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How to earn a million, without getting up from the sofa (personal experience). Make what fell


Today I would like to tell you about one curious I would say, the work that NASA offers. Work lying on the sofa. Yes, yes, you did not hear, just like that!

NASA called it to work for the leiebeck.

The essence of working lying on the sofa is as follows:

Man should fly 70 days in bed, in specialized boxes in the Space Center itself.

The head of the functional bed must be omitted, and the legs are raised up. The subject must, absolutely not getting up, and even rarely moving. You can actively move only during tests that will monitor all the parameters of the body's condition, its immune system and blood circulation.

During the entire experiment period, it is allowed to watch TV, use the computer. Will be brought books, phones and possibly some small technique. But even walk to the toilet and use the shower, you can only lying in bed.

A little prehistory:

The fact is that NASA has been engaged in a project to study the impact of micro gravity on a person for over 25 years, within which this experiment was created.

After all, on board the aircraft, it is precisely this law and the scientists simply need to explore all the possibilities of the physical body of a person in a state of weightlessness, and compare it with the usual state of a person.

It would seem that this is the perfect work lying on the couch to which many claimed. After all, payment for such a lying job would be not much more than $ 10,000, if the subjects had to reach the end. And this is still decent money, read for anything. But not everything is so simple!

Such a constant lying position does not pass for the body without consequences: heart rhythm and human breathing slows down. The blood circulation is enhanced to the upper part of the body. To the head.

Because the legs are slightly raised, the entire liquid flows towards the head, the result of the appearance of edema. The limbs are becoming weaker than the loss of calcium in the body and many unpleasant consequences appear from such a job lying on the sofa.

After such experiments on their health, a two-week rehabilitation course is assumed. And many doctors argue that during this time the person's body is able to cope with the heavy load that fell into its share and must come to normal.

In my opinion, completely without consequences, such an experiment may not pass, this is what you need to have health to fully recover?

Well, adventurists and lekes such an adventure, I think it will have to taste! At least participate in the experiments of such a global nature, I would like many! And even more so many would like to work out thus.

And what do you think about this? Would you be able to fly in bed, risking your health without getting up so much days to become famous and earn money?

Greetings to you, dear blog visitors. In touch with you, as always, Dmitry Smirnov, and in this article I want to answer your question to your question, namely: "Who can earn a lot on the Internet," and who actually receives a penny in the form of 30,000 - 50,000 rubles per month . You will learn how to earn big money!

Need to make money! Help earn money! Give me a debt !!! In short, I answer who will earn, and who is not! I will not write on items, I do not like it very much, so I will write to the text. In short, if you are going to lead only one blog, you will never earn a lot! No, of course, you can become like a clone or Zaitseva, but you will need to actively work five years! I started making money on this blog from 50,000 rubles only after 3 years in the blog! That is why I advise everyone to additionally do an infobusiness, so that you immediately come out by 30,000 rubles from this month at least!

Everyone who wipes time in the designer, clicking on different crap, or playing a casino, playing in birds, this is the majority of already inquiries after 1 - 2 months, or those who will earn a penny!

How to earn big money online

  1. Create your blog and promote up to 10,000 visitors per day! For financial subjects, it is enough from 1000 visitors (the cost of clicking, lid, affiliate).
  2. Create a channel on YouTube and become popular (from 500,000 subscribers no less). But then you can collect many donates, receive advertising from famous companies, and so on. Basically, of course, there are streams and donates.
  3. Create or buy a site grid
  4. To do infobusiness
  5. Become a trader or pamm manager
  6. Seriously do affiliate programs financial focus. Binary Options, Trading, CPA Offers Banks
  7. Create a base of 100,000 subscribers and to reach an income from 500,000 rubles per month as a nefig to do!
  8. Become a steep programmer
  9. Become a cool SEO specialist
  10. Become a cool web designer

In short, only choosing a business you can earn a lot of money! Working a copywriter, or performing any tasks, you can earn, but it will be only earnings, not a business! The case is that hired work she and Africa hired work! We are engaged in copywriting - do additional blog + infobusiness. We are trading, additionally blogging. Etc…. The bottom line is this!

Today, earnings on the Internet can be a worthy alternative to 8-9 hourly labor day in the office. The only negative work at home is the need to take the will into a fist and smoke money with diligence. However, a man from nature is a lazy creature, sooner or later each freelancer begins to Filon. For example, be distracted by social networks, Online games or TV shows. How to be in such a situation and do not sacrifice financial well-being in favor of entertainment?

I want to offer you a decent way out, allowing you to satisfy your own laziness and benefit from all sorts of sources of income online. Some sites will pay you for what you are doing daily. If you spend time on a broadcast web surfing, then let it goes with benefit. Immediately make a reservation, from wanting to receive remuneration will require knowledge of English language At the Upper-intermediate level and above. Let `s start?

