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Hide and seek with a navy bear. Musical rhythmic movements

Game exercises. "Ladushki", music. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; "March", music. E. Parlova; "Who wants to run?", Lit. bunk bed melody, processing L. Vishkareva; walking and running to the music "March and Running" An. Alexandrova; "Horses are galloping", music. T. Popatenko; "We walk like athletes", music. T. Lomova; "Topotushki", music. M. Rauchverger; "Birds are flying", music. L. Bannikova; rolling the ball to the music of D. Shostakovich (waltz-joke); running with claps to the music of R. Schumann (playing blind man's buff); "Train", music. L. Bannikova; "Exercise with flowers", music. A. Zhilina "Waltz".

Sketches-dramatization. “Feel free to go and hide”, muses. I. Berkovich ("March"); "Hares and Fox", music. E. Vikhareva; "Bears", music. M. Krasseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Birds are flying", music. L. Bannikova; "Birds", music. L. Bannikova; "Beetles", Hungarian. bunk bed melody, processing L. Vishkareva; "Mice", music. N. Sushena.

Games. "The Sun and the Rain", music. M. Rauchverger, lyrics A. Barto; "Zhmurki with Bear", music. F. Flotova; "Where are the rattles?" An. Alexandrova; "Hide and Seek", Russian bunk bed melody; "Zainka, come out", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Playing with a Doll", music. V. Karaseva; "Vanya Walks", Russian bunk bed song, arr. N. Metlova; "Playing with rattles", Finnish bunk bed. melody; "Zainka", music. A. Lyadova; "Walk", music. I. Pachelbel and G. Sviridov; "Playing with colored flags", rus. bunk bed melody; "Tambourine", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics N. Frenkel.

Round dances and dances. "Dance with rattles", music. and sl. V. Antonova; "Fingers and pens", rus. bunk bed melody, processing M. Rauchverger; dance with a teacher under Russian. bunk bed the melody "I will go, I will go out", processed. T. Popatenko; dance with leaves under Russian. bunk bed dance melody; "Dance with Leaves", music. N. Kitaeva, lyrics A. Anufrieva; "Dance near the Christmas tree", music. R. Ravina, lyrics P. Granitsina; dance with kerchiefs under Russian. bunk bed melody; "Along the street pavement", rus. bunk bed melody, arr. T. Lomova; dance with dolls in Ukrainian. bunk bed melody, process. N. Lysenko; "Little Dance", music. N. Alexandrova; "The sun is warming", music. T. Vil-Koreyskaya, lyrics O. Vysotskaya; "Made up", music. T. Vilkoreyskaya; "Ai you, dudochka-duda", muses. M. Kraseva, lyrics M. Charnoy; "Train", music. N. Metlova, words. I. Plakida; "Dance", music. L. Birnov, lyrics A. Kuznetsova; "Pair dance", rus. bunk bed melody "Arkhangelsk melody".

Characteristic dances. "Dance of Snowflakes", music. Beckman; "Lanterns", music. R. Rustamova; "Dance of Petrushek", latv. bunk bed polka; "Dance of the Bunnies", rus. bunk bed melody; "The dolls came out to dance", muses. V. Vitlin; repetition of all dances learned during the school year.

Development of dance and play creativity

"Dance", music. R. Rustamova; "Hares", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Merry Legs", rus. bunk bed melody, processing V. Agafonnikov; "Magic handkerchiefs", rus. bunk bed melody, processing R. Rustamova.

Musical and didactic games

Development of pitch hearing. "Birds and Chicks", "Merry Nesting Dolls", "Three Bears".

Development of rhythmic hearing. "Who's going how?", "Funny pipes."

Development of timbre and dynamic hearing. “Loud - Quiet”, “Know Your Instrument”, “Bells”.

Definition of genre and development of memory. "What is the doll doing?", "Find out and sing a song from the picture."

Playing along with children's percussion musical instruments. Folk melodies.

Middle group (from 4 to 5 years old)


Lullaby, music A. Grechaninov; "March", music. L. Shulgina, "Oh, you, birch", rus. bunk bed song; "Autumn Song", music. D. Vasiliev-Buglaya, to lyrics. A. Plescheeva; "Bunny", music. Yu Matveeva, lyrics A. Blok; "Mother's affection", music. A. Grechaninov; "Musical Box" (from "Album of Pieces for Children" by G. Sviridov); "Waltz of Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Italian polka", music. S. Rachmaninoff; "The cat got sick", "The cat has recovered", music. A. Grechaninov; "Like ours at the gates", rus. bunk bed melody; "Mom", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian bunk bed song, processed G. Lobachev, lyrics O. Vysotskaya; "Butterfly", music. E. Grieg; “The Brave Rider” (from “Album for Youth” by R. Schumann); "Lark", music. M. Glinka; "March", music. S. Prokofiev; "New Doll", "Disease of a Doll" (from "Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky); "Pieska" (from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann); as well as favorite works of children, which they listened to during the year.


Exercises for the development of hearing and voice. "Two Teteri", music. M. Shcheglova, lyrics folk; "Beetle", music. N. Potolovsky, words. folk; "Lullaby Bunny", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Chicks", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics M. Dolinova; Confusion, a joke song; muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics K. Chukovsky; "Kukushechka", Russian bunk bed song, processed I. Arseeva; "Spider" and "Little Kitty Murysonka", rus. bunk bed songs; cries: “Oh, waders! Spring sings! " and "Larks, come fly!"; “Where have you been, Ivanushka”, Russian bunk bed song; "Geese", Russian bunk bed song; "Shepherd", music. N. Preobrazhenskaya, lyrics folk.

Songs. "Autumn", music. Y. Chichkov, to lyrics I. Maznina; "Bayu-bye", music. M. Krasin, lyrics M. Chernoy; "Autumn", music. I. Kishko, lyrics T. Volgina; "Autumn", rus. bunk bed melody, processing I. Kishko, lyrics I. Plakida; "Kitty", music. V. Vitlin, lyrics N. Naydenova; "Snowflakes", music. O. Berta, processed. N. Metlova, words. V. Antonova; "Sledge", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics O. Vysotskaya; "Winter is over", music. N. Metlova, words. M. Klokova; "A Gift for Mom", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina; carols: "Hello", "Happy New Year"; "Sparrow", music. V. Gerchik, words. A. Cheltsova; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian bunk bed song; "Rain", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Bunny", music. M. Starokadomsky, words. M. Klokova; "Horse", music. T. Lomova, lyrics M. Ivensen; "Locomotive", music. Z. Kompaneitsa, lyrics O. Vysotskaya.


Russian folk song

Before the start of the game, the children form a circle. A bunny is selected, which stands in the middle. Children perform movements according to the text of the song, and the zainka repeats them. The number of verses can be reduced as desired.

1.Zanka, walk,

Gray, walk around.


This way, that way, walk around! - 2 times

2. Zayinka, turn around,

Gray, turn around.


This way, that way, turn around! - 2 times

3.Bunny, stomp your foot,

Gray, stamp your foot.


This way, that way, turn around! - 2 times

4. Bunny, dance,

Gray, dance.


This way, that way, dance! - 2 times

5. Zayinka, bow down,

Gray, bow down.


This way, that way, bow down! - 2 times

6. Zayinka, choose

Gray, choose.


This way, that way, choose! - 2 times

In summer (or at a spring festival) this song can be sung with different words.

1.Zayinka, pick flowers,

Gray, pick the flowers.


This way, that way, pick the flowers! - 2 times

2. Zayinka, wei a wreath,

Gray, wei wreath.


So, wreath a wreath! - 2 times

3.Bunny, put it on

Gray, put it on.


4. Zayinka, hike,

Gray, walk around.


This way, that way, walk around! - 2 times

"Garden - round dance"

Words by A. Passova. Music by B. Mozhevelov.

Children stand in a circle. Pre-selected carrots, onions, cabbage, chauffeur. They also stand in a circle.

1.We have a vegetable garden,Going in a circle, moving along

There its own carrots grow. text

That's such a width

Here is such a height!

