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Error 1 when restoring iphone 5c. What to do if the iPhone is not flashing and gives an error

Have a good day today, let's talk about error 1 (-1) iPhone. This error can occur either due to a software failure or due to a hardware failure. In this article, we will analyze the causes leading to iPhone error 1 and advise on different ways to solve this error.

Software solution iPhone errors 1

1. Refresh iTunes up to date

2. Run iTunes in compatibility mode and fromadministrator name.

3. Disable antivirus;

4. Use the original cable

5. Using Recovery Mode, try to restore the firmware via iTunes to the factory one.

6. When restoring, try different usb ports, you can also try restoring through another computer.

Hardware malfunctions leading to error 1 iPhone


1M odema

2. Power Controller modem unit (U2_RF)

3.eeprom (U6_RF)

4. Modem processor (U1_RF)

5. Transiveroa (U3_RF)

8. Battery

7. Power controller (U7)

9. Bottom train

10. Inductor at the output of the modem power controller

The most common cause of iPhone error 1 is a modem failure. Here are the symptoms by which you can understand that your modem is faulty:

  • When trying to restore iPhone flashing processreaches about 60% and then gives an error 1 just inthe beginning of the modem firmware or at 99%.
  • The network disappears and a constant search for the network begins

    Wi-Fi periodically becomes inactive (switch inactive)

  • IMEI does not show through * # 06 #
  • The battery has been replaced or some parts have been replaced.
  • iPhone dropping or getting wet

Ways to solve error 1 iPhone

1. The first and obvious solution is to take the smartphone under warranty (if it has not expired)

2. Put the phone in the freezer for 20 to 40 minutes. Then get it and immediately flash it (some people plug the cable from the laptop into it right there and sew it). The principle of operation is very simple - the geometry of the contacts changes with temperature, the "broken" connections converge again. Here, of course, the question arises - why did everything work fine before the firmware? As far as I know - the fact is that a number of contact "legs" of the modem are used only for firmware purposes and are not required during normal operation. If these "legs" have defects / dumps, then we get error 1 iphone.

3. It also helps many to warm up the phone if I have a soldering iron, you can warm up the modem itself or the modem power controller (pre-remove the metal screen) which is located in the area of ​​the sim tray.If there is no hair dryer, then you can warm up the back cover of the iPhone with a regular hair dryer for about 1 minute. During the firmware process, you can try to put pressure on the modem, it can help.

The A7 processor is highlighted in red, the Qualcomm MDM9615M LTE modem is highlighted in orange, the Qualcomm WTR1605L LTE/HSPA+/CDMA2K/TDSCDMA/EDGE/GPS transceiver universal module is highlighted in yellow.

4. You can restore via iTunes when an error occurs at 60 percent, remove the back cover and temporarily open the battery terminals and then try to flash again.

iPhone 5s repair samples with error 1 in service centers

Solution. Rolling the modem and warming up the modem power controller.

Solution. Rolling the modem power controller.

Diagnostics. Removing the modem power controller and measuring the voltage drop on the power supplies, followed by comparison with experimentally obtained data.The diagnosis is a likely modem malfunction.

Sometimes when restoring, updating, and syncing iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad in iTunes, unknown errors occur, and you can't complete the necessary actions with your iOS device. In our directory you will find a decoding of the error and possible solutions.

Errors that occur during the restore / update and synchronization process can be both software and hardware-related problems in the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad: some are quite simple to fix (restarting the computer or changing the USB port), others require hardware repair.

iTunes errors occur when:

  • , iPod Touch and iPad with iTunes;

iTunes Error Classification

  1. Communication problems (Network errors)
    iTunes errors: 17, 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194, 3000, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 3200.
    Notices may also appear:
    • "An error occurred while downloading the software."
    • "The device is not supported for the requested build."

    These errors and warnings appear when there is a problem connecting the computer to the Apple update server or to the device.

  2. Problems with security software settings (firewall, antivirus, firewall)
    iTunes errors: 2, 4, 6, 9, 1000, 1611, 9006, 9807, 9844.
    These errors are caused by antivirus, Windows firewall or firewall blocking connection to Apple servers.
  3. Device USB connection issues
    iTunes errors: 13 14 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1611 1643-1650 its completion.
  4. Hardware problems
    iTunes errors:(-1), 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 53, 56, 1002, 1004 , 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667 or 1669.
    Occur in case of hardware malfunctions with the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch: with a modem, with a Wi-Fi module, power connector, battery, and so on.

