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What is a brief definition technology. Technology like science

(from Greek. Techne - Art and Logos - Word, Teaching) Technology

method of transformation of substance, energy, information in the process of manufacturing products, processing and processing of materials, assembling of finished products, quality control, control. The technology embodies methods, techniques, operation, the sequence of operations and procedures, it is closely related to the means used, equipment, tools used by materials. A combination of technological operations forms a technological process. Modern economic science uses the term "technology" and in such combinations as "technology training, educational process, treatment, management".

Dictionary of Financial Terms

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


technology, MN. No, g. (from Greek. Techne - Art and Logos - doctrine). The totality of sciences, information about the methods of processing one or another raw materials to a fabric, in the finished product. Metal technology. Chemical Technology. TECHNOLOGY OF TERS. ? The combination of processes of such processing. Uncomplicated technology.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, AU. A combination of production methods and processes in a certain industry, as well as a scientific description of production methods. G. production. T. Fibrous substances. Violation of technology.

arr. Technological, - -th. T. Process. Technological requirements.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Scientific discipline that studies methods of processing materials, manufacturing products and processes accompanying these types of work.

      An educational subject containing the theoretical foundations of this science.

      . A textbook that sets the content of this educational subject.

  1. A combination of techniques used in what-l. Business, skill, art.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Technology (from Greek. Techne - art, skill, skill and ... logic) A combination of methods of processing, manufacturing, change of state, properties, forms of raw materials, material, or semi-finished products carried out in the production process; Scientific discipline studying physical, chemical, mechanical, etc. The laws acting in technological processes. The technology is also called the operations of the production, processing, transportation, storage, control, which are part of the total manufacturing process.


(from Greek. Téchne ≈ Art, skill, skill and ... logic), a totality of receptions and methods for producing, processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products or products carried out in various industries, in construction, etc.; Scientific discipline, developing and improving such techniques and methods. T. (or technological processes) are also called the operations of the extraction, processing, processing, transportation, storage, storage, which are the main component of the production process. The composition of modern T. includes technical control of production. T. It is also appropriate to call a description of production processes, instructions for their implementation, technological rules, requirements, cards, graphs, etc.

T. Usually review due to the specific industry of production (T. Mountain work, T. Mechanical engineering, T. Construction) or depending on the methods of obtaining or treating certain materials (T. Metals, T. Fibrous substances, T. Tissues, etc. ). As a result of the implementation of technological processes, a qualitative change in the processed objects occurs. So, T. obtaining various metals is based on the change in the chemical composition, chemical and physical properties of the feedstock; T. Machining is associated with a change in shape and some physical properties of the processed parts; Chemical T. is based on processes carried out as a result of chemical reactions and leading to the change in the composition, structure and properties of the source products. The most important indicators characterizing the technical and economic efficiency of the technological process: specific consumption of raw materials, semi-finished products and energy per unit of products; yield (quantity) and quality of finished products (products); level of labor productivity; process intensity; production costs; Product cost.

The task of T. As science is to identify physical, chemical, mechanical, and other patterns in order to determine and use in the practice of the most efficient and cost-effective production processes requiring the smallest time and material resources. So, the subject of research and development in T. Mashinostroy are the basics of designing technological processes (types of processing, selection of blanks, surface quality of the processed products, the accuracy of processing and allowances to it, the basing of blanks), methods of mechanical surface treatment (flat, shaped, etc.) , Methods of manufacturing typical parts (enclosures, shafts, gear wheels, etc.), assembly processes (character of the connection of parts and components, the principles of mechanization and automation of assembly works), the basics of designing devices.

T. Various industries are constantly updated and varies as the technique developed. Improving T. All industries and types of production ≈ An important condition for accelerating technical progress in the national economy. The main directions of development of modern T.: Transition from intermittent (discrete, cyclic) technological processes to continuous flow processes, ensuring an increase in production scale and efficient use of machinery and equipment; The introduction of "closed" (non-frequency) T. for the most complete use of raw materials, materials, energy, fuel, which makes it possible to minimize or completely eliminate production waste and implement environmental recovery activities. Of particular importance is the improvement of T. extractive industries in order to increase the efficiency of extracting minerals, enrichment and processing, eliminating the harmful effects of the emergence of subsoils for the environment, ensuring the complexity of use of minerals in the national economy (see Nature Protection).

