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Facebook already offers a paid version for businesses. Facebook already offers a paid version for companies Facebook is free, so why should I pay

At a press conference on Sunday, Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Facebook, said that the social network will become paid, according to the American edition of National Report. From November 1 this year, users will have to pay $2.99 ​​per month for using the service.

"I thought about this decision for a long time, and in the end we decided to introduce a monthly fee. If we do not do something to balance the increased costs, Facebook may cease to exist in the near future," Zuckerberg said.

“This is great news for all Facebook shareholders,” says analyst Dale Sackrider. “Facebook had 1 billion 317 million registered users in August this year. If even three-quarters of them pay to use Facebook, then every month the company will receive $3 million each. This is not just a small amount of income, it can be a game changer from the first month of the introduction of this service.

A number of major media outlets believe that the National Report's information should not be trusted, even the disclaimer states that the National Report is a news and political satirical publication that may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious news . All articles contained in the National Report are fiction and are believed to be fake. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental: the publication thus disclaims any responsibility for the information provided.

In favor of the fact that the news is a "duck", the presence of instructions on how not to pay for using the social network can also speak. Allegedly, for those who cannot afford to pay a monthly fee, in their status you need to write the text I am poor Facebook please wave my monthly fee ("Facebook, I'm poor, please don't charge me a monthly fee") and add the hashtag #FacebookMonthlyFee . According to the publication, this message will reach the Facebook department that deals with accounts, and they will remove the user's obligation to pay for the use of the site.

Despite the reputation of the publication, the news caused a great resonance in the Internet community.

Facebook is a free service, we will never charge you for using the site. However, you do have the option to make purchases related to games, apps, and other items. In addition, if you will be accessing Facebook from a mobile phone, please note that internet usage and/or text messaging may incur charges based on your mobile operator's rates."

In his testimony before the US Senate Judiciary and Commercial Affairs Committee, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg suggested that the paid version of Facebook is an additional feature that will be available to users.

What Mark Zuckerberg said

During the hearing, Mark Zuckerberg made some interesting points about a possible paid version of Facebook - despite the fact that he was well prepared before meeting with lawmakers to choose his words carefully.

Zuckerberg was asked if his goals are the same as when he made earlier claims that Facebook would always be free.

Zuckerberg replied:

"There will always be a free version of Facebook. Our mission is to try to help connect all people around the world and bring the world closer. To do this, we believe we need to provide a service that everyone can afford."

This is a special phrase Facebook version”, which suggests to many that a paid version may be planned for the future.

Later at the hearing, Zuckerberg was asked about the magazine's editor-in-chief's recent comments, " an officer” on Facebook posted by Shailene Sandberg about Facebook paid products. Sandberg said the company does not offer users the option to opt out of advertising or data collection because " it will be a paid product».

During the hearing, Zuckerberg explained:

Facebook is free, so why should I pay?

The simple answer to this question is the paid version that can protect your privacy. Although we have extensive privacy guidance, we know that only each individual user can do this. No matter how many settings you apply, an incredible amount of data about you is still stored on the social network, even if you are not on Facebook and just browsing random web pages.

The recent controversy surrounding the Cambridge Analytica scandal has shown how much data Facebook holds about its users. The company and its supporters have always said that it is necessary in order to offer a free service that is funded by ads.

In an article on BuzzFeed, science fiction writer Ted Chan recently wrote that the purpose of Facebook is not to connect you with friends, but to show you targeted ads.

So, the paid version of Facebook will be ad-free, and therefore does not require the company to track its users and store personal data in order to make money.

Facebook "Premium"

You have probably seen several ads in the past offering a paid version of Facebook with extra features and data protection.

This premium version of Facebook was often referred to as "Facebook Gold". In case you didn't know, this is a scam as there is no such premium version and never has been.

If you have signed up for any such service, disable it immediately. If you paid for this, please cancel the transaction and update your passwords and PINs.

Facebook shouldn't be an all-or-nothing choice

We have established that there is currently no paid version of Facebook. This means you have the choice to either use it as is or remove Facebook entirely. There are many reasons not to delete Facebook, but if you don't, you'll be stuck with it in its current form.

But is there another way?

You don't have to give up online privacy to use an important service in today's world.

Yes, Facebook needs to make money. So why doesn't the social network offer real choice to those who are willing to pay for it? What it loses in advertising revenue can be made up by subscription fees.

Facebook already offers a paid version for businesses

We already know that Facebook is not against paid versions. Workplace by Facebook is a private social network for businesses, offering both a free ad-supported version and a paid, ad-free premium version.

