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Ready CMS. Best Free Machine for Online Store

The era of free business and a huge number of startups give rise to demand for Internet promotion. Even the older generation representatives are less likely to refer to newspapers in search of the necessary goods and services, many are looking for information on the network. Youth without the Internet can not do without the day, and some are sitting in social networks and on various resources are no longer. That is why it is important to create a memorable and most convenient site for the project.

Online store requirements

The site will bring income only if the buyer does not have to bother with the search for the necessary information, and the execution of the transaction can be made in several clicks. I went to the site - I saw the right product - I threw it in the basket - I paid.

Here are some important requirements:

  • the most simple and convenient transition from one section to another;
  • sorting goods and services that gives the buyer to select the necessary, based on its preferences on producers and needs;
  • systematically updated news about updates and announcements of the company;
  • accommodation among the newsflow of posts on topical promotions and special offers;
  • ease of throwing the right position in the shopping cart, as well as the work itself with this basket;
  • understandable design and payment of the order;
  • offer register in the system, which gives its advantages for both regular buyers and website owner.

Creating a branded site

To create an online store, you need a motion that ensures the achievement of the tasks. What to choose a convenient engine for an online store? In professional circles, such a platform is called CMS, which is decrypted as Content Management System. Simply put, this is something that will allow you to create a skeleton of the site, lay out the necessary information and edit it as needed.

Every year developers offer more and more CMS for online stores, as business management via the network is gaining popularity. The primary task of the web programmer is to choose the best of the large amount of proposals. Overview of the engines for the online store will be presented below.

Types of CMS for online store

All CMS can be divided into three types:

  • Commercial character, or boxes. Such designers are developed in order to further sell licenses for their use or technical support services. With this engine, you can create your own website yourself without resorting to the help of expensive specialists.
  • Free access programs are also known as Open-Source CMS. They can not only be used at their discretion, but also to refine to taste and post on the Internet again.
  • CMS with limited access. The product is intended only for local use based on the developer studio. Get the program for an ordinary user will not work.

Obviously, the first two types are best suited for a wide audience.

Ranking Dvizhkov

The online store is important uninterrupted work. If the site will constantly lag and fall, no one wants to deal with the seller, even if it proposes the most favorable conditions.

Inside each view, the popular engines of online stores can be distinguished:

  • In the commercial category in the first place there is 1C-Bitrix, then the UMI.cms, Netcat go. A total of about 22 paid engines for online stores. Of these, CS-Cart, Shop-Script, DataLife Engine, Imagecms Shop, are gaining momentum.
  • Among free access programs, WordPress stands out on a general background. Joomla!, PrestaShop, CMS Made Simple also received a high rating of users.

Briefly about 1C "Bitrix"

Consideration of the engines to create an online store is worth starting with a common program 1C "Bitrix". To the 1C family, this program has a mediocre attitude. The "1C" prefix appeared thanks to a joint project organized in 2008 by the owners of two companies. From June 16, 2017, "Bitrix 24" is also distinguished as a result of the transition of a subsidiary enterprise to Ukraine.

Advantages and disadvantages

In search of a response to the question of which engine is better to choose for an online store, an important factor will be the availability of a training material. On the official website of 1C-Bitrix posted special online courses on working with the program. In general, the pros and cons will be completely in any product, it all depends on the mood and loyalty of the developer.

1C "Bitrix" - the best engine for the online store, if:

  • there is a need to integrate the site with a list of products from 1C;
  • the site developer carefully studied the simplest and accessible options and is ready to apply them, not inventing new techniques (at least at the initial stage);
  • there is a need for severe protection against hacks;
  • work is carried out with hosting, able to withstand the load in more than 10 thousand visits per day;
  • the budget allows you to hold a paid system update.

Despite negative feedback on this program, perhaps this is the best engine for the online store.

Acquaintance with WordPress

The second by the relevance of CMS for the online store is WordPress. Thanks to the openness, this program can be converted based on your own preferences. In addition, WP is a free engine for the online store.

