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Does rtk komi support ipv6 protocol. IPv6 protocol: setting on Windows systems

Many ISPs already provide their customers with Internet access via the TCP/IPv6 protocol. Setting up a network card to work with the protocol is not difficult. But there are times when an IPv6 notification appears without network access. How to fix the error and access the Internet, read in the framework of this article.

About the protocol

The TCP/IPv6 protocol is supported by all Microsoft operating systems, starting with Windows 7 and higher. If you use a router to distribute the Internet over your home local network, then it makes no sense to configure an IPv6 connection. The router operates on a home network using the TCP/IPv4 protocol. You just need to set the correct settings in the admin panel of the router towards the provider.

If you do not use a router, but get access to the Internet directly from the provider (the Internet cable is connected directly to the computer), then you can configure IPv6 by following the instructions below.

Enable TCP/IPv6

By default, this protocol is already configured to automatically connect to the Internet in Windows 7, 8, 10. But often errors appear during operation. The reason for the disconnection may be some program that has made changes to the network settings. To check if TCP/IPv6 is enabled, run the following:


If the provider provides Internet access via the IPv6 protocol, in 99.9% it uses its own DHCPv6 server, which assigns an address to the connection automatically. This means that you do not need to manually enter an IPv6 address. Just check the box "Obtain an IPv6 address automatically".

The only thing is you can set up alternative DNS.

How to find out your IPv6 address?

It is enough to look in the connected connection for the necessary information:

Important! If in the status bar “IPv6 connection: No network access”, but that your provider does not support an IPv6 connection, then you need. They will help you get uninterrupted access to sites that use only an IPv6 connection.

One of the most common protocols for accessing the Internet, as well as a means of data transfer, is the IPv4 protocol. However, the new development of the sixth version, for which support for the latest operating systems of the Windows family is declared, looks much more preferable.

The problem is that the user often gets messages that IPv6 is being used without Internet access. What is the IPv6 protocol? When considering a question related to the protocol itself, attention should first of all be paid to the basics.

It is important to understand what this protocol is all about. In short and clear, this is a special system that is responsible for generating, assigning and distributing unique dynamic and static IP addresses to computer terminals around the world. This operation is carried out by means of a DHCP server, and in such a way that no address is ever repeated. All distribution protocols known today work on the same principle. Among them, IPv6 is considered the most promising. Today, few people imagine working without access to the Internet. The number of personal computers and mobile devices has grown so much that the current system simply cannot generate new addresses.

IPv6 vs. IPv4: Benefits

Let's dive into history. This type of protocol, which received the abbreviation IPv4, was created in the 70s of the last century. At that time, no one seriously thought about the fact that this system can create only 4 billion addresses. It was believed that this would be quite enough for all generations. The protocol itself implied the use of a 32-bit address, which consisted of 8 digits. This meant that it was possible to generate so many identifiers.

IPv4 has simply proved to be ineffective. The thing is that in recent years the number of mobile devices has increased significantly. This put the developers in a dead end. After all, each device must be assigned its own unique, never repeating internal and external identifier. Then it became clear that the system needed to be changed. First, the ST / ST2 protocol was developed, which had the informal name IPv5. This protocol has not been widely used in practice. It was used only as an add-on to IPv4, and then only by some companies that tested it. IPv6 technology, which involves generating an IP address of 128 bits, has become a global breakthrough. There are millions more options for creating unique combinations.

Many leading experts believe that the number of generated addresses is practically unlimited. It is worth noting that the protocol itself, no matter how surprising it may sound, was developed back in the early 90s. It began to receive software support and wide distribution only now, and even then not from all Internet providers. Thus, if the user receives a notification that the system has an IPv6 protocol installed without access to the Internet, then it is highly likely that the provider does not support this network access technology. In other words, he simply does not have a DHCPv6 server installed, which is responsible for all addresses.

How to activate the IPv6 protocol

Let's get down to practical steps. The statement of the problem must begin with a condition. We have an IPv6 protocol setup without internet access. Operating systems Windows 7 and above make it possible to use these settings, but only on the condition that access is supported at the level of the Internet provider. Otherwise, all configuration steps will be meaningless. First of all, you need to perform a few simple operations to make sure that the protocol is actually activated. We call the command line using the Win + R combination, after that we write the ipconfig command for a single terminal user and ipconfig / all for machines that are on the local network and are directly connected to this terminal. If the IPv6 protocol is not displayed on the screen, proceed to the configuration.