Standard iTunes Error Troubleshooting

Most errors in iTunes can be fixed by yourself:

  1. Remove or end programs on your computer that may be blocking iTunes from connecting to Apple's update server.
  2. Turn off security software while restoring or updating your iPhone and iPad.
  3. Use the original USB cable to connect iOS devices to your computer. Otherwise it's possible. Try to replace it.
  4. . On a desktop computer, you should use the USB ports located on the motherboard. It is not recommended to connect an iPhone or iPad to the USB ports on the multimedia keyboard, USB hub or on the front panel of the system unit - errors may occur when connecting the device.
  5. Completely uninstall iTunes and all its components using "uninstallers", the Uninstall Tool (for Windows), for example. Then install the latest version of the program.
  6. Restore/Update iPhone/iPad on another Windows or Mac computer.

The table deciphers all known iTunes error codes when restoring, updating, syncing, and downloading content from the iTunes Store and provides possible solutions.

A Guide to iTunes Errors and How to Fix Them

Error number Most likely cause Recommended Solution
Error number Most likely cause Recommended Solution
1 The firmware is not supported by the device or the version of iTunes is outdated Make sure that you are using the firmware for your device model and
2 The firmware is recognized but not properly assembled and packaged and therefore cannot be used. Occurs when working with custom firmware with hacktivation and unlock in which a bad ASR Patch is used (The problem is relevant for Sn0wBreeze versions below 1.7) Use a different firmware
3 A problem with the modem part of the device
4 iTunes cannot connect to Apple service servers It is possible that third-party programs are blocking ports on your computer and preventing iTunes from connecting to Apple servers.
Check the settings in the hosts file in /windows/system32/drivers/etc/ for records like "". If the line is present, precede it with a # sign and save the changes. Try again
5, 6 Impossible to install the firmware due to damaged boot logos, or because the device is turned on in the wrong utility mode (for example, if the firmware is designed for DFU Mode, and you are trying to recover through Recovery Mode) , if it doesn't help, create your own firmware or download another one
8 The firmware is not supported by the device (for example, you downloaded the firmware for the wrong generation of the device) Download the firmware supported by your device model
9 Kernel panic in iOS device when working with firmware. Usually occurs when the data transfer via the USB cable is interrupted, or when the firmware is incompatible with the selected recovery mode Restore the firmware via Firmware Upgrade Mode (DFU Mode). Check if the device is mechanically connected to the computer. Plug the cable into a different port or change the USB cable
10 Custom firmware was assembled incorrectly due to which the low-level LLB loader was damaged or completely missing
11 A number of files required for download were not found in the ipsw firmware file Create a custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
13 Problem with USB cable or 30-pin (lightning) connector, or trying to install iOS beta from Windows environment Replace the standard cable or change the USB port. Disable USB 2.0 support in the BIOS of your computer
14 In the process of flashing, a violation of the integrity of the ipsw firmware file was detected Disable anti-virus software, disable firewall, change USB cable or connect iOS device to a different port on the computer, download a different firmware
17 Upgrading from one custom firmware to another custom firmware To update to custom firmware, use recovery mode () or firmware update mode (DFU Mode)
18 iOS device library is corrupted In most cases, only a flashing will help
19 "iTunes could not sync to iPhone '[iPhone name]' due to an unknown error (-19)." The error occurs after updating iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 to a later version of iOS, during the backup in the process of syncing iPhone with iTunes. Uncheck "Sync automatically when iPhone is connected" on the "Browse" tab in the "Devices -> Model of the connected device" menu in iTunes, remove and connect the iPhone. Then sync again. If the error repeats, you need to restore the device to a new firmware, before that, create a backup in iCloud so that you do not lose user data after restoration.
20 Device turned on in Recovery Mode instead of DFU Mode Turn on the device in DFU Mode
21 There was a DFU mode error while jailbreaking.
Error 21 occurs due to hardware problems (dead battery, low charge).
To enable the device in DFU Mode, use the Pwnage Tool, sn0wbreeze or redsn0w utilities.
If the above measures do not help, you should fully charge the battery, if this does not help, the battery of the device will need to be replaced.
23 Unable to read the IMEI or MAC address of the device (at least iTunes cannot do this) If the problem persists on other firmware versions, it is most likely a hardware problem.
26 The custom firmware was assembled incorrectly and, as a result, an error occurred when accessing the NOR memory Create a custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
