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Information systems and technologies are in demand by whom to work. Career in the specialty "Information systems and technologies" (09.03.02, bachelor's degree) in Russia

Information systems have filled the modern world. They are in almost every area: state. institutions, banks, factories, airports, etc. Therefore, today there is a demand for specialists who service such systems.

Consider the level of income of information systems specialists, what is the salary of a technician in different places.

Income statistics by profession in Russia

On average in Russia, information systems technicians have a salary in the range 20,000-75,000 rubles. per month.

  • Interns with no experience can expect a salary of 7 000 rub.
  • Masters with more than 3 years of experience in large cities receive 110 000 rub. and more.

For technicians who are responsible for ensuring the information security of automated systems, the average salary in the country is 45 000 rub.

An information systems technician who knows sufficient level and programming, salary in the range 25-120 thousand rubles.

Good specialists in this area fall into the field of view of Western companies.

They often lure them away with large salaries 3000-10000 $ per month.

Salary by regions (rubles/month):

  1. Oryol region — 70,000.
  2. Kamchatka Territory - 65,000.
  3. Moscow region - 56 500.
  4. Sverdlovsk region. — 50,000.
  5. Tomsk region — 45,000.

Profit for different specializations

It is worth noting that information systems may vary by industry, so the salary will also be different:

  • Specialists in information security of automated systems, salary in large cities at the initial level - 40-60 thousand rubles. With 3-6 years experience 75-150 thousand rubles. For example, in London, employees with experience in a similar position receive 60-90 thousand £ / year, which in terms of rubles is equal to 400-600 thousand rubles per month.
  • Specialists who are responsible for information security of telecommunication systems earn 40 000 rub. You should understand electronics and circuitry, hardware of these systems, know programming methods, etc.
  • There is also a specialty: information systems for urban planning, the salary of a novice specialist 20,000-40,000 rubles. You can earn in leadership positions 2000-3000 $ and more. You should understand the valuation of land and real estate, be able to process the results of geodetic measurements, maintain a database of cadastral information using automated systems, etc.
  • Work in the specialty information systems and technologies, the salary of a young specialist — 30,000-40,000 rubles/month., with experience from 3 years you can earn 70 000-100 000 . Possible positions: Web-administrator, sys. analyst, programmer, admin and database developer, etc.

Reward in the capital

Average salary in Moscow — 80 000 rub.

The salary of a specialist in information systems is influenced by his experience (rubles):

  1. no experience - up to 50,000.
  2. from 1 year - up to 70,000.
  3. from 2 years - up to 100,000.
  4. from 3 years - up to 150,000.

In St. Petersburg, the initial income is 28,000-40,000 rubles. The maximum salary figures reach 120,000 rubles.

Open positions and salaries offered:

  1. Systems engineer for technical support of information systems, salary from 32,000 to 37,000 rubles, work in a retail network MAGNET. Conditions: official salary, schedule 5/2, fuel compensation, car depreciation, corporate phone, preferential and free vouchers.
  2. Security system maintenance technician, salary from 35,000 to 75,000 per hand. Work in LLC PROFSTROY", Moscow. Official employment, full time, probationary period - 2 months.
  3. Technician of the Information Technology Department, salary: 21,000-26,500 rubles, employer GAU TO MFC, Tyumen. Flexible schedule, full time. Required experience is 1-3 years.

Salary in the USA

IS technician earns middle salary in the amount $41,100 in year.

Earnings fluctuate from 25,000 to 81,000 $ per year.

According to the payscale recruiting portal, 90% of employees working in this profession in the United States are men.

  1. 60% of workers in this specialty under the age of 30 years.
  2. 93% have higher education.
  3. 85% of men.
  4. 60% have a category B license.
  5. 60% speak English at an intermediate and conversational level.

The salary level is affected by:

  • experience,
  • place of work,
  • region of work.


To work as an information technician. systems and technologies in most cases receive higher education, the cost is from 400 to 800 thousand rubles for 5 years of study.

You can also complete courses that cost from 30 to 150 thousand rubles.

Career and prospects

A technician can become a leader in the implementation of information. systems (IS). The next step is to become an IS developer.

