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Forgot your Alipay password? What to do? Forgot Alipay password on Aliexpress: what to do? How to recover password on AliPay on Aliexpress? Where can I get the alipay password.

Regular Internet users who make money transactions on the network are faced with the question of how to use Alipay. This payment system was founded in 2004 by Alibaba Group. Its main purpose is to pay for goods on AliExpress, note that this is a Chinese site where people can buy goods from foreign sellers. Given the fact that transactions have to be made online, it is convenient to use Alipay. The system acts as an intermediary bank between buyers and sellers and guarantees the safety of money. Therefore, it is useful to be able to use Alipay if you have to make purchases on the Internet.

How to register with Alipay

As you can already conclude, untie the card on the Aliexpress website without Alipay, so in any case, you will need authorization in the system. If you have lost your login information, it is worth recovering it.

How to delete an account

If a person did not like using Alipay, or it is no longer necessary, it may be necessary to delete the account. However, there is no such function on the site, which complicates the task. The easiest way would be to delete bank cards that are linked to the profile, and also not to replenish the account. For payment procedures, it will be possible to use other methods, or not to make purchases at all.

If you still want to delete your Alipay account, then you should write to the support service. Perhaps they will be able to help in solving this problem or tell you how else you can do it. You need to receive a response from the support service directly on the site, by contacting the online chat, or by e-mail. Although it will be easier to limit yourself to deleting linked bank cards.

The Alipay payment system is a Chinese analogue of the popular Webmoney, Paypal and other similar ones. The main advantage of this system is that it is well integrated with the AliExpress service. At the same time, the system has several advantages over others similar to it. So, in this article, we will figure out how to register on Alipay.

A few words about the system

Immediately, for those who doubt why Alipay is needed at all, if there are other options for how to pay for goods on AliExpress, we will talk about the advantages of this system.

  1. The ability to link bank cards to your account, which greatly simplifies the purchase.
  2. Refunds in case of canceled transactions are much faster than in other payment systems.
  3. Since Alipay and AliExpress are owned by the same company, AliExpress often has all sorts of promotions and discounts for those who pay with Alipay. Small but nice bonus.

For more information about the system, see the video review:


To get started, you need to have a registered account on the AliExpress website. If you are interested in paying for goods from this site, then most likely you have it. Go to the main page of AliExpress, hover over the pop-up menu at the top right and select "My Alipay".

Then you will be redirected to the page of the payment system itself. First of all, you can change the language, which is English by default. You can do this at the top right by hovering over "English" - the name of the default language, and selecting the desired language.

After you enter everything that is required of you, click on the green button and check your email - a confirmation letter should be sent to it any minute. When you see the letter in the box, open it and follow the link inside.

If the letter suddenly does not arrive, try to wait a few minutes, if this does not help, click the "Resend confirmation" button.

After confirming your email address, you will proceed to the next stage of registration. Here you are required to enter personal data - gender, name, date of birth and citizenship. In addition, you also need to specify an identification document and enter its code. If you live in Russia, then in fact you have two options available - a passport or a driver's license.

Below there will be fields where you will be prompted to enter your address, including postal code and mobile phone.

There is a “Landline phone” field here, which may seem unnecessary to you, because now few people have landline phones left. But the field is required, so if you do not have such a phone, enter your mobile number again.

Then you need to come up with a password for Alipay. It cannot be whatever you want - it cannot use letters, only numbers, and these numbers must be at least six, they must go out of order and must be repeated no more than three times.

Thus, Alipay provides security from hackers, because you will transfer your money to the system.

After that, choose three security questions from the proposed ones and write answers to them. Do not forget that the answers to these questions should be simple and understandable to you. The point is not that you remember them, but that you know them. The system warns you about case sensitivity: pay attention to where you put uppercase and lowercase letters.

You will then be kindly notified that an account has been created. Now you can use Alipay services.

To remove restrictions on your account, you are prompted to verify your identity immediately. It is better not to postpone it until later, but to do it right away - then you will have many more options available when paying.

First of all, the payment limit will be much higher - and this is very important if you regularly shop on AliExpress. In addition, the level of security of your account will also increase.

