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How to clear the history of messages in skype. How do I clear my Skype history effortlessly? Find the message you want

Do you want to know how to clean Skype from messages? In this article you will find detailed description how to delete messages in skype. Everyone has their own reasons for deleting: someone wants to delete their personal data that they wrote in correspondence or just clean skype from messages.

There are various third-party removal utilities, and I don't know how safe it is to use them. Therefore, we will use the usual cleaning method that is available in Skype.

Instructions on how to delete messages in Skype

I must say right away that it is possible to delete and edit texts that were written no more than 1 hour ago. How to do it? Right-click on the desired message and select the option that suits you.

We proceed to the complete erasure of the entire history of calls and correspondence in Skype. Launch skype and after loading the program, go to the top panel and we need "Tools". Next, click "Settings".

On the left side there is a tab "Security" click on it. Next, we are interested in the "Open advanced settings" button.

Before us open different options for settings, but we need a button "Clear history". By clicking on it, you will delete all correspondence with all subscribers who are in your contact list.

After pressing the button, a warning window pops up, if everything suits you, click "delete".

You can also configure here automatic deletion stories. If you want to control the deletion of messages yourself, then you can skip this step. If you want to set the automatic mode, go ahead.

Here, next to the "Clear" button, there is "Save history." Set the parameter you need and click "save".

That's all, as you can see nothing complicated, everything is very simple. If the article helped you in solving your question, share it on social networks. Subscribe to updates to always be aware of new articles published on the blog!

For a long time, Skype has been the leader in the virtual communication application market. Today, this video chat program is available to work not only on a PC, but also on iPad and iPhone, on a tablet or smartphone on Android and Windows Phone as well as other modern devices, including smart TVs and gaming consoles with Internet access.

However, despite the widespread use of this application, very few users are able to make full use of its functionality. Not for nothing, one of the most frequently asked questions on working with the program, it becomes the following: how to delete the correspondence in Skype?

We delete our messages in the process / immediately after communication

If in the process of communication you suddenly decide to delete your message, you can do this by right-clicking on it and choosing "Delete" from the menu.

The result will look like this:

You can delete messages in this way only within an hour after sending them to the user. We also note that in this way you can only delete information sent by yourself (the one that was written / sent by you).

How do I delete all messages in all conversations?

To delete a Skype conversation for the entire period of its use, you must:

  1. Sign in to skype.
  2. On the top menu bar, go to the "Tools" tab.
  3. In the list that appears, select "Settings".

  1. On the left in the menu, select the "Security" tab.
  2. On it you need to select the "Security Settings" tab and click "Clear history".

After these steps, a message will appear warning that all records will be deleted. To confirm your intentions, you should click on the "Delete" button.

Please note that using this method, you will delete all Skype correspondence completely. Any important data deleted along with it will be impossible to recover.

If you want to clear your conversation history selectively, use the following method.

How do I delete the history of one conversation?

Skype chat helper and SkHistory

To clear the history of Skype messages with one person, and not all contacts at once, third-party utilities will help: Skype chat helper or SkHistory. Their principle of operation is the same.

Let's see how to delete a conversation from by individual user in Skype, using the Skype chat helper as an example.

  1. We remember (or better write down) the name of the contact in Skype, the history of the conversation with which we will delete.
  2. We create backup folders of your Skype profile (to be able to restore it along with history, in case of unsuccessful manipulations).

To do this, depending on the system installed on your PC, you need to find the profile folder on the C: \ drive and copy it to another location. For example, to a USB flash drive or drive D: \.

The location of the profile folder can be found in the following path:

  • C: \ Documents and Settings \<ваше_имя_пользователя_в_Windows>\ Application Data \ Skype \<ваш_логин_в_скайпе>\ (if you have Windows XP installed);
  • C: \ Users \<ваше_имя_пользователя_в_Windows>\ AppData \ Roaming \ Skype \<ваш_логин_в_скайпе>\ (if you have Windows 7 or Vista);
  • C: \ Users \<ваше_имя_пользователя_в_Windows>\ AppData \ Local \ Packages \ Microsoft.SkypeApp \ Localstate \<ваш_логин_в_скайпе>\ (if you have Windows 8 installed).
  1. Before installing and when working with the program, you need to make sure that Skype is closed. Download the utility and install it on your PC.
  2. It is very easy to delete history in Skype using this program: run the Skype chat helper. After launching it, a window will open in top line(Username) of which you need to enter your personal login in Skype, in the bottom line (Contact) - the login of the person with whom you plan to delete the conversation.

