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Deleting a page in Odnoklassniki by id. How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki? What do I lose by deleting my page?

A situation often arises when an old profile on a social network is no longer needed for one reason or another, which is why many users wonder how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki so that all data is lost: photos, publications, etc. Below we will look at several of the most convenient and currently relevant approaches to deleting a page.

Deleting a page in OK

Despite the ubiquity of smartphones, versions of sites for personal computers still remain more understandable and convenient, so we recommend deleting the page from a PC.

Next, you will be asked to select the reason for deleting the page, and to complete the operation you will need to enter your password. Next, you just have to click “Delete forever” (completely), after which the profile will be deleted. But the phone number can again be used for registration only after 3 months, which was done, apparently, to protect the network from spam and intruders.

If you are interested in how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a mobile phone, then you can do this according to the following instructions.

As for mobile applications for iPhone and Android, the function of deleting a profile is not included in their capabilities, and the only alternative is the “Close profile” item in the menu, which allows you to make it inaccessible for others to view your account.


Thus, deleting an account in Odnoklassniki is very simple, even via phone, but problems arise when trying to restore it. Unfortunately, the author of this article does not have information about real cases of recovery of all information after the operation of deleting a profile. Of course, if an attacker has taken over your phone and page, then you can contact the network’s technical support and ask to restore the deleted account, but the chances of recovery are quite small.

If you decide to delete your page (account, profile) in Odnoklassniki, then I have prepared detailed step-by-step instructions for you. Let's look at methods of removal using a computer, tablet and phone. And I’ll tell you how to delete your page if you forgot your password, email or even login.

How to delete your Odnoklassniki page from a laptop or computer?

After deleting a profile, the phone number and email associated with it cannot be used in another profile on the OK.RU website for another 3 months.
Just wait a little, and then you will definitely be able to provide the necessary data in the new profile!

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deletion

Restoring a deleted profile occurs through registration; just indicate your phone number.

Please note that a deleted profile can be restored if 90 days have not yet passed since its deletion and a phone number was “linked” to the profile. Unfortunately, if at least one of the conditions is not met, then it will no longer be possible to restore the profile and it will be deleted forever.

How to delete your Odnoklassniki page via phone

Please note that it is currently not possible to delete your profile through the mobile version of the site or the OK.RU application. But you can through the full version.

It’s very inconvenient to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your phone, but if you can’t log in from your laptop or phone, you’ll have to work a little harder.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki if you forgot your login and password

Among the leaders of this sector in Russia is Odnoklassniki. Sometimes, for various reasons, it becomes necessary to delete your page on a social network. Is it difficult to do? What is the algorithm of actions? It’s clear that the owners of such platforms are not at all interested in losing users. And everything needs to be done quickly and forever. We have carefully studied this issue especially for you. And the solution to how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki is in this publication.

How to delete an account in Odnoklassniki forever?

In fact, solving such a problem is not overly complicated. Moreover, two different methods are available at once. Which one you choose is up to you. The first involves using a URL address. Nstart with it, if it doesn’t work out, then use the official deletion through the so-called regulations. The second method 100% guarantees a successful result.

Method No. 1 - URL address

Solving the problem ofhow to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a computer, many choose this method. The reason is quite clear: it is very simple and fast. But if there are nuances. A deleted account does not immediately disappear from the database. He still remains in the Odnoklassniki developers' record, but for no more than three months. What should be done?

First, open the Odnoklassniki website, log in, go to your account page. It is important that the address bar is not reflected as, and that the URL contains the ID, that is, the user’s serial number. To do this, click on your name (at the top of the page). An inscription like this will appear: “/profile/732233538213445” (individual profile numbers).

Then you need to copy the following URL: ?amp;st.layer.cmd=PopLayerDeleteUserProfile and paste it after the ID, and then click Enter. After these actions, an additional window will appear. There you can confirm the deletion of the profile. Important: confirm deletion only if you are completely confident in your actions. After all, the page can be deleted immediately. You can check this like this: reload the page, open Odnoklassniki again. Then enter your password and login. If the deletion is successful, a window will appear notifying you that the profile was deleted at the user's request. This method is very simple. But, unfortunately, it doesn't always work. If something goes wrong, feel free to use option number two.

Deleting a page in Odnoklassniki through regulations

If you are thinking about how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your phone or computer, and the first method turned out to be ineffective, do not despair. There is another option. It is newer and allows you to delete a profile almost instantly. The developers of Odnoklassniki, of course, had no doubt that sooner or later one or another user would show a desire to delete his account. Therefore, they included such an item in the functionality of the site. But the catch is that finding the right button is not so easy. And although the tricks are quite cunning, there is a solution. And it works. More on this.

What is needed to delete a page? First, this is the profile password. It will need to be entered from the keyboard. Second, first save all the data that is important to you. Photos, videos, audio - all this material will disappear and become inaccessible to you immediately after deleting your account. Therefore, take care of this in advance.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Log in to the Odnoklassniki website.
  2. Open your profile
  3. At the very bottom of the site in the large menu, find “Regulations” and click on it.
  4. Go to the license agreement section. Here find “Contact support” and “Refuse services” (sometimes there is no such inscription, instead there are two dots) and click on this link.
  5. On the newly opened page, indicate the reason why you are deleting your personal profile (such data is of interest to Odnoklassniki developers in order to optimize their platform). As a rule, there are five ready-made options, choose any of them (I don’t like the design of the resource, my old page was hacked, I want to create a new account, etc.). Unfortunately, you can't add your own.
  6. Enter your profile password again and click “Delete forever.” After this, your page will disappear.

