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How to set up MMS on iPhone. How to send MMS from iPhone? How to enable MMC function on iPhone? Maximum section messages

Those who are interested in how to enable MMS on iPhone 6, you first need to activate the function in the message settings section. Next check and adjust network data. Eliminate the error sometimes helps reset parameters and restoring factory settings.

If a failure occurred when sending a multimedia message, the question arises how to enable MMS on iPhone 6 or another device. First you need to make sure that the function is supported by the operating system. Then the network data will then be adjusted.

Why problems arise

Failures with sending multimedia messages arise for various reasons. Most often, network data is incorrectly entered on the device or they are missing. How to enable MMS feature on iPhone 6 in this case? You will need to reset the parameters and enter the correct data through the device menu.

Problems may arise due to the lack of an Internet connection. To check the availability of the network, you need to turn off Wi-Fi and try to go to any site.

Certain difficulties in how to enable MMS function on iPhone 6, causes the system interface, although it is simplified to the limit. The list does not have a familiar link "Create MMS". To find out where to enable the option is to get better familiar with the features of the device.

Several ways to connect the service

Before you include the MMS feature on iPhone 6, you need to check the correctness of the parameters. Act according to the following algorithm.

  1. From the main screen, click on the "Settings" icon, go to "Messages". In the list to find "MMS messages" and check if the option is enabled.
  2. In the same menu, go to the "Basic" section, where it is necessary to include "Cell data". This parameter must also be active.
  3. At this stage it is worth checking the Internet connection. Disable Wi-Fi and exit any site. If the function works, the problem is not in the absence of access to the network.
  4. If, after all these actions, multimedia messages are not sent, remove the SIM card from the device, then insert back.
  5. In some cases, the device helps to restart the device.

If after all attempts include the MMS function on iPhone 6 sending and does not happen, it is worth correction network data.

How to check the correct network data

To check whether the parameters are entered correctly, you must open the MMS service in the system.

  1. From the main screen, go to the "settings", then in the "main" and "Cell data".
  2. Next click by "Cell data" and see the section menu. Select item.
  3. Wash the list down and find where to enable MMS.

With the first registration on the network, the device automatically finds the operator and enters the parameters. If this did not happen, the fields in this field will be empty. It happens, and with the data entered, the sending and receipt of multimedia messages does not work. In both cases, you need to fill these fields and enter the right data.

You can get parameters via SMS. To do this, contact the operator on the service phone and leave the application. Data can be found directly on the operator's website.

How to return to the factory settings

If the multimedia messaging feature is active, it remains to reset network data. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. We go from the main menu in "Settings".
  2. Go to the "Basic" tab.
  3. From the list consistently choose the "Reset" items, "Reset network settings".
  4. Reload the device.
  5. At the end of the reset, turn off the iPhone, remove the SIM card, set it back and turn on the device.

Important: prior to the completion of the discharge operation described in the third paragraph, you will have to wait some time. The process should not be interrupted.

Upon completion of all these actions, you can try to send a multimedia message. If after all attempts include the MMS function on iPhone 6 fails, you should contact your operator. To do this, it is worth calling the service number and listen to the autoinformer instruction.

When talking with a consultant, you need to describe your problem and ask for the activation of the service.

Instructions for new iPhone

The question is how to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6, gets up after purchasing a new device. When registering the device, in most cases the subscriber comes service notification with parameters to access the Internet and sending multimedia messages. It should be saved.

There are cases when applying automatic settings failed. How to enable MMS feature on iPhone 6 in this situation? You can try to enter the parameters yourself. They are on the official website of the mobile operator.

For example, for MTS subscribers at presents the "Help" section. In the list opened on the left side, the list can be found where to enable your operating system, and click on this link.

The center of the page opens a list of MTS parameters, which should be entered, and a short instruction where to enable the device functions.

You need to go from the main screen in "Settings", then subsection "Cellular communication", paragraph "Cell data transmission network".

The list of parameters allowing you to enable the MMS function on iPhone 6 with the MTS operator, it looks like this:

  • access point (APN) -;
  • name - MTS;
  • password - MTS;
  • proxy (in one line) -

To complete the service connection, I send the text MMS to 8890.

