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The best generators of random numbers for the competition. Random ORG Random Random App Generator Random Number Generator

Promotion of VKontakte is one of the most up-to-date questions for today. Ways to promote their page There are many and one of the most popular - holding contests. But not all community leaders know about special programs to help conduct draws honestly, transparent and easy.
There is a special program to select the winner of VKontakte on the reposity, it is called If you need to determine a honestly winner, use it.

It is about such a software and will be speech today. You will find out what is the essence of such programs, which exist and how to use them.

What opportunities are programs for VK contests?

Services and programs for competitions in VKontakte are very convenient and useful tools.

In order to understand how programs should have, let's consider what kind of contests are:

  • Creative contest. People send their photos / videos to comply with the conditions of the competition (for example, autumn topics) and the one who made the best photo / video receives a prize.
  • The most active participant. During a certain time, subscribers must show activity in the group (put likes, to make repographs, write comments). According to the result, the most active participant is determined.
  • Raffle (lottery). In most cases, people should make a repost of community entry, which contains information about the draw, and be signed on it. The winner is chosen by chance from the list of participants. See the article ".

So, with what contests are, we figured out. Now let's talk about programs.

For creative competition contests are not required. If there are many participants, a few best photos / video defines the Admin Public. And then the vote is made so that the subscribers themselves could choose the best job.

The second type of events implies the counting of the activity of all participants. Consider manually, who made how much likes and reposts did it very difficult, so services come to the rescue, capable of doing all this quickly and easily. Such services can calculate wall statistics, albums, groups, friends and much more. A little later we will tell you more about one of these services.

Drawings are the most commonly used type of contests, and therefore, the amount of software offering accidentally define a person who will receive a prize, simply rolls. The main task of such programs is to maximize the chances of participants and randomizing the definition of the winner. That is, the program should absolutely accidentally choose one person from the list of participants. Further in our article we will look at such services.

All programs are designed to simplify the work of the organizers of contests in VC. This is their main purpose.

Top 5 programs

In front of the organizers of the competitions there is a very large selection of which service to use. So that you do not spend your time in search, we present to your attention the 5 most popular and convenient services. If you use programs for VK contests, everything will be honest, will win a random person. To play major prizes, you should study our top programs for holding the drawing in the group.

All the following programs are free and, most importantly, independent (that is, they do not cooperate with any group or public).

This project is designed for a random selection of the winner. If you have such a need for Randompromo in this will help you. Here you can choose a random person from subscribers or repographing specified post.

The service has two selection modes: instantaneous and at the appointed time. And in that, and in another case, a separate page of each draw is created. It can be specified, for example, in the record that contains all information about the event. Everyone will be able to follow the link and make sure of the honesty of the outstanding results.

One of the most popular projects to determine the winner in VKontakte drawers. The service is very simple and able to choose one or more people absolutely by chance.

The selection criteria are as follows: on husky or repost. You can also specify whether the participant must be subscribed to your community.

This service is designed for competitions on the most active member of the group. If you decide to hold such an event, it is not necessary to consider huskies, reposts, comments manually. For you it can make socialstats.

On this site you can find out the statistics:

  • Walls;
  • Photo albums;
  • Video;
  • Popularity groups;
  • Friends;
  • Personal correspondence.

In most cases, the first point is enough. Here the number of likes, reposts and comments left on the wall each participant is calculated. As a result, you can see detailed statistics. Find out who is the most active and give him a prize.

The only service on our list, which is not an online project. This application is in VKontakte. The functionality is the same as other similar programs.

Random.App is able to define a random user (s) from the number of the licked specified post, repographing it, or among all community subscribers.

The convenience of this service is that it is inside the VC and leave its limits is not needed. Already 1.5 million users use this application.

This is a site specializing in random. There are many interesting tools here, one of which is the definition of the winner (s) of VK draws.

The feature of the project is that there is an additional selection criterion - the city. That is, besides the fact that you choose a person on the husky / repost and subscription, you can specify the city from where the winner should be.

Randstuff is able to plan a summary of the future. You can specify a specific date and time, and a draw on the appointed day will be drawn.

How to choose a winner of the draw using programs?

So, above we described the 5 most popular services that help managers and admins to pursue contests.

If you need a good contest and prizes, expensive, then use programs.

The random method is the best way to identify the winner.

Let's look at how to choose a random person using such programs (except SocialStats).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Go to one of the above-described sites (or run the application).
  2. Specify the URL of the post by which the winner will be selected.
  3. Select the selection criteria (on the husky, repost or from among all subscribers).
  4. Select the number of winners.
  5. If there is an opportunity and need, choose the city and assign a date and time.
  6. Start choosing.

The selection system is almost the same anywhere, with the exception of individual nuances of each of the services (for example, a separate link to Randompromo or the direction of the city in Randomstuff).

Pros and cons

Programs for holding a drawing, of course, a very useful and convenient tool. They possess the following advantages:

  • Is free. You do not need to pay for their use.
  • Safety. You do not specify any personal data and not authorize.
  • Independence. None of the services cooperate with any public and groups, which provides an honest choice.
  • Transparency. You can always write a video as the winner is determined, or specify a reference to the draw in your community.
  • Convenience. Just a couple of clicks you can find out the name of the person who will receive the promised prize.
  • The choice of criteria for selection (Like, repost, subscription).

