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Will the parcel come if the index is not specified. Tell me, please make letters without a postal index? And is it equally for letters in the same city, in this country or another? And how much should the letter go to the same city? What is the zip code in Ali

Change the contact details in the already decorated order for Aliexpress - it is impossible! Moreover, there is no such possibility not only by the buyer, but also from the seller. But if you still have encountered such a problem, you can try to solve it in the following ways:

1. Inform the seller about changing the address in the already paid order;
2. Cancel order by specifying the reason - the wrong address.

In the first case, you need to contact the seller through personal correspondence. If the order has not yet been sent, it will have the ability to type the correct address and contact details on the parcel. It is recommended to write a full address as a message to the order in the Message field in English, as follows:

  • Contact Name (FULL NAME);
  • Address (Name of the street, house number, room number, apartment number);
  • City (city);
  • PROVINCY (area);
  • POST Code;
  • Country (country);
  • Phone (contact phone number).

You should not specify additions to the previous address, as you can confuse the seller.

In the second case, after canceling an order with an incorrectly specified address, you should place a new order, specifying the new desired address. And in the first, and in second cases, contact with the seller is necessary.

Note! Specifying the contact details, you need to use the address of the accommodation, or the address you want to be delivered your package. You do not need a buyer's registration address by mail services.

If your order has already sent

If you find an error in contact data after the order has been sent, you will also have a chance to get a parcel. Track the order according to the track number specified by the seller. As soon as the sending status is "arrived at the place of delivery," you should come to the specified post office with a telephone and passport and try to explain the entire situation to the employee of the post office.

If you are mistaken when entering the house number, imagine your passport and name the phone number. Since the address, the recipient name and the phone number are indicated on the parcel, it should not have problems with it.

Due to the incorrectly specified index, area or city, the parcel can be lined, but in any case will be delivered to the address. So they say representatives of the post office.

Send parcel to another address
Thanks for the advice with Nick Exasa
"I found out that I can as a recipient of mail to use the service sent to any post office of Russian Post from the post office, where I no longer live:

1. Come to anyone (it seems to me better in my address, where you know you) the post office and ask you to give you a notice application form to change the postpart delivement address. At the very site of the Russian Post of Russia, I did not find this form, but to get it in the post office I had to call the branch of the department, since the operators were not aware.
2. Fill out this statement, and specify the address of the departure and date of departure on Latinet, i.e. As written on the parcel, the recipient address is erroneous, too, write on the Latin, as indicated on the parcel. The new address of receipt of the parcel is written in Russian.
3. Make this statement, in any separation of Russian Post. Just come to the operator with a filled letter and passport and make out. The cost of sending one small package 2 kg. I cost me 70 rubles. After payment and design, you will give a tear-off coupon application-notification.
4. The application is sent to the Department of Complaints of the Local Central Post Office, it is processed and followed by tracking how the parcel is sent to a new address. "

Tell me which the prospects for the purchase can be incorrectly specified the index.
Now she rocks on imports in Moscow, and it is likely to be in Dzerzhinsk (the city of our area), and you need to go to Nizhny Novgorod. Did you come across such?

Added by moderator:

When sending the parcel indicated not the correct index. What to do?

The index is an important component of the recipient's postal address, according to which the delivery of the parcel is carried out. It represents the code of the post office, the use of which significantly facilitates and speeds up the sorting of postal correspondence by territorial sign. It is for this reason that shipment sorting is carried out precisely on the index, and not at the specific address of the recipient.

Cases when sending a parcel is indicated by an invalid index. It was for this reason that Russian Post provided for the possibility of making changes to postal details (index, address, recipient name) after sending the parcel. All that is needed for this is to write a corresponding statement (on a special forms of Russian Post or in free form) and pay the service. Together with the application and receipt of payment for data change services, it is necessary to provide a check on sending the dispatch of the details of which you want to change, as well as information about its recipient specified when sending the parcel. After receiving this data, the changes to postal details will be submitted within 5-7 days.

Invalid index on the international parcel. Will I get such a parcel?

As it was written above, the index is a code designation of the post office serving a certain area or a whole settlement. After sorting, departures are sent to the post offices in accordance with the index, and then distributed by mail employees at specific addresses. If the index is incorrect, then the parcel will not go where it is necessary. However, there is nothing terrible in this, such a shipment can also be obtained.