What is needed to exchange MMS

Although the menu does not have the "Create MMS" function when the option is connected, sending will not be difficult. There are two main ways.

You need to go to "Messages". Click on the new message icon in the upper right corner of the screen. In response, the field will open.

In fact, through this section you can send any message. To add a picture you need to click on the camera icon, which is on the left of the text input form. In the menu that opens, select: Make a new photo or send picture from your gallery.

When the image is selected, it remains to add the recipient. To do this, click on the plus, then choose contact from the list. It remains only to specify the topic and press the "Send" key.

Important: the message can be sent to a group of users.

How to enable MMS feature on iPhone 6 and send an image directly from the gallery? To do this, on the selected photo, click on the arrow icon, which is located in the left corner at the bottom of the screen. In response to this command, the image send menu will be released. Press the link "Send MMS".

After this command, the field will appear on the screen to create MMS. You can add text to the image, as well as specify the topic. It remains to choose from the list of contacts of the recipient and click on the "Send" key.

Forwarding a new photo through MMS

There is a third way to enable MMS to iPhone 6 and send a photo. Make it can be directly through the camera menu.

Press the miniature of a new photo. After that, it will appear on the entire screen. At the bottom you can notice the arrow icon. If you click on it, the Sending menu will open.

Problems with the exchange of multimedia messages occur for various reasons. Most often this is due to incorrect data. Before turning on the MMS function on iPhone 6, it is worth checking the activity of the corresponding parameters.

If you need to reset the data can be independently. If the restoration of the factory parameters did not help, most likely, the problem of the operator. You should contact your network consultant at the service number.

How to set up MMS on the iPhone?

Hello everyone! MMS messages for iPhone owners ... do not need. After all, there is an iMessage, Whatsapp, Viber and other messengers! That is how I thought exactly until I needed to send a media message a happy person, who does not have all these "new-fashioned programs". Well, oh well, the iPhone is able to send MMS-ki? Caught! So no problem should be. Now send!

I will unlock the phone, opening messages, add a photo and deposited movement to press the message transfer button. And ... the result is negative - nothing went. I trial a few more time - the effect is exactly the same as from any smartphone on the Android operating system. Make it possible - zero.

Why did this happen? We'll figure it out now, let's go!

MMS does not "leave" - \u200b\u200band maybe everything is not in the iPhone?

First of all, you need to "deny" common problems associated with sending multimedia SMS. Pay attention to:

How to exclude and check all these moments at the same time? It is enough to perform one simple action - you need to put another SIM card in the iPhone and try to send a multimedia message. Did not work out? Going on.

Check the iPhone settings - is MMS included there?

Checking not so much:

Opened and see empty lines? So you have to drive data manually. To do not look for a long time, here is the MMS settings in the iPhone for different cellular operators.

Large Troika - MTS, MegaFon, Beeline

MMSC.http: // mmschttp: // MMSC: 8002http: // MMS
Max. the size512000 512000 512000

Yota and Tele2.

UsernameDo not fillDo not fill
PasswordDo not fillDo not fill
MMSC.http: // MMSC: 8002
Max. the sizeDo not fillDo not fill
URLDo not fillDo not fill

After making and saving all the parameters, do not forget to restart the iPhone.

Error "To send MMS to enable iMessage"

That's it with such a problem, I ran into. When trying to send MMC popped out a warning plate:

Unable to send a message. To send this message, you must enable the iMessage feature.

It would seem that it's easier?! Open the "Settings - Messages" and turn on.

Only here is a snag, my iMessage was already enabled. A error message popled all the same. What to do in this case?

  1. Check MMS settings (specified in the previous subtitle).

Everything! After that, the photo message is finally gone - the problem is solved. What and you wish :)

P.S. Do you want to solve all the problems with MMS-Kami with one click? Put the Like, click on the buttons of social networks (below the article) and immediately write your question in the comments. Although ... it is possible without "likes" :) Write - I will try to help everyone!

When you need to quickly contact another subscriber, but it is not necessary to talk to it, you can send him an SMS or MMS message. SMS abbreviation means Short Message Service (Short Message Service); MMS means Multimedia Messaging Service (Multimedia Messaging). The SMS message consists only of text, and MMS may also contain text, video, photography, sounds, or other data.

