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Appearance and features of the use of universal data exchange. Appearance and features of the use of universal data exchange What is 1C Exchange Rules file

Quite often in the work of large enterprises and retail chains there is a need to exchange data between databases. Each programmer and administrator solves this question in different ways. Someone writes unloading-boot through intermediate table files, someone uses mode COM connections To connect to the database source. However, in recent times, its 1C-Watch mechanism called "Universal Data Exchange in xML format».

Exterior treatment

In the full interface, you can open processing at service-\u003e other data exchanges-\u003e Universal data exchange in XML format.

Processing form (Fig. 1) contains four bookmarks:

  • Additional settings;
  • Delete data.
  • The interface of each of the bookmarks is highly loaded with elements, and therefore requires separate consideration.

    Disload data

    In the upper part of the tab, there is a field selection file selection field. For non-standard databases and exchanges, the exchange file will have to create himself.

    On the next line of the form there are two switches:

    1. Unloading to the exchange file (Fig.2);
    2. Connecting and unloading data to IB (Fig. 3).

    As can be seen from the above figures, depending on the switch different appearance Forms. If the sharing file is selected, the user is proposed to select the location of the file where the unloading and the ability to compress it to save space and protect the password.

    An option of direct connection to the database supports and file and client-server version. In this case, you will need to register the address of the database, fill in the fields "User" and "Password". Before proceeding with the exchange of data, it is advisable to test the connection.

    Table parts Located below allows you to configure the selection and other unloading parameters.

    For debugging algorithms and correcting errors, you can use the integrated mechanism in the exchange processing. Its activation is made by installing the corresponding flag at the bottom of the form. Pressing the "Debug Setting ..." button calls the window (Fig. 4).


    A distinctive feature of this form is an informative help on the left side of the layout, which describes each of the three possible debug modes. Any EPF format file can be performed as an external processing file with a module.

    Pressing the "Finish" button checks the correctness and completeness of the completed data.

    Unlike the "unloading", on this tab (Fig. 5) there is no tabular part, but much more flags that allow you to adjust the recording parameters of new and modified objects.


    First you need to select a file that will serve as a source of information. This can be done in the input field "File name for download". If the data was unloaded into a password-protected archive, it will be necessary to enter it into the corresponding field.

    The corresponding checkboxes allow you to configure:

    • Transaction when writing objects (it sometimes accelerates the process);
    • Download data in exchange mode (in this case, all platform checks, with the exception of checking when conducting documents, will be ignored when writing);
    • Overwriting modified elements;
    • Removal Removal Installation for Downloadable Elements;
    • Recording new data to register (either one or set);
    • Crimping of insignificant characters (gaps and tabs) for string values.

    Additional settings

    As it is clear from the nameplate name, it contains tools that the use of which allows you to more accurately configure the exchange process. In particular:

    1. Includes debug mode;
    2. Allows you to use the transaction in the unloading process;
    3. Optimizes the exchange between the bases of the 8th version 1C;
    4. Unload only those objects that are allowed to use current user;
    5. Enable logging the exchange process between databases.

    These and some other functions are included with the appropriate flags on the form (Fig. 6).


    Delete data

    This tab is used only by developers in debug mode. Allows you to remove unnecessary objects from the base.

    Briefly configure the exchange rules

    Using a standard handler greatly simplifies the life of programmers. At the same time, one of the most difficult moments for the one who first encountered the "Universal Data Exchange in XML format" is the question: "Where to take the exchange rules file?".

    First of all, for the independent making of the exchange rules, a special configuration is necessary, which is called "data conversion". It has several interesting files that allow you to configure almost any exchange between different bases 1C 7 and 8 versions:

    1. ePF - needed to unload the metadata structure for databases 1C 8;
    2. ePF - If the configuration 1C 8 is self-written or not standard, it may not be processing "Universal Data Exchange", this file is this processing;
    3. eRT file contains code for unloading the structure of metadata of configurations 1C versions 7.7;
    4. eRT - Upload-Download data processing file for seven.

    By running the appropriate processing, you must unload the metadata structures for the source database and the receiver base. Then in the Configuration "Conversion" it is necessary to make information about the source and receiver configurations in the configuration directory.

