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Smartphone Battery Care Application. How to care for the battery phone debuning myths

Battery care - Professional battery consumption manager on Android will save battery charge and extends battery life. The system utility is No. 1 among similar programs, it is created by the Clean Master developer. And today the number of installations exceeded 350 million.

Battery Doctor will take full control of energy-intensive applications. The program will find out what programs the battery is most expelled and you can selectively stop the most energy-intensive applications. Battery Care will give advice on the correct charge and competent use of the battery. Each owner Android smartphone or tablet knows that the battery worked more and holds longer, you need to care for the battery. And as well, that there is already such a unique battery care program. Of course, there are enough solutions to monitor the phone battery. But the best option is "Battery Care", as it leads detailed statistics which program how much energy has spent, since the utility extends the battery operation and many other useful functions with which you can find on the list below.

Ability to Battery Doctor on Android:

  • disabling unnecessary applications that spend the battery;
  • energy efficiency in 1 touch;
  • wiFi / Data Transmission Switch / Bluetooth;
  • convenient widget on the main screen;
  • brightness control;
  • friendly interface;
  • Charge Master - monitors the charging process;
  • tips for charging the device;
  • multilinguality (over 30 languages), including Russian;
  • accurate remaining charging time;
  • over 350 million downloads;
  • shows the temperature of the battery;
  • find out what depletes the battery;
  • the ability to selectively stop the most energy-intensive applications;
  • use of power saving modes;
  • unique three-stage charge system;
  • quick access to the system settings associated with the power supply (Internet, Wi-Fi, brightness, etc.).

Download Battery Care for Android Free You can from our site.

Despite the fact that various models of smartphones and tablets, there is an excellent set, all of them - happy or not very - owners unites one thing - each of them, when buying their mobile device, assumes that his new "electronic friend and assistant" can do a long time to do without recharging. After all, the mobile device is on the mobile to please your owner slightly in the distance from some of the benefits of civilization - in this case, from the electrical outlet.

But not everyone is lucky. Sometimes dreams are broken when a collision with harsh reality. After all, if the battery, even the "steep" and "faded" smartphone or tablet, suddenly begins to completely give up his "vitality" in just a couple of hours, no matter no matter nuclei / gigabytes and megapixels, and will absolutely do not care what cornulated label Printed on the body of the device. With too violent, incorrectly exploited or "killed in the trash", the battery of joy will not even bring even the most expensive and fashionable device.

The most advanced users know that the battery capacity highly depends not only on its factory parameters, but also from proper operation that does not allow the battery to be awarded before the deadline. In Russian speaking, it is necessary to use a smart battery or a tablet correctly and with the mind so that it is not lazy and gave out everything that he shoulded, and also did not doubt it before him at the factory.

That's just with the right handling of the batteries of electronic devices, we will now understand.

And according to tradition, I will start with warning. The subtleties in the operation of batteries are quite a lot, and even if you briefly describe them, then the article will be slightly volumetric. Especially for those who know not all letters, or with difficulty adds them to words, "we have prepared a brief lightweight version of the management." In general, the most basic rules are described. To start it is enough. A brief guide may also come in handy for those who always have no time, and I want everything immediately. Well, this is not the smallest article addressed to someone who wants to understand the topic and understand the details.

Battery life

The declared capacity of the battery steadily falls due to its aging. These devices are not only subjected to wear, but also have their own service life, which they measured developers and manufacturers. For too long, "life" batteries are not designed - inside them are continuously physico-chemical processes, which are slow, but correctly destroy the internal structure.

If you take a natural "life life" of the battery, then it is designed for about 2 years. But this figure is very and very approximate - too much to do the conditions of operation. For natural reasons that reduce this period include a strong relear or full battery discharge, as well as factory defects in the power management scheme.

Another influencing factor becomes the activity of use - the number of charge / discharge cycles and the state of the battery cells themselves.

Basic battery usage rules

The first rule: exclude even the slightest possibility of short circuit when the battery contacts through any object (or wiring, conductive liquid, etc.) closes each other. If, for example, the tablet is intimidable, and it is impossible to pull out the battery from it, then everything is somewhat simpler. If the battery is removed without any problems, then it is necessary to look at both and not throw it where it fell.

