Internet Windows Android

Error timed out. Connection timed out on Google Play (Google Play) on Android

Are you having trouble loading the website? Don't worry - we are here to help you. This article will show you how to fix the problem so you can get back to surfing the Internet.

First, let's define what the problem is

With a little detective work, we can narrow down our problem.

  1. Open a new tab and see if you can load another website like or
  2. Launch another browser like Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge Safari Google Chrome and try to open the site you are having problems with.

The problem only happens on certain websites

If you see one of the following error messages, it may be due to a problem in the Firefox cache:

  • The connection was interrupted
  • The connection has been dropped
  • Connection timed out

Try clearing Firefox cookies and cache

Follow these steps and then reload the website you are having problems with.

If clearing your Firefox cookies and cache didn't help, it's probably a sign that the problem lies with the website itself. In this case, you just have to wait until the problem is fixed. With large websites like Twitter or Facebook, this can only take a few minutes.

If you don't see any of the error messages described above, check if your problem matches one of the specific problems listed below:

Website loads but doesn't work correctly

If a website doesn't look right or doesn't work as it should, you should check out the following articles:

The problem only occurs on a secure (https) website

Look at the web address in the address bar. It starts with https://(pay attention to "s")? If so, check if you get the following error messages:

The problem only happens in Firefox

If another web browser works fine, one of the following solutions will work for you:

  • Firefox cannot load websites although other browsers can - if you can view websites in other browsers but cannot view them in Firefox.
  • Unable to connect to websites after updating Firefox - if you have connection problems after you update Firefox.

If you see the following error messages, Firefox is trying to access the Internet through a proxy server:

  • Proxy server is refusing connection
  • Failed to find proxy server

If you are connecting to the Internet through a proxy, compare your Firefox settings with Internet Explorer - read the Microsoft Guide to Proxy Settings.Read the Apple Support article Enter proxy server settings on a Mac for more information on proxy server settings.

To check your connection settings in Firefox:

If the problem occurs in all web browsers

This is probably a problem with your internet connection. For some tips on solving this problem, see Firefox and other browsers can't load websites.

Other less common problems

  • Website says Firefox is outdated, incompatible, or unsupported- For more information, see Websites say Firefox version is outdated or incompatible, even if it's the latest version.
  • Plugin crashed- This means that the plugin used to display content on the current page has terminated unexpectedly. For more information, read Submit plugin crash reports to help Mozilla improve Firefox.
  • Malicious site reports- If you see the warning "This site is suspected of being attacked!" or "This site is suspected of being a scam!", Firefox has blocked access to the site you are visiting to protect you from malware or a fake site (phishing) . For more information, read Phishing and Malware Protection ( .
  • Offline mode- If you see a message about offline mode, you may need to set Firefox not to use your network connection. Make sure your computer has a network connection and then:
  • Wrong page redirect- This problem may be caused by problems with cookies. For more information, read Websites are reporting that cookies are blocked - How to unblock them.
  • If you get an error File not found, try the troubleshooting steps described in these articles:
    • Troubleshoot extensions, themes, and hardware acceleration to solve common problems in Firefox
    • Troubleshoot Firefox problems caused by malware
  • Content type error- If you receive an error message Content type error or The page you are trying to view cannot be displayed because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression., use the following steps to diagnose and fix the issue:
    1. Check the settings of any Internet security applications you use (including firewalls, antivirus or antispyware, and privacy programs). You should remove any permissions these applications have for Firefox and then re-add them. For instructions specific to some applications, read

Connection timed out on Google Play (Google Play) on Android. Quite often, when trying to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, a message appears with the following content: "Connection timed out." Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

Option 1

An error can occur through the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource accessed by the user. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing Set DNS on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights are not needed in the PRO version of the application, you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, it is enough to specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

Option 2

You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in the malfunctions occurring in the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (for new models, the firmware may be unfinished and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative version, earlier and guaranteed to work).

Option 3

In file /etc/hosts there may be extra addresses. The line should be only one - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then save and check the operation of Google Play. To clean the /etc/hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our site).

Option 4

The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market does not work, but also other Google services - the validity period of the certificate has not yet come. The solution is elementary - to set the correct date.

Option 5

It is impossible to connect to Google Play, because the fake Freedom program for hacking games is installed on the device, which allows you to get money (items, resources) dishonestly. This program changes the hosts file located in / system / ets / (we already wrote about it in paragraph 3). Hence the inability to establish a connection. And now a step-by-step instruction for solving the problem:
1 . Delete Freedom ;
2 . Obtain superuser rights (root-rights), if they have not been obtained earlier;
3 . Install Root Explorer and give it superuser rights;
4 . Find the hosts file in a directory /system/ets/ using Root explorer, using a text editor, open this file, after which everything written there is erased and only one line is entered: localhost;

Each Internet user has encountered a situation where the browser notifies with the message "Timed out waiting for a response from the site" that it is impossible to visit a particular site. This happened for various reasons and the solution to this problem will definitely be found by you below in the article.