If the parcel was sent with the track and monitored throughout the path following, it is necessary to wait for the appearance of a record that the departure arrived in the post office and is ready to handle. There it will be possible, presenting a passport. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use this solution. It is important only in cases where the post office in which the parcel arrived is not far from the place of your stay.

If the parcel arrived, for example, to another city - you can try to get through to the post office and explain the situation by the staff by telephone. It is possible that such a call will significantly speed up sending parcels to the desired separation in accordance with the address specified on it.

All this is relevant in cases where the departure is tracked. But even if you cannot track the parcel (there is no track), after receipt of departure to the post office, employees will notice the discrepancy between the index and the recipient's address. In such cases, they must redirect the parcel at the desired address by changing the index. The only question is how much time it takes and how quickly this procedure will be carried out.

And it should be understood that the sending of the parcel from the neighboring OPS will be produced much faster than from the separation of another city. True, sometimes the parcel can stay waiting for his recipient in the post office on the index, that is, it is not done! If the index was not specified at all, and this can happen, for an example, with a simple letter, then the processing of such mail is done manually. Correspondence is sent at the address. It is worth understanding that in fact it is not always everything happens as described above. At any time, at some stage of processing, your mail can be returned back to the sender. Therefore, knowing exactly what the index is written with an error, try to track the departure along the track number and act already in a situation. The wrong address is specified or an error is made in the address (street, house, apartment).

What if the postal code is incorrectly specified?

We simply will not be able to immediately sort it right at the warehouse and take time to the reimbursement!

  • I had such a case, instead of my postal index, I pointed out the index of another area of \u200b\u200bour city, but the parcel came still, the truth is later later, although it is not a fact that he caught due to the index. In addition to the index, everything was properly correct.
  • I think that there is nothing terrible in this, but only if the address is specified correctly.
    I once had it so, the wrong one was indicated. The letter came. True, I would not know how quickly it would send it or not if it was the right figure.
  • Nothing to do.
    The letter or package will reach the recipient, just a little later. Mail workers look not only on the index, but also on the address itself, and if they do not coincide, then focus just on the last.

The index, which I have already spoken above is the conditional digital address of the postal office, where the parcel should be sent. If the error in the index was not detected at the initial stages of processing and sorting mail, then the parcel (letter) will be sent into that OPS, whose index erroneously pointed out the sender.

And already in the final compartment of the postal connection, where it will be sent, if it is revealed that the address of the recipient does not fall into the service area of \u200b\u200bthis compartment - the parcel will be produced. District is made to the separation that serves the address (home) of the recipient.

The main thing that loses the recipient, if the index was incorrectly specified - this time. That is, the parcel to the addressee will reach much later than it would be under favorable conditions.

What is the zip code and why he is not good?

Then they will find their addressee in the most possibly shortest possible time. Nothing terrible if the wrong index indicated by mistake.

The package will necessarily come, but with some delay. Already nothing can be done! But you do not worry! The parcel will still reach the addressee, it just needs to be needed for it much more time.

Just it will not be able to immediately sort it right in the warehouse and time will leave for the reimbirth! If in the letter you indicated the address, it is possible that the parcel will reach the recipient, the postal index is an important part, you need to be more attentive when writing, if it does not reach, you can call the mail and clarify the situation right there! Do you know the answer? 0 Do you need help? See also: What is the norm in the days, to transfer a small parcel by EMS mail? Office Post Index 140983 - Where is it is called? Changed the zip code.

Does the letter come with an incorrectly specified index?

Now will answer the last question regarding the delivery time. The control deadlines for sending written correspondence between the cities of federal significance, the administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2006 No. 160:

  • at the internal territory of the cities of federal significance, in the territory of the administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation - 2 days;
  • between the administrative center of the subject of the Russian Federation and administrative centers of municipal regions on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation - also 2 days;
  • between the administrative center of the municipal district and settlements located in the territory of the municipal district - 3 days;
  • between the cities of the federal significance, the administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, a single term cannot be established, since

The parcel was sent by the index ... How to be ???

In this case, three errors are possible:

  1. In the address, that is, only a typo or spelling error is allowed in the title of the city, district, streets / prospectus / alley.
  2. If some part of the address is written in illegible or not specified
  3. The address is listed with an error (not the street, house or apartment is indicated).