  • the battery of the modern mobile device cannot be disassembled;
  • it is impossible to charge it in the cold;
  • you can not put a battery or device with it in water or fire;
  • you can not use the battery at very high (more than 45 ° C) or low (less than 0 ° C) temperatures;
  • it is impossible to store the battery fully discharged - complete discharge sharply accelerates its aging.

The capacity of the battery and the rate of its discharge strongly affects the high temperature - it is proved that when used at 25 degrees Celsius, the real capacity drops by almost 20%. A strong cold can be even more detrimental.

If you have noticed that your smartphone or tablet began to warm up much because of the battery, I strongly recommend to stop using it and contact the service for verification. If even visually noticeably blinking the battery, it should be replaced immediately.

Pretty frequently used and topical rule: if you still did not rule out, and your mobile device was discharged in full zero and automatically turned off, you should connect it as quickly as possible to charging. Otherwise, after a certain period of time (in different devices, a different), a special battery protection scheme will switch it into the so-called "sleep mode". The consequences of this strongly depend on the device of a particular device and can be very deplorable. It is not so rarely it happens that "awaken" him again can only be able to specialists from the service center, and sometimes with great difficulty and for big money.

It is still recommended to keep the tablet in the coolness away from the knees. Without fanaticism, naturally - you should not climb him into the refrigerator - but you can not allow the device overheating - if you are in bed with him, do not bury it into a soft feather and do not cover the blanket - it will not be frozen without you. Any electronic device must be cooled normally, and mobile too. At least at the expense of natural air circulation.

Types of modern batteries

By type, they can be divided into two groups: already outdated and more modern.

The first group includes batteries based on nickel - nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride. At one time (not so far) these technologies were considered rather advanced. However, nickel batteries had one extremely unpleasant feature, which completely crossed their advantages - their "memory effect" was very pronounced.

I will try to explain "on the fingers" to those who are not familiar with the term "memory effect". Suppose your battery discharged half, and you, without waiting for complete discharge, connected it to the charger. The point with which a new charge began, the nickel battery immediately takes in 0, and the volume of the remaining "free space free" is for a full battery volume. Accordingly, if you have connected the battery to charging, when it remained another 50% of the charge, its full volume will immediately be established half of the factory. To return the normal container to such a battery, only a multiple long-term and tedious process "Rashchka", and it is not always. Naturally, I exaggerately exaggerate here, and in practice everything went out slightly less sad. But it is that "a little bit." Pleasant in the "memory effect" was not enough for the user, and the nerve cells were burned by users ...

Now about the batteries of the nickel group can be forgotten, they are completely outdated. Their occasionally can be found in various inexpensive household appliances. However, in mobile devices, they are no longer used. Unless, of course, you did not get into my head to make yourself make yourself feel a penny smartphone collected in some podwalchik "on the knee of Uncle Liao" from the waste production of ten-year years ago. Well then it becomes entirely your problem.

The group of more modern batteries includes lithium-based batteries. "The effect of memory" formally, they also have. However, in a practical sense, he can just forget about him. Forgot? Everything, no more to him come back.

The first generation of lithium batteries - lithium-ionic - today already goes into the past. They replaced new devices. The most advanced technology today has lithium-polymer batteries, which have a number of merits compared to their predecessors:

  • due to the increased capacity, they can be made more compact and lightweight, and this is extremely important for mobile devices;
  • they have the lowest self-discharge, that is, slower discharged during storage;
  • a separate battery cell has a high voltage. So, you can theoretically, you can create batteries consisting of only one cell, which will very much simplify and reduces the device;
  • lithium polymer batteries have very minor service costs;
  • and for a snack: these batteries have a long service life. The longest of all that exist on the market.

The overwhelming number of batteries in the current plates and smartphones is precisely related to the lithium-polymer group.

Well, now let's get to the most "tasty" (almost - most, I will still leave for the ending of the article).

