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Rules for the provision of services of local telephone communication, intrazonal telephone communication. Features of the provision of local telephone services I

Decree of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 934 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services"

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 15, Art. 766), the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation decides: telephone connection. Content

provision of long-distance and international telephone communication services
(approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 No. 934)

I. General provisions

1. The rules for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and determine the procedure and conditions for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services by business entities of any form of ownership and departmental subordination and are binding on these entities . These Rules do not apply to the provision of services in dedicated communication networks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, as well as in communication networks for internal production and technological purposes. 2. The provision of long-distance and international telephone communication services to customers * is carried out by an economic entity in the field of long-distance and international telephone communication services ** (hereinafter referred to as the economic entity) solely on the basis of a special permit (license) issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. 3. Long-distance and international telephone communications are provided for use by legal entities and individuals with the establishment of identical service conditions for them, taking into account the priorities determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. Messages relating to the safety of human life at sea, land, air, outer space, defense and law enforcement measures, as well as messages about major accidents, catastrophes, epidemics, epizootics and natural disasters have absolute priority. Priority in service is given to: Heads of public authorities and administration of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Federation; diplomatic and consular representatives of foreign states; representatives of international organizations; certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The priority provision of communication services is provided in the interests of government communications, defense, security and law enforcement of the country and is determined by separate documents. 5. Provision of communication services to clients on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in Russian, and in the republics that are part of the Russian Federation - both in Russian and in the state languages ​​of the republics. Service relations between economic entities of the Russian Federation and official office work are carried out in Russian. Service relations between economic entities in the provision of international telephone communication services are carried out in the language determined by international agreements. 6. The conversation of clients when using long-distance and international telephone communications can take place in any language. 7. In the technological processes of long-distance telephone communication, a single accounting and reporting time is used - Moscow. In international communications accounting and reporting time is determined by international treaties of the Russian Federation. Informing customers about the time of provision of long-distance and international telephone services is carried out according to local time. 8. Economic entities are obliged to maintain the secrecy of telephone conversations and messages, as well as all information relating to them. Listening to telephone conversations, obtaining information about them, as well as other restrictions on the secrecy of communications are allowed only on the basis and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 9. Long-distance and international communication services provided to customers must comply in terms of quality with the requirements of standards, technical norms, terms of the contract, as well as information about services.

II. Long-distance and international communication services provided to customers

10. The list of provided long-distance and international telephone services is determined by the economic entity itself in accordance with the license issued to it for the provision of communication services and the needs of customers.11. An economic entity providing long-distance and international telephone communication services is obliged to inform customers free of charge about the services provided to them, the rules for their provision and use of long-distance and international communication services, as well as about the tariffs for these services. 12. The client has the right to use the long-distance or international connection and communication channel provided to him to transmit information in any way permitted by the current standards, and to use for this any type of subscriber unit (terminal) that has a certificate of conformity *** for use on communication networks of the Russian Federation. 13. In case of damage and overload of communications, the economic entity has the right to regulate the procedure for servicing, setting restrictions on the acceptance of orders for calls, in the duration of the conversation on the accepted order. The client has the right to appeal against the actions of the economic entity. The obligation to prove the validity of the introduction of restrictions rests with the economic entity. The client must be notified about the introduction of restrictions at the time of receiving the order or providing a conversation. 14. An economic entity that occupies a dominant position in the market for long-distance and international telephone communications is obliged to provide all the services of long-distance and international communications necessary for customers, unless the economic entity proves that the provision of the required services is beyond its production capabilities, network capabilities communication or beyond the scope of his license for the right to provide communication services. Typical services include: a) long-distance and international telephone conversation via automatic communication or with the help of an operator (telephonist); b) long-distance and international conference calls; c) comprehensive provision of communication services to customers during socio-political, cultural, entertainment and sports events; d) a set of additional services accompanying the provision of long-distance and international telephone calls on a pre-ordered with the help of an operator (telephonist). 15. The provision of international telephone calls by an economic entity must be carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the International Telephone Service, introduced by the International Consultative Committee on Telephony and Telegraphy on October 1, 1985. 16. An economic entity must bring to the attention of customers its obligations regarding the timing and quality of services. 17. The term for the performance of services is indicated as the duration (hour, day) from the appointed day and hour of the start of the performance of the service, during which the business entity undertakes to provide the service. 18. The client is obliged to comply with the terms of the contracts for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services, pay for the services provided in a timely manner and in full.

III. Features of using international telephone communications

19. The following categories of conversations are established on the international telephone network: a) distress conversations, which include conversations relating to the safety of human life at sea, land, air or outer space, as well as conversations caused by the need for the participation of the rescue service in case of serious accidents incidents, earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, fires, floods, shipwrecks and other disasters. Disaster talk is equated with World Health Organization talk of special urgency related to epidemics; b) state conversations, which include conversations of the following officials: the head of state; heads of government and members of government; heads of territories under the trust or mandate of the United Nations; commanders-in-chief of the military land, sea and air forces; heads of diplomatic or consular missions and persons replacing them. State category calls are provided from certain telephones; c) office calls - these include calls related to the operation of the international telephone service, including the organization and maintenance of channels for other types of telecommunications carried out through the international telephone service; d) password conversations; e) private conversations, which include all conversations, except for those specified in subparagraphs "a", "b", "c" and "d" of this paragraph. 20. International telephone calls are provided in the following order: a) distress calls; b) official conversations about the restoration of completely interrupted international relations; c) state conversations; d) official conversations on the organization and maintenance of communications; e) private conversations. 21. For international telephone communications, subscribers are provided with the following services: a) conversation from device to device - a conversation between the calling subscriber and any subscriber answering the called phone; b) personal conversation - a conversation between a caller and a certain called person. The called person can be indicated by last name, position, extension telephone number, address (order with notification), knowledge of a particular language, or other signs. If the order specifies the extension phone number and last name, then the fee is charged as for one service; c) conversation at the expense of the called person. Such conversations are allowed only with subscribers of a number of countries under special agreements with the relevant communications administrations. An order for a call at the expense of the called person is accepted regardless of whether the called phone is a home phone or not. The service fee is charged only from the called person. d) credit card conversation - a conversation, when ordering which the caller must indicate the credit card number and his last name. Credit card calls are provided at no charge to the caller. Conversations on credit cards are allowed only if there is an agreement between the communications administrations concerned; e) conversation with a certificate of a telephone number. 22. The order for a conversation expires at 8:00 local time of the next day for a conversation from the device to the device, if the subscriber does not cancel his order before this time, and for the order for a personal conversation - at 8:00 in the morning of the second day, not counting the day receipt of an order. 23. For international telephone calls, two types of tariffs are established - ordinary and urgent. Urgent tariff calls are paid at double the usual rate. 24. Distress calls are charged at the normal rate. Conversation with a password is provided at an urgent rate. 25. For a conversation in the state category, a fee is charged at an ordinary or urgent rate, depending on the rate at which the call is ordered. 26. International telephone calls are provided on credit, in advance and in cash. 27. The fee is not charged if the conversation did not take place due to the fault of the telephone service or if changes were made to the order before the long-distance connection was established. 28. In case of a failed personal conversation through no fault of the telephone service (in the absence of the called person, etc.), the subscriber is charged a fee in the amount of the cost of one minute of the conversation at the rate at which the conversation was ordered.