2.You, carrots, hurry here,Children standing still

And dance a littleclap, carrots run out

And then don't yawn in a circle, dances, then

And get into the basket.sits down in the center.

3. We have a vegetable garden,Repeated movements 1

Green onions grow there. verse with bow

That's such a width

Here is such a height!

4. You, onion, hurry here,Repeated movements 2

And dance a little.verse, only with a bow

And then don't yawn

And get into the basket.

5. We have a vegetable garden,Repeated movements 1

And the cabbage grows there.verse with cabbage

That's such a width

Here is such a height!

6.You, cabbage, hurry to us,Repeated movements 2

And dance a little.verse, only with cabbage

And then don't yawn

And get into the basket,

7.We have a truck,The movements are repeated 1k.

It is neither small nor great.

That's such a width

Here is such a height!

8. You, chauffeur, hurry here,The movements are repeated 2 k.

And dance a little.only with a chauffeur

And then don't yawnVegetables get up in a "locomotive"

Take our harvest away!And the driver takes them in a circle.

An outdoor game "Cap"

Russian folk song

Cap, cap,

Thin legs

Red boots.

We fed you

We gave you water.

They put me on my feet,

They made me dance!


Dance as much as you want

Choose whoever you want!

Children walk in a circle holding hands and singing a song. In the center of the circle sits a child in a cap, or holding his hands above his head. On the words "Set on his feet," the children run up to the "Cap" and put him on his feet, step back, clapping their hands. "Cap" chooses a pair of children and dances with him to any funny melody. The one chosen after the dance becomes the "Cap" and the game repeats.

Game "Look for a toy"

Russian folk melody

Toys are seated on 4 chairs in different parts of the hall. Children become small groups around each chair and hold hands in circles.

Part 1: Children walk around the chair at a calm pace.

Part 2: dancing or running around easily. The teacher, moving with the children, imperceptibly changes places of toys. With the end of the music, the children should gather in a circle around their toy.

"Children and the Bear"

Music and lyrics by V. Verkhovinets.

1 who fell asleep under an oak tree

And covered yourself with a casing?


2.Oh, quieter! Keep quiet!

Maybe it's a bear sleeping!


3.This guest in one sitting,

As soon as he wakes up, he will eat everyone!

Ouch! Bear!

Children in a flock come up to the bear (a child or a toy in the hands of a teacher). At the words "Ts-s-s" they stop, pressing their index finger to their lips. At the end of the song, the children shout: “Oops! Bear!" and scatter in different directions, and the "bear" catches up with them.

Game "Zhmurki"

Fragment from the opera "Marta" by F. Flotov

1. Option:

Children are standing in a loose room, in the center of the hall there is a teacher with a blindfold on them.

The teacher takes a few steps forward to the music, then back. Spins one way, then the other. Children run around the hall, the teacher is trying to catch them.

Option 2:

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center is a teacher with a large toy in his hands. The toy is blindfolded. He is a blind man's buff.

Children approach the toy to the music, narrowing the circle. He listens and turns in different directions. Everyone moves away from the toy, expanding the circle. The toy listens again. Then the children scatter, and the toy (in the hands of the teacher) catches them. The caught child is stroking the toy with its paws, trying to guess who it is.

Explanation: When playing for the first time, the teacher can put the toy in a circle on a small chair and move with the children, narrowing and expanding the circle. Then blindfold the toy and offer to play blind man's buff.

"Pilots, to the airfield!"

Music by M. Rauchweger


Part 1: children "start the engine" (rotate with bent arms in front of the chest),

Part 2: "planes fly" - children run in a free direction around the room (arms are spread apart),

Part 3: "planes" slow down "flight" and "land at the airfield".


Children march across the room. At the command "To the airfield!" the game starts over. The place of the "airfield" must be marked with a path.

"We went to the meadow"

Lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko

All children are in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a child depicting a bunny.

1.We went to the meadow,children go hand in hand

They took a round dance. in a circle to the right, and the "hare"

Like this jumps inside the circle.

In the meadow with the end of the singing children

They took a round dance. stop.

2 fell asleep on a bumpChildren sit down on

Bunny in the chill.squat and show

Like this like a bunny is dozing. "Hare"

Dozed off sits on a tree stump and does

Bunny in the chill.the kind that dozed off.

3. They wanted to wake up -Children get up and sing while standing

The horns were buzzing:imitating playing the pipe.

Tu - that

Ru - that - that,

The horns began to buzz.

4.We woke the bunny -Children sit down on

The drums were beating: squat and mimic play

Boom Boom, on a drum, banging on

Tra - that - there, knees.

The drums were beating.

5 bunny wake upChildren stand up and sing while standing.

Come on, get up."Hare" pretends that

Like this, wakes up. The "hare" sings.

Do not be lazy,

Well, wake up.

6 you and I will danceChildren sing, the hare dances

In our round dance,

Like this

We are with you all children dance freely

Let's dance fun!

"Cat and Kittens"

Music by T.Popatenko

Part 1: children - "kittens" frolic, run freely around the hall.

Part 2: "kittens" are hiding behind chairs.

Part 3: the teacher - "cat" comes out and looks for "kittens", meows, not finding them, sits down on a chair.

Part 4: "kittens" on all fours go to the "cat - mom", she strokes them. Towards the end of the music, the "kittens" fall asleep, the "cat" leaves.

With the beginning of the music of part 1, the "kittens" again scatter around the hall, and the game is repeated.


  1. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. Holiday every day. Notes of musical lessons: middle group. - SPb .: Composer, 2007.
  2. Makshantseva E.D. children's fun: a book for the teacher and muses. head of the kindergarten / E.D. Makshantseva. - M .: Education, 1991.

Early age.

"Dance with leaves"

Music and lyrics by A. Filippenko

1 swing over meSwing a leaf over

My leaf is gold. head

Oak leaves,Spinning on a step

Maple leaves.

2.We are sitting behind a leaf,squat down,

We look from behind the leaf.Cover their face with a leaf

Oak leaves,look out from behind him

Maple leaves.Spinning on a step

3. Suddenly a cheerful breezeShake quickly

He wants to rip out my sheet. whether waste

Oak leaves,Spinning on a step

Maple leaves.

4.We will not give a piece of paper,They hide a piece of paper behind their back

It will be useful to us ourselves.

Oak leaves,Spinning on a step

Maple leaves.

"That's it!"

Belarusian folk song

1.We'll clap our handsClap their hands

We'll clap a little.

Like this, like this

Our people are having fun!- 2 times.

2.Quickly, quickly the legs are dancing,Shifting quickly from foot to foot

Fast, fast, the legs are dancing.

Like this, like this

Our people are having fun!- 2 times.

3.Our handles are turning,Perform "flashlights"

Our pens turned.

Like this, like this

Our people are having fun!- 2 times.

4. Spun, spunSpin on a step and with

and bowed down to one another.The ending of the music

like this, like thisbow to each other

Our people are having fun!- 2 times.

"Let's take a walk"

Words and music by E. Makshantsev


We will walk with you, we will walk together, Spinning

We will take a walk with you. Singing songs! In pairs on a step

1.Top! Top! More fun! Stomp your feet! Holding hands

Top! Top! More fun! Well, a little more! stomp

2. Pop! Clap! More fun! Clap your hands! Clap,

Clap! Clap! More fun! Well, a little more! Standing face

To each other

Chorus: Twirl in pairs on the step.

3. Here, here they are, playful pens!Show lanterns

More fun, more fun, more fun, babies!Circling one by one at a step.

"Winter Dance"

1.We will warm ourselves a littleChildren clap their hands

We'll clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap,

Clap clap!

2.We put on mittens,"Putting on mittens"

We are not afraid of a blizzard.

Yes Yes Yes, Make "flashlights"

Yes Yes!

3.We will warm the feet too, Stomp their feet

We'll sink harder.

Top, top, top,

Top, top!

4.We made friends with frost,Spinning in place

How the snowflakes swirled.Simultaneously doing

La, la, la, "lanterns"

La, la

"Bunnies and Chanterelle"

1.Around the forest lawnBunny babies jumping or

Bunnies in different directions

These are the bunnies

Runaway bunnies

2. Sat down zainki in a circle,Squat down - "looking for

They dig a spine with a paw. spine "

These are the bunnies

Runaway bunnies!

