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Who invented the cordless telephone. Inventor of the telephone

The history of telephony is interesting both in terms of the invention of various devices, and in terms of the stages of deployment of various types of communication networks around the world. In some aspects, the dynamics of the spread of relevant technologies seems revolutionary, while in others it is characterized by progressive uniform development. What are the most notable facts about the global telephone industry?

Who invented the telephone?

Traditionally, the history of the telephone is associated with the name of Alexander Bell, an American inventor of Scottish origin. Indeed, the famous researcher took a direct part in the development of a revolutionary apparatus for transmitting sounds at a distance. However, there are facts that other designers also played an important role in the creation of the phone. So, for example, Johann Philipp Reiss, a famous German inventor, at a meeting of scientists of the Physical Society, held in 1861, reported on the prototype of an electrical device he had created for transmitting sound at a distance. There was also the name of the invention - "telephone", familiar to us today. Reis's contemporaries, however, received the device without due enthusiasm. But this is the most important fact that the history of the creation of the telephone has.

Fifteen years later, two American researchers, Elisha Gray and Alexander Bell, acting independently, discovered the telephony effect. Both scientists, interestingly, on the same day, namely February 14, 1876, filed an application for patenting their discovery. At the same time, they have not yet developed an operating apparatus that would involve telephony. Presumably, Bell was about 2 hours ahead of Gray in filing an application, and many historians attribute the fact that the history of the creation of the telephone is today associated with the name of an American inventor.

The appearance of the first telephone

Alexander Bell lived in Boston and worked with people with hearing and speech problems. In 1873 he became professor of physiology at Boston University. By the nature of his work, he was probably an expert in the field of acoustics and had excellent hearing.

The history of the first telephone created by Alexander Bell is thus connected with his work. Among the remarkable facts related to the invention of the device is the very effect of telephoning, discovered by the researcher with the direct assistance of his assistant. So, a specialist working with Bell once pulled out a plate from the transmitting device, which, as Bell thought, made some rattling. As the researcher later found out, this was due to the fact that the element periodically closed electrical contacts.

On the basis of the revealed effect, Alexander Bell created a telephone. It was arranged very simply: like a skin membrane equipped with a signal element for increasing the device, the device could only transmit the sound of a voice, but this, apparently, was enough to patent the device - Bell received the corresponding document fixing the authorship of the invention on March 10, 1876 .

The history of phones is also interesting in terms of their commercial exploitation. A few days later, the inventor finalized the telephone so that he could transmit clearly audible individual words. Alexander Bell later showed his device to the business community. The device made an incredible impression on business people. The American inventor soon registered his company, which subsequently became prosperous.

First telephone lines

We now know the history of the telephone. But how did Bell's invention take root in everyday life? In 1877, also in Boston, the first telephone line was launched, and in 1878, in New Haven, a telephone exchange. In the same year, another famous American inventor, Thomas Edison, created a new model of an apparatus for transmitting voice over a distance. In its design, there was an induction coil, which made it possible to significantly improve the quality of communication, as well as increase the distance of sound transmission.

Contribution of inventors from Russia

The history of the development of the telephone is also associated with the names of Russian designers. In 1885, Pavel Mikhailovich Golubitsky, an inventor from Russia, developed a fundamentally new scheme for the operation of a telephone exchange, in which power was supplied to the devices from the outside - from a central source. Prior to this, each phone worked from its own electrical outlet. This concept made it possible to create stations that simultaneously serve a huge number of subscribers - tens of thousands. In 1895, the Russian inventor Mikhail Filippovich Freidenberg proposed to the world the concept of automatic telephone exchange, which involves the automatic connection of one subscriber to another. The first operating automatic telephone exchange was introduced in the USA, in the city of Augusta.

Development of communication lines in Russia

The history of the appearance of the telephone in Russia is connected with the construction of a line for the transmission of communications between St. Petersburg and Malaya Vishera. The first conversation between Russian subscribers through this channel took place in 1879, that is, only 3 years after the invention of the telephone. Later, one of the first civil communication lines connected the Georgievskaya pier, located in Nizhny Novgorod, and the apartments that belonged to the management of the Druzhina shipping company. The length of the line was about 1547 m.

On a regular basis, city telephone exchanges - in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and also in Odessa - began to function since 1882. In 1898, an intercity line appeared, connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg. The history of telephones in Russia is interesting in that the station that served the communication channel between Moscow and St. Petersburg exists and is still operating. It is located on Myasnitskaya Street in the capital of the Russian Federation.