    Then, the Conversion Guide creates an item containing information on the direction of data exchange. You can configure the exchange rules for it.

    If you exchange data between configurations Trade management 10.3 and enterprise accounting 2.0, then after updating one of the configurations, you need to update the exchange rules.

    Consider the case when the exchange adjusted from the configuration of the Trade Management and configured through a direct connection to the database receiver, i.e. Accounts. You need to download new rules through configuring data exchange in trading management. It is strongly recommended to make the database before that.

    We caulate 1C Trade Management 10.3. Select the "All Data Making Settings" item from the Tools menu \u003d\u003e Other data exchanges.

    Select the section "All Exchanges". We find in the list of your exchange data, with the right mouse button and click "Edit". If you try to change the exchange settings from the section "Data exchange from 1C: Accounting 8", then when you try to change, you do not need an assistant setting up the data exchange that we do not need.

    In the window that appears, we see that the exchange occurs according to the exchange rules that can be saved and downloaded. The rules for unloading to the exchange database, these are the rules for which information is unloaded from the management of trade in the accounting department, and the rules of unloading from the exchange base to the current base are the rules for which the information is loaded from accounting management.

    Upload the rules of unloading to the exchange database. Click "Download rules from the file". ATTENTION if you have an inepar configuration and you use not typical Rules exchange, i.e. Developed specifically for your changed configuration, then you should contact the specialists to create new rules based on available.

    In no case do not replace them with typical rules. If you are not sure that you have typical configurations, just in case, save the rules with the "Save Rules to File" button.

    Since the latter has happened much later than the update for managing trade, we are looking for the exchange rules in the 1C update patterns directory for accounting. Find the update patterns directory as follows. We run 1C and click "Setup". In the window that appears, see the path to the catalog of configuration templates and updates.

    Go through this path. Next: 1c \u003d\u003e Accounting and choose a folder with the name of the last installed accounting release. If the rules need to be taken from the "1C: Trade Management" configuration update, the folder will be called Trade. For configuration "1C: Retail" - Retail. It contains the "Data Exchange" folder.

    Next "Exchange with configuration Trade management, ed. 10.3 ". It sees the rules for converting the BP-UT and the rules of the UT-BP conversion. Since we need up the rules of unloading from UT, select "Rules of UT-BP conversion" and click open. We also do the same for the rules of unloading from the exchange database to the current base only select the file ruler of the BP-UT conversion and click open.

    In the folder "Exchange with configuration of trade management, ed. 10.3 "File sharing.htm. If you have never read it, then be sure to read it. It contains the following useful information:

    • Sharing goals
    • general description
    • Transition from past versions of bilateral data exchange
    • Preliminary actions
    • Procedure for setting data exchange between configurations
    • Data synchronization
    • Joint work of configurations "Trade Management" and "Business Accounting"
    • Examples of user work scenarios
    • Matching table of unloaded UT-BP documents (edition 1.6, revision 2.0) Compliance table of unloaded BP documents (edition 1.6, revision 2.0) - ut
    • Features of unloading documents and reference books
    • Compliance table of discharged BP documents (edition 1.6, revision 2.0) - ut
    • Transferring documents "Account for payment to the buyer" and "Buyer order"
    • Transferring the cost of write-off goods
    • Control of data exchange results

    Check the rules to check the buttons. And click OK. New rules are saved. We launch the exchange of data and check their work.

    About how to set up bilateral exchange of data between configurations Trade management 10.3 and company accounting 2.0 is written in another article.

    A task

    Transfer information about the counterparties from UP in Bp. Data is transmitted unilaterally, identification is performed by a unique identifier. The setting of the conversion rules is performed using a special configuration Data Conversion, Edition 3.0 (Further - CD 3.0).

    Actions performed

    Stage 1. Preparation for setting up the rules.

    To configure the conversion rules in the configuration CD 3.0 There must be information about the structure of information bases, between which data is synchronized, as well as the structure of the format Enterprise Data..

    Step 1. Unloading the structure of information bases UE and BP.

    To unload information about the information frame structure used processing MD83Exp.epf.included in the configuration package CD 3.0.

