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HTML This is how can I put my div in the bottom of the container? Basic HTML tags HTML containers elements.

Since we began to understand the code of our blogs on the Wordpress - we can not get around the question hTML formatting. Of course, this is a whole science. But we will try to deal with the basics: to understand what tags are used to format text - individual posts, pages. Then we will be able to make meaningful changes to this structure.

Block layout WordPress

To begin with, discuss general principle Forming an HTML code for WordPress. It is called "Block layout". And, as it is not difficult to guess, it means that the template consists of some blocks. We have already seen this on the example of the page or one entry template ().

But even if you open the code of any blog article (for example, in the HTML editor mode), you will see the same blocks located one above the other. In general, such a layout is so natural that many authors do not even think that this is exactly a certain principle, and the state of affairs that has developed by itself.

In fact, not everything is so obvious. For example, the table layout (you can read in detail about the tables in a separate article):

Left cell Right cell

We see that individual elements (cells) are registered one above the other. And they will be located on the same line. Here is the result of such a simple entry:

Left cell Right cell

Please note that if there are no boundaries in the table - then the contents of its cells look like a regular entry. Imagine that we can (and we can!) Set any configuration for cells, add not only text, but also pictures ... And now try to imagine how the code of such a page is!

It is this principle of layouts used before (for example, for Narod sites) and sometimes apply so far! It is called "tabular layout". So, the naturalness of block layout is a successful find of developers, not an accident.

Block layout elements

But how are blocks in block layout form? How does the browser distinguish that one element ended and began next? How does it define that this element has such properties and styles, and the other are others? - These are the main questions that lead us from theory to practice.

So, blocks are fragments of content, which are concluded in block tags or block elements (containers). Actually, there are many of them, but today we will get acquainted with the most important and frequently meant - tags div, p, h.

All block elements have general formatting rules:

  • The width of such an element will be equal to the width of the parent. That is, for example, the width of the text text will be equal to the entire width of the column;
  • The height is determined by the amount of content. That is, the paragraph will be higher if there is more text in it;
  • New block starts with a new line.

Container Div.

it basic tag For any template WordPress. Check your topic codes - there will be challenges pHP functions:

And some fragments enclosed in tags are actually a container:


And in such a container, php functions, and other tags (for example, active references bounded by tags A, headers H, etc.) can be entered into such a container.

Why do you need such a container? - To assign it a separate style that will be registered separately (in the style table). So you can write a rather concise code consisting of separate blocks for which the name or style ID will be assigned. But the CSS execution code itself will be loaded from another file. Style properties are adding:

or so

Look at the code of any of the sections of the template of your blog and immediately see what I'm talking about. For training, try to determine individual blocks and understand for displaying what page elements they respond. And then find the name or ID of styles in the style table, which relate to different blocks.

Container P.

These tags we will mostly meet in the formatting of a separate entry - it is only worth opening hTML editor articles. Because this tag contains the content of one paragraph of text. As a rule, the style property of the Text-Align is used to it, which sets the alignment:

  • text-Align: Left; - alignment on the left edge;
  • tEXT-ALIGN: RIGHT; - Alignment on the right edge;
  • text-Align: Justify; - width alignment;

The full entry looks, for example, so:

All other style properties for this tag are set in the style sheet. There are also fonts, and their size, and the color of the text (after all, it can be not only black!)

Container H.

This is the famous tag in which headlines are h1, h2, h3 and so on. Styles for each type of headers are already spelled out in the topic of blog. They are also involved in the layout of the template pages, and in the formatting of individual posts.

On the use of the headlines of different levels in the text already been said to be negotiated by the samples of all the masters. But we can apply this tag and in the WordPress template. For example, add your blog motto to main page - Under the hat, above the list of posts. For example, so:

My blog is the best!

And next time we will look at the lowercase elements, without which the layout and formatting of the blog are also impossible.

Stay in touch! Blogoty will send you new articles on the post office!

In this lecture, it is described about the elements of the body markup of the HTML document, their typification, purpose and use are analyzed in detail.