IPv6 without internet access

First of all, in the properties of network connections, which are selected from the standard control panel, you need to put a “tick” in the protocol enable line. Access will be much easier if you enter the ncpa.cpl command in the Run menu. Now you need to use the properties button, which is located at the bottom right. The required settings will appear in the window that opens.

General settings

If the provider has an active DHCPv6 server that is running on its own network, then usually there are no problems. The settings for obtaining an IP address and DNS server are set automatically. The server will independently determine the addresses for those machines that are connected to it.

Setting parameters in manual mode

If automatic tuning is not possible for some reason, then you can try to use manual settings. In this case, special attention should be paid to the fact that the address of a particular computer terminal should not coincide with the address of the router. The last digit in the router is one. The computer can be set to values ​​like 10, 101, or 100. The address range will still be between 0-256. It should also be noted here that in a situation where there is an active connection via the IPv6 protocol without access to the Internet, the operating system may require an alternative configuration, the settings of which are usually associated with entering the correct DNS server addresses.

IPv6 without Internet access: ways to fix the problem

If we talk about alternative settings for any operating systems, then here it is necessary to take into account several important nuances. So, for example, in Windows XP, it is desirable to activate the protocol when using the following commands: Netsh (Enter) - Interface (Enter) - ipv6 (Enter) - Install (Enter). This is not the end of the activation process. In certain cases, it may be necessary to set the address of the alternative and preferred DNS server manually. Here you need to immediately pay attention to the moment that the address will consist of 16 digits and it should not be configured according to the data received from the provider.

For example, the most common configuration today is Google services settings, in which the last four digits in the address assignment can be either four 8s, or two 8s and two 4s. For the Yandex service, things are even worse. Here you will have to prescribe such combinations of numbers and letters that the user's head can just go round. Let's consider some particular cases. We have an activated IPv6 protocol without internet access. As an initial example, consider the Internet provider Rostelecom. The problem in this case again comes down to specifying the correct server addresses. Now we will not talk about a possible reboot of the router, set-top box or other device. In the DNS address line, you can write 8s and 4s, as mentioned above, or use the Yandex settings (enter the value

Everything works without any problems. A few more words should be said about the IPv6 protocol. ByFly (Belarusian operator) has quite a lot of communication problems. According to user feedback, the connection speed is limited to 600 kbps. As you understand, with such a quality of communication, there is no need to talk about any settings that could affect the throughput. Alternatively, you can try using the above options. In some cases, when creating a connection, it is necessary to use unencrypted passwords and protocols (CHAP and PAP). The security of such connections is questionable.

Health check

Let's assume we have done all the settings correctly. Now it remains only to check whether the protocol really works. To do this, you need to use the command line again. Enter ipconfig here. After completing all the procedures, the protocol with the assigned address will be indicated on the screen. You can also go to the Network and Sharing Center and check the connection status. In extreme cases, you can simply click on the connection icon in the system tray and go to the desired menu.

Setup Guide

Updated on 09-24-2018 08:31:40 AM

This article is suitable for:

Archer A6(V2) , Archer A7(V5) , TL-WR1043N(V5) , Archer C60(V2 V3) , Archer AX50(V1) , Archer C8(V3 V4) , Archer C9(V4 V5) , Archer AX10(V1 ) , Archer C6(V2) , Archer C7(V4 V5) , Archer C4000(V2) , Archer C5400(V2) , Archer AX6000(V1) , Archer C1900(V2) , Archer C59(V2 V3) , Archer C58(V2 ) , Archer C1200(V2 V3) , Archer A20(V1) , Archer AX1500(V1) , Archer A10(V1) , Archer C5400X(V1) , Archer C900(V1) , Archer C80(V1) , Archer AX3000(V1)

Your ISP provides information about one of the following IPv6 Internet connection types: PPPoE, Dynamic IP (SLAAC / DHCPv6), Static IP, 6to4 tunnel, pass-through (bridge).

1.Login to the web interface of the router. If you don't know how to do this, please refer to the articles below:

2. Go to the section Additional settings (Advanced) > IPv6 .

3. Enable IPv6 and select the type of internet connection provided by your ISP.


If you do not know the type of Internet connection, contact your ISP or an expert according to the already known information provided by the ISP.

4. Fill in the information according to the requirements of different connection types. Red spaces must be filled.

1) Static IP address: Fill in the blanks and click Save ( Save).

