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Barebone system as a model of a PC of the future. Condor - Barebone System from FIC Nettop Purism Librem Mini Built on Linux platform

Is it worth collecting a computer in parts from scratch or maybe you will fit the Barebone system? In the latter case, it remains to choose only the processor, memory and drives: everything else for you is trying to provide leading Taiwanese companies such as MSI, Soltek, IWill, ECS, VIA.

Probably, a long time ago there was a time when most of the integrated subsystems could not even arrange a very undemanding user. Why, in fact, "probably"? This time did not quite go now, although the integrated systems every year are becoming more and more efficient and functional, and the quality of their execution is close approaching the quality of quite independent glands. In any case, that period, when to force the integrated subsystem to work only through all sorts of shaman dances with tambourines, and when the lack of additional features meant the maximum reliability and infertility (what is not, can not break) a long time ago. Most of the integrated sound, network, video and other cards are now quite operational, and their capabilities are enough for very many users.

And when there is everything you need on the board, why buy big and noisy, and besides, dusty, heavy, and occupying a lot of place the case in which the board with six PCI slots will fit? Do you need these PCI slots, or maybe you will be a fairly small and quiet system without the possibilities of expansion or with minimal capabilities, and not with very fast, cheap and in addition, not much heat processor, not very fast, cheap and in addition?

In a very large number of cases, the user makes a decision not in favor of large bulky buildings. This fully understand the manufacturers of components that have released a huge amount of various types of barebone-systems of completely different classes with completely different capabilities, and standing, respectively, from "very little" to "very much" in this article We will try to figure out Will the Barebone system suit you, and if so, what exactly.

What is Barebone Systems at all? As a rule, it is a case with dimensions with significantly smaller dimensions of the standard ATX, and most often even the MATX-hull in which the standard (MATX, MINI-ITX) motherboard is mounted or designed specifically for this form factor system. The motherboard usually contains the maximum number of integrated devices - sound, video, network, firewire, sometimes a modem, and in some cases (VIA EPIA fees, for example) - even so-called tightly processor. It can be, and may not be expansion slots (PCI, AGP, CNR / AMR), the slots of the memory is usually a bit - one, the maximum of two. Little and overclocker opportunities, most often they are not at all. In addition to the motherboard, other devices, such as AM / FM-tuner, may be contained inside the housing. Often, a special processor cooler is attached to this kind of systems, because not every radiator climbs into a small case. Fans in such systems are very few, there are cases when they are not at all. Accordingly, the heat regime inside the housing, firstly, no overclocking is favorable, and secondly, it does not allow to install very powerful devices inside, like the most recent video cards and fast hard drives, but noise is not very large. Power blocks Barebone systems, by the way, are also not very powerful, and such devices are unlikely to pull. Magnetic drives in such systems rarely happens more than one. Very often there is no possibility to install a floppy disk drive. In particularly small systems (such, for example, the IWILL ZPC), hard disks 2.5 "and thin laptop CD-ROM are used.

All of the above seems to fully determine the purpose of this kind of machines - not heavy office and homework, such as working with texts and watching movies, but do not hurry to make such conclusions. Just below you will understand why this is not always the case.

And now let's see what our various manufacturers offer us.

The first class of small systems is the very quiet very low-power machine. Systems on the basis of VIA C3 processors and system boards under them are EPIA M9000 and EPIA M10000. EPIA M boards have an integrated video card with an integrated MPEG2 and TV-OUT decoder, a sound codec, a FireWire controller, several USB 2.0 ports. And one PCI slot, which theoretically can be used under, say, the modem to date the clock frequency of processors in these boards reached 1 GHz, however, since it is still C3, and not PIII, the speed of such systems is not very large. About 3D games and heavy applications can immediately forget, but easy work with office applications, Internet surfing and viewing DVD such a system is quite on the shoulder. On a low-power processor there is a fan, however, it may well be removed and replaced with the radiator, and since the power consumption is very low, it is not required to equip the system with powerful and hot tubs. High-speed hard drive here too. On the basis of the EPIA M10000, it is quite possible to assemble the system without a single fan, and therefore almost silent.

In Russia, the assembly of such PCs are engaged in many firms, using for this sometimes very small and cute cases, and of course, you can buy a feet of Epia M and collect such a system yourself. I do not think that the PC based on Epia M, being the only thing in the house, is able to satisfy at least some user, but it is good as the second system. Not always, we need the possibilities of large gigahertz and gigabytes.

The second class of Barebone-systems - systems without expansion capabilities, first of all - without the possibility of using external video. As a rule, such systems are packed in very small and pretty housings in which the video card simply would not get, and if they have a fan, then only one and slow. The motherboard is completely unique, designed specifically for this system, and the replacement is not amenable. The power supply is usually placed not inside the housing, but outside it. It is often in such buildings even and the hard drive is not completely complete, being replaced with a hard drive from a laptop. It is impossible to call a standard PC that the machine cannot be called, since it is very few with him. A bright representative of such a class system is the newly recent IWILL ZPC PC.

In addition to IWILL, Atoz Technology has been seen in the production of such systems with its E7401SB and E5041D models. Such systems are already built on much more powerful processors (usually pentium 4 medium frequencies) and the corresponding integrated chipsets (I845GV or SIS650) have all the necessary integrated controllers, including good sound, and, in general, suitable for any work. With applications that do not require a powerful GPU. That is, to play on them, again, it will not work, or it turns out, but at very low permissions, but everything else is quite. Sheeplooking, of course, does not smell. The only inconvenience is an upgrade of such systems due to the use of components for mobile PCs will be quite expensive, and the replacement of the motherboard is impossible at all.

In addition, the absence of any expansion slots limits you in choosing, say, sound card built-in codec and external systems such as EXTIGY. But in combination with a small and thin LCD monitor, the system like ZPC will look extremely stylish, the place to occupy a bit, and noise to produce about the same. It will be suitable for very many notifying users.

The third, intermediate class of systems - systems, which are essentially reduced copies of conventional PCs, but are still not able to use an external video card. Execution - or reduced classic Tower-housing, or its SLIM option, or both, that is, convertible. This Barebone refers, for example, not so long ago, the IWILL XP4 system described by us, as well as ASUS PUNDIT AB-P2600, SHUTTLE SB52G2, Soltek EQ-3401, MSI Hermes 651, Hermes 845GV and superior MSI HETIS 865G.