3. Suddenly a chanterelle runs,Bunnies cover faces

Redhead sister.palms, and the "chanterelle" runs

Looking for - where are the bunnies,around the hall and looking for children

Runaway bunnies


Music and lyrics by A. Metlina


Children, holding lanterns in their hands, stand around the tree.

1.Santa Claus lanternsDancing in place and swinging

I gave it to children. flashlight in front of you

Dance by the Christmas tree

He invited the kids.


That's what, that's what,Circling, raising the lanterns up

This is my flashlight.

Spin over me -

Red, yellow, blue.

2.We are to the green Christmas treeSmall steps approach the tree

Let's come together

A song about lanterns

Let's sing merrily.

Chorus: Whirling

3.The lights are blinking,Standing still, raise and

They fly up and down.Lowered the lanterns

At an elegant tree

The lanterns are on.

Chorus: Whirling

"Where are our pens?"

Music by T. Lomova, lyrics by I. Plakida

Children are scattered across the hall.

The teacher invites the children to hide their hands behind their backs and sings the first verse of the song:

1.Where, where are our pens,

Where are our pens?

Where, where are our pens?

Our pens are missing.

Here, here are our pens,Children show "flashlights"

Here are our pens!

Our hands are dancing,

Our hands are dancing!

The teacher invites the children to sit down and clasp their knees with their hands, sings the second verse:

2.Where, where are our legs,

Where are our legs?

Where, where are our legs
Our legs are missing.

Here, here are our legs,Children get up and stomp their feet

Here are our legs!

Our legs are dancing, dancing

Our legs are dancing!

3.Where, where are our children,

Where are our kids?

Where, where are our children?

There are no our children.

Here, here are our children,Children whirl, twirling their brushes

Here are our kids!

Our children are dancing, dancing

Our children are dancing


Estonian folk melody

Children stand in pairs, freely settling in the room, and dance. The teacher sings and dances together with one of the children.

1. Dance becomeBow to each other

And bow to your friend.

La-la ... They spin hand in hand.

2. Let's all squat:Squat, hands on the belt.

Sit down together! Stand up together!

La-la ... spinning

3. Guys are waving handles - Waving their hands

These are the birds flying.

La-la ... spinning

4.Foot top, footed top, Stomp their feet

Once again: top and top.

La-la ... spinning

5.Handles - clap, handles - clap,Clap their hands

Once again: clap and clap.

La-la ... spinning

6.That's the end of the dance, Bow to each other

Bow down again.

La-la ... spinning

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

1.Look the snow flies, fliesChildren are scattered and

And shines in the sun... waving white ribbons.

La la la la la la, sings an adult

And shines in the sun.

2.Breeze-breeze is blowing,Children run easily

And flies, flies snow... Spreading hands with ribbons

La la la la la la, to the sides

And flies, flies snow.

3. Spun, shone,Standing still, swing

I flew over the fields.right-left in front of you

La la la la la la,

I flew over the fields.

4 The wind died down and ran away,Circling slowly, dropping

And the snow fell to the ground. hands

La la la la la la,

And the snow fell to the ground.

"Playing with colored handkerchiefs"

Ukrainian folk melody

Each child has a handkerchief in his hands. The teacher stands in front of the children and reads a poem:

You run to me soon

And show your handkerchiefs

We will wave our handkerchiefs

And we'll all dance merrily.

Children with handkerchiefs run up to the teacher. To the music, children with a tutor perform simple dance moves and waving handkerchiefs.

With the end of the music, the teacher and the children squat down and cover their faces with handkerchiefs.

The teacher runs quietly to another corner of the room and says: "Children, I'm here." Then the game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Pair dance"

German dance melody

1.We, little kids,Children stand in pairs, face

Very happy to danceto each other, hold on to

They gathered everyone, stood in pairshands, "spring"

We went out to dance the polka.

Chorus: La-la-la ... Circling in pairs step

2.Although the legs are small in children,Insert the feet on the heel

But they don't stand still, in turn

Spun, spun

Our little guys.

Chorus: La-la-la ... Circling in pairs step

3.Our hands dance too:Clap their hands

Do not want to be left behind

Together with us kids

They began to dance the polka.

Chorus: La-la-la ... spinning in pairs

"Dance with rattles"

Words and music by V. Antonova

1.Our rattles -The teacher sings, the children go

Voiced toys. behind him, rattles behind the back

Children have rattles

They ring very merrily.Rattles ringing rhythmically

2. Let's have funThey hide the rattles behind their backs

Have fun spinning, whirl

Children have rattlesRattles are ringing

They ring very merrily.

3 the children ran away Children hide (squat)

It became quiet in the hall.Hide rattles behind their backs

Children have rattles

They ring very merrily.

4. Where are you guys?Lurking, listening

Don't play hide and seek! educator

Go out for a walk

Let's dance together!

"Dance with a handkerchief"

Music by E. Tilicheyeva, lyrics by I. Grantovskaya

1.These handkerchiefs are good,Standing still, swing

We'll dance, kids.handkerchief (hand below)

Spinning, shawl


2.I will wave my handkerchiefLean back and forth

And I'll dance with a handkerchief... Waving a handkerchief near the floor

You, scarlet handkerchief, spin around, Spinning

Show all the guys little.

3. Blow - blow us a breezeFan themselves with a handkerchief

A very hot day is a day.

You, scarlet handkerchief, spin around, Spinning

Show all the guys little.

4.No handkerchiefs, ah-ah-ah!A scarf behind my back

Where are the handkerchiefs? Guess!Turn right - left

You, scarlet handkerchief, spin around, Spinning

Show all the guys little.

5.There are good handkerchiefs,Headscarf

The kids danced. whirl

You, scarlet handkerchief, spin around,

Show all the guys little.

"Polka of Bunnies"

Music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by E. Makshantseva

1.Look at the rabbits -Standing still, turn

The ears are long sticking out.body right - left

Nimble eyes shinetilting his head to one and

Legs want to dance! the other side

Losing. Children run in a flock around the hall

2.Hares have fun with us,Expose legs alternately

They all started dancing. Forward to heel

Nimble eyes shine

Legs want to dance!

Losing. Stomp their feet or jump

"Dance with dolls"

Music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by E. Makshantseva

1.I look like a doll Natasha,Children are scattered,

I will show Natasha to all the children.everyone is holding a doll

Face to yourself

Chorus (2x):

Stomp, stomp, feet quickly!Everybody stomps their feet

Stomp, stomp your feet more fun!

2.I will sing a song in her ear,Lean then to

I will nibble my doll.One ear of the doll then to

To the other

3.And now Natasha, dance, Children sit on

The kids are looking at Natasha. Squat, doll

Feels touching the floor

Chorus (2x): The movements are the same

4. I look like a doll Natasha,They scatter, holding

I'll put my Natasha to sleep.A doll in the hands of a lying

Chorus (2x): The movements are the same

5.Byu-bye, Natasha, byu-bye!Standing still, swing

Sleep, my Natasha, go to sleep! dolls

Children without music say: “Quiet, Natasha is sleeping! Shhh! .. "


  1. Kaplunova I. Novoskoltseva I. Yaselki. Planning and repertoire of music lessons with audio application. - SPb .: Nevskaya note., 2010.
  2. Music and movement (exercises, games and dances for children 3-4 years old): from the experience of muses. heads of children. gardens / comp. S.I.Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina. - M .: Education, 1981.

Younger age

"Sly cat"

Russian folk joke

Introduction: the cat comes out, sits on the chair. "Mice" are walking around the hall.

A sly cat is sitting in the corner,

He hid as if he were sleeping.

Mice, mice, that's the problem

Run away from the cat!

With the end of the song, the cat catches "mice".

"Dance with rattles"

Words and music by V. Antonova

Children sit on chairs with rattles in their hands. The teacher is standing.

On the musical introduction, the children run up to the teacher.

