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Recently, it is often necessary to hear that someone's iPhone suddenly disappeared sound, and after studying and checking everything that can be in programs, modes and settings, the problem independent solution was never found. Why there is no sound on iPhoneAnd why did the mobile gadget behave like himself? What could happen?

Why did the sound disappear on iPhone? There may be several reasons

  • Channel audio pollution. With this problem, those iPhones, which are no longer one year in operation, or those whose owners use the apparatus in places of recovery of dust or small garbage. The audio channel could simply clog out with small mud or dust particles, which led to a decrease in the volume of the audio playback and significant deterioration of sound parameters. Therefore, a deaf sound with a crackling, wheezing and rustling, and in other cases, the lack of sound accompaniment may be due to the clogged audio channel. To eliminate this "attack", simply make the channel cleaning.
  • Moisture hit. Fluid hit under the body of the apparatus, can cause the sound to disappear on the iPhone. Due to the impact of moisture on the "inside" of the device, oxidation of chips may occur, which will lead to "glitches", during which the phone will independently activate and disable the "Connection of the headset" mode, with everything that the headphones will not even be connected to the device . In such a situation, the sound disappears completely, and it cannot be returned to a change in setting parameters nor the reboot of the device. You can hardly handle this violation. The most reasonable, in this situation, will appeal to the service and repair center, where the master will clean all the oxidized contacts, and will also make a replacement of damaged elements.
  • Mechanical violation of the integrity of the dynamics. Aphon's speaker can be damaged due to mechanical or physical impact, be it a blow, fall or strong shaking of the device. This situation requires replacement of damaged items, that is, the speaker. On your own professionally cope with this breakdown, for sure, will not succeed. But replacing the speaker in the hands of the wizard will take no more than an hour. He will certainly determine why the sound was gone on the iPhone.
  • Out of the sound chip due to fall or impact. IPhone 4, as it turned out, often suffers from sound problems. This is justified by poor-quality soldering chips, in comparison with its predecessors and models of iPhone 5 and iPhone 6, which came out later. Thus, after falling, a strong shaking or a blow, a chip may disappear responsible for controlling audio playback. Repairing such a breakdown to be done in service centerwhere the wizard either gives a re-native chip, or will establish a new one.
  • Problems with headphone jack. There is a small trick if the sound disappears, you can insert several times and pull out the headset into the connector and out of it, and it is advisable to pull the plug sharply. 10-15 times the sound should appear. Sometimes it helps to return the sound to your gadget.

Reasons disappearance of sound in iPhone There may be various malfunctions and failures that, mostly lie inside the apparatus itself. To not be worse, it is best to entrust the fixing device professional professionals. And in order to prevent the breakdown, you should carefully handle the phone: do not drop, do not hit, do not shake, do not wet, do not soak.

A small video about why on iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6+ is no sound when writing video. Telephone repair:

18.01.2018 FRENK. 8 comments

On your iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 7, iPhone 6S, iPhone 4S and so on, gone sound on the call, and you do not know what to do?

I think we solve this problem. Of course, it is impossible not to take into account the hardware, but these breakdowns are rarely found and there will be no speech about them.

In most cases, the sound of the call does not work incoming call According to the fault of users themselves, or rather an inappropriate disconnection.

Below I will give the most common reasons when the sound disappears during the call (if the problem is not solved, then either it is "individual" or hardware).

What to do if the sound of the call disappeared in iPhone - the reasons first

For the second case, pay attention to the small switch - "newbies" do not usually know about him.

It is placed on the body on the left side. What is it needed for? So that your phone cannot sometimes worry - instantly turned on and also instantly can be disabled. Conveniently.

The second reason why the iphone does not work the sound of the call

Another equally common cause is accidental inclusion of the "Do not disturb" mode.

If the "Crescent" icon is observed at the top of the screen, then all sound notifications are disabled, including the sound of the call.

Eliminates such a problem simply and quickly. It is enough to do with your finger from the bottom-up on the screen to open the control panel and disable this mode.

To turn off, simply click on the "crescent" and all things. If this is not your case go on.

The third reason why the sound of the call was gone in iPhone

If you often use headphones, then the problem can be in the connector where they connect them.

As you already know, when headphones are connected, the sounds on the external speaker are not output, but only in headphones.

Not rarely with this connector arise "complications" - encourages contact. You can simply connect the headphones several times and disconnect or toothpick clean this connector.

Fourth reason why the iPhone does not work the sound of the call

If nothing more helps go to "Settings", select "Basic", click on "Universal Access" and activate "AssistiveTouch".

A circle icon appears on the screen - this is an optional menu. Click this icon and select the "Apparatus" parameter.

On the right, you will see the "Disable Sound" item (Luggled belling), and on the left, the volume selection is to increase the volume, perhaps you have a sound on zero.

That's all the most common causes. The last thing I can offer it. Successes.

8 reasoning about "why the sound of the call does not work on iPhone"



    helped, thank you


    Thank you! Everything worked, helped))

    Over time, your favorite iPhone or Ipad can be spoiled. One of the common problems - sounded sound. It is not necessary to immediately carry the device in the service, perhaps there is a chance to fix it yourself. About how to solve sound problems, quickly repair the speaker on the iPhone, iPad or iPud Touch and make it work even better, read in the article.