They are built on the same chipsets as the systems of the "stylish-compact" class, plus i865G, have the same integrated capabilities, but the power supply is no longer an external, but internal more space in the case, more fans, sometimes some overclocker Opportunities and full three-year and five-year drives. Usually there are one or two PCI slots, which cannot but rejoice - you can use another sound, modem, or even a PCI video card. Purpose of such systems is purely office, and the fault of this is a built-in video. There is no point in the house in such a system, for if you want to reduce the noise - then ZPC will be more suitable for you, and if you are simply important, dimensions and non-standard appearance, it is easier to take a no more overall system of a higher class.

Finally, the most numerous class of Barebone systems is reduced desktops. Such systems are produced by all Barebone-systems manufacturers, such as ELITEGROUP (EZ-Buddie), AOpen (MX4GR), Soltek (EQ-3000W, EQ-3701M), Shuttle (XPC), MSI (Mega PC), IWILL (XP4 -G), and others. This class is so numerous that it is time to divide him to subclasses, but since it is not very clear, what kind of sign it is, I'll just tell you what is characterized by this class and some individual representatives. First, all these systems have an AGP slot, and almost everything is one or more (up to three - at AOPEN MX4GR) PCI slots (exception - IWILL XP4-G, having only AGP). Chipsets are the most advanced, most often it is Intel 845GE or NForce2 (Shuttle SN41G2, SN45G), sometimes - i865G (Shuttle SB61G2) or SIS651 (MSI Mega PC, ECS EZ-Buddie). Accordingly, the processors in such systems can also be completely different - from medium and younger Pentium 4 to the most senior models supporting HT. In some systems based on NForce 2, you can put the most powerful Athlon XP with a bus frequency of 400 MHz. Being equipped with powerful external videos, such systems are capable of everything that is capable of the usual home PC high-end. Integrated controllers There are also there: the sound, most often AC 97 with the possibility of connecting a 6-column system (MSI Mega PC) or without any (it occurs more often), a network controller, almost always - FireWire, sometimes modem (MSI Mega PC). Most users will be satisfied with them, and if you do not belong to this majority - at your service PCI slots where you can insert full-sized cards. True, the system is found, in which only low-profile devices can be put in the slots, but there are few such. Cases are a different, most often Tower-shaped, cubic, or at all SLIM. Usually there are no case fans, but there is a fan in the power supply and on the processor, and these are not always these fans quiet. The motherboard is most often its format, but there are also systems on conventional MATX-boards (EZ-Buddie) Winchesters and CD / DVD - ordinary, most often one piece, sometimes it is possible to put the second hard drive. Recently, instead of the floppy drive, the front panel began to display memory card reader (EZ-Buddie, Mega PC), but in older models, such as Soltek EQ-3000W, there were no more. However, lovers to work with three-dimensional diskettes can delete card readers, and replace them with drives. There are, however, the system, where there is no such possibility, because there is no external three-dimensional compartment.

Overclocking capabilities most often a little, sometimes there are no them at all. This is perhaps the most important difference between Barebone systems from large PCs. And such a restriction has a soil - the thermal mode of operation of the devices inside the small case usually leaves much to be desired, and if these devices also accelerate, then the bath will be inside the housing, and failures will begin. Actually, these problems are common to all Barebone-systems, with the exception, perhaps the most slow, but if other classes accelerate is simply not needed, it would not hurt here, but it is impossible.

It is true that exceptions from this rule are - for example, the EZ-Buddie frequency FSB changes directly on the move from the front panel, but much increase so you still do not get - there are no power to increase the nutrition of the nucleus of the kernel, and with cooling, as I already Speaking, there are some problems. There are also systems with very developed overclocker capabilities, such as Soltek EQ-3701M - the motherboard of this PC can work with all stresses, including even the AGP voltage, and of course, allows you to change the FSB frequency in 1 MHz increments.

Each system has a raisin ...

She is also Ecs EZ-Buddie.

As a rule, all new Barebone systems have a raisin, something that distinguishes it from the rest, or at least from a standard PC. EZ-BUDDIE is an overclocking knob and the front panel indicator, MEGA PC is a built-in MP3 player and AM / FM tuner, as well as a remote control, and new SHUTTLE XPC systems (SN45G, SB61G2) - a processor cooling system using a processor cooling system heat sink tubes.

Sometimes these non-standard capabilities can not be taken seriously, and sometimes it is very necessary. For example, the same MEGA PC is a magnificent heart for home theater, music center and general entertainment center. And all thanks to the control panel, built-in tyuer and six-nailed sound.

I move from MSI MEGA PC - such is not every center ...

Who will fit the Barebone system of this class? Yes, practically everyone, ranging from office employees and ending with gamers. Of course, if you have a need for installation, for example, more than one fast hard disk, SCSI controller, or some exotic devices, or you are just an acceleration fan, then these systems are not for you, however most users will still be satisfied with integrated Controllers, it is unlikely to use more than one PCI slot, and it will not even think about acceleration. Such users are 90% of their total number, and here are the Barebone-system of this class and fit. They successfully replace the usual PC, and they are noisy and occupy a lot less than their older brothers. This is good.

Have you already decided for yourself what kind of system will suit you? Still doubt, think that a full pc of the cast assembly is better? Of course, among the Russian PCs there are very worthy, however, if you do not have the requirements that exclude the purchase of Barebone (I said about them above), then the choice between the standard PC and the Barebone system is obvious, and this choice is not in favor of PC local assembly. First, we have not so much good buildings, and most often they are not used to build serial machines. And bad housings are completed not very good and very noisy power supplies. What it threatens - it is clear. Barebone also uses predominantly decent power supplies, even such as FSP GROUP production bp.

In addition, a bad body threatens and still many small, but very annoying troubles, including a large amount of dust in the air, rattling, a non-fried appearance ... Secondly, the quality of the assembly of the PC of Russian collectors rarely, when can sort with the quality of the Barebone system assembly. And the fact that it is not yet collected, you can collect literally in 15 minutes - as a rule, the assembly of Barebone-systems takes exactly so much time, it takes place without prejudice to the skin of the hands, and most importantly - it is necessary to think extremely rarely, all systems are completed with detailed instructions, Calculated for a person who distinguishes the Winchester from CD-ROM and can keep a screwdriver in his hands, and no more special knowledge possesses.