Click on "Go Verify My Identity". You will see the inscription "Upload an image of your document" and below is a list of documents that can be used to verify your identity. You can choose either a passport or a driver's license - just like during the registration process.

If you are going to attach a passport, please note that you need to scan not only the main photo page, but also the cover. In the case of a driver's license, you scan both sides of it and upload files. If it is not possible to scan documents, you can simply take a picture, just make sure that the photos are of good quality.

Working with Alipay

Let's move on to the payment process itself. To link a card to Alipay, click on the card icon on the main page of your account.

Editing cards will open, where you will be informed that you do not have a card yet, and will offer to add it.

Click "Add a card" and go to the page for adding a card. Here, enter all the data about the card: its number, expiration date, security code, which is located on the back of the card, and the name of the owner. The billing address will be filled in automatically if you have already ordered something from AliExpress, otherwise enter a new one. Then enter the Alipay password you created when you signed up and click "Save this card".

Ready! Now the card is linked to your Alipay account, and when paying for goods in AliExpress, you can pay through this payment system. If you wish, in the future you can untie this card or bind another one.

Now you know how to proceed to register on Alipay, as well as how to verify your identity and link the card to your account. This does not require complex actions, but in the future it will greatly simplify your life.

What is alipay and how to work with it?

This payment system was invented by one very famous and progressive company - Alibaba Group. We can say that without alipay there would be no aliexpress. After all, how would sellers and buyers negotiate payment? There are already enough scammers on the Internet, so nothing good would come of this.

But the Chinese are smart people and created the alipay payment system, which solves the issue not only of paying for aliexpress. It is also used by many other companies.

The principle of operation of alipay is to make payment transactions. Thus, when paying for a purchase on aliexpress, you transfer money to the alipay payment system. She, in turn, holds them until you receive the goods. Well, after making a successful transaction, he transfers the money to the seller.

What is an Alipay wallet on Aliexpress and what is it for?

Of course, in Russia and Ukraine, we know about alipay, only thanks to aliexpress. But for the Chinese, it makes life very easy. There, the alipay system is at every step: payment for transport, taxis, restaurants, clothes - everything goes through it.

Aliplay works with many countries and currencies, so tens of millions of people on Earth have the opportunity to use it. Login to alipay in Russian

How to register on alipay?

To get to the official website of the Alipay wallet, go to your aliexpress account and in the menu of your personal account select my alipay:

This is what the site looks like, all in English:

To start registration, click on the blue button in the middle Go to my Alipay. The data entry page opens. To begin with, we are asked to confirm the email to which the aliexpress account is registered:

We carefully read the agreement on use and if everything suits us, click send an email.

You can go check the box. Here is a message, everything is in English again, but you don’t need to translate anything, just click on the link:

If you did everything correctly, then the second registration step will open, in which you will have to type a little. To begin with, if you are not strong in English, go to the Russian version.

Fill in your data in the following order:

  1. Password - create a strong password to enter your alipay account. It must be 6 digits. You cannot use them in order (123456) or write the same numbers (111111)
  2. Repeat password
  3. Create 3 security questions. Choose from the list any questions you like and give answers to them. This is necessary so that in case you lose your password, you can restore the Alipay login.

It should turn out something like this:

Now look at what you wrote and keep it in your memory, or rather write it down somewhere. Especially the password.

To store passwords, I recommend using a free application LastPass(absolutely free, but you can buy a premium account). This program will help you never lose access to sites, because it has a vault in which all your passwords and logins are securely hidden.

We press send, that's all, our Alipay account has been created. But this, of course, is not the whole registration, so follow the link to verify your identity:

Further I will not tell you what you need to enter, since this is your personal data. The only thing I want to note is that you enter everything in Latin. Here is a special one, enter in Russian and get it in Latin. Also, be prepared to provide a photo of your passport. All your data is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties.

How to link a card in Alipay?

It does not take much effort to link your bank card to your wallet. Select in your profile settings/edit map.

Well, then we fill in the data of our card. Remember that Alipay only works with Visa and Master Card. You can not worry about the safety of your credit card, because alipay guarantees full protection 24/7 and undertakes to pay compensation if something goes wrong. Therefore, you should not be afraid to link a card to Alipay, it is not for nothing that half the world uses this payment system.