    For each information base ( UP and Bp) You must perform the following actions:

    1. Open the information base in the "Enterprise" mode.
    2. Open external processing MD83Exp.epf. (File & Open menu).
    3. Specify the name of the file to which the structure of the information base should be saved.
    4. Check the settings in the form of processing (all flags must be removed).
    5. Press the button Unload.

    Step 2. Export of XML sharing format format

    To unload the exchange scheme, the standard features of the platform are used.

    Next steps:

    1. Open one of the information bases (or UP or Bp) In the "Configurator" mode.
    2. In the Metadata Tree Find XDTO packets with names ExchangeMessage. and Enterprisedata_1_0_beta.
    3. Install the cursor to the XDTO package, click the right mouse button and in context menu Select item Export XML schemes. Specify the path and file name for export. Perform this action for each of the two packages, saving the XML schema into two different files.

    Step 3. Loading the structure of information bases in the CD 3.0 configuration

    Loading is performed in the configuration CD 3.0 In the "Enterprise" mode. The actions listed below should be performed for each of the configurations for which the conversion rules are configured ( UP and Bp).

    1. Go to section Configuration, and choose the command
    2. Specify the path to the file with the information base structure (see Stage 1, Step 1).
    3. Specify download method & in new version Configuration.
    4. Press the button Perform download

    Step 4. Loading the sharing format structure in the CD 3.0 configuration

    1. Go to section Data format, and choose the command.
    2. Specify files with the format structure (see Stage 1, step 2). You must immediately specify both files using a multiple choice.
    3. Check the name of the main one pack XDTO - must match the XDTO packet namespace Enterprisedata_1_0_beta. (see configurator UP or Bp).
    4. Specify download method & to the new version of the format.
    5. Press the button Perform download, wait for the end of the download.

    Stage 2. Creating conversion

    To solve the described task, you must create two conversion:

    • Pack (to unload data from UP in sharing format)
    • BP (to download data from the sharing format in Bp)

    Creating conversion is made in the section Conversion, team Conversion. For the new conversion, you must specify the name, configuration and shaping format. For example, conversion for the UE configuration:

    • Name & "UP2.0.7".
    • Configuration & "SERVICEPIDE".
    • Supported version of format & one line in which the only reference position is selected Format version.
    • data processing rules,
    • rules for converting objects
    • rules for converting predefined data.

    To go to a set of rules for specific conversion, you must go to the section Conversion, choose a command Setting the rules of conversion and choose a specific conversion in the list for which the rules will be configured. As a result, a form will be opened Setting the Command Rulesin which all rules are collected for a specific conversion.

    Stage 3. Creating rules for converting objects

    Step 1. Rule of conversion for unloading counterparties from

    1. UE.
    2. Go to the tab
    3. Basic information:
      1. Identifier rules: "Directory_Contragments_Interior",
      2. Configuration object
      3. Object format: "Directory. Contrgents",
      4. Application area: To send.
    4. Press the button Record and go to the bookmark Property conversion rules:
      1. Take advantage of automatic properties
        1. Press the button Adjusting PKS.
        2. In the form of pressing Autosopalization. Associate the properties of "Inn", "PPC", "Name", "Name-Full", "Additional Information", "Legalphysicity"
        3. and close the setup of the rules for converting properties
    5. Press the button Record and close.

    Step 2. Conversion Rule for loading counterparties in BP

    1. Open the setup of the exchange rules for conversion BP.
    2. Go to the tab Rules for converting objects.
    3. Create a new conversion rule and fill the data on the tab Basic information:
      1. Identifier rules: "Directory_Contragments_Construction",
      2. Configuration object: "Directory Tower Tractor",
      3. Object format: "Directory. Contrgents",
      4. Application area: For getting.
    4. Press the button Record and go to the bookmark Identification. Specify the method of identifying "on a unique identifier".
    5. Go to the tab Property conversion rules
      1. Take advantage of automatic properties:
        1. Press the button Adjusting PKS.
        2. In the form of pressing Autosopalization. The properties of "Inn", "KPP", "Name", "Name-Full", "Additional Information", "Legalphysicity".
        3. Save the result of automatic mapping & Press the button Create Property Conversion Rules and close the setup of the rules for converting properties.
      2. Manually add a conversion rule for OKPO (configuration property & codePoCPO, Format property & OKPO).
      3. Later it will be necessary to return to the rules of properties conversion to fill out the conversion rule for the property of the "Legal physician", which is a listing.
    6. Go to the tab Front publishing And write an algorithm to fill the country of registration of a new counterparty. The algorithm contains the following text: "Received. Estrictions \u003d References. Customer. Survey;".
    7. Press the button Record and close.

