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History - social networks. Who are these people or what did you know about the creators of social networks? What was the first social network

Social networks are leaders in attendance among other Internet resources. Millions of users visit pages every day to chat, find out the latest news, share information and photos. And if you follow the link, you can explore the features of the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki resource.

Of course, a certain kind of services existed before the development of the Internet era - most often they were intended for communication in a very narrow circle (certain structures). In our article, we will talk about public services used by people around the world.


The very first social network in the world is the American Odnoklassniki, which appeared in 1995. At first, the resource allowed you to create a profile and a list of friends who can be found solely by the parameters of the school, service or university. Subsequently, the resource was redesigned - it became possible to create accounts, write messages and much more, as a result of which a social network arose in the usual sense of the word. Now you know when the first social network that is currently operating appeared.

And if you need a Russian version and want to download Odnoklassniki to your computer, use this link.

Probably everyone is familiar with the theory of six handshakes, according to which all people in the world know each other through six other people? The world's first social network was called, and it was based on this principle. The resource began to work in 1997 and was a familiar modern network for communication. Who created the first social network in the usual sense for us? This is programmer Andrew Weinreich.

The site did not survive to this day, its functionality was too complicated for the 1990s, when the Internet was not yet so widespread and people spent a small amount of time online. Despite attempts to update, the flow of users was too small and the service was closed, significantly ahead of its time in terms of development. The resource was replaced by others, more modern, functioning now.

Mark Zuckerberg

This name is familiar to every modern student and adult. It was he (in collaboration with three other students) who created the well-known Facebook. It happened in 2004, at first the site was available only to students at Harvard University, then it spread among Boston students, and then conquered the United States, and then the whole world. Just think, four students were able to create a unique product that had no similarity in the whole world. Today it is the most popular social network in the world.

It was an undoubted breakthrough - nothing like it had ever existed. On the site, you can create profiles, write messages, share videos and photos, join various groups. Accounts for business, created specifically for companies, are very popular.

Russian analogue

The very first social network in Russia arose in 2006, it was then that the notorious Pavel Durov launched his VKontakte project. At its core, it is a repetition of Zuckerberg's resource, but it also has distinctive features.

This site, no doubt, is familiar to almost every Russian-speaking Internet user. It gained immense popularity due to its wide entertainment and multimedia capabilities, as well as additional functions (money transfer, video calls, etc.). Users can create their own profiles, write messages, share news and read publics and groups.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the domestic analogue of the first Internet project for communication - Odnoklassniki. The resource was created in 2006 and is only slightly inferior to VKontakte in terms of attendance and popularity. This is an entertainment resource that allows you to search for friends, colleagues and fellow practitioners and stay in touch with them. It is worth noting that this service is intended for an older age category than Vkontakte (the average age of the audience is 16-35 years).

We briefly told you what the first social network was like, analyzed the history of social networks and gave vivid examples of the largest sites for communication, some of which still work today. Choose an option from functioning services, register and start communication.

The whole principle of work is built on convenient communication (communication) with users. It can be done in the following ways:

  • Groups and communities- they gather groups of people similar in some basic interest. For example, a community of fans of some musical group. There, people will be able to follow the news of this group, discuss it, share their opinions, offer their own cover versions of songs, and so on.
  • Personal correspondence
  • Microblogs and walls- here you can post your own posts. For example, news, and so on. Your followers and friends will be able to follow them, like them, and so on.
  • Comments

If this is a regular user, then as a rule, he creates a profile page and configures it. Then he looks for his friends, communicates with them, follows their news.

This user can post various information on his page (photos, videos, texts, and so on). At the same time, his friends will always be aware of the news. That is, if your friend posts a video about his vacation, then you will know about it.

You can also join various communities of interest and communicate with like-minded people there.

As a rule, separate groups and communities are created for this. In them, companies provide users with their offers. For example, discounts, contests, expert content, and so on.

Social networks have become so convenient in communication that businesses have begun to additionally use them as a platform for working with clients. For example, answer user questions. Give some recommendations to your target audience and so on.

History of social networks

First social network

The first social network actually emerged in 1999. It was Live Journal livejournal). And at first it looked more like a blog platform than a network. It was invented in the USA. But then the Russian company Klimenko ( President's Internet Adviser) bought this project.

In the future, this platform began to add elements of communication. If earlier it was only possible to publish text there, then useful features appeared. For example, following another person, comments, and so on.

Thanks to all these features, Live Journal has become a social network.

In general, speaking about the history of the emergence of social networks, many projects have appeared recently. However, most of them have not received much recognition from users. Therefore, here we will consider only the most popular sites.