The pace of development of telephonization in the Russian Empire was very decent - for example, by 1916, there were an average of 3.7 telephones per 100 residents of Moscow. In 1935, already under the USSR, all Belokamennaya metro stations were equipped with telephones. Starting from 1953, all houses put into operation in the capital of the USSR had to have a telephone cable connected.

The history of phones is fascinating. It is always interesting to study its details. Having learned how wired phones appeared, let's consider the most remarkable facts regarding the development of mobile devices, which today are no less in demand than traditional ones.

How mobile phones appeared

The first recorded telephone conversation over a radio channel, which, according to a number of key characteristics, corresponds to the principles of organizing modern cellular communications, was held in 1950 in Sweden. Inventor Sture Laugen, who was driving the Televerket company, successfully phoned the exact time service using the appropriate type of device. By that time, Sture Lauren had worked for several years at Televerket, developing this device. The history of the telephone is also associated with the name of Ragnar Berglund, Lauren's colleague.

Target - mass market

By the time Lauren made the call, which we mentioned above, telephone radio communication as such was already in use, but it was available only to special services and military structures. Televerket has set the task of creating a device accessible to every citizen.

The Swedish development was introduced to the mass market in 1956. At first she worked only in two cities - Stockholm and Gothenburg. During 1956, only 26 subscribers connected to it, which was not surprising due to the high cost of a “mobile phone”, the cost of which was comparable to the price of a car.

Development of mobile communications

The history of the development of mobile phones in a number of ways is inferior to the dynamics of the spread of telephone communications. If, for example, already after 3 years, devices created according to the principles of Alexander Bell were actively used in Russia, then for quite a long time mobile phones were not in mass demand.

Only in 1969 did the world leaders in the telecommunications market begin to think that it would be nice to somehow unify the corresponding communication systems. So, for example, it was assumed that each subscriber - like the owners of landline phones - would have their own number, and it would be relevant not only in the country where it was issued, but also abroad. Thus, we can note that the history of the mobile phone actually from the very beginning reflects the interest of the engineering communities in the implementation of roaming concepts.

Among the first inventors who proposed the practical implementation of the technology, for which corresponding requests were formed, was a graduate of the Stockholm Technical School Esten Myakitolo. The history of the creation of a mobile phone in its usual form is directly related to its name. However, for the practical implementation of the Myakitolo concept, very powerful technologies were required. They appeared only in the early 80s.

First Cellular Network

The history of cell phones includes a remarkable fact: Saudi Arabia was the first country to be deployed. It was there that Ericsson, which was actively involved in the practical implementation of the concepts proposed by Myakitolo, in 1981 signed a contract for the supply of relevant services. The network launched in Saudi Arabia was characterized by the main criterion - mass character. Gradually, cellular communication standards improved, networks began to function in other countries of the world.

Development of common standards

As the mobile communications market grew, there was a need to develop uniform standards for the provision of relevant services. In Saudi Arabia, in the Scandinavian countries, in the Benelux, the NMT concept became popular, in Germany the C-Netz system was used, in the UK, France, and Italy their concepts were implemented.

The advent of GSM

To integrate the European mobile space, the GSM standard was created. It can be said that it absorbed all the best from other “national” concepts, and therefore, albeit not without difficulties, it was adopted by the European technological community in 1986. But the first GSM network was introduced only in 1990 in Finland. Subsequently, this standard became the main one for Russian cellular communication providers.

The history of phones - both conventional and cellular - is incredibly fascinating. But no less interesting is how the relevant technologies are developing. Let's study how cellular communication lines were improved.

Development of the cellular communication market

In the first years after the introduction of GSM standards into consumer practice, the use of the corresponding services was very expensive. But gradually, the devices needed to work with mobile networks fell in price and became truly massive. Phones improved, decreased in size. In 1996, Nokia introduced, in fact, one of the first smartphones - a device with which you could send mail, fax, use the Internet. In the same year, the legendary book StarTac from Motorola appeared.

Smartphones and mobile internet

In 1997, Philips released the Spark phone with a very long battery life of about 350 hours. In 1998, the Sharp PMC-1 Smartphone mobile device appeared, which has a touch screen. It was expected that he would be a direct competitor to the above-mentioned gadget from Nokia. In 1999, cellular operators began to introduce WAP technology, which made it easier for subscribers to access mobile Internet. In 2000, the GPRS standard appeared, as well as UMTS - one of the main ones that are used in the architecture of 3G networks.

In 2009, the Swedish company TeliaSonera launched the world's first 4G network. Now it is considered the most modern and is being actively implemented by operators around the world.

Phone perspectives

What will be the next step in the development of the cellular industry? The history of the mobile phone shows that effective revolutionary solutions can appear at any moment. It may seem that the 4G standard is the limit of the possibilities of modern technologies. It would seem that data transfer at a speed of tens of megabits, excellent communication quality - what could be a level higher?