  1. Now in the same window you need to confirm your action by clicking "Remove chat history". After that, the correspondence with an individual person from your contact list will be deleted.

In addition to the two utilities mentioned above, which, by the way, are free, there is the SkypeX program, with which it is possible not only to delete a chat with a single contact in Skype, but also to selectively erase the correspondence in the history of dialogs.

To delete messages in Skype using this utility, you will need:

  1. Install it on your PC.
  2. Run the program.
  3. Enter your Skype username.

  1. Select a conversation history.
  2. Using the mouse and the Shift key on the keyboard, mark unnecessary messages and press "Delete".

Unlike Skype chat helper or SkHistory, SkypeX interface is more understandable and convenient, even though it is on English language... The only drawback: the program is paid.

The beta version is currently priced at $ 4.99. Further, with the expansion of functionality and the release full version, the author plans to raise the price tag to $ 19.99.

How do I delete my Skype history? This question is constantly asked by many people, in fact, they are not doing it in vain, because it is not so easy to do it. The reasons for this may be different, starting from the fact that you need to hide messages from your loved one, ending with the history of messages when you were at work. In any case, the history will need to be deleted, how to do this, we will now figure it out with you.

How do I clear my Skype history? The answer is really simple.

The history is always saved in the journal. It can be blown away without resorting to third-party programs and hacking archived Skype files. However, in this case, you will lose all correspondence at once. If you are sure that it will no longer be useful to you, you can safely do such actions. But, remember, the story will not be returned, it will disappear forever and even the support service will not be able to help you.

How to delete a Skype conversation

Such an opportunity standard settings Skype is not given to us. We have already figured out how to clear history, but with messages there is a slightly different system. After all, we cannot just delete a certain conversation with you. The only option is to immediately clear the entire message history.

This is done in a similar way:

  1. We open skype;
  2. At the top we find "Tools";
  3. After them "Settings";
  4. And finally " General settings chat;
  5. Select the period for which we need to delete everything and click "Clear";
  6. We confirm our action.

Remember that in this case you will delete all Skype conversations. You will not be able to return them, so if you decide to do this, remember what awaits you. And definitely consider whether it is worth doing.

I would like to note that you delete the conversation only from your computer, your interlocutor will have it. It is simply impossible to delete the conversation from his computer.

There is also a certain trick in the question of how to delete a chat on Skype.

Above, we have already figured out how to delete the entire history, and all conversations. But, deleting a specific chat is actually a tricky task. It is impossible to do this using Skype, you just need to be cunning.

Immediately, there are programs that can delete a chat with a specific subscriber. It is very easy to do this with the help of them. Download to your computer, install and remove what we need.
It seems that everything is fine and simple here, but this option cannot be advised. After all, such programs can often cause serious harm to your computer. If you want to take the risk, please. But, further we will consider an effective and at the same time safe way delete chat.

This is how we can delete a certain chat, this method is considered safe and effective. However, just in case, the "main.db" file is best kept in a safe place initially. If you delete something wrong, at any time you can return everything to its place by simply copying this file to the folder.

You sent a message in Skype chat and then noticed that the message was sent to the wrong person! Or, you sent a message to the one who needs it, but the words you used were not the right ones!
We urgently need to correct the situation! How to delete messages on Skype !?

How to delete messages that were sent recently

This is the best and easiest option. You are still chatting. And, if you left, then go back to the chat.

Deleting a Skype message

Place the cursor on the message that you want to delete, click the right mouse button and, in the appeared context menu choose delete

Popup: Delete?

A pop-up window will appear asking: Are you sure you want to delete this message? Click the Delete button

Skype - Message deleted

Everything! Skype tells us - Message deleted. The addressee did not have time to read the message and will now rack his brains - what was so interesting there? After all, he, too, will see the entry - the message has been deleted. But, nothing can be done - whoever did not have time, he was late!

Note. Thus, you can only delete your own messages. You cannot delete messages sent to you.

How to delete a Skype message on a smartphone

It is not difficult to delete a Skype message on a smartphone. Click on the message and hold for a couple of seconds.

Delete Skype message on smartphone

A menu will appear in which you select: Delete.

Confirm message deletion

A window will appear asking: Do you really want to delete this message. Press the Delete button and your message will disappear.

How to delete (clear) all messages in Skype

Deleting messages one at a time is a long song. You can't delete old messages one by one. And the messages of the interlocutors will remain - what to do with them?

For such cases, it is possible to clear all messages on Skype. To do this, go to Tools ==> Settings

Clear all messages, all correspondence completely

In Settings, in the left column, click Security (or, Chats and SMS). In the window that opens, there is a field Save history, in which, by default, is Always. And you can choose 3 months, 2 weeks, or, generally - not save. Then there would be no need to clean!