2) Dynamic IP(SLAAC / DHCPv6): Click Advanced ( Advanced) to enter additional information if your ISP requires it. Click the Save button ( Save) and then - update ( Renew).

3) PPPoE: By default, the router uses an IPv4 account to connect to an IPv6 server. Click Advanced Settings ( Advanced) to enter additional information required by your ISP. Click the Save button ( SaveConnect).


If your ISP provides two separate accounts for IPv4 and IPv6 connections, clear the Use the same session with IPv4 connection check box and manually enter the username and password for the IPv6 connection.

4) Tunnel 6to4: Internet connection type IPv4 is a prerequisite for this type of connection. Click Advanced Settings ( Advanced) to enter additional information if required by your ISP. Click the Save button ( Save) and click the Connect button ( Connect).

5) Pass Through (Bridge): click Save ( Save) and go to step 6.

5. Configure LAN ports. Windows users are advised to choose one of the first two types. Enter the address prefix provided by your ISP and click the Save button ( Save).

Probably, many users of computer systems, delving into the network settings, noticed that in the list of protocols, in addition to the well-known IPv4, there is also the sixth version (IPv6). Setting up this protocol and everything connected with it will now be considered in the review.

TCP/IPv6: what is it?

Actually, in simple terms, the sixth version of the protocol is simply the successor to the fourth version of IPv4, which was developed back in the 70s of the last century. Like its predecessor, the IPv6 protocol is responsible for the network identification of computer terminals by assigning each of them a unique external address.

As for the differences, IPv6 is able to generate a much larger number of unique addresses and, unlike the fourth version, which, even according to the most conservative estimates, cannot cope with its direct function, uses a 128-bit combination, and not the outdated 32-bit standard . It is not difficult to guess that the number of generated addresses is increasing simply incredibly. Among other things, here the level of security of connections is an order of magnitude higher, at least.

IPv6 setup (Windows 7 and above)

But it was all theory. Let's move on to practice and see how IPv6 Windows systems are configured, starting with the "seven". Windows XP, due to declining relevance, will not be considered. Yes, and setting the protocol parameters in it is somewhat more complicated.

But the so-called boxed versions of Windows 7 and above are ready to use the sixth version of the TCP / IP Internet protocol immediately after installation. By and large, the user does not need to set anything up. The main thing is only to enable the protocol itself.

Another thing is that the problem may lie in the provider's service. It either supports IPv6 or it doesn't. As a rule, large companies providing Internet connection services have an active DHCP server at their disposal. IPv6 (the setting will be presented below) in this case will be automatically activated by the provider.

Now another important point. Here you need to pay special attention to the connection itself, in which it is supposed to use the IPv6 protocol. Setting, if the user connects through a wireless router (router), involves only its activation exclusively towards the provider, and it is on the router, which will be discussed below. But in the network parameters, there is no point in using it.

So, the provider has an active DHCPv6 server. The user asks the question of activating the IPv6 protocol. The setup initially involves entering the network connections section. You can do this in the simplest way using the ncpa.cpl command, entered in the Run menu. Right-click on the adapter to bring up the menu and select the properties menu. In a new window, on the network tab, make sure that the protocol is checked, that is, its use is enabled.

Now we enter the properties of the IPv6 protocol. In a new window, as a rule, automatic parameters for obtaining an IP address and a DNS server should be specified.

If the automatic assignment of the main values ​​​​is not provided, you need to find out the data from the provider, and then enter them in the appropriate fields. For example, IP can be left in automatic assignment mode, and for DNS servers use combinations of the XXXX:XXXX:XXXX::XXXX format (or vice versa, use the desired IP, and leave DNS in automatic mode). At the same time, you can also configure servers according to the recommendations, for example, of some common services such as Google, Yandex, etc. Such settings can be found on the Internet.

Checking if the settings are correct

Now you need to make sure that the protocol is enabled and working. To do this, we use the right click on the network connection icon in the system tray and select the status bar, after which we press the details button.

If the IPv6 value is present in the new window, everything is fine. In addition, on the Internet today you can find quite a lot of specialized resources that allow you to test the use of the IPv6 protocol online. There is no point in listing all of them. It is enough to search for the same Google and Yandex services.

IPv6 (Zyxel): configuring the protocol on routers

Finally, a few words about setting up the protocol on the router. Let's take Zyxel models as an example. In advance, you need to make sure that the firmware version of at least 2.00 is installed on the router. First, we enter the menu of the router through the address bar of the browser ( and use the login admin and password 1234.