After you add a card, one cent will be taken from it for verification. But within a short time it will be returned, so do not be alarmed :)

How to unlink a card on

We figured out how to bind a card, now let's see how to untie it. It is also very easy to do this. Go from your profile setup/edit maps and delete the credit card we need:

Why do you need an Alipay wallet on Aliexpress at all?

And really, why do you need this wallet if you can pay for aliexpress using any of the usual methods (QIWI, WebMany, bank card, etc.)? The thing is that you can link your bank card to Alipay so that you do not enter its data with each payment.

By the way, in the past, you could deposit money into your Alipay account and then make purchases in Chinese stores with them. But now this function has been canceled, you can pay only by linking a bank card (Visa, MasterCard).

How to pay alipay on aliexpress?

Well, now let's see how you can now pay for purchases through Alipay? We select a product on aliexpress and proceed to its design. At the payment point, you will immediately see your card that you linked.

Now you do not need to enter card details for each payment, this is where the whole point of using alipay ends ...

Now you know what alipay is, how to use it, and what it is for. If earlier it was possible to transfer money to the account, then from January 2017 this operation was canceled. So think for yourself, should you bother with this wallet or not? I personally don't see the point...

In this article, we will talk about what Alipay is on Aliexpress - why is it needed, how to register and log in?

How to register on Alipay on Aliexpress in Russian?

Create a new account in the system Alipay quite easy:

  • Open the main page aliexpress
  • Next go to "My Alipay"
  • To start the registration process, select "Open Alipay Wallet Now"

  • Enter your email address, where you will receive instructions to continue registration

  • Enter the code from the image
  • Select "Sending letter"
  • An email from the service will be sent to your email immediately.

  • Open it and follow the special link
  • You will see a new page with an empty form for entering personal data - citizenship, passport, address, phone

Data input. Photo 1

Data input. Photo 2

  • Enter all required information and proceed further
  • Now you need to come up with a password and set security questions with answers in case you need to recover your account

Come up with a password. Photo 1

Come up with a password. Photo 2

By the way, when you enter answers to questions, keep in mind that it is very important with which letter the answer is written. If now you write with a large one, and when you restore it with a small one, the system will not accept your answer.

  • In the event that you agree that when returning funds, the money is credited to the account Alipay then check the appropriate box.
  • When you're done, choose "Sending"

It is worth saying that you cannot withdraw money from this wallet, but you can spend it on Aliexpress .

That's all! Now the account is created and you can make purchases.

Although, if you want to make large purchases, it's better to activate your account first by asking you to check the account of the service employees.

To do this, you need to upload a scan of your passport or any other document to the system to confirm your identity.

If you don’t make big purchases, then you don’t need to go through this procedure. Therefore, click on the system logo and you will find yourself on the page of your account.

What is the Alipay password on Aliexpress?

Why you need a regular password everyone knows, but Alipay There is also a special payment password. It is necessary in order to use it to confirm payment transactions instead of SMS to the card. To make it clearer, consider the process of paying for a purchase on Aliexpress .

  • When you proceed to pay for the order, you are prompted to choose one of the methods most suitable for you. Most of the site's customers use bank cards.
  • So, after choosing this payment method, you need to enter the card details as in the photo:

  • After that you choose "Pay" and the payment is deducted from the card.
  • It would seem that the payment process is completed, but Alipay prompts you to link the card so that in the future you do not have to enter data again.

  • Confirm the linking of the card and the system will prompt you to create a payment password.

You will use it in the future, as we have already said, to confirm payment.

If for any reason you forget your payment password, it will not be very difficult to recover it. To do this, you will need to contact the support service and provide them with scans of your documents for identification. After reviewing your application, you will be sent a new link to reset your payment password.

What is Alipay identification document type?

During registration, the system asks you to specify the type of identification document. In this case, you are required to enter a document number to verify your identity. In other words, you must enter the number of your passport or driver's license on this line.

Why don't I receive an email confirming registration with Alipay?