In the manufacturing industries of the USSR, especially in mechanical engineering and instrument making, is introduced from 1975 a single system of technological preparation of production (EASTIB). It provides for a single procedure for developing technological documentation and the use of typical technological processes, unified equipment and standard equipment. Implementation Effects Allows 2≈2.5 times to reduce the preparation of production while improving productivity and improving the quality of products.

In order to unify technological means, methods and terminology in the USSR, it was also developed from 1975 as a state standard, a unified system of technological documentation (NSID) (see Technological documentation). See also Metal Technology, Chemical Technology.

O. A. Vladimirov, A. A. Parkhomenko.



Technology (from - art, skill, skill; - "Word", "thought", "meaning", "concept") - a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result; In a broad sense - the use of scientific knowledge to solve practical tasks.

Technology (Group)

"Technology" - Russian Sinti pop-group from Moscow, known for songs "Click on the button" and "strange dances". The peak of the group's popularity came to 1991-1993. In various compositions, it has existed since 1990 to this time. To create music, the Group uses electronic musical instruments - synthesizers, samplers and modern computer technologies.

Technology (Obninsky Scientific and Production Enterprise)

Joint Stock Company "Obninskaya Scientific and Production Enterprise" Technology ". A.G.Mashin " - One of the leading Russian state scientific and production enterprises in the field of non-metallic polymer, composite and ceramic materials for the needs of rocket and space and aircraft industry, water transport, energy and other industries. During the work of the enterprise, more than 800 new materials were created. It is part of the state corporation "Rostech".

Located in the city of Obninsk of the Kaluga region.

Quite often today you can hear the expressions "Innovative Technologies", "Space Technologies" and those like it. What is their meaning and what is technology in general? Let's find out all this.

What is technology: definition

The term under review has several values \u200b\u200bat the same time. We will look at each of them:

  • First of all, it is possible to explain what technologies can be so a combination of methods of manufacturing, processing, processing (and similar processes) of raw materials, as a result of which the starting material changes its properties, turning into the desired products.
  • In addition, in simple language, it is knowledge and skills of making anything, whether a kefir of milk, atomic energy or children's learning reading and arithmetic.
  • Also, technologies are referred directly to the technological processes of making something.
  • Such a name is also the science of skill. As a scientific discipline, it is concentrated in the invention and the study of methods and methods for the implementation of various production processes. The scope of its interests includes their optimization, by finding less costly, but more efficient ways of manufacturing a particular product, as well as analyzing and forecasting the development of industry as a whole.


Having learned all the options for answering the question about what technologies should consider the components of the elements, without which this phenomenon is not able to exist:

  • The technological object or, as it is known, the subject of technological influence. So called the subject of labor, that is, the raw materials exposed to.
  • Labor products (also referred to as technological). These are the tools (programs, etc.) that help the master to make products.
  • Carrier technological functions (master). It is noteworthy that in this role there can be not only one person, but also a whole team, as well as programmed equipment.
  • The level of technological development of society. It is from him that the type of technologies used in the modern world depends. For example, the invention of electricity was the beginning of a new turn in the development of the industry - with its help it became possible not only more efficiently and safely to light everything, but also to use it as an element of the power supply for a series of instruments.

Life cycle technology

Having learned what technology is and from what they depend, it is important to consider what the cycle of life from any of them. It consists of five stages:

  1. New technology. The period when it originates and has a greater potential than all existing to it (in their industry).
  2. Advanced. At this stage, the technology has already proven itself in practice as a best-of-a-kind. However, it has not yet received sufficient distribution. As a rule, this is due to the need to upgrade production, and this always requires costs.
  3. Modern technology. The stage of its transformation into a certain standard to which everyone is equal.
  4. Not new. The period when this method is still relevant and effective, but there is already a newer. As an example of the stay of technology at this stage, it is possible to give the method of water purification by chlorine. In the old days, it was considered the most efficient and affordable. However, today all progressive states refuse chlorination by choosing ozonation. This technology is safer and efficient, although more expensive. At the same time, most countries of the post-Soviet space continue to apply an obsolete chlorination, since they do not have enough funds to upgrade the drinking water cleaning system.
  5. Outdated. The gradual complete displacement of the old technique is more modern.

General classification of technology

Having considered what production technology is worth paying attention to its species. This concept is classified in various categories:

  • The level of complexity is simple and complex.
  • Scope - Scientific technologies, educational, production.
  • The type of resources required is capital-intensive, energy-intensive and high-tech.

  • Depending on the quality of the processing of media - low-, medium-, high-level.
  • The goal is creative, destructive, dual-use.
  • According to the priorities of the creation - primary, conversion.