After Live Journal, Twitter became popular. It has become a good replacement for livejournal. After all, there were big posts in LiveJournal at that time.

But the problem is that only a small percentage of people can write such large poems. As a result, people cannot interact with themselves through their content. They can only interact in comments.

Twitter, on the other hand, made it possible for all people to write small notes of 140 characters in order to outline their thoughts. This feature has made Twitter a popular LiveJournal replacement.

Also, do not forget that most people are lazy creatures. Not everyone likes to read huge posts. As a rule, most prefer to read small notes.

Twitter itself appeared in 2006 and began to rapidly gain momentum.


After Twitter, Facebook came to replace it, as it provided the opportunity to create direct and more understandable communication. In addition to the fact that you can post content, you can also quickly interact with people there. For example, chat with them.

At that time, Twitter did not have such an option in private messages. Therefore, due to this, the FB was promoted very quickly.

Initially, since 2004, Facebook was available only to students of various universities. But since 2006, this network has become available worldwide. In 2008, it became the most popular social network.


Facebook was followed by Instagram in 2011. He became famous for the content in the photo format.

But then I just wanted to look at the pictures. It was no longer important text support. People just wanted to flip through the photos. Instagram gave them that opportunity.

Then Instagram came to replace snapchat. It used actual photo content, which becomes unavailable after 24 hours. This, by the way, later became available on Instagram.

But why did it become so popular then? And it became popular because people needed only relevant content in real time.

For example, to write news, a journalist will need time to prepare the material. Come to the place of the event, find out everything and so on.

But with the advent of the chance to publish relevant content, we have the opportunity to post material on the go and in real time.

For example, if a car catches fire on my street now, I can immediately shoot a video and put it on the Internet. As a result, users will be able to get up-to-date information as quickly as possible.

But apart from the fact that Snapchat could get up-to-date information, there was no way to edit it clearly. You could add some filters. But it was impossible to change it harshly, like on Instagram, then.

Social networks in Russia

However, after the addition of pirated music and videos, VK began to take off at an incredible speed. This gave a big leap forward. As a result, in Russia it has become much more popular than Facebook.

Instagram- this is the next leader, which is also popular in Runet. Thanks to the ability to rummage through posts, this project began to gain popularity.

Facebook is the third most popular project in Runet. However, for the whole world, it was a cool social network. With us, he moved to another plan after Vkontakte appeared.

Well, the last popular social project in Runet is classmates. In fact, they have nothing unique. It's just that the network itself is developing through search and communication with classmates. It was created in 2006.

Here I have listed only the most popular social networks. Of course, there were many more. However, many of them are already closed. And besides, you can’t consider all projects here. Yes, this is nothing.

Why social networks will be in trend for a long time?

And despite the fact that we feel like we have been cooking in this topic for a long time, to the social. networks in the form in which they are now, we came not so long ago.

The second point is that every year these projects replace more and more familiar services from life. Usually this:

  • calls, sms
  • A television
  • Online shopping
  • Training and so on

The third point is that most large and small businesses are already using social media. It can be assumed that the business itself will force ordinary users to use these resources. For example, follow the news in the group.

That's all!

Not everyone knows that the concept of "social network" appeared in 1954 and, of course, had nothing to do with the Internet, and they began to study this phenomenon back in the 30s of the last century. The concept was introduced by sociologist James Barnes: a "social network" is a social structure consisting of a group of nodes that are social objects (people or organizations) and the connections between them (social relationships) (more on Wikipedia). In simpler terms, this is a certain group of familiar people, where the person himself is the center, and his acquaintances are branches. There are two-way or one-way links between all network members. For example, it can be a group of classmates in which a certain Jack is the center, and Bill and Catherine are his acquaintances (branches).

Gradually, the scientific concept gained popularity, first in the developed capitalist countries, then in Eastern Europe. As society has developed, we have come to the information age, in which we have created a lot of types of communication, which led to a leap in the development of social networks, and now this scientific concept is used everywhere. I will consider exclusively the development of social networks on the Internet.

A landmark event was the invention of the Internet, which became public in 1991, thanks to the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee.

In 1995, Randy Conrad created - the first social network in the modern sense. The concept turned out to be in great demand, and this year the rapid development of social networks on the Internet begins. Today, this network is still one of the most popular in the world and has more than 50 million users.

In 2004, Facebook appears, which in a few years becomes the most popular social network in the world. It uses the same communication mechanism, in a slightly different plane, which leads to a revolution in this area. The number of active users as of the middle of 2011 is more than 700 million.