In the first case, most likely there should be no problem at all. People who are familiar with their territory work in the post office.

Therefore, if there is some kind of typo in the address, then it will be easy for them to guess where the letter or package should be delivered. In the second case, if the mail officer cannot disassemble, the house number or apartment, and in some cases the street name - the parcel will most likely stay waiting for the recipient in the post office.

Indicated the wrong index - the index of my mail changed a couple of years ago

To begin with, we will explain that the "Russian Post" understands under the letter. From its point of view, this is a postal shipment with a written message.

Letters may be simple, custom or declared value. The speed of mail delivery speed depends on the correct writing of the address details.


Comply with the rules for writing the address and the index is especially important today when "Russian Post" introduces new automated mail sorting technologies. At the same time, letters, passing at high speed through the sorter photocells, are automatically distributed according to the specified indexes, then the letter index is grouped and sent to the post offices of recipients.

Incorrectly specified the index

Moscow to Peter, and completely different - in Khabarovsk), so a whole table of timing has been developed, which can be downloaded at (in Doc format it takes 982 KB). We give data from it only selectively (see the table below). In a way, a simple letter sent within one city (not counting the day of departure) must go 2, a maximum of 3 days.

Of course, in practice it happens differently, especially if there is no index on the envelope or written by non-special stylized numbers suitable for automatic reading (ie, not as in Figures 3 and 4). Table Control deadlines for sending written correspondence (selective information) Collapse to an electronic subscription for 8400 rubles.

Already in the department, the postal worker will understand that there is no such street on the territory subordinate to him and send a parcel or parcel back to the sorting center indicating that the address is incorrect. In this center, now the person manually defines the exact index at the address and parcel or the letter will go where it is necessary. So the Sun is the package will be delivered, only the road does not take an extra time to the addressee.

  • The index and address on the mail envelopes, the parcels and parcels must be specified correctly and picking up. Then they will find their addressee in the most possibly shortest possible time. Nothing terrible if the wrong index indicated by mistake. The package will necessarily come, but with some delay.
  • Already nothing can be done! But you do not worry! The parcel will reach the addressee to the addressee, it just needs to be needed much more time.

Therefore, in this case, it is worth an "arm" by the postage identifier number and constantly monitor it. After arriving at her post office, you need to immediately go to the post office and explain the entire situation an employee.


In the mail work ordinary normal people, therefore you most likely you get our package. Otherwise, the sender will need to go to his mail with a check and passport and write an application for changing the recipient data.

It is incorrectly surname (surname or name written with an error) cases when an error is made in the last name or the recipient name. There may be options, as with the address, when there is only a non-essential typo (the letter is missing or instead of one letter is written another) or the surname (name) is fully indicated other.

In the first version, the package is most likely issued.

If you specify the wrong index in the letter

In the second case, according to the rules, the Russian Post officer should not give the parcel, although it is natural to try to agree with the employee. At the same time, the chance to negotiate will be much higher if the address of your registration coincides with the address specified on the parcel. But naturally and the coincidence of addresses is not a guarantee that you get your package. After all, according to the rules, the departure is given only to the person who is really intended. If it fails to agree, the sender of the parcel must write a statement that it indicated the wrong surname (name) on the parcel. I personally managed to get a money transfer to a fairly decent amount when, accompanied by translation, the address was not generally indicated, and my surname was written without a name in feminine (not Ivanov, but Ivanov). This case can be read at the very end of the article: "Cash on delivery does not come."

What if the postal code is incorrectly specified?


I had such a case, instead of my postal index, I pointed out the index of another area of \u200b\u200bour city, but the parcel came still, the truth is later later, although it is not a fact that he caught due to the index. In addition to the index, everything was properly correct. I think that there is nothing terrible in this, but only if the address is specified correctly. I once had it so, the wrong one was indicated.

The letter came. True, I would not know how quickly it would send it or not if it was the right figure. Nothing to do. The letter or package will reach the recipient, just a little later. Mail workers look not only on the index, but also on the address itself, and if they do not coincide, then focus just on the last.

Do not worry. Do not do anything. The parcel will find its addressee, the only thing that is that such a parcel will go much longer. Parcels first facing cities.

