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How to block VKontakte on iPhone. Setting up iPhone and iPad for kids

Greetings! Are you tired of calling strangers? Or is your iPhone constantly being bombarded with intrusive spam text messages? A great way to protect yourself from these problems is to blacklist your iPhone. The coolest thing is that for this you don’t need to install additional programs and applications, pay some money, use the services of mobile operators - just pick up the phone and just block the subscriber!

Cool stuff? Certainly. It will be hard? Not a bit - even a child can handle it. Will it take a long time? No, no, and no again - a couple of minutes maximum. How to do it? Now I will tell and show in all details - the instruction is already here. Go!

But first, let's look at the main advantages of such a blacklist:

  • Integrated into iOS natively. That is, blocking an unwanted number is possible immediately after your gadget.
  • The list of "unauthorized" numbers is saved along with the backup (it doesn't matter if it was created with or ) and will be returned to the device when restored (or from the clouds). Attention! For any other, it will be necessary to enter the numbers in the emergency again.
  • Everything is free! Nobody will take the money.

Let's get down to business and find out how to block a subscriber on an iPhone (if you want to delete it completely, then read on). We go to the desktop - select the item phone (“recent”, “favorites”, “missed” - it doesn’t matter, anyone will suit us) or SMS.

You need to look at the information about the contact (in front of any number there is an icon - the letter i in a blue circle, feel free to click on it!).

Detailed information opens - scroll down the screen, and we see the coveted inscription - block the subscriber.

What will happen after that?

  1. For telephone conversations - the one who will call will hear short beeps (supposedly the network is busy).
  2. SMS just won't come.

But what if you added someone by mistake? Everything can be fixed, for this it is important to know where the black list is on the iPhone. It’s easy to find it, in the settings, select the phone item, then blocked. Here they are - "undesirable" people! Edit if you want...

Updated! Thanks to Andrew and his comment. Now the menu item, which contains all the numbers added to the emergency, is called not “Blocked”, but “Block. and ident. call." I will not change the picture - sorry :)

Updated once again! In iOS 13, this item is now again called quite normally - “Blocked Contacts”. Praise Apple! :)

But what if your number is blacklisted, but you really need to get through?

Here you can’t do without the help of the operator, we connect the caller ID service (most likely it will be paid, check with the operator’s subscriber service here). After that, we call whom and when we want!

And finally, personal experience of use :) You know, I am practically not annoyed by unnecessary calls and “useful” messages, but the blacklist on my iPhone 5s is far from empty. In, it just talks about what prompted me to add some numbers to the Blacklist. Why do you need blocking? Tell in the comments!

P.S. Did the instruction help get rid of annoying calls and SMS? Put "likes" and click on the buttons of social networks!

As it turned out, not many people know about such useful innovations in iOS 7 as " black list". Nevertheless, now every owner of an iOS gadget, puzzled by the need to eliminate unwanted contacts, can easily block a subscriber without installation and sophistication, as they had to do before.

The contact added to the "black list" will not be able to call you, write SMS or try to contact you via FaceTime in the future.

You can put a subscriber on the "black list" in different ways. Choose the most suitable for you.

1. We block the subscriber through the contact list of the phone application

If the desired subscriber is listed in the contacts, then you can block it directly from the contacts list on the iPhone. To do this, go to the application " Phone", go to the section" Contacts", open the profile of the person you need and look for the button" Block a subscriber».

2. We add to the "black list" a subscriber who is not in the contact list

If the ladies are bothered by an unfamiliar number, you can block the subscriber from the application " Phone", entering the section" Recent” and tapping on the information icon “i”. In the page that opens with data about the caller, look for the line " Block a subscriber” and boldly tap on it.

3. Block SMS Spam on iPhone

Tired of SMS spam? You can also block unwanted contacts from the " Messages". It is enough just to open an SMS from the subscriber with whom you prefer to cut off communication, and tap on the button " Contacts” located in the upper corner of the screen. The further course of action is similar to the second method: we look for the “i” icon, find it, tap and go to the page containing information about the subscriber, where the treasured button “ Block a subscriber».

Delete from the "black list" rehabilitated subscribers

The list of blocked subscribers is stored in the iPhone settings. To access " black list» go to Settings - Phone - Blocked.

You can immediately add a new contact to the "black list" (Settings - Phone - Blocked - Add new) or remove it from the list of rehabilitated subscribers.

How to bypass blacklist on iPhone

Yes, if you have been blacklisted, you can still call the person, but for this you will need to connect an anti caller ID from your mobile operator. As far as I know, this service is paid for by all operators.

Let's assume you have already connected an anti-phone number identifier. Now you need to follow Settings - Phone - Show number and turn off one single toggle switch.

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Ever since the publication of iOS version 7.0, users of iPhone gadgets have been able to block unwanted interlocutors: spammers, advertisers, and simply people with whom they did not want to communicate. Up to this point, the function of blocking unnecessary contacts was reduced to the use of programs, incl. and paid. Not all of these applications worked, and blacklisted programs that were guaranteed to work were paid.