In September 2005, Tim O'Reilly makes an ideological revolution by introducing the concept of "Web 2.0" in his article "Tim O'Reilly - What Is Web 2.0", which describes the modern Internet. One of the central parts of the new concept is occupied by social networks.

In 2008, the Groupon project appears - a collective discount service, which, on the one hand, is based precisely on the principle of social networks (call your friends and get a general discount), and on the other hand, uses social connections very superficially (only for purchases). The service connects communication and business, which can surely be called a new level of development of social networks on the Internet, which combines online and offline worlds.

For avid fans of social networks, I recommend the light program fvcheat. Very simple and easy to use, it will help you quickly get, for example, a large number of likes. I know that many girls madly want to see three- or even four-digit numbers next to the heart under their photo. And that's not all))) For those who are interested, you can find more information at the link.

It is generally accepted that social networks first appeared in the 2000s, although this is not entirely true. Now 50% of the world's population uses sites such as Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter and their analogues. All of them were created after 2006, but there are other projects that appeared much earlier.

The first social networks were created back in 1995, although there are still disputes about this. The fact is that in 1995 a prototype of the social. networks where you could find people, but personal pages did not start there (a kind of database). A resource with the ability to open profiles was created in 1997.

Social networks from A to Z

Initially, the site appeared, which was the base with people who studied somewhere, graduated from something, served, and so on. With the help of this resource, it was really possible to find old acquaintances, but it was not very convenient. Now the resource has been completely redesigned and continues to exist for people from all over the world. It quickly made functionality that allows you to open accounts.

As for the project launched in 1997, it can rightfully be called a social network. User pages have already been created here and there was functionality that we are used to using now. It was called, and lasted only until 2001. This is not surprising, at that time there was no mass distribution of the Internet, so only a few could spend a lot of time online. During its existence, it was even sold for a lot of money, this is how it looked:

The design is outdated, but what would you expect from a 2000 site. At that time, there were no technologies that could improve the appearance of resources, and the speed of the Internet left much to be desired.

The Sixdegrees website was based on the theory of "Six Handshakes", this was discussed in more detail in the article about. Since the advent of this resource, hundreds of analogues have been launched, but none of them has become world famous. Only in 2004 did the next social project appear, which everyone now uses.

The first popular social network

This is Facebook, launched back in 2004. Social networks, which have earned popularity all over the world, are opened by this particular resource. However, for the first two years it was corporate and only in 2006 (in September), everyone got the opportunity to register on it, provided that he was over 16 years old and had an e-mail.

It is from 2006 that the birth of the world of social networks is considered, since it was from it that the active popularization of such popular projects as MySpace and LinkedIn began. In the same year, an analogue of Facebook "Vkontakte" appeared, which now deserves the title of the most popular site in Russia and Ukraine.

This list can be continued indefinitely, other analogues soon appeared - Odnoklassniki, My World, Google + (which was created and remade several times) and so on. The era of social networks is now at its peak, but experts are confident that in the future it will become even more developed.

You now know about the first social networks that appeared on the Internet and you can use them not only for entertainment. Use and benefit from visiting your favorite resources. Believe me, this is much better than mindlessly flipping through other people's pages, updating the feed and exchanging empty messages.

With the development of technology Web 2.0 social networks have gained a tangible basis in the form of portals and web services. So, if you find a complete stranger on one of these sites, you can see the chain of intermediate acquaintances through which you are connected with him.

The emergence of social networks was a consequence of the development and spread of the Internet itself. According to statistics, about 50% of the population of our planet are in some kind of social network, and some even in several at once. The data about their youth speaks best of all about their popularity: 96% of young people communicate in social networks.

In principle, the birth of social networks began almost with the birth of the Internet itself in 1969 year. Social networks began their victorious march on the Internet in 1995 year from the American portal (“” is its Russian counterpart). The project turned out to be very successful, which in the next few years provoked the emergence of more than a dozen similar services. But 2003-2004 is considered to be the official start of the social media boom when LinkedIn, MySpace and Facebook were launched.