The advantages of WordPress include:

  • easy in mastering an interface that does not require special skills in the site building;
  • ease of finding a solution to a problem or question arising from the program;
  • the ability to prescribe keys for search engines and teletexts;
  • a set of modules that allow you to configure the site template "for yourself";
  • programming the source code of the site in order to increase its uniqueness.

Cons work with WordPress

When you need to choose a reliable engine for an online store, it is useful to know what a program can be from the program. Frequent complaints on WordPress arise for the following reasons:

  • the design and function of the site can be somewhat limited with time;
  • not all learning literature is available in Russian, in some cases will have to remember English;
  • compared to the 1C Bitrix online store engine, Wordpress does not have a high degree of protection against hacker attacks.

Working problems with the designer

Among the so-called shortcomings of the program, it is simply difficult moments periodically arising in the site development process:

  • The use of a large number of plugins overloads the site, as a result of which the server restarts, and the hosting owners simply disable it for a while.
  • The high traffic of visitors leads to the singing site. The problem is eliminated if it is close to engage in optimization.
  • When a broken acquaintance with WordPress may have difficulty issuing a site in the search engine. However, it is enough to deepen in the study of the functionality of the designer, and the first lines are provided.
  • Updates should be carried out only after pre-storing backups of the site. Otherwise, you will have to work at all without the updates of the engine.
  • While this is a fairly simple engine, for the online store, it is perfect only if it does not use too large data arrays and plug-ins.

CMS vs fullhosted

Which engine to choose for an online store - WordPress or Bitrix? Neither one nor another satisfy the requests of modern virtual supermarkets to fully. So, what engine to choose for an online store? Most often, users choose Magento CE and Woocommerce, the second line to the PrestaShop, Shopify, Magentoee, Virtuemart. We must not forget about the leaders of e-commerce sites: Drupal and Joomla!

There is also a decent alternative to CMS - Fullhosted. The designer offers a virtually ready-made website, which only needs to place their contacts and catalog of goods and services. Simply simple, but at the same time, the site can get lost among yourself of the like.

The differences between the CMS from Fullhosted are the following principles of the device and work:

  • Unlike the usual engine, with fullhosted it is more comfortable to work with beginners or those who do not want to spend time on the deep elaboration of the site. On the other hand, the uniqueness of the seller's virtual business card is lost. A competitor can also use the same pattern or the same picture.
  • Budget savings Thanks to free hosting or technical support, which usually offer Wix, and UCoz, is undoubtedly a great advantage over Joomla! And other. But there is a reverse side of the medal: the unwillingness to spend money on hosting is deprived of the opportunity to change it at any time.
  • Advertising is also an important factor to pay attention to, choosing, on which engine is better to do an online store. Full-featured assistants offer the prospect of making a site into the resource list created on their basis. CMS will lay out all the concerns about promotion and advertising on the shoulders of a businessman.

Magento for shopping

Which engine to choose for an online store? The first place in the rating of popular CMS is held by Magento. The program is divided into two options for use: as a paid and free engine for an online store. Live work with the engine is not difficult thanks to the official forum, but only if a person knows English. The program itself has a Russian-speaking version. Nevertheless, a non-specialist work with the designer of the trouble will not deliver. It provides for sales, orders, tracking the status of their execution and delivery, billing, contracting, tax accounting.

The service of internal analytics will prompt, with what links buyers came to the resource, which buttons they were interested in most, what information are opening more often, and what are not looking at all. Adjusting the visibility of active clients will make it possible to make a schedule of laying out fresh news and new products. The advantages also include the possibility of sorting goods by category, setting the search button for the necessary among the overall list and inclusion of comments and services.