27, sometimes 29 Cycling error in iTunes versions 8.0 to 9.1 Update iTunes to version 10 or later
28 Mechanical damage to the bottom cable or dock connector in the device Contact an authorized service center
29 Hardware problem with battery, bottom cable or power controller Contact an authorized service center to replace the battery, cable or power controller
31 The device cannot be taken out of DFU mode. Most often occurs due to hardware problems Contact an authorized service center
34 Not enough hard disk space to install the software Free up space on the drive where iTunes is installed
35 Incorrect iTunes Folder Permissions in Mac OS X Launch Disk Utility and restore permissions. (in enter the command: sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media , where is the username)
37 The low-level bootloader (LLB) in the firmware does not match the device model Create a custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
39, 40, 306, 10054 No access to activation and signing servers Turn off Windows Firewall and antivirus programs.
54 Software failure while transferring data from the device. In most cases, it occurs on unauthorized computers or when transferring hacked applications Delete "old" backups. Deauthorize your computer from the iTunes Store (Store menu in iTunes) and try again
414 Age limit for downloadable content In yours, change the year of birth (in iTunes in the menu "Store -> View my account")
1002 Unknown error while copying firmware files to device Repeat the flashing procedure
1004 Temporary issues on Apple servers (shsh hashes for device not received from server) Repeat the flashing procedure later
1008 Apple ID contains invalid characters Change your Apple ID without using prohibited characters. Try not to use anything other than Latin letters and numbers in your Apple ID
1011, 1012 Hardware problem with the modem part of the iPhone or iPad Try . If the error persists, contact the service center
1013-1015 iTunes trying to downgrade modem on iPhone/iPad The flashing was successful, but the iPhone / iPad cannot boot to iOS with a lowered modem firmware on its own. Use the "Kick Device Out of Recovery" feature in the TinyUmbrella utility
1050 Apple activation servers are temporarily unavailable Try activating your device later
1140 Problem syncing photos from iPhoto on Mac OS X Delete the iPod Photo Cache folder (select "Show Package Contents" from the context menu of the iPhoto Library file and delete the folder
1394 Damage to system files in the device as a result of an unsuccessful jailbreak Restore your device and re-jailbreak
1413-1428 Error when transferring data via USB cable Check the USB connection between the device and the computer, the integrity of the cable and the good condition of the USB port. Change port
1430, 1432 Device not recognized May indicate a hardware problem. Change the USB cable, connect the device to a different USB port, connect the device to another computer
1450 Unable to make changes to iTunes library file On Mac OS X, restore permissions, on Windows, check the owner and permissions of the iTunes library folder
1600, 1611 Recovery to custom firmware is done in DFU Mode, although it should be done from Recovery Mode Enter the device in Recovery Mode and try again
1601 iTunes can't get full access to the device Disable all background processes, change USB port or USB cable, reinstall iTunes
1602 iTunes was unable to detect the device while preparing to update Check the hosts file for entries like "", if any, comment them out (insert the "#" character before the line). Disable all background processes, change USB port or USB cable
1603, 1604 Trying to restore a device without jailbreak to custom firmware Run on the current firmware. Please note that jailbreaking with Spirit and on the JailbreakMe website is not complete and also leads to similar errors.
1608 iTunes components are corrupted Reinstall iTunes
1609 The version of iTunes to work with your device is out of date Update iTunes to the latest version
1619 iTunes cannot with the device in DFU mode, in normal mode it successfully recognizes it Update iTunes to the latest version
1644 Third party programs are accessing the firmware file Close all programs running in the background, turn off the firewall and antivirus, restart your computer
1646 iTunes was unable to recognize the device in active mode Restart your iOS device, restart iTunes
2001 Problem with Mac OS X drivers Update Mac OS X to the latest version
2002 iTunes access to the device is blocked by other system processes Close running programs, disable antivirus, restart your computer
2003 Problem with USB port Connect the device to a different USB port or another computer
2005 Damaged USB cable Replace cable
3000, 3004, 3999 No access to firmware signing server Access blocked by a third party application, turn off your firewall and antivirus
3001, 5103, -42210 iTunes can't download videos due to hash errors Update iTunes, find and delete the "SC Info" system folder ( Windows 7: ~\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes ; MacOS X: ~/users/Shared/SC info)
3002, It is not possible to request a suitable SHSH hash from the firmware signing server. The error occurs if iTunes is configured in the hosts file to redirect iTunes to the Cydia server manually or using TinyUmbrella, but there are no saved hashes for this firmware on the server Close TinyUmbrella and delete (comment out) the line like "" from the hosts file
