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Dow automated systems. Software systems for automation of preschool educational institutions Sources of management information

The level of automation of technological processes for working with documents today acts as an important evaluation criterion associated with priority areas for improving the document management support (DOW). The presence or absence of automated technology in an organization, and in the short term - a corporate document management system, can be considered as a formal indicator that makes it possible to judge the quality and efficiency of work.

The needs of workflow automation and advances in the field of new information technologies lead to a constant increase in offers on the software market. Now on the market there are software products that provide the ability not only to perform the traditional functions of registration, execution control and search for documents, but also to provide various document management functions and use elements of electronic document management. Unlike the systems introduced in the 80s of the last century, which were aimed at minimizing labor costs when performing specific operations in office work (for example, when registering and controlling the execution of documents), modern tools allow you to create an automated system for working with documents throughout the institution. or businesses.

Currently, developers offer not only custom-made developments, but also "boxed" options, i.e., replicated developments that take into account typical needs for workflow automation. Accordingly, the choice of a software product for workflow automation is becoming an urgent task for many organizations in various industries.

To automate office processes in UDOiV, it is necessary to form the basic requirements for the system, taking into account the specifics of the institution, and to identify from the existing systems the one that will meet the following requirements.

First of all, an automated document management system (ADMS) must perform all the tasks of document management support in full: preparation of documents, their registration, execution control, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents. The system should be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of the current organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements. The ASUD should ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of a single input of information and its multiple use both documentarily and in fact. The system should also help to choose the routes of movement of documents within the organization, providing the necessary degree of protection of information from unauthorized access.

So, a corporate workflow automation system for UDO and V must meet the following functional and system-technical requirements.

A. Functional requirements

They are focused on the compliance of the proposed technology with state regulations and corporate standards of the DOW, ensuring the convenience of using the system.

1. Office work

Creation of documents (use of templates)

Registration of documents

· Monitoring the execution of documents

Information and reference work (search for a registration card)

・Maintaining the nomenclature of cases

Preparation of statistical data on document flow

· Automatic input of information from paper media

2. Organizing an electronic archive

Document archiving

Full featured search

Document storage security

Organization of access to archive documents

3. Ensuring the tasks of electronic document management

Technology of the electronic digital signature (EDS)

Working with electronic files

· Means of cryptoprotection

Registration of documents received via electronic communication channels

4. Document management

Management of document flows within the organization

· Transfer of documents for execution

Control of the movement (transfer) of documents

Control of user actions

Document routing

· Coordination of documents

Regulation of access to registration cards and document files

5. Business process management

Collaborate on documents in real time

· Work with remote offices and divisions

· Creation of reporting on any details and in any sections

Receiving notifications from the electronic document management system

· Work with directories

B. System and technical requirements

System and technical requirements should take into account the compliance of the evaluated products with the system and technical platform used.

1. Software implementation

· Client-server technology

Internet technology

Support for open systems standards

Availability of application development tools

Availability of document scanning tools

· User-friendly interface

2. Network OS for the server part

Windows Server 2008

3. Network OS for the client side

4. Operational requirements

Reliability of the automated system

System security

· System administration

The number of simultaneously working users - up to 100

5. Adaptability

Simplicity and convenience in the implementation of the system

Ease of system setup

Possibility of system development

Thus, the choice of a software product can be considered the first step towards creating a corporate workflow automation system. Clearly defined goals and requirements for the system make this choice more balanced and consistent. This creates the most important prerequisites for the successful implementation of the system and the work of users with it.

Basic concepts of DOW automation Documentation is the creation of documents, i.e. their compilation, execution, approval and production. Office work: a set of measures to ensure the DOW of an enterprise or organization. It is sometimes said that the preschool educational institution is the main function of office work. Organization of work with documents - ensuring the movement, search, storage and use of documents.