Charging the battery in various situations

Often, the Tips "Pumping" your battery immediately after purchasing the device. If you are too lazy, you can not do this, nothing terrible will happen. In times of nickel batteries, it was a mandatory process, now - at will. However, there is one point. During the first charge-discharge cycle, the device's power controller is calibrated, and in the future it will work more correctly. Although no one forbids to hold this procedure without first inclusion, but a little later.

Further. In everyday use, you should know that lithium batteries prefer multiple short charges before one complete. This most positively affects their service life.

Yet. Quite often advise not to leave a smartphone or tablet on charging all night. Like, it kills the battery. This is one of myths. Indeed, the batteries are very painful about recharging, but modern electronics has long been able to disconnect the device when it fully charges. And in the future it will only be episodically reconnected again to a short period of time to replenish the spent. So there is no danger in a long night charging - as soon as the battery is completely appropriate, the charging will interrupt.

Despite the above that modern batteries do not need to "pump", I recommend once a month or two still do it. I explain.

Despite all the "advancedness", the current devices are still not perfect. The sensor showing the degree of charging can be bored. A power controller can also be lit. In this case, for example, you may notice (and you can not notice) strangeness in the behavior of the signpost of the remaining charge - an inadequate forecast of the remaining time of work.

To bring the electronics "To the sense" once a month or two completely discharge the battery, and then charge it to 100% at once. To correct the sensor and calibrate the power controller again. By the way, the battery life of this may extend a bit.

A little about discharge

Already wrote, but I repeat again. It is impossible to allow the battery to be discharged to "complete exhaustion" when the device automatically turns off. It would be better not to allow the discharge even half. Therefore, if you decide to "pump" the Akb of your device (as weirdly above), I strongly recommend it at the end of the discharge to independently control and "catch" the condition as close as possible to zero, but not yet 0, ideally 1%. Or at least 3%. It is facilitated by the fact that in most devices with standard settings, the system throws out warnings at 15% of the remaining charge, then at 5% and at 3%.

Well, finally, the most:

How and what to charge the battery in different situations

Remember the main charge of battery charging: the weaker charging current, the more it will happen longer, but the battery itself will last much longer. This rule is valid for all batteries of any types without exception. That is, if you are not inherent in anywhere, charge the battery with the weakest charger that you have. You can also pick up the device to the computer - the charging current coming over USB is very small and quite contributes to your battery ahead of time "did not move into the world of others."

If you want to charge the device urgently - you can use a powerful charger.

Again, without fanaticism - to cling the battery of the smartphone to charging for Kamaz batteries, I would still have not recommended. If, of course, you do not like expensive, loud and spectacular fireworks.

There is a problem that consists in the fact that in modern powerful smartphones and tablets with capacious batteries (usually from 2000 mAh and above) there are also powerful chargers. The manufacturer is not at all interested in the fact that you bought one device from him and used it for years. And the sooner you have "empty the spirit" battery, the sooner you go to the store in your hands to the store for a new one. And even for a new smartphone / tablet, if you pull out an acb from it and replace it problematic.

Therefore, I advise you to search for a charger with a capacity of about 20% of the capacity of your battery. If you managed to find this - use it for everyday charging. And charging from the kit use when you need to charge quickly.

By the way, it will be useless to use and suterable chargers from third-party manufacturers. You can ask for friend-child parents, etc. Excess workout for your battery.

The charging process besides this will also depend on the resistance of the paked cable. Although in practical terms you will not significantly notice.

By the way, the fully-stop battery is better not to try to charge a weak device - if it is empty, then for its charge, the entire potential of the standard charger will need, since in this case a sufficiently large amount of energy will be consumed. At a minimum, at the beginning of the procedure, until the empty battery capacity is at least a little replenish.

Yet. During charging, it is not recommended to make active television with your device, and even more so expose it to high loads. Not only will it greatly increase the charging time, it can also significantly reduce the battery life and charge controller. And it will cause their premature refusal.

Although, I think, the mail to check the articles on sites to read the device will not hurt the device. If only you did not think about charging at the time of charging, to get some heavy toy.