Well, there are still doubts? Not? I thought so.


In this article, we will tell you about the Barebone platforms of the SFF format. Today the market literally flooded Barebon-ki from various manufacturers, and, as usual, the ordinary user is lost in guessing and looks at a small computer, sorry for the expression, as they know-someone on the new gate. The purpose of this material will explain to you what is a modern Barebone platform, why it costs so much and what its pros and cons. This material will be built on reviews of various platforms from Shuttle, MSI and ELITEGROUP manufacturers. To date, these are basic manufacturers and suppliers of Barebon-OK to our market and it is these companies to different degrees determine the development of the industry as a whole.

Barebone \u003d SFF (Small Form Factor)

In fact, the term "Barebone" itself is translated as "pure bone", or the backbone. Therefore, Barebone is any platform on which a computer is built. This can be a Microatx form case or even server 1U or 2U with a pre-installed motherboard. The platforms themselves were designed for assemblers of low-cost computers to simplify them and, accordingly, to reduce the assembly of typical machines. But a few years ago, Shuttle introduced a computer package of a new standard - SFF (Small Form Factor). These are familiar cubes with sizes of approximately 200 (w) x180 (c) x260 (e) mm today have become synonymous for us by the words "Barebone". And every time we say Barebone, we mean Small Form Factor and vice versa.

Such cubes have enough advantages over standard ATX and MicroAtx format enclosures. First of all, this is dimensions. And if the width of SFF is a little less than the standard ATX case, then in height and depth the benefits of compact Barebon-ok is obvious. And this means that you can more effectively use your workplace. But at the same time, the SFF format compared to the Mini-ITX format and other compact standards (for example, FLEX ATX or NANO-ITX), allows you to use standard computer components - 5.25 "Optical drive, extension boards with PCI or AGP 8x interfaces, and Also standard 3.5 "Hard disks. That is, the SFF format practically does not impose restrictions on the use of standard components for a personal computer.

An explicit example of Barebone platform, in which excess miniaturization led to loss of compatibility - the IWILL ZPC platform (on the photo from above). It uses only a flat optical drive from a laptop, 2.5 "Hard disk as well as from a laptop and any of what extension boards cannot go and speech. It is not surprising that such a form factor was not perceived by users.

That is, one of the key advantages of SFF format is compatibility with standard components for PCs (except for the motherboard) with smaller enabarits of the case.

What is the Barebone platform? Part I - exterior.

Modern Barebone platforms include the maximum number of components required for assembling computers. The fact is that today the average platform stands in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 330, which is much higher than the cost of components used in its composition and most of the price is the so-called "luxury fee" and the refund spent on its development. To make it most favorable in the assembly, manufacturers try to add to Barebon-ku as much as possible, but without overloading it so that the buyer or the collector can still modify the configurations of the computers.

Types of buildings

So, the main component of the barebank is a hull with a power supply. Today, the hulls of three species are common - these are already familiar to us "cubes", whose width and height are approximately equal, the horizontal builds of the ASUS Digimatrix type, which have a width more than height,

and turrets, whose height is more width. "Lying" such as ASUS Digimatrix, no longer belong to the SFF class. Their width is 285 mm and they use flat optical drives. Turin format housings are used in Barebone Ecs EZ-Buddie platforms.

The most economical in the plan occupied on the desktop locations of the turrets-like housing. For example, the EZ-BUDDIE D4I4-1 body has a width of only 16 cm. But in such enclosures, the optical drive is installed vertically, which does not make it possible to read 8-centimeter CDs on it.

Since the case itself of any Barebone SFF format has a small size, and again the price of the platform is quite high, then manufacturers prefer to make the walls of the aluminum housing. Aluminum is also a fairly light metal, and its application reduces the total weight of the computer, which is very important for a compact computer. The most common colors of the corps are silver and black. A little less common white Barebone enclosures. All other colors - exotic.

Barebone in Fear

A modern computer should provide a slight connection of various peripheral devices. That is why the ergonomics of the front panel is very important for any platform. Most of the modern SFF format platforms have one 5.25 "compartment for optical drive, their essential part has one external 3.5" compartment. The drive for such computers is terrible archaism, so manufacturers prefer to install in 3.5 "compartment Cartrider on 6 types of flash cards. Almost any card reader can be removed from the case to free the place, say, for another hard disk. But there are two types Cartriders and I even find it difficult to give them the name.

Shuttle Reflexion.

Here in the photo above the usual cartrider occupying one 3.5 "case compartment. You can easily remove it and replace the drive, a magneto-optical drive or a hard disk. In the latter case, the housing can be supplied 3.5" compartment, so that in the case of the hard drive, there was something Close hole.

Another type of cartrider is less practical: they can also be removed from the computer, but the facial housing panel does not contain the compartment for 3.5 "devices - it is replaced by card slots.

The internal drive or magneto-optical drive here will no longer set here, and if you install a hard disk instead of a cartrider, the slots for cards will remain silent with your silence.

Although, there are some pleasant exceptions. For example, MSI platforms Mega 180 Deluxe. or MSI Mega 865 Deluxe Have such a "hidden" card reader and on the front panel we see only slots for cards.

However, the panel itself with slots can be easily replaced with a plug, supplied in the kit. Do not put a drive or magnetopotics here, but the second hard disk is easy.

EliteGroup made even more interesting - hid the cartrider behind the plastic door. Thus, completely solving the problem with its replacement. In the EZ-BUDDIE platform 2, the clips of the cartrider are generally installed in the side faces of the case, but there is no external 3.5 "compartment.

Okay, with the card reader, it seems to have figured out. And what about the optical drive? Probably, many of you are known to acquire a black drive more difficult than white. I did not see silver drives on sale. Therefore, when buying a platform is very important to make sure that you can find the optical drive of the corresponding color so that it does not get out of the overall design. Some Barebone platforms, such as Shuttle XPC Reflexion. already supplied with pre-installed drives. In the case of a 16-speed DVD-ROM reflexion, it is a disadvantage, since it seriously adds cost to the platform, the platform is not sold without it, and in such an expensive computer I would have already set the DVD-R / RW drive. And so will have to pay for the DVD-ROM, which will have to be sent to the pit.