1. Fushioncash

As statistics show, there is a TV in 80% of the population of civilized states. FushionCash pays from $ 2 to $ 50 per view of gear, advertising and diverse tits. Not so long ago, the portal began to cooperate with RadioLoyalty radio station and now makes money transfer for listening to music and reality shows. When registering, a bonus 5 dollars awaits you, let the trifle, but still nice.

2. Cashcrate.

The list of features on Cashcrate is unrealistic to list. This is a video view, and shopping, and online games, and contests. The most interesting thing is the purchase of food in supermarkets and on eco markets. It is not surprising that the site is becoming stunning popularity among lovers of light money.

This option web earning is incredibly cheerful and fascinating. After registering and viewing the learning video, you are already considered a full employee. You will start receiving notifications for mail, every time new test projects will appear. Tasks contain links to sites that are in the development, a list of test sections or functions and the deadline for execution. Each project is paid separately, an average of $ 10-15 per website.

4. PERK.

The range of opportunities for earnings on the PERK site grows as on yeast. PERK-TV is the most popular and affordable application that allows you to cut the loot to even come from other countries. You install the utility and get money for watching the TV. It sounds not bad, isn't it?


This site is unique in that it pays commissions in one hundred percent amount when you make purchases in TopCashBack. At the same time, you get the goods and services plus the money constantly dripping money. Owners of the resource are not from nature are generous. The fact is that advertisers are the main source of site financing. The portal is so popular that the right to be on main page Come in a penny. In other words, someone else's marketing works for you.

Another site paying video clips. Also on the portal is carried out various contests with valuable prizes, for example, "Guess the frame from the film" or "will continue the actor's replica." Users, and part-time employees can play in mobile applications And online toys. On zoombucks you will always be engaged in earnings money, but absolutely not noticing it.

7. Swagbucks.

This is one of the largest sites for a simple earnings. You can choose one of several options, for example, view video, take part in polls or passing quests in online games. You will be fun to fervent leisure and simultaneously replenish a bank account. Regular week earnings ranges from 25 to 100 bucks, depending on the activity, which at the current year the currencies are quite good. Besides real money The site administration provides an opportunity to receive virtual cash to make purchases in licensed SB sales points and coupons that can be used on Amazon, Walmart and PayPal.


Bestmark specializes in hiring secret buyers to control the work of large retail chains. Agree, even shopping haters sometimes go shopping, and what to talk about girls who can rush on bouquets. Your responsibilities will include the acquisition of goods and services and writing detailed reviews about the quality of bought things and service levels. Payment is relatively not big ($ 5-10 for feedback), it depends on your place of residence. Residents of large cities and tourist centers receive good money due to the abundance of places for "revisions". Recently, it has looked around in autotovars, so the owners of personal transport can easily try their strength and make money on gasoline, writing several comments on the properties of winter rubber or motor oils of well-known manufacturers.


Inboxdollars will not make multimillionaires from you, but it is definitely enough on a bunch with butter. The site is ideal for gamers, connoisseurs of short rollers and shopaholics. To work on the portal, the skill is needed is reasoned and logical to express their own opinion and write detailed feedback in English.

The child portal from swagbucks, which has a similar structure and system of elimination. MyGiftCardSplus allows you to receive discounts in various stores and bonus virtual money to make purchases at SB points. This tool is not so much for earnings, how much to save already available means. However, nothing bothers you to postpone the saved money on vacation or the incarnation of long-standing dreams.

"This is a dream work": what should the sofas testes do for 73 thousand rubles per month

The Superjob Sweatshop will appear on the job search site. The ideal candidate for this position, according to the employer, must have an effortfulness, patientity, as well as to have a higher education, and desirable technical. In addition, the future worker needs to be resting on the sofa and have at least one or two friends. What for? The editors of the TV channel "360" contacted the employer and learned the details of the vacancy.

The duties of the test will include daily sofa tests in sitting positions, lying and midstairs. It must check the reliability of the mechanisms of upholstered furniture and watch TV. For the fulfillment of this work, the applicant is offered from 73 thousand rubles per month. Moreover, spending money is not expensive - all tests worker spends at home.

The representative of the company Anastasia Russians explained that the quality and comfort of the organization puts in the head of the corner, and therefore seeks to develop.

We spend testing sofas on your own in the instructor system, but would like to grow further. We have quality and comfort in our first place, so they decided to spend these tests. We have not seen such a vacancy before anywhere.

According to her, the organization has already delivered about 900 resumes, most of the applicants are men.

We have about 43 thousand views and about 900 sent summons. Men are more sent by resume. We were surprised by such large quantity Responses, in social networks, many talk about it, admit that this is the work of a dream. We are pleased with this, it turns out that we have a lot of people in our country who experience warm feelings to their furniture and love to relax.