Body tags document

The body tags are designed to manage information display in the user interface program. They describe the hypertext structure of the database using built into the text contextual hypertext links. The body of the document consists of:

  • hierarchical containers and screensavers;
  • headlines (from H1 to H6);
  • blocks (paragraphs, lists, shapes, tables, pictures, etc.);
  • horizontal drawing and addresses;
  • text broken on the area of \u200b\u200bstyles (underscore, selection, italics);
  • mathematical descriptions, graphs and hypertext links.

Document Body - CONTAINER MADY

Description of the body tags should be started with the tag MDY. Unlike the tag of NEAD, the tag of MDY has attributes.

The bassground attribute defines the background on which the text of the document is displayed. So, if the source for the background HTML document It is a graphic file image.gif, then the corresponding attribute appears in the Body body opening tag:

<ВОDY ВАСКGROUND="image.gif">

As can be seen from this example, the address in the abbreviated form of the URL is used as the value of this attribute. In this case, this is the address of the local file. It should be noted that different user interfaces support various additional attributes for the Tag MDY.

In this table, the # xxxxxxxh string determines the color in the terms RGB in hexadecimal notation. It is also possible to set colors by name. The table below shows the names of the colors defined in the HTML 4 standard and the corresponding RGB codes. Note that many modern browsers go beyond the standards and support much more colors.

Name The code Name The code
aqua. # 00FFFF. nAVY. #000080
black. #000000 olive. #808000
blue # 0000FF. purple. #800080
fuchsia. # FF00FF. red # FF0000.
gray. #808080 silver # C0C0C0.
green. #008000 teal. #008080
lime. # 00FF00. white #FFFFFF.
maroon. #800000 yellow # FFFF00.

So, the values \u200b\u200bof the attributes in Table 3.1 define the color of the text like blue, the background - white, the links have passed red, and the new links are green. If you specify as tag attributes


the background color will be white, the text will be blue, links - green, and the links have passed red. However, using these attributes should be extremely careful, since the user can have another interface that these parameters do not interpret.

Microsoft. Internet Explorer. and Netscape Navigator admit the application of attributes LeftMargin \u003d N and brandrgin \u003d n in the tag<ВОDY>. The LeftMargin \u003d attribute \u003d sets the left field for the entire page. TORMRGIN \u003d determines the top field. The number n shows the width of the field in pixels. For example, tag<ВОDY LEFTMARGIN =»40″> Create a left field of 40 pixels wide on the entire page. With N, equal to 0, the left field is missing.

Markup control tags


The title denotes the beginning of the document section. The standard defines 6 levels of titles: from H1 to H6. Tag<Н1>It turns out big - this is the main header. If the text is surrounded by tags<Н2>, it looks somewhat less (subtitle); Text inside<НЗ> even less and so on to<Н6>. Some programs allow you to use a greater number of headlines, but more really more than three levels are rare, and more than 5 - extremely rare.

Below, the figure shows the result of using the following headers:

Title 1.

Title 2.



It is used to divide the text to paragraphs. It uses the same attributes as in headlines.

Attribute Align.

The Align attribute allows you to align the text on the left or right edge, in the center or width. By default, the text is aligned to the left edge. This attribute also applies to graphics and tables.

Align \u003d Justify. Alignment on the left and right edges. Implemented not in all interpretation programs.

Align \u003d Left. Alignment to the left edge. Default hTML text It is aligned to the left edge and is not aligned by right, that is, the beginning of the strings is at one level vertically, and the ends are on different. Most often, the text at the same time with equal intervals between the words looks better. Since the leveling on the left edge is set automatically, the attribute ALIGN \u003d LEFT can be omitted.

Align \u003d Right Alignment on the right edge. The text alone on the right edge and not aligned on the left - ends of the strings are on the same level, and the beginning to be different - is often used to create original design. To do this, the attribute is ALIGN \u003d RIGHT in conventional tags, for example in tag<Р>.

Align \u003d Center. Centering text and graphics. There are several ways to center the text or graphics. In HTML 3.0 specifications, it is proposed to use the tag<АLIGN=сеntеr>. However, this tag is applicable not to all html-page objects, so the developers of Netscape added tag<СЕNТЕR>which cores any objects and is supported by Netscape Navigator 3.0 browsers, Microsoft Explorer 3.0 and others. To tag<СЕNТЕR> Need to treat with caution. Some browser can ignore it at all, and the page will be the text alone on the left edge.