An ideal output in the case of non-standard colors of the case is to use a curtain, followed by an optical drive. This is done in the MSI MEGA and ECS EZ-Buddie platforms.

In such a case, you can put an optical drive of any color - evenly painted under Gzhel and it will not spoil the type of facial panel.

Mandatory on the front panel of the case must be installed interface and sound ports. In general, temporary devices of the type of home electronics or media are connected to the front panel. All that is connected inpatient must be connected from behind the housing. The front panel must be installed at least two USB ports (for flash drive and MP3 player), at least one IEEE-1394 port for a digital camera and three sound sockets. Moreover, IEEE-1394 should be a 4-pin type i-Link so that the user is not puzzled by the search for adapters. Very good if one 4-pin and one 6-pin IEEE-1394 ports were installed. As for the audio nest, here it must be here to enter the headphones, the input from the microphone and the optical input of SPDIF. If a linear input is installed on the front panel, it must be duplicated from behind so that when connecting some TV tuners there is no such situation when it is necessary to conjure the housing with the audio cable.

What should be the ports - open or closed behind the curtain? From a practical point of view, everyone chooses for itself. We rarely use them - look for closed, often open. But the main thing is that there are no brilliant plastic parts around ports that could scatter. After all, where is the guarantee that you do not miss the sharp connector of the flash drive by the port?

In addition, the space around the ports and the buttons is often placed.

Well, we dealt with the front panel of typical Barebone platforms. Let's look at the barrels in the profile.

Barebone in profile

The covers of the enclosures are mostly made by P-shaped, that is, they are removed completely, and not fragments to ensure more free access to the inner space of the case. Very often in the side walls of the case, ventilation openings are made or grids are installed.

Already at first glance X22. - Very interesting apparatus. On the one hand, it can be a typical desktop solution "All in One". On another platform for creating a PC based on the specific requirements of a particular user. All because the X22 models will also be supplied in two versions: ready to run with a fixed configuration and installed OS, as well as in Barebone format, that is, without processor, RAM, hard disk, and, accordingly, without Operations. But with the MINI-ITX motherboard, which, if desired, can be replaced and make a total upgrade.

The already collected 22 "monoblock with a good set of iron got into our edition.


In brackets are components that stand in the device in a ready-to-use configuration.

  • Socket: LGA1151;
  • [Set Core i5-6500 quad-core S1151 3.2 GHz];
  • chipset: Intel H110;
  • video: Integrated Intel HD Graphics 530;
  • RAM: 2xddr3 SO-DIMM 1600/1333 MHz to 32 GB;
  • [Installed 2X 8GB FoxConn Foxline 1600 (FL1600D3S11-8G)];
  • hard disk: 2.5 "SATA3;
  • [Installed SSD ADATA 256GB PREMIER SP610 (ASP610SS3-256GM-C)];
  • optical drive: any thin SATA DVD ± RW thickness of 12.7 mm;
  • Half Mini PCI: 1x Wi-Fi Wireless Adapter or Wi-Fi with Bluetooth;
  • Full Mini PCI: 1x M-SATA Solid State Drive;
  • dimensions: 518 x 359 x 58 mm
  • power port 12-19 V;
  • 1x HDMI (output);
  • 3x USB 3.0;
  • 2x USB 2.0;
  • 1x combined audio input (+ additional output);
  • 1x microphone input (+ additional output);
  • 1x Ethernet, RJ45.
  • size: 21.5 ";
  • resolution: 1920x1080;
  • viewing angles (g x c): 170 x 160;
  • brightness: 250 kD / m2;
  • response: 2-5 ms.
  • wireless network: Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n adapter;
  • power supply: 120 W;
  • camera: 2 MP;
  • sound: Built-in stereo rolls 2 x1,5W.

Appearance and opportunity

AIO X22 is supplied in a box of simple cardboard, the device is packaged into a thick seal and is very well protected from transportation of transportation on Russian roads. In the box, in addition to the monoblock, it was discovered manual to open and configure the platform, power supply, power cable, mounting kit and drivers. In Barebone-modification, the user will also find system coolants, but in our case she already stood inside x22.

The monoblock is made in a silver case installed on a gray metal stand. The stand has a non-slip coating and taking into account the weight of the case is very stable. The display is protected by glass. Glass, as usual, not matte, because be prepared for it to care, i.e. Remove traces from fingers and dust. Immediately after removing the protective film, the monoblock looks very attractive and will quite definitely be delighted not only (sorry for the spoiler) with a productivity, but also appearance.

The thickness of the hull without taking into account the stand does not exceed 50 mm, the frame is very thin - only 16 mm.

The display of the display is adjusted within -2 ° / + 65 °.

The slope is very convenient when the cables are connected to the ports of the motherboard, derived from the bottom end of the housing.

On the back of the monoblock there are ventilation holes and holes for universal mounting VESA 100x100, so if you wish, the case can be installed on the bracket, after pre-installing the desktop stand. If the device is used at the exhibition or in another public place, it can be fixed by Kensington lock.

The sticker informs us what kind of beast we purchased and how to feed it.

From the right end, the controls are set up: brightness adjustment buttons, display off and power button. The buttons are slightly recessed into the housing and are pressed a little more tight than you can expect. From the same side, an optical drive will be located if installed. In addition, an additional hard disk can be installed in its place.

From the opposite side of the housing, the input of the microphone is displayed, the universal sound port for headphones or headset, as well as two USB 2.0 ports. In truth, the old USB versions in 2016 see at all do not want to see. Of course, you can explain their presence of the need to connect the periphery to high-speed ports. But in this case, USB 2.0 should be placed from the bottom end. And USB 3.0, respectively, on the side, since external drives are more convenient to connect there. But it is obvious that the location of ports by 100% depends on the motherboard used, so that with a great desire everything can be changed independently.