Types of technology by industry

It is worth noting that the above methods of classification of the studied concept are not the only one. Most modern scientists are still arguing about this. In practice, all types of techniques and methods of production are divided into species in areas of their application:

  • Production technologies. These include all techniques used in the manufacture of various products. This species has a whole complex of subspecies. As a rule, they are distinguished either by the sphere of production (machine-building, food technologies, biotechnologies and the like), or by type of materials used (chemical, nuclear, etc.).
  • Military - aimed at ensuring effective hostilities.
  • Space - associated with the attempts of humanity to master space.

  • Transport - specialize in ensuring the transport of passengers and goods.
  • Information technologies are pro-gram-no-tech and technological and technological means and methods aimed at collecting, preserving, analysis, OB-RA-Bot-Ku and Ras-pro -Sextricular information in society. These also include technical and pro-gram medium-va, or-ha-ni-qi-on-na-even-dica.
  • Telecommunication - aimed at providing communication. In modern world, this is television, radio, telephony, internet and similar.

  • Social - a system of practical knowledge, as well as ways to solve problems for managing the behavior of people in society. They are generated and used for social design planning.

Innovative social technologies

The mansion of all the above-mentioned technologies is innovative. They are still called "technology technologies". They are aimed at the successful introduction of the latest techniques and production methods. It turns out that any development and use of technologies (own or borrowed from other countries) is impossible without them.

Distinguish between their subspecies:

  • implementation;
  • training and incubation of small enterprises (training);
  • consulting;
  • transfer;
  • audit;
  • engineering.

What is pedagogical technology

Considering this topic, it is worth stopping and on such a phenomenon as pedagogical technologies. They relate to educational form - that is, to intangible production.

What is a pedagogical technology? This is a combination of methods and techniques used to achieve pre-planned goals of the educational process.

Such technology is represented by three aspects:

  1. Scientific - concentrated on developing a scientific basis for any pedagogical action.
  2. Procedural-descriptive is a description of an algorithm for any pedagogical technology.
  3. Procedure-effective is the implementation of the aforementioned algorithm.

Let us turn to the Internet that he speaks about Wikipedia Encyclopedia technology.

Technology (from Dr.-Greek. τέέέη - art, skill, skill;
λόγος - thought, reason; Methodology, production method).

In a broad sense, technology is a set of methods, processes and materials used in any branch of activity, as well as a scientific description of the methods of technical production;

In a narrow - a complex of organizational measures, operations and techniques aimed at making, maintenance, repair and / or operation product from nominal quality and optimal cost , and caused by the current level of development of science, technology and society as a whole.


  • under the term product It is necessary to understand any final labor product (material, intellectual, moral, political, etc.);
  • under the term nominal quality The quality should be understood by the projected or predetermined, for example, specified by the terms of reference and coordinated by the technical proposal;
  • under the term optimal costs It should be understood as the minimum possible costs that do not enhate the deterioration of working conditions, sanitary and environmental standards, the norms of technical and fire safety, supernorivative wear of labor tools, as well as financial, economic, political and other risks.

At the end of the XVIII century, in a common massif, knowledge about the technique began to distinguish the traditional descriptive section and the new, the emerging, which was called "Technology".

Johann Beckman (1739-1811) introduced the term "technology" or "science of craft" into scientific use, which he called the scientific discipline, reading them in German University in Göttingen from 1772. In 1777, he published the work "Introduction to technology ", Where wrote:

"A review of inventions, their development and success in art and crafts may be called the history of technical arts; The technology that explains in general, methodically and definitely all types of labor with their consequences and causes is much greater. " Later in the five-volume work "Essays on the history of inventions" (1780-1805) he developed this concept.

Modern technologies are based on achievements of scientific and technological progress and focused on the production of the product:

Material technology creates a material product

Information technology (IT) - information product.

Technology is also a scientific discipline, developing and improving methods and production tools.

In the life of the technology, it is customary to be called a description of production processes, instructions for their implementation, technological requirements, etc.

Technology or technological process is also often called the operations of production, transportation and processing, which are the basis of the production process.

Technical control in production is also part of the technology. Development technologies are engaged:




Programmers and other specialists in the relevant areas.

What is the difference between the Creator from the artisan?

That's right, the Creator works over the product invented by him, he comes up and works out the technology of its production, and the artisan on the famous technology produces finished products, a very good artisan makes them the same.

Works and work is two big differences!

The life cycle of technology is a combination of stages from the origin of technological innovations to their ruting.

