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Where to find action in Photoshop CS6. Action in Photoshop: What it is, how to install and how to use

Action are indispensable assistants of any photoshop wizard. Actually, the action is a small program that repeats the recorded actions and applies them to the currently open image.

Action can perform color correction photos, apply any filters and effects to pictures, create crashes (covers).

These assistants in the network lies a vast amount, and choose the action for their needs will not be difficult, just to gain a request to "download action for ..." in the search engine. Instead of dull, you need to enter the destination program.

In this lesson, I will show how to use action in Photoshop.

And they are extremely simple to use them.

First you need to open a special palette called "Operations". To do this, go to the menu "Window" And we are looking for an appropriate item.

The palette looks quite usually:

To add a new action, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the palette and select the menu item "Download Operations".

Then, in the window that opens, we are looking for the downloaded action in the format .atn. and click "Download".

Action will appear in the palette.

Let's take advantage of them and see what happens.

We open the folder and see that the action consists of two operations (steps). We highlight the first and click on the button "Play".

Action is running. After completing the first step, we see the screen of our tablet, where you can place any image. For example, this is a screenshot of our site.

Then we run the second operation in the same way and as a result we get such a pretty tablet:

The whole procedure took no more than five minutes.

On this, everything, now you know how to set an action in Photoshop CS6, and how to use such programs.

Hello everyone, dear friends! I thought here and decided that I would enough to idle. It's time to do things. And today I would like to continue to engage in photoshop, namely action. Remember, we already talked about? Then go further. Since the theory we studied, then it's time to go to practice.

And just today we are with you and learn how to use the action in Photoshop. It is necessary to know, since this feature will be very useful for those who deal with routine work, or for those who do not want or can not somehow be a special processing photo. You are ready? Then we went!

How to create and upload actions, I will tell you in the following lessons, and today I will show you how to do everything using built-in operations. So keep your photoshop.

Standard work

As a result, you will receive an already processed image, that is, around the picture it appeared imitation of a wooden frame. What you would need for at least 10 minutes, is made literally in a few seconds and for a couple of clicks. Great, yes?

But sometimes it happens that you need to handle several or many photos to the same way. How then to be in this case? Everything is simple!

Working with multiple images

Very often it is necessary to fit a lot of files for the same style. For this, batch processing is used. Immediately I say, there is nothing complicated here, so you kicked up your fingers and go ahead!

Batch processing

After that, all these images in the already processed version will open. It will only remain to save them.Such a function thus simplifies all this routine work.

By the way, you can make all this cottage in general on a full automaton, so that not only automatic actions were made, and the final pictures would have been preserved. But I will tell about it better in my nearest articles when I will consider specific examples.


And of course I can't not consider such a wonderful way, like working with droplets. Droplet is a small program you created, which is created in Photoshop and works through it. It can be said that this is a saved action settings file. Let's look at all this in practice, using the same "sepia".

Now let's try it. To do this, close your photoshop and go to the folder where you saved the resulting file. He will be in the form of a shooter. Now you need to take all the pictures you want packet to handle, clamp left button Mice and transfer directly to this icon.

After that, Photoshop itself will open, and your images will be downloaded immediately and processed. Also a cool thing. Moreover, this file you can always carry with you, and open on any other computer.

But if you are not very well versed in Photoshop, I recommend you to see excellent video course about this theme. It describes everything in detail, and there is no water, everything is only in the case. And the main thing is that everything is told by a simple and understandable human language.

Well, it seems to be all that I wanted to tell about the direct use of action. I hope that you liked the article and she was useful for you. If so, do not forget to subscribe to the updates of my blog, then you will definitely be aware of all the most interesting. Well, I'm waiting for you again on the pages of my blog. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

Today you will learn how to use acts act adobe Program Photoshop. . First, let's figure it out what action is? Action is essentially a set of consecutive operations recorded in one set. Let's take a look at an example of action action. At the beginning, create a document, write the text or insert the image, then open a window with action, select from the list what you want to make a cover for DVD Disc or 3D box and press the start button, after which it comes to serial execution of all necessary operations. After a few seconds you will receive a ready-made version of what you wanted to achieve. And you did not make any effort.