Basic concepts of DOW automation Systematization of archival storage of documents - determination of the rules for storing information created in the organization, its search and use to support managerial decision-making and business procedures. Document flow - the movement of documents within the framework of the DOW. Business procedure - a sequence of certain operations (works, tasks, procedures) performed by employees of organizations to solve any problem or goal within the framework of the activities of an enterprise or organization. The electronic archive solves the problems of systematizing the archival storage of electronic documents within the framework of the DOW.

Tasks solved in the DOW Documentation (drafting, execution, coordination and production of documents). Organization of work with documents in the process of management (ensuring the movement, control of execution, storage and use of documents). Organizing the archive of documents.

Simple business procedure for selling a product to a customer 1) The customer calls the company to place an order; 2) the order is registered in the customer database; 3) an invoice is issued for the goods; 4) the invoice is transferred to the accounting department; 5) the accounting department receives money for the goods, which is recorded in the accounting system; 6) the goods are shipped from the warehouse, which is noted in the warehouse database; 7) an invoice and an invoice for the goods are issued; 8) the goods are shipped to the client; 9) the invoice and waybill are transferred to the accounting department.

Categories of automation systems DOW workflow systems (automation of business procedures); groupware systems (teamwork); document management systems (mainly provide registration, storage and retrieval of documents); e-mail systems (serve for the exchange of documents).

Problems of automation of preschool educational institutions in Russia lack of finished products for the automation of Russian office work; lack of active demand for automation of business procedures; confusion in the positioning of products of Western manufacturers for the purposes of office automation, etc.

Problems that arise with the growth of the scale of the enterprise Management loses a holistic picture of what is happening. Structural divisions, not having information about each other's activities, cease to carry out their activities in a coordinated manner. Inevitably, the quality of customer service and the ability of the organization to maintain external contacts are declining. The consequence of this is a drop in labor productivity; there is a feeling of lack of resources: human, technical, communication, etc.

Problems that arise with the growth of the scale of the enterprise We have to expand the staff, invest in the equipment of new workplaces, premises, communications, and training of employees. For manufacturing enterprises, an increase in staff may entail a change in production technology, which will require additional investment. In a situation of unjustified staff growth, falling productivity, the need to invest in production, there is a need to increase working capital, which, in turn, can lead to new loans and reduce the planned profit.

Tasks for improving the organization of the DOW Improving all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a mechanism for documentary support of the enterprise (DOW). Choosing the right automation strategy, including the right choice of products.

Groups of operations for maintaining personnel records in paper workflow accounting and storage of primary documents included in a personal file; formation, execution and storage of orders for personnel; preparation and submission of statistical and other reports; storage of copies of orders for the main activity.

Positive effects of integration of personnel records and EDMS Protection of transmitted data. Qualitatively developed in SADD mechanisms for entering large quantities of paper documents. For the current work of the personnel officer, it is necessary to receive copies of individual orders for the main activity in a timely manner. SADD will provide the personnel officer in a timely manner and at any convenient time with copies of all necessary orders.

Prospects for the Russian office automation industry Absolutely all organizations and a large number of individuals work with documents. Almost every organization faces problems in office work, even if we are not talking about its automation: documents are lost, not controlled, not executed, etc. By improving record keeping, enterprises and organizations get a real chance to improve the quality of their management, which is one of the most urgent tasks of the modern Russian economy.

Prospects for the Russian office automation industry The qualifications of secretaries and persons responsible for office work in organizations are insufficient and require an increase in its level. User requests for improvement of office automation programs and their integration with numerous workstations, information and application systems are extremely high.

One of the means of implementing an integrated management system for an organization, optimizing its internal business processes is the automation of documentation support for management, which allows you to identify competitors when making both operational and strategic decisions. The effectiveness of management documentation support to a large extent affects the success of management processes. As a result, there is a need to improve the forms and methods of working with documents.

Under automation in a broad sense, the use of automatic devices operating according to a given program and partially or completely replacing a person in any field of activity is understood.