    Stage 4. Creating the rules for converting predefined data

    1. UP or Bp)
    2. Go to the tab Rules for converting predefined data
    3. Create a new conversion rule and fill it with properties:
      1. Identifier rules: "Listing_uridical physicity"
      2. Configuration object: "ListednessSenioles. JuridicalInsicity"
      3. Object format: "Legalphysicity"
      4. Application area: for sending and receiving
      5. In the table field, fill out the compliance of the configuration and format enumeration values: "physical chores" & "physical cell" and "legality" & "legal
      6. Press the button Record and close
    4. Specify a new rule in the rules of conversion of the Property "Legalphysicity" directory Counterparties
      1. Go to the tab Rules for converting objects
      2. Counterparties, open the rule form
      3. Go to the tab Property conversion rules and find a rule for the Property "Legalphysicity"
      4. Open the form of conversion rules of the property and indicate in it a rule of conversion of an object & "Listing_uridical physician".
      5. Save the changes made

    Stage 5. Creating Data Processing Rules

    The procedure for action is the same for both conversion.

    1. Open the setup of the exchange rules for conversion ( UP or Bp)
    2. Go to the tab Rules for converting objects
    3. Find a reference conversion rule Counterparties, open the rule form
    4. Press the button Create based on & data processing rule
    5. In the created data processing rule, check the filled automatically properties:
      1. Identifier rules & Specify the same as for the data processing rule ("Directory_Contragments_Ingrading" either "Directory_Contragments_Construction")
      2. Application area & the same as for data processing rule
      3. Object sample:
        2. for conversion Bp & "Directory. Contrgents"
      4. Rule conversion object & Reference to the conversion of the object.
    6. Press the button Record and close.

    Stage 6. Obtaining data exchange manager modules

    The data exchange manager module is required to exchange data between configurations in accordance with the configured in CD 3.0 rules.

    The procedure for action is the same for both conversion:

    1. Open information base UP or Bp In the "Configurator" mode. Find in the metadata tree common module Managed reader And open it for editing. The module must be empty.
    2. Open information base CD 3.0 In the "Enterprise" mode.
    3. Go to section Conversion And choose a command Unloading module.
    4. In the form that opens, specify the appropriate conversion and click the button. Unload. The module will be copied to the clipboard.
    5. Go to the information base configurator UP or Bp and insert the contents of the clipboard into the common module Managed reader.
    6. Save configuration.

    Uploading the module in the clipboard can also be made from the setup form setting the button Save Module Exchange Manager.

    In order for the configured rules to exchange data, it is necessary in both information bases In the "Enterprise" mode, configure data synchronization through a universal format.

    Question: Ready sharing rules for typical configurations

    All all all. I am looking for the finished exchange rules for typical configurations for transfer in both directions not only reference books, but also documents, residues according to documents, etc. Maybe someone will share. I am looking for a very unloading of documents and PUB 7.7 in the UPP 8 red 1.2, from the trade 7.7 in the UPP from the salaries 7.7 UPP, from the management of trading 8 in the UPP 8. Thank you in advance.


    I am looking for the rules of exchange between 1C 8.1 UPP 1.2 with 1C 8.2 UPP 1.3

    Question: Service with standard functionality of standard 1c configurations

    Ut (or can be converted to ERP if it helps something)

    As a regular functionality of standard configurations 1c take into account the repair of printers, rather their customer service (because in terms of Methodologists 1C, repair is when they serve their own equipment, not customers)?