However, the world's leading research laboratories continue to work actively in the field of improving mobile technologies. Perhaps, in the near future, in the hands of any subscriber who wishes, there will appear a device as sensational for a modern layman as Bell's telephone was in the 70s of the 19th century, or the device that Lauren called from a car on Styre. And after a while, people will stop being surprised by him. This incredibly technological industry is so dynamic.

A mobile phone is a necessity in today's world. A person cannot imagine himself without this device and experiences discomfort, being in “separation” from him. Needless to say, this truly unique invention has not only simplified life, but also dragged humanity into the technological process of progress. It's hard to imagine, but many people remember life without phones. It would seem that only yesterday the communication device was more of an invention of a fantastic genre, but today it is a matter of prime necessity.

Pioneer of the mobile era

Motorola can hardly be called a leader in the mobile phone market. However, it was this company that produced the very first mobile phone in the world. It was a Motorola DynaTAC 8000X model.

Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

Released in 1983. Its first development was presented 10 years before this historic moment.

in the US, the story of 1973 is told like a legend. It was then that the inventor Martin Cooper, walking around Manhattan, defiantly made a call to the mobile phone he had created. Witnesses of this spectacle doubted the adequacy of Cooper's condition, mistaking him for being excessively drunk or sick.

What are the characteristics of the device:

  • phone memory stored up to 30 numbers;
  • the weight of the first mobile phone was 1 kg;
  • a fully charged battery provided 1 hour of operation;
  • the cost of such a phone was 3995 dollars (it is worth noting that this is the price of a good car in those days).

The modern generation, reading this, will smile sarcastically, but such an achievement was not just a breakthrough, but also the first step towards today's success in this area.

Top 5 Legendary Telephone Inventions

After the world received a mobile phone, many companies began to work in this direction, trying to invent something similar, and even better to surpass the previous creator. As in any field, the success of the invention confirms the mass character. In our case, these are people who used phones. Some models were promising and, as a result, did not fall in love with the public, others were not so publicized, but became real favorites. Consider the most sensational models:

  • Nokia Mobira Senator is a car phone. Most mobile devices of those times weighed a lot, so they found their application in cars. This Nokia model had a weight of about 10 kg. She earned her fame in our country due to the fact that it was Gorbachev who used it.

Nokia Mobira Senator

  • Nokia 8110 - or more commonly known as the banana phone from the movie The Matrix. It is not known what made this model so popular, a movie or an unusual form. However, this year it returns to store shelves in a re-released version. Its cost is about 120 dollars in our country, the phone is made in black, as well as the original yellow. There is no doubt that it will find its audience in today's mobile world.

Nokia 8110 reissue

  • Motorola StarTAC - the world's first clamshell (1996). About 60 million copies have been sold. Such a high demand was due to the ultra-modern and unique design, in addition, the weight of the device was 90 grams, which was also unusual. The price for this model was about 1 thousand dollars, but this did not stop him from gaining such popularity.

Motorola StarTAC

  • Benefon Dragon was released in 1998. He, like no other phone, is associated with the era of crimson jackets and the so-called “new Russians”. After all, it was this segment of the population that could afford such an expensive pleasure. It did not differ in special design or attractive appearance, however, in the absence of a choice, it was he who was considered a luxury item. The weight of the phone was 200 grams, the thickness was 2 cm, the functionality is quite simple - calls, a calculator, an alarm clock, a calculator.

  • Nokia 3310 - 2000 release. The stories about the indestructibility of this phone do not end now. Over 130 million copies have been sold worldwide. Everything ingenious is simple - this is how you can characterize this phone. Loud speaker, bright screen, easy operation and durability. In addition, everyone has a couple of stories in store, how the Nokia 3310 helped out in hammering nails and cooking chops, how it survived the flood and was reborn from the ashes.

Smart - era

Having learned the convenience of using a mobile phone, the world could not stop there. They began to demand more from it: they began to fill it with more and more functions, improve its capabilities, hone its appearance and find new ways to use it. Finally, the time has come when the phone has become not only convenient, but also “smart”. This is a real helper and savior.

"Smart phone" (smart-phone) - combines the functions of a mobile and personal computer.

The world's first famous smartphone - IBM Simon. Its appearance is far from a modern counterpart, but the functionality and idea are undoubtedly repeated. The device, weighing 1 kg, included a telephone function, faxing, e-mail, a notepad, a calculator, a clock, and several games. The gadget was controlled using a stylus, the screen was completely touch-sensitive. The cost of such pleasure was 1 thousand dollars. The device should have been a real sensation. However, he was not appreciated and passed through his fingers. Most likely this is due to the limitation of the technological capabilities of that time, no one believed in a smartphone. In addition, the Internet in those memorable times was not quite in working order, but rather had mythical properties, and the very prospects for the development of mobile communications were not clear to mankind.

