for connecting the shocker to the mains for charging) to the right position, after which the HL3 LED will light up, informing that the shocker is ready to be discharged. And only after that, when you press the round pusher of the self-returning button S3 “Start”, a discharge will appear between the electrodes in the form of a blue arc.

How to disassemble a stun gun

Due to the fact that the halves of the body of the shocker were fastened together with four self-tapping screws, it was not difficult to disassemble it.

The heads of three self-tapping screws were clearly visible in the hidden holes, and the fourth was sealed with a label. After unscrewing all the screws, the halves easily separated.

After removing the cover, the following picture opened. As you can see in the photo, the installation of parts of the stun gun is made by a hinged method, printed circuit board No. The high-voltage converter is filled with compound. This is good because it is protected from moisture and therefore more reliable, but it is bad that the converter is not repairable. It should be noted that although the shocker is made in China, all soldering is made with high quality and reliability.

Repair of a stun gun

Attention, when repairing a stun gun, extreme care must be taken so as not to accidentally touch the discharge electrodes during the operation of the shocker. Kill will not kill, but the discomfort is guaranteed.

Repair of any electronic device starts with checking the power supply. Therefore, the first step is to check the performance of the battery or batteries. The test can be done with a multimeter. If the shocker is powered by batteries, then in addition to their serviceability, you need to check the condition of the contacts in the battery compartment. It happens that they oxidize or weaken their springy properties.

When the “Start” button was pressed with the “Ready” indicator on, the discharge did not occur, but the voltage at the battery terminals, equal to 7.2 V, did not drop. So it's not the battery. I checked the voltage when pressing the "Start" button on the input terminals of the High Voltage Converter, it dropped to a few volts. This voltage was sufficient for the HL3 LED to glow, but not enough for the converter to work.

Therefore, the fault was in the poor contact of one of the switches, S1, S2 or S3. I shorted the conclusions of S2 with a jumper and the stun gun worked. To restore the performance of the shocker, you need to clean or replace the faulty switch.

If the stun gun has not been turned on for a long time, then in some types of switches the contacts are oxidized and often it is enough to turn them on and off twenty times to restore their performance. Then the oxide will be erased, and the switch will work again.

But since the shocker was opened and there was access to the contacts in the faulty switch, the wires were soldered from the switch and the contacts were cleaned with a brush moistened with alcohol. During the time when the contacts were wet from alcohol, the switch was intensively switched. After soldering back to the wire leads, the work of the shocker was restored. As you can see, we managed to repair the stun gun with our own hands, spending very little time.

Here is a video demonstrating the operation of the stun gun after repair. As you can see, a rather powerful arc occurs between the electrodes, accompanied by a strong sound. a wide range. Animals, especially dogs, do not like this sound very much; they run away with their tails between their legs.

Powerful do-it-yourself electric shock at 100 W

The do-it-yourself electric shock can assemble almost any ham radio at home. Peak The power of this model reaches 135 watts.- and this is an absolute power record for such dimensions. The shocker turned out to be quite pocketable, has a rather stylish design due to the coating of 3D carbon fiber (in the store, a meter of such carbon fiber costs about 4 grams. The shocker itself is made in a case from a Chinese led flashlight, of course, I had to tinker with the alteration of the case. Despite the increased output power, the shocker has simple design and weighs no more than 250g.

Device Diagram:

It all started with the eBay auction Two sets have been ordered. lithium polymer batteries with a capacity of 1200mA at a voltage of 12 Volts (according to the passport 11.1 Volts). The short circuit current of such batteries is over 25 amperes. But for such batteries it is a sin not to make a powerful converter. Without thinking twice, a circuit of a powerful high-voltage inverter 12-2500 Volts was assembled.

The circuit is built on powerful N-channel field switches of the IRFZ series48, but the choice of transistors is not critical. Later, the transistors were replaced with more powerful IRF3205, it was thanks to this replacement that the power was increased by 20-30 watts.