WooCommerce as part of WordPress

The exchange of experience with this designer is possible both in Russian and in English, since he has two official forums. Perhaps, these are all buns that WooCommerce gives. Without integration of special applications to the site, it will not be possible to make analytics of transitions and the activity of buyers. The choice of plug-ins and other development tools is very limited. In the purchase mode, the client can except the account and make delivery.

The first engine marketing is stronger than the options for establishing price rules for the directory and baskets, ready-made textiles, the presence of Google map and the URL rules. Supplement to WordPress does not boast of such arsenal. All that can be done on his platform is to add an information post, make a coupon or distinguish a permanent link.

Forward penguins!

On the official website of the developer of the Guest Designer, a friendly penguin meets, who will be happy to tell about all the benefits of working with PrestaShop. Website booking offers for free to use analysts, marketing services, all sorts of settings and plugins, without limiting yourself. Penguin will show how to analyze the stream of customers, fix their favorite tabs, will present the most popular goods, will calculate the average cost of the basket and many other economic operations.

For effective trade in goods requiring delivery, there is a formation of commodity and transport invoices, accounts, returns, a list of carriers, tax accounting, tracking goods on the way. Just like Magento, PrestaShop took care of the sorting of goods in catalogs, fast search, the establishment of price rules for the basket. Get acquainted with like-minded people and communicate with them in Russian and English-speaking forums. Who likes what else.


Which engine to choose for an online store? Decent attention, but not much different from Magento, Shopify guarantees you the development of English azes, as the Russian-speaking forums are not enough, they are poorly developed. In addition, to administer will also have to be in English. There is no free designer. If, when choosing a move for the online store, the dreams stopped at Shopify, you will have to lay at least $ 29 per month in the budget expenditure article. There are 14 days demo version.

Buying a profile on Shopify allows you to change the name of the store, domain, payment system, set up navigation at your discretion, as well as access to a wide selection of free plugins.

CMS underwater stones

Fast, cheap, light, with a huge number of CMS plugins gained popularity among users thanks to its positive qualities. No need to have a programmer's education to deal with the site setup: All colors in templates are already combined, and the most frequently used sections are distributed through the site pages. A couple of days before the monitor of the computer - and anyone can be taken for processing orders entering the Internet.

Any disadvantage in the right angle turns the advantage, but the rule works in reverse order. For a beginner, it is often completely superfluous by the abundance of plugins offered by popular CMS. It would be nice to figure out at least with a couple. At the same time, it is necessary to be extremely neat when using one or another expansion, since one incorrect movement will lead to serious damage.

Difficulties arise and when promoting sites built on fashionable engines. The fact is that the resource is perceived as an unreliable source, unwanted to broadcast in the mass. With the security of sites, too, everything is quite sad. Hack the resource whose architecture knows even a schoolboy is easier than simple.

Weighing for and against

Depending on the goals and plans for the future for the electronic supermarket, the method of its design is selected. Having considered the shortcomings of CMS, it can be concluded that it is better to develop a site yourself and do not break your head over how to get into the tops of the search engines. But not everything is so simple.

Yes, there are privileges. A full-fledged site owner can manage it as he thinks: to translate from one host on another, changing domains, renamed. Installation on such an additional plugin site will not create reasons for headaches. And the architecture of the site does not cause the desire to break the sake of interest, and in the case of trying to take it to do it quite difficult.

  • Mandatory study of PHP, JavaScript languages \u200b\u200band others. We will have to spend a lot of time to figure out how everything is arranged, and find out the features of software linguistics.
  • A lot of time will be required to think about the structure of the site, as well as writing the code itself.
  • The cost of developing a site for the needs of the entrepreneur can do in a rather round sum, if the entrepreneur itself does not wish to delve into the fineness of the art of web programming. Master time is estimated expensive.

The author's site (if only it is performed qualitatively and at a fairly high level, and also satisfies the needs of users) - it is almost one hundred percent guarantee of success, but also the shortcomings of this performance. Each entrepreneur will have to independently decide whether to order the development of the website of the online store on a "self-written" engine or it is better to choose a less individual, but a proven version in the form of a finished content management system.