1.Our rattles -The teacher sings. Children go for

Voiced toys.him, hiding the rattles behind his back

Children have rattlesRhythmically ringing rattles

They ring very merrily.hands up

2. Let's have fun, Hide the rattles behind their backs and

It's fun to spin. whirl

Children have rattlesRattles are ringing

They ring very merrily.

3 the kids ran away, hiding

It became quiet in the hall.

Children have rattles

Silence does not ring.

4. Where are you guys?Listen to the singing while hiding

Don't play hide and seek!

Go out for a walk

Let's dance together!

"Winter Dance"

Music by M. Starokadomsky, words by O. Vysotskaya

1.We will warm ourselves a little,

We'll clap our hands.Clap their hands

Clap!(10 times)

2.We put on mittens,"Put on" mittens

We are not afraid of a blizzard.

Yes!(10 times) Make "flashlights"

3.We will warm the feet too,

We'll jump quickly.

Jump!(10 times) Easy to jump

4.We made friends with frost,

How the snowflakes swirled.

So!(10 times) Spin in place at a step

"Bunnies and Chanterelle"

Music by G. Finarovsky, lyrics by V. Antonova

1.Around the forest lawn"Bunnies" are jumping in different

These are the bunnies

Bunnies are runners!

2. Sat down zainki in a circleSquat down

They dig a spine with a paw.(looking forspine)

These are the bunnies

Bunnies are runners!

3. Suddenly a chanterelle runs,"Bunnies" cover their face

Redhead sister.Face with hands, and"Chanterelle"

Looking for - where are the bunnies,walks around the hall looking for children

Bunnies - runners ?!

"Playing with a bear"

Music by G. Finarovsky, lyrics by V. Antonova

Teddy bear

Beckons children with a paw

Invites everyone to walk

Play catch-up.

Teddy bear (a toy in the hands of an adult) is in front of the children at some distance. An adult sings - children go to the bear. On the piano role-playing Mishka "catches up" the children.


Estonian folk melody

1. Dance becomeBow to each other

And bow to your friend. (2 times)

2. Let's all squat:Squat, hands on the belt

Sit down together! Stand up together! (2 times)

Losing: spinning hand in hand.

3.The guys are waving handles -Waving their hands

These are the birds flying. (2 times)

Losing: spinning hand in hand.

4.Foot top, footed top,Stomp their feet

Once again: top and top. (2 times)

Losing: spinning hand in hand.

5.Handles - clap, handles - clap.Clap

Once again: clap and clap. (2 times)

Losing: spinning hand in hand.

6.The dance ended,Bow to each other

Bow down again. (2 times)


Music by R. Rustamov, lyrics by A. Metlina

Losing: spinning hand in hand. Children stand in a circle around a birch tree.

1.We are around the birchTurn right and then

They became a round danceto the left, raise handkerchiefs

Bright handkerchiefs

Raised high.


You birch, look, lookSpinning in place

It's kids dancing, kids!

2.We are around the birchThey walk around the birch trees, handkerchiefs

We walked the bottom

We walked merrily

They walked with their feet.

Chorus: Whirling

3.We are with you, birch,Squat down

Let's play hide and seek.Hiding behind handkerchiefs

Guess, birch,

Where are all the guys?

Chorus: Whirling

4. And now, birch,Waving handkerchiefs

It's time for us to say goodbye

It's time for us to say goodbye

Bow low.Bow down

Chorus: Whirling

"Vaska the Cat"

Music by G. Lobachev, lyrics by N. Frenkel

1.Vaska is gray,

The tail is fluffy, white.

Vaska's cat is walking.

2.Sits down, washes,

Wipes with a paw,

Sings songs.

3.The house will go around silently,

Vaska's cat is hiding,

Gray mice are waiting.

The cat performs all movements according to the text, after the 3rd verse, the cat catches mice.


  1. Kaplunova I. Novoskoltseva I. Holiday every day. Summaries of musical lessons with an audio application. - SPb .: "Composer"., 2011.
  2. Music and movement (exercises, games and dances for children 3-4 years old): from the experience of muses. heads of children. gardens / comp. S.I.Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina. - M .: Education, 1981.
  3. Makshantseva E.D. Children's fun / E. D. Makshantseva. - M .: Education. 1991.
  4. Music in kindergarten. Second junior group: songs, games, plays / comp. N.A. Vetlugina, I.L. Dzerzhinskaya, L.N. Komissarova. - M .: Music, 1998.

Three albums of children's songs and backing tracks for them:
- Songs for children from 1.5 to 4 years old,
- Games and dances for children from 1.5 to 4 years old,
- Games and round dances for older preschoolers.

Arranged by Layla Khismatullina, musical director of the Kazani kindergarten. The series will be useful not only to music directors of kindergartens and other preschool institutions, but also to mothers, as well as everyone involved in music education and development of preschool and primary school children.

Songs for children from 1.5 to 4 years old:
01 +/- 25. On the mountain is viburnum;
02 +/- 26. Autumn is a dear guest;
03 +/- 27. Autumn walked in the garden (words by Karavaeva, Ukrainian folk melody);
04 +/- 28. Mushrooms and mushroom pickers (lyrics and music by N. Glebova);
05 +/- 29. Scarecrow (lyrics by Mikhailova, music by Masovsky);
06 +/- 30. Playing with a wolf (lyrics by Vitka, music by Girls);
07 +/- 31. Playing with a Bear (lyrics and music by Olifirova);
08 +/- 32. Snow - snowball (lyrics and music by Makshantseva);
09 +/- 33. Snow woman;
10 +/- 34. Zimushka-Winter (lyrics and music by Olifirova);
11 +/- 35. Happy Santa Claus was walking;
12 +/- 36. Hello Santa Claus;
13 +/- 37. We've been waiting for you for so long;
14 +/- 38. I'm not afraid of Frost;
15 +/- 39. We meet spring (lyrics and music by Nasaulenko);
16 +/- 40. Becomes in spring (words Guba, music by Lazarevsky);
17 +/- 41. Spring round dance (lyrics and music by Nasaulenko);
18 +/- 42. Kalachi;
19 +/- 43. Skvorushki (lyrics by Makshantseva, music by Filippenko);
20 +/- 44. We went to the meadow (words by Volgina, music by Filippenko);
21 +/- 45. On the bridge (music. Filippenko);
22 +/- 46. Let's go along the raspberries to the garden (Russian folk melody, arr. Rauchwerger);
23. Find your place (Russian folk melody, arr. Rauchwerger) - game;
24. Zhmurki (muses. Flotov) - a game.

Games and dances for children from 1.5 to 4 years old:
01 +/- 31. Hello;
02 +/- 32. Okay;
03 +/- 33. Let's take a walk;
04 +/- 34. What kind of people;
05 +/- 35. Bunnies and breeze;
06 +/- 36. Hey you bear;
07 +/- 37. Playing with bells;
08 +/- 38. Eh winter;
09 +/- 39. Father Frost;
10 +/- 40. Playing with a rattle;
11 +/- 41. Dog;
12 +/- 42. Checkboxes;
13 +/- 43. Beanbag;
14 +/- 44. Watchdog and birds;
15 +/- 45. Cat and mouse;
16 +/- 46. Chickens and kids;
17 +/- 47. Our orchestra;
18 +/- 48. Sparrows and Bobik;
19 +/- 49. Pigs;
20 +/- 50. Invitation;
21 +/- 51. Girl Alena;
22 +/- 52. Little bunnies;
23 +/- 53. Snowflake dance;
24 +/- 54. Winter dance;
25 +/- 55. Spring dance;
26 +/- 56. Dance with dolls;
27 +/- 57. Fingers;
28 +/- 58. Here is the sock;
29 +/- 59. Oak leaves;
30 +/- 60. Squat down.