Of course, you can create your own action. Suppose in your work you often use reflection for text, to start creating new document, I will write arbitrary text. Then open the Actions window, click the Create New Action button, set the name and click on the recording button, then start repeating the text reflection, after completing, press the stop button. All the actions we did consistently recorded. Now you can experience your action. To do this, take a clean document again, we write the text, select your only one hundred created action, press the start, and voila, the reflection of the text is done by itself, and you look and enjoy the result obtained.

Consider another example of creating action.

1. Take any picture. I took this:

2. Open the window Actions and click on a small triangle in the upper right corner:

3. Select from the list of action the one that we need. If you want to add a new action, then click on the button. Load. And specify the path to your action. I chose a shark creating a 3D box. So you have chosen action, it usually consists of two steps, you just choose STEP 1. And Zhmete start:

4. That's what happened to me:

5. Now I will insert our initial image on this box and write some text:

6. Probably, you have already noticed a vertical line in the drawing. It will bend the box. Those. From the front we will have a knight, and on the side of the inscription Play Station 3. After, go to step 2 - STEP 2.and press the button start. During the execution of the operation, look at the panel of the layers, layers are created there, something changes. This is what you do not have to do yourself. At the end of the session, you will see about this result:

How is it impressive? I hope I clearly explained how it works. Use action and save a bunch of time.

Photoshop rightfully can be called one of the most sought-after and best. graphic editorswhich will never lose its popularity. Professionals know that work with this program can be simplified and accelerated, if you carefully study all its chips and opportunities. Only novice users will be interested to know that many processes can be automated and put on the stream without spending their precious time on them. And according to this, the favorite Actions feature in this.

Newbies who have not yet understood how extensive is the Photoshop program and how thought about its functions will be surprised by the fact that the basic theme and the basis in the study of this software will be working with action: these "helpers" will significantly simplify the process of working with images, and also provide The ability to concentrate on other, less typical tasks. We will talk about action in the article.

What is action in Adobe Photoshop?

Actions translated from English means "action", "Behavior". This translation poorly explains the essence of action, but gives a hint: it means working with all the actions that you make with the image.

The task of the action function is to save all stages of image processing in a specified order in the photoshop memory, and then use the saved template for other works. As a result - we no longer spend time on the execution of all the processing stages alternately, and use the finished solution created on all suitable parameters.

The word "Actions" is used in the English-language version of the program, but in the Russian version the tool will be called the "Operations" palette. But for many users, the Russian version of "action" was fixed, so be prepared for remembering and using all three options. In the program itself, you will initially find several "generic" action, which are aimed at simplifying basic actions. At the bottom of the window you will meet several functions for managing operations, among which "stop the action", "write a new", "Play", "Create a folder", "Create an operation" and "Delete". It is this lower panel that will allow us to produce basic manipulations with action.

Open the "Operations" palette you can choose the "window" - "Operations". For hot-keys for hotkeys simple combination Alt + F9.

We use action in Photoshop

Using Actions B. Adobe Photoshop.We, thereby write down all actions performed on the image, in a specific order. So we will not have to repeat the same manipulation anymore, because now there is a template with that processing option to use for several pictures.

Action for the logo is one of the most frequent ways to apply this tool. When we need to add our company logo and text to the photo, then you do not need to create them from scratch every time performing routine Actions. We write the sequence only once, and using one button will always be applied: for this you need to click the write button and proceed to creating an object. It can be the creation of a text layer and inscriptions, the use of the necessary styles of the layer and effects. Once all the actions for creating a logo are made - recording can be stopped. Now the sequence is fixed in the "Operation" panel! It remains only to open the following photo, click on the necessary action and "reproduce". As you can see, now for the placement of the logo on the photo you spend only some a few seconds.

Photoshop is able to record each, even the most slight action, saving the exact sequence and all settings. If there are operations that you plan to enjoy on an ongoing basis, then you can attach to the hot keys - it will speed up even more work. All you need for this, it is twice to click on a specific action, thereby opening the "Operation Parameters" dialog box. With it, you can assign keys from the "Function key" list. Immediately choose the second key, which will create a combination.

If you are a photographer or just a lover of doing a variety of frames, the function will open you a stunning opportunity to process all frames in a single style in the shortest possible time. For example, you can change the size or execute several pictures at once. Meet the "BATCH" function ("Party"). To start it, use the "File" path - "Automation" - " Batch processing". All you need is to specify the folder in which the desired images are collected, as well as the folder to which all edited options will be collected. Here you also specify the necessary action that we want to apply to the pictures. And all - treatment goes by itself, your participation is no longer needed.