In the settings, you need to check the box next to the IPv6 protocol. The configuration is done by creating a new connection with automatic parameter retrieval (ideally, of course) or using special clients like web configurators or tunnel brokers. If this option does not work, you will have to use special commands, and set the setting from the command line. Due to the complexity for the average user, the methodology is not given. But. If someone has a desire, a complete list of commands can be found all on the same Internet.


As you can see, setting up the IPv6 protocol is completely simple both in activation and in configuration. Here the most important condition is its support from the provider. Everything else is automated to the limit, so that on Windows 7 systems and above, you can just use the protocol and immediately start using it for an Internet connection.

Ipv6: definition, activation and configuration

In Windows operating systems, access to the World Wide Web is carried out thanks to the TCP / IP protocol, the principle of which is carried out by allocating an IP address to each computer, which is unique for each terminal. However, many novice users turn to the Ipv6 protocol. What is this technology and what are the main differences between it and Ipv4, and what prospects does it have in the near future? Definition of IPv6

If you do not go into technological details, then Ipv6 is a more modern and modernized version of Ipv4, which was born back in the late 70s. It is based on identical working algorithms embedded in its colleague. The main difference lies in the IP distribution system and a more reliable protection system.

Most users do not encounter IP addresses when browsing the web because the connection process is done using domains, also called DNS. However, in order to better understand the device and the underlying factors of this technology, it is necessary to consider in more detail how this protocol works.

Historical facts When modern Internet technologies were just beginning to develop and the World Wide Web was just being created, a special technology for recognizing computers on the network was developed, which provided easier and faster access to the Internet. According to the theory behind this technology, each terminal had to have a unique IP address, which would be different for each machine.

The principle of operation of this technology was based on the routing and transmission of data arrays over the Internet or many local networks interconnected through servers or separate systems. For a more illustrative example of this, we can cite the functioning of e-mail, in which each letter has its own addressee. Thus, if several machines have the same IP address, such sending will simply become impossible, and the letter will simultaneously receive several users with the same addresses. At that time, mail servers did not yet exist, and everything worked using the POP3 and SMTP protocols. At that time, the Ipv4 protocol was born, the principle of which was based on the creation of a thirty-two-bit four-digit personal address. It follows from the above that more than four billion different IP addresses were created at the same time.

To date, this approach has completely outlived its usefulness, since new addresses simply cannot be created anymore. According to some IT specialists, the end of the era of this protocol took place back in 2009. It was then that the engineers began to think about possible ways to solve the problem. Thus, the Ipv6 protocol appeared, which in fact is not an innovative development, but is only an upgraded version of Ipv4. It is worth noting that alternative technology was also being developed, which even received its unique name - ST, and was later renamed Ipv5. However, it was never able to find application in practice and was later completely forgotten. Therefore, today Ipv6 is considered the most modern standard, which is the future.

IPv4 VS Ipv6: Key Differences

Let's understand the main differences between these two standards. The main one is the length, which in the new standard is 128 bits instead of the 32 bits that were implemented in the legacy technology. Thus, the increased length made it possible to generate an infinite number of new unique IP addresses.

In addition, the outdated technology also had a significant number of various problems that negatively affected the stability of the work. Among them are the data transfer speed, as well as the low level of protection of user confidential information. When creating a more modern protocol, which later became Ipv6, all problems and shortcomings were completely eliminated, however, this did not bring much popularity to the new technology, even despite the fact that it is implemented in modern versions of operating systems. Despite implementation, it remains disabled by default. Moreover, not all companies providing network access services support this technology at the proper level. If there is none at all, then the user will receive a system notification that the Ipv6 protocol is enabled without connecting to the Internet.

Activating the Ipv6 protocol in modern versions of Windows

Microsoft has implemented support for Ipv6 technology in its operating systems starting from seven and above, so we will consider the process of enabling this protocol using the example of these particular Windows. It should be noted right away that if your computer is connected to the local network through a wireless router, then there is no point in activating and configuring the protocol, since there will be no effect. But if a direct wired connection is used, then this is very important.

The first step is to find out if this technology is activated in Windows. To do this, open a command window and run the ipconfig command. If there is no mention of this technology on the screen, then it is deactivated and needs to be manually started. To activate it, you need to go to network connections, and then open the "Properties" of the required network adapter. In the window that opens, check the Ipv6 protocol and configure it, which we will talk about a little later. Activating IPv6 in Windows XP

If everything is clear with modern OS versions, then how to activate the Ipv6 protocol in an outdated XP? You can enable this technology in the same way through the properties of network connections, however, it is much easier to do this through the command line using a specific set of commands. To do this, you need to run the commands in turn: Netsh, Interface, ipv6 and install. If such a procedure seems too complicated for you, then the activation of the Ipv6 protocol is carried out through the properties of network connections in the same way as the method described above.