IV. Tariffs for communication services

29. Tariffs for communication services are established by an economic entity independently or on a contractual basis. In cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for certain types of communication services provided by economic entities of the state form of ownership, tariffs are regulated by the state. When establishing benefits for payment for communication services, compensation for lost amounts of income is made by the bodies or legal entities that establish the benefits. 30. Tariffs for communication services, established by an economic entity independently, are approved by its head. 31. The establishment of tariffs for services by an economic entity must be accompanied by the obligations of the entity in terms of the timing and quality of the provision of services. 32. When a client uses automatic long-distance and international telephone communications, the payable conversation time (transmission of information) is determined per minute from the moment the subscriber of the called phone number answers or the technical device connected to the called phone number (automatic answering machine, fax machine, etc.) until the end of the call calling or called subscriber.33. When a client uses long-distance or international telephone communications provided with the help of an operator (telephonist), the time of a conversation (transmission of information) is determined in the manner specified in paragraph 32 of these Rules, with the exception of cases of establishing connections with the "call a certain person" service ("personal conversation "). In this case, the beginning of the conversation is determined from the moment the called person answers. The duration of a call subject to payment, lasting less than three minutes, is rounded up to three minutes. The duration of a conversation of a greater duration is taken into account per minute. 34. If the calling person refuses to conduct a previously ordered long distance or international conversation (connection for information transfer) at the time of connection, the client is charged a fee in the amount of the full cost of services performed by the economic entity by the time of connection, and the cost of one minute of the conversation using the tariff, for which an order for connection and services is made. 35. The fee for the performance of the service is not charged if the ordered conversation did not take place due to the fault of the business entity. 36. The basis for issuing an invoice to a subscriber in case of automatic communication is the data of the cost accounting equipment recorded on a magnetic medium (magnetic tape or disk) and entered by the operator on the order form when providing communication with the help of an operator (telephonist). 37. The design and arrangement of equipment used by an economic entity for the provision of communication services with their immediate payment should provide for the possibility of providing and paying for the services provided with an accuracy of one unit (minute of conversation, kilobyte of transmitted information, standard A4 sheet of graphic information, etc. .).

V. Settlements with clients for the rendered communication services

38. An economic entity that has provided long-distance and international telephone communication services shall conduct settlements with legal entities and individuals to whom these services have been provided. 39. The form and procedure for payment for the provided long-distance and international telephone services are determined by the economic entity, taking into account the opinions of customers and the capabilities of local banks.40. All settlements with clients of the economic entity that provided the services are carried out in the currency of the Russian Federation. It is allowed to pay for services in foreign currency in the manner established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. 41. Settlements with clients - subscribers of local telephone networks are carried out by an economic entity on the basis of information on the assignment of subscriber numbers of local telephone networks to legal entities and individuals. 42. Information on payment for long-distance and international telephone services provided to the client must contain: billing period; the number of telephone conversations provided for each customer's telephone and the amount of charges due for them; the total amount due; date of invoicing (requirement); due date. 43. At the request of the client or his authorized legal representative, the amount presented for payment for the services provided must be deciphered in detail, indicating the city code, date, time, duration and cost of the call. 44. The economic entity is obliged to complete the breakdown of the amount presented for payment for the services provided within three days if the request was received before the expiration of 30 days from the date of invoicing. 45. The term of payment for the provided communication services is set by the economic entity independently, but not less than 10 days from the date of invoicing.

VI. Procedure for consideration of claims

46. ​​The term for filing claims for services provided by an economic entity to customers is 6 months from the date of the conversation or billing for the services provided. Claims submitted after this period are not considered by the economic entity. 47. A claim may be made in any form. If it is not possible to immediately resolve the claim, it must be presented in writing, signed by the applicant and giving them the address for a response. 48. The economic entity has the right to file claims against the client for his actions that impede the work of the entity due to the client's violation of these Rules, or non-payment by the client for the provided communication services within the prescribed period. 49. Claims should, if possible, be satisfied voluntarily by mutual agreement of the parties. If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the parties have the right to apply to a higher or judicial authorities. 50. Consideration of a claim by an economic entity must be carried out within a period of not more than a month from the date of filing a claim. The results of the consideration of the claim are communicated to the client in writing signed by the head of the economic entity. Claims of clients sent for consideration to an economic entity by the media are considered on a general basis. 51. Correspondence related to the consideration of the claim must be kept for three years.