World's first smartphone - IBM Simon

In 1996, Nokia repeated its attempt to conquer the mobile world together with Hewlet-Packard, presenting its development to the public - the HP 700LX PDA. Behind him, at the end of the same year, the Nokia 9000 Communicator appeared. A year later, a Taiwanese company known as HTC announced the development of cutting-edge devices that combine the properties of a phone and a PDA. The success of the company was not lightning fast, despite the loud statements and colorful promises. Lish in 2000, they were able to enter the world market and present a wide selection of their undoubtedly high-quality products.

Modern technologies

Making a review of mobile phones, it is impossible not to dwell on the story of the iPhone. Probably, everyone already knows the notorious story of apples, and the incredible story of the creator Steve Jobs. However, the mystery of the company's success has not been solved and cannot be completely solved. Whether it was superintuition that made it possible to understand what modern man wants, or whether it was just a coincidence that happened at the right time. On June 29, 2007, IPhone smartphones with their own IOS operating system went on sale. For some six months, the device has gained incredible popularity, while in many ways inferior in performance to many phones. Favorite smartphones are now the standard.

Today's rival Android OS first went on sale in 2008 on the T-Mobile G1 (HTC Dream). What's next? It would seem that smartphones have reached perfection, having surpassed yesterday's computers and phones, becoming an inseparable and accessible companion to a person. Next comes the time for capacity building and marketing gimmicks. A technological sensation is not expected in the near future, and sales are needed. In order to sell, you need to surprise. This is how phones with a wide diagonal appear, combining a phone and a tablet, curved devices, shockproof and other unusual gadgets.

Modern leaders

Global analytical companies annually work to provide data on the leaders of world markets, including mobile ones. According to the results of the first quarter of 2018, Samsung is the leader. During the reporting period, they managed to sell 78 million smartphones, which is 22% of the total. Apple - ranks second, having sold 52.2 million smartphones - 15%. In third place is Huawei with 11%. In the North American market, Apple has always been the leader for many years, occupying 40% of the market.

The market for smartphones and mobile phones has expanded greatly since the introduction of the first telephone. Today, almost anyone can buy a smartphone. The assortment panel is so wide that it allows you to choose a gadget for every taste and budget.

Interesting facts about mobile phones

Using a mobile phone every day, a person does not even know about many unusual things and facts about this gadget:

  • The most popular function of a mobile phone is not calls, and not even SMS, but clocks. It is to check the time that a person most often uses the phone;
  • the pollution of the mobile phone exceeds the pollution of the handle of the drain tank;
  • the text of the world's first SMS message: "Merry Christmas";
  • a Florida resident became famous for the largest bill for mobile communications - 201 thousand dollars. Unaware of the roaming charges, she used mobile communications while in Canada;
  • a driver talking on the phone while driving is one third slower to react than a driver who is in a state of intoxication;
  • In England, an invention was presented - a toilet bowl capable of recharging a mobile battery.

Man has reached the highest heights in the field of technology. The mobile communication niche is now one of the most popular. People have been trying to find something similar for a long time: notepads, alarm clocks, players, watches, calculators and more. The mobile phone is everything. This pocket assistant stores an incredible amount of information about its owner. In addition, the gadget model characterizes the owner as much as possible. Elegance and glamor are preferred by the female part of the population, business people prefer conciseness and functionality, the elderly prefer ease of use. Whatever the choice, the telephone in our time is a necessity that makes a person mobile, operational and open.

“My phone rang…” I am sure that none of us can imagine life without communications today. We forget the phone at home and rush back to get it, we can’t find it in our bag or briefcase, and we always get upset. Who brought into our lives a unique technique that helps to connect people at a distance?

Lesson plan:

Is it possible to communicate without a phone?

Of course you can! People used to live, and they didn’t have any newfangled telephone models, but information from each other was transmitted far beyond their place of residence. The need for communication forced people to invent different ways to “call for a conversation” and tell the news to comrades who are several kilometers away. How it was?

By that time, the first attempts were already being made to create a telegraph capable of transmitting signals over long distances using electricity. The scientists Galvani and Volt were engaged in the basics of electrical engineering, the Russian Schilling and Jacobi made their contribution, who invented transmission codes and an apparatus that converts signals into text.

A little later, in 1837, thanks to the American inventor Morse, an electric telegraph and a special system of codes from dots and dashes, widely known to everyone under the name “Morse code”, appeared.

