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Extensions for Mazila Aiquia. Vidiq: How to use vidiq in different browsers? VIDIQ: opportunities and help in promoting video

VIDIQ is rapidly gaining popularity among YouTube users. Therefore, it is not surprising that I still ask questions about: "How to download vidiq for Yandex browser?", "How to download VidiQ plugin for a opera?". And today I will tell you how to use the instrument capabilities in other browsers.

First I want to remind you that I did the VIDIQ tool overview in this article, and now in order.

The VIDIQ extension was designed specifically for the Google Chrome browser. And if you want to install it on another browser, you will see a special notice, about the availability of it only in Chrome. But still there are several ways to use VIDIQ in other browsers and I will start with Yandex.

If your favorite browser is Yandex, you can transfer extensions to Yandex from Google Chrome. To do this, do the following:

2. Go to the Yandex Browser Settings:

3. Run below and select "Import Bookmark and Settings" menu:

4. In the window that opens, select the Google Chrome browser in the drop-down menu and leave the checkbox in the Extension item and click "transfer":

5. After that, you will have a window with a report:

VIDIQ Firefox and Vidiq Opera

Mozilla Firefox and Opera business browsers are much more complicated, and while the VIDIQ extension in them is not available. Therefore, you have a small selection: either install another browser, or connect your youtube channel to the media network, if you have)

When choosing a second option, you can use the extended Pro version of the VIDIQ tool for free. So connect your channel to the Scalelab media network for this link and regardless of your browser features, use this tool to promote youtube channel full!

Today I have everything! I will definitely inform you about the news on this topic as soon as they appear. In order not to miss an important thing about YouTube, subscribe to the newsletter and join our group VKontakte. Good luck!

Promotion of video on YouTube is the main task of the channel with which the VIDIQ tool is perfectly coping. But at first it needs to be installed in my browser and create an account.

Expansion VIDIQ: How to install?

You can download and install VIDIQ VISION from the official website or from the Chrome online store. When installing from any source, you need to go around, but mandatory registration. On the official website you will immediately offer to create an account:

Then you also need to go through the registration procedure:

VIDIQ for Yandex.

If you prefer the Yandex browser for surfing on the Internet and working with YouTube Channel, you can transfer VIDIQ extension to Yandex from Google Chrome:

After installing the plugin, the VIDIQ label appears in the browser, clicking on which you will see the menu with the quick access keys. The first block displays access to the YouTube channel sections, and in the second - references to the functions of the VIDIQ service itself.

Now you can proceed to work with the VIDIQ tool.

Vidiq: How does it work?

In Vidiq, you can view video statistics. To do this, go to the YouTube website and open any video. On the right of the player window will be information about this video. You will be able to find out more detailed statistics: Top devices, countries where you most often watched video, approximate income from monetization and other statistics.

In the SEO block, there is data on video optimization data, an approximate monthly income of the channel (with large errors), the accessory to the media network (if there is), various indicators on subscribers, views, and other indicators.

Under the main section of SEO are 2 blocks with video tags and channel. Promoting tags are displayed with a lattice and a digit that shows the position in the search.

Video optimization with vidiq

All of the above data can be used to effectively promote your video. You can analyze tags that helped the auto-compete to promote video in the top. After that, you can copy tags by clicking on "clip", edit and paste them into your video.

In the VIDIQ personal account, you can conduct a thorough analysis, change the metadata, optimize, track statistics and so on. In more detail about working with VIDIQ you will familiarize yourself here.

Work with VIDIQ on YouTube Channel

After installing VIDIQ Vision in the "Video Manager" menu, opposite each video, an icon with a drop-down menu will appear.

You will quickly go to the desired section, view and edit the data.

Mass Copying Tips and Ultimate Screensavers

Consider how it is done on the example of copying the final screensavers. Tips are copied similarly.

Next to the video, which you need to copy the final screensavers, click on the VIDIQ label, select "Copy the final screensavers", then mark what exactly we want to copy, you can immediately choose everything.

Select which video you need to insert items, you can select all the videos, separate by list or channel playlists, confirm the action and see the result.

In addition to mass copying of final screensavers, you can massively change the prompts. It is very convenient to do with VIDIQ - for this you do not need to go to each video, click "change" ... just press Vidiq label at the top on the Main page "Video Manager", select the "Mass Editor Tips and Finite Screensavers". Next, open from the list any video or a few rollers, correct the necessary information and save changes.

For more information about VIDIQ tariff plans. What advantages gives VidiQ Pro and how to use this tariff plan for free, you will find in. Connect the channel to a partner who has the VIDIQ Pro tool in the Personal Account can be used for this link.

Hey! For a long time there was no utility in the heading "YouTube Tips". It's time to take off her web and refresh the new material.