    One master, both in the office and on the departures.
    Call customers to the office about their repair, and no information is recorded, there is nothing to see

    In extreme cases, use another database of another configuration, but typical

    The main stall - I really do not want to make changes to the standard configuration and / if to use nepical configurations (modules)


    Rather, update, staff in ERP
    The transition to UHF is nontrivial ... and for small, and for a large enterprise.
    Ut 11 - modified with the Bitrix module, to the site (online store) Bitrix - also saw

    And it is not clear - for what?
    Above I wrote
    The client's order is created in UT 11, on the basis of which \u003d act of work performed.
    "Information on the work may be included in the customer's order together with information about the goods sold or services provided when selling."

    It is possible to complicate the functionality of long-term projects (events and stages of interaction with the client)

    From the discussions with the client it turned out that you need account serial numberswhich is also in UT 11.
    It is only necessary to enable and configure in ut 11

    Watched UHF and no miracle, except for additional problems, did not find

    In this matter, I was committed only to the fact that I began to make a "literary review" of how it was done in UT - ERP and how it is solved:
    - in other typical configurations
    - specialized separate sectoral configurations
    - modules for ut 11
    . lazy to try and move the brains

    Take, yes, use when you know - how or someone already set up-showed
    (For example, in typical demobazes - there is nothing to see - take something ready for the sample)
    Only a little had to undermine the skills of accounting and distribution of income and expenses in UT - ERP, and in UNF, in general it is necessary to reincarnate all accounts to study and unscrew the head on any issue.

    Question: Deleting an object from an existing exchange rule

    Tell me, please, how to remove an object from the existing ruler? The fact is that you need to upload from one base to another for a certain date only the implementation and receipt of goods and services. It only works for me, created automatically, the rule created manually unloads empty documents. Therefore, I would like to delete unnecessary documents from the automatically created rule so that users cannot accidentally unload.


    Message from Allexei.

    Hello! Probably not relevant already, but still. Alternatively, you can cancel the registration of unnecessary type objects in the exchange plan. Thanks to this not to come to rewrite the rules of exchange and not the necessary objects will not be unloaded.

    Thank you, I will try.

    Can be deleted in conventional method

    Question: Exchange Rules - Where to Edit?

    The customer has made changes to the receiver configuration. What exactly I changed to find out no way would fail.
    Now it is necessary to correct the exchange rules.
    How to see those places you need to correct?
    It is necessary to somehow understand the existing rules that the properties no longer exist or that its type has changed.

    Answer: () It seems to me to please the customer at least somehow start exchanging. And to pay, you need to do all the Doctor :)

    Question: "Management of Trade", Revision 10.3 ( Change the exchange rules for retail 2.1

    Hello. How to change the rules in UT?
    I change the layout of the Rules in the exchange plans of exchange prohibitance-controlled trades103 I update restart-not those rules. Version even manually changed. Still does not help.
    Sdura deleted record of the rules from the register of the data exchange rule.
    Neither the button is normal to download the rules file or update it from the candy layout.
    Adding and tests need to do a lot, and how to change the rapid regulations for registration / exchange I do not know (

    Answer: Updated with ITS, all in order. Already the whole brain has taken this exchange

    Question: Replacing the exchange rules in the unloading file

    Good everyone!
    There is a file unloading XML. According to the Rules of Exchange. Accordingly, it has a block

    <ПравилаОбмена> ...

    And there is a second file, as if the template of this block.
    You must replace the rules block in the unloading file to the block from the template file.
    Will you have to read xml element and write in the third temporary file via recordXML? Or is there a more convenient way?

    P.S. Premondly reasonable question "Why?" It is necessary to protect against changes in the rules in the source, i.e. Always download via the standard from the receiver.


    Posted. There are some doubts in optimality. Recording into a temporary XML via recordXML, and then readietexstay to stack it all into a file that was originally transmitted.
    With a methodological point of coarse errors no?