Flowing graphics text. Using the Align attribute, you can force the text to "contend" a graphic object. To do this should be placed tag There, where the graphic object should be, and add the attribute Align \u003d Left, Align \u003d Right or Align \u003d Center. In addition, using the NSPA and VSPAS attributes (they are described below), the width of horizontal and vertical fields separating the image from the text is set. You can also create a frame around the picture or framing the table text. So that the text does not "flow" graphics, and interrupted, you need to apply the tag
With a Clear attribute.

Using tag<ВR>

Forced translation of the string is used to disrupt the standard text display order. For as usual mode Interpretation The user interface program displays the text in the working window automatically splitting it to the string. In this mode, the ends of the text strings are ignored. Sometimes it is required to start printing from a new line for greater expressiveness. For this, you need a tag in. SleaR attribute in tag<ВR> Used to stop at the specified point flow around the object with text and then continue the text in an empty area behind the object. The text on the object continued in accordance with the LEFT, RIGHT or ALL values \u200b\u200bof the SLEAR attribute:

The text will continue, starting with the nearest empty left field.
The text will be continued, starting with the nearest empty right field.
The text will continue as soon as the left, and the right fields will be empty.

Element markup

Tag (NO LYAK, without cliff) gives the browser to display the entire text in one line, without breaking it. If the text enclosed in tags will not fit on the screen, the browser will add a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the document window. If you want to break the string in a certain place, put the tag there<ВR>.

Character Display Management Tags

All these tags can be divided into two classes: Tags, displaying the display form (Font Style), and tags characterizing the type of information (Information Type). Often outwardly different tags when displaying gives the same result. It depends mainly on the settings of the interpreting program and user tastes.

Tags mapping display form

Italic, strengthening, underline, upper index, lower index, font large, small, red, blue, various combinations - all makes pages more interesting. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator allow you to define a font using a font tag. Now you can combine several types of fonts on one page, regardless of which one is set by default in the user's browser.

Tags<ВIG> and - changing the size of the font

Text located between tags<ВIG> or will, respectively, more or less standard.

Top and lower indexes

With tagov and You can set the upper and lower indexes necessary to record trademarks, copyright characters, links and footnotes. The tags in question allow you to create inside the text area upper or lower indexes of any size. So that they seem less than the surrounding text, you can use tags and from attribute Font. Size \u003d -1, which reduces the font size.

Attribute SizE.

Attribute Size Tag Allows you to set the size of the text in this area. If you do not use a tag To specify a certain font size on the entire page, the default is received 3. Some browsers tag Do not support, so it is desirable to use it only within the text area. In other cases, it is better to use tags<Н1>, <Н2>, <НЗ> etc. The main advantage of taga It is that after the end of the action, it does not break the string as tags<Нn>. Therefore tag It is very useful for changing the font size in the middle of the line.

Attribute Solor.

If you want to make your page more colorful, you can use the attribute of the SOLOr in the FON tag, and then the only restriction will be the color palette on the user's computer.

Tags, managing the display form, are shown in the table.

Tag Value
Strengthening (Vold)
Lisked text
Increased font size
Reduced font size
Substitutional symbols
Support symbols
<ЕМ>… Typographical amplification
<СIТЕ>… Citation
<СODE>… Displays code examples (for example, "program codes")
Sequence literal
<КВD>… An example of input characters from the keyboard
Text enclosed in double quotes

These tags allow nesting, so they all have the beginning and end tag. When using such tags, it should be remembered that their display depends on the user-interface settings that may not be coincided with the settings of the hypertext developer.

Creating lists in HTML

Lists are an important means of structuring text and apply in all marking languages. NTML includes the following types of lists: non-measured list (unordered) (Unortered Lists

    ), numbered list (ordered) (Ordered Lists
      ) And the list of definitions. Tags for non-measured and numbered lists are the basis of HTML. HTML 3.2 adds multiple attributes to lists tags to select different types of markers in non-measured lists and different numbering schemes in numbers. You can enable such attributes and the list tags themselves (List Item
    1. ) To change the type of marker in the middle of the list. After the appearance of a new attribute, all subsequent markers on the list will have the same appearance.