In the past, information was considered a bureaucratic area and a limited tool for decision-making. Today, information is considered as one of the main resources for the development of society, and information systems and technologies as a means of increasing the productivity and efficiency of people.

Information systems and technologies are most widely used in production, management and financial activities, although there have been shifts in the minds of people employed in other areas regarding the need for their implementation and active use. This determined the angle of view from which the main areas of their application will be considered. The main attention is paid to the consideration of information systems and technologies from the standpoint of using their capabilities to improve the efficiency of the work of workers in the information sphere of production and decision support in organizations (firms).


Under system understand any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a set of heterogeneous elements united in the interests of achieving the goals set. Systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in main goals.

Example 3.1. Here are several systems consisting of different elements and aimed at realizing different goals.


System elements

The main goal of the system

People, equipment, materials, buildings, etc.

Production of goods


Electronic and electromechanical elements, communication lines, etc.

Data processing

Telecommunication system

Computers, modems, cables, network software, etc.

Transfer of information

Information system

Computers, computer networks, people, information and software

Production of professional information

In computer science, the concept of "system" is widespread and has many semantic meanings. Most often it is used in relation to a set of hardware and software. The system can be called the hardware part of the computer. A system can also be considered a set of programs for solving specific applied problems, supplemented by procedures for maintaining documentation and managing calculations.

The addition of the word "information" to the concept of "system" reflects the purpose of its creation and functioning. Information systems ensure the collection, storage, processing, search, and issuance of information necessary in the process of making decisions on tasks from any area. They help analyze problems and create new products.

Information system- an interconnected set of means, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in the interests of achieving the goal.

The modern understanding of the information system involves the use of a personal computer as the main technical means of processing information. In large organizations, along with a personal computer, the technical base of the information system may include a mainframe or supercomputer. In addition, the technical implementation of the information system in itself will mean nothing if the role of the person for whom the produced information is intended and without which it is impossible to receive and present it is not taken into account.

It is necessary to understand the difference between computers and information systems.

Computers , equipped with specialized software, are the technical base and tool for information systems. Information system unthinkable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications

Stages of development of information systems

The history of the development of information systems and the purpose of their use for different periods are presented in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1. Changing the approach to the use of information systems

Time period

The concept of using information

Type of information systems

Purpose of use

1950 -1960

Paper flow of settlement documents

Information systems for processing settlement documents on electromechanical accounting machines

Increase the speed of processing documents Simplify the procedure for processing invoices and payroll

1960 -1970

Basic assistance in preparing reports

Management information systems for production information

Speeding up the reporting process

1970 -1980

Management control of implementation (sales)

Decision support systems

Top management systems

Development of the most rational solution

1980 - 2000

Information is a strategic resource providing a competitive advantage

Strategic information systems Automated offices

Firm survival and prosperity

The first information systems appeared in the 50s. During these years, they were intended for processing invoices and payroll, and were implemented on electromechanical accounting calculating machines. This led to some reduction in costs and time for the preparation of paper documents.

Processes in the information system

The processes that ensure the operation of an information system for any purpose can be conditionally represented as a diagram (Fig. 3.1), consisting of blocks:

    input of information from external or internal sources;

    processing input information and presenting it in a convenient form;

    output of information for presentation to consumers or transfer to another system;

    feedback is information processed by the people of this organization to correct the input information.

An information system is defined by the following properties:

    any information system can be analyzed, built and managed on the basis of general principles for building systems;

    the information system is dynamic and evolving;

    when building an information system, it is necessary to use a systematic approach;

    the output of the information system is the information on the basis of which decisions are made;

    the information system should be perceived as a human-computer information processing system.

The structure of an information system is a set of its individual parts, called subsystems.
Rice. 3.1. Processes in the information system

Types of supporting subsystems

The structure of an information system is a combination of its individual parts, called subsystems.

Subsystem- is a part of the system, isolated on some basis.

The overall structure of an information system can be viewed as a set of subsystems, regardless of the scope. In this case, one speaks of structural feature classifications, and subsystems are called providing. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of supporting subsystems (Fig. 3.4).