This is one of those things you should know about Facebook, but most people don't seem to know about Facebook Workplace. The company doesn't advertise much about the Workplace model of offering free and paid versions because people will start asking uncomfortable questions about why such a system isn't available for the regular version of Facebook that we all know.

How much will the paid version of Facebook cost?

Facebook Workplace is actually good value for money, but don't expect the paid access to the regular version of Facebook to cost the same.

In 2013, Twitter co-founder Bee Stone suggested that Facebook would use a subscription-based model where you can access everything Facebook has to offer for $10/month or $100/year.

Facebook will have to be forced to offer a paid version

With all that in mind, it seems like the case has come for the paid version of Facebook. But don't expect it to happen anytime soon. Despite Zuckerberg's apparent mistake, the company will fight this for as long as it can.

According to experts, the most valuable resource in the world is data, not oil. And with over 2 billion active users, Facebook is currently the king of data, sucking it up at an incredible rate. This data is simply too valuable for Facebook to voluntarily give up. And this should apply to all of us.

Unless governments around the world come together to force Facebook to offer paid versions of its services to users, this simply won't happen. It seems that regulation in this case is a necessity. Especially if we want Facebook to stop influencing elections around the world.

13:58 / 22.09.2014

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The head of one of the world's most popular Internet resources - Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg made a sensational statement. According to the American press, he announced that the social network will become paid from November 2014.

At a specially convened press conference, the founder of Facebook said that soon users will have to pay for the social network. This will have to be done from November 1 of this year, the price will be $ 2.99 - for monthly use of the service, according to the American edition of National Report. "I thought about this decision for a long time and, in the end, after consulting with partners and friends of Facebook, I decided to introduce a subscription fee. If we do not do something to balance the increased costs, Facebook may cease to exist in the near future," the publication quotes Zuckerberg.

"This is great news for all Facebook shareholders. In August of this year, one billion 317 million users were registered on Facebook. If even three-quarters of them pay to use Facebook, then each month, only on maintenance, the company will receive three million dollars. It's not just earning a small amount, it can change the rules of the game from the first month of the introduction of this service," famous IT analyst Dale Sacrider is quoted by Vesti.Ru.

Wherein a number of major American media believe that the information of the National Report should not be trusted. In favor of the fact that the news is a duck, the presence of instructions on how not to pay for using the social network can also speak. Allegedly, for those who cannot afford to pay a monthly fee, in their status you need to write the text I am poor Facebook please wave my monthly fee ("Facebook, I'm poor, please don't charge me a monthly fee") and add the hashtag #FacebookMonthlyFee . According to the publication, this message will reach the Facebook department that deals with accounts, and it will remove the user's obligation to pay for the use of the site.

The news caused a great resonance in the Internet community. On the page of the social network itself, a message was published that clearly describes the current state of affairs: "Do I need to pay to use Facebook? They say that Facebook will become paid. Is this true? Facebook is a free service, we will never charge a fee for using the site. However, you have opportunity to spend money here: make purchases related to games, applications and other items.

Facebook will remain free. This is reported on the official website of the leadership of the social network.

Earlier, the American edition of National Report reported that from November 1, 2014, you will have to pay $ 2.99 per month for using Facebook.

Why Facebook will remain free and why National Report information should not be trusted, says

Why will Facebook remain free?

In its official statement, Facebook management ruled out the possibility of introducing a fee for using the service.

“Facebook is a free service, we will never charge you for using the site. However, you do have the option to make purchases related to games, apps, and other items. In addition, if you will be using Facebook from a mobile phone, please note that internet usage and/or text messaging may be charged according to your mobile operator's rates.

The media note that readers should not trust the “news” of the National Report online publication, which launched a “duck” about Facebook monetization. After all, the satirical portal NR is not a mass media and therefore does not bear any responsibility for fictional sensations.

Also, the fact that the news about the introduction of fees for the social network is a “duck” is also indicated by the presence in NR of instructions on how not to pay for using the service. In this case, the publication advises writing in your status: “I am poor Facebook please wave my monthly fee” (“Facebook, I am poor, please don’t charge me a monthly fee”), and add the hashtag #FacebookMonthlyFee.

The most famous "ducks" National Report

On August 18, 2014, an article appeared in NR stating that, by order of the special services, a group dedicated to drugs was created on Facebook. Members of it will allegedly be arrested. At the time, a Facebook spokesman called the article a "spectacular lie."