3014 Too long does not receive a response from the activation server Apple Restart your computer, force refresh your internet connection.
If the error occurs already during the recovery process (the status bar fills up on the device screen under the logo), download and install Hotspot Shield. Run the program and try recovery again.
3123 iTunes can't rent videos Deauthorize your computer in iTunes and sign in again
3191 Damaged QuickTime components Reinstall QuickTime and its components
3195 SHSH digital certificate is corrupted Restore your device through iTunes
3200 The custom firmware is missing the necessary images Create a custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
4000 Conflict with other connected USB devices Try disconnecting all USB cables from the computer, except for the keyboard, mouse, and iOS device
4005, 4013 Critical error during update/restore Try to restore the device in DFU mode, it is advisable to use a different USB cable
4014 The device is disconnected from iTunes during a restore or update. iTunes can't put iOS device into recovery mode Perform the restore/upgrade on a different computer and/or with a different USB cable.
5002 iTunes Store Error: Unable to complete payment Check your credit card information
8003, 8008, -50, -5000, -42023 Unable to restore a file download from the App Store or iTunes Store Clear the contents of the "iTunes Media/Downloads" folder ( Windows 7: ~\Users\Username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Downloads)
8248 iTunes plugins that are incompatible with the new version break the program Delete installed iTunes plugins. Often the problem is related to the Memonitor.exe process, end it
9006 Problem uploading firmware to iTunes Disable firewall and antivirus, download iOS manually
9807 iTunes is not communicating with the digital signature verification server Turn off your firewall and antivirus
9813 Corrupt or invalid Keychain certificates in Mac OS X Clear Safari Cache (Safari -> Reset Safari)
11222 Timed out to connect to iTunes services Turn off your firewall and antivirus, update iTunes, re-sign in with your Apple ID in the iTunes Store
13001 Irreversible iTunes Library System File Corruption Reinstall iTunes or delete the iTunes Library file and .itdb files in the iTunes folder
13014, 13136 The system is loaded with processes that prevent the normal operation of iTunes Close background applications, turn off firewall and antivirus, restart your computer
13019 iTunes library error when trying to sync Check your iTunes library for corrupted or incompatible files
20000 iTunes conflict with Windows GUI On Windows, turn on the default theme
20008 iTunes conflict with TinyUmbrella utility Update TinyUmbrella to the latest version and restart your computer
-1 Critical modem error Occurs when updating the iPhone without upgrading the modem firmware version. Use or to get your iPhone out of Recovery Mode.
If the utilities don't help, the problem is hardware and the iOS device needs to be repaired by an authorized service center.
-35, -39 Unable to download music from the iTunes Store Update iTunes to the latest version, re-sign in with your Apple ID in the iTunes Store, turn off your firewall and antivirus
-50 iTunes not communicating with Apple servers Update iTunes to the latest version, re-sign in with your Apple ID in the iTunes Store, turn off your firewall and antivirus, reinstall iTunes and QuickTime
-3198 The integrity of the downloaded files has been violated Retry downloading content via iTunes
-3221 Incorrect permissions on the iTunes program file in Mac OS X Run Disk Utility and restore permissions
-3259 iTunes Store connection timeout exceeded Check your internet connection
-9800, -9808, -9812, -9814, -9815 iTunes Store Purchase Time Error Set the correct date and time on your computer
-9843 iTunes Store download blocked by security system In iTunes, sign out of your account, restart iTunes, and sign in to the iTunes Store again with your Apple ID
0xE8000001, 0xE800006B The device was turned off unexpectedly Disconnect your device from your computer, restart iTunes, and reconnect your device
0xE8000013 Error syncing iOS device with iTunes Retry sync
0xE8000022 Corrupted (irreversibly) iOS system files Restore your device
0xE800003D Incorrect permissions on cellular operator configuration files (Carrier Bundles) If the iOS device is jailbroken, fix the permissions on the carrier settings files (on iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad: /System/Library/Carrier Bundles), delete all custom carrier bundles (Carrier Bundles), restore the device
0xE8000065 Error when flashing a device with a custom build of iOS. As a rule, this error occurs when working with firmware compiled in sn0wbreeze Reboot the computer, try again, if unsuccessful, re-create the firmware
0xE8008001 An attempt was made to install an unsigned (cracked) application. Occurs when installing apps on a jailbroken device Install AppSync from Cydia for your version of iOS
0xE8000004 (iPhone 4) The error occurs most often when activating the iPhone 4. It is solved with the help of a tied downgrade to the GeekGrade_IPSW firmware, followed by booting from Boot_IPSW to redsn0w.
The whole procedure is described in