      Disordered Lists - Tag

        Non-measured list. The non-measured list is designed to create text type:

        • first element of the list;
        • the second element of the list;
        • third element of the list.

        Recorded this list In the form of a sequence:

        • first element of the list
        • the second element of the list
        • third List Element

        Tags - these are the tags of the beginning and end of the non-measured list, tag

      • (List Item) Specifies the tag of the list item. In addition to these tags, there is a tag that allows you to call lists - (List Header).

        Attributes of markers in a non-commercial list

        In order not to apply the same markers at different levels of nesting, you can use the Tire attribute. You can set any type of marker in an arbitrary location of the list. You can even mix different types Markers in the same list. Below are the following tags with standard markers attributes:

          The tag creates solid markers of this type, as in the default levels of the first level.
            The tag creates markers in the form of circles.
              The tag creates solid square markers.

              Ordered lists - tag

                Numbered lists. Tag

                  Together with the attribute of Tyre \u003d HTML 3.2 allows you to create numbered lists using not only ordinary numbers, but also lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as lowercase and capital roman numbers. If necessary, you can even mix these numbering types in one list:

                  <ОL ТYРЕ=l> The tag creates a list with numbering in format 1., 2., 3., 4., etc.<ОL ТYРЕ=А> The tag creates a list with the numbering in the format A., V., S., D., etc.

                    The tag creates a list with numbering in the format a., B., P., D. etc.<ОL ТYРЕ=I> The tag creates a list with numbering in format I., II., III., IV. etc.

                    Definition List - Tag

                    List Tags (Definition List:

                    ) Use to create a list of terms and their definitions. The tag is as follows.


                    The definable term is written on the same line, and its definition is on the next, with a small indentation to the right. Tag

                    Allows you to create separate paragraphs with an indentation without numbering or markers. The indent is done from the left edge. If on the page several tags
                    The text gradually shifts more and more right. At the end of the definition, place the closing tag
                    . Remember that LT; DL tag\u003e shifts only the left border of the paragraph.

                    Horizontal rules - tag<НR>

                    Horizontal Rule (Horizontal Rule) is used to separate the document on the part. With the help of one tag<НR> You can give a page an original look. Try to experiment with the tag<НR>And you will receive lines, not quite similar to those that usually use.

                    Formatted conclusion - tag<РRЕ>

                    The use of this tag allows you to display the text "as is" (without formatting), the same symbols and with the same splitting of the lines.

                    Application tag

                    Text placed between tags andflickering. This tag is supported only by the Netscape Navigator browser. It should be used with great care.

                    Online textbooks on the site

                    HTML 4 textbook

                    Tag container

                    Tag container

                    It is an element of a block level that serves to highlight the document fragment. The purpose of this selection is to manage the parameters of this fragment, which is usually performed by appointing styles. Let us give an example:

                    (Document Fragment)

                    In this example, the HTML document fragment is framed by tags

                    To specify some of its properties. In this case, all text elements The selected fragment will be displayed in green (green) color. Analogue tag
                    text level is an element .

                    Note that the immediate appointment of the style properties of a separate fragment as it is done in the example, it is not desirable to use in accordance with the concept of separating the structure of the document and its presentation. Style tables should be used, which will be discussed in the second part of the book.


                    Tag container

                    Designed for horizontal alignment of all items in the middle of the browser viewing window. It has a block level and it is useful to use it for centering such elements, such as tables, as they cannot be centered by appointment.

                    Align \u003d center tag


                    Essentially tag

                    It is a brief form of the next record:
                    . Further use of tag
                    For reasons marked in the previous section, it is also undesirable.

                    Any webpage consists of elements located on it, and almost always the block layout of the div is responsible for their placement. Of course, there is also a tabular layout using tags

                    , ,
                    , And there are even disputes about which it is better to use the system - block or tabular. However, in reality, you currently do not meet any of the modern, popular and convenient sites using only a table layout. At best, it is used only for what it is intended - that is, to create tables, but not to form the structure of the site itself.

                    The fact is that the Div layout of the site allows you to set a set of CSS properties inaccessible to tables. In addition, the most important disadvantage of the tabular system is that the table will not be shown on the screen until it is fully loaded by the browser. If the entire site is made in the table, it will appear on the display only after the entire HTML page code is fully loaded.