Rice. 3.4. The structure of the information system as a set of supporting subsystems

Among the supporting subsystems, information, technical, mathematical, software, organizational and legal support are usually distinguished.

Information Support- a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information.

The purpose of the information support subsystem is to timely generate and issue reliable information for making management decisions.

Information Support- a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in the organization, as well as a methodology for building databases.

Technical support- a set of technical means intended for the operation of the information system, as well as the relevant documentation for these tools and technological processes.

Mathematics and software- a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of the complex of technical means.

Organizational support- a set of methods and means regulating the interaction of employees with technical means and among themselves in the process of developing and operating an information system.

Legal support- a set of legal norms that determine the creation, legal status and functioning of information systems that regulate the procedure for obtaining, transforming and using information.

Information process and its structure

The information process is a set of operations related to the collection, storage, transmission, processing, search and issuance of information. In accordance with this, the structure of the information process is as follows:

The source of information in agricultural production is - animals, plants, fields, atmosphere, scientific experiments, machines, etc.

Communication channel - air (voice information) fluctuations caused by natural phenomena, the operation of machines and devices; electric current (information is transmitted by telephone, telex communication over any distance); ether (the thinnest matter for the transmission of radio and television vibrations); x-rays and light rays.

The following technical media are used to store and issue information: paper, iron, silicon, plastic, fabric, wood, clay, stone. In accordance with what type of media prevails, information processes are classified into two groups:

1. Paper information processes.

2. Paperless information processes using other media.

Currently, there is a revolutionary replacement of paper-based information technology with a paperless one. According to forecasts, by the middle of the 21st century, in the developed countries of the world, paper technology will be replaced by paperless technology.

The main means of information processing is a computer. The amount of information that society must process in the course of its development, as the system of social production grows, grows intensively. Information becomes an important means of existence of society.

The development of these processes leads to the emergence of information barriers. In the history of mankind, two information barriers have been identified:

    An information barrier occurs at a time when one person cannot cope with the processing of the flow of information passing through him. The way to overcome this is the social division of labor and the rationalization of socio-economic distribution.

    Associated with the enormous bandwidth of the human brain. The way to overcome this barrier is to increase labor productivity in the field of management and its automation. The main tool is a computer, with its help most of the information flows can pass and close outside of a person. To ensure the interaction of a person with a computer, the problem of complex automation of individual sections of information processes is being solved. Automation is the execution of the information processing process without the direct participation of a person.


Definition of information technology

Technology when translated from Greek (techne) means art, skill, skill, and this is nothing more than processes. Under process it is necessary to understand a certain set of actions aimed at achieving the goal. The process should be determined by the strategy chosen by the person and implemented using a combination of various means and methods.

Under material production technology understand the process, determined by the totality of means and methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials or material. Technology changes the quality or initial state of matter in order to obtain a material product (Fig. 3.10).

Rice. 3.10 . Information technology as an analogue of the technology of processing material resources

Information is one of the most valuable resources of society along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processes of processing material resources, can be perceived as a technology. Then the following definition holds.

Information technology- a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

The goal of material production technology is to produce products that satisfy the needs of a person or system.

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and the adoption on its basis of a decision to perform an action.

It is known that by applying different technologies to the same material resource, you can get different products, products. The same will be true for information processing technology.

Example 3.18. To perform a test in mathematics, each student applies his own technology for processing the initial information (the initial data of the tasks). The information product (problem solving results) will depend on the solution technology chosen by the student. Usually manual information technology is used. If we use computer information technology capable of solving such problems, then the information product will have a different quality.

For comparison in table. 3.3 shows the main components of both types of technologies.

Table 3.3. Comparison of the main components of technologies

Computer science as a science

The term "informatics" in the sense in which it is now used originated in the early 60s in the French language (informatique). The word "informatics" is formed from two words - "information" and "automatics". Therefore, the meaning of this word should have been something like this: automatic work with information.

In fact, at present we are talking only about “automated” work with information, that is, about a combination of human functions and a technical device. Note that the term "automatic", generally speaking, means without human intervention. Until the early nineties of the XX century, discussions took place in our country, in which they tried to define both the term “informatics” as accurately as possible, and fix the subject of this science and distinguish it from related sciences. However, until now there are several different points of view on this issue. We will understand by this term the following.