Important information

Please note: you will be able to register a phone that was linked to your old profile to a new account only after three months. It is impossible to restore your old account, since all data is automatically deleted completely. And one more important nuance - such actions are only available on the full version of the site, so you won’t be able to delete a profile from your phone.

However, before you do this, reconsider everything, since all photos, as well as games and lists of close friends, will be deleted with your data.

After deleting your personal data from Odnoklassniki, you will still have three months to recover, in case you change your mind.

How to delete a profile on Odnoklassniki without using a password?

Few people know that you can delete your data even without having a password at hand that allows you to enter Odnoklassniki. The procedure for deleting personal data without a password:

  • open the first page in Odnoklassniki and where the password window appears, just click on “Forgot your password”;
  • a new window will appear containing a list of ways to recover the old password;
  • then you will need the “Personal Data” tab, in which you will need to enter the city and full name;
  • then click on the “Search” button and the system will begin searching for all accounts with this data;
  • when you see your page, select it and click on “This is me”;
  • Part of the email address will appear in your profile, to which you will need to send a specific code;
  • enter this code in the specified line and click on “Submit”;
  • A page with your account will open, on which there will be an option to change your password.

Having received a new password, you can follow the procedure described at the beginning of the article. In addition to these two, there are several other options showing how to delete a profile in Odnoklassniki.

Removing Odnoklassniki from your phone

Deleting an account from a phone is slightly different from the instructions for a regular desktop or laptop. So, in order to remove Odnoklassniki from your phone, you will need to follow our recommendations exactly:

  1. To delete your account, log in to the social network (this can be done through the application or in the browser).
  2. The mobile version of Odnoklassniki will open.
  3. On your page, in the top left corner, click on the first button.
  4. A new window will open with a settings panel, where in the “Other” tab, find and click on the “Full version of the site” icon. Then confirm the transition.
  5. Find “Change settings” in the menu, click on them and go to the “Regulations” tab.
  6. Follow the terms of use to the very bottom and click on “Refuse services”.
  7. In the new window, check the box next to the appropriate reason for deleting the profile.
  8. In the field located under the pictures, enter your password and click on “Delete forever.”
  9. After a few seconds, your account will be completely deleted.

Important! After you activate the “Full version of the site” option, “Odnoklassniki” will appear on your phone in the same way as on a regular computer! This is necessary to gain full access to deleting your account.

Deleting a blocked account in Odnoklassniki

It is possible to delete personal data from the Odnoklassniki website even if it was previously blocked by the system.
If your account was blocked due to a gross violation of the rules of the social network or there was an attempt to hack your profile, then in this case you will need to contact the Odnoklassniki support service for help. The following instructions must be followed:

  • open the main page of the network, find the “Help” icon at the bottom and click on it;
  • open any question and at the bottom of the page click the “Contact support” link;
  • First, you will be asked for all the information about your account, and after that a special form will open that you will need to fill out;
  • finish filling out the form and click on “Send message”;
  • After all, all you have to do is wait for the letter to arrive in your email.

After receiving this letter, you can follow all the instructions given there and unlock your profile, followed by deleting all existing data. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in the account deletion procedure. And having done this once on your own, you can then advise all your acquaintances and friends on issues related to how to delete a profile on Odnoklassniki.

Often, after registering on a social network, a person quickly loses interest and wants to delete the account. But not everyone knows how to do this. Not all sites perform this procedure simply and easily. This is especially difficult to do if a person is not very familiar with the World Wide Web and does not often use a computer. This article will help you understand the issue of deleting a profile using the example of the Odnoklassniki social network and answer the question: “ How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki completely

Helpful information:

  • How to permanently delete a page on the Odnoklassniki social network.
  • The very first step is to open the main page of the website in your browser.
  • There you will see a window where you need to enter personal access data for your personal account (Login: Password).
  • We enter the information very carefully, paying attention to the choice of language and letter case. Instead of a login, you can use the phone number or email address that was specified when registering on this resource.
  • Once on your personal page, you need to scroll through it from top to bottom. At the very bottom there will be columns with service links. We are looking among the inscriptions "Regulations"(located in the rightmost column, fourth from the bottom). Click on it.
  • After clicking, the site redirects the user to a page where you can read the rules of this social network, the so-called license agreement. Similarly, scroll it to the very bottom, where you can see a link with the words "Refuse services." Click on it.
  • After clicking, a window will pop up where you will need to indicate the reason why you are leaving this resource and confirm your intentions by entering the password for your account.
  • You can put a check mark next to any of the reasons; in this case it does not play any role.
  • We fill out the password field very carefully, paying attention to the input language and letter case.
  • After this you need to click on the button “Delete forever.”

After completing this entire sequence, your profile on the Odnoklassniki social network will be completely and irrevocably deleted.