Often, when updating, various kinds of errors can appear. These can be both problems related to the hardware side, as well as ordinary errors that are caused by some kind of conflict in the software. Speaking about the unknown error -1 at 5s, it should be noted that in most cases, this problem is connected precisely with a modem malfunction in a mobile gadget and one cannot do without going to a service center. However, there are isolated cases when it is possible to revive a mobile phone at home.

Causes of Unknown Error -1 iTunes

  • Using an uncertified cable, a person puts himself at risk, because the number of system errors can be increased many times due to this problem. You should purchase an original cable for your iPhone;
  • iTunes on the computer is not the latest version. To solve this problem, it is enough just to update the utility by downloading it from the official Apple website;
  • iTunes was not launched with administrator rights.

Modem failure is a common cause of failure.

The most common reason why iTunes may give a -1 error is a modem failure. There is a list of signs by which you can determine that it was because of this reason that error 1 occurred.

Before error 1 appeared when restoring iphone 5s, the device often lost connection, even in places where the signal strength was good before, error -1 appears only at the end of the update process, the smartphone fell or moisture got into it - these are all signs, which indicate that the modem was broken in the iPhone 4S, 5S device.

Error Solution -1 iTunes

The only right decision would be to go to a service center, and all because it is necessary to re-solder the modem and its components. The workshop must be chosen carefully, because most repair shops on the market deal exclusively with the replacement of the battery or screen. In the best case, after waiting, you will receive an iPhone with the same error, and in the worst case, the craftsmen may break something else if you do not choose the workshop wisely.

If the iPhone was under warranty, then no one will repair it for free, because the modem blade is mechanical damage caused by the device falling from the maximum permissible height. Even if there is no external damage, there is no guarantee that nothing has happened to the device itself.

Tips for fixing the error without visiting the workshop

Cool the smartphone, and then try to flash it. This is too peculiar way, but sometimes it works flawlessly. Among other things, some masters, on the contrary, advise heating the device with a special device (it is the modem that needs to be heated) and then trying to get rid of the -1 error by repeating the process of updating (restoring) the device again.


As it became known, “modem dump” is an extremely serious problem that occurs with 5S. Although there are methods by which you can get around this problem, they are not very relevant. Today, there are many different recommendations, however, as mentioned earlier, going to a service center that repairs specifically apple devices (iPhone, iPad) is the right decision. By spending a small amount, a person will be able to solve the -1 error that may occur on the device. Solving this problem at home can only harm your device, so it is not recommended to use them - a person does this at his own peril and risk.

During operation, there are unpleasant moments when error 1 may occur when restoring iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. With this in mind, a lot of questions arise regarding the causes of occurrence and ways to eliminate them. First, you should determine the cause of this problem on the top five.

Cause of error in i Phone 5s

It should be noted that if error 1 is generated during recovery or an unknown error has occurred, it is advisable to visit a service center, your mobile operator, who will help restore your iPhone to working order. It is especially important when error 1 occurred for the first time.

iTunes Error 1 Warning is likely due to the following:

  • the presence of a program failure that may occur during the process of restoring or updating the device;
  • the process of violation of the activity of the model module.

The first option is probably very easy to solve on your own. For the most part, this very often happens when flashing iPod, iPad, iPhone. This may be a consequence of installing the most updated firmware version on your device, relative to the previously installed one. Or, most likely, this version does not correspond to a certain model of the device, and iTunes is also not suitable. If the problems with the error warning 1 are due to a possible software failure, you can solve this problem yourself.

Actions taken to eliminate the consequences of a software failure:

  • it will be necessary to control the full compliance of the firmware version that is installed with a specific device;
  • the specific version of iTunes must match the previously installed IOS variant;
  • using Recovery Mode, restore the iTunes firmware to the factory.