VII. Mutual responsibility of an economic entity and customers

52. The responsibility of economic entities to customers in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations by it arises in the manner and in the amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 53. The economic entity is responsible to the client for the declared quality and terms for the provision of services and the elimination of deficiencies complained by the client, as well as for proper information about the services. 54. If the economic entity fails to comply with the obligations regarding the terms for the performance of services, the client has the right, at his choice: to set a new deadline for the performance of the service; demand a reduction in the cost of the service; terminate the contract and claim damages. Violation of the terms for the performance of services should be accompanied by the payment of a penalty to the client in the amount of three percent of the cost of the service for each full or partial hour (day) of the delay in the execution of the ordered service (waiting for its provision). By agreement (agreement) of the parties, the specified penalty may be paid at the choice of the client: by reducing the paid cost of services; providing the client with additional services without payment; return of a part of the previously paid advance. 55. An economic entity is responsible for poor quality service and violation of the deadlines for eliminating deficiencies in communication services. A client who has been provided communication services with deficiencies, if they have not been agreed upon by an economic entity, has the right, at his choice, to demand: re-provision of a service with normal quality without payment; reducing the cost of services by one percent; termination of the contract and compensation for damages in accordance with applicable law. Poor service and violation of the deadlines for eliminating deficiencies must be accompanied by the payment of a penalty to the client in the amount of one percent of the cost of the service. Received claims are satisfied by mutual agreement of the parties. 56. The economic entity shall not be held financially liable to the client if quality service has become impossible due to the fault of the client. 57. Non-compliance by an economic entity with its obligations due to insurmountable obstacles, which were reported to the client before the expiration of the appointed term for the performance of services, gives the client the right to set a new deadline for the performance of the service by agreement with the entity. 58. For systematic failure to comply with these Rules, an economic entity may be deprived of a permit (license) for the provision of long-distance or international telephone services. 59. An economic entity has the right to refuse to provide a client with long-distance and international telephone communication services if: the fulfillment of the client's requirements goes beyond the production capabilities of the entity or the conditions contained in the license; the client violates these Rules. 60. The refusal of an economic entity to provide long-distance or international communication services may be appealed by the client in court. ___________ * Institutions, organizations, enterprises of any organizational and legal form and their associations, as well as individuals using, ordering and receiving or intending to use, order and receive long-distance or international telephone services. ** Enterprises of any form of ownership, their associations and citizens-entrepreneurs providing various types of long-distance and international telephone communication services in accordance with their statutory requirements and on the basis of a special permit (license). *** A document issued in accordance with certification rules indicating that the necessary assurance is provided that a properly identified product, service or process conforms to a specific standard or other normative document.
Provision of access to the telephone network - allocation to the user, when concluding an agreement on the provision of telephone services, of a subscriber number by which a subscriber device connected to the telephone network is identified. When connecting other subscriber devices to the latter, the user is provided with local, long-distance and international telephone services, as well as other related and additional services.
On fig. 2.5 shows a business process diagram for organizing access to the local telephone network (installation of the main telephone set) in the Chapaevsky MRCES
Subscriber device (terminal equipment) - a technical means of generating telecommunication signals connected to subscriber lines for transmitting or receiving information specified by the user via communication channels (telephone, fax, answering machine, modem, etc.).
(Chapaevsk) - Samara branch of VolgaTelecom OJSC. The beginning of the business process is considered to be the submission of an application by a client - a potential subscriber of the telephone network addressed to the director of MRCES (precedent No. 1). The registered application is sent to CROSS specialists to analyze the technical feasibility of connecting the client to the network (precedent No. 2), from where, with the results of the analysis, it is sent to the Director of MRCES for making a decision and a resolution on the technical feasibility of connecting to the network (precedent No. 3). Further, the process branches out: in the case when there is no technical possibility, the client is put on the queue (use case No. 4a), if there is a technical possibility, an order and receipts are issued to pay for the installation of the phone and its connection to the line (use case No. 46).
The subscriber department draws up a receipt for the installation of the telephone and sends it to the client (case No. 5), at the same time, an order for line crossing is sent to the CROSS (use case No. 6). The client pays for the installation and connection of the phone to the company's cash desk (precedent No. 7). The paid receipt is sent to the settlement group of the subscriber department to be entered into the subscriber database (precedent No. 8). The settlement group concludes an agreement with the client (case No. 9), and CROSS employees install a telephone and connect a new subscriber to the telephone network (use case No. 10).

Rice. 2.5. Scheme of the business process for providing access to the local telephone network of the Chapaevsky MRCES (2003)
The scheme of a similar business process in Dimitrovgrad RUES (Cherdakly district center) - the Ulyanovsk branch of Volgatelecom OJSC can be presented in a slightly different form (Fig. 2.6).
The process also begins with the client submitting an application (case #1), which is sent to the technical department for a technical feasibility study (case #2), where the said work is done (case #3). Then, if it is technically possible, the application is submitted for decision-making to the director of the communication center (precedent No. 4), about which the shop manager is informed (precedent No. 5).

Rice. 2.6. Scheme of the business process for providing access to the local telephone network in Dimitrovgrad RUES (2003)
The director issues permission to conclude an agreement (case No. 6) and sends it to the accounting department to draw up an agreement and an invoice for paying for the installation of a telephone (use case No. 7). The accounting department draws up these documents (precedent No. 8) and submits the contract for signature to the director of the GUES (precedent No. 9).
The director signs the contract and gives the order to the head of the shop to connect a new subscriber to the network (case No. 10), of which the client is informed (case No. 11). At the direction of the head of the shop, orders are issued for the installation and connection to the telephone line (precedent No. 12), which are issued to the employees of the LC (precedent No. 13), sent to a new subscriber with an order to perform all necessary work (precedent No. 14). The business process is completed by installing the phone and connecting it to the network (use case #15).
On fig. Figure 2.7 shows the business process of providing access to the local telephone network in the Nizhnevartovsk TUES, a structural subdivision of the Khanty-Mansiysk telecommunications branch of OAO Uralsvyazinform. The business process begins with the client submitting an application for installing a telephone to the company's subscriber department (use case No. 1). An employee of the subscriber department registers the application and sends it to the technical department, where there is all the necessary data on the involved linear capacity of the telephone network, to analyze the technical feasibility of installing a telephone (precedent No. 2).

Rice. 2.7. Scheme of the business process for providing access to the local telephone network in the Nizhnevartovsk TUES - a structural subdivision of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of telecommunications of Uralsvyazinform OJSC (2003)
The technical department returns the application to the subscriber department with a negative conclusion, if it is not technically possible to install a telephone, and with a positive conclusion and an indication of the reserved line data, if such a possibility exists (precedent No. 3). If there is no technical possibility, the subscriber department puts the client on the queue, and if there is a technical possibility, it sends the client a notice of payment for the telephone installation and receives payment for the installation from him (precedent No. 4).
The subscriber department issues an order for the installation of a telephone and coordinates it with the head of the GTS shop (case No. 5), after which it transfers the order to the CROSS of the GTS shop to allocate a number to a new subscriber (use case No. 6) and then to the linear cable section, where the subscriber is connected to the line and installing a phone for him (use case No. 7).
After that, the order with a connection mark is returned to the technical department (case No. 8), where the subscriber number is entered into the database by linear capacity (case No. 9), and to the subscriber department (use case No. 10), where data about the new subscriber is entered into the database by subscribers (use case No. 11). At this stage, the subscriber gets access to the city telephone network.
In order to get access to the automatic toll network or any other paid additional services (incoming call warning, conference calls, caller ID, tone dialing, etc.), the subscriber again submits an application to the subscriber department (case No. 12), which is transmitted to the PBX, whose technical staff sets the required additional services to the subscriber's telephone number (case No. 13).
After that, the application for the provision of additional services is returned to the subscriber department, which also enters this data into the database for subscribers in order to calculate payment for additional services.
On fig. 2.8 shows the business process of providing access to the local telephone network in the Telecommunications Technical Center - a structural subdivision of the Elektrosvyaz of the Republic of Kalmykia branch of OAO YugTelecom. The beginning of the business process here is the submission by the client of an application (case No. 1), which, after registration, is sent to the director of the GTS to obtain a resolution to analyze the technical feasibility of connecting a telephone (case No. 2) in the technical department of the GTS (use case No. 3). The results of the analysis of the technical feasibility are transmitted to the subscriber department (case No. 4), which notifies the client by registered mail about placing him on the queue in the absence of technical feasibility (use case No. 5) or notifies the central accounting department of the enterprise about the need to issue an invoice for payment, if there is a technical feasibility (use case #6). The central accounting department informs the client about the need to pay for the installation of the telephone and accepts from him the payment for the installation of the telephone and its connection to the line (case No. 7), after which he informs the subscriber department about the payment by the client for the installation of the phone (use case No. 8).