When you start creating a letter, the message "Messages" opens it as an SMS message. If you add a photo or video, the application converts a message to the MMS format. In addition to SMS and MMS, you can exchange text, pictures and video using the service. iMessage.. It is available both on the iPhone and on the iPad, iPod Touch and Mac OS X. If the recipient uses the IMESSAGE service on its device, the message send button will have a blue color, and for ordinary messages it is green. When using iMessage, you pay only online traffic according to your tariff plan.

  1. Click "Home" (HOME). The home screen opens.
  2. Click the message icon (Messages). The appropriate screen will open.
  3. Click the icon to create a new message (New Message). Before sending, make sure the addressee can receive messages of this kind. Some types of tariff plans do not intend to use SMS and MMS. In addition, you usually do not receive notifications if your message is not delivered. New Message screen (New Message) opens.
  4. Click the + icon. A list of contacts opens.
  5. Select a subscriber to whose number you want to send a message. If the contact data contains only a telephone number, the iPhone will add its name in the new message window without opening the window with data. A window will open with contact data.
  6. Select the desired contact. His name will appear in the "To" field (TO) on the New Message screen.
  7. Enter the text field and enter your message in it.
  8. In the dialog box that opens, click "Select Available" (Choose Existing). Next, you can select "Remove Photos or Video" to take a photo or remove the video with the camera, and then send them to the message. The photo screen opens.
  9. Select an album containing the photo you need. The selected album opens.
  10. Select a photo. The selected photo opens.
  11. Click "Select" (Choose). The photo will be displayed in the message. You can attach another photo or video to the message, repeating steps 8-12.
  12. Click "Subp." (Send).

Are there any other ways to send a photo or video?

Today, MMS helps to communicate with close and native people, transfer useful information or just beautiful photos and pictures. At the same time, certain problems with the message transfer function may occur. We will later consider in more detail why iPhone 7 does not send MMS?

Basic actions

  1. Restart the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch device.
  2. Checking a network connection. To send the message IMESSAGE or MMS, you need to connect to a cellular data network or Wi-Fi network. To send a message SMS payments to a cellular data network. If the "Wi-Fi" feature is enabled, SMS messages can be sent via Wi-Fi network.
  3. Contact your cellular operator to find out whether it is supported by sending messages you need (for example, MMS or SMS).
  4. If you are trying to send MMS group messages from the iPhone device, select "Settings"\u003e Messages and enable the MMS Message feature. If the iPhone does not display the "MMS messages" or "Group Messages" parameter, contact your cellular operator.
  5. Make sure the phone number or the email address of the recipient is correct.

The message "Waiting for Activation". Before you go to the settings, you need to check the correct installation of the date and time.

  • It is recommended to go to the "Messages" section, which is located in the iPhone 7 settings menu
  • Next, select the iMessage function and turn it off.
  • After that, you need to re-activate the function.

If you failed to solve the problem with sending MMS, then you should contact the support service from the manufacturer.

Displaying a red exclamation mark

If a red exclamation mark appears when sending MMS messages, you can try the following way to solve the problem:

  • Click on an exclamation mark.
  • After that, choose sending MMS. You need to make several attempts.

Display Email Address

Also, instead of a telephone number, an email address can be displayed when sending MMS to iPhone 7. In this case, you need to make sure that it is your own number to send messages.

To do this, set simple commands:

  • You need to choose a section "Messages" In the settings menu.
  • Next you need to select item "Sending".
  • After that you need to check the specified phone number in these sections.

If no numbers, then you need to add it to the following way:

  • First you need to go to the section "Messages"which can be found in the iPhone 7 settings menu.
  • Next you need to select item "Sending".
  • After that, select the Apple ID ID and exit.
  • After that, again we enter the same way.
  • Need to press "Your Apple ID for iMessage". In this case, you need to enter your identifier.
  • Next, you need to check that in the "Your Essage Message Address" section specified your own telephone number and identifier. After that, check the MMS sending function.