Games and round dances for older preschoolers:
01 +/- 31. Sun (lyrics and music by Makshantseva);
02 +/- 32. The sun has friends (words by Karganova, music by Tilicheeva);
03 +/- 33. Hush hush;
04 +/- 34. We ask for the autumn (lyrics and music by Gomonova);
05 +/- 35. Kitten (lyrics by Galinovskaya, music by Girls);
06 +/- 36. First Snow (words by Gorin, music by Filippenko);
07 +/- 37. Christmas tree-Christmas tree (lyrics and music by Bystrova);
08 +/- 38. Tumbler (lyrics by Petrova, music by Levina);
09 +/- 39. Matryoshka;
10 +/- 40. Gift (lyrics and music by Girls);
11 +/- 41. Goby (verses by A. Barto, music by Girls);
12 +/- 42. Time to sleep (poems by A. Barto, music by Devochkina);
13 +/- 43. Skakunok (Georgian folk melody, trans. Viktorov);
14 +/- 44. I love my horse (poems by A. Barto, music by Devochkina);
15 +/- 45. Airplane (verses by A. Barto, music by Devochkina);
16 +/- 46. All mothers have (translated from English. Borovok);
17 +/- 47. I love my mommy very much;
18 +/- 48. Kittens-cooks (lyrics and music by Kartushina);
19 +/- 49. Drops;
20 +/- 50. And in the spring (lyrics and music. Nasaulenko);
21 +/- 51. Cheerful beetle (lyrics and music by Kotlyarovsky);
22 +/- 52. Chickens (lyrics by Volgina, music by Alekseev);
23 +/- 53. Chicken song (lyrics by Frolova, music by Alekseev);
24 +/- 54. Korablik (verses by A. Barto, music by Devochkina);
25 +/- 55. Ducks (words by Sinyavsky, music by Sosnin);
26 +/- 56. Song about two ducklings (words by Pikuleva, music by Poplyanova);
27 +/- 57. Little hedgehog (words by Kartushina);
28 +/- 58. Bear cubs (lyrics and music by Poplyanova);
29 +/- 59. Dance of forest animals (lyrics and music by Gomonova);
30 +/- 60. Steam locomotive (music by Ernesax).

To form the ability to play along with children's percussion musical instruments.


"Sad Rain", "Waltz", music. D. Kabalevsky; "Falling leaves", music. T. Popatenko; "Autumn", music. S. Maikapara; "March", music. M, Zhurbina; "Plyasovaya", rus. bunk bed melody; "Affectionate Song", music. M. Rauchverger, lyrics T. Miraji. Lullaby, music S. Razarenova; "Crybaby", "Angry" and "Rezvushka", muses. D. Kabalevsky; "Soldier's March", music. R. Schumann; "Herringbone", music M. Kraseva; "A bear with a doll are dancing a pole", muses. M. Kachurbina; "March", music. Y. Chichkova; "Spring", music. S. Maikapara; "Snowdrops", music. V. Kalinnikova; "Bunny", music. L. Lyadova; "Bear", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Rezvushka" and "Caprice", music. V. Volkova; "Rain", music. N. Lyubarsky; "Sparrow", music. A. Rubbakh; "Game of horses", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "March", music. D. Shostakovich; "Rain and rainbow", music. S. Prokofiev; “I walk with a loach”, rus. bunk bed song; "The Sun Has Friends", muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics E. Karganova; "Forest Pictures", music. Yu. Slonova; Russian dance melodies at the discretion of the music director; lullabies.


Hearing and Voice Development Exercises... "Liu-li , buy ”, rus, nar. lullaby; Lullaby, music M. Rauchverger; "I go with flowers", muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics L. Dymova; "We smile at Mom", music. V. Agafonnikova, lyrics 3. Petrova; singing of the folk nursery rhyme "The Sun-Bucket", muses. V. Karaseva, lyrics folk; "Sun", Ukrainian bunk bed melody, processing N. Metlova, words. E. Perepletchikova; "Rain", rus. bunk bed call; "Hush, hush", music. M. Srebkova, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya.

Songs."Petushok" and "Ladushki" rus. bunk bed songs; "Bunny", Russian bunk bed song, arr. N. Lobacheva; "Autumn", Ukrainian bunk bed melody, arr. N. Metlova, words. N. Plakida; "Autumn Song", music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Winter", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Our Christmas tree", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics M. Klokova; "The cat is crying", music. M. Parkhaladze; "Hire, horse, us", music. V. Agafonnikov and K. Kozyreva, to lyrics. I. Mikhailova; "To Mom on the Day of March 8", music. E . Tilicheyeva, words M. Ivensen; “I'm singing a song to my mom,” chuz. T. Popatenko, lyrics E. Avdienko; "Geese", Russian bunk bed song, processed N. Metlova; "Winter is over", music. N. Metlova, words. M. Klokova; "Machine", music. T. Popatenko, lyrics N. Naydenova; "Chickens", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina; "Game with a horse", music. I. Kishko, lyrics V. Kuklovskaya; “We know how to wash cleanly”, muses. M. Iordansky, words. O. Vysotskaya; "Shepherd", music. N. Preobrazhensky; "Bird", music. M. Rauchverger, lyrics A. Barto; "Cheerful Musician", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina.

Song creativity.

“By-by, by-by”, “Liu-by, by”, Russian. bunk bed lullabies; "A man walks", music. M. Lazarev, lyrics L. Dymova; "What is your name?", "Sing a lullaby", "Akhtykotenka-kotok", Russian folk lullaby; "Calling the sun", lyrics. .; p., processing I. Lazarev and M. Lazarev; "The Rooster and the Cuckoo", music. M. Lazareva,.:. L. Dymova; coming up with a lullaby melody and a dance melody.

Game exercises."Ladushki", music. N. Rimsky-Korsakov; March ", music. E. Parlova; "Who wants to run?", Lit. bunk bed melody, processing L. Vishkareva; walking and running to the music "March and Running" An. Alexandrova; "Horses are galloping", music. T. Popatenko; "We walk like athletes", music. T. Lomova; "Topatushki", music. M. Rauchverger; "Birds are flying", music. L. Bannikova; rolling the ball to the music of D. Shostakovich (waltz-joke); running with claps to the music of R. Schumann (playing blind man's buff); "Train", "Uz. L. Bannikova; "Exercise with flowers", music. A. Zhilina "Waltz".

Sketches of dramatization.“Feel free to go and hide”, muses. I. Berkovich -March "); "Hares and Fox", music. E. Vikhareva; "Bears", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Birds are flying", music. L. Bannikova; -Birds ", music. L. Bannikova, "Beetles", Hungarian. bunk bed melody, processing L. Vishkareva; "Mice", music. N. Sushena.

Games."The sun and the rain", music. M. Rauchverger, lyrics A. Barto; "Zhmurki: Mishkoy", music. F. Flotova; "Where are the rattles?" An. Alexandrova; "Hide and Seek", Russian bunk bed melody; "Zainka, come out", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Play by lukla", music. V. Karaseva; "Vanya Walks", Russian bunk bed song, arr. N. Metlova; Lgra with rattles ", Finnish plank bed. melody; "Zainka", music. A. Lyadova; Lrogulka ", music. I. Pachelbel and G. Sviridov; "Playing with colored flags", rus. bunk bed melody; "Tambourine", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics N. Frenkel.

Round dances and dances."Dance with rattles", music. and sl. V. Antonova; "Fingers and pens", rus. bunk bed melody, processing M. Rauchverger; dance with a teacher under Russian. bunk bed The melody "I will go, I will go out," processed. T. Popatenko; dance with leaves under Russian. bunk bed Dance melody; "Dance: Leaves", music. N. Kitaeva, lyrics A. Anufrieva, "Dance near the Christmas tree", music. R. Ravina, lyrics P. Granitsina; dance with kerchiefs under Russian. bunk bed melody; "Along the street pavement", rus. bunk bed melody, arr. T. Lomova; dance with dolls in Ukrainian. bunk bed melody, process. N. Lysenko; "Little Dance", music. N. Alexandrova; "The sun is warming", music. T. Vilkoreyskaya, lyrics O. Vysotskaya; "Made up", music. T. Vilkoreyskaya; "Oh, you are a flute-

duda ", muses. M. Kraseva, lyrics M. Charnoy; "Train", music. N. Metlova, words. I. Plakida; "Dance", music. L. Birnov, lyrics A. Kuznetsova; "Pair dance", rus. bunk bed melody "Arkhangelsk melody".