Rice. 2.8. Scheme of the business process of providing access to the local telephone network in the technical center of telecommunications - a structural unit of the branch "Elektrosvyaz of the Republic of Kalmykia" OJSC "Yugtelecom" (2003)
The subscriber department draws up an order for the installation of a telephone and sends it to the CROSS ATS and to the line-cable (LC) GTS group (precedent No. 9); specialists of these divisions install the telephone and connect the client - a new subscriber to the line (precedent No. 10). The subscriber department concludes an agreement with the subscriber for the provision of telephone services (case No. 11) and informs the settlements department of the settlement and service center (RSC) about the number of the new subscriber and the agreement with him to enter these data into the subscriber database (case No. 12 ). Note that the central accounting in Fig. 2.8 includes accounting of the GTS; MTTS and the Elektrosvyaz Directorate of the Republic of Kalmykia, and the RSC is responsible for settlements with the population.
On fig. 2.9 as a generalization of the business process diagrams shown in fig. 2.5-2.8, a diagram of a typical business process for providing access to the local telephone network is given. The beginning of the process is the submission of an application by the client (case No. 1), which is sent to the director of the company (case No. 2), and from him, with a resolution on the analysis of the technical feasibility of connecting the phone, it goes to the technical department (case No. 3). The results of the analysis of the technical feasibility are transmitted to the subscriber department (use case No. 4), which notifies the client about placing him on the queue in the absence of technical feasibility (use case No. 5) or notifies the accounting department of the need to issue an invoice for payment, if there is a technical feasibility (use case No. 6 ).

Rice. 2.9. Scheme of a typical business process for providing access to the local telephone network
The accounting department informs the client about the need to pay for the installation of the phone and accepts from him a fee for installing the phone and connecting to the line (case No. 7), after which he informs the subscriber department about the payment by the client for installing the phone (use case No. 8). The subscriber department draws up an order for the installation of a telephone and sends it to the workshop (case No. 9), whose specialists install the telephone and connect the client - a new subscriber to the line (use case No. 10). The subscriber department concludes an agreement with the subscriber on the provision of telephone services (case No. 11) and enters data about the subscriber into the subscriber database (use case No. 12).
The disadvantages of the business processes shown in Fig. 2.5-2.9 can be attributed to:
a long time from filing an application to installing a telephone (at least 4-5 days), during which the client has to visit the subscriber department up to three times;
multiple processing by employees of different departments of one application when agreeing on decisions;
the need to personally appear at the telecommunication enterprise to fill out an application, conclude an agreement for the provision of communication services, pay for services, etc. - why a client in a rural area has to go to the district center.
On fig. 2.10 shows a diagram of a typical business process, designed as a proposal for business process reengineering. Here, after receiving an application from the client (case No. 1), the operator of the subscriber department from his automated workplace requests the information system about the availability of a technical resource and other conditions for connecting the intended subscriber (use case No. 2). After receiving this data from the information system, which may have the working functions of an expert system, he promptly makes a decision: asks the client to wait when placing him on the queue or sends him an invoice and a standard contract for the provision of services (case No. 3a), and in the latter case, simultaneously issues to the workshop or communication section the information necessary to connect a new subscriber to the network (precedent No. 36).

Rice. 2.10. Scheme of the business process for providing access to the local telephone network (proposal for conducting a BPR)
In parallel with connecting the subscriber to the network (use case No. 4), he pays the bill and informs the operator about it (use case No. 5), who makes the appropriate changes to the information system database (use case No. 6). It can be seen that here, under favorable circumstances (the availability of a technical resource, the location of the cash desk in a technical building or payment by credit card, etc.), the client can positively resolve all issues in one visit to the subscriber department. To ensure maximum speed, continuity and completeness of this business process, it is necessary to form a team of employees working directly, using horizontal links, without additional approvals from higher management.

The contract with a subscriber - a legal entity provides for the obligation to provide the communication operator by the legal entity with a list of persons using its user (terminal) equipment, and establishes the deadline for providing the specified list, and also establishes that the specified list must be certified by an authorized representative of the legal entity, contain the names, names, patronymics, places of residence, details of the main identity document of these persons, and updated at least 1 time per quarter.

54. The following essential conditions must be indicated in the contract:

b) telephone services provided;

c) equipment connection scheme (for an agreement on the provision of local telephone services without the use of collective access means or an additional subscriber number);

e) the procedure, terms and form of settlements.

55. In an agreement providing for the collective use of equipment, the payment system for local telephone connections is established on the basis of a common decision of all co-subscribers. If the co-subscribers fail to reach agreement, a subscriber payment system is established.

56. When concluding an agreement, the telecom operator is not entitled to impose on the subscriber and (or) user the provision of other services for a fee.

57. The telecom operator is not entitled to condition the provision of certain telephone services by the obligatory provision of other services.

58. An agreement with an applicant - a legal entity cannot be concluded on the terms of the application of the scheme of paired switching on of equipment.

III. The procedure and conditions for the execution of the contract

Rights and obligations of the parties in the performance of the contract

59. The telecom operator is obliged:

a) provide a subscriber and (or) user with telephone services in accordance with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, these Rules, a license and an agreement;

b) eliminate within the established time limits the malfunctions that prevent the use of telephone services;

c) provide a citizen subscriber with the opportunity to choose a payment system for local telephone connections;

d) notify subscribers and (or) users through the mass media about changes in tariffs for telephone services at least 10 days before the introduction of new tariffs;

e) create conditions for unhindered access of subscribers and (or) users, including disabled people, to communication facilities designed to work with users, including places for the provision of telephone services and places for their payment;

f) appoint, in agreement with the subscriber and (or) user, a new deadline for the performance of telephone services, if the failure to comply with the deadlines was due to force majeure circumstances.

60. The subscriber is obliged:

a) pay a fee for the telephone services rendered to him and other services provided for in the contract in full and within the terms specified in it;

79. The telecom operator providing telephone services using payphones, in addition to the information provided for in subparagraphs "a", "b", "c", "g" and "m" of paragraph 23 of these Rules, is obliged to bring to the attention of users information on actions that must be completed in order to receive telephone services, including to gain access to telephone services of other telecom operators.