Therefore, in this article, let's talk about the instrument to optimize and promote videos on Yutub - extension for the VIDIQ browser. If you drive your channel on YouTube and do not use this expansion yet, I recommend installing. He has free and paid versions. We will focus on the free functionality, which gives a lot of useful.

I will show you how to install and start using VIDIQ extension, as well as make an overview of its basic functions that use it.

You can watch a visual video tutorial:

Extension is available for Google Chrome browser. To install it go to the address. Click "Download".

You will fall into the Chrome extension store and here you need to click "Set".

After installation, the pop-up window will appear on the right - just click on it to activate the application.

Enter email, name, come up with a password, accept the terms of the agreement and click on the registration button.

As well as the expansion is introduced into Yutub, and you can use it, both within your channel and creative studios and when analyzing videos on other channels. It is in such a background that I use it.

Important: Similarly, you can install this expansion and Yandex.Browser from the Chrome store, since these browsers work on one engine.

I propose to go through the main useful VIDIQ extension functions.

After installing the expansion and login to your YouTube-channel, you will see the additional options that you have appeared.

In particular, next to the video start button at the top will appear icons of statistics on the channel.

By clicking on the icons, you can see data by the number of views of the video on your channel in the last 60 minutes, over the past 48 hours and for the last 7 days. Also in minutes shows the total duration of viewing of all video on the channel over the past 7 days. And the average number of views.

At the same time, the percentages displays the indicators in comparison with the previous period. Green numbers and arrow up - increment of indicators, red numbers and arrogant down - drop.

Here you will see the number of subscribers of your channel. All of these data picked up from Yutub-Analytics.

Additionally, the statistics tab is displayed and next to the sections on your channel. By default, for the last month (you can choose any period of interest to you), the number of views of the video on the channel, the number of subscribers and published video is shown.

At the same time, the chart can view data by day, weeks or months. For details, just click on the desired schedule.

Now look into the creative studio and let's see what options are available when adding and editing the video on the channel.

Especially useful to use VIDIQ plugin when downloading a new video. For example, to collect suitable tags (keywords) with it to optimize the roller.

Now in the creative studio there are 2 options for downloading video from a computer - classic and new (in beta versions). In beta option, VIDIQ options are not yet fully implemented, so consider the classic version of the video download.

On the "Basic Information" tab ceo optimization of video is done. It is here that we add a title, description and tags for video.

To fill out this data - imagine a target user who is looking for a solution to the problem (answer to your question), which is given in your video. What search phrases can it use? Our task when optimizing these phrases to use in the title, description and tags. And also additionally use the VIDIQ plug-in.

For example, my video is devoted to using VIDIQ expansion to optimize and promoting video to YouTube.

Accordingly, I am such a title: "How to use VIDIQ extension to optimize video on YouTube."

The description was approximately this: "From the video you will learn how to use the VIDIQ extension to optimize and promote videos on YouTube. I will show how to install vidiq, I will review its basic functions, I will show how to select tags with it and make video optimization. "

And picked up several possible key queries: "Expansion VIDIQ for YouTube", "How to optimize video for YouTube", "Selection of tags for YouTube".

By the way, when you begin to enter tags, VIDIQ gives prompts, what options can still be used. We can immediately add them to your video.

Additionally, the expansion puts the estimated score next to popular keywords (as far as it is popular and what is his level of competition). It is necessary to understand that these are just approximate, internal service metrics and it is not truth in the last instance, but only a landmark.

That is, at this stage we use VIDIQ prompts to twist the description, headline and tags. Plus, we follow the prompts of a special check, which is displayed just below, to the right of the video.

In the video add video mode, VIDIQ shows us the symbol counter in the title, description and tags - how many signs are used from available.

You can also create tag templates for use in other video similar subjects.

Function "Inspector of Keywords" It works like this: when we click on any tag already added, then VIDIQ will show what other search queries can be used in context. Or you can click on the inspector icon and enter any keyword that interests you.

Additionally, it shows the search volume and competitiveness of the keyword.

As well as search interest in this request for a specific period - all the time, the last year, the last 30 days. The information is displayed as a graph, when you hover on the points of which, you can see the number of requests for weeks, days, etc.

Below are other requests that interested users who entered the current request to YUTuba.

Using this tool, you will collect more search tags for your video, including "fatty", that is, popular. And at the same time you may have ideas for creating other related videos on this topic. True, in the free extension version, the number of adjacent tags is limited.

The "Translations" feature is available in the paid version.

At the very bottom on the download page there are some more options. In particular, VIDIQ shows the recommended popular tags based on those data that you specified when optimizing. Also shows competitive videos from which you can borrow tags.

What options vidiq are available when editing added video? In principle, all the same. Also there is the option "Create video icon" in the expansion editor.

And when adding interactive tips, you can save the current video as a template to promptly transfer the prompts from it to other videos.

