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Fixing the error "Disk access denied. What to do if you receive "Access Denied" to the folder Basic steps to fix the "Access Denied" error to the folder

You can find a dozen cases on the network when a user cannot access the F, C or D drive on which Windows 10 is installed. As a result of such an error, Windows 10 fails to boot and the PC, in fact, becomes inoperative. What to do in this case, what actions to take to solve the problem?

Causes of a Locked Disk Problem

If, when you turn on the PC, a message appears on the monitor screen stating that there is no access to drive D or Windows 10 is denied access, this indicates that the 100 MB boot partition (System Reserved) is damaged or missing.

Also, the causes of this problem include:

  • Upgrade PC from Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10;
  • Lack of the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver, which is required for the correct functioning of Intel Smart Response Technology (SRT);
  • Transfer Windows from HDD to SSD.

There are several ways to solve this problem, but you can't do without an installation disk.

Ways to solve the problem

If the drive on which Windows is installed, be it C or F, is locked, you should do the following:

  • We boot into the BIOS and set the priority of booting from disk. Boot from the installation media. At the initial stage, select the installation language and region. We click "Next".
  • Next, select "System Restore".
  • A window titled "Select Actions" will appear. Select "Diagnostics".
  • In the new window, click "Advanced Options".
  • In the "Advanced options" select the item "Command line".
  • Next, we enter these commands in turn. After entering each, press "Enter".

select disk X, where X is the drive letter on which Windows 10 is installed;

  • A list of disks should appear. It should also display a 100 MB partition. If not, enter the following commands.

create partition efi size=100;

format quick fs=fat32 label="System";

assign letter="S";

  • Do not close the command line. The exit command is required to exit the diskpart utility.
  • Next, enter the following commands on the command line:

BCDBoot c:\Windows /s s: /f UEFI.

After executing this command, you need to remove the installation disk and reboot the system (do not forget to set boot priority from the hard disk in BIOS).

Also, there is another method on how to unlock the F or C drive on which Windows 10 is installed using the command line. To do this, we do all the same steps on how to get to the command line, which are described above. When the console is launched, it is worth entering the following commands:

bootrec /fixmbr;

bootrec /fixboot;

bootrec /rebuildbcd.

These are commands for repairing damaged hard disk partitions. They will also help solve the problem when the hard drive is locked.

In the case when the System Reserved partition is intact and you are using an Intel processor, you should download and install the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver.

After installing the software and restarting the PC, the message asking "Unlock the disk ..." will disappear and the system will boot normally.

What to do if, when you try to open a partition of an internal disk or an external storage medium in a Windows environment, the system displays a notification “ Access denied"? Typically, such a notification appears if there has been an intervention in the security settings in the properties of the disk. Or if the system incorrectly determines the current user as the owner of the disk, which happens when the media is periodically connected to different computers. How to solve this problem?

Disk access denied

So, when you try to open an external information device or a separate disk partition in Windows Explorer, we see an access denied message.

At the same time, in the properties of such a disk, NTFS is defined as a file system, but there is no information about the occupied and free volume.

If there is no important data on the drive, or perhaps it is empty, you need to go to the Windows Disk Management utility and either format it or delete the partition and create it again.

If there is valuable data on the disk, it must be extracted and temporarily overdone somewhere before formatting or deleting the partition. How to extract?

1.Total Commander

A drive invisible by Explorer can be seen by a third-party file manager. For example, Total Commander. We try to access the data in it and copy them to another partition or medium visible to the system.

2. Full disk access

If the system does not have a third-party file manager, or if an attempt to solve the problem with its participation was unsuccessful, you must configure full access for the disk in the system. In its properties, go to the security tab. Click "Advanced".

At the top, where "Owner" is indicated (or in the "Owner" tab for Windows 7), click "Change".

In the empty field, enter the value "All" (without quotes and with a capital letter), click "Check Names". The value "All" will be highlighted with a lower outline, after that click "OK".

Then click "Yes".

Now we copy the data.

3. Paragon Hard Disk Manager

Another way to get to the contents of a disk that Windows refuses access to is the Paragon Hard Disk Manager program. It has a file manager on board, with which you can view and export the contents of not only physical disks, but also virtual hard disk files when they are mounted using the Paragon program itself. At the same time, not only NTFS is supported, but also a number of other file systems, such as: FAT16, FAT32, Ext2 / 3/4, ReFS. And this means that the program from Paragon will probably help us even if, when opening the disk, the system gives a notification that there is no access due to the fact that the file system is not recognized. Plus, the procedure for exporting a large amount of data will be faster than using the Windows copy tools.