Create action in photoshop

Let's go back to the location of the logo in the photo and consider on its example how to create actions in Adobe Photoshop. The first thing to do is to create new folder With action on the "Operations" palette. Give her a memorable name to simplify its search in the window. The step can be skipped if the folder is already created (some use standard "default operations"). The desired logo let it be created in advance in the format of the graphic file. Do not forget about the transparent layer, which gently supplies the object into the image.

In order to start recording your actions, click on "Create a new script": so the window opens in which you can specify the name of the operation, select hot key and color. The latter is needed to quickly define the desired operation. Now you can begin to perform actions in a strictly observed order - they have already begun to record our new action. In order to understand whether the record began - just take a look at the "Operations" palette: in the bottom of the window there should be a red button that talk about activity.

Now select the desired image and open the object (that is, the logo) in Photoshop: "File" - "Place". Place the object in the desired image place and adjust the logo size using the tags in the corners. If necessary, you can add some transparency: in the layer settings with the logo, we set the desired percentage in "transparency". Now the time to combine the layers between themselves: click on the layer and in the pop-up menu, select "Run a mixer". All you have - choose a folder to save the object and click "Stop". Ready "Your Personal Action is ready to use it as quickly as possible in other photos.

It is worth noting that any of the steps of creating action can be disabled: a stop will occur at such a moment, and the program will wait for the next action.

Keep in mind that sometimes a photo can be caught, which is not suitable for size to your object - then the result will turn out to be awkward. All due to the fact that the action is capable only to strictly observe the actions that you have appointed them, and at the same time they are not at all able to adapt to other conditions.

How to install action?

The number of features that you can install in your photoshop are countless. Some professional designers and retausers sell them on their sites, and someone distributes free of charge to everyone. There are even pirated copies of those action games that are not so easy to get at an adequate price. It does not matter how you got one or another template - it's time to learn them in the program.

Consider the only and very simple way to install action in Photoshop - with the "Operations" palette. Open it using the "window" - "operations" or key combination Alt + F9. In the palette menu, you will find the "Download operation" button: Click on it and open the Explorer dialog box in which you will be offered to choose a place in which the saved action is stored. By the way, its format must be strictly ATN, otherwise nothing will work. Now click the "Download" button and enjoy the result - immediately after loading the template is ready for use!

Useful teams in the "Operations" palette

The window has a number of keys that we have not talked about, but help from which will be indispensable for any amateur Adobe Photoshop:

  • "Clear" allows you to remove all Actions from the palette, leaving it empty;
  • "Restore" will help return the "Operations" palette into its original state, leaving only the generic folder "default operations";
  • "Replace" reminds on its function the "Download" key: the difference is only that this command will delete all previous patterns, leaving only loaded;
  • "Save" will help maintain a new result when making any changes to the palette.

Record controlled action

After all the ases of the use of action are disassembled above, you can begin a more detailed analysis of this tool and additional functions.

If we need to record action with a stop of actions, but so that we have the opportunity to make changes using a certain dialog box, with the closure of which the action would automatically continue to work - how to do it? For example, take a simple case in which you need to carry out such a manipulation: imagine, we need to write the following order in action: insert a text layer - to rip it - open the filter "Blur in Gauss" - add adjustments - apply the layer style to the text. It is important to make that when the "Blur of Gaussian" filter opens, then after pressing OK, the action will continue its actions.

All that we need is to record action in the desired order, following the instructions from the text above. After that, the sequence of all your actions will appear on the palette - we find "Blur in Gauss" on it. To the left of the parameter there is an empty square with a long name "Specifies or cancels the opening of the dialog box": Click on it so that the system will remember your desire to add adjustments to this window. So the managed action is written! It remains only to click on "Playback" and make sure that the result completely coincides with your expectations.

Pause in action playback

Despite the fact that photo package processing may be the same type, which means some settings are applicable to several pictures, all of them may require individual and unique changes: somewhere there is not enough transparency, somewhere taken inappropriate brush or shade. In such cases, you can still use action, but only using the automatic stop function in the place where you need to do something manually. As soon as you make the necessary changes, you need to click on "playback" once again, and the action will complete the work.