In addition to the development of the site itself, by the way, it is worth a significant attention to paying the resource. The goods sold should be in demand, otherwise the venture will progrit, and the purchase or development of the engine will fly into a penny businessman. The user should be convenient to use the site, you should consider the search algorithm, filters, place a block with similar, recommended purchases, reviews, ratings on the product card. You must not forget about the content content of the resource - the cards should be filled as much as possible.

We present the next selection - the top 10 best CMS for the online store.

You decided to start trading on the net. This is an excellent solution that will withdraw your business to a new level. For sales on the Internet you need a platform - online store. It will be your "shopping point" to which you will attract potential buyers and offer them our products.

What you need to decide right away - on the basis of which your site will work. Outputs are two - development from scratch or creating a site on CMS.

The latter is preferable because:

  • website development on CMS, as a rule, cheaper;
  • it saves time - the site on the finished CMS to create faster;
  • easier Find a developer who knows how to work with the system;
  • ready solutions Specked by time and other users are usually stable, and updated regularly.

It remains only to choose a good CMS for your future online store. What we now and do!

How and what CMS to choose for the store

First you need to decide on the criteria for the "heart" evaluation criteria. Relying on them, you can choose a solution that is perfect for your needs.

1. Price. We have already told, what . But besides the cost of the program itself, you need to pay attention to the cost of the programmer. If, for example, WordPress specialist can be found inexpensive, then the Drupal specialist will already take more expensive for his work, since the engine is much more difficult.

2. P.growth of work (This means adding content). There are engines simple for understanding, with a clear editor and easy administrator. There are such, working in which only one who already knows what is happening here. Also pay attention to such parameters as a massive price change and generally editing cards. Is there any automated solution for this, or you need to do everything manually.

3. Number of functions. What do you want - a simpler solution or a squeezed thing with a lot of all? But see not on your Wishlist, but first of all for the needs of your business. If the successful sale of your product is enough for descriptions, several photos and characteristics - there is no need to pay more for the complex system.

4. Import / Export goods. Please note that it is easy to upload to the site of suppliers and unload them from there. Because manually edit 1000 items you just can't.

5. Integration with third-party services. Work with warehouse programs, such as 1C, and want to import and export goods from there? There are such engines that support it.

6. Easy to support and edit templates. If every time you go to add or remove some block, you have to access the programmer - you will run on supporting such a site. Look, whether you have the opportunity to move blocks, set up pagination, etc. Alone.

7. Payment and delivery methods in stock default. The engine must be able to count the cost of the goods, and contain by default its own modules of popular systems of receiving payments and delivery calculation.

8. Available Lie integration with Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics. The engine must be integrated with these systems in "E-commerce" mode - this will help you track the mass of useful sales data and not only.

9. Opportunity add administrators with different access rights. You will definitely work on the site with someone else. And it's not always that someone else needs full access rights - it's often enough to limit yourself to what it needs for his work, and that's it. If you can configure access rights on the site - this is a huge plus engine.

These are the basic parameters, the main criteria to pay attention to when selecting CMS.

Top 10 best CMS for online store

Let's look at the top ten best CMS, on the basis of which you can create an online store.

Mr. Automation.

This is a universal paid software solution, on the basis of which you can create various projects. But this engine has a huge advantage - integration with 1C: Enterprise in real time. Here, the online store orders management function is well implemented, there is its own built-in CRM.

Another bonus is automated work with delivery services. The engine allows you to automatically send a delivery request and even track the state of the parcel.

On the basis of this CMS, you will receive an excellent multifunctional online store, but you can hardly cope with its support and configuration you can hardly. Its setting is quite complex, as well as editing templates - do not do without a programmer.

"Mr. Flexibility."

Free engine, open source, designed specifically for online stores. You can configure automatic backups on it, that is, the database saving is to protect you from accidental deletion of important information. The default calculation of the cost of delivery and the cost of the order with the taxes. Different types of payments and calculations can be configured using additional modules.