Characteristic dances."Dance of Snowflakes", music. Beckman; "Lanterns", music. R. Rustamova; "Dance of Petrushek", latv. bunk bed polka; "Dance of the Bunnies", rus. bunk bed melody; "The dolls came out to dance", muses. V. Vitlin; repetition of all dances learned during the school year.

"Dance", music. R Rustamov; "Hares", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Merry Legs", rus. bunk bed melody, processing V. Agafonnikov; "Magic handkerchiefs", rus. bunk bed melody, processing R. Rustamova.

Development of pitch hearing. "Birds and Chicks", "Merry Nesting Dolls", "Three Bears".

Development of rhythmic hearing. "Who's going how?", "Funny pipes."

Development of timbre and dynamic hearing, "Loudly-quietly", "Learn your

tool ”,“ Bells ”.

Definition of genre and development of memory. "What is the doll doing?", "Learn and layer the song from the picture."

Playing along with children's percussion musical instruments. Folk melodies.

Middle group


Continue to develop in children an interest in music, a desire to listen to it. Consolidate knowledge of genres in music (song, dance, march).

To enrich musical impressions, to contribute to the further development of the foundations of musical culture, a conscious attitude to music.

To form the skills of a culture of listening to music (not to be distracted, to listen to the work to the end).

Develop the ability to feel the nature of music, recognize familiar works, express your impressions of what you listened to.

To form the ability to notice the expressive means of a piece of music (quietly, loudly, slowly, quickly). Develop the ability to distinguish sounds in pitch (high, low within a sixth, seventh).


To form the skills of expressive singing, the ability to sing a drawn-out agile, coordinated (within re - si first octave). Develop the ability to take breath between short musical phrases. Encourage you to sing the melody cleanly, soften the ends of phrases, pronounce words clearly, sing expressively, conveying the character of the music. Develop singing skills with and without instrumental accompaniment (with the help of a teacher).

Song creativity.

Encourage children to independently compose a melody of a lullaby, answer musical questions ("What is your name?". "What do you want, kitty?", "Where are you?").

To form the ability to improvise melodies to a given text.

Musically- rhythmic movements.

Continue to form in children the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with the nature of the music, independently change movements in accordance with the two- and three-part form of music.

Improve dance movements: straight canter, spring, whirling one by one and in pairs.

To form the ability to move in pairs in a circle in dances and round dances, put your feet on your toes and heels, clap your hands rhythmically, perform the simplest rearrangements (scattering from the circle and back), jumping.

Continue to improve basic movement skills (walking

Development of dance and play creativity

To contribute to the development of emotional-figurative performance of musical and game exercises (leaves are spinning, snowflakes are falling) and scenes, using facial expressions and pantomime (bunny is cheerful and sad, cunning fox, angry wolf, etc.).

Develop the ability to stage songs and stage small musical performances.

Playing children's musical instruments

To form the ability to play along with the simplest melodies on wooden spoons, rattles, drum, metallophone.

Approximate musical repertoire


Lullaby, music A. Grechaninov; "March", music. L. Shulgina, “Oh, you. birch ", Russian folk. song; "Autumn Song", music. D. Vasiliev-Buglaya, lyrics A. Plescheeva; "Bunny", music. Y. Matveeva, lyrics A. Blok; “Mom's las muses. A. Grechaninov; "Musical box" (from "Album-plays for children" by G. Sviridov); "Waltz of Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", P. Tchaikovsky; "Italian polka", music. S. Rachmaninoff; "Kitty lel", "Kitty recovered", music. A. Grechaninov; "Like ours at the gates", bunk, melody; "Mom", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian. bunk bed song . processing G. Lobachev, lyrics O..Vysotskaya; "Butterfly", music. E. Grieg; “The Brave Rider” (from “Album for Youth”) by R. Schumann; "Lark", music. M. Glinka;

"March", music. S. Prokofiev; "New Doll", "Disease of a Doll" (from "Children's Album" by P. Tchaikovsky); "Pieska" from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann; as well as favorite works of children, which they listened to during the year.


"Two Teteri", music. M. Shcheglova, words. folk; "Beetle", music. N. Potolovsky, words. folk; "Lullaby Bunny", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Chicks", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics M. Dolinova; "Confusion" is a joke song; muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics K. Chukovsky; "Kukushechka", Russian bunk bed song, processed I. Arseeva; "Spider" and "Little Kitty Murysonka", rus. bunk bed songs; cries: “Oh, waders! Spring sings! " and "Larks, come fly"; “Where was Ivanushka”, rus. bunk bed song; "Geese", Russian, Nar. song; "Shepherd", music. N. Preobrazhenskaya, lyrics folk.

Songs."Autumn", music. Y. Chichkov, to lyrics I. Maznina; "Bayu-bye", music. M. Krasin, lyrics M. Chernoy; "Autumn", music. I. Kishko, lyrics T. Volgina; "Autumn", rus. bunk bed melody, processing I. Kishko, lyrics I. Plakida; "Kitty", music. V. Vitlin, lyrics N. Naydenova; "Snowflakes", music. O. Berta, processed. N. Metlova, words. V. Antonova; "Sledge", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics O. Vysogskaya; "Winter is over", music. N. Metlova, words. M. Klokova; "A Gift for Mom", music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina; carols: "Hello", "Happy New Year"; "Sparrow", music. V. Gerchik, words. A. Cheltsova; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian folk song; "Rain", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Bunny", music by M. Starokadomsky, lyrics M. Klokova; "Horse", music. T. Lomova, lyrics by M. Ivensen; "Locomotive", music. 3. Kompaneets, words. O. Vysotskaya.

Songs from children's cartoons."Smile", music. V. Shainsky, lyrics M. Plyatskovsky (cartoon "Little Raccoon"); "Song about a grasshopper", music. V. Shainsky, lyrics N. Nosova (cartoon "The Adventures of a Grasshopper"); "If you are kind", muses. B. Savelyev, lyrics M. Plyatskovsky (cartoon "Birthday of Leopold the Cat"); as well as favorite songs learned earlier.

Musical rhythmic movements

Game exercises."Springs" under Russian. bunk bed melody; walking to the "March", muses. I. Berkovich; "Merry balls" (bouncing and running), muses. M. Satulina; "Swinging hands with ribbons", Polish. bunk bed melody, processed, L. Vishkareva; jumping under the English. bunk bed The melody "Polly"; easy run under latv. "Polka", music. A. Zhilinsky; "March", music. E. Tilicheeva; "The Fox and the Hares" to the music. A. Maikapara "In the garden"; "The bear walks" to the music. "Study" by K. Cerny; jumps to the music "Polka", muses. M. Glinka; "Horsemen", music. B. Vitlina; we will drown, we will circle under Russian. bunk bed melodies. "Rooster", music by T. Lomova; "Doll", music M. Starokadomsky; "Exercises with flowers" half-museum. "Waltz" by A. Zhilin; "Beetles", Hung. bunk bed melody, processing L. Vishkareva.

Sketches of dramatization."Drummer", music. M. Kraseva; "Dance of Autumn Leaves", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics E. Makshantseva; "Drummers", music. D. Kabalevsky and S. Levidov; "Counting", "An apple was rolling", music. V. Agafonnikov; "Boots gallop along the path", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina; "Merry Walk", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "What do you want, kitty?", Muses. G. Singer, words. A. Shibitskaya; "Hot Horse", music. T. Lomova; "Snowdrops" from the cycle "Seasons" by P. Tchaikovsky "April"; "A hare ran through the swamp", music. V. Gerchik; "Berry picking" under Russian. bunk bed the song "Oh you, birch"; "The cuckoo is dancing", music. E. Sigmeister; "Mother hen and chickens", music. T. Lomova.