Setting up IPv6 in automatic mode

So, you have enabled the Ipv6 protocol, what to do next? Now you need to configure it, however, this is only relevant if the provider supports the above technology. Most often, to configure Ipv6, there is no need to manually enter IP addresses. In most cases, companies that provide Internet access use DHCPv6 servers that use dynamic IP addresses. In layman's terms, each computer is assigned a temporary individual address that is only valid for the duration of one session. On subsequent connections, a new IP address will be allocated.

Thus, to configure Ipv6, you just need to check the boxes next to the items for automatically obtaining IPs and DNS addresses. If configuration in automatic mode is not possible for some reason, but the operating system supports Ipv6, then the IP will be assigned automatically, and the DNS server address will need to be registered independently.

Alternative tuning methods

If you have enabled Ipv6 support in Windows, but find that automatic configuration is not possible, then do not despair, as there are alternative methods of configuration.

There is nothing complicated in this, the main thing is to specify the correct values ​​​​of the primary and secondary DNS addresses. For the stable operation of the protocol, it will be enough to register 2001:4860:4860::8888 as the main DNS server address and 2001:4860:4860::8844 as an additional one. The proxy server settings can be left blank, since it is not used in most addresses of computers that are part of local networks.

It should be noted right away that the IP addresses required to work with Google and Yandex services will differ, however, this does not make a fundamental difference. Nevertheless, in order not to experience any particular problems when accessing the network, it is recommended to check the parameters of the alternative Ipv6 protocol configuration option with your provider, however, in most cases this is not required, since the automatic configuration goes without any problems.

Health check

Let's assume that you have already activated and configured the Ipv6 protocol, what to do next? Now you need to perform a health check to make sure that everything was done correctly. This can be done using the ipconfig command, which should be run through the command line. If no errors were made during the activation and configuration process, then Ipv6 will be displayed on the monitor display. To get information about the IP addresses used by the computer, you need to view the data on the state of the network connection. You can do this simply by clicking on the corresponding icon located in the tray near the system time.


So, our article has come to its logical conclusion. In it, we examined the main aspects that relate to the modern Internet protocol Ipv6, namely its activation and configuration. As you have probably already seen, this is not difficult, and the process itself takes place in a similar way for different versions of Windows. Finally, it is worth noting that this technology is the future, because every day the number of modern gadgets is only increasing and they all support this technology.

Setting up IPv6 in Windows 8.1

1. Service setup

First we need to enable the "IP Helper Service" service (if it is disabled)

My Computer (context menu) -> Management -> Services We are looking for "IP Helper Service", call properties, set the startup type to "Automatic", and Run:

2. Put down DNS servers

we put down the Google DNS IPv6 DNS server

2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844

Without setting up DNSv6, you won't be able to open websites in the browser by their domain name. We do not touch the IPv4 settings.
3. Installing and Configuring Teredo Launch the "Local Group Policy Editor"

Run - gpedit.msc

Administrative Templates –> Network –> TCP/IP Settings –> IPv6 Tunneling Technologies Default Teredo Classification -> Enable -> Enabled State Teredo Update Rate –> Enable –> 30 Teredo State –> Enable –> Enterprise Client Teredo Client Port -> Not set Server name Teredo –> Enable –> Choose from the list: (France) (Finland) (United Kingdom / USA) default for windows teredo.ngix. (South Korea) (USA, Chicago) (Spain)

For reliable and fast work, I advise: or But it’s better to check the availability of all servers yourself, through ping Servers from microsoft work and are located in different parts of the planet, which one you get is pure chance !
We go further. For more productive work of IPv6, we disable other tunneling technologies in the bud:

6to4 relay name -> Disable

6to4 Relay Name Resolution Interval -> Disable 6to4 State -> ENABLE -> Disabled State IP-HTTPS State -> Disable ISATAP Router Name -> Disable ISATAP State -> ENABLE -> Disabled State

That's all!

Use the service to check.

The service was created specifically for those who are struggling with setting up IPv6, it will tell you about all the problems, conduct a sufficient number of tests, and at the same time show your IPv6 address.

A source

IPv6 - what is it? How to enable iPv6?