Under automation system for documentation support of management (DOE) should be understood as any automated system designed to solve the problems of documenting, organizing work with documents and workflow, regardless of the object of automation, be it a public authority, a commercial bank, a trading company or any other organization. It is important that management in this organization is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and methodological documents.

There are three main way to implement the automation system for preschool educational institutions:

1) development of an original automation system for the preschool education system;

2) installation of a typical preschool automation system;

3) setting up automation tools for preschool educational institutions.

The development of an original automation system for a preschool educational institution involves the involvement of a staff of programmers and the development of an automated system from scratch for a specific organization. At the same time, the features of this organization are taken into account as much as possible, which makes the new system easy to use. True, the programming process in this case has a number of disadvantages. It is long and expensive, and has a tendency to lose control, because of which, after spending a lot of time and money, you can find out that the developed system does not meet the requirements put forward and you have to start all over again.

The installation of a typical preschool automation system is, in this sense, the complete opposite of the development of the original system. Companies - manufacturers of automation systems for preschool educational institutions develop standard software products that can be used in various organizations with minimal adaptation. Such systems implement a certain common set of functions for working with documents, are inexpensive and are implemented in the shortest possible time. It would seem that a very convenient approach, but it also has its drawbacks. The fact is that although the requirements for the organization of preschool educational institutions throughout the Republic of Belarus are the same, they are very enlarged, and the methods of implementation vary significantly. In this regard, it becomes necessary to expand the set of functions, which is not easy and often impossible to do in a typical system.

Setting up DOE automation tools is an intermediate option between the two above-mentioned methods for solving the task. On the one hand, within the framework of this method, some typical system is implemented that implements a certain set of functions (as in the second case), and on the other hand, it is built on the basis of industrial tools that can be used to adapt it to the needs of a particular organization. Such adaptation allows taking into account the characteristics of a particular organization (as in the first case).

The analysis of modern information technologies makes it possible to single out the following tool classes used in the third approach:

Document creation tools (word processors, spreadsheet processors, computer-aided design systems (CAD), etc.);

database management systems;

systems for ensuring group work (group-ware class);

document management systems (DMS);

e-mail systems;

business processor management systems (work-flow class).

Document creation tools - a generalized name for a class of systems that includes software designed to create electronic versions of documents. The main functions of such software are creating a file with the contents of the document, editing the created file, sending the file for printing, etc. This group also includes document system processing systems designed to enter, process, store and search for graphic images of paper documents.

Database management systems are the basis for building any more or less powerful information system. It is they who ensure the creation and maintenance of an up-to-date repository of factual information.

Group work systems are designed to support the correct separation of group user information. They solve the problems of storing, viewing and sharing documents.

Document management systems are powerful complexes that organize work with electronic versions of documents. With their help, documents are registered, their storage is supported (including the multiversion of the stored texts of documents). Document management systems conduct not only attributive, but also full-text search for information.

E-mail systems are used to transmit electronic messages between participants of the DOW, to which stored electronic versions of documents can be attached. At the same time, it is possible to send messages to several users simultaneously with the notification of the sender about the receipt and reading of the e-mail.

Business process management systems also organize the transfer of electronic messages and electronic versions of documents between participants in the DOE. At the same time, their functionality is much richer than that of e-mail. First of all, business process management systems implement the functions of control of executive discipline, automatically tracking the deadlines for the execution of documents, and can notify users of the approaching deadline. In developed systems of this class, not only parallel, but also serial routing of documents using route templates is possible. In addition, hard routing can be implemented according to a predetermined scheme.

Various tasks of the preschool educational institution are solved by different tools (Table 2.1).

Tasks of the preschool educational institution and tools for their solution

Any modern preschool automation system must perform the following set functions:

Registration of documents in card-index form;

accounting of resolutions issued on documents;

maintaining links between them;

control over the execution of documents;

write-off of documents in the case;

· conducting information and reference work;

· Formation of reports.