The 5kV 2200pF capacitor used in the multiplier can deliver power of 0.0275 J / s, there are 4 such capacitors in the multiplier.
Sufficiently large losses in the converter, in the inductor and in the diodes of the multiplier.


Output voltage - 25-30kV
Maximum power - 135 watts
Long-term power - 70 watts
Discharge frequency 1000-1350Hz
Distance between output contacts - 27mm
Power - battery (LI-Po 11.1V 1200mAh)
Flashlight - has
Fuse - has
Charging - transformerless, from a network of 220 Volts
Weight - no more than 250g

Transformer - was taken from a Chinese electronic transformer for powering halogen lamps with a power of 50 watts.
It is necessary to remove all regular windings from the transformer in advance and wind new ones.

The primary winding is wound immediately with 5 strands of copper wire, each of the strands has a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm. Thus, in the primary winding we have a wire with a total diameter of about 2.5 mm.

First you need to cut 10 pieces of the specified wire, the length of each piece is 15cm. Next, we assemble two identical tires of 5 turns.
We wind the primary winding with two tires at once - 4-5 turns around the entire frame. Next, we cut off the excess wire from the ends of the windings, remove the varnish, twist the cores and tin them.

Next, we isolate the primary winding with 10-15 layers of ordinary transparent tape and start winding the secondary (step-up winding)
The winding is wound in layers, each layer has 70-80 turns. This winding is wound with a wire of 0.08-0.1 mm, the number of turns is 900-1200.

Interlayer insulation is made with the same transparent adhesive tape, for each row we lay 3-5 layers of insulation.
The finished transformer cannot be turned on without load; it does not need to be filled with resin.

high voltage part

voltage multiplier. High-voltage diodes of the KTs123B series are used here, you can replace them with KTs106G or any other high-voltage diodes with a reverse voltage of at least 7-10 kV and with an operating frequency of more than 15 kHz.

The finished multiplier is poured with epoxy resin directly in the EShU housing.

The exit bayonets are made of solid stainless material, the distance between them is a little more than 25mm. You should not spread the bayonets for a long distance, although the air breakdown can reach up to 45mm.

The switch and button must be selected with a current of 3 A or more. Flashlight LEDs were removed from Chinese lamp, conventional super-bright.
They are connected in series, power is supplied through a 10 ohm 0.25 watt limiting resistor.

Charging is carried out according to a transformerless scheme, output voltage 12 volts at 45 mA. Now many will think that it is unthinkable to charge such batteries with this charger, but the current is negligible, it takes a long time to charge, but the batteries do not swell, besides, the circuit is simple and works stably, does not heat up and is not afraid of a short circuit. Of course, if possible, it is advisable to use a normal charger to charge such batteries, but in my case there was no such possibility.

Our shocker is dozens of times more powerful than industrial ESH models that can be found in stores, even the famous scheme of Pavel Bohun (EVIL SHOCKER) in front of this device is just a toy.

Well, on this note, we will conclude our article, the shocker turned out to be good, it has super high power, but it has not yet been tested on people, but with such a device you can safely walk the streets of even the most dangerous areas.

Watch the video in our

It is quite difficult to defend yourself in a closed space from an unexpectedly attacked person. For example, how to stop a robber in an elevator? or they can hurt themselves, and a knife or a gun can become a deadly weapon. They will also give you a deadline.

Therefore, the best option would be, which, by the way, you can make yourself. And today we will tell you how to make ordinary and powerful mini stun guns at home.

Before moving on to special types of devices, let's talk about how to make the simplest stun gun.

Necessary equipment and raw materials

Here is a list of required materials and parts:

  • silicone;
  • insulating tape;
  • a ferrite rod pulled out of an old radio;
  • plastic bag;
  • scotch;
  • wire;
  • wire with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 mm;
  • wire with a diameter of 0.4 to 0.7 mm;
  • wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm;
  • ferrite transformer pulled out of impulse block power supply of any electronic device;
  • fuse;
  • battery for power supply;
  • diodes, capacitor and resistor for charger;
  • Light-emitting diode;
  • switches;
  • an old suitable case or plastic for its manufacture.