Oddly enough, there are no minuses. The only thing worth noting is the presence of fraudsters. This is perhaps the only drawback that is difficult to call the disadvantage. Services divorced a lot and fraudsters use it. But using the above-described software, you will never come across with them.


Today we talked to you about programs for conducting. We tried to tell you as much as possible and show the most convenient and most popular services. Use them in your work. We hope the article was useful for you.

Today we will look at the best generators of random numbers for the competition. Administrators of groups on social networks, as well as instagram and bloggers, often conduct contests and various lotteries, in which various prizes are played to the specified date for their subscribers and visitors. Competition Requirements often have a number of identical conditions in which the participant must take some actions, as well as put like, subscribe to the channel, repress the material on the page. After that, the blogger or administrator must choose the winner randomly from those who fulfilled the conditions.

To choose a winner randomly, there are special sites-services that provide such an opportunity. It can be done directly on your pages of social networks and blogs, without resorting to a rapid software or programmers services. Decide the winner randomly can be without knowing any special sciences. Most of these generators of random numbers are free and have a simple interface, as well as not even especially experienced users.

Many rooms of random numbers work in the same principle:

  • G - Rating.
  • V is the weight of the factor affecting the winner rating.
  • S is a random figure.
  • With the weight of the factor of the formula, the following is the following - s + the number of likes * V.
  • The operation of the generator varies slightly when adding reposts - S + Likes * V + Reparks * V.

The principle of calculating the generator changes with other factors, everything will not take into account.

Fanpage Karma - one of the simple generators for determining a random winner

Very convenient and accessible to users site, which provides their tools for free. There is a small minus - the site is in English, but it can easily cope with the help of prompts that will be described next.

You only need to provide a link to the page in the yellow field with the arrow and the service automatically perform all the work to determine the winner of the competition. It is amazing, but you do not need to collect participants' names in large lists and provide them with the service as they require that some.

Random number generator FUNPAGE KARMA

As you can see from the image, we get a detailed list with four categories: likes and comments, only huskies, some comments and comments with the largest amount of likes. First of all, the random number generator for the competition is great for the Facebook social network, it works with it without any additional tools. The service also provides tools for working with reports and reports completely free.

Randompicker - the most serious random number generator

The Randompicker service is paid, but it has all the qualities in order to be called the best of its kind tool. If you have a big audience, with which the festive competition will be played (lottery) and you will need to make a report on the process of choosing a winner on its completion, then this service is not suitable for you, especially since it is completely Russian-speaking. A spoon of tar in it is that the service is paid. His services are 38 dollars for exceeding free limit.

Random Picker Random Number Generator

The RANDOMPICKER generator creates a special sampling protocol and all results after determining the winner remain on the service server. This gives additional benefits for you, so you can confirm your words about honest draw, showing your subscribers the results of the operation of random numbers. With this service, you can create a sample protocol in which participants can see that they were really listed, as well as other information of the draw (the number of participating, winner, etc.).

How to work with randompicker

  • To use the service, follow the link\u003dru-ru and register.
  • To begin with, you must prepare a list of participants who will take part in the draw. The list can be provided in different types: Excel Table, CSV and list written by hand.
  • If you have a small contest or other event and the list of participants are not big, then up to 100 participants Randompicker will choose free. If the participants are more - the service is paid 38 dollars. 300 thousand - the maximum number of participants.
  • The service is suitable only for honest draws, you can not make any fading. The winner is selected only once and nothing can be changed. - one of the first numbers online generators

The service was founded in 1997. It is often used as a winner's determinant for contests, although it is a simple random number generator for different tasks. In order to take advantage of this service, you need to make a list of participants in advance. The service provides services for a fee and free. The paid version is available to save the results of the selection of the winner.

Home Service

In order to sampling the winner on, you need to know the prices for services. If your list contains up to 500 people, it will cost you in the area of \u200b\u200b5 dollars. 1 thousand participants cost about $ 9, all services of services are available on the

How to use service

WOOBOX PICK A WINNER - Special service for Facebook

This is another tool for choosing a random winner in Facebook's social network draws. Unfortunately, the generator is available only for this network. In order to determine the winner - enter your Facebook account. website
  • Now enter this site - You can register with the help of the SOC itself. Facebook network by clicking on the button with the logo.
  • Next, on the site at the top, select Menu, from the drop-down list "Other Businesses" and again from the list, select the desired page.
  • Select the "Posts" button in the top panel, where the list of your publications on the Facebook page opens, select Publication with the Competition.
  • And on the right side there is a green button "Pick A Winner" - click on it.
  • Find the page with a choice of 2 points - Comments and Likes. Select one of the criteria for which you need to select the winner and click the "Pick A Winner" button again. The system will automatically determine the winner randomly. If suddenly the winner was chosen incorrectly or there are other reasons for cancellation of the selection result, then press the "Unpicker" button on the right side for cancellation.