So, registration of documents can be carried out using a single screen form (card) for all types of documents, and even changeable only by programming, and it is possible to use different cards not only for different types of documents, but also for user groups.

Document execution control may consist in the fact that the document card has the field "Due date" and "Date of execution", and the controller generates a list of documents whose deadline has been exceeded. This option is called passive control over the execution of documents. And active control is possible, in which the system independently monitors the deadlines for the execution of documents and informs users not only about their excess, but also about their imminent approach.

Conducting information and reference work can be based only on an attributive search for documents, i.e. the system provides the possibility of finding information stored only in the document card, and it is also possible that the system stores the texts of documents subject to automatic indexing. Such indexing provides the possibility of further full-text search, for example, for the formation of thematic collections of documents based on the occurrence of certain words in the text of the document.


Document management systems are a means of automating a large-scale formalized business, converting documents from paper to electronic form. Automation of the office work and document management system (AS DOW) implies the possibility of using information from the database, reducing the manual entry of information, which gives a gain in time and in reducing the number of errors. In addition to forms of documents, the database of the document management system stores data (addresses, contract numbers, dates of conclusion of contracts, amounts, etc.) that may be required in many documents (contracts, orders, acts of work performed, etc.) . Once entered the above information allows you to generate the documents required in the administrative structures.

According to the ASAP magazine, » 6 billion documents are produced annually in the world; an average employee spends about 150 hours a year searching for lost information 1 . There is an urgent need to provide the necessary information in a form ready for “consumption” with its subsequent offer.

The modern application software market offers a number of automated document management systems. Among them DocsVision 3.6 by DocsVision, ESCOM.DOC©, J.D. Edwards OneWorld by Robertson and Blums Corporation et al.

Based on the foregoing, we formulated the purpose of the work - to identify and study the prerequisites for the development and modern conditions of automated document management systems.

The object of study of this work are automated document management systems, as well as systems that include this function.

Research hypothesis: the prerequisites for the development and modern conditions of automated document management systems will allow us to determine their advantages and disadvantages.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, the following tasks are set in the work:

    to study the state of the issue in the literature;

    identify and determine the prerequisites for the development of automated document management systems;

    designate and define modern conditions for automated document management systems;

    identify the positive and negative aspects of working with automated document management systems.

Relevance of the topic:

The creation in our country of a rule of law state with effectively functioning institutions of representative, executive, judicial authorities, production, science and education is determined not only by a comprehensive and full legal justification for their activities, but also by the formation of rational, specific rules and procedures for their functioning, including in the field of work with documents. To strengthen the Russian statehood, the rational management of documentation can serve as one of the important reference points for strengthening the administrative apparatus and an essential element of its stability.

Documented information is the basis of management, its effectiveness is largely based on the production and consumption of information. In modern society, information has become a full-fledged production resource, an important element of the social and political life of society. The quality of information determines the quality of management, since information, like a circulatory system, permeates all organs of control, providing them with energy potential and setting them in purposeful movement.

Information is recorded in documents that give it an organizational form and move it in time and space. Documents and documentary information underlie management decisions and are their material embodiment, provide legal force and thereby contribute to their execution.

The problems of documenting the activities of organizations and managing records are as ancient as the documents and management themselves. At present, this problem is actualized by the rapid development of new information technologies, the accelerated informatization of society.

The continuous growth of documentation volumes all over the world, the increasing use of electronic computers in information processing, the use of non-paper media and other objective factors lead specialists to the conclusion that it is necessary to search for new opportunities for mastering and managing documented information.

For modern records management, it is important to study the possibilities of modern information technologies from the point of view of their use in document management. It is necessary to analyze the accumulated achievements in the field of the theory and practice of document management, to identify trends in their further development and to obtain new scientific results on this basis.

The choice of the topic of this work is due to several factors:

      firstly, the need to streamline the documentary environment as a means of improving management efficiency,

      secondly, the need of the archival service for a deep study of the interrelated problems of document management and archival science in the new conditions for their transformation into applied scientific developments;

      thirdly, the increasing pace of informatization of Russia and the urgent tasks of its entry into the global information space, including in the field of document management.