And if LinkedIn was created with the aim of establishing/maintaining business contacts, then the owners of MySpace and Facebook relied primarily on satisfying the human need for self-expression. Indeed, in accordance with Maslow's pyramid, it is self-expression that is the highest human need, ahead of even recognition and communication. Social networks have become a kind of Internet haven, where everyone can find a technical and social basis for creating their virtual "I". At the same time, each user got the opportunity not only to communicate and create, but also to share the fruits of their creativity with a multi-million audience of a particular social network.

first- these are social networks of the mid-90s, pioneers with the simplest functionality;
secondis the creation of social networks with wider functionality for basic interaction (from 2000 to the present day), and the last
thirdpart is social networks that solve specific problems: search for employees (business networks), games (gaming networks), information search (content networks), etc. According to this theory, we are now gradually moving from the second stage to the third.


so , various researchers suggest considering the very first

socially o-network resource network, created by Randy Conrads in 1995. The site provided users with the opportunity to reconnect with former classmates, classmates, colleagues,

friends. The network operates to this day and has more than 50 million users in the US and Canada. In addition, its services are available to residents of Sweden, Germany, Austria and France. But for quite a long time, this social portal did not support the functions of creating personal profiles and adding friends. That is, the user could only be connected to his educational institution and provide him with a list of students who studied at this institution.

based on the theory of six handshakes

Some researchers consider it the first full-fledged social network, not Classmates, but the project, launched in 1997. At the time, many web services offered features such as

creating a personal page or a list of friends, but separately. was the first social networking service to combine these features, and over time (in 1998) added a new one, such as searching through friends pages.

This project was closest to modern social networks, however, in 2001 the portal ceased to exist. The founder of the network, Andrew Weinreich, explained this by saying that the service was simply ahead of its time. In 2000, less than half of US residents had Internet access. In other words, registered users did not have enough friends and acquaintances with Internet access to make communication on this site even interesting.

First of all, attention should be paid to the mechanism of formation of social ties and the type of information dissemination. There are three key points that directly affect the classification of the social world. So, for example, for a traditional first-generation service of the “Web 2.0” era, they have the following features:

1 - Users find those people they know in real life and decide whether it is interesting to communicate with them or not.
2 - Users find the information they are interested in on their own.

3 - Information is distributed virally, as public messages. No choice of target audience for a specific information flow .

LiveJournal.comFirst blog hosting

In 1999, an American student-programmer opened a service There you could create a fairly detailed profile. Soon service

provided the ability to add contacts (friends). Livejournal became the first

mass hosting of blogs (electronic diaries) and the first Western social

service that has become popular in Russia. By the number of Russian users are

in second place after the US.

In 2000, the Swedish Lunar Storm, in 2001 - Korean Cyworld. Network for businessmen

The second wave of appearance of social networks came in 2001-2004. For social services that appeared in this period of time, the division into niches is typical, one of which was business. In 2001, became the first web resource focused on initiating and maintaining business contacts. This project gave impetus to the formation of such well-known web services as LinkedIn(founded by Reed Hoffman in December 2002, launched in May 2003) And Friendster ( founded in 2002 by Jonathan Abrams). LinkedIn has become a powerful network resource in this direction. Friendster overestimated its capabilities and simply could not bear the influx of visitors. Constant technical difficulties on the service have led to the fact that some users have gone to other sites, in particular to myspace.

Social networks of the second wave.

In 2003 network was createdmyspace, the main users of which were rock bands. For NezFor dependent musicians, the portal has become a kind of platform for self-presentation. In addition, fans of rock music have the opportunity to communicate with their idols and even add them as friends. Today MySpace is the second largest social network after Facebook.Since 2004, all kinds of online communities from a wide variety of niches have begun to use social networking tools on their services. In Russia they, based on common interests, such for dog for– for activists and volunteers, for Christians.

Third generation networks


In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg (a Harvard student) launched the Facebook portal, which today is the largest social network in the world.Yu. But initially, registration was only available to Harvard students. Gradually, students from other universities, and then schoolchildren, gained access to Facebook. By 2008, Facebook took the palm from MySpace and became the world's largest social network, the service of which is available in 40 languages. And its founder became the youngest billionaire that year.

FB is a model of the old social platform, which today is struggling to cope with the task before it and does not meet the requirements of modernity at all. This giant keeps afloat only due to its authority, which is facilitated by a number of very important factors.

Twitter r

American programmer Jack Dorsey launched the Twitter project in 2006, which developed most dynamically among new social networking projects. The service is compared with the usual blog hosting, but the specifics of working with it, the form of the service, as well as the style of messages are somewhat different than in blogs. In 2008, during the Mumbai bombing, Twitter was evidence that the evolution of social media has led to the emergence of new ways of knowing the media.

INcontact - the leader in the CIS

Russian analogue of social networks. The project "VKontakte" was founded in 2006 by the St. Petersburg programmer Pavel Durov (co-author - his brother Nikolai). In many ways, the site copies the popular Facebook, although the authors of the project refute this. Today, the VKontakte network is the largest social network resource in the CIS. It is one of the 30 most visited portals in the world. In addition, "Vkontakte" is known as the largest video and audio hosting in Runet.