In October 2013, "news" was leaked to the media that Barack Obama intended to invest his own money in a Muslim museum to save it from closure.

In July 2013, news broke in NR that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer intended to introduce compulsory courses for gays in schools to help them return to their traditional orientation. The governor's spokesman called the article "mean" and said the author should be ashamed.

In July 2012, news broke that illegal immigrants had illegally taken control of the small town of Sarita, Texas.

A new wave of reposts is rampant on the Facebook social network - the text is copied from one blog to another: “In response to the new Facebook policy, I hereby declare that all of my personal data, illustrations, drawings, articles, comics, pictures, photos, videos, and so on are subject to my copyright (according to the Berne Convention)” and hereinafter.
Copying this statement is completely pointless and will not result in copyright protection, Gawker warns. The authors point to the following reasons:
- The author of any message is automatically the owner of the copyright on it, which is indicated in the Facebook help: “Help Center” and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities: “You are the copyright holder. By uploading content, you grant us the rights to use and broadcast the content."
- You already agreed to allow Facebook to use your intellectual property published on Facebook when you signed up, as stated in the statement of rights and obligations: "You grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide right to use any information you post on or in connection with with facebook. You cannot change this agreement with a single status update! The Facebook license ends when you delete your intellectual property.
- Facebook's status as a public company does not affect copyright compliance in any way.
The management of the social network denied this message, calling it false. “There are rumors circulating on the social network that Facebook is making changes to the regulation of the rights to user data or content published on the site. This is not true,” news agencies quoted the official statement of the company.
Thus, a statement distributed over the network is nothing more than spam. I recall a pathetic post about giving 115 Dolmatian puppies, and if you don’t take them, they will be drowned. Subsequently, it turned out that this statement was spam, and malicious: when trying to call kind-hearted rescuers of puppies, a significant amount was debited from the mobile.
Let's remember other myths about this popular social network.

1. Paid Facebook. Earlier this year, the US edition of National Report reported that from November 1, 2014, users will have to pay $2.99 ​​per month for using the service. The message caused a huge resonance, but few people paid attention to the satirical bias of the publication, which repeatedly published fake scandalous news. This fake made a lot of noise. and Facebook representatives had to give a rebuttal. It read, in part: "Facebook is a free service, we will never charge you for using the site. However, you can make purchases related to games, applications, and other items. In addition, if you use Facebook with mobile phone, please note that internet usage and/or text messaging may incur charges based on your mobile operator's rates."

2. Facebook is tracking users. The largest social networking site, Facebook, works like a spyware: it keeps track of what sites its users visit and even, perhaps, reads comments and emails. This fact was revealed by Businessinsider journalists while testing the Abine DNT+ utility. This is a small program that detects special files, the so-called "trackers", which collect data about the user's movements and transfer them to the owners. Such files are registered among cookies - small pieces of information that are exchanged between the user's computer and the server of the requested site. Usually they are used to maintain statistics, save user settings and passwords for quick access to the site.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Facebook, Google and Yahoo web platforms have a hidden user tracking interface. According to the main whistleblower of the 21st century, such functionality was developed specifically for American intelligence, which thus receives one of the richest resources filled with personal data of citizens. In turn, representatives of social networks and the named online services categorically refuse to comment on such information. In an interview with Russia Today, Julian Assange said, "Such programs can be used in different ways by someone for their own purposes, but they all have a special interface that was designed specifically to be used by American intelligence services."
The 39-year-old whistleblower called the American social networking site Facebook, popular all over the world, "the greatest tool for espionage in history." On the social network, you can find confidential user data that is used by US intelligence agencies. True, the revelations were not so sensational. “Assange is a sick person, it’s a sin to blame him, because the American authorities behave inappropriately towards him. He has no information about Facebook. It’s all conspiracy theories. ", a well-known startup manager and journalist Anton Nosik.

3. Facebook cannot be completely deleted. Since about 2009, once a year, information has begun to spread on FB that an account on this social network cannot be completely deleted, data are provided that the FBI, NSA, etc. took over data from a previously deleted Facebook of some user. Waves of reposts spread, only to disappear later, and reappear next year with new intensity. Journalists from several publications at once understood this issue and found out that there is an option to permanently delete your Facebook page, but it is not easy to find it. For these purposes, it is required to request the permanent termination of the account. You will see a warning message stating that it will be impossible to restore your account or retrieve any data posted there. Click "Submit". After that, you don't need to do anything else. The system gives a few days to think in case the user changes his mind. However, you must remember that if you visit your page during this time, you will thereby cancel your request to delete your account.