Problems with sending group posts

You can try the following actions to solve this problem:

  • You can delete conversations in the section "Messages".
  • After that, you need to start a new group sending messages.
  • To do this, go to the section Sending messages.
  • Next, enter all the necessary phone numbers to send MMS.
  • We send MMS messages to the selected contacts.

Additional Information

  • It is recommended to contact Apple Support, if there were no problems with sending MMS before.
  • You should also refer to the mobile operator if it used to be difficult to send MMS messages.

Examples of MMS settings on the iPhone for most operators

This example is based on the MegaFon settings, but at the end of the article are MMS settings on the iPhone for most operators:

1. In the home-menu, choose "Settings"

2. Choose "Basic"

3. Choose "Net"

4. Then choose "Cell data transmission network"

The maximum size and MMS UA PROF URL are not specified.

  • Go to the "Settings" menu - "Phone"
  • Choose the item "My Number"
  • We introduce the phone number of the SIM card used. Attention! For Russia, the number begins not with 8, but with +7.

7. After making all the settings, it is necessary to reboot the phone again, otherwise the possibility of sending and receiving MMS will not appear. After rebooting, you can safely receive / send all multimedia messages.

8. Note, when sending messages to the left of the message text input field, the camera should appear. If it does not appear even after you rebooted the iPhone, then you need to check all the settings starting from the beginning again.

When sending the iPhone automatically determines the type of message, and if you send a message without a photo, it will be sent as SMS, when attached - like MMS. In order to invest in a message, click on the camera icon.

When sending photos, iPhone offers "Make a new snapshot" or "Choose existing" . Just choose the desired option. for example "To take a photo". Since we have chosen "To take a photo" The camera window appears. After shooting, if the result suits us, press the button "Use". If you want to write the text MMS. Then click on the button "Email". The shipping process is now reflected in the top of the screen and can take quite a long time.

9. At the end of sending the load line disappears. If the message failed to send, then the exclamation mark icon will appear near the photo by clicking on which you can find out the cause of the error.

Settings for other operators


MMSC: http: // MMSC: 8002

Proxy: 10/10/10

UserName: Empty

Password: Empty

Image Size: MEDIUM

MTS Moscow

MMSC: http: // MMSC

Image Size: MEDIUM

MegaFon Moscow

MMSC: http: // MMSC: 8002

Proxy: 10.10.10:8080

UserName: Empty

Password: Empty

Image Size: MEDIUM

Beeline Moscow



Username Beeline

Password Beeline.

Image Size: MEDIUM

MegaFon North-West

Username: Not Entered

Password: MMSC is not entered: http: // MMSC: 8002

MMS-proxy: 10/10/10:8080

Max. MMS size: not entered

MMS UA PROF URL: not introduced

MTS Peter.

MMSC: http: // MMSC


Image Size: MEDIUM

MTC Ukraine


UserName: Empty

Password: Empty



mMS Proxy:

mMS Proxy Port: 8080


Beeline Ukraine


IP Address


Homepage http: // MMS /

Tele 2.




user: (Empty)

password: (Empty)

LMT (Latvijas Mobilais Telefons)

username do not need to enter

password not need to enter

mms proxy not need to enter

mMS Proxy Port You do not need to enter


MegaFon Caucasus

mMSC: http: // MMSC: 8002

proxy: 10.10.10:8080

UserName: Leave empty

Password: Leave empty

NSS in Nizhny Novgorod



UserName: Leave empty

Password: Leave empty

djuice Ukraina


proxy: 10.10.10:8080



MMSC: http: // MMSC


MTS Kirov

MMSC: http: // MMSC


Life Ukraine



UserName: Leave empty

Password: Leave empty


MMSC: http: // MMSC





APN: MMS.Velcom.BY.

APN: MMS.Velcom.BY.

MMSC: MMS.Velcom.BY/Servlets/mms.



MMSC: http: // MMS /



UserName: Beeline.

Password: Beeline


MMSC: http: // MMSC / MMS


MTS-Far East

MMSC: http: // MMSC


Smarts Shepashkar-GSM








MMSC: http: // MMSC


Utel Perm.