What does the browser error ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT mean?

First of all, in order to successfully fix the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT problem, you need to clearly know the reasons for its appearance, as well as some features of sites and browser. The reasons for the message about the response timeout from the site can appear both on the server side and on the client side in the browser. When you click on one of the links of any site, the client or simply your browser sends a request to the server of the site you contacted to display the desired page in it (the browser). But the developers decided that the browser cannot wait forever for a response from the server, when the site does not respond for some reason, it waits for a while, and then informs the user that the site you are accessing is not available.

Each browser has its own waiting time for a response from the site. If such a timeout has expired, the browser displays a message that the site is not responding.

The main reasons for the notification about the expired response from the server:

What to do if you receive a response timeout error message from the site

Let's take a closer look at the options due to which the browser notifies us of an error. If you have an error only once on one site (for example:,,,,,, try simply reloading the page or update it by pressing F5 or CTRL+F5 . We will also exclude the option when you have obvious problems with the Internet, it is disabled for you.

Troubleshoot network problems and set it up

Step 1. First of all, check your connection to make sure that the error is not on your side. If all sites run in your browser, and some do not, then restart the router. This can be done in its settings. You can also try disabling and enabling it if you have a dynamic IP address.

Step 2. The reason for the message may be very slow Internet, this happens when you use mobile Internet in remote regions with a poor signal on your computer. In this case, check the speed through online services to measure the speed of transmitting and receiving packets. If you are not satisfied with the speed test, contact your ISP for advice.

Step 3. It will not be superfluous to view. The DNS address section must contain the correct data for your network. In the event that the address does not match what it should be, delete and fill in as necessary. There is a possibility that your system is infected with a virus and reconfigures your browser menu items on its own. In this case, use antivirus software. Ideally, in addition to installed anti-virus programs, use disposable and utilities from Kaspersky, Dr.Web, Nod32.

Step 4. In the router settings, you should check the MTU parameter to eliminate the "Timed out waiting for a response from the site." He can often "fly". For different networks and routers, the value is different, you need to find it on the Internet exactly for your model and network and reconfigure it. With incorrect MTU settings, it is often impossible to open various social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, as well as YouTube video hosting, etc. Or they will take a very long time to load.

Cleaning the browser for proper work

Also pay special attention to your browser settings. Open the cache in the settings and clean it ( and ), do the same with cookies.

You should play with the built-in modes and other settings, namely: activate the turbo mode, then deactivate it. Use various proxy server settings, enable hardware acceleration, if it doesn't help, set it back. This is done not at all because we don’t know what to do, and we use the “poke method”, but precisely because all of the above instructions can cause a downtime waiting for a response from the server.

Go to your browser history and clear it. Open browser plugins and add-ons, remove all unimportant and minor ones, they can not only cause errors in the browser, but also slow it down. All of these causes are client side, but they can also appear on the server side. The site may be subject to settings and therefore not accessible to visitors. Try going to the site's forum - many reputable resources make forums separate from the main sites precisely in order to notify users of any events on the site due to which it is temporarily unavailable, such as hacker attacks.

The "Timed Out" error typically occurs when an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine has failed to start, the server name is incorrect, or there are network and firewall issues.

Error message text

In SQL Server Management Studio, notifications for this error might be as follows.

"Unable to connect to".

“Wait time has expired. The timeout period expired before the operation was completed, or the server is not responding. (Microsoft SQL Server, error: -2)"

Program sql cmd may return the following errors.

"SQL Network Interfaces: An error occurred while looking up the specified server or instance."

"Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client: The client cannot establish a connection."

"Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client: Login timed out."

"Unable to open connection to SQL Server."

"An error occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server, this error may be caused by the fact that SQL Server does not support remote connections in the default configuration."

Typical causes of this error

Invalid server name specified.

Try entering the server name again.

The SQL Server service is not running on the server.

Start an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine.

The TCP/IP port of the Database Engine instance is blocked by a firewall.

Configure the firewall to allow access to the Database Engine.

The Database Engine is not listening on port 1433 because the port has been changed or because the component is not the default instance and the SQL Server Browser service is not running.

Either start the SQL Server Browser service, or establish a connection by specifying the TCP/IP port number.

The SQL Server Browser service is running, but UDP port 1434 is blocked by the firewall.

Either configure the firewall to allow access to UDP port 1434 on the server, or establish a connection by specifying the TCP/IP port number.

The client and server cannot choose the same network protocol.

Using SQL Server Configuration Manager, configure the server and client computer so that at least one common protocol is available to them.

The network module cannot resolve the server name to an IP address. This can be checked using the PING program.

Resolve a computer name resolution issue on your network, or connect using the server's IP address. This issue is not related to SQL Server. If you need help, check your Windows documentation or contact your network administrator.

Connection using an IP address is not possible. This can be checked using the PING program.

Fix the issue with TCP/IP protocols on your network. This issue is not related to SQL Server. If you need help, check your Windows documentation or contact your network administrator.