The most obvious way that comes to mind is the regular applications "Phone" and "Contacts". To do this, do the following:

  1. Launch the Phone app and go to Contacts.
  2. Find the caller you want to block. Select this contact and scroll through the details until the option "Block caller" appears, click on this item.
  3. Confirm the iOS system request message to add the subscriber to the unwanted list.

The person whose number you have added to the "black list" will not be able to call you or send you SMS (incoming messages will not be shown in the Messages application). The Face Time function will also not bypass the established ban on calls and messages from the selected mobile number.

How to block unknown numbers on iPhone?

But adding contacts to the list of banned contacts through the regular contacts manager is a tedious task: there can be so many “black” numbers that it will take from one to several minutes to search for the really needed person in the main list. But the main inconvenience is calls from unknown numbers: the caller may guess that the person he is calling has blocked him and will change the SIM card. To block recent numbers, do the following:

  1. Return to the Phone app and open the Recent tab.
  2. Find a number that is not in your contact list and click on the information icon next to the number.
  3. Click on the already familiar item "Block subscriber".

And although the blocked “ownerless” number will not annoy you, however, for example, for special services, collection agencies, bank employees, this is hardly a big problem. Yes, and an ordinary person, when there is a disagreement, is unlikely to regret 100-200 r for the purchase of a new SIM card.

How to block a contact through "Messages"

The standard application for SMS and MMS also allows you to "ban" a contact. To block calls and messages from a person using it, do the following:

  1. Launch the Messages application and open an SMS exchange with a blocked subscriber, and then click on the Contact button.
  2. Click the "Contact" button, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the button-icon for viewing information about the user of this number.

Add a person's number to the list of unnecessary ones using the same "Block caller" function.

Using the Do Not Disturb feature

Despite the main purpose of the "Do Not Disturb" function - to limit calls at night and after hours, the most "experienced" users created a "white" list with its help, in fact, making the rest of the people "black". To limit unnecessary calls, do the following:

  1. Give the command "Settings - Do not disturb."
  2. Turn on the "Schedule" option.
  3. Specify the duration of the created rule (round the clock).
  4. In the "Call Allowed" section, select "From Favorites" so that people on your favorites list are not subject to the call bar.
  5. Go to the Contacts application and assign the desired people in the list the status of "Favorite" (the "Add to Favorites" button in the information panel of the selected contact). Carefully review the list of acquaintances and everyone with whom you do not want to interrupt communication, set the status of "Chosen", otherwise he will not be able to get through to you. Do not forget that each new number from a good friend must be added to the favorites section, otherwise he will not be able to get through to you.

Subscribers added to the list of "favorites" (in fact, to the "white" list) will be able to get through to you at any time.

How to view blocked numbers on iPhone

One of your acquaintances may ask you why he cannot unsubscribe or simply call you. You may have accidentally blocked it. To check if this is the case, do the following:

  1. Give the command "Settings - Phone".
  2. Also go to the "Calls - Blocked" command.
  3. Find the number that you inadvertently blacklisted your iPhone.
  4. To remove a number from the "black" list, there is a command: "Edit" - the "minus" button.
  5. Confirm the message requesting iOS to remove the number from the "black" list.

After that, the person will no longer be blocked and will be able to call you and send messages, as before.

How to remove a number from iPhone blacklist on iOS 10.x and later

In versions of iOS, starting from 10, the "black list" function migrated to a more universal menu for managing blocked numbers. Do the following:

  1. Go to phone settings.
  2. Select the "Phone" section.
  3. Go to Call Blocking and Identification.
  4. Click on the "Edit" button at the top.
  5. In the list of blocked contacts, opposite the desired number, click "Unblock"

After that, the contact will leave the black list and will be able to contact you in any way.

Applications for creating a "black" list of contacts

The built-in features in the iOS system only allow you to manage unwanted calls in a basic way. But third-party applications will provide additional features: assign several schedules per day according to an individual schedule, the ability to auto-click "end", etc.

The iBlackList application allows you to assign iPhone behavior for incoming calls and SMS / MMS and messages. Its developers, having started distributing iBlackList through the unofficial Cydia store, have taken care to receive additional income and sell it in the AppStore. The 10-day free trial allows you to appreciate the other features of the program:

  • Blocking calls from the iPhone to other numbers that do not appear in the main contact list;
  • Viewing and "sharing" the history of calls and messages from "banned" subscribers;
  • Master password for setting up and deleting the iBlackList application itself.

An interesting feature is the "fake" list of blocked - if the caller suspects that he was "banned", the latter can be shown an empty list of numbers. You can also hide the blocked list - it is called only from the "Phone" by dialing a secret combination, for example, *3001*54321# - of course, in the settings, the user must set this combination himself.

Other programs for maintaining “black” lists on the iPhone are either not as developed as the iBlackList application and have gone not far from the existing contact blocking functionality in iOS, or they don’t even “keep up” even to this Apple platform at all.