As you know, in computer systems with Windows OS on board, the TCP / IP protocol system is used to access the Internet, which provides for assigning to each terminal a certain unique IP address that is not repeated on any machine (meaning external IP). But today, many are looking more and more towards the IPv6 protocol. What it is, how to enable and configure it, will now be considered. In addition, it will be possible to see a significant difference between IPv4 and IPv6, as well as learn about the prospects for the introduction of new technology in the near future.

IPv6: what is it?

In plain language, IPv6 is an improved version of the IPv4 protocol, which was developed back in the 70s of the last century.

In principle, in terms of the basic algorithms embedded in the IPv6 functioning system, this protocol is almost identical to the original approach. The difference is only in the assignment and allocation of addresses to computer terminals and the security system.

An ordinary user, when using Internet access, in most cases practically does not encounter IP addresses, since the so-called domain name system, abbreviated DNS, is responsible for all connection setup procedures. However, in order to better understand the topic: “IPv6: what is it?”, You should understand a little about the basic principles of the operation of this protocol.

A bit of history

At the dawn of the development of Internet technologies, a special method was developed for identifying computer terminals for quick and convenient access to the World Wide Web. As it was then assumed, each machine should have a unique identifier, and one that would not be repeated even once.

The purpose of this approach was to route and transmit data over networks or interconnected networks between servers and individual computers (eg e-mail). Agree, because sending a letter or message should be made to a specific addressee. And with two or more identical terminal IP addresses, delivery can be made to anyone. At that time there were no official mail servers, but the POP3 and SMTP protocols were used.

It was in those years that the IPv4 protocol was developed, which involved the creation of a unique address in the form of four numbers of 8 bits each, which in total gave 32 bits. Thus, it was about creating about four billion never repeating addresses.

Today the situation has changed, and, as it turned out, the IPv4 protocol is no longer able to generate new addresses. Some experts argue that he had exhausted his possibilities by 2009. It was then that many scientific minds thought about how to expand the basic parameters. In fact, these developments in the form of an additional add-on for IPv4 were started back in the late 70s and then they were called the ST protocol, then ST2, and a little later - the unofficial name IPv5. But this development did not take root, it was not even adopted in terms of long-term development. Today it is believed that IPv6 will soon become the newest and most demanded protocol.

Difference between IPv4 and IPv6 protocols

Now let's look at the main differences between these two systems. The most important thing is that the length of any IP address is 128 bits. Accordingly, the number of newly created unique identifiers can be increased almost indefinitely.

At the same time, IPv4 has quite a lot of serious security problems in terms of data encryption, as well as bandwidth. In addition, in this system, with the same information transfer, quite strong delays are observed, which negatively affects the operation of some network applications.

When developing IPv6, all this was taken into account, but the protocol itself has not yet received widespread adoption, although it is present in the latest operating systems, but is not enabled by default. In addition, not all providers support Internet access at this level. It's good to have such support. Otherwise, the user, even after correct configuration in automatic mode, will receive a message stating that IPv6 is being used without access to the network. However, even if this protocol is not yet used, the main points for enabling and configuring it still need to be considered.

How to enable IPv6 on Windows 7 and above

So, for starters, let's look at systems like the "seven" and above. Let's make a reservation right away: if, for example, a router (wireless router) is used at home, it makes no sense to configure IPv6 to work on a local network, except perhaps only towards the provider. But if the cable is connected directly, then yes.

First you need to check if the protocol is enabled on the system. This can be done quite simply by entering the command ipconfig on the command line (call via cmd in the Run menu or the Win + R combination). If there is no mention of IPv6 on the screen, the protocol will have to be enabled manually.

How to enable IPv6? Yes, just use the network connections section in the standard "Control Panel", but it's easier to enter the ncpa.cpl command in the same "Run" menu.

Now select the adapter network and enter its properties. Here you should check the box next to the name of the protocol, and then configure it (this will be discussed separately).

Enabling IPv6 in Windows XP

Now let's look at the XP version of Windows. In principle, IPv6 can also be enabled on this system through the properties of network connections in the Control Panel, but it is easier to do this from the command line, where the following commands are sequentially written:

netsh (+ input),

Interface (+ input),

IPv6 (+ input),

Install (+ enter).

Activation of the protocol from the "Control Panel" is identical to the case described above.

Automatic setting

Now let's look at configuring IPv6. The Internet connection will only benefit from this (again, the setting is relevant only if the provider supports this protocol).