We reviewed the best generators of random numbers for online contests. Some you can use for free, but what exactly choose - to solve you.

An understandable and convenient generator of numbers online, which has been in recent popularity. I received the greatest distribution when prizes in social networks, among users.

The same is popular in other areas. We also have or passwords and numbers.

Our generator random random numbers online.

Our randomizer generator does not require it to download to your personal PC. Everything happens in the online generator mode. Simply specify the parameters such as: the range of online numbers in which the numbers will be randomly selected. Also, specify the number of numbers that will be selected.

For example, you have a group of VKontakte. In the group you play 5 prizes, among the number of participants who will make the recording. With the help of a special application, we received a list of participants. Each one was assigned their own sequence number for numbers online.

Now go to our online generator and specify the range of numbers (number of participants). For example, we specify that online numbers need 5, as we have 5 prizes. Now press the generation button. Then we get 5 random numbers online, ranging from 1 to 112 inclusive. Generated 5 numbers online will correspond to the sequence number of five participants who have become the winners of the draw. Everything is simple and convenient.

Another plus generator of random numbers is that all numbers are issued by a random manner. Ie, influence it, or calculate what number will be as follows, it is not possible. What does say, honest and reliable, and the administration that plays prizes with the help of our free generator, honest and decent in the person of the participants in the competition. And if you doubt a relatively solution, then you can use our

Why random number generator is the best?

The fact is that generator numbers onlineavailable on any device and always online. You can perfectly honestly generate any number for any of your idea. And the same for the project to use random number generator online. Especially if you need to determine the winner of the game or for another number online. The fact is that random number generator Generates any numbers completely accidentally without algorithms. This is essentially for numbers.

Generator random numbers online for free!

Generator random numbers online for each. You do not need to download or buy any random number generator Online for drawing. We just need to go to our site and get the result you need to rand. We have not only random number generator But the necessary many who will definitely help you win the lottery. A real generator of random numbers online for lotteries is an absolute accident. Which our site is able to provide you.

Random online

If you are looking for a random number online, we created this resource for you. We are constantly improving our algorithms. You will get a real here random number generator. It will provide any needs as the random generator you need completely free and at any time. Create with us random numbers online. Be always confident in the complete chance of each generated number.

Random number generator random

Our random generator random chooses the numbers completely randomly. It does not matter day or an hour you have on your computer. This is a real blind selection. The generator rand just shifts in random order all numbers. And then accidentally chooses from them the number of random numbers. Sometimes numbers can be repeated, which proves the total random of the generator of the number by random.

Randa online

Randa is the most faithful option for the draw. Online generator is a really random choice. You are protected from any influence on the choice of a random number. After removing the process of online selection of the winner's video. That's all you need. Arrange honest draws online with our online numbers generator. You get winners and satisfied players. And we are joy that you could please our random generator.

Randomizer Easy way to identify the winner online. You have a list of participants. Insert it in the input field with each other. Make one click and our randomizer will prime randomly all participants. This randomizer can be used in many areas:

  • determining the winners of the draws
  • choose a winner from the list
  • player alignment
  • Who will go first to the board 🙂

But our randomizer uses several algorithms at the same time. This guarantees a complete chance of choosing a winner. The list is mixed several times randomly. And you can be sure that the randomizer will make a real random choice. The simple randomizer interface compensates for the complexity of the algorithms. Use our randomizer for a truly honest choice of the winner online!

Need to draw or online competition? There is nothing easier. Insert the list of participants in the text box on this page. Click the Generate button below. A list of participants with the number will appear in the result.
Each participant provides a random number. Here the number of rooms corresponds to the number of participants in the draw. Remove the process of selecting the winner on the video. So you will define the winner of any contest online.

The winners of the competition are defined

Online random number generator or randomizer will determine the winner honestly. This is the easiest way to choose. No longer need to pull a lototron ticket. Just enter the list of applicants and choose the winner. Removing the process of random choice on video you will provide honest draw. In addition to this option, we still have the winners. This draw will be useful for simultaneously viewing the result of the draw. True, in this case, you will receive only the rooms of the contest winners. That is, the rooms should be assigned to participants in advance.

Determine the winner by the generator of random numbers (HSH)

The random number generator (GSH) is perfectly coping with the task of determining the winner. You can't get it. GSH is a blind choice, because he will still won the competition. Of course, you yourself can poke your finger in the list and define the winner. But it will work for drawing with the prizes of a small material value. There are much more serious draws. For example, draw a new iPhone. Then your audience will require a transparent competition. This can be done only with. Or rather, the list randomizer. After removing this process on the video, you will demonstrate the chance of choosing the winner. Such generators help not only in contests or draws. You can play the lottery. Decide the answer to the question yes or not. And also solve any questions where you need to rely on the will of the case.

Randomly determine the winner

We recall again. This randomizer makes a random selection of the winner in any draws. It may be a draw in social networks VK, Facebook, Instagram. Or just a contest on the site. In order to doubt in the honesty of the competition among the participants, it was necessary for the GSH for the contest. For this, there is our site. We generate random numbers, answers, tips. By chance we define the winners of the competitions and much more.