Although, my chat history has been kept for years. It happens that you need to find a phone number, I remember a friend sent me, opened a correspondence - found a phone number! So why delete messages unnecessarily?

But, since you decided to delete - then you have to! Therefore, click on the link Clear the history.

Complete removal Skype communication history

You will be asked again: Delete history? Click the Delete button

Note. Please note that you cannot delete the correspondence between individual contacts! All records of previous communication with all interlocutors are deleted. Not only messages in chats will disappear, but, and, voice messages, transferred files, SMS. Therefore, before clicking the Delete button, think about whether you need it!

Let's imagine that to communicate in Skype you had to use someone else's computer, for example, in the nearest computer club, with a neighbor or with relatives.

But after the end of the conversation, it will not hurt you to clear your Skype history and delete all data about your visit altogether.

Cleaning Skype is not as difficult as it sounds. And the cleaning procedure consists of three important steps:

  1. Delete profile and visit data.
  2. Delete correspondence, calls and messages.
  3. Removing temporary files (cache, cookies).

Now let's figure out one by one how to clear the Skype history for each of these points ...

IMPORTANT: if you need to communicate via Skype from someone else's computer, it is better to use not the program, but. At least in the browser, you will be able to cancel saving the password!

And here Skype program be sure to remember the data of your account(it is known for sure that your login will definitely be saved) on the logical disk of the computer. This does not happen when using the web version!

For example, the program login window offers those login options that were used earlier:

How to clear the history of Skype calls and correspondence, cookies (cache)

Previously, this procedure has already been described in the article, but we will still repeat ourselves one more time.

1. In the open window of the program, go to the menu "Skype" - "Security ..."

2. We get into the Security Settings window, where we need to click on 2 buttons:

  • Clear history (agree - "Delete");
  • Delete Cookies (agree - "OK").

3. Now that the information about calls, correspondence, our actions within the program has been deleted, you need to LOG OUT from your account! If you forget to do this, the next user, when opening the program, will be able to use your profile, see your contacts, and will be able to call and write on your behalf! DO NOT forget to do the correct exit!

And to exit the program, go back to the "Skype" menu - click "Exit the account".

After logging out of your account, in theory, no one else will be able to use your profile. But the data about your presence still remains in the bowels of the operating system! So they need to be cleaned in the next step.

How to clear Skype history on computer

IMPORTANT: if you are poorly versed in computers, do not do any of this or ask someone from experienced people! The following operations assume computer experience.

1. To perform the following operations, you must have access to logical drive with established operating system(usually "C: \").

If this access is blocked, for example, in an Internet cafe by account settings, contact your administrator for a solution. computer club, ask him to personally delete the data of your Skype visit from the computer memory in your presence!

If the Skype history remains on the computer, then unauthorized people will be able to see your username, but NOT the access password!

Basically, if you can't delete this story, nothing terrible will happen. On the other hand, if you really want to clean, then clean the cache completely!

2. After you use the program on a computer, a separate folder is created on the system disk, whose name matches your Skype username... That is: the name of the folder on the "C: \" drive corresponds to your Skype login !!!

You can find this directory in different ways ...

For example:


C: \ Users \ User \ AppData \ Roaming \ Skype

where User is usually an administrator or user profile.

AppData is a hidden folder, and therefore, to open it, you will also have to change the View and Properties of folders, including viewing hidden files and directories.

The second option is to use file manager like Total Commander, in which you also need to display hidden files:

In general, if you are not good at computers, you cannot cope with the task on your own. Then just ask the administrator of the Internet cafe or leave everything as it is - after all, no one knows your password anyway.


So, we know that the folder on the computer will have a name similar to our Login. So, you can use a simple Windows search. We open:

"START" - "My Computer" (or "Computer"), set the search limit - the drive with the "C: \" system, and in the search bar we write our username from Skype.

Note: it is not necessary to specify the system drive here, but this step will greatly speed up the search process, and we will not have to wait long.

We start the search and wait for the results. The search will take some time…. As you can see, the search gives specific results. The Windows system finds directories with our specified login.

We press the right button - "Open in a new window" or simply enter the folder with the name-Skype login that the search found. Select the attached files and directories, manually delete all data with the DEL button (or Shift + Del).

But in this case, you should understand that you clean out only nested directories and files, while the main folder with your login remains intact.

You can completely clean it out only by turning on the view hidden folders, or using Total Commander. However, you can also simply do nothing.

What's wrong with people seeing your login? Nobody will know the password.