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1C TRUE Data Download Mode. Property exchanged

Probably, each 1C specialist came across the situation of the need to transfer data from one information base to another. In the case when the configurations are different, you have to write data conversion rules. These rules are created in the 1C configuration "data conversion".

Also, data can be transferred using. Many configurations 1C 8.3 there is a typical functionality for configuring data synchronization between different configurations and seamless integration with 1C document flow.

But when the data must be transferred between absolutely identical configurations, You can simplify the task and use the standard upload and download processing via XML. Please note that this method, as well as data conversion, compares the objects over a unique identifier (GUID), and not by name.

You can download this processing on the ITS disk, or by reference:

It is universal and suitable for any configuration.

Consider an example of unloading the Handbook "Nomenclature" from one information base of 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 to another. Mandatory condition There will be a selection by a parent (group) "Woodworking".

Uploading data from 1C in XML

Go to Tu information baseWhere data will be unloaded (source). Be sure to check them, provided for all possible conditions in order to avoid the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

Open the upload and download processing xML data (Ctrl + O).

We are interested in the "Unloading" tab. First of all, specify the name of the file to which the data and the path for saving will be unloaded. In this case, the data is unloaded "to the file on the server".

In the processing cap, the period in which the selection will be carried out. Also, for periodic registers, you can specify a method for using selection by period. If you need to unload movements together with documents, the corresponding flag is set. In this case, we overload the directory, so you do not need to set anything in the header.

Let us turn to the selection of data for unloading. In the table part of the processing form, select the configuration objects that you need to transfer flags.

The column "unload if necessary" means whether it is necessary to overload this objectIf it refers to the requisition of the reference book overlap. For example, the position of the nomenclature overloading has such a measurement unit that is not in the database. If in front of the reference book with units of measurement, the flag in the "Unload, if necessary" column, will create a new position. Otherwise, as the value of the props will be the inscription "<Объект не найден>"And its unique identifier.

In a simple case, without selections, adjusting the overload of the nomenclature will look like this.

IN this example You need to select only the nomenclature that is in the Woodworking folder.

Similar processing for 8.2 allows you to install selection in a convenient form for each configuration object. In 8.3, unfortunately, there is no such functional. One of the options for the output in this situation will be the selection of the necessary positions on the "Additional Objects for Unloading" tab.

You can add objects here as manually ("Add" button) and the query ("add a request ..."). With their large quantity, the second option is preferable.

In this case, the request will be as follows. Fill in the settings, execute the request by checking the data, and click on the "Select Result" button.

After you specify all the necessary objects and additional elements for unloading, click on the Upload Data button. They will fall into the XML file, the name and path of which were indicated earlier. The results of this operation will be displayed in messages.

In this example, it was necessary to unload only 3 positions, but five unloaded. All because in front of the Handbook "Nomenclature" in the "Unload If necessary" column, a flag was installed. Together with the right positions, their parents overloaded.

Download directory from XML

After successfully unloading data from the configuration - the source in the XML file, open the database - receiver. The structure of objects and their details should coincide with each other. In this case, the transfer is carried out between two standard configurations 1C: Accounting 3.0.

Open the processing in the database. This treatment Used both for unloading and downloading data. Click the "Download" tab and specify the path to the XML file in which the data was previously unloaded. After that, click on the Upload Data button.

The download result will be displayed in messages. In our case, everything was successful.

Handbook "Nomenclature" in the database was not filled. Now it has five elements: three nomenclature positions and two groups.

Recent Change: 09/01/2015

Select Refinement:

Universal data exchange is designed to download and unload data to the XML file between different 1c configurations according to the configured exchange rules.

Nomenclature, barcodes, fixed assets, etc. Will be booted from standard 1c configurations to the clovence base: Accounting for property, and vice versa, from the base cloverence: Inventory, nomenclature, units, etc. will be discharged. Inventory, range, divisions, etc.

Operating mode

Processing has two modes of operation:

On the client. When using this mode, the rules and downloadable files are transmitted from the client to the server, and the download file is transmitted from the server to the client. Ways to these files on the client must be specified in the dialog box immediately before performing action.

On server. In this mode, files are not transmitted to the client and the path to them must be specified on the server.

File external processing And the exchange protocol files must always be on the server, regardless of operation mode.

Disload data

Data unloading procedure:

  1. select the exchange rules - specify the XML file of the exchange rules, for each configuration of 1C its own rules (the cloverence assembly will be added to the assembly: assessment of the property);
  2. we read the rules of exchange;
  3. after reading the discharged data is filled, you can specify which objects will be unloaded;
  4. select the XML file (you can create an empty file - specify the name of the file and it will be created automatically) in which the data or information database receiver will be loaded;
  5. unload data.