Unusual bugs

Server with multiple IP addresses

Clients running in may receive this error when connecting to a named instance of SQL Server that is installed in a cluster or non-clustered machine with multiple IP addresses. This issue can occur in all versions of SQL Server.


When connecting to a named instance on a remote computer, the client uses UDP to obtain the connection endpoint (TCP port number or named pipe number) to connect to the SQL Server Browser service on the SQL Server computer or cluster.

Firewalls on clients prevent loose source mapping for UDP. This means that the response must come from the IP address to which the request was sent. If the response comes from an IP address other than the target, the client's firewall will drop the packet. This issue can occur when connecting to a clustered server or a single computer that has multiple IP addresses.

The following table describes combinations of operating systems that can cause UDP packets to be dropped. This prevents a connection to a named instance of SQL Server or to a default instance of SQL Server that is not listening on TCP port 1433.

Client operating system

Operating system running SQL Server

Result in SQL Server 2008

Result in SQL Server 2005

UDP packets are not allowed through.

UDP packets are not allowed through.

Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2003

UDP packets are not allowed through.

UDP packets are not allowed through.

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (x86, IA64)

UDP packets are not allowed through.

UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (x64)

UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.

UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.


To work around this issue, you must do one of the following:

Turkish or Azerbaijani language

Connection attempts may fail if the current language is Turkish or Azerbaijani and the server name contains the letter "I". To avoid this problem, connect to the server using the IP address. If the instance name contains the letter "I", specify the TCP/IP port number when connecting. To connect to a specific port, use an alias.

Connection timed out on Google Play (Google Play) on Android.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

In file /etc/hosts

Option 4

Option 5

1 . Delete Freedom ;
4 /system/ets/

Quite often, when trying to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, a message appears with the following content: "Connection timed out." Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

Option 1

An error can occur through the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource accessed by the user. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing Set DNS on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights are not needed in the PRO version of the application, you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, it is enough to specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

Option 2

You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in the malfunctions occurring in the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (for new models, the firmware may be unfinished and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative version, earlier and guaranteed to work).

Option 3

In file /etc/hosts there may be extra addresses. The line should be only one - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then save and check the operation of Google Play. To clean the /etc/hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our site).

Option 4

The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market does not work, but also other Google services - the validity period of the certificate has not yet come. The solution is elementary - to set the correct date.

Option 5

It is impossible to connect to Google Play, because the fake Freedom program for hacking games is installed on the device, which allows you to get money (items, resources) dishonestly. This program changes the hosts file located in / system / ets / (we already wrote about it in paragraph 3). Hence the inability to establish a connection. And now a step-by-step instruction for solving the problem:
1 . Delete Freedom ;
2 . Obtain superuser rights (root-rights), if they have not been obtained earlier;
3 . Install Root Explorer and give it superuser rights;
4 . Find the hosts file in a directory /system/ets/ using Root explorer, using a text editor, open this file, after which everything written there is erased and only one line is entered: localhost;

5 . Execute save;

If the message " Timed out waiting for a response from the gateway. Check your network settings.", do the following:

1. Check Internet access

To resolve the issue, please check if Internet using a web browser Internet Explorer. If access to Internet no, contact your ISP for more information. Try again to activate the program after the restoration of work Internet.

2. Set up Firewall properly

If your computer has Firewall, add an allow rule for the process avp.exe or disable Firewall fully.

Firewall (firewall, firewall) designed to ensure the security of your work in local networks and the Internet. Firewall is a software package that checks data transmitted over the Internet or a local network, and, depending on the parameters Firewall, blocks or allows this network activity.

3. Check the system date on the computer

You can find out how to check if the system date is set correctly on your computer in the KB3508 article.

4. Retry activation in one hour

5. Contact Kaspersky Lab Technical Support

Quite often, when trying to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, a message appears with the following content: "Connection timed out." Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

Option 1
An error can occur through the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource accessed by the user. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing GoogleDNS on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights are not needed in the PRO version of the application, you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, it is enough to specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

Option 2
You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in the malfunctions occurring in the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (for new models, the firmware may be unfinished and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative version, earlier and guaranteed to work).

Option 3
In file /etc/hosts there may be extra addresses. There should be only one line - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then save and check the operation of Google Play. To clean the /etc/hosts file, root rights are required (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our site).

Option 4
The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market does not work, but also other Google services - the validity period of the certificate has not yet come. The solution is elementary - set correct date.

Option 5
It is impossible to connect to Google Play, because the fake Freedom program for hacking games is installed on the device, which allows you to get money (items, resources) dishonestly. This program changes the hosts file located in / system / ets / (we already wrote about it in paragraph 3). Hence the inability to establish a connection. And now step-by-step instructions for solving the problem:
1. Delete Freedom;
2. Obtain superuser rights (root-rights), if they have not been obtained earlier;
3. Install RootExplorer and give it superuser rights;
4. Find the hosts file in the /system/ets/ directory using Rootexplorer, open this file with a text editor, then delete everything written there and enter only one line: localhost;