Namely: birth - improvement - Rutinization

An example (car body victory is a bad stamp demanded to bridge the Tin body leveling irregularities, since there was no putty, before that body was mostly done by wooden).

The life cycle of technology consists of 5 stages:

  • The newest technology is any new technology that has high potential;
  • Advanced technology - technology that has proven itself, but new enough has a small distribution on the market;
  • Modern technology - recognized technology, is the standard, the demand for this technology increases;
  • Not new technology - formerly useful technology, but there is already a newer technology, so the demand begins to fall;

(For example, it is still a wired wire, but many have already refused, or digital television has not yet become fully in life but already survives ordinary TVs on the antenna )

  • Outdated technology - technology is obsolete and replaced by more perfect, very small demand, or a complete refusal of this technology in favor of the new one.

For example: Outdated technology for the production of refined sunflower oil with mechanical whipping.

According to GOST 3.1109-82 Technological process- This is part of a production process containing targeted actions to change and (or) to determine the state of the object of labor.
It includes workpieces and products.

Almost any technological process can be considered as part of a more complex process and a set of less complex (in the limit - elementary ) technological processes.

The activities of individuals and organizations are now increasingly dependent on their knowledge, one of the most valuable resources of modern society, and the ability to effectively use them. However, funds intended to present knowledge are still quite imperfect and often make people again and again look for solutions to the same tasks.

To optimize the search for the necessary information today, all sorts of online services are created. So, on the basis of Wiki technology in 2001, Wales and Sanger opened the Wikipedia website. Wikipedia is a multilingual, publicly accessible, free encyclopedia, published on the Internet. This "public" encyclopedia is a vivid example of rapid growth and accumulation of knowledge in a distributed Internet environment. It is created by the collective labor of voluntary authors using Wiki technology.

Before Wikipedia, many ways of group communication were invented on the Internet: chat, web forum, blog. These technologies are allowed to exchange information and somehow to organize them, but none of them allows you to create a full, dynamically updated site. Now in Wikipedia there are 253 linguistic sections.

The Ukrainian part of Wikipedia is currently over 70 thousand articles, and Russian - over 250 thousand. The rates of their growth are one of the highest (1000 articles per month). It is obvious that not all Ukrainian and Russian-speaking Internet users know about Wikipedia, but if you consider, as among these users there are many scientists and students, we can expect a significant increase in the filling rate of these resources.

During its development, the Wikipedia project, despite the concerns associated with the unprofessionality of authors, possible by vandalism, the spontaneity of creating individual articles, allowed to create a fairly high-quality product - a complete and objective, freely accessible multilingual encyclopedia. Wikipedia's success demonstrated that Internet users need reliable encyclopedic information. Therefore, the project of the network encyclopedia is already a serious source of reference information, knowledge that has, in contrast to traditional sources, a wonderful feature - efficiency.

Wikipedia's success caused a wide variety of other necessary projects that work in similar principles and serve to create other types of educational and reference publications.

Wiki technology and its main characteristics

Wiki is the technology of building a website that allows users to actively engage in the process of editing its content - correcting errors, adding new materials. Wiki-technology does not require the use of special programs, registration on the server and knowledge of HTML. The term Wiki is also called software, which is being developed for creating such sites.

The information presented in Wiki has a non-linear navigation structure. Each page usually contains a large number of hyperlinks to other pages. The first wiki, WikiWikiWeb, was developed in 1994 and in 1995 first appeared on the Internet. The first Wiki site was the "portland storage of the samples" created by Ward Cunningham, where the program code fragments were collected. The largest and most famous Wiki site - Wikipedia. Today, Wiki technology is used to create reference books, knowledge bases, documentation development. Modern Wiki engines allow you to work not only with texts, but also with spreadsheets, calendars, image galleries, files, etc. By the Wiki principle, you can build cartographic services. The developments of WIKI applications for the corporate environment (for example, Confluence, Jot, Near-Time) appeared.

Wiki is designed to solve a simple and natural task - to enable each visitor to participate in the development of content. Participate not only as a commentator, but also as a full-fledged author and editor - on a par with the administration and staff staff. For this you need two things: first, the user should have the technical possibility of making changes to the site page, and secondly, this process should not require special knowledge and skills.