In most cases, the IPv6 address received by the computer terminal does not need to be manually entered for correct IPv6 configuration. This is due to the fact that almost all large provider companies have an active DHCPv6 server in their own network, from which, in fact, IP is assigned, that is, the server itself issues an IPv6 address to a certain machine.

Thus, for the simplest configuration, you should use the fields for automatically obtaining an IP address and a DNS server address. If automatic configuration is not possible, but there is IPv6 support, the IP address can be obtained automatically, but the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the preferred DNS server will have to be entered manually. And here there are some snags.

How to enable IPv6 is probably already clear. Now a few words directly about setting up an alternative configuration.

As mentioned above, the main role here is to set the correct values ​​\u200b\u200bof the preferred and alternative DNS server. For practical use, the following data should be entered (for example, for Google services):

The preferred DNS is 2001:4860:4860::8888.

Alternate DNS - 2001:4860:4860::8844.

The proxy settings can be left unchanged. In most cases, the proxy server is not enabled for local addresses.

It goes without saying that you can use, say, addresses for Yandex services, etc. In this case, this does not play a special role. However, it is best, if possible, to find out the parameters of an alternative configuration from the provider. As they say, it will be more reliable. However, as practice shows, in most cases, automatic settings also work fine.

Checking work

So, enabling and configuring IPv6 is done. Now it remains to make sure that the protocol is really enabled and works without problems.

To check the connection, we use the same ipconfig command. After all the correctly performed procedures and settings, the protocol should be displayed on the screen. If you set out to view the address, you can simply click on the network connection icon in the system tray and select the status menu. The same can be done from the "Control Panel", where the appropriate section of network connections is selected, followed by the transition to the active connection.

Instead of an afterword

Here, in a nutshell, is all that concerns the IPv6 protocol. What it is, I think, is already a little clear. As you can see, the settings, in general, are not so complicated as it might seem at first glance. All of them are available in the corresponding sections in the "Control Panel". True, in XP it is still better to use the command line.

According to most experts, in the coming years there will be a complete transition to a new type of protocol, since it has rather great prospects, as well as a more advanced system of functioning. After all, if you look, the matter is no longer limited to computers alone. What only consists of an incredibly increased number of mobile equipment, and after all, to access the Internet, each such device is also assigned a unique identifier. So IPv4 simply cannot cope with such an impossible task.

It is believed that in the near future the use of mobile gadgets will increase even more. Well, the new IPv6-based address distribution system will help to cope with such a situation. It is her future, especially since, due to the increasing number of devices that require connection to the World Wide Web, almost exponentially, the new protocol has much more options for providing addresses, and even more bandwidth.

pet Linux

Teredo is a network protocol designed to transmit IPv6 packets over IPv4 networks, in particular through NAT devices, by encapsulating them in UDP datagrams. In short, a useful feature if the site (host) has only an IPv6 address, and you need to go to the edge.

There are two ways fast (always helped me) and not fast at all:

1. Use the ready-made batch file - TEREDO-WIN7.bat (zip) (run as Administrator!), Written for an ordinary user of the Russian version of Windows7 / 8, and then check the performance on

Pause reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Dnscache\Parameters /v AddrConfigControl /t REG_DWORD /d 0 timeout /T 3 sc config iphlpsvc start= auto net start iphlpsvc timeout /T 10 netsh interface ipv6 reset timeout /T 3 netsh interface ipv6 set dns "Local Area Connection" static 2001:4860:4860::8888 primary validate= no netsh interface isatap set state disabled netsh interface 6to4 set state disabled netsh interface teredo set state type=enterpriseclient refreshinterval =default clientport=default

timeout /T 3 netsh int ipv6 delete route::/0 Teredo netsh int ipv6 add route::/0 Teredo

timeout /T 3 ipconfig /flushdns Pause

Reboot if it doesn't work right away

2. Or make the necessary settings yourself:

Step I. Remove unnecessary My computer (context menu) - Device Manager

View - Show hidden devices.