But even this was not enough for the scientists of those centuries. They dreamed that it would be possible not only to receive a dry text over wires, but also to speak over them!

It is interesting! Archaeologists discovered two pumpkins in the Peru region, connected by a rope to each other and concluded that this design is a thousand-year-old ancestor of the telephone. Indeed, it is very similar to two matchboxes connected by a thread, on which we tried to “call” in childhood.

Who invented first?

The history of the appearance of the telephone is associated with Alexander Bell from America. But he was not the only one who was actively involved in the design idea of ​​transmitting the human voice at a distance. Let's briefly go through the pages of history and trace the path the invention has overcome in the first stages of its birth.

Italian Antonio Meucci

In 1860, Antonio Meucci, a native of Italy, showed the Americans a device that could transmit sound over a wire, but he applied for a patent only in 1871, and the company that took them answered all his questions about the fate of the documents that they were lost.

German Philipp Reis

The German physicist Philipp Reis in 1861 presented to the public an electrical apparatus capable of transmitting sound. From him, by the way, his name “telephone” sounded, which we are used to hearing today, which is translated from Greek as “sound from afar”.

His transmitter was made in the form of a hollow box with holes: sound - in front and covered with a membrane - on top. But the quality of sound transmission in Reis's phone was so low that it was impossible to make out anything, so his invention was not accepted by others.

Americans Gray and Bell

Only 15 years later, two American designers Gray and Bell, completely independently of each other, were able to discover how a metal membrane with a magnet, like the eardrum of our ear, can convert sound and transmit it through an electrical signal.

Why did Bell get all the laurels of fame? Everything is simple! On February 14, 1876, he filed his application to patent the invention he discovered - the "talking telegraph" - a couple of hours earlier than Gray did.

I can imagine how upset Gray was.

Bell presented the telephone at a technical exhibition in Philadelphia.

The new technology did not have a call, the subscriber was called by the attached whistle, and the only handset both received and transmitted speech at the same time. The first telephones were forced to generate electricity themselves, so the telephone line worked only at a distance of up to 500 meters.

It is interesting! In 2002, the American Congress made a decision that turned the telephone world upside down: it recognized the Italian Meucci as the true inventor of the telephone.

Phone evolution

Since the first telephone set was presented to the public, inventors and designers have put a lot of effort into making a modern means of communication out of a primitive device.

So, engineers were able to replace the whistle to call the subscriber with an electric bell. In 1876, a switchboard was invented that could connect not only two, but already several telephones to each other.

A year later, the inventor Edison contributes to the development of the telephone - his induction coil increases the distance of sound transmission, and the carbon microphone, which improves the quality of communication, was used until the end of the 20th century. At the same time, in 1877, the first telephone exchange appeared in America, through which those who wanted to call someone were connected to the desired telephone operator number through plugs.

Thanks to the contribution of the Russian inventor Golubitsky, stations powered by a central source were able to serve tens of thousands of subscribers. Remarkably, the first telephone conversation in Russia took place three years after the appearance of the telephone, and in 1898 the first long-distance line between Moscow and St. Petersburg was built.

It is interesting! The first phones were not convenient. It was hard to hear in them, so they came up with special tubes of different sizes and shapes, into which they just had to stick their nose so that the subscriber could understand what the conversation was about. At first they were made separate: one - to speak into it, the second - to listen from it. Then they began to be connected with a handle, like a modern telephone receiver. Telephone sets were made of ivory, mahogany, and cast metal. The cups of the bells were chrome-plated to a shine. But one thing remained unchanged: the case, the tube and the lever on which they hung it after the conversation.

Leaps to Modernity

The inventive world did not stop there. Having received a telephone at home, people wanted to use a modern means of communication already on the street, in transport, to communicate on the way to work or home.

Such communication, not tied to the premises, was initially available only to special services - walkie-talkies, nicknamed "walkie-talkie", or "walk - talk", became a tempting idea for ordinary users. Knowing the secrets of the device, the craftsmen tried to connect the devices to the line using such radio communications. So in the 80s, radiotelephones appeared, operating at a distance of up to 300 meters.

But the main advantage of recent years has undoubtedly been cellular communication, which works from a signal moving from one station to another.

The modern "honeycomb" appeared in 1973 at the Motorola company. Their first-born worked without recharging for no more than 20 minutes and was similar in size to a brick, and weighed as much as 794 grams!

These are now our modern "mobiles" small and compact, able to take pictures, send mail and messages, play music and even think for their owner! They have become real helpers for children and their parents - you can always call and find out how things are going!

It is interesting! Singaporean En Yang is the fastest to write SMS - it takes him a little more than 40 seconds for a message of 160 characters to appear!