    // Procedure Replaces the block<ПравилаОбмена>... In the transmitted file.xml // per unit from the template in which the unloading file fragment is stored according to the reference rules. // // Settings // Name FileXML - Type: String - Full name File S. unloading data, // in which we will change the block<ПравилаОбмена> // // Return Value: // Name FIELEMUMLEML - Type: Row - Path // Procedure for Replacing BreedingWefile BlowwallsWS (Name FileXML) FigureXML \u003d New ReadingXML; File LizardXML. Opelfile (name FileXML); Stended \u003d new readingXml; PAKAKSHLADEVILE \u003d OPERABERPLAVILMILM (); SETTERED. Openfile (PUBCLABLAVLAVLY); FIFEMUMLEML \u003d OPERATEQUMEN File (". XML"); ResultXML \u003d new recordXML; ResultXML.Text file (name parametersCML); As long as files loadsXml. Upire () Tipuzel cycle \u003d files loadsXML.Types If the typus \u003d type of packslaxml. Icelement and files loadsXML. IMLI \u003d "Rulesman" then File LizardXml.Purry (); While temporarily executed () cycle if we tempted .Type \u003d type \u003d type. Icelere-element and templated \u003d "Rules" then the resultXml. recruitExecterial (temporary); While temporarily conflicted () cycle the resultXml. recruitterate (template); If we templated .Type \u003d Tipuzlaxml. Concelter element and temporarily called \u003d "Rulesman" then interrupt; Ended; EndCycle; Interrupt; Ended; EndCycle; Otherwise, the result isml. recording (fileml); Ended; EndCycle; File LizardXML. Close (); SETTINGED. Waste (); ResultXml. Close (); Text \u003d new readetexte (name parametersultAml); Report \u003d text. Up (); RemarksText \u003d NEW REPORT (name Filexml, encodingtectation.UTF8); Posttext. recording (reporting); Posttext.Close (); Extra-Procedures // ReplacementRaValobmen ()

    Question: Help with the exchange rules

    1C, UT, Retail When loading rules, an error appears in ut. Is it possible to please correct the rules.

    Reference to a non-existent metadata object in exchange rules
    Object \u003d.
    Query \u003d Type is not defined (enumerated presence.
    PositionsModule \u003d Processing. Keywords: Module-reformational Bases. Moduleobject (4885)
    KSToBacks \u003d 11.


    If my memory does not change, the rules last are always stored in the conference itself in the layout. So you do not need to take the latest rules from the folder. Just update both confes to the latest releases.

    Question: How to upload the exchange rules to boot into conversion

    How to upload conversion rules from a typical configuration?

    Task: There is a configuration "Rarus: Commerce Management and Customer Relationships (CRM)", there is an exchange plan for exchange. Exchange with the site goes, you need to upload the order status from 1C to be updated on the site.

    I see a solution: unload the rules for unloading orders, download them into conversion, there add PCS for status and download back to the configuration. But how to unload these rules? In the exchange plan there is a layout of diagram-loading tasks, on the last tab of the setup there is the "Save settings to file" button, but I understand that it is not that and in conversion, this xML file. is not downloading.

    Please tell me.

    The rules for the exchange of TIS 7.7 and BP2 added the transfer of two docks
    Cor. Account and correction invoice invoice. It all turns out normally. Both of these docks create an adjustment of implementation in BP2.
    But the problem was formed, it is necessary to flow into the dock to adjust the implementation (BP2) not to raise the invoice as a typical, but the basis of this invoice ie. Implementation.
    A piece of PKO code (after loading):
    Object. Requirement of the following (object. Turns, "goods", truth); Object. VideodoProduction \u003d enumerations. Wishes. Object. Correcting \u003d truth; OBJECT. SummaglCeadds \u003d truth; If the object. Constituted. Present () Then the object. Constrictly \u003d GLDCTABLE ("GLUEUTER"); Ended; Object. Documentalization \u003d Object. Link. Documentalization. Documentation;<--- проблема Объект.Записать(РежимЗаписиДокумента.Проведение);
    Before the entry, the object does not exist and therefore it is impossible to refer to the requisite of the object, and after the recording it becomes too late. Rules will work in typical. Tell me how to solve in the CD just began to understand.

    Answer: After recording \u003d after calling the method to write down

    Creating the creation of new exchange rules

    Do you have your own development, your configuration or not typical data exchange rules?

    Do you want to transfer data to another database 1c?

