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Calling the Windows 7 system recovery. Windows restore

Restoring Windows 7 is the recreation of computer system files, which corresponds to a certain period in the past. This method is the best way to eliminate the problem associated with the incorrect installation of a program or driver when removing braking, hangs or other application failures does not allow you to return the OS to the working state. Sometimes Windows 7 recovery helps even in such cases when the system is not able to boot. Another name of the Windows Recovery Procedure is System Restore.

There are three ways to restore Windows 7 - this is using the utility built into the system, using the system installation disk or System Restore through a safe mode. In this article we will look at each of them.

Restoring Windows 7 using the built-in utility in the system

Restoring Windows 7 With the help of the system itself, it is possible only if the system files were not damaged and the OS is loaded normally after turning on the computer. Find the icon my computer and by right-clicking on it, selects the properties. In the window that opens, go to the System Protection tab.

You will appear in front of the system properties window with an open source protection tab.

Click the Restore button. After that, the utility restore system files and parameters will be launched.

Click "Next. You will fall into the window with a list of all existing recovery points. To display them all check the inscription "show other recovery points". Highlight the recovery point you need and click Next.

In the next window you will need to choose, the status of system files of which discs you want to restore. It is usually enough to restore the system disk C. By setting the required checkboxes, click on the Next button.

You will appear in front of you, where all information about the recovery point is summed up: the date of its creation and a brief description is specified about whether it was created in connection with which changes to the system. There is also the ability to create a password reset floppy. A similar "floppy" can be created using any modern Flash media. This information may be needed to you if you forget the password from the system.

After you click the Finish button, a window will appear with warning information that it will be impossible to cut the recovery operation after you decide to start it. To continue the work utility, click Yes.

After that, the system will start returning to the selected recovery point. Initially, all documents and applications will be closed, the computer will reboot. If no errors in the System Restore process occurred, a window with information about successfully completed recovery appears.

Restoration of the system through a safe mode

If the operating system error led to the fact that Windows cannot even boot, the method described above will not help you. However, you can try to restore Windows 7 with a secure mode that is often loaded even when the usual system load does not work.

To enter the secure mode, restart the computer and press the F8 button several times when it starts. You will appear window with a list of additional options for OS.

Using the cursor keys, select any option to download the secure mode and press Enter (ENTER). After Windows 7 is loaded in safe mode, follow the same actions as in the usual system mode.

Click right-click on the label My computer and select properties. Then select the Control Panel section in the list.

You will appear in front of you, where you should click on the system recovery. You can also configure the System Restore parameters by clicking on the extended recovery methods.

After that, the application will be launched, the work of which we considered above.

Do the same number of steps as described in the first way to restore the system.

Recovery using Windows 7 disk

In some cases, the operating system may refuse to boot and in safe mode, then the second method of recovery will also be impossible. However, if you have a Windows 7 installation disk, you can try to eliminate the problem that led to the system failure. A similar disk in the form of an ISO file image can be downloaded on the Internet, and then write it to the usual DVD.

Before starting the system recovery, you must install in the BIOS settings for loading with DVD drive. After that, insert the Windows 7 boot disk drive and restart the computer. You will have a black window with the inscription Press Any Key to Boot from CD OR DVD ... Press any key, after which the information from the disk will start.

Before Windows loads the necessary files, it will take some time.

In the window that appears, configure the language, keyboard layout and time format. After you click Next, Windows 7 Welcome window will appear. You need to follow the link Restore System. After that, the system restore parameters appears before you.

You will appear a list of Windows 7 recovery applications. To begin with, it is recommended to start the startup recovery utility that will help eliminate the problems that interfer the usual system load.

If this does not help, go to the second item restore system. After that, the utility recovery system files and parameters will appear before you, the features of the work with which we have considered above are. If this utility also does not help bring the system to the operating status, you can try the utility to restore the system image. However, this method can only help you if you made the image of your system in advance.

How to create a recovery point in Windows 7

In order to easily restore the system after falling with the system utility, it is necessary to create a system recovery point in advance at the moment when there were no problems in its operation. Make it very simple. To find the necessary utility, simply enter the startup "Creating a recovery point" in the String string.

By clicking the name of the utility, you will enter the System Protection Window. There you must click on the Create button.

In a small window that appears, enter the title of the point in order to distinguish it in the future from others.

The recovery point is created.

Creating a System Image in Windows 7

A more reliable way to restore Windows 7 is to use an image of a system that can help return the performance of the OS even if it is not loaded. In order to create a disk image, enter the "Archiving and Recovery" menu in the Row. Click on the name of the utility, the window appears before you.