MMSC: http: // MMS


UserName: Do not fill

Password: do not fill

Utel 3G Ukraїna



UserName: Leave empty

Password: Leave empty

MTS Togliatti

MMSC: http: // MMSC

Proxy: or 9201

Image Size: 512000

Beeline - Kazakhstan



MMS Proxy:

UserName: @ MMS.Beeline

Password: Beeline


Username: MMS

password: MMS.

MMSC: http: // MMSC: 8002


Operator Wind Italia:

Nome Utente: Vuoto

Password: Vuoto MMSC:

Proxy MMS:

Dimensione Massima MMS: VUOTO


How to configure MMS on iPhone 4/5

  • Go to the "Settings";
  • Click on the Cellular Communication menu;
  • On the page that opened page shift the "Cell data" slider to the right (turn it on);
  • We go down to the line "Cell data transfer network" and enter this menu;

On the page that opens, check the correctness of the data entered. If these fields are not filled - we introduce yourself (the same manipulations produced if the MMS current data is not sent and not accepted).

Data for filling easily can be detected on the official website of your cellular operator. In addition, you can simply enter the request for the necessary information in search engines. But, usually, the iPhone independently defines the mobile operator and automatically fills the necessary fields in the settings for the Internet and MMS.

An example of setting MMS on an iPhone 5S under the MTS cellular operator

  • APN:
  • Username: MTS
  • Password: - · MMSC: http: // MMSC
  • MMS-proxy: 192.168. 192.10: 8080.
  • Maximum size: 512000

It was the most difficult part in the process of operating MMS on the iPhone. Now let's talk directly on how to enable MMS and how can I send MMS messages with iPhone 4/5. And this can be done in three different ways.

Method No. 1 sending MMS with iPhone 4/5

  • On the desktop of the device, open the "Messages" folder;
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the image of the pencil / pen and sheet of paper on the icon;
  • In the creation menu of the new SMS, selecting the addressee, click on the pictogram with the image of the camera;
  • Choose the desired photo / video from the "Mediamatka";
  • Or create a new one in real time by clicking on "removing photos or video";
  • Add text, after which we send MMS by selecting "Send".

Method No. 2 sending MMS with iPhone 4/5

This method assumes sending MMS from an iPhone directly from the gallery.

  • Go to the "Photo" folder;
  • Click "Select" and mark the pictures / video, which are planning to send;
  • Click on the icon below, in the left corner and choose the "message";
  • Select the addressee, add text and click "Send". Now the images are attached to the message, and with it will be delivered to the recipient.

Important note: Some mobile operators establish a restriction on the weight of the MMS sent by MMS (within 1 MB.), Therefore, sometimes images over 1-2 MB are not sent from the first time. In such cases, after sending is interrupted, simply try again. If the error notification appears when sending a photo on e-mail - choose not actual, but smaller size.

Method 2 of sending MMS with iPhone 4/5

There is another method that, however, is very rarely used. Sending MMS directly from the "Camera". Take a picture and press in the lower left corner on the resulting photo. The photo will unfold in full screen, and the arrow will appear at the bottom, clicking on which you can finite the picture immediately send the MMS described above the method.

Thus, the dear reader, now iPhone 4/5 can please you with the ability to send MMC.

How to enable MMS on iphone 6?

Step 1. Go to section Settings -\u003e Messages and whether the "MMS messages" parameter is active

Step 2. Then select the section Settings -\u003e Cellular communication and activate the "Cell data" parameter

Step 3. Make sure the device connects to the Internet - Turn off the Wi-Fi connection and try moving to any address

Step 4. Restart the iPhone

If there are still not sent to these manipulations of MMS messages, you need to reset the network settings.

How to reset network settings on the iPhone?

Step 1. Go to the menu Settings -\u003e Basic

Step 2. Select "Reset"

Step 3. Click "Reset Settings Network" and wait for the end of the discharge

Step 4. Restart the iPhone

Step 5. Remove and reinsert the SIM card again.

It is often the case that after resetting the settings of the MMS network messages are not sent. In this case, the problem is most likely associated with your operator. For more information, you need to call the hotline number of your operator and ask you to activate the sending service of MMS messages.