                    Div tag and Float property

                    The base of the block system is the tag

                    which is a container for content. Other containers may also contain inside

                    Use the DIV tag is not more difficult than. As a rule, the standard structure of the site is formed as follows: There is a main container

                    (often he is assigned a class called Wrapper, Container, Main, etc.). Inside this container there are menu blocks, content parts, sidbar.

                    By default, each new block is located from a new line. In order to locate the block on the left or right of another (for example, to arrange the Sidebar to the right), the Float property is used. By default, it has a "none" value, but you can also set the values \u200b\u200bof "Left" and "Right".

                    Consider this property on an example with two blocks.

                    Block for content
                    Block for Sagebara

                    This code will give the following result:

                    Clear property

                    It is important to take into account that the Float property extends not only to the block itself in which it is spelled out, but also on the subsequent element that will follow this block. That is, if we add another block to the two blocks described above, without pointing to it any properties, it will not be located with a new line, but will begin to the right of the second block.

                    In order to avoid this, the block layout of the DIV uses the Clear property, which must be specified for that block that we want to arrange from a new line. Most often for this, it is set to "Both", but you can also specify the "Left" or "Right" values \u200b\u200bif we want not just to locate the block on new stringbut also ask him alignment.

                    Complete the above example with a new item:

                    Block for content
                    Block for Sagebara
                    New block located below


                    Indentation in block layout

                    In addition to the location of the blocks, it is important for the setting of indents both between blocks and inside them. For this, respectively, the MARGIN and PADDING properties are used.

                    Indents are defined separately for the top, right, lower and left parts of the element. They can be specified by one line by listing four values:

                    Margin: 20px 10px 0 40px

                    The block with such parameters will be located on 20 pixels below the superior element, for ten pixels from the repaid element, will have a zero indent from the bottom and will have an indent of the size of 40 pixels on the left.

                    If all the same indicators indicate in the Padding property, it will be internal indents for the content in relation to the blocks of the block in which it is located.

                    You can also specify individual properties for individual faces using Margin-Top, Margin-Bottom, Margin-Left, Margin-Right (and similar to Padding). In this case, if some of the faces are not specified, the indentation from its part will be zero or will be determined by the common CSS properties specified for blocks on the page.

                    In this article, we will get acquainted with the main elements of the Bootstrap grid, as well as we will analyze several examples in which we consider how to apply these mesh elements to develop a site layout.

                    Bootstrap 3 and 4 mesh mesh elements

                    The main elements of the Bootstrap 3 and 4 mesh are:

                    • proter containers - elements with CONTAINER or.Container-Fluid class;
                    • rows - element with class ROW;
                    • adaptive blocks - Elements, with one or more COL classes.

                    Welcome container - This is the first element from which the creation of a page layout or some of its independent part begins. Its main purpose is set the width of the layout being developed. Bootstrap 3 and 4 wrapsing containers are 2 types. First (Container) is designed to create adaptively fixed layout, and the second (Container-Fluid) - for adaptively rubber (adaptive-flexible) layout.

                    Adaptively fixed layout It is characterized by the fact that it has a conditionally constant width, which on some diases of the viewport browser has one value, and on the arcs - the other.

                    For example, in Bootstrap 3, 4 ranges (control points) are defined: XS (default), SM (VIEWPORT width View more than 768px), MD (VIEWPORT width more 992px), LG (VIEWPORT width View More 1200px).

                    Welcome container (Container) Sets the layout:

                    • at the XS Dipazone, the width equal to the width viewport browser;
                    • at the SM dip, 750px width;
                    • on the MD dip, 970px width;
                    • at the LG dip, equal to 1170px.

                    Width of the same adaptive rubber layout It does not have a fixed value, it is always equal to the width of the browser vieport.

                    Welcome container In addition to setting the width, the layout also lines it in the center of the page and sets the internal fields (Padding) to the left and right to 15px.

                    A row is also a container, but for adaptive blocks of the Bootstrap grid.

                    In bootstrap 3 its main role is create negative indents (margin) to the left and right 15px.

                    In Boostrap 4, it not only sets negative indents, but also performs the Flex container function. Those. if a this element Do not establish, then adaptive blocks will not have behaviors characteristic of them at all.