80. A telecom operator providing telephone services using payphones that accept tokens and payment cards for telephone services is obliged to inform users about the places where these tokens and payment cards for telephone services are sold.

Information must be placed by the telecom operator in a convenient and accessible form on a payphone, payphone booth or brought to the attention of the user in another way.

Features of the provision of telephone services to a citizen subscriber

81. Changing the conditions for using equipment installed in a communal apartment on the basis of an agreement providing for the individual use of equipment can only be carried out with the consent of a citizen subscriber.

In case of disagreement of the subscriber-citizen, an application from other residents of the communal apartment on the conclusion of the specified agreement is submitted in the general manner.

82. If the agreement provides for the collective use of equipment, a change in the address of the equipment installation is made with the written consent of all co-subscribers.

83. It is not allowed to change the scheme for switching on equipment operating on a separate subscriber line without the written consent of the subscriber.

84. The use of the scheme of paired switching on of equipment is not allowed in the telephone room in which the disabled person registered at this place of residence lives, or in a communal apartment, if the agreement provides for the collective use of equipment.

85. It is not allowed to use the scheme of parallel connection of equipment installed in residential premises located in different buildings (structures) or apartments.

86. An application for changing the tariff plan for paying for local telephone services is submitted by a citizen subscriber no later than 10 days before the end of the calendar month. Subject to the specified deadline for submitting an application, the telecom operator transfers a citizen subscriber to the selected tariff plan from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted. If the specified deadline for submitting an application is not met, the transfer to the selected tariff plan is carried out from the 1st day of the 2nd month following the month in which the application was submitted.

87. As equipment operating according to the paired connection scheme, only telephone sets are allowed.

The use of a parallel connection scheme for telephone sets with a paired connection scheme is not allowed.

Telephone sets operating according to the paired switching scheme are installed within the same entrance of a residential building.

Form and procedure for payment for rendered telephone services

88. Payment for local telephone services can be carried out according to the subscription or time-based payment system.

89. The fee for providing access to the local telephone network by the telecom operator is charged once when installing equipment in a non-telephonized room. The tariff for the provision by the telecom operator of access to the local telephone network is set by the telecom operator, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the tariffs for the services of this telecom operator are subject to state regulation, at the request of a citizen subscriber, the telecom operator is obliged to provide him with the opportunity to pay for the provision of access to the communication network with an installment plan of at least 6 months with an initial payment of not more than 30 percent of the established fee.

90. When an amendment is made to the contract regarding the replacement of a subscriber, including in the cases specified in paragraphs 126 and these Rules, for providing access to the local telephone network, the telecom operator charges a fee in the amount of not more than 30 percent of the monthly subscription fee established in tariff plan with a subscriber system of payment for local telephone services.

91. The unit of tariffication of local (if there is a system of time-based accounting for the duration of local telephone connections (hereinafter referred to as time-based accounting), intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection is established by the telecom operator, but cannot be more than 1 minute. Accounting for the duration of local (with time-based accounting), intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection is carried out in accordance with the billing unit adopted by the telecom operator.

92. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of the fee for local (with time-based accounting), as well as for intrazonal, long-distance or international (with automatic connection establishment) telephone connection, is counted from 1 second after the called equipment answers until the end of the call calling or called equipment or equipment replacing the user in his absence. A telephone connection lasting less than 6 seconds is not included in the volume of telephone services provided.

93. The duration of the telephone connection used to determine the amount of the charge for intra-zone, long-distance or (when establishing a telephone connection with the help of a telephone operator) is counted from the moment the user indicated on the order form, or equipment, the answer signal of which is equal to the answer of the user, until the moment clearing the calling or called user or equipment replacing the user in his absence.

If, when establishing a telephone connection, the telephone operator determines that equipment is installed on the side of the called user that replaces the user in his absence, he is obliged to inform the calling subscriber and (or) user about this. Continuation of the connection establishment is possible only after the consent of the subscriber or user. In this case, the fee for the service is charged based on the actual duration of the telephone connection between the calling subscriber or user and the called user or equipment replacing the user in his absence.

If the subscriber and (or) the user refuses to establish a telephone connection with the equipment that replaces the user in his absence, the fee for the telephone connection is not charged.

94. Tariffs for telephone services, including the tariff used to pay for an incomplete billing unit, are set by the telecom operator, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When determining the cost of a local telephone connection (for time-based accounting), an incomplete billing unit, the size of which is half or more than half of the billing unit, is taken into account as a full billing unit, and an incomplete billing unit, the size of which is less than half of the billing unit, is taken into account as half of the billing unit.

95. Tariffs (tariff plans) for telephone services may be established separately for legal entities, citizens using telephone services for personal, family and household needs, as well as citizens using telephone services for other needs.

The tariff plan may establish differentiated tariffs by time of day, days of the week, weekends and non-working holidays, as well as by the set and volume of telephone services provided.

Tariffs for long-distance and international telephone services may be differentiated depending on the subscriber's choice of a method for accessing these services.

The choice of a tariff plan for paying for local telephone services is carried out by the subscriber independently. Changing the decision on choosing a tariff plan is made in the manner prescribed in paragraph 86 of these Rules. The fee for changing the tariff plan is not charged from the subscriber.

96. The fee for local (with time-based accounting), intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection is determined based on its duration, expressed in the number of telephone connection billing units.

A subscriber shall not pay for a telephone connection established as a result of a call by another subscriber, unless the telephone connection is established:

with the help of a telephone operator with payment at the expense of the called user;

using the access codes for telecommunications services assigned by the federal executive authority in the field of communications;

with a subscriber located outside the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation specified in the decision to allocate a numbering resource to the telecom operator, including the subscriber number allocated to this subscriber, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the provision of communication services.

When charging telephone connections, the duration is not taken into account:

local telephone connections with emergency operational services;

telephone connections when accessing telematic communication services and communication services for data transmission;

telephone connections with free information and reference services, services for ordering intra-zone, long-distance and international telephone connections with the help of a telephonist, as well as with technical support services for subscribers (repair bureau).

97. The equipment, the response signal of which is equal to the response of the called user and serves as the starting point for the duration of the telephone connection in automatic telephone communication, includes:

a) telephone modem;

b) fax machine;

c) equipment with an answering machine function;

d) a telephone set with an automatic caller ID function;

e) office telephone exchange;

e) payphone;

g) other equipment that replaces the user in his absence and provides (or imitates) the exchange of information.

98. Depending on the urgency of the provision of services of intrazonal, intercity or international telephone communication with the help of a telephonist, the following types of tariffs are applied:

a) ordinary;

b) urgent.

The urgent tariff is determined by applying to the ordinary tariff a multiplier set by the telecom operator, which cannot be more than 2.