Feel free to remove only what is related to Teredo, ISATAP, 6to4 and IPHTTPS:

We check through the command line (start -\u003e run -\u003e cmd, or the keyboard shortcut WIN + R) Using the ipconfig command:

Step II. Setting up the service First we need to enable the "IP Helper Service" service (if it is disabled)

My Computer (context menu) -> Management -> Services We are looking for "IP Helper Service", call properties, set the startup type to "Automatic", and enable:

Step III. Configuring local IPv6 (optional item) Enter "Network Connections" in the address bar of the explorer

Then you need to assign an explicit IPv6 address in the network settings - subnet mask: 48

Calculate your local IPv6 based on local IPv4 (exactly the one on the network card): Enter your local IPv4 and take the value from “IPv6 (IPv6 routing to IPv4)” (default is your external IP)

Example: → 2002:c0a8:0102:: → 2002:ac10:0002::

If you do not have a local IP (your OS immediately has an external IP), then converting local ipv4 to ipv6 is not required, because it does not exist. It is enough to enter only DNS addresses ...

Often, explicitly assigning a local IPv6 address in a Teredo setup is not required.

Step IV. DNSv6 destination For this I can advise using Google DNS IPv6

2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844 Without configuring DNSv6, you will not be able to open websites in the browser by their domain name.

We do not touch the IPv4 settings.

Step V. Installing and Configuring Teredo Launching the "Local Group Policy Editor"

Start - Run - gpedit.msc (Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate)

(Installing gpedit.msc on Windows 7 Starter, Home)

Administrative Templates –> Network –> TCP/IP Settings –> IPv6 Tunneling Technologies Default Teredo Classification -> Enable -> Enabled State Teredo Update Rate –> Enable –> 30 Teredo State –> Enable –> Enterprise Client Teredo Client Port -> Not set

Server name Teredo –> Enable –> Select from the list: (France) (Finland) (United Kingdom / USA) default for windows (South Korea) (USA , Chicago) (Spain) For reliable and fast work, I advise: or But it's better to check the availability of all servers yourself using ping

Servers from microsoft work and are located in different parts of the planet, which one will fall out to you - pure coincidence!

We go further. For better IPv6 performance, disable other tunneling technologies at the root: 6to4 Relay Name -> Disable 6to4 Relay Name Resolution Interval -> Disable 6to4 Status -> ENABLE -> Disabled IP-HTTPS Status -> Disable ISATAP Router Name -> Disable

ISATAP State -> ENABLE -> Disabled State

Step VI. Configuring the interface / routes Start - Run - cmd (or keyboard shortcut WIN + R)

route print -6 And in the “Interface List” section, find out the Teredo interface (if there is none, reboot)

It remains to execute the last 2 commands

netsh int ipv6 delete route::/0 Teredo netsh int ipv6 add route::/0 Teredo wait a few seconds and check if IPv6 is working:


In some cases, however, even after that, Teredo remains inactive, then it needs to be activated forcibly: If external IPv4 is dynamically allocated, the last two commands will have to be repeated after each turning off / on the router / modem or every time the address is changed (usually once a day), what is the best way to create a batch file (*.bat):

timeout /T 15 netsh int ipv6 delete route::/0 Teredo timeout /T 3 netsh int ipv6 add route::/0 Teredo timeout /T 3 netsh int teredo set state type=enterpriseclient timeout /T 3 ipconfig /flushdns timeout /T 3 What is it for? - Your IPv6(Teredo) address is hardcoded to your external IPv4 address, connection is lost when changing. Put this batch file in the OS autorun.

For completely unclear reasons, it is necessary to change the “Corporate Client” to a simple “Client” in the settings.

In fact, the operations performed may not give you a 100% guarantee of Teredo's performance, this may be due to symmetric NAT (a very rare case) ...

Step VII. Registry setting In order not to permanently reset the route

netsh int ipv6 delete route::/0 Teredo netsh int ipv6 add route::/0 Teredo In the registry at


Create a DWORD key - AddrConfigControl equal to zero.

To do this, you need to run the registry editor regedit (as administrator, WIN + R -> regedit) This edit in the registry saves us (with 99% probability) from 2 problems at once: - Prescribing local v6 addresses on “Step III. Configuring Local IPv6”

Do “delete route” and “add route” on “Step VI. Interface/routes setup”

When changing your IPv4 address, don't panic if IPv6 drops. Teredo will update within 1-5 minutes.

When configured with Teredo or 6to4, a maximum score on of 7/10 is fine.

If this instruction is followed correctly, the Teredo/IPv6 configuration will be performed at once, without further user intervention.

Disable Teredo/6to4/ISATAP in the bud.

1. Run "Local Group Policy Editor" Start - Run - gpedit.msc

2. Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - TCP/IP Settings - IPv6 Tunneling Technologies

We call the properties of each item “Set state XYZ” - enabled - disabled state. “enable disabled state” is nonsense, but it is true

IP-HTTPS status is not set!