I / O-panel, as already noted, goes to the bottom end of the monoblock. In our configuration, we have dumplings of sound ports, the "green" port also supports not only headphones, but also headsets. There is an HDMI output, but there is no login if you want to output from the laptop to 21.5 "screen. In addition - the network port and set of USB 2.0 and 3.0 connectors. Power is also connected here.

A 2 megapixel camera is installed on top view, a microphone hole is displayed on the top end.

What is inside

Aio X22, perhaps, the easiest way to disassemble the monoblock. To open, you need to unscrew only two screws and move the rear panel. And to completely remove the lid aside, you will need to disconnect only one loop. A total of 30 seconds take place for disassembly, while the design eliminates the ability to break or damage.

The internal device is very simple: the platforms for the drives are located on the left of the motherboard, to access the SO-DIMM ports, you do not need to shoot anything, all the loops are disconnected using reliable, strong connectors. Pay attention to the free slot for the M-SATA solid-state drive.

In the pre-assembled modification, the power and data cables for the optical drive are already connected to the motherboard, it is enough to remove the plastic plug, remove the metal casing, install the device and return the casing to the place.

The cooling system is quite large, and this has a positive effect on the temperature mode during testing.


We conducted memory tests, SSD, and conducted a number of comprehensive performance measurements in gaming and working environments.

For a start, as accepted, the summary of Hwinfo64.

A full report on the hardware from CPU-Z.

The performance of the solid-state drive we tested in Crystal Mark and Anvil's Storage Utilities. The reading speed of SSD A-DATA on our platform is excellent, 500-560 MB / s, the recording speed is lower and average amounted to 300 MB / s.

RAM was tested in the AIDA64 EXTREME utility. Very good result in your class.

The performance of the machine in comprehensive multimedia applications was measured in Futuremark 3DMark and directly in games using FRAPS Benchmarck.
Below are the results of three tests of 3DMark. Only in the Skydiver test, the result was slightly lower than expected, in other cases the level of performance was rated as a cross between a laptop and a game computer. The most complicated Firestrike test computer did not pass, as it takes a discrete video screen.

We evaluated the operation of the machine in Battlefield 4, Skyrim and World of Tanks on minimal graphic settings. Chance in the tanks of the Janalogie for the requirements for the game of the game on the AIO X22 can be possible without any problems.

Using the PC Mark 8 test, we appreciated the computer's ability to perform everyday and working tasks: use browser, simple games, text and graphic editors, as well as video links. All tasks except, again, games did not make up for x22 there is absolutely no problem.


Full-HD display with wide viewing angles and a good brightness margin. Glass is challenged, so the place for installation need to choose.


To test the camera, we chose a bright area of \u200b\u200bthe room and asked for two of our models to populate. In the time of HD graphics, the installation on a 2 megapixel webcam chassis is not very clear, except for the sake of the transfer of the platform. The quality of shooting, of course, will be used for video conferencing, but it is hardly suitable for, say, masterclasses that require an image of greater detail.


Built-in acoustics is quite loud, but at the maximum volume, some compositions cause overload of speakers. Columns normally cope with sound playback when watching YouTube and TV series. For games it will be more expedient to use headphones.

Cooling system

When operating a system for 100% power, the noise level is medium. Computer components do not heat up to 60 °, and this is a good result.

General impressions and conclusion

It will be fair to consider AIO X22 from two positions: like a Barebone platform and as a system assembly.

The distributor has not yet called retail prices, but it is expected that the base of the monoblock will cost approximately 30 thousand rubles. For this money, the buyer receives a very high-quality platform with a motherboard based on the junior chipset for Intel Skylake. It does not allow you to create RAID arrays and overclock the computer, which, however, is hardly a monoblock. On the other hand, we have a good stock for the UPA upgrade - up to 32 GB, the ability to use an optical drive and, of course, a base under a series of very powerful Intel processors. Do not forget that the Mini-ITX regular motherboard can be replaced by any other.
The X22 design deserves the highest rating: disassembly and assembly are performed in less than a minute and do not make risks for the platform. The cover is removed in two movements, and to break something strongly impossible. The minus of such a design is in some places when manipulating the case crept. The device looks like, however, monolith.
The case is very steady, very thin and, if necessary, can be installed on the bracket, which additionally expands the scope of the X22 application.

Ready to Run.
It is expected that the price of a monoblock assembly will be at the level of 70 thousand rubles. The resulting configuration contains everything you need to solve a wide range of tasks and even approach some games. Aio X22 will be a good choice for a freelancer working from home and to equip the office; Including the jobs of graphic and web designers or editing, if there is no need to work with 4K-content. The price of X22 compared with similar solutions - just below average. Among other things, due to the absence of any periphery.


  • Exceptional simplicity and safety of assembly / disassembly;
  • quality materials and appearance;
  • good performance;
  • wide scope of application.


  • camera;
  • tight hardware buttons;
  • no convenient access to USB 3.0.

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Many people think that the choice of a decent case for a computer is a slight task. Unfortunately, experience shows that this is not so. Many PC housings at first glance seem very interesting and offer good quality assembly. But with a more careful examination, it is often found that the appearance is very deceptive.

The THG laboratory received four buildings for a mini-PC, and the design of each housing was positioned by manufacturers as "brand new". All models cost about 70 euros, which is quite expensive for the case of this size. In the end, there are no hardware in these buildings. You will have to separately buy a motherboard, a power supply and all other components. By the time you fully worry your system, you will spend a bunch of money.

At first glance it seems that you purchased a small and very stylish body for a PC, which will decorate any LAN party. However, each of the candidates presented in our review we found a number of shortcomings that often remain unnoticed when buying in the store, and even more so through the Internet. Such flaws are detected only at home when it is too late.

Some samples of the housings received to us in the laboratory seem to be more suitable for the role of scrap metal on the nearest landfill than the role of bestsellers. Not to mention the plastic doors that we have long criticized. Some corps rattled even when we simply unpacks them, without the "iron" installed in them! It seems to appear that the drive compartments bend from one glance only that in itself does not inspire confidence. Some of these flaws we captured on the video, which is represented at the end of our article.

Aplus Blockbuster II BM. Click on the picture to enlarge.