Informatics is a fundamental natural science about expedient information processing carried out mainly with the help of automated means, considered as a display of knowledge and facts, information, data in various fields of human activity. This is the science of the means, methods and ways of collecting, exchanging, storing and processing information.

At present, in our country, as well as throughout the world, the processes of computerization and informatization are proceeding quite rapidly in most areas of the national economy.

Computerization is the process of equipping organizations, enterprises and workplaces of individual specialists with various means of computer technology, combining individual machines into computer networks, installing and mastering modern software systems. Informatization is the widespread introduction of modern information technologies into the professional activities of specialists in various fields, into educational, research, managerial, administrative activities, into the life and leisure of a person. Information technology is any specific system of means, methods and ways of collecting, accumulating, searching, processing, receiving and transmitting information. Technology translated from Greek means art, skill, ability, and this is nothing more than processes. A process should be understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a set goal. Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon. Information technology is the most important component of the process of using the information resources of society. To date, it has gone through several evolutionary stages, the change of which was determined mainly by the development of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of new means of information processing. The introduction of a personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage in the development of information technology and, as a result, changed its name by adding the word "new". New information technology - information technology with a "friendly" user interface, using personal computers and telecommunications. The adjective "computer" emphasizes that the main technical means of its implementation is a computer. The following common types of personal computer software products can be used as information technology tools: word processor, desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, functional information systems, expert systems, etc. An example obsolete information technology is a purely paper technology, when all work with information is carried out on paper or its equivalents. Modern information technologies, in particular, imply: - almost complete rejection of paper media, starting with the registration of primary information on machine media; - availability of any information (except information, access to which is restricted by law) anywhere in the world and at any time. Many experts believe that humanity is gradually moving from the industrial stage of its development to the post-industrial, or rather, to the information stage, since at the present stage the further development of science, technology, and the economy of the state cannot be imagined without the widest use of the latest achievements of informatics. And the life of a single person is increasingly connected with computer science. Information, informatization is one of the most important types of strategic national resources, and these indicators, in particular, determine the economic and military power of the state.


Bachelors receiving education in the field of information systems and technologies are taught:

  • carry out a comprehensive analysis of the projects under development and provide consultations to help ensure the preparation of the production process and maintenance;
  • study the relationship in information systems and conduct a systematic analysis of a given area;
  • create applied and basic technologies;
  • carry out a set of works aimed at the development and final modernization of technological processes at the stage of preparing the production process of a new product;
  • take a direct part in computational tests and experiments aimed at checking the accuracy and relevance of the applied mathematical models;
  • adjust the project strategy based on the infrastructure support of the enterprise and the information systems operating in it;
  • assemble the final software system using ready-made elements and components;
  • ensure continuous operation and accompany information technologies and systems, based on quality and reliability requirements;
  • prepare accessible instructions for personnel on the use of correct operating techniques.

Whom to work

Those who have not only mastered the skills in the field of information systems, but also have a creative potential, can successfully work as a computer animation specialist. Also, many production centers and various photo studios require professional video processing masters. The undisputed leader among the professions in which qualified graduates work in this field are all areas related to programming. They can be html layout designers, which is especially relevant in the context of a dynamically developing Internet sphere; ERP programmers and web administrators. Many advertising agencies are looking for computer graphics designers, where you can grow to a leading specialist in this field.

So, today we will study "Information systems and technologies" (specialty). Graduates of this direction very often face the problem of employment. Initially, everyone is told that such a phenomenon will not happen - everyone who has received a diploma will get a job where he wants without any problems. But in reality, everything turns out a little differently. Therefore, it is better to know in advance which career can "shine" you if you choose "Information Systems and Technologies" (specialty) for admission. Let's try to figure out what vacancies are always open for graduates of this direction. There are a lot of them. And many applicants do not even know who they can get a job in the future.