Follow the link Creating an image of a system on the left side of the window. The system scans the computer for media that allows you to save the system image, and will offer you their list to select. In total, Windows 7 has three options for saving the image: on one of the hard drives, on a DVD disk or in network accommodation.

Select the most convenient media for you and click Next. If there is no place for the specified hard disk, the image will not be created, so do not worry that the application will end the error.

If there is enough space on the hard disk, archiving will be started - the process is very long and resource-intensive. Since the utility work can delay for several hours, then the most convenient solution will leave the computer overnight.

Oct 13 2013.

How to make the restoration of the Windows 7 system quickly and without nerves

How to recover Windows 7 system if your computer is unstable, the Ourser is not loaded at all or just a black screen. Video lesson about how to run the recovery of the system, see at the end of the article.

You have installed Windows 7 operating system, then in this article you will learn different ways to restore system 7. In the last publication, we learned what happened.

Run Windows Restore

Surely you or your friends faced with cases when Windows is not loaded, or errors occur during system operation. One way to fix it - use the restoration of the Windows 7 system.

Of course there are other solutions to solving problems such as: secure mode, useful F8, system restore, installation or reinstalling Windows and others.

The recovery procedure or System Restore can be done in three different ways:

  1. We restore using the Windows itself
  2. Restoring through Safe Mode
  3. We restore using the Windows 7 installation disk

System Restore Using Windows

In order to start recovering the Windows 7 system, you must first figure out what errors occur and whether the operating system is loaded at all. If it is loaded, you can try to restore it from under Windows.

Go to your desktop, find a label or computer icon (my computer), press it with the right mouse button and go to the properties.

In the viewing window of the basic information about your computer, go to the System Protection tab.

In the properties of the system, we find the System Protection tab and click Restore.

We fall into the restoration of system files and parameters, click Next.

Select the desired date with the reference point. You can press a tick to show other recovery points, if there is no need among the points represented. Click Next.

Confirm the recovery, specify the system disks that we want to restore and further.

Confirm the recovery point, we look at its description again and if everything is correct, click ready. Here it is also possible to create a password reset floppy. You can save this information both on a floppy disk and on a USB flash memory device.

She may need if you forget or lose the password from the computer. If you still forgot him, then you are here.

The system recovery will not be able to interrupt if it is launched. Proceed? Click Yes.

After that, the system is prepared for its recovery, all open programs and applications are closed, the computer goes to reboot. The next time you launch Windows 7, if everything has passed successfully, the system restore system has been completed.

This is how the system is being restored 7, using standard Windows.

But we assume that your Windows 7 operating system does not turn on and does not boot, but then then perform recovery. To do this, we use the second way to restore Windows 7.

Restoration of the system through a safe mode

An additional download options appears, select any secure mode and press ENTER (input \u003d Select).

Click right-click on my computer and go to the properties, the screen should be black, as shown in the screenshot.

After we go to the control panel - home page.

We find and go to the recovery tab (restore system to earlier condition).

Restore the early saved state of this computer, click on the Running System Recovery button. You can also choose extended recovery methods.

After that, a window Restore files and parameters appears.

Selecting the control point \u003e\u003e\u003e Disk recovery confirmation \u003e\u003e\u003e Recovery point confirmation \u003e\u003e\u003e Running the recovery procedure.

If the second way to restore the system did not help you, then the third option remains - restore the operation of the computer with the Windows 7 installation disk.

Restore using the Windows 7 installation disk

Let's look at how to make Windows 7 restore using the installation disk.

If you did not help anything, then do, look for information on the Internet, call the computer wizard to the house, contact your computers repair service center or ask your question in the comments to this article.

Let's summarize

Today, we learned a lot of useful information how to recover Windows 7 systems in three ways: recovery using Windows, restored through a secure mode and used the Windows 7 installation disk.

And now let's see the video lesson how to start the recovery of the system.

How to Make Windows 7 Restore | website

Perhaps you have questions related to the restoration of the computer system. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, as well as take advantage of the form with me.

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class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e


How to restore Windows 7 system On a laptop, a black screen comes out when downloading, the recovery environment does not work, hidden sections I deleted everything, there is no original disk with Windows 7. I spent a lot of time, tell me what to do now or at least how to insure myself from such situations in the future, it is desirable without using paid data backup programs. Ilya.

How to restore Windows 7 system

Windows 7 has a powerful and good tool in its arsenal-\u003e Wednesday recoverywhich is created automatically when installing Windows 7. In a hidden section, and contains five other tools to decide numerous malfunctions and malfunctions.

  • Note: If you learn how to use the Windows 7 recovery tools, and this is not difficult, then in principle you can do without additional and paid data backup programs.