Russian Post "at (you will be taken to the search page shown in Figure 1; and in Figure 2 shows the search result). Please note: on letters and mail cards with a code stamp, the destination index is filled with stylized ink figures of any color, with the exception of red, yellow and green. This will make the "readable" index for automatic sorting machines: Figure 3 Sample of correctly writing Index figures. Collapse Figure 4 Filling the index in a specially designated place. Collapse Figure 5 Filling the index on envelopes without a special distinction (such envelopes are not subject to automatic sorting) Collapse "Custom letters") And "letters with declared value" is a somewhat different category of letters, they are called "registered".

What is the zip code and why he is not good?


If in the letter you indicated the address, it is possible that the parcel will reach the recipient, the postal index is an important part, you need to be more attentive when writing, if it does not reach, you can call the mail and clarify the situation right there!

  • Do not worry. Do not do anything. The parcel will find its addressee, the only thing that is that such a parcel will go much longer. Parcels first facing cities. Then already in the main polar unit of your city, they are facing the index.

Here is the parcel and will first not go to your area, and then it is already sent it to the address.
  • The sent letter or package with the wrong address is likely to do not reach the recipient, except for cases of a minor error in the name of the settlement or street. Let's say you made a typo or grammatical error. In this case, mail employees guess themselves where to send a letter or package.
  • Does the letter come with an incorrectly specified index?


    Publication date: 25.01.2018 The specified accompanying address and the postal entry index is one of the guarantees that the recipient of the parcel will accurately receive it in the control deadlines allocated for delivery. Otherwise, if the recipient's index or address is incorrect, then most likely the parcel will delay or will not be delivered to the final addressee. And in this case, it is not worth it to shift responsibility for employees of Russian Post.

    It is necessary to correctly understand the mail forwarding scheme: the parcels and letters in the territory of Russia are initially delivered not at the specific address of the recipient (city, street, house), namely the index that is conditional to the address of a particular post office (OPS). The index is necessary to facilitate the sorting of correspondence, including automatic.

    The parcel was sent by the index ... How to be ???

    The postal departure will be stored for 15-30 days (depending on the type of departure), and then it will be sent back. In this case, the main assistant to the recipient will be the track number with which you can track the departure. The parcel status is likely to "arrived at the place of delivery." Sometimes the departure can be returned to the sender marked "incomplete address". If the apartment number of the apartment is written on the parcel, the postmen sometimes improvise: the notice of the parcel is lowered into someone's specific box, but put on the windowsill or another prominent place in the entrance. The third option is the most difficult. After all, if at least the apartment number is indicated, then the parcel (small package), the notification or letter can be omitted in someone else's mailbox.
    The faults of the postman in this case will not be.

    Indicated the wrong index - the index of my mail changed a couple of years ago

    In the case of coarse errors, your postal shipment may return to you. This is especially true. A letter can still get into someone else's mailbox and who received his man will not give it to the postman. The author of the question chose this answer as the best if the sender incorrectly wrote in his letter or sending the recipient index, then the departure will first go to the post office at the specified index. Sort because it is carried out automatically.

    Incorrectly specified the index

    Figure 1 Index search window For address on the "Mail of Russia" website, roll off Figure 2 The result of searching for the index on the "Mail of Russia" site to roll off if the index in the address is missing, letters fall on the manual sorting, where in manual mode it is sorted to the address. Manual sorting is much slower automatically, it follows that the letter will come to the addressee with some delay (what it will be depends exclusively from the human factor). But the letter will come to the addressee in any case. And this is the same for all letters that fall into the category "Simple letters".

    Those are called postal departures taken without issuing senders to receipts, presented (delivered) to the addressees without receipt. The zip code is an integral part of the address data.
    In the case of coarse errors, your postal shipment may return to you. This is especially true. A letter can still get into someone else's mailbox and who received his man will not give it to the postman.

    • Of course, incorrectly written index is no longer corrected if the letter or the parcel is sent. But if the address is written correctly, the departure must reach, although it may be slower than it could. If after a while the addressee will not get anything, you will have to declare the search for departure in the place where you were sent. Mail is responsible for departure for six months.
    • If the sender incorrectly wrote on a letter or sending the recipient's index, then at first the departure will go to the post office at the specified index. Sort because it is carried out automatically.