The first option that can only be offered (especially to men) is a job as an engineer. - a specialty that was created specifically for this idea. That is, to produce graduate engineers. Only not many universities tell about this fact. Indeed, recently this vacancy is considered not the most popular among young professionals. This means that "Information technologies and communication systems" is a specialty that few will go to study.

Plus, the salary of an average engineer in Russia is not that high. But the responsibility and responsibilities are enormous. Of course, only a small number of applicants will decide on such a step. And for this reason, you have to lure new students with loud promises about future employment. But is everything really so good?


Specialty 090302 ("Information Systems and Technologies") allows future graduates to choose their own future place of work. The main thing is that it should be connected with IT-technologies. And now, in the age of computer progress, finding something worthwhile is not difficult. It's just that there's a lot of competition here. Therefore, sometimes graduates of the direction meet in very "interesting" places.

For example, in schools. Any graduate can get a job there. For example, in computer science. After all, work in the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies" implies demonstrating one's skills regarding technology. In addition, occasionally students who have graduated from the direction meet as labor teachers.

But working at a school is not a prospect that should attract a young student to study for 5 years. Now any person who has shown his knowledge in a particular school subject can be hired as a teacher. And the salary of such workers, frankly, is small. But there is a lot of responsibility (as well as that of engineers). So it's not the best place to work. Of course, unless you "have a soul" for this activity. In other cases, students first try to learn in detail about the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies", then - to study future jobs, and then decide on admission and further education. What else can be offered to such graduates?

Work in the communication service

Recently, people are very eager to get to work with different Internet providers or other communication services. Moreover, the first place is considered more prestigious than the second. Who to work here?

There are a lot of alternatives - from an ordinary consultant to an installer or engineer. As a rule, it is "equipment installation" that is chosen. Here you will have to apply all the skills acquired during the training period in practice. Plus, if you studied well, then this lesson will not cause you trouble. But the salary, most likely, will only please. What exactly to do? Troubleshoot problems on the transmission line, as well as install the necessary equipment for customers and fix problems. For example, to come to an apartment, lay a cable and connect an Internet modem and cable TV with a set-top box.

True, sometimes it is an engineer with a degree in Information Systems and Technologies who is able to quickly resolve an accident at a station that "cuts off" Internet communications and telephony from customers. And such professionals are highly valued. Their salary is also pleasing, but there are too many responsibilities and tasks to be performed. The work schedule can "call" you from rest if the situation requires it. For this reason, this position is not very popular. But graduates still have a lot of different career options. What exactly?


The specialty "Information systems" and receives different from graduates. But all of them, in most cases, are associated with further employment. And the more prestigious the places, the better the opinions.

Just do not rejoice that everything is very good here. The thing is that only a small number of graduates manage to work in their specialty. The rest are forced to look for at least some place to build a career. And often you can meet them as telecom operators.

More precisely, we are talking about a telephone operator-consultant. To be honest, even a person without education can get a job in this position. Nevertheless, some graduates prefer this particular place. Depending on the activities of the company, you will simply have to give advice or sell some product or service. And get paid for it. In truth, not a particularly "dusty" job that brings an average income.

But information systems and technologies, the specialty that this area of ​​study gives, is not an easy thing and requires work. And to study there, so that later to work as the most ordinary operator on the phone, is stupid. After all, as already mentioned, even a person without a higher education can occupy this position. More and more often schoolchildren from the age of 14 start working as telephone operators. From this follows the conclusion - a complete lack of career growth. Thus, one has to look for alternative places to build one's own career. Especially if you are young and ambitious


Have you decided to graduate from the specialty "Information systems and technologies"? What to work after graduation - this is what should worry you even when entering a university. The thing is that, as has been repeatedly noted, it affects the success and popularity of the direction. Everything seems to be in perfect order with our today. But finding a job is actually a very difficult task.

Therefore, many simply prefer to get a job "where they will take it." And a very common vacancy is "sales manager". For this career, you do not have to learn the specialty code "Information Systems and Technologies", study there for a long time, defend a diploma, and so on. It is enough just to come to the employer and show your desire to work. Occasionally, this vacancy requires the presence of at least some kind of diploma.