    Do not want to drive the same in a few databases 1c?

    Solution: Configure data exchange M / with 1C databases, develop data exchange rules

    The exchange of m / in type 1c programs is considered.

    Learn what restrictions from standard data exchange, data synchronization features.

    The exchange of m / y 7.7 and 8 is considered

    Are you planning to go from 7 to 8-ki? Typical data transfer does not suit you?

    Develop your data transfer rules and follow the transition to 8-ki yourself.

    Come on COM and online exchange

    Exchange via COM connection to 1C database.

    Online exchange - Exchange using

    libraries of plant subsystems.

    The difference between the COM exchange from online exchange.

    Let us study the configuration object "Data exchange plans" in detail

    Course program:

    Lesson number 1 Video Tutorial Duration 95 minutes

    1. Introduction to the conversion of data.

    2. Preparatory operations in data conversion

    3. Upload the metadata of the source and receiver configurations

    5. Transferring data to the "simple" reference book - "Classifier of the countries of the World".

    6. An example of synchronization of enumeration values

    7. Transferring data Certificate "Nomenclature"

    8. Transfer of a multi-level reference book to a two-level

    9. Transferring an independent reference book (in the source) to the subordinate (in the receiver). (On the example of the reference book "Units of Measurement")

    10. An example from typical configurations. Synchronization features

    Lesson number 2 Video Tutorial Duration 130 minutes

    1. One handbook in several formulation of the problem

    2. One directory in several - the implementation of the rules

    3. Mapping and transfer of tabular parts

    4. Features of setting "Obtaining incoming data"

    5. What is the PKO priority and how to use it.

    6. Synchronizing rule.

    7. Set the default value.

    8. Synchronization. Search options. Check.

    9. Transferring data from the source to the receiver through the COM connection.

    10. Transfer of residues. Development of algorithms / queries.

    At the end of the lesson, a practical task

    Lesson number 3. Video Tutorial Duration 110 minutes

    1. Re-unloading and loading metadata. Transferring a document operation.

    2. How to work with debugger when transferring data

    3. Transferring documents without movements. Example: manual operation, adjustment of registers.

    4. Search fields. Data Cleaning Rules.

    5. Conducting documents: compulsory, use of external treatments.

    6. Using the "Unscluded Regulation" function

    7. Using the "NamePko" parameter

    8. Using global parameters when exchanging

    At the end of the lesson, a practical task

    Lesson number 4.Video Tutorial Duration 97 minutes

    1. Exchange plans General principles of work

    2. Use exchange plans when unloading

    3. Features of using the exchange plans in data conversion

    4. Details about online exchange

    5. Exchange between typical configurations. For example: Trade Management<-->Accounting company.

    6. The first stage of the exchange setting between BP and UT

    7. The second stage of the exchange settings between BP and UT

    8. Synchronization features for online exchange

    9. Refinement of typical exchange rules

    Lesson number 5.Video Tutorial Duration 120 minutes

    1. Integrating the source with the library of standard subsystems. Registration rules.

    2. Integrating the receiver with the library of standard subsystems.

    3. Unloading of metadata from 7-ki

    5. Transfer of reference information from 7.7

    6. Transfer of documents and residues from 7.7 to 8.

    At the end of the lesson, a practical task

    Lesson number 6.

    Independent work

    Course details:

    Each lesson is designed for 1 week. Listen to theory and perform your homework.

    The ability to learn the materials on the site or download to your computer.

    Skype support and email.

    We will provide all the necessary data for learning.

    Exchange between typical configurations you will be studied on our server, we will provide you with access.

    We will provide training platforms 1C 8.2 and 8.3.

    Want to master the conversion of data?

    Learn to carry out data transfer between any 1C configurations?

    Enhance your professional level in 1C?

    Want Z.aware more than now?

    Course cost is only 5,740 rubles

    And it is cheaper cost even disposable Transferring data, for example, from ut 10.3 to UT 11 ...

    Invest in your knowledge and skills!

    What they say those who have already passed the course:

    Nikolai Lukin(feedback on the course "Data Conversion")

    Andrei Streltsov(feedback on the course "Data Conversion")