You can start the recovery tool, by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after the computer is started. After that, the Additional Download options menu will appear before you: Troubleshooting a computer, then a secure mode, secure mode with downloading network drivers, etc.
Choose first-\u003e Troubleshooting computer,

The desired retreat: when installing Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate, the recovery medium section is created automatically and is in a separate, hidden section of the hard drive, its volume is only 100 MB, it is also used to encrypt the disk using the BitLocker function. You can see it my computer-\u003e Control-\u003e Disk Management. You can not delete this section in any way, otherwise the system restore environment, you cannot download.

What to do if you do not have the partition with the recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button, the optional download options do not appear in the menu, does not appear? How then to restore Windows 7 system? Save here the installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system. You can run the recovery tool, you can boot from the original Windows 7 installation disk by selecting at the very beginning. System Restore,

If you do not have the installation disk with Windows 7, you will help the Windows 7 recovery disk, how to create it, read on.

Note: Another hidden section can be noted on the symbol, the size of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden section of recovery with the factory settings of my laptop, you can have more or less. It is also better not to delete it, if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

So, in the selection menu of the system restore system, select the first:
Launch restoration-\u003e There will be an analysis of faults interfering with the normal loading of Windows 7 and further correctly for the normal loading and operation of the operating system. In the process, we can warn us that problems are detected in the boot parameters, click Fix and restart.

System Restore-\u003e With this function, we will be able to choose a previously created system recovery point if it is turned on and roll back at the time when our Windows 7 worked perfectly and loaded, everything is simple.

-\u003e This tool I use it personally, when used by using you, you can replace paid data backup programs, if interested, read on.

What is it good? It will help when you do not have an original installation disk with Windows 7 and you deleted the hidden section with the factory parameters of your laptop, but this is not all.
Sometimes there are situations where, because of various reasons or because of the actions of the virus, you will not at all be able to download the OS Operation or many ask How to restore Windows 7,even if the menu with additional download options will also be inaccessible. Reinstall the operating system again?
Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 to your laptop or computer, create using this feature-\u003e Restoring the image image, Archive image of our Windows 7 on a rigid disk, we save it. It is obligatory to create Windows 7 recovery disk (read below), it will help to use the system of the system if the Advanced download options menu are not loaded.
We go B. Start->Control Panel->Archiving computer data.

Choose Creating a system image

next, choose Local diskwhere we will store the archive of the system. In my case, a local disk (E :), if you have several hard drives in the system unit, then a bacap is better to position on that Winchester where the operating system is not installed.

Note: You can see that I have two operating systems installed, on a laptop, so the archiving program has chosen two local disks.

Press Archive And the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7 will begin.
Created, it will look like this.

Now, deploy an archive with Windows 7, on your computer if necessary, you can in 20-30 minutes. It will be better if the archive with the system you copy additionally onto a portable hard drive, that you will protect yourself doubly.

Let's imagine that we cannot run Windows 7 and turn the backup created by us, we will do it together.
Run Windows 7 recovery tool, Press the button F-8.on the keyboard immediately after the computer is started. The optional download options opens, select your computer troubleshooting.

Restoring the image image

Use the latest available system image

of course, all of our data on the local disk, where the operating system is now restored, will be deleted, so you can pre-boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.
How else can you restore the Windows 7 system? Of course, using Windows 7 recovery disk. Create Disk recoveryYou can use to download the computer, it will be a recovery tool on it, with which you can restore Windows 7 loading faults, as well as restore the operating system from the archive copy that we created in advance.

Important: The system is important for the recovery disk, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Come again Archiving computer data

Create system recovery disk, insert into the DVD drive, click

Create disk

When the Windows 7 boot disk is ready, remove it into the reliable place.

To restore Windows 7 from the recovery disk, it is not necessary in principle, no operating system at all. You will need only to change the BIOS of your computer to the boot priority to the drive, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive. Many here can make an analogy with data backup programs and it is correct, they work according to the same principle, only Here they have a functionality more comfortable.

Under the enhanced methods of restoring the system, a list of measures to return the operability of the OS after serious failures ending with usually by the collabo of Windows are understood. In this note, we will discuss the advanced method of restoring the Windows 7 operating system. In the process of discussion, we will have to turn to the study of a variety of theoretical and practical moments, therefore the reader's understanding and attention is welcome.