    The index is the post office number for which your postal address is enshrined. It looks in Russia, as a sequence of 6 Tsyfr. Where the first three tsyfras are the city code, and the rest is the post office number. The index is added to the postal address and applies to automatically sorting mail cension. What is the right thing to be written correctly, the delivery speed of your parcel depends.

    Almost all the way, namely to your post office, the parcel goes exclusively relying on these tsyfras. And only if the parcel falls into the hands of the local postal employee, attention is drawn to the address that is specified on your mail. If the zip code is wrong, the parcel will first go to a completely different post office.

    La began to explain that the "Russian Post" understands under the letter. From its point of view, this is a postal shipment with a written message. Letters may be simple, custom or declared value.

    The speed of mail delivery speed depends on the correct writing of the address details. Comply with the rules for writing the address and the index is especially important today when "Russian Post" introduces new automated mail sorting technologies. At the same time, letters, passing at high speed through the sorter photocells, are automatically distributed according to the specified indexes, then the letter index is grouped and sent to the post offices of recipients.

    Picture 1

    Index search window for address on the website of "Post of Russia"


    Figure 2.

    The result of searching for the index on the website of "Mail of Russia"


    If there is no index in the address, the letters fall on the manual sorting, where in manual mode it is sorted to the address. Manual sorting is much slower automatically, it follows that the letter will come to the addressee with some delay (what it will be depends exclusively from the human factor).

    But letter in any case comes to the addressee. And it is equally for all letters that fall into category "Simple letters". Those are called postal departures taken without issuing senders to receipts, presented (delivered) to the addressees without receipt.

    The zip code is an integral part of the address data. If you do not know or not sure about the accuracy of the destination index, you can clarify it in the postal office or on the "Post of Russia" at (You will fall on the search page shown in Figure 1; and in Figure 2 shows the search result).

    Please note: on letters and mail cards with a code stamp, the destination index is filled with stylized ink figures of any color, with the exception of red, yellow and green. This will make the "Readable" index for automatic sorting machines:

    Figure 3.

    Sample correctly writing digits of the index


    Figure 4.

    Filling the index in a specially reserved place


    Figure 5.

    Filling the index on envelopes without a special distinction (such envelopes are not subject to automatic sorting)


    "Custom letters" and "Letters with declared value" - This is a somewhat different category of letters, they are called "registered". When the mail officer takes them from the sender, in return, he gives the receipt, and such departures are awarded to the addressees (or their legal representatives) to receipt.

    Such letters can be "track" on the "Mail of Russia" or in post offices for postal identifier (intraolesee 14-character or international).

    Registered letters without index from the sender are not takenSince the address will be considered incomplete. A receipt for receiving custom and valuable correspondence will not be able to be printed, this is an automatic operation, and employee employee persuasion will be vain.

    However, in any post office there should be a catalog of indices of all central departments of postal centers and large cities. You can always ask the postal employee to help in finding an index. In this case, the letter will be sent to the nearest major city to the addressee and is already redirected to the desired address.

    In addition, the address index can be defined using the Internet. First, you can go to the page of the "Mail of Russia", shown in Figure 1, and the search result will be as shown in Figure 2. And you can also type the keywords in the search engine "Find out the postal code", and you will be given many other Sites ready to provide this information.

    Now will answer the last question regarding the delivery time. The control deadlines for sending written correspondence between the cities of federal significance, the administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2006 No. 160:

    • at the internal territory of the cities of federal significance, in the territory of the administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation - 2 days;
    • between the administrative center of the subject of the Russian Federation and administrative centers of municipal regions on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation - also 2 days;
    • between the administrative center of the municipal district and settlements located in the territory of the municipal district - 3 days;
    • between the cities of the federal significance, the administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, a single term cannot be established, since Distances can be fundamentally different (one thing to deliver a letter from Moscow to Peter, and completely different - in Khabarovsk), so a whole table of timing has been developed, which can be downloaded at HOME / POSTUSLUG / TERMSDELIXY (in DOC format it takes 982 KB). We give data from it only selectively (see the table below).

    Thus, a simple letter sent within one city (not counting the day of departure) must go 2, a maximum of 3 days. Of course, in practice it happens differently, especially if there is no index on the envelope or written by non-special stylized numbers suitable for automatic reading (ie, not as in Figures 3 and 4).