Well, if you have imparted to leave your smart or tablet on charging all night, then there are no problems - take the weakest of your chargers. Or embark on the device to a computer or a laptop included in the outlet - most of them (although not all) even in the "sleep" state are able to serve a charge for a device connected to them via USB.

And as a result, I remind once again. Do not allow extreme situations, that is, complete discharge or reloading. Remember that the battery is optimal for the "life life" charge - it is 40% -60% of the total capacity. Here are these values \u200b\u200band try to maintain. Indeed, in these borders, even with a constant inflow of electricity, the cells of the battery are practically not wearing.

The application from a well-known developer disables unnecessary background processes, and also changes a number of system settings that allow optimizing power consumption without prejudice to usability. Avast Battery Saver supports five modes of charge saving, and also includes typical battery consumption monitoring tools.

2. du Battery Saver

DU Battery Saver promises to optimize power consumption without reducing the performance of the device. This uses special profiles of optimized settings that are tied to the most typical use models. In addition, the application monitors battery consumption, allowing you to track the most energy-consumption programs, temperature, capacity, charge time and many other parameters.

3. Go Battery Saver

Go Battery Saver is part of the utility package developed by the creators of the most popular GO Launcher launcher, and promises to automatically optimize power consumption with the display of detailed information about the most voracious applications and components. An interesting feature is the exact forecast of the battery life, depending on which network interfaces and programs are currently running.

4. JuicEdefender.

If you are looking for an application that has many features and settings, various power consumption templates and automation of their application, then definitely pay attention to juicedefender. With him, you will control all aspects of using your battery and can save, according to developers, 30-40% of charge.

5. Shutapp + Doze

The Yirgalab developer offers two separate tools promising to save battery charge. The SHutApp utility calculates and blocks consumables backgrounds and processes, not allowing them to restart in the future. And Doze limits the background data sharing when the screen is turned off.

Do you really need such applications

From a technical point of view, absolutely all such utilities work equally. They forcibly close the background processes, and also limit the exchange of data during the inaction of the device. The problem is that such intervention inevitably affects stability. Usually applications for saving charge do everything automatically and do not touch really important processes, but sometimes innocent on the knife.

If you block not something, problems can begin.

For example, messages will stop coming to the messenger or something else. To understand this situation and manually adjust the settings can only an experienced user.

Please note: the charge saving utilities themselves are constantly working and (suddenly!) Also eat battery charge. Sometimes even more than the processes disconnected by them. That is why in practice the effect of economizers either is minimal or zero, and sometimes negative.

It turns out, all these utilities are useless? Not really. In some scenarios, they really extend the mobile time of mobile, but the best in them is a battery consumption monitor. With it, you will learn from which of the installed applications are exorbitant appetites, and remove them.

Unfortunately, no magic tablet in this case exists, and the best way to extend the battery life remains in the library of installed applications and the refusal of the most voracious of them.

There is a separate category of professional economizers that really help, but for their work need the right of superuser, that is. You can get acquainted with actually working applications for saving charges you can.

The battery is at the moment the weakest link from all new mobile technologies, they are developing much slower compared to others. In the battery smartphones, it is enough for two days at best, it is still used. Especially if they do not care about them, they can seriously lose in the tank. Unfortunately, there are many unreliable batteries information.

Some of the most persistent myths comes from old battery technologies and are actively used for new technologies. Have you heard from the seller in the store to "practice" the battery with two and three cycles of charge-discharge? Let's see if there is a need for this.

Full of discharge

The old nickel-cadmium batteries had a "memory effect", they were necessary to fully discharge from 100% to 0%, to save the tank. Modern devices use lithium-ion batteries that work on another principle and have no memory effect. In fact, the complete discharge of the lithium-ion battery is destroyed for him. Therefore, devices are provided for protection against this, your smartphone will signal a lot of complete discharge to keep the "health" of your battery. Therefore, without fanaticism, if you infect and you need to leave or talk, disconnect from the charger boldly, do not be afraid that you hurt, do not necessarily maintain a full cycle charge - discharge.

There is only one problem to which minor charges can lead to. Your laptop will be a bit embarrassing a small discharge and can show the wrong expectancy of the battery life. For laptop, manufacturers are recommended to complete the full discharge about once a month to help calibrate time evaluation (if it is important for you).