Interesting facts about mobile phones

This video contains 23 more interesting facts about our phones. They can complement your project, so look carefully.

Now you know everything about the appearance of the telephone. Make a report and tell your friends, they will be interested! And I say goodbye to you, but do not forget to look into new projects and stay in touch!

Success in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

The history of the mobile phone in pictures.

Today it is already difficult to imagine how it was possible to live without cell phones. Involuntarily, the old song comes to mind: “We were both, you were at the pharmacy, and I was looking for you in the cinema ...”. Today, such a song would not appear anymore. And yet, just 10 years ago, a mobile phone was available only to the middle class, 15 years ago it was a luxury, and 20 years ago they were not at all.

First samples

The first cell phone.

The idea of ​​cellular communications was developed by specialists from the American corporation AT&T Bell Labs. The first conversations on this topic arose in 1946, the idea was made public in 1947. From that moment, work began on the creation of a new device in different parts of the world.

It should be noted that despite all the advantages of a new type of communication, as much as 37 years have passed from the moment the idea arose to the appearance of the first commercial sample. All other technical innovations of the twentieth century were introduced much faster.

The first example of such a connection in 1946, presented by Bell as an idea, looked like a hybrid of an ordinary telephone and a radio station placed in the trunk of a car. The radio station in the trunk weighed 12 kg, the communication console was in the cabin, the roof had to be pierced with an antenna.

The radio station could transmit a signal to the PBX and in this way get through to a regular phone. Calling a mobile phone was much more difficult: you had to call an automatic telephone exchange, call the station number, so that they would connect manually. To speak, you had to press the button, and to hear the answer, you had to release it. Plus, an abundance of interference and a small radius of action.

Motorola, which competed with Bell, also worked on mobile communications. Motorola engineer Martin Cooper also invented a device whose weight was about 1 kilogram and a length of 22 cm. It was difficult to hold such a “tube”.

Not surprisingly, there were few people who wanted to use such a “mobile”. True, in the United States in several cities they tried to establish a network of radiotelephones, but after five years the work stalled. Until the 60s, there were no people willing to engage in development.

Mobile communications in the socialist camp

Engineer Kupriyanovich.

In Moscow, the first prototype of the portable telephone LK-1 was demonstrated by engineer L. I. Kupriyanovich in 1957. This sample was also very impressive: it weighed 3 kg. But the radius of action reached 30 km, and the operating time of the station without changing batteries was 20-30 hours.

Kupriyanovich did not stop there: In 1958 he presented a device weighing 500 g, in 1961 the world saw a device weighing only 70 g. Its radius of action was 80 km. The work was carried out at the Voronezh Research Institute of Communications (VNIIS).

The developments of Kupriyanovich were adopted by the Bulgarians. As a result, a Bulgarian mobile communication set appeared at the Moscow exhibition "Inforga-65": a base station for 12 numbers and a telephone. The dimensions of the phone roughly corresponded to the handset. Then the production of mobile devices RAT-05 and ATRT-05 with the base station RATC-10 began. It was used at construction sites and energy facilities.

But in the USSR, work on the apparatus also continued in Moscow, Moldova, and Belarus. The result was "Altai" - a full-featured device designed for cars. It was difficult to carry it in the hands because of the base station and batteries. However, ambulances, taxis, heavy vehicles were equipped with this connection.

Turning "mobile" communications into truly mobile

Apparatus "Altai".

The competition between Bell and Motorola ended in Motorola's victory: in the spring of 1973, a gloating Cooper called his competitors from the street using his new handset, which he easily held in his hand. It was the first call from a cell phone, marking the beginning of a new era. But research and development continued for another 15 years.

In the USSR in the 70s, Altai was still used, but it covered about 30 cities. 16-channel devices operated in the 150 MHz band. A conference mode was provided. The dialing was carried out at first using the rotation of the disk, but soon the push-button dialing was used. User priority was set: a user with a higher priority could interrupt the conversation of subscribers with a lower priority with his call.

commercial vehicles

1992 Motorola 3200 phone.

The commercial mobile phone appeared in the US in 1983. Motorola mastered the first mass production. The success of its devices was stunning, and by 1990 the number of subscribers reached 11 million. By 1995, their number had grown to 90.7 million, and by 2003 - 1.29 billion.

In Russia, the first cell phones appeared in 1991. The tube with the connection cost $4,000. The first operator with the GSM standard came to us in 1994. Those phones were still quite bulky, you can’t put it in your pocket. Some wealthy people (and only they had access to mobile phones) often preferred to keep a special person who carried the device behind them.