And in general, the store on the basis of this engine can be turned into anything, and expand to anything. At your service more than 8.5 thousand paid and free modules - do not want to play. But what about the development of the administrative panel - light and simple, you won't call it.

"Mr. Ready decision."

This is a script for the online store, which in its initial, basic version has everything you need to work normally normally and execute all the functions you need. In addition, the engine has even additional modules, if you want something else.

Probably, little on which engine is so convenient to control the goods. Here you can create directories and disconnect goods massively. DownloadCSV to import products, create invoices and delivery receipts, and even sell uploaded goods. You can configure integration with CRM systems and analytics systems.

There is everything you need to customize delivery, and the most popular types of payment.

In this case, you can configure the rights of access to the system for different administrators.

The engine is stable, protected and is constantly developing by the forces of enthusiasts from around the world.

"Mr. Consistency."

A universal free engine, on which, thanks to the WooCommerce module, you can create a completely functional online store. Very clear and simple admin. Templates and everything else can be configured independently. Easily integrated with almost any systems. You can configure access rights for different users.

One big minus engine - almost for all you need to connect separate plugins, extensions (but there are a huge amount of them, and you can find a ready-made solution for almost any Wishlist). And if you have a lot of them - it can start to slow down.


"Mr. Easy".

Also a versatile and free engine that can be transformed into an online store using the VirtueMart extension.

This engine is offered more than eight thousand different extensions. Therefore, it can be turned into anything. There is a delimitation of access rights for different users. The setting and control is simple, has a clear and understandable structure.

But this engine needs to be constantly updated, and it is not suitable for complex solutions or store with a rich set of functions. It is better to stop the choice on it if you have a small project yet.


"Mr. Freedom."

A freely distributed engine, on the basis of which you can create anything, including an online store with a variety of products. The basic version supports popular payment systems. The administrative panel is simple and understandable, despite the huge set of functions. You can configure document management control.

Of the minuses - a small set of patterns, that is, the design does not specify the design. But if you have a good programmer in your team - he will be able to make anything on this engine, even rewrite an administrative panel under itself.

Mr. Mysnitsa.

Paid domestic CMS, which is constantly developing and converts with new features. It has a wide functionality, easily connects to various CRM and analytics systems.

To create an online store, this engine has a separate module - "Online Store". It allows you to integrate with 1C and my warehouse, set up various types of delivery, calculation currency, automatically pulls up the exchange rate of the central bank, allows you to export goods for Yandex.Market, printing commodity forms and much more.

As a result, you get an excellent online store with all the necessary functions.

Mr. Convenience.

Another popular CMS, the feature of which is the simplicity of management of the site for the end user. To understand the administrative panel can even full kettle. As a result, you can save on the support of the site - you will not need to bring the developer every time to solve elementary tasks.

The system has tremendous opportunities for setting up design for every taste, and a large selection of ready-made patterns. There is a unique opportunity to edit content right on the site.

Of the advantages of the engine - integration with Yandex.Market, "1C: Enterprise", "My Warehouse". There is a free mobile application for online store owners, which will help manage orders directly from the smartphone.

"Mr. Protection."

This is a professional online store management system. It can boast a simple administrative panel, high stability to loads and hacks. There are built-in features for shares. The system is easily integrated with 1C, allows you to import and export prices, configure and distinguish between access rights, independently manage individual blocks without developer help, and much more. There is everything you need to configure payments and delivery. Integrates with analytics systems.

If you decide to make sales through the Internet, this is a great solution.

"Mr. All-in-One."

This is a constructor in which everything is to create an online store. In addition to the cloud solution, there is a full-fledged engine. Equipped with detailed sales reports, you can accept online and offline payments, there is everything for SEO-promotion.

The engine is free only for developers.