    Possible sound problems on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and solutions

    Sound problems on devices from apple companies may be expressed in the following:

    • The speaker does not reproduce the sound;
    • There is no sound when calling;
    • The sound is in the headphones, and the device itself does not lose it.

    In all cases, the cause of the problem has arisen in one - in the work of the external speaker. It remains to understand only whether the iron part of the device is broken or operating.

    The sound works in headphones, but through the speaker is not played

    In this case, you should pay attention to the notification panel, which is at the top of the device screen. If there is a headphone icon on it, and they are at that time they are not stuck in a special connector, then the problem is in the input itself. Most likely, in the entrance in which the headphones are inserted, some rubbish, dust or water got. In this case, the system will start thinking that something is connected to the device, and output the sound is not on the speaker, but on the outer headset. To get rid of the problem, you must manually clean the connector, such as a toothpick or cotton wand. It is advisable not to use solid and metal things, as you can even harm the device. The following can also help: insert and pull the headphones several times and reboot the device.

    IPhone or iPad does not play sound

    If the problem is not in the input for headphones, then most likely in the system settings themselves. Have to act rigidly, so it is strongly recommended to create backup All data stored on the device, otherwise they will be broken irretrievably. The first thing to do is to check availability of iOS:

    If the device is installed on the device latest version The firmware remains one - reset all the content and settings:

    What to do if nothing helped

    If neither the entry for headphones nor the reset of settings or updating the system does not help, it remains one thing - to carry the device to the service to get the help of a qualified specialist or replace the device if a warranty is valid for it. This is the only way that will help get rid of the problem, as the reason can be in any way, in any microcircuit of the device.

    If a microphone does not work on the device

    With the microphone on devices from Apple, it can happen the same as with a speaker: it will stop working. The reasons for which the microphone will stop recording the sound or starts to pass it worse, the same as with a speaker: the holes were clogged through which the sound was for the record, some error happened in software The devices or its insides were damaged. To work the microphone to work, update, reset the settings and content and clean the holes. But before doing all this, check the recording settings:

    If the device does not produce sound through an external speaker, then the problem is in one of two: in the gland or in the software. Try the solution options for both cases and, if none of them does not help, give the device to the service for repair or recovery. Do not attempt to independently disassemble and fix it, as this can lead to even more damage that will not cover the warranty.

    When the sound sound disappears in the iPhone or the sound recording does not work, it is necessary to check the operation of the speakers and repair it / replace. And what to do when the phone stopped playing sound at all? If your smartphone stopped playing music, video, there is no audibility of the interlocutor and all other sound signals of the phone, use our detailed instructions for repair.

    The main causes of malfunction

    The phone is subject to repair if the lack of sound has become the consequence of physical impact on the device:

    • Contamination of the audio channel;
    • Chipping chip;
    • Moisture, dust, dirt inside iPhone;

    The problem of pollution of the audio channel is often facing the owners of iPhones that use the phone for more than two years. Dust and other fine particles can fall into the apparatus. First, the phone of the sound playback is reduced in the phone and in the future it disappears at all. This species The breakdown is accompanied by various wrecks and rustles in the audio channel. If it is not possible to clean the part of the iPhone details on time, the breakdown can lead to more serious consequences - disorders in the work of the central chip.

    In a consequence of the fall or blows of the iPhone, a depicting of a chip may occur, which is responsible for the operation of the audio signal. The only way out is the repair of the audio codec iPhone (Diak Details) or replacing the whole motherboard phone

    Repair BGA Audio Codec

    For the operation of the sound system in the iPhone, the BGA codec, which is located on the motherboard of the device. This codec transforms a number binary numbers In analog signal, creating sound. Accordingly, the slightest violations in the BGA microcircuit affect the playback of multimedia files, calls.

    It is impossible to replace the codec. This component is an integral part of the motherboard. Installing a new BGA will lead to the fact that after the first attempt to turn on the iPhone, it will not be able to recognize the part as genuine. As a result, you will receive a non-working device - after iOS detects the inconsistency of the board components in the iPhone, the phone is turned off and no longer starts. It will be impossible to resume his work.

    Before starting repair, you need to disassemble the iPhone. Remove the motherboard. Finger BGA chip disconnect it. The essence of the restoration of the codec is a study of its surface. If you find the slightest irregularity or the absence of at least one contact, the codec structure should be resumed. To do this, you will need a special stencil that repeats the shape of the chip and thermalcase. The stencil is superimposed on top of the part, then the paste is applied. Thus, you can create a new proper contact structure.

    If you decide not to engage in the soldering of an existing codec, select a new detail of the motherboard for your models iPhone.. Buy only genuine details, so you will save an iPhone from fast breakdown. On our site you can purchase original boards, spare parts and tools for the apple technique.

    Hardware recovery iPhone

    If the audio codec does not work on the iPhone, it is necessary to hold your iPhone hardware recovery. After this procedure, the sound will work well. To start it DFU mode in IPhone Any. Models, follow the instructions below indicated in Figure.