From the side of the APLUS BlockBuster II BM, BM looks very compact and at the same time massive, although it weighs only 6.4 kg. Two compartments are available on the front 5.25 "drives that are closed with plastic doors opening down. You can set an optical drive here. When the disk tray is extended, the door deviates down on two hinges. The return spring, similar to the one that is used in the ballpoint, automatically Closes the door.

The third plastic door is 3.5 "compartment, in which you can install either an outdated drive, or more modern flash card reader. A little left is another plastic cover, behind which the front connections for USB, sound and firewire are hidden. When the computer works The main power on / off button is highlighted by blue. The envelope of the case is not quite ordinary. Blockbuster is not only very high, but also quite long, which, of course, limits the possible options for its placement. It is worth thinking, and whether you need such a bulky system block in the living room ?

However, the body of such sizes has its advantages: it provides a wider selection of components. With the exception of the motherboard, which must match the Micro-ATX form factor, you, for the most part, can freely use standard components. You should not only take a very high cooler. It is better to choose a more flat, but wide cooler, for example, Zalman CNP8700 LED or CoolerMaster, which we used in our testing. Unlike giant CPU Coolers The above-mentioned models are well suited to the form factor of the APLUS BlockBuster II BM.

The back of the empty case is visible a place for the motherboard input / output panel and the installation site of three fans. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Case cover is fixed with five screws. Apparently, the producer forgot about the existence of screws with a rolled head, which would greatly facilitate the life of buyers. After opening the case, you detect a very good interior. All edges and edges are processed to prevent cuts. With the help of two internal snacks, you can lean the upper part of the case, which greatly facilitates the installation of "iron".

Front behind the door are the sound connectors, USB and FireWire ports.

A large front door for an optical drive must be opened manually. Otherwise, the tray will not be able to leave. Click on the picture to enlarge.

The case, almost a similar model of APLUS BlockBuster II, has developed TACENS. Black "Cube" looks pretty stylish. Drive compartments are located behind a large door that hides almost half of the front of the housing. Immediately and you can not say that the door is before us. The rest of the front panel is made in a simple business style. However, the illusion of belonging to the high class collapses when it is opened by this large door, which is accompanied by a creak and crackle. As it turned out, this door is made of cheap plastic. In addition, the TACENS THEECA body has no opening mechanism, like this, like a luxurious Origenae 21ST. . In other words, if you want to remove the disc from the optical drive, the tray will be blocked. In the worst case, it may even damage the retractable optical drive mechanism. This applies to both 5.25 "compartments.

When you turn on the computer, the power button and the company logo are highlighted. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Behind the door are hidden front audio connectors and USB ports.

At the bottom of the front panel of the TACENS THEECA case, there is another, more "elegant" cover behind which two front USB ports and sound connectors are hidden. FireWire connector is missing. The company's logo and the name of the hull are highlighted by LED indicators, and "Theca" Only lights up with the actuator activity, and "TACENS" highlighted constantly. .


The same inner structure, a different appearance. Click on the picture to enlarge.

At first glance, it becomes obvious that the APLUS and TACENS housings use the same internal layout. More precisely, they use the same chassis, so it seems that they are made by one supplier and differ only in the design of the outer decoration. The same feature we noticed when considering midi Tower enclosures . Apparently, steel or aluminum structures are supplied from the same manufacturer, and the front panel of the company produce independently (or maybe buy from another firm). As a result, the two parts are connected together on the assembly line. This allows companies to offer their individual models, although, ultimately, they sell, essentially identical models.

To open the case, you need to move the latches. Click on the picture to enlarge.

In this case, such similarity is not a disadvantage. Such "twins" is easy to test, describe and evaluate. In truth, it helped us to save a lot of time. Both buildings are models with a folding side of the upper part. As a collected form, the top of the housing contains drives and power supply. The motherboard with the central processor, video card and memory is placed in the lower part. With the top of the top, it is much easier to access cables, because all the jumpers and connections can be reached on any side. The only disadvantage of such a two-level construction is that it limits the height of large CPU coolers. The same applies video cards with complicated and therefore large cooling systems on thermal tubes . However, for such long video cards as GeForce 8800 GT, this is not a problem.

After you move the latches, you can leak up the top of the case. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Five LEDs highlight a major body fan. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Aplus products have repeatedly met on the Tom Hardware Guide pages. The new body called "BlockBuster Storm" is equipped with a huge fan that takes almost all its top panel. Due to this size, the fan can rotate very slowly and to ensure good ventilation. In addition, the fan speed can be set manually. Hot air is blowing out of the back of the housing 120 mm fan. If in other cases, for example, in Xclio Twin Engine, 250 mm, the fan is located on the side or in front, then the design of the APLUS involves the placement of such a fan right on the top panel of the case. One disadvantage: you are denying an additional free space, since it is nothing to put anything on the body.

The fan speed can be adjusted manually using a wheel. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Front BlockBuster Storm connectors. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Big transparent windows are cut on the sides of the case, which allows you to admire the insides of the computer even with a closed case. Modners will like it, because all accessories and internal illumination are displayed. On the front panel there is a small display that displays the temperature inside the case. The corresponding sensor is installed anywhere inside the housing.

... and behind. Click on the picture to enlarge.

What makes the company when she can not boast anything new? It changes the design, renames or repainting its existing models. APEVIA has sent the X-QPack 2 building to our laboratory as a new model, but by connecting it, we learned it in it of its predecessor - X-QPack I wrote about two years ago. Of course, we were curious to see what has changed.

Body from behind. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Outside, X-QPack 2 has changed a bit compared with the previous version. Separate elements are already connected as hard as before. Windows disappeared on the panels, now they are only available as an optional upgrade. It was nice to find that the pushing handle for carrying the old version of the housing was replaced by a more reliable and firmly attached metal handle. This gives a new corpus much more solid and confidence.

The interior is fully identical not only to the insides of the BlockBuster Storm housing described in this review, but also the previous X-QPack model. The internal aluminum parts were shone as if Apevia carefully polished each item before sending the body to our laboratory. Unfortunately, the new housing X-QPack 2 remained the former shaky components that we have already criticized in article about the first X-QPack model . The video link to which you will find below will demonstrate it clearly.

The Apevia Housing Display can display two temperatures. Click on the picture to enlarge. .