You just need to record the entire list of actions, and after finding the places where the pause is required. Highlight the necessary actions so that they caught fire in blue. In the Palette menu, you will find the "Insert Stop" function: by clicking on it, you will open a new dialog box in which, if necessary, you can enter any explanatory text. Here you will notice the "Allow Continue" parameter. Put a tick, and a stop window will appear, two selection buttons will appear: "Continue" (abandon the pause and allow the action to work further) and "stop" (stop the work and enter adjustments manually). If you do not put a tick, then there will be only a stop. Ready - Stop now there is in the list of action!

Creating templates is limited to your fantasy: it can be working with sharpness, overlay effects and much more. Pleasant bonus - action will be recorded in universal formatSo in the future you can share your developments with others.

There is a special feature - action. With it, you can significantly reduce the time of work on the layout. If you, for example, you need to repeat the same actions, you can "remember" in the program due to this option. Then you don't have to click many times, choosing filters and effects. It will be enough to press one button. Observe how to install an action in Photoshop, how to include it, how to create yourself and what, in general, it represents.

It can be done or download from the network, and then add to Photoshop. This feature is useful when working with large-scale projects. It will also be useful if you need to edit a large number of Images.

Action will save you a bunch of time with a robot with Photoshop

Action is a specific set of actions and commands that is saved in the file. It has an extension.ant. It can be downloaded to Photoshop and use if necessary.

For example, you need to change several drawings or photos. Adjust texture, make a shadow, add gradient, customize contrast. If you manually do it with each image, it will take a long time. In order not to spend it, you need to learn how to enjoy action in Photoshop. Then you apply all the parameters instantly, simply selecting the desired function.

Action can be written independently if you know the command sequence. Also, there are similar files on the Internet on specialized sites. To find them, enter in any search engine a request "Download Action for Photoshop". Look, whether the search results are what you need. Or set the file collection immediately.

You can take, for example, Action, which turns the photo to the drawing. Or makes a flickering sign from the usual inscription. Or creates an interesting and unusual background from monochrome sheet.

Why pick up, what range to set the glow, if you can take the experience of designers and artists? You skip long processing hours and immediately get a final result. And for this you do not need to learn to use graphic editors.

How to install action?

  1. Open the "Window" menu and click on "operations" ("Actions"). The same panel appears. Also, it can be caused by the alt + F key combination and turn on, and turn off the tool.
  2. It can already be preset functions. The list is in the "Default" section.
  3. Click on a small icon, which is similar to several horizontal lines with a black arrow. It is in the upper right corner of the tool. Do not confuse it with an icon resembling the rewind button in the player. They are located nearby.
  4. Select "Download" ("Load").
  5. Specify the folder in which the ant file is.
  6. Confirm the installation.
  7. You can simply drag the Action to the Photoshop window.

Action will appear in the list. They can immediately use it. If it is not displayed, try to restart the program.

How to use action?

These functions are activated in the same "operation" panel, in which they could be downloaded.

  1. Click on the layer.
  2. Turn on the "Operations" panel.
  3. In the action list, select the desired one.
  4. Click on the "Run Active Operation or Team" button. It looks like a "Start" or "Play" icon - a triangle, a vertex indicating to the right.
  5. Wait until all settings are applied.

How to make your action?

Here's how to write action in Photoshop:

  1. Open the "Operations" panel.
  2. Click on the button with horizontal strips. She is up to the right. The operation menu appears.
  3. Click on " New operation"(" New Action ").
  4. In the "Name" field ("Name") write the name of the future action.
  5. In the "Set" list, select the directory to be Action.
  6. To create your partition, in the operation menu in advance, select the "New Set" item.
  7. You can set keyboard reductions to call this function.
  8. When you configure everything, click "Record" ("Record").
  9. Start executing commands and steps for action. Add levels, masks, corrective layers. Do what planned.
  10. After that, click on the Stop button ("Stop"). She looks like a square. Located below the panel. A similar option is in the operation menu.
  11. Save the processed pattern. Navigate to File - Save for Web (File - Save for Web).
  12. The action itself will be placed in the main directory of the program in the \\ PRESETS \\ ACTIONS subdirectory.
  13. It can be removed or get rid of its individual parts. To do this, in the list of operations, select the desired Action or command inside it and click on the trash can image. It cannot be done during recording.

It is useful to learn how to add an action to photoshop. With him, you are much faster by finish the layout or drawing. No need to spend time on the same teams. You can immediately see the result, without selecting the parameters yourself. Why do you do boring and monotonous work? If you have not found a suitable action, or you have a very specific set of actions, you can write it as an action file and use fully used.