Solving the problem of document management in modern conditions will make it possible to purposefully form the information resources of organizations, ensure their effective functioning, and open access to information resources for consumers with the least expenditure of time, labor and money.

1. The need for automated workflow systems

Information resource management is of particular importance for the activities of any institution. In the modern world, institutions are faced with the need to process an enormous amount of information. Regardless of the legal status or organizational forms of activity, institutions are called upon to actively interact with executive and legislative authorities, structures involved in the regulation of the economy. All this in turn generates a specific workflow.

Thus, institutions are acutely aware of the need to organize effective management of information resources and are taking active steps to use computer technology in the field of document management (and information in a broad sense).

Unfortunately, the use of computer programs in the field of work with managerial (organizational and administrative) documentation in some cases is not accompanied by a restructuring of work with documentation, which significantly reduces the effect of using even the most multifunctional specialized (and, accordingly, expensive) software systems. There are frequent situations when the introduction of computer systems is formal and is not accompanied by any significant optimization and unification of documentation processes.

In most institutions with a complex structure, the level of organization of interaction between departments and the procedure for exchanging information is important. Most of the information is transmitted in the form of documents on paper (exchange of official documentation and reporting).

It should also be noted that for a number of years there has been a fairly clear trend towards an increase in the volume of information flows passing through modern institutions. It is characteristic that there is an increase not only in document circulation on traditional media, but also in information passing through electronic channels, as well as documents related to the functioning of computer systems.

Work on the automation of office processes began in Russia in the early 1990s 1 . A significant step in streamlining work with official documentation was the introduction in 1997 of the Document Management and Office Workflow Automation System - SADD. The software package was developed by order of the Bank of Russia on the basis of a typical software product of one of the companies specializing in automating work with documents.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) or EDMS (Electronic Document Management Systems) is a system for automating work with documents throughout their entire life cycle (creation, modification, storage, search, classification, etc.), as well as interaction processes between employees 2. In this case, documents primarily mean unstructured documents (Word, Excel files, etc.). As a rule, EDMS includes an electronic archive of documents and a business process automation system.

Effective records management based on the EDMS is based on three components of the system:

    technology (based on modern computer systems).

    corporate rules for the creation and use of information resources (and their consolidation in regulatory documents).

    psychology of users and their training (if necessary, individual).

In document management systems, registration of regulatory documents, administrative documents (orders, instructions), correspondence with authorities, institutions, credit organizations, other institutions and enterprises, as well as citizens is carried out. In addition, the EDMS is working with internal official correspondence and draft organizational and administrative documents created by structural institutions.

The EDMS provides control over the movement and execution of documents, contains complete information about the instructions given by the management and the actions of the performers. An important element of the EDMS is the system of formal and semantic references to related documents and orders. The search in the EDMS, in addition to the traditional office details, is based on a system of classifiers (including thematic ones), which allow contextual selection of documents.

The procedure for maintaining classifiers is strictly regulated. Part of the directories is formed by specialists who conduct registration (for example, a classifier of correspondent organizations). Making changes to the rest is the administrator's prerogative, in addition, the administrator constantly monitors new positions of the classifiers and, if necessary, corrects them. Thus, possible duplication of positions of directories is eliminated, and errors are eliminated when registering documents. The efficiency of the system can be ensured only if users are regularly trained and “soft” control over their actions in the system (correction of errors, compliance with the requirements for filling in mandatory information details, etc.).

The creation of an EDMS is also associated with a change in the role of the documentation support service: uniform technological requirements for the organization of workflow using the EDMS are defined, a system of “administrative frameworks” for working with documents is established, which is actually a methodological basis for organizing work with information.

In general, the establishment of a clear procedure for using the system and rules for working with information is one of the main factors that ensured the successful implementation of the EDMS and its full use.