The internal structure of the APLUS Blockbuster Storm and Apevia X-QPack 2

Second pair of enclosures. Click on the picture to enlarge.

The inner structure has not changed in no time or on the worse. Neither aplus nor Apevia brought any innovative in the design of their buildings, but simply used their old layout. In each case, you can set two 3.5 "drives and one 5.25" drive. Motherboard must have Micro-ATX form factor. As for the fans, the design of the hulls is slightly different, but only externally. In the APLUS Case 120 mm, the fan is transparent and highlighted with three LED indicators. Apevia also uses a blue fan without backlighting. In addition, X-QPack 2 in front is equipped with a 80 mm fan, pulling cold air inside the housing.

The motherboard tray is put forward, which makes it easier to install components. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Both enclosures have a fastening tray for the motherboard, which can be pulled out from the housing to install components on it. Such a tray greatly facilitates the installation of the motherboard, the central processor, the CPU cooler and memory. In addition, it is so much easier to stretch and connect the power cables and cables to the front panel connectors. After all the components are firmly fixed on the fastening tray, you just need to push it together with all the "hardware" back into the empty case. If everything came up, it remains to install and connect the power supply and drives.

Pre-installed case fan. Click on the picture to enlarge.
... And the Apevia body has a second pre-installed 80mm fan. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Test configuration

Our test platform for all HTPC buildings. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-8I945GMH-RH
CPU Intel P4, 2.6 GHz
CPU cooler Cooler Master CM12V.
Memory Exceleram EX2-2800PS, 2X 1 GB, DDR2
Optical drive Gigabyte GO-D1600D (DVD)
Power Supply HIPER HIGH POWER 560 W
Video card Gigabyte GV-RX30128D

The power supply uses the modular principle of connecting cables. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Technical Specifications APLUS Blockbuster Storm and Apevia X-QPack 2

The front panels are different, but the inner structure is the same. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Manufacturer Aplus. Apevia.
Model Blockbuster Storm X-QPack 2
Price 70 Euro 78 Euro
Micro-ATX Micro-ATX
Expansion slots 4X. 4X.
5.25 "Compartments (external) 2x. 2x.
3.5 "Compartments (external) 1x. 1x.
3.5 "Compartments (internal) 2x. 2x.
Connectors in front 1x IEEE1394A, 2X USB, 2X Sound
3X. 2x.
1x 250 mm, 1x 120mm 1x 80 mm, 1x 120mm
Height 235 mm 228 mm
Width 285 mm 284 mm
Length 385 mm 373 mm
Weight (without power supply) 6.4 kg 6 kg
Material Aluminum + plastic Aluminum + plastic
Other Extending tray fastening for motherboard, two windows of organic glass, carrying handle, large fan on top panel, display Handle for carrying, display

Technical Specifications Aplus Blockbuster II BM and TACENS THEECA

And again different front panels, but the same insides. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Manufacturer Aplus. TACENS.
Model BlockBuster II BM. Theca
Price 70 Euro 60 Euro
Motherboard Form Form Micro-ATX Micro-ATX
Expansion slots 4X. 4X.
5.25 "Compartments (external) 2x. 2x.
3.5 "Compartments (external) 1x. 1x.
3.5 "Compartments (internal) 2x. 2x.
Connectors in front 1 IEEE1394A, 2X USB, 2X Sound 1 IEEE1394A, 2X USB, 2X Sound
The number of fans for fans 3X. 3X.
Preset fans 1x 80mm 3X 80-mm, 1x 120mm
Height 247 mm 233 mm
Width 295 mm 295 mm
Length 385 mm 348 mm
Weight (without power supply) 5.70 kg 5.70 kg
Material Aluminum + plastic Aluminum + plastic

TACENS THEECA. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Weight Category Result
25% Equipment 85%
40% Ergonomics 75%
20% Design 80%
15% Price 75%
Total result 79%

The display shows the temperature inside the case. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Weight Category Result
25% Equipment 85%
40% Ergonomics 80%
20% Design 80%
15% Price 75%
Total result 81%

APLUS Blockbuster Storm case with an unusual top fan. Click on the picture to enlarge.
Weight Category Result
25% Equipment 90%
40% Ergonomics 80%
20% Design 80%
15% Price 75%
Total result 82%


None of the four housing tested for the mini-PC made a strong impression on us. None of the models demonstrated the slightest hint of innovation. For example, the mechanism of the folding top of the TACENS Theca and Aplus BlockBuster II BM enclosures is a very convenient solution, but there is nothing new here. Two years ago, Gigabyte has already used exactly the same mechanism in its housing. CB91. .

There are the best ways to invest those 70 euros that you would spend on the purchase of one of the buildings presented in this article. So, for example, a mini-PC ("Barebone") of Gigabyte and Shuttle companies are already supplied with a motherboard, a power supply and a CPU cooler. Despite the fact that such hulls cost more than 70 euros, ultimately, you will even save. Unfortunately, in the market of computers "Barebone", everything subsided, the Shuttle, which created a certain niche of the corpses for mini-PC, such as those presented in this article declares itself. However, none of the candidates seem to be truly convincing.

The following rollers show two negative features that we found during the testing of the housings.

To the annual update of the main components of the personal computers platform (in particular, chipsets, memory and processor modules) are already accustomed to. However, a real surprise for many was the emergence of Barebone-systems in the market, rapidly gaining popularity. So, last year more than 1.6 million barebone-systems were sold, which is approximately 1.5% of the total number of desktops and almost 5% of the number of home computers.

New "breed"

is the Barebone system? In fact, it is a kind of semi-finished product for quickly assembling a computer - a small-sized case with the power supply unit already installed in it, a system board and cooling system. Quite often, the equipment is complemented by an optical actuator and a multi-format cartrider.

In order to turn the Barebone-system into a valid computer, it is enough to install the processor, memory modules and a hard disk, and these operations can be done in just a few minutes that does not even have a large user experience.

The current generation of Barebone-systems (or, how else is sometimes called, MiniPC) is quite inhomogeneous: at this stage, manufacturers are engaged in finding optimal options and try a variety of constructive solutions. Nevertheless, it is now possible to distinguish several distinctive features that are inherent to everyone without exception to representatives of the new "breed".