There are applications for iOS and Android, built-in CRM, calculating the cost of delivery, integration with 1C, my warehouse, Yandex. Delivery and Yandex.Market, and much more.


As you can see, the choice of CMS for the online store is huge. And each system has its advantages over the rest.

However, it is possible to choose at least two leaders personally for yourself. If you need a simple, small online store, the content of which is cheap - choose Wordpress or Joomla!. If you have your own developer (or you yourself developer and love to mess around with the code) - you will suit MODX. If simplicity of site management is important for you - stop the selection on CS-Cart or UMI.cms. Appreciate the functionality? For you Shop-script 7, Netcat or Prestashop. OpenCart and 1C Bitrix are suitable for large "outlets".

Now it remains to decide who you are prettier. While you think - save yourself this selection, so as not to lose!

Hello to all my readers. We continue the topic of opening your online store and soon there will be a number of articles. In one of the past articles, I wrote that it was possible or an online store on the Nethaus constructor. But, as I said, the designer is suitable for performing absolutely free to test a niche or some product. If you want a full-fledged online store, then designers are hardly suitable and will need to do their own website. And for this you will need to choose a free engine for an online store (CMS).

In this article, I will cite examples of the two most common, simple and convenient engines in my opinion for your future online store. With their help, you can make a full-fledged, functional online store. So, let's begin!

Free engines for online store

What is the engine or CMS? This is an online store management system. There are a lot of free CMS, but we will consider today only two engines, because they are the most simple and ratio of "functionality - simplicity of use" in my opinion are just perfect. And we will consider OpenCart and Prestashop with you. I will not particularly compare them, but we will analyze some characteristics and give examples of sites on these engines below.

CMS data capabilities

These engines have:

  • The presence of a Russified version
  • The presence of the Russian community
  • Availability of Russian installation / work documentation with the system
  • Design templates Free and paid

Work with content

  • news
  • Visual editor to work with content
  • Ability to create information pages

Work with goods

  • The ability to synchronize with software 1c
  • Import and export of goods (Excel)
  • Comparison of goods
  • Export to Yandex.Market, etc.
  • Filter by characteristics
  • Reservation of goods (PrestaShop only)

Registration of orders

  • Using promotional products
  • Ordering without registration (very convenient)
  • Connecting the payment systems of Russia

Work with SEO.

  • SEO Site Optimization
  • CNC (understandable url)

Work on increasing sales

  • Opportunity to make a affiliate on the site
  • Connecting to Social Networks
  • Email mailing

As you can see, the functional data of the engines were not sentenced, but these are not only basic functions, but also taking into account the additions that are very much.

Where to download and see site examples

OpenCart. You can download and view installation instructions HERE and on forum.

Prestashop. You can download and view installation instructions HERE and on HERE. There you can see examples of shops.

Buy good and beautiful topics (design templates) HERE For Open card I. HERE For the prestress.

How to create an online store step by step

  1. We register a domain name and buy hosting. Detailed instructions in the article.
  2. Install the engine on hosting and domain. This can be done via FTP or through the hosting installer. Through the installer 100 times easier!
  3. We buy or download a free topic (template) by links that I indicated above. We install it and your design (if not unique) is!
  4. We make a logo or order from the designer.
  5. We establish additional extensions for the store that you can download or buy on the forums, links to which I threw up above.
  6. We bind payment systems. This is also done through expansion mainly. If you have a store as I have only for one city, then payment systems are not needed, I have no. What are the payment systems, I will tell in one of the following articles.
  7. Fill the store with goods.

And voila! Shop ready!


The conclusion from all this can be done next. You can, as well as I, independently make an online store for almost free. If there are no specific knowledge, then better contact the knowledgeable. I myself use OpenCart, but this does not mean that you also need to use it, you can choose both the prestress or absolutely other online store management systems and work with it. Why did I suggest them? Because they are simple, functional, completely free, there are not expensive and free extensions and topics, in general everything you need for a quick start and the further development of your future online store. Thank you for your attention and wait for your questions and offers in the comments.