In addition to selecting tags for video at the download stage, keywords can be collected on the video view of the video of competitors, as well as from search results. Below, I understand the possibilities of VIDIQ in this plan more.

On the viewing page of the video already added on the video channel there are a number of useful options and data from VIDIQ. Moreover, many of them are available for both your rollers and for any other you look at YouTube.

In particular, under your video by clicking on the VIDIQ icon near the date of publication of the roller, you can perform the following steps:

Copy the final screensaver or tips from this video to any others that specify.

Enable additional settings when embedded video on the site (they are much larger than in the standard embedding capabilities from YouTube). For example, you can enable or disable video broadcasting video, subtitles, controls, full-screen mode, logo youTube, etc.

Go to the video icon editor and create a cover in it for your roller. This option is also available both in the video editor in the creative studio.

If you click on the VIDIQ icon under someone's video that you view, then:

You can enable additional settings when embedded video.

And add a competitor channel to analyze the statistics on the views, subscriptions, added video, and see the channel tags.

If you click on the VIDIQ icon next to the comments videos, You can open different options for filtering comments. For example, on answers to a comment, according to certain phrases, etc.

There is a VIDIQ icon and next to a response button to a particular comment. By clicking on it, you can create a response template.

Even more interesting VIDIQ data shows to the right of the video:

On the "Overview" tab The first thing that rushes into the eyes is an estimate of the video on a 100-point scale. It reflects the popularity of the roller, taking into account the percentage of interactions and the number of views compared to other video on YouTube.

On the "Social" tab An assessment of the video on involvement is displayed, that is, the ratio of likes, dysletes, as well as the numbers of visiting video views. If the mark in the Red Zone is the involvement bad, in the orange, turning into yellow - the average, in green - high.

Next is shown how much% of the total number of interactions is Utub. Here you can also connect the Facebook (if you use it to move your rollers).

On the "SEO" tab Reflects the overall rating of VIDIQ on the e-optimization of the roller. Maximum rating - 100 points. It consists of:

The number and popularity of tags used for video.
From the presence of keywords in the title and description.
From the presence of tripale keywords, that is, those that are simultaneously found in the title, and in the description, and in the video tags. Or, for example, occur several times in the description ...
From the presence of ranked tags and tags with a large search volume.

Indicators 5/5 or 0/5 is an assessment by a particular parameter.

Other indicators are also displayed here, such as: the number of words in the description, the number of elements in the ultimate screensaver, the number of references in the description, including references-timecodes, the number of words per minute, etc.

Tab "Comparison Views for the first 28 days" Allows you to compare in separate indicators different videos. In particular, it compares the current video with average channel indicators, the latest viewed video, etc. (available on paid tariffs).

Check list - This is a kind of crib from Vidiq, which helps in optimizing and promoting video. Green checkmarks noted that it was done on a check-leaf, and with red crosses - which was not fulfilled.

On the "Channel" tab Some common channel data are displayed. Namely: the average number of views on the day (based on the last 30 days), the number of views in the last 30 days, the average number of subscribers per day, the number of subscribers for the last 30 days, etc. Plus in% shows a comparison with the previous period. Red numbers and down arrow - drop, green numbers and arrow up - increment of indicators.

Tags "Tags video" - All added tags for this video are displayed here. Next to the ranked tags, a digit is displayed - this is the video position in the search results of this tag. The more such ranked tags from your video, the better for its search promotion.

From here you can add other tags to your video. And also download tags in the file or copy to the clipboard (for example, if you collect tags for your video from other rollers or want to copy tags from this video to similar to not enter from scratch).

Tag "Channel Tags" - There are general channel tags here by clicking on the plus side next to this or that tag you can add it to the tags of the current video.

* All this data on the right of the video you can see for any video on YouTube. Accordingly, you can use the collection of tags from these videos for your rollers.

The search results page also have additional VIDIQ options. For example, when we enter a key request to the search string - we are issued video on this request. So, if you on the right to turn on "Display tags under the video", then their tags will appear under the videos on the list.

Click on the screenshot to enlarge

True, in the free extension version, tags are shown only under several first video in the list. Otherwise, you can go to the viewing page of any video and already there, to the right of the roller, see all his tags.

Additionally, the right extension shows an estimate of the key request entered into the search bar - search volume, competition of competition, a total score on a 100-point scale. The higher this score, the more popular the key request.

And below shows a few more popular keywords related to the requested request.

To the left of the search results also have several interesting VIDIQ expansion tabs. They are displayed on the toolbar on the left in the creative studio. Let's look at the main.

Channel audit - Section that shows express statistics on your channel over the past 30 days.

Below are displayed video that you have the best "shot" on the channel - by the number of views per hour, on subscriptions, the most viewed rollers over the past 30 days.

press screenshots to enlarge

Achievements - Some "Honor Board", with the key success of your channel. Achievements by the number of subscribers, views, likes, comments, etc. At a specific date.