If for any reason you have not received an email to confirm your registration on Alipay then try checking the folder first "Spam", perhaps the letter was considered advertising and it turned out to be in the wrong place.

If there is no letter in this folder, then try to wait a while, perhaps there were problems with the delivery and the letter is delayed.

In the event that this did not help you, and there is still no letter, then contact the site support service Alipay and they will tell you what to do next.

Video: What is an Alipay wallet on Aliexpress and what is it for?

Modern shopping has long gone beyond shopping malls and fashion boutiques. Internet users are increasingly shopping online both in domestic online stores and in foreign ones. Those who have ever ordered clothes, household appliances, accessories from China have come across such a concept as Alipay. What is it and how does it work? This can be found in our short review.


Alipay is a popular payment system that was specially developed for the AliExpress website. The Alipay service became available to users in 2004. Currently, this service is used by more than 450 thousand commercial companies. Also, for the convenience of users, not so long ago they developed a method of paying for purchases directly from a mobile device.

According to statistics for December 2010, the number of users of the payment system exceeded 550 million people. The average number of transactions per day was about 8.5 million, which is equal to $385 million in monetary terms. Also, the Alipay payment system (what it is, we have already figured out) cooperates with 65 large financial organizations, such as Visa, Chine Union, Qiwi, MasterCard and others.

Alipay: advantages and disadvantages

Alipay, like any other payment system, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Alipay Benefits:

  • Simplicity and ease of use when paying for purchases using linked bank payment cards.
  • Prompt refunds for outstanding and canceled transactions.
  • For users of the payment system, additional discounts and promotions are constantly held on the site.


  • A small number of ways to replenish the wallet.
  • There is no withdrawal of funds.
  • Inconvenient interface.

Despite minor shortcomings, this payment system does its job perfectly. This can be confirmed by thousands of accolades from satisfied customers.

Registration in the system

Before paying for purchases through the Alipay payment system, you must go through a simple registration procedure. To do this, the user will need to fill in the following data:

  • Personal data (name, age, location, etc.)
  • E-mail address.
  • Cell phone number.
  • Data of bank payment cards.

The registration procedure is carried out once, that is, in the future, the user will no longer need to enter similar data into the system. Before starting registration, the user needs to create an account on the AliExpress website. Then, in the personal menu, you need to click the "My Alipay" button and begin the registration procedure. As a rule, after switching to the payment service, English will be set by default, but you can change it and register on Alipay in Russian.

Replenishment of wallet in Alipay

To top up your Alipay wallet, you need to choose the most convenient way for the user to top up the account from several possible options. Methods for replenishing an account in the Alipay payment system:

  1. Bank transfer.
  2. Transfer through an electronic payment system, such as WebMoney.
  3. Replenishment of the account using payment terminals.
  4. Replenishment of the wallet using mobile transfer.

It should be noted that the Alipay payment system is not intended for withdrawal of funds. The funds credited to the account can only be used to pay for purchases on the website or in the AliExpress mobile application, as well as in other online shopping stores of the largest Chinese concern Alibaba. And yet Alipay - what is it? An ideal payment system for scammers who can take money, but the goods are never sent, or a convenient service for paying for purchases?!

By purchasing goods through the Alipay payment system, the buyer is completely protected. Although the withdrawal of funds is not provided for in it, the buyer can at any time return the goods to the seller or dispute the transaction and receive their funds back to their wallet. Refunds are made within a day.

How to use the Alipay wallet?

After replenishing the wallet, all the funds available on it can be spent on purchases in the mobile application or on the website. To do this, you need to put the items you like in the "Basket" and click the "Pay" button. The payment methods will present several options from which you need to select the Alipay wallet.

Since January 1, 2017, the rules for using the Alipay payment system have changed slightly. This affected the payment for goods using the internal balance, payment using bank payment cards through the system remained unchanged. The fact is that the AliExpress website refused to use the internal balance to optimize its payment processes. Therefore, users will no longer be able to store their funds in the Alipay wallet. What will it change when paying for purchases? This fact does not bring any significant changes. It's just that users will no longer be able to make purchases without using a bank payment card and store their money in the electronic wallet of this payment system. Otherwise, the entire process of using Alipay remains unchanged.