Many firms have joined the development and production of mobile phones. For example, Nokia in 1998 released a handset with WAP support Nokia 7110. At the same time, a two-SIM phone and a phone with a touch screen appeared.

Currently, statistics say that 9 out of 10 people on Earth have a mobile phone.

Modern smartphones.

One of the most important inventions in human history is the telephone. This device has made a significant contribution in terms of the development of science and technology. The apparatus for transmitting and receiving human speech at a distance made it possible to significantly speed up the process of interaction between different people. In our time, traditional telephone devices based on the principle of telecommunication have given way to mobile phones. And the history of the telephone began to be written in the distant XIX century.

Prerequisites for the creation of the first telephone set

When was the telephone invented and what contributed to it? In the old days, very primitive methods were used to transmit messages over distances. People passed information to each other using whistles, drums, gongs and smoke. The sound of a shot from a rifle can be heard at a distance of about 10 km. The audibility of the transmitted acoustic message was influenced by extraneous loud noises, distorting it. Primitive methods of transmitting information had a big drawback in the form of sound scattering over a distance. In order for the signal to spread as far as possible, it was necessary to organize intermediate points where someone needed to duplicate the received message. To some extent, the transmission of information through water or metal made it possible to find a way out of the situation. In these environments, sound travels much faster, and its attenuation is much less.

A significant impetus for the appearance of the telephone was provided by the invention of the electric telegraph and its successful application in practice in the first half of the 19th century.

The principle of telephone transmission

In order for conversational speech to be transmitted over wires over long distances without loss and distortion, it is necessary to convert sound vibrations at the transmission point into electric current oscillations, transmit them via wires to the reception point, and then again convert them into colloquial speech.

Each telephone set has a microphone, which plays the role of a converter from sound vibrations to an electrical signal. At the other end of the line, at the device of the person being called, the telephone performs the function of inverse conversion. In this way, a telephone transmission is carried out.

In practice, to ensure a high-quality conversational path, the presence of telephone sets, cable and overhead telephone lines, as well as switching equipment of telephone exchanges is required.

When was the telephone invented

Alexander Bell is officially considered the creator of the telephone. The year of invention of the telephone is 1876. It was then that A. Bell patented his device. However, in fact, other inventors put a lot of effort into the development of the telephone.

Through the efforts of the Italian scientist Antonio Meucci, an apparatus appeared, with the help of which it was possible to transmit sound through wires. At the suggestion of a talented inventor, a unique device was called "telephone".

The famous Western Union company found out about the success of Antonio Meucci and offered the little-known elderly scientist to sell all the drawings. Also, the inventor was promised assistance in obtaining a patent. However, the company subsequently refused to help Antonio Meucci. The scientist tried to patent the telephotophone on his own, but his efforts were in vain. Subsequently, the Italian inventor sought the truth for a long time in the US courts. In 1887, Antonio Meucci nevertheless achieved primacy in the creation of the telephone. But by that time, the Italian scientist's patent had expired, as a result of which Western Union received the right to resume the production of telephone sets. Therefore, Antonio Meucci was forced to live out his days in poverty.

Alexander Bell phone

American Alexander Graham Bell is considered the founder of the telephone. When was the telephone invented? On March 7, 1876, the inventor received a patent number for "a method and apparatus ... for transmitting speech and other sounds by telegraph ... using electric waves." Thus, by paying 15 dollars in gold, Alexander Bell received the right to be officially called the creator of the telephone.

On June 2, 1875, an American inventor in Boston, together with his assistant Thomas Watson, organized an experiment, trying to simultaneously send several telegraph messages along one wire. During the experiment, a set of steel bars was used. Alexander Bell was in the same room with the receiving device, and his assistant with the transmitter was in another. At the same time, Thomas Watson tried to pull the steel rod in such a way that it began to vibrate and a ringing sound arose. And suddenly Alexander Bell suddenly burst into the room to his assistant, asking him about what he was doing. As it turned out, a steel twig, vibrating over a magnet, generated an alternating current that passed through the wire. As a result, a similar ringing sound was heard in the receiving room. Already on March 10, 1875, Alexander Bell successfully uttered the first phrase over the phone: "Mr. Watson, come here, I need you!"

The first phone appeared the very next day. With the help of the invented device, it was possible to transmit voice sounds over the first telephone line.

Features of the first phones

What were the features of the first telephone sets? Their first prototypes were very primitive compared to subsequent models. The functions of the dialer were performed by a handle that had to be rotated. At first, there was no direct connection between subscribers, as a result of which the operators of the stations always participated in the organization of the telephone path. To talk to someone, it was required to give information about the called person. Only since the twenties of the XX century in large cities has it become possible to connect directly to the subscriber. Also, an indispensable element of any telephone set was a rotary dialer, which remained in use even in the nineties. If in the USA phones with a push-button dialer began to be produced already in the middle of the 20th century, then in the USSR they could be purchased only from the eighties.