We launch the advanced mode of Hard Disk Manager.

Switch to the file manager tab. In the tree structure, we open the path to the necessary data, select them. And in the context menu, click "Export".

Hello dear friends! When working with folders and files, I often have one problem. It manifests itself in the fact that when you try to delete, insert or rename some folders, the message " Access denied”, Personally, this is very annoying to me. I'm sure that every second person has exactly come across this and will clearly understand what I'm talking about.

The most amazing thing is that I am the computer administrator, and as you know, the administrator has full access to the computer and can delete, edit any file or folder. But, sometimes there are some cases in which the folder becomes inaccessible. For example, after reinstalling Windows or after copying it from an external drive to the computer's HDD.

In general, let's see what can be done if, when performing any actions, an "Access denied" error appears on a folder.

We return access to the folder with the error "Access denied"

This example will work for all operating systems. But, in Windows XP there is one small snag. Before you begin to perform the basic steps to obtain rights to the folder and get rid of the "Access Denied" error, you need to disable the simple type of file sharing in the folder properties. For all other operating systems, this value is disabled by default.

So, to disable sharing, go to some folder or " My computer” and in the top menu we find the item properties. By clicking on it, a drop-down menu will appear, where we click on "".

Next, click on the tab " View”, in the list of parameters we look for the line “ Use simple file sharing(recommended)." And to save the edited parameters, press the button " OK».

Basic Steps to Fix "Access Denied" Error on a Folder

We find the folder to which we need to get full access to editing, and right-click on it, where in the menu that appears, select "".

Now, click on the tab " Security"where we find and click on" Additionally».

Now, separately for each operating system. Let's start with Windows XP and Windows 7, since these OSes have the same owner assignment setting.

Windows XP and Windows 7:

Pressing " Additionally”, the security settings window will appear. And already there we go to the tab " Owner", in which we click on the button" Change».

Further, we will see information about who the current owner is and a list of users who can be assigned by that owner. So, as I want to indicate the owner of my account, I designate it by clicking on it with a bear. Also, in order to become the owner of all files contained in the folder, check the box next to " Replace owner of subcontainers and objects." Next, click " OK» to apply all settings.

If the "Access Denied" error to the folder reappears. We are trying to select the administrators group, it will also work, because our account has full administrator rights, and thus falls into the list of users of this group.

Windows 8:

As for Windows 8, here the file owner setting has been slightly changed.

So, going into the security settings, we see that the name of the owner of the selected folder or file is immediately displayed on top. And in order to select another user as the owner, click on the button " Change».

A user selection window will appear, where we must specify the name of the account to which we want to transfer rights. For example, my account is called “Igor”, so I enter it in the field of selected objects and press the button “ Check Name". If everything was spelled out correctly, the name of the computer should appear before the name, for me it looks like this: “ MSI-Z77\Igor", and as always, save the changes with the button" OK».

Now, you can do whatever you want with the folder, since all rights on the folder now belong to you. And the file access denied error will disappear forever. I want to mention that on many computers, the account may be exactly “Administrator”, so if you did not create an account during installation, then use it. In any case, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments and we will definitely find answers to them.

What to do if "Access Denied" appears on a folder: 10 comments

    Hello, turning on the computer, I found on the monitor the absence of all icons, (Windows7) a sign listing where exactly I was denied access and the keyboard was unwilling to “speak” Russian. All desktop folders were in the administrator folder, office programs - “access denied”, and Chrome worked fine, there was access to the mail. First, I adapted to transfer the documents I needed to the cloud, and there they were safely opened and even printed.

    I read a lot of advice on the Internet on how to restore normal operation, and because. the time was later, I decided to deal with this problem in the morning, but just in case, I downloaded the free Dr.Web utility and set the check for the night. The check ended and I turned off the computer. Turning it on in the morning, I found that everything works fine, even the keyboard “spoke” in its native language.

    Thanks, it helped on win 7, but a lock appeared on the folder and it is system. Solved the problem by copying the contents to the new "Plain" folder and deleting the old folder with confusing settings. Suspicion fell on the parental control program Time Boss. I put a ban on entry for another account, but as it turned out, it was closed to everyone. Removing the settings did not change anything. Even in DOSe I couldn't get into it.

    Hello, I can’t delete the current account, it says access denied, what should I do, please tell me

Hello! Faced such a problem: the external drive no longer works under Windows. During the connection, it is visible, but when I try to open it, a message appears: “There is no access to G: /. Access denied".