99. In case of violation of the deadline for providing an urgent intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection with the help of a telephonist, payment is made at the usual rate with the return to the subscriber and (or) user of the difference in payment, if payment was made in advance at an urgent rate.

100. Payment for an intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection of the "distress" category, established with the help of a telephonist, is made at an ordinary rate.

101. Payment for local (with time-based accounting), intrazonal, long-distance or international telephone connection is made at the rate in force at the time of the establishment of the corresponding telephone connection.

102. Fee for intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection, established with the help of a telephonist, is not charged if it did not take place through no fault of the subscriber and (or) user.

103. Registration of the order form and making changes to it are not subject to payment.

104. If the subscriber and (or) the user, when ordering an intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connection, indicated the wrong subscriber number of the called equipment, then he pays for the established telephone connection in full.

105. International telephone connections provided to a subscriber and (or) user on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for those established with the help of a telephone operator, with payment at the expense of the called person, are paid in the Russian Federation.

106. The basis for billing the subscriber and (or) the user for the provided local (with time-based accounting), intra-zone, long-distance or international telephone connections is the data obtained using the equipment used to account for the volume of telephone services provided.

107. Settlements with a subscriber and (or) user on the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out in Russian rubles.

108. The telephone service payment card contains information encoded in a certain way, used to inform the telecom operator of information about payment for telephone services. The following information is indicated on the telephone service payment card:

a) the name (company name) of the telecom operator that issued this payment card for telephone services;

b) the name of the types of telephone services paid using the telephone service payment card;

c) the amount of the advance payment to the telecom operator, the payment of which is confirmed by the payment card for telephone services;

d) the validity period of the card for payment for telephone services;

e) reference (contact) phones of the telecom operator;

f) rules for using a telephone service payment card;

g) identification number of the payment card for telephone services.

109. The subscriber and (or) the user has the right to apply to the telecom operator for the return of funds deposited by him as an advance.

The telecom operator is obliged to return the unused balance of funds.

110. The billing period for telephone services should not exceed 1 month.

111. The term of payment for telephone services should not be less than 20 days from the date of issue of the invoice. A longer payment period may be specified in the contract.

112. Payment for intrazonal, intercity or international telephone connections provided under an agreement providing for the collective use of equipment is carried out by the person who received these services. If such a person is not identified, telephone services are paid by the subscriber.

d) the date of provision of each telephone service;

e) the volume of provision of each telephone service.

116. The telecom operator is obliged to ensure the delivery to the subscriber of an invoice for payment for telephone services within 10 days from the date of issuing this invoice.

At the request of the subscriber, the telecom operator is obliged to detail the account, which consists in providing additional information about the rendered telephone services, for which a separate fee may be charged in the amount of not more than 10 percent of the monthly subscription fee established in the tariff plan with the subscriber system of payment for local telephone services.

117. The subscriber and (or) user has the right to demand the return of funds paid for the use of telephone services for the period of inability to use telephone services through no fault of this subscriber and (or) user.

IV. The procedure and conditions for suspension, amendment and termination of the contract

118. In case of violation by the subscriber of the requirements related to the provision of telephone services and established by the Federal Law "On Communications", these Rules and the agreement, including violation of the terms of payment for the telephone services provided to the subscriber, the telecom operator has the right to suspend the provision of telephone services until elimination of the violation by notifying the subscriber in writing and using the means of communication of the telecom operator (autoinformer).

If such a violation is not eliminated within 6 months from the date of receipt by the subscriber from the telecom operator of a notice (in writing) of the intention to suspend the provision of telephone services, the telecom operator has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

119. The telecom operator has the right to suspend the provision to the subscriber of only those telephone services for which this subscriber has committed violations of the requirements specified in paragraph 118 of these Rules. At the same time, the telecom operator has the right to suspend the provision to the subscriber of the possibility of a free round-the-clock call of emergency operational services only if the technical and technological features of the communications network of the communication network of this telecom operator do not allow maintaining such an opportunity simultaneously with the suspension of the provision of telephone services to the subscriber.

120. At the written request of the subscriber, the telecom operator is obliged, without termination of the contract:

a) suspend the provision of local telephone services to the subscriber who submitted the application. At the same time, the telecom operator, in accordance with the tariff established for such cases, charges the subscriber for the entire period of time specified in the application;

b) suspend the provision of access to intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communication services and (or) to the services of information and reference services.

121. At the written request of the subscriber, in the event of leasing (sub-leasing), renting (sub-leasing) telephoned premises, including residential, the operation of the contract may be suspended for the duration of the contract of hiring (sub-leasing), lease (sublease). An agreement may be concluded with the tenant (sub-tenant), tenant (sub-tenant) of the telephoned premises for the duration of the contract of hiring (sub-lease), lease (sub-lease) with the allocation for these purposes of the same subscriber number that was allocated at the conclusion of the contract being suspended.

122. The telecom operator is not entitled to suspend the provision of telephone services to the subscriber in case of non-payment by the subscriber for services provided using telephone services, but not being telephone services.

123. In the event of termination of the contract concluded with the operator of the local telephone network, the fulfillment by this operator of obligations to provide the subscriber with the opportunity to access the telephone services of other telecom operators is terminated.

124. Changing the agreement concluded in writing, including changing the decision on the choice of a telecom operator providing long-distance and international telephone services (with preliminary selection), a tariff plan for paying for local telephone services and a scheme for switching on terminal (user) equipment, formalized by an additional agreement to the contract.

125. If the introduction of amendments to the contract entailed the need for the telecom operator to perform the relevant work, these works (with the exception of work related to the choice and change by the subscriber of the tariff plan for paying for local telephone services) are subject to payment by the party on whose initiative the changes were made to terms of an agreement.

126. In case of termination of the subscriber's right to own and use the telephoned premises, the contract with the subscriber is terminated. At the same time, the telecom operator with which the contract is terminated, at the request of the new owner of the specified premises, is obliged to conclude an agreement with the new owner within 30 days.

If family members of the subscriber remain in the telephoned premises, the contract is reissued for one of them with the written consent of other family members registered at the place of residence in this premises.

An application for the conclusion of an agreement may be submitted within 60 days from the date of termination of the agreement specified in this clause. In cases of failure to submit an application within the prescribed period, the telecom operator has the right to dispose of the corresponding subscriber number.

127. The telecom operator, before the expiration of the period established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for accepting an inheritance, which includes a telephone premise, does not have the right to dispose of the corresponding subscriber number.

The person who accepted the inheritance, within 30 days from the date of entry into the inheritance, has the right to submit to the telecom operator an application for the conclusion of an agreement.

The telecom operator is obliged to conclude an agreement with the heir within 30 days from the date of registration of the application for concluding an agreement.