Block on iPhone callers whose number is hidden

But if the caller activates the AntiAON service, the above methods will not work: iOS has not yet implemented the function of barring calls from subscribers whose number is hidden in advance: a call from a hidden number is rare, but sometimes important, and someone's life may depend on it . In response, cellular operators introduced the "Super-AON" service, against which "Anti-AON" is powerless (except for the unforeseen technical impossibility of determining the ownership of the number from which the call or message comes), but "Super-AON" will give only 99% guarantee of blocking uninvited guests.

Do not forget that by adding a user to the "black" list by his mobile number, you restrict only his access to you by phone. You will still be able to get through to him: the functionality of "black" lists on any Apple gadget is valid not for outgoing, but for incoming calls and SMS / MMS.

Cellular operators, along with services (prohibition) of identifying the caller's number, also have their own "Black List" service. Unlike setting up the corresponding menus on gadgets, managing the flow of callers and texters is most often paid. More details about blocking through the operator can be found in a separate article.

Finding out which contacts have been blocked on the iPhone and deciding what to do with them is a matter of one or more minutes. But existing capabilities give iPhone users only an incomplete guarantee of protection from "phone calls" of unwanted users. Salvation from them by 100% is changing your number to another, or switching to Internet messengers, where a mobile number is not required. Remember that when you “litter” your contacts everywhere (interaction on work with a huge number of people), then for a telephone conversation, if they want, they will “get you out of the ground” through mutual acquaintances.

I think that many of you, at least sometimes, thought about how to protect your child (grandson, nephew or just a friend's son) from accessing some resources on the iPhone or iPad. There is a way to block the program, the Internet, mail, or even install new applications! Do you want your child to only access certain sites? Now we will teach your iPhone to block programs and sites!

Access to the site is closed

To begin with, let's decide - you can limit a lot - everything will depend on your imagination, the degree of punishment of the child and your sadistic inclination 🙂 Keep in mind that everything you do remains on your conscience and responsibility. Although you can have a good time!

First you need to follow the path: Settings -> General -> Restrictions and go into them. Immediately after that, you will need to Enable restrictions, for which the system will ask you to come up with a password to unlock.

Turn on restrictions

No need to put the date of birth of the child there, he will quickly guess 🙂 The best thing is to come up with arbitrary 4 numbers and remember them (remember Irene Adler, with her password I AM SHERLOCKED?). So, you came up with the code, now let's move on to blocking programs and sites.

In the first block, entitled Allow, you can enable or disable system applications and functions - Sifari, Camera, Add / Remove Programs, and much more. Simply flip the switch to the off position and you're done!

Sectiono Allow

In the Allowed content block, everything is much more interesting! Here you can set restrictions on viewing "adult" content, specify age restrictions or block access to the site. To do this, go to the Websites item and select one of the items there - Limit on adult content or Only specified websites. In the first case, you can clearly indicate the allowed and prohibited sites.

Website blocking

If you leave any of the items blank, for example, always allow, then there will be no blocked sites. So in the Do not allow never field, you can enter sites such as, and others that you want to block access to.

If you figured out the blocking of sites, then you can go even further in the Privacy block, prohibit certain programs from accessing various phone functions, for example, if you go to the Photos item, you can prohibit certain programs from making changes to them.

Block Privacy

Having played enough, let's move on to the next item, Allow changes. Everything is simple here - we allow or forbid the user to make changes to accounts (mail, addresses, calendars), content updates and others ...

Game Center block

Well, if you want to completely close the child’s access to various online games, then you should also turn off the Game with friends and Add friends switches in the Game Center block.

As you can see, the iOS system allows you to be quite flexible in setting up or blocking programs, sites, or even services on your iPhone or iPad. Thus, you can set up the child's device and protect it from unwanted content, which, alas, is more and more on the network ...

By the way, if you suddenly notice that your child has matured and you can give him more opportunities, just go to Restrictions again and turn off the restrictions (sorry for the tautology) or correct them based on the situation 🙂

If your underage household loves to hang out on the iPhone or iPad; or for some other reason, it may be necessary to block access to some Internet resources. You can carry out censorship with standard iOS tools, but we will tell you how in this material.

Blocking websites on iOS has long been a built-in tool found on every iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

How to block website(s) on iPhone and iPad?

1 . On an iOS device, go to Settings → General → Restrictions.

2 . You will need to create (activate the function) or enter a password. As you yourself already understand, your smart household members are unlikely to be able to remove the site from the blacklist on their own.

4 . There are two actions to choose from:

  • Adult content limit. The vast majority of sites with strawberry adult content will be blocked here. You must understand that the local black list is focused on foreign resources. Plus there is a black and white list for sites.

  • Only specified websites. Access to all websites is blocked, except for those listed.

5 . Pushing a button "Add site", enter the resource name and address.

I banned access to all sites except Wikipedia. In the Safari browser, all favorite tabs will become inactive, and only allowed resources will remain in view.

If you still try to go to a prohibited site, a corresponding message about access restriction will appear.

Pushing a button "To open access", enter a four-digit password and get access to the resource. The site is automatically added to the allowed list.

The most interesting thing is that the restriction occurs in absolutely all browsers, be it Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, and so on. Someone will obviously hate you =).