Unloading to the exchange file.

Specify the name of the file to which the data is unloaded. The resulting file with unloaded data can be compressed.

Connecting and unloading data to IB receiver.

Select the type of information base:

Select the 1C platform and the information database directory for the connection.

On the "Uploaded Data" tab, you can select those types of objects to be unloaded, configure selection for sampling objects, or specify the data exchange node for which you want to upload data.

On the Upload Settings tab, you can specify additional data unloading parameters.

On the "Comment" tab, you can write an arbitrary text-comment included in the exchange file.

To make data loading, you must specify the name of the file from which the data will be loaded if the password is enloaded to compress, then you need to specify it to unpack.

  • "Use transactions" - the ability to adjust the data load in the transaction (transaction is a logically connected, indivisible sequence of actions). To do this, select the "Use Transaction" checkbox and specify the number of items in one transaction when loading.
  • "Download Data in Exchange mode" (Excdants. Download \u003d Truth) - If the flag is set, then the download of objects will be executed with the installed boot. This means that when writing objects to the database, all platform and applied checks will be disabled. The exceptions make up documents that are recorded in the mode of conducting or canceling. Conducting and canceling the document is always performed without installing the download mode, i.e. Checks will be performed.
  • "To record only changed objects to the information base" - if the flag is set, it is written only to modified objects in the information base. If the object has not been changed, then when downloading from the exchange file, it will not be overwritten.
  • "Objects on the link download without reference."
  • "Optimized object entry" - if the flag is set, the mode is activated that allows you to drastically reduce the number of calls in the information database to record objects.
  • "Record registers of records sets" - if the flag is set, the mode is activated, which allows you to record changes in record setup registers, and not by record managers.
  • "Trim strings on the right" - if the flag is set, then the spaces on the right are cut when loading rows.
  • "Setting up automatic data loading" - allows you to configure the use of automatic download (use, not to use, ask a question before performing the operation).
"Load handler debug mode" Recommended use only developers!

Additional settings

The tab serves to detailed uploading and downloading data.

  • "Debug Mode" - a flag for setting the exchange debug mode. If this flag is set, the data exchange process will not be stopped when any error occurs. The exchange will be completed to the end with the output of debug messages to the exchange protocol file. This mode is recommended to be used when debugging the exchange rules.
  • "Displays information messages to the message window" - if the flag is set, the messaging protocol will be displayed in the message window.
  • "The number of object processed to update the status" - the parameter is used to determine the number of processed items before changing the string load / unload status
  • "Data upload settings" - allow you to determine the number of elements of the data being processed in one transaction when you upload data, unload and process only those objects to which there are access rights, configure the type of registration change for unloaded objects through the exchange plans.
  • "Use an optimized format for data exchange (V8 - V8, a processing version is not lower than 2.0.18)" - the optimized format of the exchange message assumes the presence of the "information-shaped" node in the message header in which information about data types is unloaded. This allows you to speed up the data loading process.
  • "Use transactions when unloading for exchange plans" - the flag determines the mode of use of the transaction (transaction - logically connected, indivisible sequence of actions) when you unload the data when you select changes on the exchange plans nodes. If the flag is set, the data unloading will be executed in the transaction.
  • "Number of elements in the transaction" - determines the maximum number of data elements that are placed in the message within a single database transaction. If the parameter value is 0 (default value), all data is placed within a single transaction. This mode is recommended, as it guarantees the consistency of the data placed in the message. But when creating a message in multiplayer mode, blocking conflicts between a transaction can be placed in a message and transactions performed by other users. To reduce the likelihood of such conflicts, you can specify the value of this parameter, different from the default value. The smaller the value of the parameter, the less likelihood of the conflict of locks, but above the probability of placing into the message of inconsistent data.
  • "Unload objects to which there are access rights" - if the flag is set, the sample of the information base objects will be performed taking into account the access rights current user programs. This involves the use of literal "permitted" in the text of the query for sampling data.
  • "Automatically delete invalid characters from rows to write to XML" - if the flag is set, then when writing data to the exchange message, invalid characters will be deleted. Symbols are checked for compliance with XML 1.0 Recommendation.
  • "Registration changes for the exchange nodes after unloading" - the field determines the mode of operation with the registration of data changes after the upload data is completed.
    Possible values:
    Do not delete registration - after you upload data, the registration of changes to the node will not be removed.
    Fully delete registration for the exchange node - after you upload data, the registration of changes to the node will be completely removed.
    Delete registration only for unloaded metadata - After you unload the data, the change in the node will be deleted only for metadata objects that were specified to the unloading.
  • "Exchange Protocol" - Allows you to configure the output of information messages to the messages window, maintain and write to a separate exchange protocol file.
  • "File name, exchange protocol" - the file name for outputting the data exchange protocol.
  • "Download Protocol (for COM - Connections)" - the file name for outputting the data exchange protocol in the database when exchanging through the COM connection. Important: The path to the file must be available from the computer on which the base receiver is installed.
  • "Add data to exchange protocol" - if the flag is set, the contents of the exchange protocol file is saved if the protocol file already exists.
  • "Conclusion to the information messaging protocol" - if the flag is set, the exchange protocol will be displayed informative messages, in addition to messaging error messages.
  • "Open exchange protocol files after performing operations" - if the flag is set, then after making data exchange, the exchange protocol files will be automatically open to view.