In “my computer”, the disk parameters are not visible, it is indicated that the volume is 0. With standard disk management using Windows, the entire volume is displayed, and the occupied one too. Through a program like R-studio, you can access all files. Also, the disk works fine under different Unix systems (Linux, MacOS, TV, etc.). Help me please. It seems that the decision is not at all difficult. I understand that it is possible to simply format and overwrite information, but there is no desire to overwrite 500 GB. And I want to know about the future. Waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance, Maxim

This is a correspondence by mail with a user who asked for help. Maybe she can help someone.

Good afternoon, Maxim!

If the data is very important to you, then try extracting it using type recovery programs to another medium. Check their performance or copy them under Unix, and then you can already deal with the problem.

If the information is not so important, then on the command line you need to issue the g: command and see what the checkdisk program shows about errors in the file system. The program will not make any changes to the file system. If serious errors are not detected by the program, then issue chkdsk g: / F to correct errors in the file system. While checking and correcting errors in the file system, certain information may be lost. If no errors are found in the FS, then sort out the access rights "

User response after running chkdsk

Ran chkdsk with both options: no errors were found. What about access rights? Advise me what to watch or read about this.

I have also now checked access from the cmd command line, from which windows can see the entire structure of files and directories "

What you need to do:

  1. In Explorer, right-click on drive G:
  2. then "Properties"
  3. after that - "Security

The search has a lot of information on how to change permissions in Windows. So it's hard to tell right away.

Also, try to open the drive as follows: in Explorer, right-click on the G: drive, open. It may also be that this is the result of the action of the virus. And try to access the disk using some shell like Total Commander.

User response after resolving a permissions issue

Thank you, I managed to figure out the rights. I made my user the owner of the files, after that access appeared. But there was another problem. When you connect this drive to another computer, the first one is still not available. We have to carry out the same manipulations. Can I somehow return the rights for any user of this disk?

Sometimes, when installing programs or applications, a message appears on the computer screen stating that error 5 Windows 10 has occurred. This means that the user is denied access. This happens if the system has several accounts of people using a PC.

Error 5 Access Denied Windows 10

This error occurs due to the lack of access rights to the directories in which temporary TEMP files are stored. This means that the user has limited rights to read and other actions with the information in the folder.

It is possible to solve such a problem in the following way:

  1. You can restore the rights if you run the program as an administrator. This simple and temporary method will help get rid of the error. You need to right-click on the existing installer icon. A menu will appear from which to select "Run as administrator".

To use this option, a user without access rights must have the password of one of the people in the administrative group and enter it. After the procedure, the program will start.

To allow access to a folder for all users, you must perform the following steps:

  • Press the combination Win + R.
  • Enter: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ .
  • Find the TEMP folder, in it you need to right-click on "Properties".
  • Next, go to the section "Security".
  • Find a category called "Groups and Users" and then click on "Creator-Owner".
  • In the window that opens, you need to mark and confirm access for all PC users,

A similar procedure is done with parameters such as "Administrators", "Users", "System", "TrustedInstaller".

  1. You can try another equally effective way. You need to open a command prompt as an administrator. In the window you need to enter net localgroup Administrator / add networkservice .

It should be noted that if the operating system is English, then you need to write not “Admin”, but “Administrator”. After that, the "Enter" key should be pressed. The next step is to write: net localgroup Administrators / add localservice . (Administrators). At the end of the procedure, you must close the window and restart your computer. If everything was done without errors, then Windows 10 error code 5 will no longer appear.

  1. It happens that the method of disabling or removing the antivirus and trying to start the service without it helps.
  2. Reinstalling the OS works flawlessly in solving the problem.

Windows 10 System Error 5

Security settings often give this error. You can fix it through the registry of the operating system. First you need to find out what the name of the service that does not want to start is called. In the list of services, you need to select the appropriate one and find the line "Service Name". You need to remember it and start working with the registry. The Registry Editor is launched using the Run window.

After that, the branch shows a list of services, arranged alphabetically. We find the name you need, right-click and look for the line "Permissions". Then in the security settings you need to configure access in groups "Users" and "Administrators" for all users.

There are times when the Windows 10 Xapofx1 5 dll error appears. This happens due to the missing Xapofx1 5 dll file. The failure may affect the process of launching games, installing utilities, or updating drivers. Such a file belongs to the executable DLLs. The cause of the failure may be pirated versions of games. Therefore, the user is advised to use only licensed content. To fix the error, you need to reinstall the system.