The seekers accompany the letters in which they talk about their lives, interests and what trials survived their sofa. The company's representative noted that the number of resumes sent says that spending a lot of time on the sofa for most the usual business.

Judging by the number of resumes that we get, people are happy to work with pleasure. For many, lie on the sofa and watch TV - the usual thing, they are still resting. People write accompanying letters, where they tell that they are ideal candidates for our position. Someone says that he does not like to watch television programs, but loves to read books. Others talk about their cases from life. For example, someone has no sofa in the apartment for many years, he saw a lot of events, someone pointed out that the sofa even survived the fire. A lot of stories. One young man, for example, wrote that he was led by a sedentary lifestyle. He plays poker houses up to 10 hours a day, sitting and half a walk on the sofa. Indicated that he experiences warm feelings for upholstered furniture and has preferably. I will not say that this is the perfect candidate, he is a little thin.

In the summary, the candidate must attach a photo. According to Anastasia, this is a necessary condition, but not everyone is coping with him. And the availability of friends is needed in order to perform creative tasks.

I have a condition for the applicant to send his photo on the sofa. Not everyone cope with this condition, not everyone is sent. Important appearance. Interestingly, the person will work with us. Availability of friends need to perform creative tasks. Suppose to invite friends to experience maximum loads. Arrange a friendly party or fly all day on the sofa. We still think about it.

The girl explained, the vacancy opens only for three months and does not imply career growth.

man shared articles

I was looking for a long time, where to earn, while not really straining. Announcements in the newspaper and interviews, in which, as in the old anecdote, were offered to fill out the proposed form and swimsuit;) soon disappointed, and therefore I started looking for a job on the Internet. Not in the sense that work on the Internet, but in the sense that the announcements read published in the network. Gray (if there is such a word) on vacancies sites, I learned that it is possible to get rich and sitting at home before the shimmering monitor.

So my long freelance race began. As a newcomer, nor echo, not related to the worldwide network, I happened to participate in the mass of scam, promised fast, and, most importantly, impressive earnings.

I for a long time blinded over the decoding of codes called a terrible word Caps . Especially cool it was to engage in having a supermaned Internet, in which, while the captcha drove, it was possible to drive three times to the kitchen to intercept coffee with a sandbody. But I wanted money anyway, but it is not necessary to work. Therefore, I became the worm online sentences in another direction.

Extremely disappointed in Monetary pyramid Under the name "I came to me so much rubles to the account, and then they will send so much, and there will be a million." For these purposes, I even created a wallet on Vaubmani. Diligently introduced there all the data, invented long passwords, who immediately forgot and then restored it for a long time. But there was no money on the wallet! So, my millions and earnings in the pyramid were crying. Okay, where ours did not disappear! Survive! But at this stage I had a wallet on VEBMANY. I was proud.

The next my step - Earnings on clicks. Here he is worthy of work for Tolstukhoy Downroom. Sit, click on my right mouse button, wait until the page restarts. Quietly degrading over the computer in those difficult times, I managed to earn your 0.002 cents. It is a pity that the system on the wallet could only be withdrawn from $ 3. If someone succeeded - a low bow.

Then the gods of the soulless glands were made to me and led me to the articles "How to earn, write articles." Or Pisa Articles? In short Earnings by writing articles He became my golden residential. It turns out that there is a lot of stock exchanges in the network, where home-grown Wisks are required - copywriters. And even for such garbage, as posts on forums you can receive money. Where does the world roll?

I registered immediately on five stock exchanges and started with a unthinkable speed to scatter texts. And since I am inspired, I was easily taken for the connoisseur of grablippers, then for a specialist in plastic windows, and even over the years, a pregnant mother-heroine mother with a huge experience of a vane change of diapers. Especially comfortable, and profitable for me was this exchange.

As a result, 17 dollars in my wallet were the biggest earnings for the week. But even though I, with mad enthusiasm, having slipped the tongue and clutching all that they pay, and pounded my money, occasionally woke up a worm of doubt: "What, is it possible to get money? Yes No, the scam probably was the next, probably, from the system on the wallet will not bring. " But I believed! Here it is that - the stupidity is my universal, the credibility of invincible. And they laid! They brought right on the VEBMAN wallet, and then right on the bank card. My first money earned in the Internet! I was terribly indifferent and decided that a little more - and I will plunge the gates and McDonald's belt together. Yes, who are they now, Vapsche?!

Today on articles I earn more than more. But greed and vanity, they are in a swing, do not sleep well: now I want more, much more money. Therefore, I decided that the Nefig work and write selling texts for someone - I will do it for myself. And started the blog. In the future - a blog bringing multimillion profit. And at least, while he has only one reader - I, and there are two flying subscribers (I don't know one of them at all, I swear), I believe that I will deal with all sorts of TIC, PR and other vessels.