Career growth is sometimes present here, but not very big. Working hours are generally quite flexible. And wages are kept at an average level. Plus, working as a sales manager gives at least some guarantee of stability. This is exactly what young graduates need. Consistency is the key to great success in almost any career. But there is one minus here - this is a huge competition. There are a lot of sales managers now. So, if this career suits you, hurry up to find yourself the most prestigious place to work.

Individual entrepreneur

The next scenario is the path of an individual entrepreneur. This "vacancy" (if it can be called as such) is available, in principle, to everyone. You just need to come up with an idea for your own business, and then implement it.

Many graduates of various specialties and directions work as individual entrepreneurs. Why? All thanks to the freedom of action - your career will depend entirely on your own aspirations and successes. Just like your own earnings. How much they have earned - so much they have received.

And it does not matter who you are - a philologist, physicist, manager, economist or programmer. The main thing is that you have ideas. The most popular activity here is bookkeeping, opening small shops, as well as beauty salons or gyms. What is so necessary for people.

Writing texts

Have you graduated with a degree in Information Systems and Technologies? Whom to work on release? If you are not yet ready to work for a penny or build your own business, then it's time to try yourself as a ... freelancer. More precisely, we are talking about copywriters and rewriters.

What is the job? In writing texts under the order. Regarding IT-technologies, you can now find quite a lot of different orders. They are paid decently (from 50 rubles for 1,000 characters without spaces), and the work schedule, as a rule, is chosen by the copywriter personally. You can make orders in the morning for a few hours, and then rest all day, or "stretch" them for a long time. As a place of work, you can choose different freelance exchanges. They will help you find customers, and permanent ones. And this is the real guarantor of a stable income.


The next job that can be offered is writing. Do not confuse it with copywriting or rewriting. Indeed, in the first case, you need to write books and literature, and in the second, the most ordinary, short (and sometimes not so) texts.

In truth, only a small number of graduates of the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies" choose the path of writing. After all, as a rule, anyone can also do it. Even without education. All you need is time and imagination. Naturally, if you "well, you can covet the writing of various manuals, as well as specialized literature that will help students. Only this, again, is an extremely rare occurrence.

Usually writers become jointly with some other work. After all, written books do not immediately generate income. And money is always needed. Therefore, you can try to write a story in your free time or did it work? Then you can continue on.

Office Manager

Also, any graduate can work as an office manager. This job is popular with young girls. Regardless of the completed direction, they are very eager to work in the office until they find a more prestigious place for themselves.

As a rule, office managers perform office work and "contact" important papers of the firm. Only in practice, such workers usually sit at a computer, process information and play games while the authorities are not watching. Earnings here are low for men, but average (sometimes high) for women. The work schedule is stable. This is what attracts young professionals.

System Administrator

Of course, one cannot ignore such a vacancy as a system administrator. In truth, "Information Systems and Technologies" is a specialty that suggests this position as one of the majors. Working as a system administrator is considered quite prestigious. Especially if you really know your business.

The system administrator's work schedule is flexible. Plus, there is a career growth opportunity. Graduates are also attracted by salaries. On average, wages are about 15-20 thousand rubles a month. And all this combined with a flexible work schedule, as well as fairly simple tasks and little responsibility. What else do you need for a successful career?


In fact, if you have a degree in information systems and technology, then almost any vacancy is open to you. Except for the kindergarten teacher and the doctor. Therefore, students often begin to build a career during their studies.

In addition to system administration, graduates choose the areas of programming, 3d design and information processing on a computer. In other words, all vacancies that are somehow related to the PC will do. The main thing is to carefully choose a place to work and pay attention to the necessary tasks to perform in the workplace.

Information is one of the most valuable resources in today's world. Every year more and more different spheres of human life are connected with computers and various programs. For this reason, the profession of "Information Technology and Systems" is currently considered not only in demand, but also prestigious, as well as having far-reaching prospects. The fact is that this area continues to develop quite rapidly, and constantly new areas need such specialists.

Knowledge of information systems is necessary not only in everyday life in order to work on a computer or understand the functions of modern telephones, but also to protect all kinds of files, create various programs, and even ensure the correct functioning of industrial equipment.

What is the specificity of the profession?