The heir is obliged to pay the telecom operator the cost of the rendered telephone services for the period before entering into inheritance rights.

If the application is not submitted within the prescribed period, the telecom operator has the right to dispose of the corresponding subscriber number.

The norms specified in paragraph 126 of these Rules do not apply to the legal relations provided for by this paragraph.

128. With the written consent of the subscriber, an amendment may be made to the contract regarding the indication of a new citizen subscriber in it. In this case, a new subscriber can become:

a) a family member of the subscriber, registered at the place of residence of the subscriber or who is a participant in the common ownership of the telephoned premises;

b) a member of the subscriber's family who is a minor citizen as of the date of change of the contract. At the same time, before reaching the age of 14, the right to file an application to amend the contract on behalf of a minor citizen has his legal representatives.

129. In the event of reorganization or renaming of a subscriber - a legal entity (with the exception of reorganization in the form of spin-off or separation), an amendment may be made to the agreement regarding the indication of the legal successor or the new name of the subscriber - legal entity. In case of reorganization in the form of a spin-off or division, the question of which of the successors should be contracted with is decided in accordance with the separation balance sheet.

V. Procedure for considering claims

130. The subscriber and (or) the user has the right to appeal against the decisions and actions (inaction) of the telecom operator regarding the provision of telephone services.

131. The telecom operator is obliged to have a book of complaints and suggestions and issue it at the first request of the subscriber and (or) user.

132. Consideration of the complaint of the subscriber and (or) user is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

133. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the telecom operator of obligations to provide telephone services, the subscriber and (or) user, before applying to the court, makes a claim to the telecom operator.

134. The claim is presented in writing and is subject to registration on the day it is received by the telecom operator.

Claims on issues related to the refusal to provide telephone services, untimely or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from the contract shall be made within 6 months from the date of provision of telephone services, refusal to provide them or invoicing.

135. The claim shall be accompanied by a copy of the contract or a tear-off coupon of the order form, as well as other documents necessary for considering the claim on the merits, which must contain information about non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract, and in the event of a claim for damages - about the fact and the amount of damage caused.

136. The claim is considered by the telecom operator within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of registration of the claim.

The telecom operator must inform (in writing) the subscriber and (or) user who submitted the claim about the results of the consideration of the claim.

If the claim was recognized by the telecom operator as justified, the identified deficiencies are subject to elimination within a reasonable time, appointed by the subscriber and (or) user.

In the event that the telecom operator recognizes the requirements of the subscriber and (or) user to reduce the amount of payment for the rendered telephone services, to reimburse the costs of eliminating shortcomings in the work performed on their own or by third parties, as well as to return the amount paid for telephone services and indemnification, caused in connection with the refusal to provide telephone services, if justified, they are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date the telecom operator decides to satisfy the claim.

D) the provision of not all telephone services specified in the contract;

e) poor-quality provision of telephone services, including as a result of improper maintenance of the communication network;

f) violation of the secrecy of telephone messages;

g) violation of the established restrictions on the dissemination of information about a citizen subscriber that became known to the telecom operator in connection with the execution of the contract.

138. When providing telephone services to a citizen subscriber exclusively for personal, family, household or other needs not related to entrepreneurial activities, the telecom operator is also responsible for failure to provide, incomplete or untimely submission of information related to the provision of telephone services.

139. The telecom operator for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the contract bears the following property liability:

a) in case of violation of the terms for providing access to the local telephone network, pay a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the fee for providing access to the local telephone network for each day of delay until the start of providing access to the telephone network, unless a higher amount of the penalty is specified in contract, but not more than the amount of the specified fee;

b) in case of violation of the established terms for the provision of telephone services, pay a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the cost

telephone services for each hour of delay up to the beginning of the provision of telephone services, if a higher amount of the penalty is not specified in the contract, but not more than the cost of the telephone service.

140. In case of violation by the telecom operator of the established terms for the provision of telephone services, the subscriber and (or) user has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the violation of the specified terms.

143. In the event that the telecom operator violates the secrecy of telephone messages and the requirements to restrict the dissemination of information about a citizen subscriber that became known to him by virtue of the execution of the contract, the telecom operator, at the request of the subscriber, compensates for the losses caused by these actions, as well as moral damage.

144. In case of non-submission, incomplete or untimely submission of information on the provision of telephone services, the subscriber and (or) user has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract, demand the return of the amount paid for the rendered telephone services and compensation for losses incurred.

145. The subscriber and (or) the user is responsible to the telecom operator in the following cases:

a) non-payment, incomplete or untimely payment for telephone services;

b) non-compliance with the rules of operation of the equipment;

c) non-compliance with the ban on connecting equipment to the subscriber line that does not meet the established requirements.

146. In case of non-payment, incomplete or late payment for telephone services, the subscriber shall pay to the telecom operator a penalty in the amount of 1 percent of the cost of unpaid, incompletely paid or untimely paid telephone services, if a smaller amount is not specified in the contract, for each day of delay up to until the date of repayment of the debt, but not more than the amount payable.

147. If the subscriber fails to comply with the rules for operating the equipment or does not comply with the ban on connecting equipment that does not meet the established requirements to the subscriber line, the telecom operator has the right to apply to the court with a claim for compensation for the losses caused by such actions of the subscriber.

148. The telecom operator shall be released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract if it proves that their non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment occurred due to force majeure circumstances or through the fault of the other party.

56. In addition to the information and reference services provided in accordance with paragraph 12 of these Rules, the telecom operator providing local telephone services provides the following information and reference services free of charge and around the clock:

a) providing information about local time;

b) providing the person who owns or uses the premises with information about the telephone number in the local telephone network of the telecom operator installed in the premises of the specified person.

57. In addition to the information specified in paragraph 17 of these Rules, the telecom operator providing local telephone services provides a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services with a list of codes for selecting long-distance and international telephone networks, information on the procedure and terms consideration of an application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services.

58. To conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, with the exception of an agreement providing for the provision of local telephone services using means of collective access, an application is submitted to the telecom operator providing local telephone services, the form of which is established by this telecom operator.

An application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is filled out in 2 copies and registered by the telecom operator providing local telephone services. One copy of the application remains with the telecom operator providing local telephone services, the other is handed over to a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services.

The procedure for registering applications is established by the telecom operator providing local telephone services.

The telecom operator has the right to provide a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services with the opportunity to submit an application for the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of local telephone services using telecommunication networks, including the Internet information and telecommunication network.

59. An application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services may be submitted to any telecom operator providing local telephone services on the territory of the municipality where the premises in which the equipment is installed are located. A telecom operator providing local telephone services is not entitled to refuse a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services to accept and consider the said application.