                    The principle of using the element "row" is very simple, it is always must act as a parent for adaptive blocks. Those. If some element (win container or adaptive unit) is necessary position using adaptive blocks, before creating them first install a number, and already in it these blocks.

                    The adaptive block is an element that have an adaptive width. Those. Its width on the same viewport can have one value, and on the other - another.

                    Installing the behavior of the adaptive block is carried out using one or more COL classes.

                    CLA Class syntax:

                    Col- (Breakpoint) - (Number_Columns)

                    (Breakpoint) is check Pointwhich defines the minimum width viewport, starting with which this class will act.

                    Bootstrap 3 for use is available by default four control points (XS, SM, MD and LG), and in Bootstrap 4 - five checkpoints (without designation, SM, MD, LG and XL). Control points are given in ascending order of the Width ViewPort, starting with which they begin to act.

                    (Number_Columns) is the width of the adaptive blockwhich he will have starting with this control point. The width of the adaptive block is indicated using bootstrap columns (integer) by default from 1 to 12. This number determines what part of the width it will have regarding its block (element "row"). The minimum width of the adaptive block is 1/12 (8.3%), and the maximum - 12/12 (100%).

                    For example, the adaptive block with the COL-XS-6 COL-SM-4 COL-MD-3 COL-LG-2 class will (Bootstrap 3):

                    • on the XS device, have a width of 6 bootstrap columns, i.e. 50% (6/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the "row" element;
                    • on the SM device to have a width of 4 bootstrap columns, i.e. 33.33% (4/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the "row" element;
                    • on the MD device to have a width of 3 bootstrap columns, i.e. 25% (3/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the element "row";
                    • on the LG device there is a width of 2 bootstrap columns, i.e. 16.67% (2/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the "row" element.

                    If some checkpoint do not specify, then the action of this class will spread to the following control points. This is due to the fact that in CSS Bootstrap Media queries are built using a minimum width.

                    For example, the adaptive block with the class COL-XS-8 COL-MD-6 will (Bootstrap 3):

                    • on the checkpoint XS and SM have a width of 8 bootstrap columns, i.e. 66.7% (8/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the element "row";
                    • on the MD and LG device, a width of 6 bootstrap columns, i.e. 50% (6/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the "row" element.

                    By default, adaptive blocks have a width of 12 bootstrap columns, i.e. 100%. If you have some kind of block, starting with XS should have this value, it can not be indicated.

                    For example, the adaptive block with the COL-MD-6 COL-LG-9 class will (Bootstrap 3):

                    • at the XS and SM control point, have a width of 12 bootstrap columns, i.e. 100% (12/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the element "row";
                    • on the MD device to have a width of 6 bootstrap columns, i.e. 50% (6/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the "row" element;
                    • on the LG device there is a width of 9 bootstrap columns, i.e. 75% (9/12 * 100%) relative to the width of the "row" element.

                    Adaptive blocks in Bootstrap are located lines. Adaptive blocks with the total number of bootstrap columns are not more than 12 may fit in one line. Blocks that are not placed in the first line are transferred to the following line, etc.

                    In bootstrap 3 when creating a layout there is one very important momentwhich is associated with the fact that adaptive blocks not always tolerated to the next line. This behavior of adaptive blocks is explained by the fact that they are floating in this version of the framework (Float: Left).

                    For example, in this markup, the third adaptive unit is not located on the second line, but sticks to the first adaptive block:


                    To correct it is necessary before the adaptive unit, which should begin with a new line, add an empty DIV element with ClearFix class.


                    Basic rules for creating a layout using Bootstrap mesh elements

                    The main steps of creating a web page layout:

                    1. create basic sections (for example: Header, Main, Footer);
                    2. create inside each section a wrapper container;
                    3. place the inside of each wool container, the markup of which must be made using adaptive blocks, the element "row";
                    4. create the necessary structure within each row using adaptive blocks;
                    5. place inside the necessary adaptive blocks whose marking must be made using adaptive blocks, the element "row";
                    6. perform paragraph 5;
                    7. perform paragraphs 6 and 7 until the desired structure of the created layout is reached.

                    As an example, create the layout below on bootstrap 3 and 4.

                    Layout layout on bootstrap 3:


                    Layout layout on bootstrap 4:
