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Guide to crafting items Icarus Online. How to get MacBain coins in Icarus How to quickly collect resources

Why do I love the MMO game Icarus?

(MMO - Massively Multiplayer Online Game or Massively Multiplayer Online Game),
which very often have the genre Arpigi (RPG - role-playing game or role-playing game).

In 2 words:
- Types of spaces (game design).
- Ease of use - not intrusive interface (its minimalism).
- Taming creatures and their development, flying creatures (there are even dragons).
- Fighting on creatures (even in the air).
- The elaboration of the game’s monsters (the monsters really look like monsters).

She really ignited in me that feeling of delight from immersion in the world that had been around for a long time
More than one MMO has brought me that feeling of discovery and delight like in distant childhood.
Like when I first got into the MMO Lineage 2... and then the game was not like most MMOs now.

The world was well thought out. Everything was interesting. And everything was in place and amenable to logic.
For example, dark elves could not use light magic. Everything existed according to the canons.
The Elves lived in light villages, the Dark Elves underground, and so on, each NPC (non-player characters) told something of themselves and you understood this (game) world, understood who worshiped which gods and for what, etc.
Nowadays, unfortunately, they don’t make such games anymore; now everything is chewed and put in the player’s mouth.

And sometimes it’s even worse, suddenly a bunch of symbols appear on the map and the game stops explaining to the player what needs to be done, and the player simply doesn’t even know where to start.
In Icarus, we also have linear tasks... and NPCs explain everything to us.
(and there is also good background information in the game,
I really liked the way it was presented and how everything was written there).

At the same time, in Icarus everything is done so logically and appropriately... that you go into the game and relax.
You don’t feel like a worker who is being pushed from behind by the bosses, shouting - faster, faster, faster, but this is impossible and that’s impossible.

Game history:

MMO that rethought its existence from ICARUS Online V ICARUS 2.0
and this clearly benefited her.
In Europe the game is called Riders of Icarus,
and in Russian Localization the game will be called simply Icarus ,
all this was probably done in order to confuse us even more about the versions of the game.
I don’t know what exactly changed in the game, since I didn’t play in Korea at that time,
but after that Icarus took off into the Korean Top MMOs.

And this helped her, because what I see now I really like and hope the developers of Icarus, namely WeMadeIO the apple won't hit the same as Ncsoft,
who turned their unusual game into “the same as everyone else’s.”

But from Indonesian Icarus means True Flow. (just kidding, maybe not)

But let's return to our nesting dolls.

What makes Icarus different from everyone else: A revolution in the MMO genre, The best MMO of all time,
MMO you haven't seen yet, Biggest MMO, Best MMO of 2000, etc.,
and other MMOs with beautiful slogans?

Its most important difference is it is made with soul.
It is clear that the developers tried. She is thoughtful in detail.
Which really gives me the opportunity to enjoy it, for me personally for sure.
And most importantly, she does not try to present something of her own by reinventing the wheel, but very successfully uses familiar elements.
She does not create her own “new” capabilities, which are simply added for volume without thinking.
about where they are needed and in what volume to add them, the most important thing is that there is.
It’s good when the game takes the best, but not many developers can maintain the golden mean in this, there is always a skew, they shout to us about a bunch of possibilities, and then they start introducing a bunch of restrictions... on the creation of items, on the time in the game, on the number of monsters killed .
All these restrictions are not present in Icarus or are not so noticeable.
Icarus doesn't shout about a lot of possibilities, all its possibilities are logical and simple - these are satellites
- and from them all the other mechanics in the game develop.
I didn’t find a single unnecessary element in Icarus that was added to the game for show.
Of course there are some restrictions (taming points and time to summon companions),
but they are not so radical and provide room for maneuver.
And if we are talking about restrictions, it is worth noting that in our location the direct transfer of items and gold between characters will be prohibited (due to the fight against the black market).
But the distribution of items dropped from monsters within the group remains.
It is worth noting that this game is so well thought out that when distributing items, you can choose automatic distribution by character class, which shows clear concern for the players, because I have not seen such a function in more than one MMO.

The main advantage of Icarus is that it is intuitive.
This applies to almost everything in the game, from the interface to the monsters.
The developers really tried and did everything
so that the player does not feel out of place.

But let's continue, we downloaded the game and launched it.


What does any modern MMO greet us with?
That's right, the class selection window.
Let's start with him.
And it’s standard here, and that’s even good, but with all this, pay attention to how well the different elements are located inside the window. How convenient and understandable are they?
And the developer has not yet introduced chaos into the game, which is inherent in many MMOs.
Although in Korea, the developers, succumbing to the general trend, introduced new classes and characters,
but what I liked again - with its share of humor and irony.
But for now, it’s too early for us to talk about this, according to the localizers, first we will have a class: Archer, human race.
And only then, all sorts of pretty creatures.
The choice of races is also not great, only people. But this is also more of a plus than a minus.

Personally, I don’t always understand why certain races are in the game, especially with all sorts of passive skills that no one will choose anyway.
Because a human is not suitable for a magician, and an elf for a tank, and this rarely affects the result,
at least a little bit.
The narrative in modern MMOs does not change because of this, we still start in the same village
and we do the same tasks, our race does not change the attitude towards us, nor the plot.
And what I like about Icarus is that it does not try to hide these unnecessary elements behind the falseness of opportunities, because upon closer examination, it turns out that the abundance of opportunities only introduces new restrictions that essentially deprive us as players of these opportunities.
I also did not observe a restriction on the choice of classes depending on the gender of the character.

The developer is not trying to jump over his head and create something that will contain a bunch of everything,
but at the same time it will be absolutely inconvenient, overly complicated and quickly tiring
and not interesting, and sometimes simply useless, but in Icarus everyone
will find a class to his liking: Berserker, Guardian, Assassin, Priest and Mage.
The game is designed for and within a group, and each class plays its own role.
There is even an increase in the amount of loot and experience gained by players in the group.

Next we get to character customization menu.
Everything is as always in MMOs... several types of pre-prepared options,
which can be configured as you like, there are about 30 options.
There are plenty of sliders to customize the character’s face and appearance,
you can create quite nice characters and even more.
Anyone who says that the game is old and there are few settings, come to your senses, the editor has enormous capabilities - you either don’t know how to set it up or you’re just too lazy, fiddling around in the editor for a long time.

played with the sliders

Yes, the characters look a little puppet-like, but this puppetry suits them very well,
this puppetry looks much better than many MMOs with “realistic” graphics.

The only thing I would like to note is the absence of a large number of “decorations”
like tattoos and other things, but there is a more or less standard set and that’s good.
Can customize skin color, eye color, hair color and so on,
Quite a standard set of settings.

The body is customizable in many ways, this is certainly not a very advanced editor,
but height, build, weight, length of arms and legs, etc., are adjusted precisely.
(female characters have a little more body customization options).
There are no bends in any direction in appearance, the characters do not look porcelain,
but well-developed (including the characters’ clothes are very designer).
The characters don't look like they're made of thin plastic like in Aion or like they're all made of clay like in Tera.
The game also has helmets, which you will agree is a nice feature of the game.

And of course, all MMOs are different in taste and color, everyone likes something different.
But I started with Lineage2 C4, played a lot of MMOs and you know what I’ll say?
I haven't seen a better game than Icarus.
You know what they say: “quality is in the details,” but I will say irritation in small things.
Here's Icarus, for me one of the few MMOs that doesn't annoy me.

If we compare it with Lineage2 - Yes, there are not as many classes and races as there were in Lineage2
(6 races and 37 classes are no joke and there were probably too many of them and the game should have long ago removed many of the old elements that were in the game but not used. For example, there were skills that, as the character grew, simply did not work on ordinary monsters, so why were they kept in the game?).

But in Icarus there are no unnecessary skills (at least I didn’t see them).

Regarding skills

The developer didn’t bother with them either, or rather with getting them.
In ICARUS, skills, both active and passive, are simply given as you level up
(as in most modern MMOs).
And this is even good, the skills have long ceased to be something outstanding.
But at the same time, the skills have been developed, they really look the way they should look if they were real, without unnecessary pathos, but at the same time very clearly.
They are felt, and not just fireworks from the hands of the main characters, they have meaning.
But at the same time, there are “talents” in the game with which not everything is so simple:
in short, talents affect your playstyle, and to level up your talents,
you need to pump up your companion, insert him into a stone and use this stone to pump up your “talents”.
Skills can chain sequences.
And in the description of skills, the sequence is described very well.
It is not necessary to press 12 combinations one after another, it’s just that each skill comes one after the other and they can be used either in a complete chain or by changing the sequence.
And even these combinations have visual meaning.
For example: you attract a monster, throw it up while it is in the air and deal a series of blows,
he falls, gets up, you knock him down again, while he gets up you strike,
then you push it away, throw it at it, pull it in, knock it over, etc.

The game provides 3 Target settings

(target - highlighting other characters or monsters in the game, etc.):
Non-target (free), Sticky and Classic (cursor)…
Switching to Target selection is carried out with 1 key, right during the game.
But to change it completely, you need to go to the game settings.
For example, if you are playing in Non-Target and you need to select something with the Cursor.
Just hold down the key and, without releasing it, select with the Cursor.
At the same time, when you press a key, no unnecessary notifications or windows appear.
Thanks to this, use the interface or write in chat,
possible while moving the character, which is very convenient.
And what is so rare in new MMOs, and the use is made simple and clear,
which I personally haven’t seen for a long time.
Usually, when you press a key, some other actions occur, such as turning the camera and so on,
what disrupts the run or prevents you from controlling the character.
You can also select a style (2 styles in total) and target color on the screen.

Monsters react to the actions of players, to their skills,
not just standing under the negative effects of our characters' skills,
they fall and rise, are thrown into the air, and when stunned they bow their heads, etc.
That is, while the monster serves and rises, time passes (and not just a time bar for the negative effect over the monster’s head), throwing you into the air you “feel” the weight of the monster.
I didn't feel like I was just pressing keys and the planned sequence of actions was just being carried out.
And magicians, for example, when casting spells, pronounce them,
no matter how paradoxical it may sound.
I’m already repeating myself, but I haven’t had such a feeling in other modern MMOs for a long time.
They are simple, the monsters stand while the heroes flutter around them, performing their actions.
And if they do react, then the monsters are so ordinary that it is not felt.
In those MMOs, the monsters lack detail. There is no feeling that there is an angry boar in front of you ready to tear you apart, no, you see a cute but big pig.
In Ikarus, monsters are similar to Monsters.

Here are some of them:

Show picture

I really liked the level of detail
characters and monsters in Icarus - their design, their “return” to the screen.

At the same time, many monsters can be tamed, which will be discussed below (except for humanoid monsters).

The design of the area and the attention to detail in this design.

Sometimes you look up and you think - wow, cool. Or you just look around.
And I’ll even say more that besides Lineage2,
No MMO has ever given me such a sense of integrity of characters and world as Icarus.

Having played many MMOs...
Lineage2, Aion, Tera, Blade and Soul, Revelation Online, Rf Online, Perfect World, Skyforge, Neverwinter Online, ArcheAge, Allods Online, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars2, Warframe, Tree of Savior, Dragon's Prophet, FIREFALL and WarFace , Guild Wars2 and Neverwinter Online, ArcheAge and Tera.
I can say with confidence that not one game, except Lineage2, since it was the first (and at the same time a very well-developed and high-quality game, it’s a pity Ncsoft is not the same), did not evoke in me such feelings as ICARUS, that feeling as if I had met First time with this genre.
They didn’t cause such a “wow” effect on me, except maybe Guild Wars2 (but it’s all very small) and Neverwinter Online (very cardboard, boxed), the closest was probably Tera,
but she was still missing something.
And judging by my feelings, Icarus managed to immerse me in the same emotions as in childhood.

How natural the terrain looks, how correct it feels.
There is absolutely no feeling that it has been calibrated according to some formula and everything is where it should be, in a clear relationship.
Everything is completely natural. This is the whole game - it is natural, they are intuitive.
But at the same time, it does not copy the real world: this location will be like a desert, this location will be like some other country from the real world.
Maybe there is something in common, there’s nowhere to go without it, but it doesn’t catch the eye like it did in ArcheAge.

ICARUS is not trying to invent new mechanics or reinvent the wheel.
But the elements that she uses are made at the highest level.

Just look at this game shot.
For example, the path is paved with stone...

Show picture

And the castles look like castles:

Show picture

NPCs all look different too, and also have different clothing designs,
depending on what they do.

NPCs view

After we created our hero.

We go through a small piece of the plot and watch the introductory video, and then we find ourselves in the initial location.
(I won’t spoil the impression for you by telling you in more detail).

Let's start with what we see when entering the game: and this interface.

And it is also very good: it is minimalist, it is convenient, it is very understandable.
It can be moved off the screen, which is a clear plus.
It doesn’t constantly dazzle the screen, there are no unnecessary glares, futuristic window frames, unnecessary gradients, etc.
As for the icons of skills and items in the inventory...
Almost every image of an object is intuitive.
(the only thing in the image below is that some items at the bottom of the inventory are in a white frame (arrows), this is an animation of the selection of those items that can be used in the forge, which is open in the center of the image, which is also very convenient).
For sealed items, the seal does not cover the item icon, but is located at the bottom left.
In the game settings, you can configure the interface layout, but even by default,
it does not interfere with the gameplay at all.

Show interface

The only thing is that many elements are authorized when you press the right mouse button, not the left one,
as we are all used to.
For example, to drag a chat tab from a general chat separately to the screen, to the name of the chat,
You need to right-click, hold and drag.

chat separately on the screen

The menu is very delicately located at the bottom right.
It is one-color, does not shimmer and, again, does not interfere.
There are no deliberately complicated elements in the game interface, everything is done very intuitively,
concise and very competent.
And of course, all interface elements have their own “hot keys”, which can also be changed in the game settings.

The fact that new skills are available, as well as new information has appeared in the game reference books, is indicated by buttons... which sometimes you simply don’t notice - the interface is so non-irritating.
All windows that open without your request carry some kind of information:
for example, this could be a reference book, daily rewards.

Store news opens at the bottom right, in a small window that does not overlap other elements and is also not annoying.

Store news

Now let's talk about monsters and pets (companions) in the game ICARUS.

Icarus is generally a game about pets (companions), this is its feature.
Almost all monsters can be tamed into companions
(and traveling on them on horseback or flying - they are air monsters).

On air satellites, the character will move slowly on the ground.

Further in the story, we will even tame dragons and other feathered creatures.

Monsters have skills (when they act as a servant) or skills that enhance you (when you are riding your pet), which can be viewed in the information about your companions.

You can see your companions

by pressing the Y or N (rus) key.

All satellites can be viewed in (key “B” or Russian “I”)

bestiary of companions

To tame some pets, you must fulfill additional conditions or have special items in your inventory.
You can also get a companion as a gift by collecting all the previous ones.

To tame, you need to press the “Taming” skill, sneak up on the monster, jump (by pressing the spacebar) on it (which you are taught to do according to the task, after 10 minutes of the game),

You can also jump on a monster while on your companion (this is how flying satellites are tamed).

Or you can recall a companion with a skill.

When taming after the initial location, taming points begin to be spent, so I recommend taming all the companions at the beginning, before going to the spider cave.

The only thing companions have is stamina (yellow bar), which is spent when moving on them or for using skills on companions (each skill riding on a satellite consumes the companion’s stamina) which can be replenished with special potions.
Or for using accelerated running (flight) on a satellite.

Companions - can be turned into servants,
who will run after you and help in battle (they become a smaller version of the companion) using a special scroll.

Or you can use a special item to turn your companion’s soul into stone
and insert it into your item, which is done again in 2 clicks,
which will also enhance your items.
Please note that the companion must be of the same level as the stone.

Each companion has its own power-ups that it will use while you are riding it.
A companion can travel with you and increase their level.

There are special items (like the staff and crossbow for melee and ranged attacks),
which are issued for the first time on missions and are used as items of equipment in battle while riding on a satellite. They are indefinite.

And using special skills

riding on a satellite, you can fight.
(both on a riding and on a flying satellite).

There are also equipment for companions.
special stone

very conveniently displayed on the radar, in different colors in the area where these tasks can actually be completed, and not just marked in a circle - as in most MMOs.
There is a feeling that you are really in the real world and you have actually been marked with a map, and not just sent somewhere.

Crafting (creating items from resources).

I also really liked the crafting in the game.
There are various resources scattered around the world that the character can collect,
such as: ore, herbs, etc.
Resources are often found in the area, but when creating objects you need quite a few of them. But this is better when crafting requires few resources, but it takes a very long time to wait for 5 resources to appear on the entire map.
The crafting system is also very simple and I think it’s not necessary to make it more complicated.
We have a recipe scroll that we buy (receive on a mission, knock it out of a monster) and teach it, resources that we collect or knock out (tools are not spent) and additional ingredients.
There are 6 types of crafting: Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, Items for companions, Food and Potions.

Also in Russian Localization

The system for improving items (forge) has changed

(I’ll write more about this):

Level up , Synthesis , Awakening , Hardening And Cleaning .

Level up: with special items (grinding stones), we increase the level of the item to 30.

Things Level 30 Can Synthesize (combine) two identical items 30 levels
(or one type: helmet-helmet, gloves-gloves), into one item.
Tempering and seal stones are retained, but the level is reset to 1.
Thereby raising the category of the item higher than it already is:
common, elite, rare, heroic and legendary.

Awakening: almost like synthesis, only instead of 2 items, “awakening stones” are used, the same category as the level 30 item.

Hardening: aka period. For hardening, “hardening stones” are needed.
There are 3 types of tempering stones: weapons, armor and jewelry.
The item category is responsible for how much you can harden (sharpen) your item to the maximum.
(common: +5, elite: +10, rare: +15, heroic: +20, legendary: +25)
If successful: the level of hardening increases by +1 one.
If unsuccessful: decreases by -1 one).
To block the hardening level, during hardening you need to click “Block” and spend the in-game currency of “Elluna” and then if hardening is unsuccessful, the hardening level will not drop.

Cleaning serves to reset the type of set of level 30 and the characteristics of the item, the enchantment level and seal stones will remain, but the item level will be reset to 16.

Quests in Icarus

Easy to read too. Easy to scroll through.
And Localized, in an understandable language, the necessary NPCs speak with the necessary immersion.
The only thing is that it is not clear why a Peasant can give a better reward for a task than at the beginning of the game, but the head of the Tsar’s guard, for example.
The tasks are also not particularly outstanding, like in any other MMO: we follow the main storyline, at the same time we help NPCs in the places where we find ourselves.
There are beautiful places and good placement of monsters. And sometimes monsters are not so easy.
It creates its own atmosphere and you feel like you're on an adventure, rather than the game adapting to you like most MMOs, especially older MMOs.

There's nothing new here, but at least it's readable.
The voice acting of NPCs is also present in Russian. Although I personally am against voice acting for NPCs... they don’t tell stories, and the voice acting that is present in MMOs is simply a waste of “effort” that the developers could spend on writing tasks.


I would like to note the excellent localization.
As well as clear and visual, localized training within the game.

open training example

There are also dungeons (or dungeons) in Icarus.
There are several types of each Dungeon.
That is, one type of dungeon is designed for passage alone,
and another type of dungeon is a group, but it is the same dungeon.

The group version also has several difficulty levels:
Very easy, Easily, Average, Difficult,Very difficult.
The probability of items falling out also increases or decreases:
Very easy: Probability; Easily:0,35 ; Average:0,75 ; Difficult:1 ; Very difficult:1,3 .

Result about the game: 9\10
+ sounds.
+gathering and creating items.
+improvement of items.
+ taming monsters.
+team game.
+pvp channel in the game, not permanent pvp.

+\- improvement of items.

Prohibited transfer of items between players.
-4 free cells for a companion.