Month and year when you had the best ways to subscribe, browsing, husky, comments, etc. Plus comparing these indicators with the current month.

Here are useful hints and tools offer owners of YouTube channels Expansion VIDIQ in its free version.

Total, what is the algorithm for using VIDIQ for the CEO optimization of the video?

1) In the current tab, you download our video on the channel.

2) In the next - open the search results page and enter a key request (you can alternately enter different requests for queries), which corresponds to the topic of the roller - we collect the right tags from popular video of competitors. For analysis, you can use 5-10 video of competitors with the highest number of views.

Additionally, in neighboring tabs, we open the popular video of competitors and collect video tags from the viewing page + analyze the video - as a headline is drawn up, the description, which is the indicators.

When collecting tags, competitors give preference to ranked - those next to which the position of the video is specified in the search!

3) The collected tags add to your video (it is desirable that there are no more than 15 pieces to be), we use the appropriate key requests in the title, description. We optimize the video on the check-leaf from Vidiq, in addition to the CEO - add a video to the playlist, we make the final screensaver, tips, etc.

In this lesson, we reviewed the features and functionality of the VIDIQ extension for YouTube. I figured out how to install it and use, in particular, to collect keywords and optimize video on the channel.

I will be glad if this information was useful for you!

Respect, Victoria Karpova

In one of the past articles, we mentioned VIDIQ plugin. And today we will deal with it. The process itself is not difficult, but we are still a technical blog, and we cannot pass by the installation of a useful toolkit side. Each author dreams of raising its channel's popularity and have the most detailed possible statistics - a VIDIQ solution that will allow you to collect such statistics. Well, let's start.

We will not torment the cat Vasily pull the rubber and proceed to the installation. But first let's remind you that this plugin is free and can be installed on many popular browsers. It allows you to analyze tags, looking, relevance and many more semantic video parameters that are now open with you. How to install VidiQ plugin for YouTube in Google Chrome?

To begin with, press 3 menu points in the upper right corner -\u003e Additional tools -\u003e Extensions:

Click on the "Install" button opposite the "Vidiq Vision for YouTube" plugin. Browser will ask you "Is it really an extension?" - We agree, after which the browser automatically makes installation to the end. At the end of the installation, the window will come out with notification at the right side of the screen:

This setting the plugin is completed. Now I'm going on YouTube, you can see some parameters of the already working plug-in:

Despite the fact that many resources indicate that the plugin is released on many popular browsers, we could not make it install, because It is in the most relevant requests in libraries and browser addons - absent. Accordingly, the instructions for installing this plugin in other browsers we provide, unfortunately we will not be able to.

The following articles will describe in detail the functionality and potential advantages or cons of the use of this plugin. We hope this article was useful for you, do not forget to subscribe to us in

Dedicated to Users Interested in Boosting Their Ranking On Youtube, vIDIQ Vision for YouTube IS An Easy-to-Use Plugin for Google Chrome, Which Analyzes YouTube Videos to Find Out How Well or Poorly They Perform Over Time, Based Demographics, Charts, Comments, Subscribers, Top Videos, And Other Info.

YouTube Analytics Tool for Chrome Users

After Quickly Getting Integrated With Chrome, Vidiq Vision for YouTube Requests You to Sign Up for A Free Account to Be Able to Access Some of Its Features. Email Confirmation IS Necessary for this to happen.

In The Following Step, If You Log In With Your YouTube Account and Unlock A Long List of Permissions for this Addon, IT Will Automatically Scan Your Uploaded Videos and Put Together Information with the results.

Get SEO Details About Your Own Youtube Videos

This Includes Demographics, Charts Based On Views, Searches, Suggested Views, Tags Added, Minutes Watched, Liked Comments and Subscribers, Along With Top Embed URLs, YouTube Search, Countries and Videos.

The Overview Section Contains The Total Subscribers, Views, Likees, Comments, Engagement Rate, Videos, And Average Tags Per Video. Furthermore, You Can Discover Trends When It Comes to Total Views, Watch Time and Search Volume, As WELL AS View Top Playlists and The Best Time to Post Something New.

Read Video Stats On Any YouTube Page

Statistics Are Also Displayed on the YouTube Page When Playing a Video, Whether IT Belongs to You or Someone Else. On The Right Side of the Clip Are Overview, Social, SEO, Channel Details and Video Tags, Together With the Historical Social and View Statistics, Tweets with Links to the Videos and Trending Videos.

We haven "t come across any integration issues with the latest Chrome version in our tests. Taking everything into account, vidIQ Vision for YouTube turns out to be a worthy utility for studying YouTube analytics for those interested in learning how to promote their videos better. More Features Can Be Unlocked in Paid Plans.