2 votes

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about what engine to create a better to create a site. This is a very important question, because many people prefer complex programs, and therefore lose time on study and begin to earn much later than they could. Others lose interest in creating the site as a whole, as it is not possible to quickly see the financial benefits or feeling too powerful pressure on intelligence.

Unfortunately, you have to choose at that moment when you are not very familiar with the construction of the site from scratch, and this question is incredibly significant and there is a number of reasons. But let's go about everything in order ().

Scary stories about codes and work with engines

Any site consists of two elements. Materials - texts, pictures and videos. The design that helps accommodate all these components so that the reader is convenient and pleasant to perceive all this information.

Site engine - This is a program that is also called CMS or platform. It helps to place your materials, even locally, easy and simple, and also work on the design.

In the pictures below you can see several CMS examples.

This is how the bitrix administrator panel looks like.

Or WordPress.

Now I scare you a little. This is how the code looks like one of the pages of the site. Here it is not fully shown, only a small part.

Experienced programmers know how to write these codes on their own, in notebook. Of course, they do not know all codes by heart, but in search of the necessary materials goes not so much time. The developers pour a text document with these doodles on hosting and their beautiful site appears ().

Although they often think about whether it is worth doing. Is it no better to insert your code into a powerful engine. After all, people will work with the portal, and many do not want to learn HTML, PHP, CSS, etc. to add an article. That's how it will look if you use only HTML encoding designed for web documents.

CMS Content Management Systems allow you to forget the use and study of scary symbols. You just need to enter text in the right field, and the program itself will put all codes. You will not even know about it if you don't want!

Why then do people study the code? It gives more opportunities. There are very complex tasks. For example, when the programmer needs to create a unique button. We, simple mortals, better download the free plugin and install it. Well, or come up with some simple way to solve the problem.

How much is the most expensive site in Russia

The strengths of this world are ordered unique sites and spend on it mad money! The cheapest site, if you take only government portals, cost 1,173,000 rubles, and the most expensive contribution to the development was made by Rosreestr - 158 105,000 rubles. Naturally, what kind of money to get they want something supernatural, unique and self-written.

If you want to work yourself, with small projects, then to get more, it is easier to learn how to do it faster. I try not to take for crazy projects that cost more than 50,000. The requirements will then be a million. With such an order you see no less than six months.

Simple CMS allows you to do 2-3 sites per week. With a good project you can get about 30,000. And no one will then catch you the brain. The amount is not so big, customers most often understand it. The price corresponds to the quality. As a result, everyone is satisfied.

About WordPress, skill and money

Which engine is better to choose a newcomer? I will say frankly: "What will you choose the first, so you have to work all the following years"!

To the platform quickly get used to. Therefore, it is better to immediately take a good and functional. Give the level of your professionalism to grow where all the conditions have been created for this. Why rush around the Internet in search of a response to what to make online store and study other platforms, start right in WordPress. Here you can all.

As Socrates said: "The more I find out, the more I know how little I know". Everything is just like too! You can learn until the end of life. In this regard, the creators of sites, especially freelancers, are similar to artists and writers. True, the latter at least the same tools, while we are not only growing as professionals, but also face the constant updates of the platform and the appearance of new features.

I myself use and recommend that you try the WordPress (). The main advantage is that users of different levels can work on it: from newcomers to professionals. Sites from this do not suffer and go out pretty good, of course, if the developer wants it.

About 20% of the most famous sites of the world are made with its help, dating sites, catalogs, visiting sites of famous companies. Here are some examples - Harvard Business Review; NEW YORK POST.; BBC America.; Coca-Cola France; Mercedes Benz.; Samsung; General Motors.; Xerox..

Talk about the levels of professionalism

  • This is a free engine, download and install it is not a problem. Many modern hosting (storage facilities, thanks to which your resource is on the Internet) have a built-in connection feature of this platform. It takes one minute. I talked about this in my previous publications. In addition, on the portals of the prodengiblog type ( ) There are patterns that allow you to forget about the design.