Crafting in Icarus Online is a system for creating items in Icarus online. It includes not only the creation of weapons that everyone is so accustomed to, as well as armor and jewelry, but also potions, food and ammunition for your faithful pet.
The manufacturing menu is called up by pressing the “N” button, it will look like this:

To craft weapons, armor and other things, you need to be located next to the corresponding workbench, like a forge or kitchen:
  • A weapon forge is used to create weapons. In it you can create a variety of weapons that will have good characteristics and will be very effective in battle.
  • An armor forge is used to create armor. Here you can create many types of armor with different characteristics, number of built-in runes, etc.
  • A jewelry workshop is used to create jewelry. A variety of jewelry is created here: rings, necklaces and runes.
  • An alchemy laboratory is used to create alchemy. Here you can create useful and effective potions that will give a useful bonus to your stats.
  • The saddler's workshop is used to create harnesses; it will help in creating armor and equipment for your battle pet. Armor increases the horse's capabilities and gives a good increase in performance
  • The kitchen is used to create some culinary masterpieces. Here you can create culinary items, as well as ingredients that will help you create other items.

Types of Crafted Items

There are no restrictions in the game on creating items for other specializations. For example, if you are a guard, you can easily make a staff for a magician. That is, the game does not limit your trading opportunities.

In the “Weapons” section you will find recipes for weapons of all character specializations and items that will be useful to you in the process of creating items (weapons, armor, jewelry).

In the “Armor” section there are recipes for creating armor of all classes (heavy, light, medium) of characters and resources for crafting, which will be useful to you in the future during the crafting process.

The “Decoration” section contains corresponding decoration recipes for all character classes, runes and resources that will be useful to you in the future during the crafting process.

The “Harness” section includes recipes for all possible types of equipment for companions, tags for taming animals, as well as materials that will be useful to you in the future during the crafting process.

The “Alchemy” section contains recipes for elixirs for health and mana for various levels, enhancing potions and consumable items.

In the “Cooking” section you will find food that increases health and energy regeneration, as well as drinks and food that increase performance at high levels.

List of available learned recipes

At the start of the game, only the most standard recipes for crafting items will be available to you. You can find the rest of the recipes as you progress through Icarus Online and your unusual adventures. When you receive the recipe in your inventory, you need to study it. Click RMB to study, after which the recipe will be added to one of the categories.
Filter "In stock" in the lower left corner will display in the list only those recipes for which the inventory has the necessary crafting resources.

The most important thing you need to do is craft in Icarus Online: creating items of the current level increases your skill. To raise your skill level, you need to contact a master of professions that matches your profession.

Necessary materials

This part of the menu contains a list of all materials needed for manufacturing, their required and available quantities.
In the window to the left of the button "Do" you can choose the number of items you create.

You will encounter some materials while hunting monsters, and you can also find all the necessary materials in the open world.

Button "To do everything" will help you create all the items for which you have enough resources.


The “Chance of Triumph” function is a kind of roulette. When crafting through Triumph, you can get an improved quality item or get additional materials, but you spend twice as many resources.

Learn more about triumph effects:

  • Weapon
  • Armor
    Receives improved quality. Materials are multiplied
  • Decorations
    Equipment receives improved quality. Materials are multiplying. Gems also multiply
  • Harness
    The companion's equipment does not receive any additional effects. Materials are multiplying. Satellite marks are also multiplied
  • Alchemy
    Potions etc. are made in greater quantities. Materials are multiplied
  • Cooking
    Food is produced in greater quantities

Icarus Online maps are designed to make your character's movement more convenient. Among other things, on the map you can see the location of some NPCs in the game. However, in most cases, they are not present on the Icarus Online map.

In Icarus Online, all the action takes place in a world called Midlas, which, in turn, is divided into several regions.

Below we talk about each region in more detail.




Braccard Forest

Brakkar Forest is the very first location on the character’s path, intended for levels 1-10. It has 3 elite pets and 10 ordinary ones. They are not shown on the map. You have to find them yourself.

Hakaina Crossing

Hakaina Crossing is the second location. There is practically no difference in size. On the territory you can tame 6 elite pets and 6 ordinary ones. In addition, you can find 2 legendary pets on the map.