As a rule, the method of following the above suggestions will help restore the iPhone to working order. If error 1 continues to appear, then this is a malfunction of the model module. Then you will need to visit the service center. The occurrence of an error, very often, can lead to a violation of the Wi-Fi connection, as well as Bluetooth. It was then that problems with these systems are the most likely modem failure.

To establish the most correct diagnosis, it will be necessary to conduct a diagnostic examination of the device in a service environment. Thanks to the use of innovative testing equipment, there is an excellent chance of determining the most likely cause of breakdowns. If the system module is damaged, it will need to be replaced, with the replacement of the motherboard, which makes it necessary to use modern specialized equipment.

Ways to fix error 1 in iPhone

Procedure for troubleshooting:

  • close and reopen iTunes (if it was open);
  • check the installation of an updated version of iTunes on the device;
  • make sure that there are no possible problems with a third-party program designed to ensure security;
  • check the operability of the wires and the computer network itself;
  • try to restore the device iPod, iPad, iPhone;
  • if you receive a signal about the presence of error 1, upon completion of all the listed measures, it is necessary to check for the installation of an outdated version of the software on the computer.

When installing a new version of iTunes Windows, you will need to open the iTunes program and the menu (it will be located at the top of the iTunes window), select "help" and "check for updates." Then install the new version. On the Mac system, also open the iTunes program and the section - "check for updates" with the installation of the latest version. If the system does not prompt you to install the latest version of iTunes, this may indicate that a new version is already available, with support for the operating system. To start this operation, you need to familiarize yourself with the system requirements for new programs on the iTunes download pages.

If you need to restore the factory settings, while simultaneously deleting the data of the old settings, you should install the latest version of IOS. For these purposes, you need to prepare the device - make sure you have the latest version of iTunes and create a backup, then turn off the "Find iPhone" function in the settings.

Factory reset process:

1. Provide iTunes access on Mac, PC. If there is no access, delete data and restore the device without a computer.

2. Connect your iPod, iPad, iPhone to your computer with a wire.

3. Enter the password for the device.

4. Select the most suitable device when it is displayed in iTunes.

5. Go to the tab - "overview" and click the section - "restore device".

6. To confirm, press the “restore” button again. With iTunes, the unit will be cleaned and the latest version of iTunes or iPod software will be installed.

After all factory settings have been restored, the machine will be restarted so that it can be set up as a new sample.

Troubleshooting third-party programs

If you need to open the iTunes system, the unit will not synchronize and you will not be able to download content. It is also possible that there is a security software bug that could prevent iTunes from connecting to a particular Apple service or device. This may appear when updating, synchronizing, performing backups and restoring the device.

Signs of conflicts between the software and iTunes may include the following factors:

  • recognition is not performed in iTunes, in such devices as iPod, iPad, iPhone, with the inability to backup, update, restore, activate various applications;
  • there is no process of connecting to the iTunes Store to make a purchase, download content;
  • inability to open iTunes.

To ensure the start of work and the ability to change the software parameters, it is necessary to carry out a number of the following activities:

1. Make sure that the date, time and time zone are set correctly.

2. Visit the administrator account.

3. Make sure you are using the latest version of iTunes.

4. Carry out the process of updating OS X (OC Windows).

In cases where all of the above actions did not bring the expected result, it will be necessary to monitor the health of the connection. To do this, you should check the hosts file and make sure that there is no blocking of the exchange of information between various Apple servers and iTunes. If the AirPlay function and the “home sharing”, iTunes, “remote control” function fail, check the connection between your device and the computer. Both devices must have one common connection to the network or subnet. If these actions did not help in solving this problem, you should check the security software. In such a case, the security software will interfere with the iTunes program. Sometimes unforeseen situations arise when it may be necessary to temporarily remove it in order to conduct an accurate analysis of the cause of the problem. Some types of Internet security programs will not completely remove them and to completely remove them, you will need to download and run a cleaning utility.

If you need to open access to various services or to provide certain assistance during the operation of the iPhone related to the removal of software, you should contact the services of security software. The same reasons are typical when error 1 occurs on the iPhone 4s. There is only one error in the iPhone 4, it is eliminated in a similar way. If unforeseen circumstances arise during the elimination of error 1, you must contact the service center.