Measurement effects

High temperatures can reduce battery capacity. This affects all types of devices, especially relevant for laptops, which are seriously heated when performing complex tasks, the battery is heated accordingly. This heating helps to reduce battery life.

If you have a laptop, which is always connected to the network, the battery removal can be extended by reducing heat exposure. You will not notice much benefit in normal operating conditions, but if you are using a laptop, for demanding games, then the benefits are essential.

Environmental conditions are also a problem. For example, if you leave your device on a sunny day in a car - the battery will wear faster. Low temperatures have a similar effect. As they say, wherever they do not throw a wedge everywhere, in Russia, the winter is cold, and the summer is roast - exposed to all harmful temperature factors.

Do not leave the battery at 0%

Do not leave the battery in a fully discharged state. If this happened, you do not need to panic and break the head to run to the outlet, but when your smartphone discharged, do not throw it into the box and do not hold there a week. If you allow the discharged battery to go too long, it will strive to zero.

Keep batteries at 50% charge

On the other hand, the storage of a fully charged battery for a long period of time can also cause power loss and will reduce its service life. Ideally, you need to store the battery at 50% of the charge, if you are not going to use it for a while. Manufacturers recommend leaving the battery by 50%, if it is not provided for using it up to six months.
The storage of the battery is fully discharged can lead to "death" of the battery, while the storage of the battery with full charge will lead to loss of part of the tank and will reduce the service life of your battery.

The laptop is constantly in the network convenient, but ...

On the one hand, there is nothing terrible, but the battery is always fully charged, and at intensive load also heats up. If your laptop produces a lot of heat, pull out the battery will become a good idea. If your laptop does not heat up, keep it connected even for all day - should not be a problem.


Like all other battery types, lithium-ion batteries wear out over time, keeping less and less charge. The capacity of the best batteries will reach up to 80% of their initial capacity after / to 1000 full discharge cycles, medium range from 300 to 500 cycles.

Adhering to the above battery will be wearing slower over time. Let's hope that you will change the device earlier than the battery fails.

It does not matter how many gigabytes of RAM and megapixels are inside your smartphone. In addition, the roles and clock frequency of the processor, the number of cores, the display resolution and other similar characteristics do not play. That's right, if the device battery starts to lose all his life juices for a couple of hours, its owner will not even save the presence of waterfront and fingerprint scanner. However, it is still possible to prevent the development of such a scenario. To do this, follow several rules with which we will now meet.

To hell perfectionism

I do not know how you, but personally, I am a fallen perfectionist. For example, it is hard for me to look at the random violation of symmetry where it should be, mistakes in words and many other similar things. In addition, it is difficult for me to disconnect your devices from the charger before the top of their displays will not appear with a coveted 100 percent. It turns out that it is not recommended to do so.

According to our colleagues from phonearena.Lithium-ion batteries prefer multiple short charges before one complete. This will affect the number of charging cycles. In other words, the battery will last longer.

Avoid discharges

As we learned, the maximum charging of the battery negatively affects its work. However, there is something worse. We are talking about full discharge, when the phone is offensive, the phone is turned off automatically. To such a state, your device is categorically not recommended.

Perfect indicator

No less important information: The smartphone battery feels most comfortable at the level of charge from 40 to 50 percent. Despite the constant flow of electricity, in this case the cells of the battery are not wearing.

Avoid high temperatures

Perhaps, each heard of the harmful effects of high temperatures on the smartphone. But how about numbers? The battery will lose 80 percent of its capacitance, if you keep it at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius for a year.

Among more adequate data is a loss of about 20 percent of the tank when using the device at 25 degrees Celsius.

Avoid low temperatures

The cold has exactly the same action on the battery as the heat. Be careful next winter.

Do not be lazy to approach the outlet

If the smartphone is still discharged and turned off, you need to immediately connect it to the charger. Otherwise, after a while, the battery protection scheme will be translated into the so-called sleep mode. The consequences may be deplorable.

Do you follow the state of your battery? Share secrets in the comments to this article.