Wiki technology allows you to accumulate knowledge of humanity, presenting them in an electronic interoperability form, to ensure navigation through this knowledge base and its actualization tools. At the same time, the Wiki can use communities of various volumes and thematic orientation, creating knowledge bases from global wikipedias and electronic encyclopedia of large corporations to easily updated reference systems of small organizations, enterprises and educational institutions. Wiki is a rather complicated system for collecting and structuring information. Its main characteristics are:

- Support for multiplayer work;

there is a possibility of repeated editing any text using the Wiki Wi-Environment (Website);

- the emergence of changes immediately after their introduction;

- Each Wiki article has its own unique name;

- the language of this markup is quite simple and does not require special knowledge;

- It is possible to return to the previous version.

Compared to CMS (Content Management Systems), WIKI technology has the following differences:

- The title of the article is simultaneously a hyperlink for external systems.

- Articles are created and edited by almost any time any user.

- Articles available for editing are directly in a web browser.

- Each article provides access to the viewing and editing of the chronology / versions of the page, which supports the search for existing discrepancies.

- Each article provides the user with access to the discussion page of this article.

Wiki suggests broader user rights when editing content, lack of hierarchy and free access to information. In addition, the pages created in Wiki technology provide interoperability and reuse of knowledge.

Wiki engines

Wiki-software engines used to create wiki sites. Wiki engine - a set of programs that serves to convert Wiki markup to a readable view in HTML.

MediaWiki is a software mechanism for creating websites using Wiki technology designed specifically for Wikipedia by the German student M.Mest. This is one of the most powerful Wiki engines, written specifically for Wikipedia and used in many other Wikimedia Foundation. MediaWiki is written in PHP and uses a relational database in its work (you can use MySQL, PostgreSQL); Supports Memcached and Squid.

MediaWiki provides the interface with the base of pages, distinguishing the rights of access to the administration of the system, as well as the following features:

- process text in both your own format and in HTML and TEX formats (for formulas)

- Upload images or other files, etc.

Flexible extension system allows users to add their own capabilities and software interfaces. Now they continue to be developed by the following versions of MediaWiki. For example, among the new features present in the experimental version of MediaWiki, - support for PostgreSQL and the system of approving completed and pro-faithful articles. In version 1.7.0, Oracle support was removed due to the lack of movement in the development of this direction.

There are many Wiki engines having their own features and dignity. In the table on with. 59 presents a review of modern Wiki engines. The selection of the Wiki engine depends on what kind of functions and features require (control of versions, access restrictions, RSS feeds with information about page changing, subscription to changes to specific pages, etc.), on which platform it will be based and how All this will work, etc. First of all, it is necessary to determine what will be used: Wiki on its own server or the Wiki service provided by an external organization. For creating online encyclopedia, many recommend that MediaWiki. For the formation of knowledge bases, Wackowiki, Confluence and NPJ are often used. For personal use used Wikidpad or Deskdo. Use wiki technology in the absence of the Internet allow TiddlyWiki and Deskdo.

Methods of creating articles for Wikipedia

There is the theory of "90-9-1", which evaluates the percentage ratio of Wiki users, separating them into three groups: 1) readers - 90%; 2) those who occasionally make some contribution, 9% and 3) those who are actively working on filling the content of Wiki - only 1%. Most of the work performed precisely 1% of users, but the rest is useful to know how they can join this group.

The openness of the technology did not lead, as many, to destroy and damage the materials: Wiki saves all changes that occurred with all the articles from the moment of their creation, so at any time you can compare different versions of the same article, to adjust the page again or just return To the old version. Thus, fix the damage is easier than to apply it. In addition, administrators always have the ability to block changes in individual pages (in particular, the most controversial).

The Wiki-site pages are articles, the contents of which are the usual text where you can use HTML tags or a special wiki markup, more convenient for text documents than HTML. Taking advantage of the link or button, any visitor of the Wiki site can edit and save the modified version of the text of any existing page or create a new one. The procedure for publishing text in Wikipedia is reduced to two buttons - "edit" and "Save".

The rules for creating Wikipedia articles, aimed at creating high-quality texts, are quite simple, but several conditions must be performed:

2. When writing any article should strive for a neutral presentation and reflect all known points of view.

3. You must specify sources of information to confirm the accuracy of the information.

There are two kinds of articles that do not meet the neutrality policy: articles, obviously conflicting with the requirements of neutrality and articles describing not all opinions or not enough detailed. In the first case, the article must be marked as a predensive (((POV))). The ideal part of the information of such an article is subject to correction or removal. In the second case, the article should only be considered an incomplete, whatever impartial and detailed information in it.