Hakan Highlands

The Hakan Highlands are a more complex area. The main part of the Icarus Online map is designed for levels 10-20, and the northern areas are for levels 25-29. The location is inhabited by 2 heroic pets, 19 elite and 32 ordinary. The first three dungeons are located in this location.

Sea of ​​Hakan

The Sea of ​​Hakan is a level 20-25 zone with an almost complete absence of land. Therefore, for comfortable movement, you will need a flying pet. This is the only way you can access most places on the Icarus Online map. All pets in this area are flying and there are only 2 of them.

Coast of Parna

If you move to the Parna Coast area, be prepared for a cold reception. The grueling cold of the location will reduce the movement speed and energy of your pets. To avoid this, use cold resistance scrolls.

Tritalya Gorge

In order to enter the territory of the Gorge, you will need to be level 34 or higher. In addition, you need to accept the quest "Velzeroth".

The Desert territory is populated by 3 legendary pets, 9 heroic, 12 elite and 21 common.

Badlands of Exar

Upon entering the territory, you will be transported 1000 years ago, during the Cold War. To enter you need level 28 or higher. This area of ​​the Icarus Online map is a PvP zone.

Stigaya is the land of the dead. Just like the previous location, Stigaya is a PvP zone, which can be entered at level 40 and above.

Ellora Temple

Part of the Icarus Online map is populated by 1 legendary pet, 6 heroic, 10 elite and 11 regular.

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We made the entire purchasing process as simple and convenient as possible. When placing an order, you will need to provide your mobile phone number and email address for delivery of the goods. Also choose a convenient method and currency for paying for the order. No pre-registration required.

Still have questions? Are all products offered in the online store available for purchase?

Order and pay for the goods with confidence! Products are always available for order on our website and are actually in stock, and prices are always up to date.

If any of the goods is out of stock and the system displays its absence, please contact our support team via the feedback form or online chat. We will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Still have questions? How quickly is the product delivered after payment for the order?

The entire process of payment and delivery of goods takes place automatically. Delivery of goods is carried out to the email specified when placing the order. Typically, this process takes no more than a minute.

A complete list of your purchases can be viewed on the Purchase History page; you must first confirm your email inbox.

Still have questions? How often is your store's assortment updated? Or what should I do if the site doesn’t have the product I need?

We monitor the relevance and availability of products on the site. The assortment of our store is constantly updated with new brands and products.

But if you need to purchase exactly the product that is not presented in the general list, then report this through the feedback form on the Contact page.

Still have questions? After payment, it turned out that the email for delivery of the order was entered incorrectly. What to do?

Don't worry, your problem will be solved. Contact our support team via the feedback form or online chat. Attach to the letter screenshots from the payment system confirming payment for the order. Don't forget to enter the correct email to have your order redelivered.

Still have questions?

Our online store accepts electronic money as payment for goods, which allows you to instantly deliver the goods to the buyer. The most common payment options are using the Webmoney Transfer system and Visa and Mastercard payment cards.

Payment for goods.

Payment for goods is carried out through the service in the following ways:

  1. WebMoney Transfer.
  2. Bank cards of international payment systems Visa/MasterCard.
  3. Internet banking Sberbank Online.
  4. Bitcoin.
  5. QIWI Visa Wallet.
  6. Yandex. Money.
  7. Cash in terminals in Russia and Ukraine.
  8. Mobile payment: Megafon, Beeline Russia, MTS Russia, TELE2.
  9. Internet banking: Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, VTB24, Promsvyazbank, Svyaznoy Bank.
  10. Post office.
  11. WM card.

Delivery of goods.

Delivery of gift cards and other goods is carried out automatically to the email specified when placing an order. Usually, this happens within a minute after successful payment of the order.

The user always has the opportunity to view a list of his paid orders on the Purchase History page. To do this, you need to authorize your email, which was entered when paying for the order.

When using the service for automatic online replenishment of gaming and other projects, funds are credited to the account within a few minutes. But it should be remembered that delays from several minutes to several hours are allowed. If a lot of time has passed after successful payment of the order and the funds have not been credited to the user’s account, please contact our support team via the feedback form or online chat.

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