And now we will learn how to make a homemade stun gun.

Creation technology

High voltage coil

First, we make a high-voltage coil.

  1. To do this, we wrap a ferrite rod about five centimeters long with three layers of electrical tape, then fifteen turns of the thinnest wire go.
  2. On top - five more layers of electrical tape and six layers of adhesive tape.
  3. We cut the plastic bag into strips ten centimeters long and a width corresponding to the length of the coil.
  4. Next comes the secondary winding with a thicker wire (from 350 to 400 turns) in the same direction as the primary winding.
  5. We isolate each row of wire (from 40 to 50 turns) with polyethylene tapes and five rows of adhesive tape.
  6. At the end are two layers of electrical tape and ten layers of tape. Fill the sides with silicone.

converter transformer

Now we make the converter transformer.

  • Its basis will be a ferrite transformer, from which you need to remove all the windings and the ferrite frame (you may have to put the part in boiling water for a while).
  • We wind the primary winding from a wire 0.8 mm thick (12 turns). The secondary winding is 600 turns (70 turns in a row) with millimeter wire.
  • To isolate each row, lay four layers of electrical tape. Having inserted the halves of the ferrite, we fix the structure using electrical tape or adhesive tape.

spark gap and other parts

The next detail is the spark gap.

  1. For it, we take the old fuse, remove the tin on its contacts with a hot soldering iron, and pull out the inner wire.
  2. We screw the screws on both sides (they should not contact).
  3. By changing the gap between them, you can change the frequency of discharges.

We take ready-made batteries:

  • lithium-ion (pulled from mobile phone),
  • nickel-cadmium or lithium polymer.

The latter are very capacious, but they must be bought, and this is expensive.

For the charger, we solder a diode bridge, a capacitor, a resistor and a signal LED. A diagram with the characteristics of parts can be found on the Web. Charging time will be about three to four hours.

As for the case, you can find something suitable by gutting a faulty device. Or glue it from plastic parts. You can even make a case out of cardboard by filling it with epoxy. The result is a stun gun with a power of about five watts, consuming up to three amperes of current. Remember that more than three seconds a person should not be affected by a discharge.

Special types of homemade EShU

From a flashlight

So, how to make a stun gun from a flashlight like the so popular ones, or, for example,?

  1. It will take, in fact, only the body of the flashlight - the LED can also be left. This is convenient because there are already batteries inside.
  2. Four high-voltage coils and converters pulled out of electric lighters for gas stoves should also be placed there.
  3. Spark gaps and a separate switch are added to the circuit.
  4. Each transformer has its own two contacts.
  5. Arresters are made from steel narrow strips or pieces of paper clips.

We will tell you how to make a stun gun from a battery.

From a battery

This is the easy way. For him you will need:

  • battery type "Krona" with a capacity of 9 watts;
  • ebonite rod from 30 to 40 centimeters long;
  • converting transformer (ready-made, pulled out of the charger or AC adapter);
  • insulating tape;
  • steel wire;
  • push button switch.

We take an ebonite rod and attach two five-centimeter pieces of steel wire to it with electrical tape. They need to be connected with a wire to a transformer and a battery. The switch is attached to the opposite end of the rod. When you press its button, a discharge (arc) will appear between the pieces of wire. To do this, you need to press 25 times per second.

The power of the device is small - it can be used more for intimidation, and not for protection.

From a lighter

So, how to make a stun gun from a lighter? We will need:

  • battery operated electric lighter;
  • clip;
  • glue;
  • soldering iron and solder.

We disassemble the lighter, cut off the tube with a hacksaw. We only need a handle with wires coming out of it. We leave them a length of one or two centimeters, cutting with wire cutters. Then we expose their tips and solder pieces of paper clips there. The ends are slightly bent. We fix the whole structure with glue. The power of the device is also not too high.