A certain part of articles in Wikipedia is the created automatically "blanks". In Wikipedia, there are three types of references - to existing articles, still unlocked articles and on external web resources. In order to create a hyperlink to the article, simply when the Wiki markup is made to enter into the title of the article on which you want to refer to, in double square brackets - [[Article Name]]. If the articles on which the reference indicates does not exist, the link will be created, but its text will be red, and not ordinary blue. By activating this link, you can go to the article template and write it, actually adjusting the template.

When any author notes the term in the text or expression as a reference to a non-existent article, a new article is automatically generated in Wikipedia, a new article containing the text: "The article is not written yet, you can write it." The authors, which are held at this link, expand the content of the "pacifiers".

Almost any page of the Wiki site can be edited. In order to make edits to the article, it is necessary:

- make the desired editing to the text of the article;

- In order to control the list of applicants of the entrepreneurs (the "Edit" button);

- Make sure the correctness of the editors, viewing the text of the article (the "Preview" button);

- Fill the "Briefly describe the essence of your edit" field and click the "Write a page" button.

Wikipedia search

Today there are many national Wikipedia and projects. Survey in this set of information resources manually quite laboriously. Qwika is a search engine focused on processing wiki sites. Her task is to cover all major Wikipedias on all fairly common languages, translate them and ensure quick search. To date, the system indexes the following resources:

- English-speaking Wikipedia and all areas of names in its composition (chat, image, user, etc.).

- English-speaking Wikipedia (machine translation of popular Wikipedia in other languages).

- Wikipedia in other languages.

- Tourist project Wikitravel.

- cached versions of all pages in the language of both the original and machine translation.

Gladun Anatoly, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences of the International Scientific and Training

center for Information Technology

and Nanu systems;

Rogushina Julia, Senior Scientific

officer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematics Sciences Institute of Software Nanu

Approximate definition of technology. The technology is usually referred to as the process of processing the starting material in order to obtain a product with predetermined properties at the output.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, we find the following definition: Technology is a "a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, change of state, properties, forms of raw materials, material or semi-finished products carried out in the production process" (1, p. 1338).

However, the technology is not just a "set of methods." Methods are chosen not by chance, and all of them are directed to one single goal - obtaining specific products. From this point of view, a more accurate definition, reflecting the essence of the process, we find in the textbook "Fundamentals of Management" (M.H. Melson et al.), Where the technology is meant "any means of transformation of the source materials - whether people, information or physical Materials to obtain the desired products or services "(2, p. 697). This definition is not accurate enough, since the "any means" can be suitable for the phrase "any means", not only the technological method of production, but also means of production, for example: tools, machines, etc. Nevertheless, the essence of the concept of "technology" in the second definition is more pronounced.

So, the definition of technology that makes up when running scrap view on the problem, it can be formulated as follows: under technology it is necessary to understand the combination and sequence of methods and processes of the transformation of the source materials allowing to obtain products with specified steam meters.

With such a look, the key link of any technology (industrial or social) is a detailed definition of the final result and an accurate achievement of it. The resulting definition is essentially determining the technique. It simply puts a sign of equality between the methodology and technology, which is not entirely legitimate.

This approach to the concept of "technology" does not allow to find differences between the technique and technology. We will try to do this by looking at those approaches that are set out in the pedagogical literature.

Existing approaches to the concept of "learning technology".In psychological and pedagogical literature, you can meet several views of the concept of "technology" somewhat different from each other. The systematization of different points of view allows you to allocate three main approaches to the definition of learning technology.

When the first approach, the technology often imply a private methodology to achieve a separate goal (for example, the technology of testing the skill of the oral account, the technology of organizing group activities, etc.). Equating technology to a private methodology, the authors of this approach rely on one of the most important characteristics of the technology - they emphasize that it is a way to achieve any particular purpose. The use of the concept of "technology" in this sense does not give the pedagogy of something new, does not specify the learning process. Pro comes simply substitution of one concept to others. If I had previously spoke "Methods (or System) V.V. Dvavydov-D.B. Elconina", now in order to shine with his erudition) they say "Technology V.V. Dodavdov-D.B. Elconina." From the change of words the essence of the subject (Systems V.V. Dodavdov-D.B. Elconina) has not changed.

Supporters of the second approach under technology imply a pedagogical system as a whole. However, it should be noted that the most important elements of the pedagogical system, according to the interpretation of V.P.Bespalko, are students and teachers. The technology is the characteristic of the method of learning, which is laid in the pedagogical system and cannot include students and teachers explicitly. Despite the discrepancy between the concepts of "technology" and "pedagogical system", this interpretation of technology is closer to its original meaning, as the technology includes not only a technique (a certain set of rules and methods of activity aimed at achieving a given result, the forms of the process of organizing the process ), but also such an essential element of the pedagogical system as a system of learning tools.