One of these distinctive features miniPC is small dimensions. Compared to the usual system units of the Miditower constructive, the Barebone-systems look simply by dwarfs - their internal volume is three or four times less. And some outstanding representatives of a new type (for example, IWILL ZPC) are completely comparable to external optical drive models.

IWILL ZPC - Full PC in a surprisingly compact case

Conducting a comparison with traditional systemic blocks collected from "places" components, a number of important internal differences can be noted. Thus used in miniPC system boards are usually unique and developed specifically for this case (or for the line of the housings of the same size). The same applies to the cooling system: many of the Barebone systems, it is designed to take into account the characteristics of the case design and the topology of the system board installed in it. To ensure efficient cooling of the system in combination with a low noise level, the most advanced high-tech solutions are used: heat pipes, compound air ducts, etc.

It is quite natural that small sizes of the system determine the high degree of integration of various components. The actual standard for MINIPC is the presence of USB 2.0 and IEEE-1394 controllers, video and sound subsystems, modem, a network adapter, etc. integrated on the system board. Expansion slots on such payments are few: usually there are AGP and one or two PCIs. In some Barebone-systems, AGP slot is not at all - it is considered that the capabilities of the integrated video adapter are quite enough for the PC of this level. As for the places to install the drives, the most common option is the presence of one 5.25-inch and one 3.5-inch compartments, as well as one internal compartment for a 3.5-inch hard disk.

ASUS Digimatrix is \u200b\u200bthe original hybrid of a digital media center and a PC, with which you can view television programs, DVD video and digital photos from various media, listen to radio programs, audio and sound files of compressed formats - and all this without loading the operating system

The most compact representatives of MiniPC and there are no slots for expansion cards - additional fees are simply not placed there. In order to minimize dimensions, 2.5-inch hard drives and optical Slim-format optical drives are used (as in laptops).

The MINIPC concept implies the maximum system flexibility and ample opportunities for connecting a wide variety of external devices. Therefore, in addition to the full set of interface connectors on the back of the housing panel in Barebone-systems, it is possible to quickly connect external devices. As a rule, the front panel contains USB ports 2.0 and IEEE-1394 ports, as well as a set of analog (and sometimes digital) inputs and audio subsystem outputs. The MINIPC is also a multi-format cartrider, which is also located on the front panel of the enclosure. With the increase in the popularity of wireless solutions, the Wi-Fi and / or Bluetooth adapters and / or bluetooth are becoming increasingly distributed in Barebone-systems.

Recently, many BareBone systems appear, which are a PC hybrid and a digital media center. Such models are equipped with a large number of different multimedia functions, and many of them can be used without loading the operating system - for example, listening to AudioCD and MP3 files from various media, view DVD and VIDEOCD, and with the appropriate expansion modules - receive television and radio programs. To control the functions of the media player on the front panel of the case, the appropriate controls (buttons, regulators, etc.) are placed, and quite often the supply of such systems includes a wireless remote control.

MSI Barebone-Systems of the Mega Barebone Systems are much more like music centers than on computers.

The characteristic representatives of this subspecies of Barebone-systems are Asus Digimatrix, Abit Digidice, as well as a whole series of MSI MEGA models (by the way, as additional accessories to the latest MSI company produces special acoustic systems and a handcap for transportation).

MiniPC: pros and cons

getting acquainted with the most characteristic features of Barebone systems, consider their main advantages and disadvantages.

Undoubtedly, compact and at the same time low-noise system blocks look very attractive in the eyes of home users. Almost all now produced Barebone systems have an original design, which allows you to most organically enter the system unit into the interior of the room. Thanks to its small sizes, such a system can be easily transferred to another room, and if necessary, immerse in the bag and take with you.

Flexible capabilities for connecting a variety of external devices and interchangeable media make it possible to use MiniPC to work without any problems to work with digital photo and video materials, as well as a home media center.

One of the representatives of the Ideq Barebone-Systems family manufactured by Biostar

Another advantage of Barebone-systems is a balance of design. The power of the power supply used and the parameters installed in the cooling system housing are optimized with the characteristics of the system board used and the features of other components. Thus, the probability of overheating and overload occurs is minimized, and according to this, the Barebone-system indicator is a much more reliable solution compared to systemic blocks collected by home-grown crafts from standard enclosures and components.

To the most significant disadvantages of miniPC (compared with PCs collected in the traditional construction housings), limited referenceries for upgrading and building the system configuration, as well as lower maintainability. As already mentioned above, in many Barebone-systems used unique system fees and non-standard power supplies, as a result of which it will not be possible to simply replace these components in case of failure.

Another minus barebone systems is their higher cost compared to PCs collected from individual components. However, it is worth noting that direct comparison in this case is unlikely to be appropriate - by virtue of significant differences relating to both functionality and consumer qualities.

Perspectives miniaturization

This moment is still quite difficult to give an unequivocal forecast about whether the MINIPC is a steady market trend or it is just another fashionable tetree. The share of Barebone systems in the total number of PC sold for home and office use is still small. True, many analysts predict that this year will be sold twice as much barebone systems than in the past.

At this stage, the Barebone-system attracts many users with their novelty, radical distinction from the usual image of a PC - a faceless and dull gray drawer. It is quite natural that manufacturers are trying to squeeze the maximum of this idea. It is not a special secret and the fact that the increased interest of Taiwanese producers to Barebone systems is caused by purely economic reasons. Due to the most severe competition between companies producing components for PCs (motherboards, optical drives, etc.), the profitability of the production of such products is reduced from year to year, and the Barebone-system market is still far away, and the rate of profit The segment of companies is still relatively high.

Distinctive features of the Soltek Barebone-systems of the QBIC series are a metal housing made of aluminum alloy, as well as the iCyQ branded cooling system

Considering the possible prospects for the development of MiniPC, it is worth considering that "big" computers are also improving. Last year, Intel presented his considerations regarding the personal computer of the nearest future, decorated in the form of the BTX specification. With a closer look at BTX, many miniPC features can be traced: smaller body sizes, the use of system boards and power supply units of a new form factor (with smaller dimensions), a low-noise cooling system, etc. and the fact that today it seems new and unusual, tomorrow can be generally accepted standard.