The video below will tell you how to make a stun gun from a lighter at home:

In the form of a pen

You will need:

  • a small carnation;
  • two lighters (one with a piezoelectric element);
  • a handle with a button and a metal clip, having a sufficiently large diameter, containing a piezoelectric element;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • glue gun.
  1. We disassemble one of the lighters and take out the piezoelectric element.
  2. We disassemble the handle, pull out the inner plastic sleeve and cut it out middle part to a length corresponding to the size of the piezoelectric element.
  3. We remove the clip and on the side with a heated (second lighter) carnation we make a hole in the upper part of the handle body.
  4. With a hacksaw we make an incision for the wire.
  5. We put the handle button in place, glue the piezoelectric wire insulation with a thermal gun and glue it to the second part of the plastic inner sleeve.
  6. We insert everything into the body of the handle, bring the wire into the hole, then pass it along the sawn groove and clamp it with a metal clip from the handle.
  7. Paste lower part bushings and assemble the handle.
  8. Now, when you press the button from the clip, it will shock.

But this is more of a toy than a means of self-defense. And now let's find out how to make a stun gun from a capacitor at home.

From the condenser

We take a capacitor from a long lamp daylight. Earlier, in Soviet times, it was rectangular, red or green. In modern models, it is a white cylinder.

We also need a wire (double) with a plug at the end. The length of the wire can be left about ten to fifteen centimeters.

We expose the ends opposite to the plug, fasten them to the capacitor contacts and carefully isolate them. That's it. Now, after charging from the network, a discharge will appear at the ends of the plug, quite noticeable. But it does not bring harm - it only pinches.

The video below will tell you how to make a powerful stun gun at home:

For many years I have been making similar devices and each time the technology of circuitry is somewhat different. In search of a convenient and very powerful stun gun, I created a whole notebook with the development of stun guns, it is these archives that are offered to your attention. The circuit of this shocker on one transistor is very simple - a converter on a KT819 and a push-pull voltage multiplier. Now think: only two capacitors are not able to stun - but you are deeply mistaken, the power of the shocker when powered by 12 volts 2 amperes reaches 30 watts, and is able to half light an incandescent lamp with a voltage of 220 volts 60 watts.

In the photographs, the shocker is powered by a mobile phone battery with a capacity of 650 mA / h, the arc with this power supply is 1 centimeter, but when powered by 12 volts, the arc reaches 4-5 centimeters. For such parameters, you need to find capacitors with a capacity of 10 kilovolts 22000 picofarads, the code marking is attached to the article. In fact, such imported capacitors can be easily found on the radio market. The diodes in the voltage multiplier are high-voltage - domestic kts106 is the best option.

The converter is assembled on the basis of a simple blocking generator on a single transistor, a transistor - kt819 / kt805 and its imported analogues, or any other similar parameters. 100 ohm resistor with 1 watt power. The transformer is taken from a computer power supply. The primary winding contains 10 turns with a tap from the middle, it is wound with 4 strands of wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm each. Then we isolate the primary winding with several layers of transparent tape and wind the secondary winding, it contains 2000 turns of 0.08 mm wire, we isolate the winding every 80 turns. It is desirable to fill the finished transformer with epoxy resin to avoid breakdowns. And now the main secret of this shocker is a spark gap!

It's not a secret for you that the main disadvantage of shockers on a voltage multiplier is that when in contact with human skin, the pulses close through the resistance of the skin and the capacitors do not have time to charge, the spark gap serves as a spare gap, that is, the charge flows constantly through it, this voltage enough to paralyze after 1 second of using an electroshock device. The case is made of plastic, you can use the case from a Chinese LED flashlight. The shocker must be equipped with a non-latching button and a switch. It is convenient to use two batteries from a mobile phone as a power source for this stun gun on one transistor. And in the future we will consider more powerful stun guns with an anti-pull system and other interesting devices. Stay tuned, author - Artur Kasyan (AKA).