Extended methods are used when to restore the system with ordinary tools (like embedded tools) does not work. Before applying these methods, one thing should be made - take care of the preservation of the most valuable information. It makes sense to copy it to external carriers, unless, of course, it seems possible. That is, transfer it to the hard disk of another PC, flash drive or cloud service. Before the start of our presentation, we give a list of questions discussed:

  • System recovery disk and its purpose.
  • Installation disk.
  • Preset recovery parameters.
  • Highlight OS using the installation disk image.
  • RESET of the entire system to the primary state specified by the manufacturer.
  • BIOS and its functions.

Installation and Recovery

If the system is "hanging" tightly, the Windows interface and the control panel are not available, and the BSOD blue screen can be needed before the resuscitation of the system (it is also installed) or recovery disk. When buying Windows you get both. If you are a user of a unlicensed copy, you do not have anything, how to download the image of such a disk from the network and write it on a blank using one of the disk recording programs (for example, the NERO utility package). We will not discuss the eligibility of such manipulations here, but we give almost useful tips. So, we assume that you have a boot disk in your hands. Next we do as follows:

  • Insert the disk into the dispenser's tray and send the system to reboot.
  • A request for pressing an arbitrary key may appear on the screen. If such a request appeared - do what you are asked. However, such a request may not be, and the recovery program will start automatically. There is one more nuance: in the BIOS parameter that is responsible for the loading order, the CD-ROM must stand before the hard disk, otherwise the discharge system ignores, and it will notice to attempt to boot from the hard drive.
  • Next, select "Restoring System" and follow further instructions. The program scans the Winchester sections and gives you a list with all Windows instances on it. You choose the desired instance and run the recovery process. After rebooting, the system must start normally. If this did not happen, it means that it is either in the blank (which can be corrupted) or in the computer equipment.

It is necessary to understand one significant difference. Some setting distributions do not contain recovery functions. With their help, you can only reinstall the system again. Recovery is easier, takes less time and returns Windows to the state you left to failure. After a complete reinstallation, you will get a clean desktop and new system folders. That is, your documents and programs, even if they remain on the hard disk, will not appear in the system.

Preset download options

Suppose the failure is not so fatane, as in the previous case and the "blue screen of death" is not observed. Instead, the system begins to boot, the Windows greeting window appears, and then everything disappears, and the startup program gives an error. In this case, it is necessary to act otherwise - you need to try to boot in the so-called "secure mode" - this is one of the pre-installed OS boot modes becoming an affordable user if it performs some actions at the time of the operating system. If immediately after restarting the computer, you press the "F8" key, then you will be taken from the additional download options menu. This is how it looks in practice:

To go on the menu items, use the arrow keys, and to confirm your choice - just click on "Enter". In this menu, we are interested in items starting with the "Safe Mode". The first two options differ only on the performance features in safe mode. In one case, you get a working network, but not in the other. The third option is designed to download to the console (command line) and is intended for advanced users. Safe mode is such a start-up mode, which is used only by the minimum system resources. Most of the OS services are deactivated, and the probability of failure drops sharply.

Usually, to restore performance, it is enough to go to a safe mode and reboot to normal again. Sometimes, being in safe mode, you have to perform some actions.

For example, if you set the device driver, weaving Windows, then go to the secure mode, delete the crawl driver and start as usual.

BIOS options

Sometimes it is possible to solve the problem, taking the BIOS settings. However, for this you need to understand the structure of this storage of options and the purpose of each of the parameters. More or less standard Bios contains such sections:

  • System information section.
  • Equipment resource section.
  • Section of components.
  • And section of the software environment.

You can get acquainted with all this or in the network or in the relevant literature.

Often, users occur when users occur when due to the installation of a certain driver, utilities or infection with viruses, the OS begins terribly slowing down or does not function at all. Thanks to the program recovery option, system files can be reanimated to a normal state. In this way, you will be able to avoid a long process of fixing the breakdown. In some cases, the question can be solved only by fighting in the BIOS system, more simple tools will help, for example, a boot disk. To understand how to restore Windows 7, spending a minimum of time, read this material to the end!

The simplest recovery option is the system rollback

Experts identify a number of methods, with which the OS can be returned to the correct state. The list looks like this:

  • backup system (backup);
  • application of the last successful system configuration;
  • disk with system installation files or the use of Safe Mode (abnormal mechanism);
  • the regular mechanism "system restoration".

Last successful configuration

This is the most elementary way to restore the Windows 7 job. To do this, you need to boot through the Safe Mode (the computer reboots, and at the OS switching phase, F8 is pressed). In the window that appears in front of you, different download options will be listed. You will help the "Last Successful Configuration" section by selecting it, press ENTER.

The section is needed in order for the user to load a PC using the latter, adequately operating parameters. Often, with such disadvantaged manipulations, you can restore the parameters of the driver settings and the system registry data. The function helps when downloading OS in standard mode cannot be due to incorrect changes.