60. The telecom operator providing local telephone services, within a period not exceeding 1 month from the date of registration of an application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, checks, in accordance with the application, whether it is technically possible to provide access to the local telephone network or technical feasibility of providing telephone services using an additional subscriber number. If there is an appropriate technical feasibility, an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is concluded.

61. In the absence of appropriate technical feasibility, an application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is taken into account in order to determine the sequence of concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services.

The sequence of concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is determined based on the date of registration of the application and taking into account the benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties. The procedure for maintaining a queue for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is determined by the telecom operator providing local telephone services.

62. The telecom operator providing local telephone services, within a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of registration of an application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, notifies (in writing) a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services communication, on the expected term for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, and in the absence of an appropriate technical feasibility, also on the serial number of his application in the queue.

63. When changing the place of residence (location) of a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, within the service area of ​​the same communication center of the local telephone network, an application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services may be reissued indicating in it the new address of the equipment installation. At the same time, the serial number of the reissued application in the queue for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services remains the same as that of the reissued (primary) application.

When changing the place of residence (location) of the applicant within the service area of ​​the local telephone network of the telecom operator providing local telephone services to which the application was submitted, but outside the service area of ​​the communication center, which included the equipment installation address specified in the application, the application reissued with the indication of the new address of the equipment installation. At the same time, the sequence of concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services with a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is established based on the date of registration of the re-executed (initial) application.

64. An application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services is deregistered if a person who intends to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, without good reason, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written notice specified in paragraph 62 of these of the Rules, did not apply to the telecom operator providing local telephone services to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services or with an application for a deferment from concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services.

65. In the local telephone network, an additional subscriber number can be used to forward incoming calls, including to a subscriber station (subscriber device) of a subscriber in the mobile operator's network.

(see text in previous edition)

66. An individual, a representative of a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur, when concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, with the exception of an agreement providing for the provision of telephone services using collective access, in addition to the documents specified in paragraphs 18 - of these Rules, also presents to the operator a copy of the document confirming the right to own and (or) use the premises in which the equipment is installed.

(see text in previous edition)

a) the address of the installation of the equipment;

b) type, type of equipment (telephones, fax machines) used by the subscriber;

c) equipment switching scheme;

d) the consent (refusal) of the subscriber to access the services of intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communications and to provide information about him to other telecom operators for the provision of such services.

68. If the subscriber agrees to access the services of intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communications, by the decision of the subscriber, the contract for the provision of local telephone services shall indicate the names of the telecom operators providing these telephone services, and the codes for selecting the operator of the long-distance and international telephone network, which is determined by the subscriber to receive long-distance and international telephone services (pre-selection), or the subscriber's decision to select the operator of the long-distance and international telephone communication network for each call made to receive the corresponding services (selection for each call).

The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, concluded with the allocation of an additional subscriber number.

a) inform the telecom operator about the termination of his right to own and (or) use the telephoned premises;

c) provide the telecom operator within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the contract with reliable information about persons using the equipment of the subscriber - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur), containing last names, first names, patronymics (if any), dates of birth, details of an identity document (name , series and number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document, or subdivision code), and in the event of a change of persons using the equipment of a legal entity, provide relevant reliable information about new users no later than 15 days from the date when he became aware of such a change.

70. The subscriber bears the obligation to pay for telephone services rendered until the moment the telecom operator receives a notification of the termination of the right to own and (or) use the telephoned premises.

71. When determining the cost of a connection (in the case of time-based accounting), an incomplete billing unit, the size of which is half or more than half of the billing unit, is taken into account as a full billing unit, and an incomplete billing unit, the size of which is less than half of the billing unit, is taken into account as half of the billing unit.

72. The fee for providing access to the local telephone network by the telecom operator is charged once when installing equipment in a non-telephonized room. The tariff for the provision by the telecom operator of access to the local telephone network is set by the telecom operator, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

No fee is charged for making amendments to the contract for the provision of local telephone services regarding the change of the operator of the long-distance and international telephone network, as well as the change in the procedure for choosing the operator of the long-distance and international telephone network.

73. In the event that the subscriber's right to own and use the telephoned premises is terminated, the contract for the provision of local telephone services with the subscriber is terminated from the moment the telecom operator receives the subscriber's notification of the termination of the right to own and (or) use the telephoned premises or the new owner of the specified premises applies to conclude an agreement on the provision of local telephone services. At the same time, the telecom operator with which the contract for the provision of local telephone services is terminated, at the request of the new owner of the specified premises, is obliged to conclude an agreement for the provision of local telephone services with the new owner within 30 days.

If family members of the subscriber remain in the telephoned premises, the contract for the provision of local telephone services is reissued to one of them with the written consent of other family members registered at the place of residence in this premises.

An application for concluding an agreement on the provision of local telephone services may be submitted within 60 days from the date of termination of the previous agreement on the provision of local telephone services. If the application is not submitted within the prescribed period, the telecom operator has the right to dispose of the corresponding subscriber number.

74. In an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, providing for the collective use of equipment, the subscriber is a citizen authorized in writing by a representative from each family living in this communal apartment and intending to use telephone services.

75. Co-subscribers have equal rights and obligations to use telephone services. Capable co-subscribers are jointly and severally liable with the subscriber for the obligations arising from the contract for the provision of local telephone services.

76. In an agreement on the provision of local telephone services, providing for the collective use of equipment, the payment system for local telephone connections is established on the basis of a common decision of all co-subscribers. If the co-subscribers fail to reach agreement, a subscriber payment system is established.

77. An agreement on the provision of local telephone services with an applicant - a legal entity cannot be concluded on the terms of the application of the scheme of paired switching on of equipment.

78. Switching a subscriber number to another subscriber line to a room located at a different address and owned or used by this subscriber can only be made upon a written application of the subscriber and if the telecom operator has the technical ability to carry out such switching.


Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Information. Informatization. Connection / Void acts/ Connection /

Rules for the use of local telephone communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Approved by the Ministry of Communications on April 25, 1997 N 154, the Ministry of Finance on March 26, 1997, registered by the Ministry of Justice on May 15, 1997 N 339)




May 15, 1997

N 339





N 154



March 26, 1997








use of local telephone

Republic of Uzbekistan

3.4. The procedure for removing, rearranging the phone, opening and renaming a subscription for using it when citizens move to a new place of residence is as follows:

3.4.1. When a subscriber leaves the apartment, the telephone installed in the apartment can be renamed to one of the members of his family remaining in the apartment, payment for renaming is made according to the current tariffs.

3.4.2. When exchanging apartments, when telephones belonging to the same telecommunications company are installed in both, the subscription is renamed with payment in accordance with the current tariffs.