In line with the third approach, the technology is considered not simply as a technique or pedagogical system, but as optimal to achieve a given goal of a methodology or system, as a certain algorithm. It is impossible to say that this glance would be even closer to the initial interpretation of the concept of "technology" -skoree, on the contrary. After all, the technology is a specific method. And methods can be different: fast and slow, new and old. And it was not by chance that the term "modern technology" appeared, which implies the most effective and rapid ways to obtain results at a given level of development of society. The success of many industrial enterprises is that they refuse outdated and inefficient technologies and use new and newest technologies based on the most recent scientific developments. The technology is not the optimal and most effective way, but any method of production (or learning) that meets the requirements of the process techniques.

In addition to the three approaches presented, there are already quite clearly identified in the pedagogical literature, there are a number of others that have not yet been fulleged. Among them is a look at the teaching technology as a method for creating a training program for individual courses from a set of modules (blocks). Each of these modules is the content and methodological developments of some one section of the educational discipline. It is believed that by varying such ready-made modules (blocks), rearranged by them in places, the teacher can achieve the best result. It turns out that learning technology here is called the possibility of rearrangement of various modules. However, such a permutation to name the student's learning technology is not impossible - this is essentially the method of selection of educational material by a teacher, a method for laying the content of the subject. Of course, the material presentation sequence and its qualitative composition are related to methods and methods, since certain methods and techniques can be used to study a certain content. However, no matter how the modules (blocks) changed places, their teaching is usually carried out in line with a single technique, which teacher or educational institution uses in its practice.

As we see the most common in the pedagogical literature of the 90s. Approaches to the concept of "technology" also do not answer the question of its difference from the technique. In order to detect this difference, you need to look at the technology under a different angle of view. Let's do it by contacting the historian of the question.

Initial meaning of the term "technology". The term "technology" is widely used in industry and construction. It is from these two spheres and came to the pedagogy this concept. This transition contributed to the development of information technologies for processing and storage of data (information), which at a certain level of development began to be used in the field of education. Their appearance and intensive development in education led to a rapid spread of new terminology.

For the first time, the term "technology" appeared a few centuries on the ass, during the formation of the industry. This period of development of society is characterized by an increase in machinery, an increase in the volume of products produced in factories, in conditions of higher performance 1RUD. In other words, this is the period of transition from handicraft to machine production. Only with the advent of powerful means of production, the performance of which exceeded the possible productivity of one handicraft, the concept of "technology" occurred.

Consideration of the development history of production suggests that the development of any sphere of human activity occurs on a chain:

Random experience ------- Craft -------- Technology

At the first stage (random experience), a person, facing some kind of phenomenon (experience, reception), only masters him and gets the ability to work with him. At this stage, it does not yet use this phenomenon to ensure its livelihoods. This is a period of initial development of the phenomenon. At the second stage, the stage of developing crafts - a person does not just master this phenomenon, but also by giving him strength, builds a certain type of activity on it, adapts it to ensure its livelihoods. It is during this period that a profession of activity arises (carpenter, potter, fisherman, etc.). At the third stage, society reaches such a level of development, in which mechanisms and technical means are created for the production of any product. It is they who now fulfill the main work on the production of the product. This is the stage of technology.

According to the initial meaning, technology means the production process of products with technical means ~ machines, a group of machine tools, a stream line. Each technologies means the production of a certain product using specific means of production. Any change in a set of means of production (for example, replacement at the milling mills plant on machines with other technical characteristics) leads to a change in the technological chain, characteristics and production parameters, and consequently, to change the technology itself.

The transition from the handicraft production method to industrial means a significant complication of production, since the production of machines that replace people are partially or completely. Technologies are largely dependent on the technical characteristics of the industrial equipment. Therefore, in engineering, it was necessary to complicate and detail the description of each action. A simple description of the sequence of actions used by the artisan (or methodologist in training) is not enough. Moreover, the description of the production process was to make the exact characteristics of each type of technical means of production, since the entire production process is based on these characteristics.

In this way, industrial technology is a certain method of production (formed by the combination and sequence of the use of methods) of any product, built on the use of technical or any other means of production under human control. Moreover, the means of production play the technology dominant role and carry the main load upon receipt of the product. An example is the machine production, fabrics in industry, where dozens of machines producing hundreds and thousands of tissue meters, accounts for one operator.