Restoration from a secure mode

You must first go to SAFE MODE Windows (F8 key). Waiting until the car is loaded completely, go to the "Start" - "search" and looking for the system "Restoring System". It remains to choose a point and confirm the decision. About what is a recovery point, we will talk later.

If the way helped, then at the last stage, the computer will reboot independently, and then restore its work already in the usual mode.

Boot disk

The method is wonderful for those who have an original disk from Windows 7. It will help to resume the system, when even Safe Mode does not help. Consider the procedure:

  • press F8 Switch to Safe Mode;
  • select "Troubleshooting Computer", and then "System Recovery Settings";
  • insert the disc, boot from it (read below how to do it);
  • select a language, go to "System Restore" section in the Window Installation window.

After these simple manipulations, you will enter the section with the Windows 7 Recovery Settings, where you can return everything to your places by choosing the correct point.

Loading priority to bios

The loading order allows the computer to understand from which device to load the OS. By choosing a procedure, the user can boot from different media: from a flash drive, disk, over the network.

So, to change the order, you must first go to the BIOS system. Most often for this you need to press F2 or DEL. It is necessary to press it when the "Press Del (F2) to Access The BIOS" type will be on the screen.

Some machines use other combinations: Ctrl + Alt + Esc, F1 or simply ESC.

Once in the BIOS, you need to go to the Boot tab. Transitions between menu items are performed using the "Left" and "Right" keys. Confirmation of the solution occurs by pressing the ENTER key.

Next, it is important to find the Boot Device Priority item. Now it remains to choose the instructions of the devices, changing them by pressing the "-" and "+" buttons. By setting the necessary parameters, it is important to save the changes and leave the BIOS (Save & EXIT tab).

Restoration with backup

If you previously created the image of the system, the method will become really saving. Find backup and do the following:

  • connect the flash drive on which there is backup;
  • select "Restore" in the "Control Panel" menu (opens through "Start" in Safe Mode);
  • perform the resumption of Windows 7.

If you cannot download the system, it will be possible to use backup only when you download via Safe Mode (F8) and selecting a "System Restore" item.

When installing an image through Safe Mode, it is important to choose the "Advanced Recovery Methods" parameters, and there find the use of the image image. The computer will offer to make archiving, this moment you can skip and simply perform a reboot. If you leave the default recovery settings, then Windows will restore after reboot.

Window "System Recovery Settings"

No matter what method you used to restore the OS, you will go to this window. There are a number of functions here, the possibilities of which is important to know:

memory diagnostics Windows - choosing this item, the computer will check for errors;

system Restore - the return of Windows for the period when there were no defects;

launch restoration - analyzes defects through which the usual loading of the system cannot take place;

command line - the ability to delete files that do not give the system to boot;

restoring the image image - Allows you to resume the normal operation of the OS from the previously prepared copy.

After switching to "System Recovery", a new window will appear, where there will be a message that the "System Rollback" will help to eliminate all current problems. Click "Next" and select a point.

Point of recovery

Correctly operating OS creates such points without your help, it happens every 7 days. They are also created when updating drivers, installing software components. Such points can be installed and manually. Need to:

  • save and close all files;
  • go to "Start" - "Find programs and files", where to introduce "Create";
  • go to "Creating a recovery point";
  • click "Create" in the "System Protection" window;
  • describe the title of the point so that in the future it was possible to find it.

After selecting a description, the creation process will begin to identify the point, after it is completed, the system will give a corresponding notification.

Return to factory settings

If it is not possible to achieve an explicit result, then you need to "reset" before the initial settings. The option is applied on laptops. He is very controversial, because all the data on the car will be lost. In addition, the method can be implemented if the hard drive is a hidden volume (it is planned from the factory). You can find out if it is possible that you can, by pressing the "Computer" label and the "Management" selection - "Disk Management".

To return Windows to factory settings, it is necessary to clamp a definite key (for each device model, the algorithm is different).

Here is the list of keys:

  • for MSI laptops - clamp the F3 button at startup;
  • Samsung - f4;
  • ASUS - F9;
  • Acer - Alt + F10 (clamp);
  • TOSHIBA - F8;
  • HP, LG - F11;
  • Dell - Ctrl + F11.


Restore WINDOVS 7 is easy. One of the methods presented here will certainly help resume the performance of the system and achieve its correct state. This is the use of the last successful configuration, recovery via Safe Mode, boot disk and backup. Extreme measures - reinstall windows anew or roll back to the initial settings, but you will lose data on the disk where there was an OS.