Round dances and dances."Laram dance", Latvian, plank bed. melody; "Along the street pavement", rus. bunk bed melody, processing T. Lomova; "Top and Clap", music. T. Nazarova-Medtner, lyrics E. Karganova; "Show your palms", lat. bunk bed melody "Dance with spoons" under Russian. bunk bed melody; "Dance with kerchiefs", rus. bunk bed melody; "Invitation", Ukrainian bunk bed melody, processing G. Teplitsky; "Dance with Sultans", Ukrainian bunk bed melody, processing M. Rauchverger; “Who is good with us?”, Muses. An. Alexandrova, lyrics folk; "Show your palm", Latvian, bunk. melody; dance "Goodbye", Czech. bunk bed melody; "Handkerchief", rus. bunk bed melody in processing L. Revutsky; "Dudochka-duda", music. Yu. Slonova, to lyrics. folk; Clap-clap-clap, zet. bunk bed melody, processing A. Roomere; New Year's round dances at the choice of the musical director.

Characteristic dances."Snowflakes", music. O. Berta, processed. N. Metlova; "Dance of Petrushek", music. A. Serov from the opera Rogneda (excerpt); "Dance of the Rabbits" from "Polka" by I. Strauss; "Snowflakes", music. T. Lomova; "Beads" from "Gallop" by I. Dunaevsky; repetition of dances learned during the year, as well as for dramatizations and musical games: "Kittens-twigs", muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics M. Ivensen; "Koza-Dereza", lyrics folk, muses. M. Magidenko.

Music games

Games."Hen and Cockerel", music. G. Frida; "Zhmurki", music. F. Flotova; "The Bear and the Hare", music. V. Rebikov; "Airplanes", music. M. Magidenko; "The game of Santa Claus with snowballs", music. P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet The Sleeping Beauty); "Zhmurki", music. F. Flotova. "Merry balls", music. M. Satulina; "Find yourself a mate", muses. T. Lomova; "Take a house", muses, M. Magidenko; “Who will take the toy most likely?”, Latv. bunk bed melody; "Merry carousel", rus. bunk bed melody, processing E. Tilicheeva; "Lovishki", Russian bunk bed melody, processing A. Sidelnikova; games learned over the course of a year.

Singing games."Garden-round dance", music. B, Junzhevelova, sl. I, Passovoy; "Doll", muses, Starokadomsky, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya; "Santa Claus and Children", music. I. Kishko, lyrics M. Ivensen; "Zainka", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics L . Nekrasov; "Zainka, Come Out", "Geese, Swans and a Wolf", muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics M. Bulatova; “We went to the meadow”, muses. A. Filippenko, lyrics N. Kuklovskaya; "Fish", muses, M. Krasev. "Handkerchief", Ukrainian bunk bed song, arr. N. Metlova; "Merry Girl Tanya", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics N. Kuklovskaya and R. Borisova.

Song creativity

"What is your name?"; "What do you want, kitty"; "March", music. N. Bogoslovsky; "Bear", "Goby", "Horse", music. A. Grechaninov, to lyrics A. Barto; "Our song is simple", music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics M. Ivensen; "Grouse Hen", music. G. Lobachev, lyrics folk; "Kitten-cat", rus. bunk bed song.

Development of dance and play creativity

"Horse", music. N. Potolovsky; "Bunnies", "Hen and Chickens". "Sparrow", music. T. Lomova; "Oh, my hop, hop", rus. bunk bed melody, arr. M. Rauchverger; "Doll", music M. Starokadomsky; "Galloping along the path", music. A. Filippenko; invent a dance of Petrushka to the music of "Petrushka" by I. Brahms; "Bears", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics N. Frenkel.

Musical and didactic games

Development of pitch hearing."Birds and Chicks", "Swing".

Development of rhythmic hearing."Cockerel, Hen and Chicken", "How's Kts Going?", "Funny Pipes", "Play Like Me".

Development of timbre and dynamic hearing."Loudly, quietly", "Get to know your instrument", "Guess what I'm playing."

Definition of genre and development of memory.“What is the doll doing?”, “Find out and sing a song from the picture”, “Music store”.

"We are walking with flags", "Accordion", "Blue sky", "Andrew the sparrow", muses. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics M. Dolinova; "Forty-forty", Russian. bunk bed joke, arr. T. Popatenkos "Kap-Kap-Kap ...", Romanian, bunk. song, arr. T. Popatenko; "Fox", Russian nar joke, arr. V. Popov; playing along with rus. bunk bed melodies.

Senior group

Development of musical and artistic activities, familiarization with the art of music.


Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness to it. To form a musical culture based on familiarity with classical, folk and modern music; with the structure of a 2- and 3-part musical piece, with the construction of a song. Continue introducing composers. To foster a culture of behavior when visiting concert halls, theaters (do not make noise, do not interfere with other spectators to enjoy music, watch performances).

Continue to introduce the genres of music (march, dance, song). To develop musical memory through recognition of melodies for individual fragments of the work (introduction, conclusion, musical phrase). Improve the skill of distinguishing sounds in pitch within a fifth, the sound of musical instruments (keyboard percussion and strings: piano, violin, cello, balalaika).


To form singing skills, the ability to sing with a light sound in the range from "D" of the first octave to "C" of the second octave, take a breath before the beginning of a song, between musical phrases, pronounce words clearly, start and end a song in a timely manner, emotionally convey the character of a melody, sing moderately , loud and quiet. Promote the development of solo singing skills with and without musical accompaniment. To promote the manifestation of independence, the creative performance of songs of a different nature. Develop a songwriting taste for music.

Song creativity

To develop the skill of improvising a melody to a given text, to compose melodies of a different nature: an affectionate lullaby, a perky or vigorous march, a smooth waltz, a cheerful dance.

Musical and rhythmic movements.

To develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey through movements the character of music, its emotional-figurative content; the ability to freely navigate in space, perform simple rearrangements, independently switch from a moderate to fast or slow pace, change movements in accordance with musical phrases. Promote the formation of skills in the performance of dance movements (alternate throwing of legs forward in a jump; side step with squatting, moving forward, whirling; squatting with legs forward).

To acquaint children with the Russian round dance, dance, as well as with the dances of other peoples. Continue to develop song drama skills; the ability to portray fabulous animals and birds (horse, goat, fox, bear, hare, crane, raven, etc.) in different game situations.

Development of dance and play creativity.

Develop dance creativity; to form the ability to come up with movements for dances, dances, to compose a dance composition, showing independence in creativity. Improve the ability to independently invent movements that reflect the content of the song. Encourage the staging of the content of songs, round dances.

Playing children's musical instruments.

To develop the ability to perform the simplest melodies on children's musical instruments; familiar songs individually and in small groups, while respecting the overall dynamics and pace.

Develop creativity, encourage children to take active independent actions.

Approximate musical repertoire


"March", music. D. Shostakovich; "Lullaby", "Guy with an accordion", music. G. Sviridov; "Falling leaves", music. T. Popatenko, lyrics E. Avdienko; "March" from the opera "The Love for Three Oranges", music. S. Prokofiev; "Winter", music. NS . Tchaikovsky, lyrics A. Plescheeva; "Autumn Song" (from the cycle "Seasons" P . Tchaikovsky). "Polka", music. D. Lvov-Kompaneets, to lyrics 3. Petrova; "Mother's holiday", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics L. Rumarchuk; "My Russia", music. G. Struve, lyrics N. Solovieva; “Who invented the song?”, Muses. D. Lvov-Kompaneets, to lyrics L. Dymova; "Children's polka", music. M. Glinka; "Santa Claus", chuz. N. Eliseeva, lyrics 3. Alexandrova. Morning Prayer, In Church (from P. Tchaikovsky's Children's Album); "Music", music. G. Struve; "Lark", music. M. Glinka; "Moth", music. S. Maikapara; "Dance of the Birds", "Lullaby", music by N. Rimsky-Korsakov; Finale of the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 5 (fragments) by L. Beethoven. "Anxious Minute" (from the album "Spillikins" by S. Maikapar); , "Morning", "Evening" (from the collection "Children's Music" by S. Prokofiev); "First Loss" (from "Album for Youth") by R. Schumann; Eleventh Sonata for Piano, 1st movement (fragments), Prelude in A major, Op. 28, No. 7 by F. Chopin.