If you transfer this meaning of the term "technology" into pedagogy, then under learning technology will imply defined a learning method in which the main load on the implementation of the learning function performs a means of training under managing a person. Speaking differently, in the teaching technology, the leading role should be given to the learning tool. With the technology, the teacher does not educate students, but performs the function of controlling a means of learning, as well as the functions of stimulating and coordinating students' activity.

Apparently, the difference between technology and the methodology in the field of education is the same in which the difference between technology and handicraft in the production and construction spheres. This is the difference between high-performance machinery and relatively low-efficient manual labor.

So, in the teaching technologies, the learning agent is most important and leading role.

Structure of learning technology. Consider the structure of student learning technology in elementary school. It includes the following main components (see Fig. 3):

1. Preliminary diagnosis of the level of learning material (not to be confused with the level of student development) and selection of students in classes (groups) with a homogeneous level of existing knowledge and experience. For example, testing of students received in 1 class of students on such criteria as the ability to read and read the speed, the ability to count and write, allows you to distribute first-graders II classes with different levels of preparedness: strong, medium and weak. Training in each of these classes is built in different ways. Conducting classes on the same textbooks, led by amendments to the preparedness of students, with a strong class after a short repetition, quickly go to the development of a new material, and with a weak, in which students almost do not know how to read, study the alphabet and numbers, teach Read and count within a dozen.

The results of the widespread use of preliminary diagnostics in schools when set in the first classes and grouping of beginners learning to classes with the same (or close) level of preparedness proved the need to include this element into practice. Preliminary diagnosis and selection is necessary not only when set in class 1, but also in most cases, at the beginning of the study of any course, the subject. This may be selection in groups to study a foreign language, the passage of psychological training, etc.

2. Motivation and organization of educational activities of students. Motivation is one of the leading directions of the work of the teacher. With the introduction of training technologies, this direction in the work of the teacher is particularly important. The interaction of a student with a means of training does not always bring joy and pleasure, although this is possible (for example, computer games are very attracting students). According to this, the main task of the teacher in the introduction of learning technology is to attract students to educational activities and support this interest.

    Action of training tools. This stage is the actual learning process, carried out through the interaction of students with learning. At this stage, the learning material is mastered by the student at the interaction not with the teacher, as with frontal or individual learning, but with a learning means.

Quality quality assimilation. Technology pays considerable attention to the control process. If, when using the methodology, the focus was on the process of organizing students to develop knowledge and accumulation of experience, then in technology, the components of the organization and control are equivalent - these are two interrelated and complementary blocks of each other. Insufficient attention to any of them leads to a decrease in technology capabilities and an increase in the time-needed time. From this point of view, the learning process schematically can be depicted so (Fig. 1, 2):

Fig. 1. Training process, Fig. 2. The learning process based on the principles built on the technological methodology

It should be noted that the use of training tools (controls, diagnostics, etc.) is possible at any stage of the educational process, however, the technology of learning is only in the case when the learning tool is used at the key stage - the stage of training activities (the third stage) . The use of training tools at all other steps is goporitis only about one degree or another of the technology used.

Fig. 3. Training built as a technological process

Features of technology learning. Any technology used in the social sphere has its own characteristics. For teaching technology, the following features are characterized:

    the uncertainty of the result, the lack of methods and means giving immediately after one cycle of interaction (learning) the required 100% result;

    periodic control over the improved parameter;

    identification and selection of poor;

Additional work with selected, i.e. conducting a repeated cycle of interaction;

Secondary control after additional work;

    in the case of sustainable misunderstanding of students of the new material, the diagnosis of causes of misunderstanding or backlog is also carried out.

Requirementsto Technological process in learning. In the teaching technologies, the degree of achievement of the result (the completion of the learning process) can be determined in two ways. First, controls to obtain an objective assessment, and secondly, the teacher himself. He can evaluate, completed the process or not.

Thus, various degrees of technological processes are characteristic of different processes. With the greatest degree of technological, all stages of the process are carried out by learning. With a minimal degree of technological, the learning process itself can be carried out by means of learning, and control is to conduct a teacher.

In some cases, the learning process containing a significant element of communication and interaction of people can be called a technological process. It becomes possible if:

    learning tools play a leading role in teaching;

    the purpose of learning is diagnosed (indicating the required level of assimilation);

    the achievement of the final result is carried out with an accuracy of at least 70uo (for this level of absorption).