The profession of "Information Technology and Systems" includes many different knowledge and specializations. You need to understand that the future specialist studies not only programming languages, databases, application development and program creation, but also the design of a computer, the capabilities of its components and their compatibility. The scope of such information is extremely wide. You can study information technology in:

  • design;
  • production of various industries;
  • education;
  • media systems;
  • transport, etc.

Other areas for study may include:

  • programming;
  • theory of information systems and processes;
  • information processing technology;
  • management of various data;
  • information security and much more.

Each of the areas has its own specifics, but the main points are similar. The profession "Information systems and technologies" is divided into many areas that you can choose as a specialization or give preference to several industries. In addition, in the process of studying in most educational institutions there is an opportunity to gain additional knowledge in one direction or another, which in the future will give an advantage when looking for work and employment.

Given the fact that information technology is developing very quickly, almost all systems are automated and computerized, future specialists should be ready to constantly study new trends and trends in this area. Without improvement and advanced training in any profession, it is impossible to be a sought-after specialist. It is necessary to constantly be aware of all the new products and not be lazy to delve into their essence.

Where to study: requirements for future specialists

The specialty "Information systems and technologies" can be obtained on the basis of 11 or 9 classes. It is possible to do this in vocational schools, colleges or universities. It happens that after receiving the first education, a specialist wants to have more in-depth or additional data. The profession "Information technologies and systems" allows not only to gain superficial knowledge and understanding of the functioning of a computer as a whole, but also to find out the features of the operation of various programs, add-ons, applications, etc. In addition, it helps to learn how to create them yourself, be able to understand breakdowns PC or its components, their compatibility and so on.

To obtain the profession of “Information Systems and Technologies”, an applicant must have excellent knowledge of mathematics, English, in addition, in some educational institutions they will have to take physics, computer science or their native language. The number and list of items may vary. Mathematics and English are specialized, without a fairly high level of knowledge in them, it will be very difficult for a student, if not almost impossible, to master all the necessary sciences and subtleties of the specialty.

Now almost every city has, if not a university, then a secondary specialized educational institution where you can get this profession. Moreover, there is an opportunity to master this specialty not only in the full-time department, but also in correspondence, evening or mixed. Basically, the number of years of study, regardless of its form, is the same. This makes it possible to get the desired profession not only for those who graduate from school, but also for people who have a permanent job, if they need additional education or knowledge in this area. They can be important for everyday use, finding a better, better paid or prestigious position, moving up the career ladder, etc.

Demand for the specialty and prospects

According to various websites and surveys, the profession of "Information Systems and Technologies" is in demand not only in the CIS, but throughout the world. This allows not only to consider the prospects of working in the territory of your country, but also to search for more interesting and prestigious options outside of it. Moreover, this specialty has been leading the ratings for many years already, for the reason that the development of information and computer technologies is not only not slowing down, but is also gaining momentum.

Literally all industries, firms, from the smallest to large enterprises and corporations, need specialists in this field in the modern world. Now it is difficult even to imagine at least one company that would manage in its work without computers, information technology and other things. And in everyday life, each person constantly encounters and interacts with various programs and systems.

Considering that most modern equipment is computerized, specialists are needed not only to maintain its proper functioning, configuration and debugging, but also to create programs for it. For this reason, all companies that are associated with the industry, purchasing or developing mechanisms for production, need a highly qualified specialist in the field of information technology.

In addition, data protection plays an important role. This is one of the main directions in this area. Since almost all transactions are carried out via the Internet, corporate information can be transferred or stored in the "cloud" or on the computers themselves, as well as various media, it is necessary to ensure their safety and reliable protection against hacking and theft. This also applies to banking systems, government, trade, military and other data.

After receiving this specialty, a professional can hold a position from a system administrator to an engineer or programmer. Many start their own companies. Such a business today is called promising and profitable.

Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the fact that you will have to constantly improve and deepen your skills and knowledge, which, however, is true for absolutely any profession. This will ensure high wages and a prestigious position. In addition, additional education and the study of the latest technologies will allow you to constantly remain a sought-after and competitive specialist, with whom the best enterprises in the world will be interested in cooperating.