Delete data

Bookmark needed only for developers Exchange rules. Allows you to delete arbitrary objects from the information base.

What is exhausted. Drift \u003d truth, how to use exchanged. Duty.

Excandances. Duty - attribute of any object in the system 1c enterprise. It allows you to designate when writing an object that you need to disable any checks (including checking at the 1c platform level). It was done in order to avoid conflicts when exchanging data.

If you are developing your configuration, in all verification of the correctness of the data (for example, the procedure for overgoing) is necessary to add such a line to the first string:

Get 267 video tutorials for 1C for free:

This is a good tone among 1C developers.

Control of recording in standard handlers 1c

If you have ever used standard (for example, searching and replacing values, multiple data processing, universal data exchange, etc.), you probably noticed the setting that is usually called the "write control". This setting is just responsible for turning on / off the attribute "Excdants. Zapor".

How to install exchange mode download

Use this attribute is very convenient in the program code to disable all checks. For example, this attribute is necessary if you need to record an object, but it has blank compulsory details. This can also be used as a way to increase the rate of mass processing - if you disable all checks, the system writes the object faster.

Tutorial on 1C data conversion (revision 2) Optimization

Data unloading rules

1. The order of data unloading rules

It is recommended to place the data unloading rules in this order that the links of the dependent objects be from the bottom up. That is, the most first of the data unloading rules should be located, the objects of which are not referred to anyone, then the rules for unloading objects referring to the first group, etc.

Example: You need to unload two directory Users and individuals. Reference Users has the props of Piz. Face - link to directory individuals. That is, the user's reference book refers to the directory individuals. Recommended sequence of unloading rules in this case: individuals, users.

2. Select data for unloading with one request.

If there is no transfer in the conversion rule table portions and movements, as well as in events before unloading there are no direct refers to the unloaded object, it is recommended to use the "Select data for unloading with one request" mode. This mode will allow one request to get all the unloaded data of a specific type, and not build separate queries to unload each object.

Rules for converting objects

3. Use quick search when loading

This upload and download mode is recommended to use for those rules for converting objects that unload reference types The total number of which is relatively small (about 1000 items) to which there are many links in other objects.

Example: user handbook. Almost all documents have a link to this directory and the number of reference items does not exceed 1000.

4. Do not upload properties according to links

The mode allows for the ruler of the conversion of objects without unloading all the items to which there are links. If the mode is set, the object itself and the information itself will be unloaded to search for all its links, but complete information about the dependent elements is not unloaded. This optimization can speed up the unloading and downloading data several times.

5. Do not memorize unloaded objects

For the rules of conversion of non-reference objects (registers) you need to check the "Do not memorize unloaded objects" checkbox, as it is impossible to refer to the lines of the register, therefore there is no sense to memorize those lines of registers that were unloaded. For reference objects, this check box is usually needed to optimize the re-access to unload the same object.

6. Do not make general event handlers for all objects

It is not recommended to use common event handlers before unloading and loading data for all objects. Upload and download processing do not know what will be performed in these handlers therefore some optimization (for example, when you download only changed objects) will not act. If there is a need to use the same data processing algorithms when unloading and downloading, it is recommended to create a new algorithm, and in the events of the necessary objects to call it.

Processing "Universal XML Data Exchange"

7. Use the optimized format for data exchange

8. Download data in exchange mode

Allows you to deny unnecessary checks at the data loading phase.

9. Record only modified objects

Allows you to record only the changed objects in the information base. If the object has not been changed, then when downloading from the exchange file, it will not be overwritten.

10. Optimized object entry

The mode allows you to drastically reduce the number of appeals in the information database to record objects.

11. Record registers set records

The mode allows you to record changes in registers of records, rather than record managers.

12. Data exchange through COM

To exchange V8-V8, if the information databases of the source and receiver are within one local network, it is recommended to use the exchange via COM - the connection. You just needed in the receiver configuration, a universal data exchange processing was present.

Yours faithfully, Vladimir Milkin (teacher and developer