Rotary phone

Without a telephone, it is impossible to imagine high-quality conversational speech transmission over long distances. Phone, microphone and transformer have always been integral elements of any device. These components served to convert sound signals into electric current oscillations and vice versa. The AC bell was meant to receive the signal call. With its help, the called subscriber had the opportunity to find out that someone was calling him.

The first telephone sets for home use were supplied with a rotary dialer. Later, buttons were invented for dialing numbers. And at first, people had to rotate a special disk with numbers in order to get through to someone.

The contact system of a rotary home telephone is designed in such a way that when dialing a number, a series of direct current pulses is created in the telephone line. At the telephone exchange, the received information is processed, as a result of which switching takes place and the subscriber whose number was dialed receives a call.

Telephone lines

To ensure high-quality transmission of conversational speech over long distances, the use of linear wiring is indispensable. For this purpose, cable telephone lines of various capacities are used, as well as single-pair wires. Copper, due to its low resistivity, is an ideal material for making line wiring. With its help, it is possible to achieve the transmission of electric current oscillations over long distances with low losses.

Cable telephone lines are divided into main and secondary development. Basically, high-capacity cables are laid in telephone sewer wells. You can also often find them on the walls of buildings. However, mainly low-capacity cables are installed by air.

Line wiring is always marked by the manufacturer. For example, the brand of cable TPPep 10x2x0.4 indicates that this product consists of 10 pairs of wires that are covered with polyethylene insulation. The diameter of each core of a telephone cable is 0.4 mm.

Phone features

At first, the functions of the telephone set could not please people. Until the twenties of the last century, it was generally necessary to call subscribers with the help of telephone exchange operators. However, subsequently, as phones were upgraded, various useful features were added.

Modern models of telephone sets can please subscribers with the ability to determine the number from which someone called. The answering machine will help you find out what the missed call was about. The redial of the last dialed number is an equally important function, which is activated by pressing one key. Also, many phone models allow you to use the speakerphone.

First portable telephone

Like computers, the first mobile telephone devices were large and heavy. It is now produced lightweight devices of small sizes that fit easily in any pocket.

The history of the telephone (mobile) began in 1973. And although it was very bulky and heavy, its appearance made a splash all over the world. The operating time of the portable device without recharging the battery was very short. Among the shortcomings of the first mobile phone was its high cost, unacceptable to most ordinary people.

The portable telephone was invented by Martin Cooper. His invention outwardly resembled a mobile payphone.


Thanks to radio communications, telephone sets operating on the basis of radio waves began to be produced. Thus, subscribers got the opportunity to walk around the apartment or office with a handset without wires, freely communicating with their interlocutors.

A radiotelephone usually consists of a base that connects to a telephone line and power supply, and a handset.

Although the cost of radiotelephones has always been higher than conventional stationary devices, they quickly became very popular among people. At first, only wealthy subscribers could afford them. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, radiotelephones have become widespread only since the end of the 20th century.

IP telephony

A real breakthrough in telephone communications was brought by technology, thanks to which it was possible to dial subscribers using the Internet. The human voice is digitized and compressed using digital methods, subsequently successfully transmitted over the World Wide Web. The transmission of information via the Internet allows you to achieve significant savings on calls while maintaining a high quality of communication.

To connect to IP-telephony, it is not at all necessary to throw out landline phones. Acquiring a voice gateway will allow you to continue using conventional devices.

Telephone problems

Many landline phone owners have encountered hooligans. Some people deliberately recruit subscribers on purpose or at random in order to play a trick on them, anger or scare them. Asking for help at the station often helped to deal with a telephone bully.

Since the end of the 20th century, the theft of cable telephone lines has become the order of things. Due to the high price of copper at scrap metal collection points, subscribers have to remain without communication.

Significance of the invention

What is the significance of the invention of the telephone? The emergence of communication has played a huge role for all mankind. The rapid exchange of information between people, countries and continents has significantly strengthened political, economic and cultural interstate relations.

Without telephonization, it was impossible to imagine the effective development of all spheres of the normal functioning of the state, from industry to agriculture. Communication has played a great role in social processes. It was confidently included among the necessary conditions for the steady growth of the material well-being and culture of peoples, as well as the comprehensive development of each individual person.

Now you know when the telephone was invented. Nowadays, almost no one can do without a mobile phone. And some 15-20 years ago, an ordinary landline telephone was in every home. In any case, the invention of the communication device in the 19th century played a huge role in the development of all mankind.

When was the telephone invented?

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