Exercises for the development of hearing and voice."Bunny", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; “Sewed boots for the cat for the holiday”, children's song; "The Raven", Russian. bunk bed song, processed E. Tilicheeva; "Andrey the Sparrow", Russian bunk bed song, arr. Yu. Slonova; "Bells", "Accordion", music. E. Tilicheeva; "Counting", music. I. Arseeva; "Snow Pearls", music. M. Parkha-ladze, to lyrics M. Plyatskovsky; “Where do finches winter?”, Muses. E. Zaritskaya, to lyrics L. Kuklina. "Locomotive", "Petrushka", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; “Drum, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics N. Naydenova; "Cloud", call; Lullaby, music E. Tilicheeva, lyrics N. Naydenova; Russian bunk bed songs and tunes.

Songs."Cranes", music. A. Livshits, lyrics M. Poznanskaya; "Guests have come to us", music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics M. Ivensen; "Garden-round dance", music. B. Mozhzhevelova, lyrics N. Passova; "Blue Sled", music. M. Iordansky, words. M. Klokova; "Geese-goosenyaga", music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics G. Boyko; "Fish", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics M. Klokova. "Chicken", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics M. Dolinova; "Birch", music E. Tilicheeva, lyrics P. Voronko; "Lily of the Valley", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Spring Song", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics Boyko; "Tyav-tyav", music. In Gerchik, sl. Yu. Razumovsky, "Bird House", music. Yu. Slonova, to lyrics. O. Vysotskaya; "Goroshina", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics N. Frenkel; "Geese", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina.

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    ... educational institution « Child garden general developmental kind No. 81 "Happy Voices", Vorkuta, full name institutions Vorkuta city "___" ___________________ 20___ Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Child garden ...

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    ... garden general developmental kind" with. Pazhga, administration municipal education municipal district "Syktyvdinsky" DECIDES: To include in the Charter municipal budgetary preschool educational institutions « Child garden general developmental kind ...

  • Marina Inchina

    Children enter the hall in pairs, go to the rays of the sun (music sounds)

    We start to play.

    We clap our hands

    Like this, like that

    We stamp our feet

    Like this, like this.

    Let's wave our hands

    Like this, like this.

    Let's dance with our feet

    Like this, like this.

    We can go round

    Like this, like this.

    We can bow

    Like this, like this.

    We can get angry

    Like this, like this.

    We can make up

    Like this, like this.

    How do we live in the kindergarten

    Like this, like this.

    How we sing songs

    Like this, like this.

    Host: Autumn walks through the gardens, walks smiling.

    Just like in a fairy tale, here and there all the colors change.

    Finger game song "It's Autumn"

    (music and lyrics by Lebzak T.N.)

    The leaves are flying from the tree

    On the path - leaf fall. They lower their hands from top to bottom, swinging their hands.

    Frequent rain pours for a long time. They tap their fingers on the palm.

    Doesn't let us walk. Threatening with a finger.

    This is autumn, this is autumn They bring their hands forward, palms up.

    And the mushrooms grow, Hands are laid on their knees and slowly raise

    They nod cheerfully with their hat. They touch their cheeks with their fingers, nod their heads.

    This is autumn, this is autumn Put your hands forward, palms up.

    There are many liquid apples, The palms are folded, as if they are holding a ball.

    Children love to eat them. Stroking their tummies.

    This is autumn, this is autumn! They bring their hands forward, palms up.

    Host: Oh, guys, quieter, quieter, I can hear someone's footsteps.

    (Music sounds - Autumn enters)

    Autumn: Hello guys! I am Golden Autumn.

    I cover the whole earth with beautiful leaves.

    I want to invite the guys to the autumn forest for a walk.

    Host: We will take a walk with pleasure, dear Autumn.

    Song-dance "Top-top, legs" muses. I. Bodrachenko

    Autumn: Oh look, kids,

    We came to the forest.

    Everything around has turned yellow

    This autumn covered everything

    With your golden carpet. (scatters leaves on the floor)

    Dance with leaves

    Autumn sings:

    1 Let's take a walk, we will take a walk in our forest,

    Let's take a lot of yellow leaves, red leaves.

    (Children walk between the leaves to the music)

    2 pieces of music pick up leaves from the floor, wave them,

    Part 3 of the music is spinning.

    At the end of the dance, the Autumn leaves are given away. Sit on chairs

    Autumn: Oh, what a beautiful forest! It can be seen that there are many miracles here.

    Oh, here's a rabbit running, for some reason he is trembling. (puppet show)

    Bunny: Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, what a breeze!

    It is cold, it is autumnal, there is no salvation for the bunny.

    Autumn: Bunny, so as not to freeze in winter, you build a house for yourself. And the children will help you.

    Knock knock hammer-

    We will build a house together - children knock on the palm of their hand

    There will be a wide house

    There will be a high house - they open their arms to the sides

    Put their hands up

    We'll call the bunny to the house,

    Come in, my friend, into the house, - hand movements towards you (name)

    Hands are stretched forward

    Admire, baby bunny, - they touch their cheeks with their pads, shake their heads

    The house has bright windows - one palm is below the chin, the other is

    above your head (looking out the window)

    The house has a strong door - "draw" a rectangle by hand

    And the wolf is not terrible now. -the hands show the paws of a wolf

    A house appears on the screen

    Bunny: So the little house came out, it is not low, not high.

    Autumn: So the first guest is in a hurry, it's a hedgehog running there.

    Hedgehog: Oh, what a teremok here, it's not low, not high.

    Soon it will get colder - it rains in the fall.

    Hedgehog: I can pick mushrooms.

    Autumn: Hedgehog, and our children also know how to pick mushrooms.

    Game "Dance - game with mushrooms"

    Autumn: They began to live together.

    Here the chanterelle is running there, its tail is burning like fire.

    Fox: Oh, what a little house here. It is not low, not high.

    In the rainy autumn, it is chilly, the fox's paws will freeze.

    Bunny, let me live with you, it will be more fun for you.

    Bunny: What can you do?

    Bunny: I can play hide and seek,

    Do the guys want to play?

    Game "Hide and seek with a fox" muses. F. Flotova

    Bunny: Okay, we will live in three, come in, fox, into the house.

    Autumn: The three of them began to live.

    (A bear growls behind the scenes)

    Host: What kind of noise and roar is it worth? Isn't a bear hurrying to us?

    (A bear enters and invites the children to play)

    Song-game "What the bear loves" (music and lyrics by T. N. Lebzak)

    Bear: Oh, who built a beautiful house here under an oak tree?

    Here I wanted to make a den-

    Who dared to get ahead of me?

    I'm going to start growling now, I want to drive everyone out of here.

    Autumn: Don't growl, dear bear. This is Zaykin's little house here.

    He will live in it in the winter with a hedgehog, a fox.

    Autumn: Children, tell the bear what wonderful bunny fox and hedgehog are.

    T. Vtorova

    Ears stick out in a column,

    The tail is short in hares.

    Only in the forest will they hear a crunch

    And the bush trembles under the tree.

    S. Oleksyak

    What is this lump

    Waddling between the bumps?

    Carries a lump on itself

    Two leaves and a mushroom.

    T. Efimova

    I met a fox

    Curious eyes

    Hid behind a hemp

    A bright red light

    And calmly observes:

    Who walks in her forest!

    Bear: I really liked your poems about forest animals

    So be it, I will listen to the guys, I will not offend the animals.

    I will go to the birch, there I will find a place for a den.

    Autumn: Oh, how our children are glad that the animals do not quarrel! Let's dance a dance.

    dance "Reconciled" (stay in place)

    Autumn: It got dark in the woods

    Apparently a cloud has flown

    The wind drives the cloud

    The cloud drops droplets.

    Song-round dance "Tuchka" M. Savelyeva at the end of the children run to the chairs

    Autumn: How good the kids had fun, hedgehog, bear, chanterelle, hare!

    Now it's time for us to part

    Autumn affairs need to be dealt with.

    To get into the group from the magic forest, I present my magic umbrella. You open it. There you will find a surprise and you will find yourself in the group with it. Goodbye kids.

    (Music sounds, the umbrella opens - candy hangs from it)