Despite the existence of a huge number of messengers and social networks, many people still exchange photos and videos through the old-kind option MMS (MMS). And there is nothing surprising in this, because with the enormous popularity of social networks, not everyone has an account in them. The exchange of content between the messengers is also not always convenient, because for this procedure it is required to have the sender, and the recipient has the same program.

With MMS, everything else, sending a multimedia message through this option, you can be sure that the "letter" will find a addressee, regardless of the software installed on its smartphone. So, of course, everyone should know how to activate and configure this service. In this article, we will tell how to enable the MMS option on the example of the iPhone 6.

Note immediately, the following manuals are applicable to configure MMS on the iPhone of any model: like later versions - iPhone 6S, 7; So early - 5, 5s, etc. However, depending on the iOS version used on the "board" of i-device, the menu items on which the instructions will refer todiffer.

To activate the possibility of sending content through an iPhone using the MMS service, you must enable the appropriate option and configure it.

To enable the feature, perform the following simple instruction:

Ready! The option is enabled, but now it needs to be configured correctly. However, there is nothing complicated here too. You can choose one of three ways:

  • go to the office of your operator and ask for an employee to perform the necessary settings - this service is completely free
  • call the service to support the operator and ask you to send automatic settings, in this case it will only be necessary to save the configuration sent and restart the smartphone.
  • perform manual setting. This option is perfect for those who do not like to call in support, listen to the answering machines and wait for the line, and the visit to the office for some reason is not convenient.

How to configure MMS manually? Follow this instruction:

We bring for you the settings of the most popular operators:

How to send MMS?

So, the option is activated, the settings are installed, it remains for small, send a message. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this operation, but not seeing the menu item of the same name in the iPhone many users are lost.

Yes, and, however, there is no special menu for exchanging multimedia content in the iPhone, all messages - and text, and multimedia are sent through the native message "Messages". So to send MMS with iPhone:

What if MMS is not sent?

Despite the fact that the MMS option is old as the world, it is still not considered fairly stable, so problems when sending - the situation is very frequent. If the first time MMS did not go away, try first to repeat the attempt to send, but if you have already tried 5 times and nothing comes out, it means that it is in some incorrect settings. Let's perform the diagnosis of "malfunction":

Step 1 - Check the activity of the Cell Data slider

Important! This slider should always be enabled when sending MMS, during the rest of the time it can be disabled.

Step 2 - Switch to 3G mode

Unfortunately, sending MMS in 4G mode (it is also LTE) is not possible, so on the time of sending / receiving the multimedia message will always have to switch the mode!

Step 3 - We prescribe your phone number in the "Settings" menu

Pay attention to the correct format of the number - +7 (XXX) XXX-XXHH!

Step 4 - contact the operator's support service and specify:

  • mMS settings have not changed - those that we pointed out in the table are currently relevant, but, of course, in the future for one reason or another, they may change
  • whether the MMS option is active on your room, on most tariffs, it is, of course, is enabled by default, but you need to check the moment you still need to check
  • are there any restrictions on the weight of files to exchange MMS, some operators do not allow sending content to more than 1 MB

Step 5 - Turn off iMessage

Step 6 - Perform an update, reboot, Extracting SIM

If all the above steps did not help, and MMS does not want to go, try to restart the smartphone, pull out and insert SIM back, update to the current IOS version.

Step 7 - Drop Settings

The situation has not stabilized? Then - an extreme measure - you need to reset the network settings. However, do not be afraid, it does not threaten any loss of data. For reset:

That's all - it remains to wait until the system will reset and restarts independently, after that you will need to re-register the MMS settings. We recommend doing it manually, so that often the iPhone for some reason does not want to correctly accept the automatic configuration.

Step 8 - Calls to Support

Did you perform all the instructions described by us, but when sending MMS iPhone gives an error? Then only one advice remained - to contact the operator directly.


So, now you know how to send MMS both on the iPhone 6 and on other models of Apple-smartphones, as well as understand how to behave if this option "Barrachlit". However, we hope in your case everything will work flawless! In the same situation, if MMS did not come out in any way, and even the operator did not help, do not despair, because today there is so many alternatives to exchanging content! If there are no social networks and messengers, then e-mail-tested for years!