I am a supporter in order to do my job quality. Then you will learn about you and will look for cooperation. If you still do not know how to work with the design, it is better to learn from your projects. Create websites for yourself and then search for a client on the finished product.

On Prodengiblog website ( ) You can find cheap and high-quality patterns, and sometimes free, or with good discounts. If you are not ready to put on the installation issue, then subscribe to my newsletter. Very soon I will tell about it, and you can find out the first all the necessary information.

Thanks to the "About Money Blog" portal, you unfortunately will not be able to create a customer resource. The use policy does not allow (although ...). However, you can kill two hares. Buy the topic for yourself in the region of 2000 rubles, and pay 3320, 4860 or 10230 to quickly learn how to work with the program. Depending on the price, the site functionality and the level of your professionalism will change. 2 in 1: master class + own functioning resource.

Although personally I am a supporter of extreme measures. Do not know how? Well, okay! Learn everything in the process and independently. Find a client, take a term for execution longer, and there already somehow understand.

  • You learn how to create a unique design or establish cooperation with the same freelancers. It is useful because to sell an exclusive site is significantly more expensive. A person is ready to pay for the fact that you do everything, even the slightest wishes.

A little later you will learn to use plugins. What it is? Well, look, we all have phones. You can install applications for learning that you have a letter to mail or view news VKontakte.

Plugins - It's almost the same. They allow you to make galleries with pictures more beautiful, create a button and much more. You can read about the most useful of them in my next publications.

By the way, thanks to these most applications, you can turn a vordpress into a free engine for an online store. It is much easier than "Bitrix", who choose professionals, and ten times cheaper. The design will be no less beautiful, but about all this later.

P.S. This article presents the quotes of Evgeny Kaspersky, I think it is not worth it once again to tell who it is. All the best to you.

Probably - every month rises the question of choice of Engine And it would seem that the task should be solved, but with a more detailed consideration it turned out not so simple.

The engine of the online store is wanted, the most suitable for the following requirements:

Product registration without mandatory registration

The directory consists of brands, categories, subcategories

Block "Latest goods you think."

Basket, ordering, choosing a delivery method, choosing a payment method (+ the possibility of small blood finish-binding your payments)

Filter by the parameters of goods (by price, the choice from the list of color, with a thickness of the case is less than). The filter has each category may be different (there is no point in filter in the mouse over the amount of memory).

Ability to set various parameters (characteristics) \\ group of parameters for various categories of goods

Filter and flexible setting of goods parameters - the main criterion.

Ability to comment on goods

Ability to evaluate goods

The ability to exhibit discounts (optional) - for example. The product is highlighted by the "action", it is usually easy to implement.

Comparison of similar goods

Options - ready-made combinations of goods player with flash drive on rich GB.

Options - You can buy with this product - for example headphones to the player

And also optional (the store's engine is easier to finish up to simply CMS than CMS to the desired store, but if there is from the box - good) Requirements engine from the "Standard CMS":

check in

News, Articles, FAQ

Photo \\ Video Gallery

I reread such questions, but I did not find the answers for myself:

From what I analyzed:
Bitrix -

Cons: orders are tied to registering users (I understand that you can make an imperceptible register by email, or use OpenID \\ Oauth), but the main minus is the Bitrix. And with its own value and planning, not one online store it specifically strains.

Pretty powerful online store, but "CMS" is limited to the creation of static pages.

The built-in filter (BLOCKLAYERED) does not know how to filter the characteristics by type: "Select goods, where the value of such a characteristic is less than 10", although the built-in parameters as "price" and "weight" are such a filter, and so for its characteristics you can Only choose from a set of specified values. There are many free and paid additions, adequate cost. I study them - while main candidate. If anyone knows good addons adding the required functionality, I will be glad to links.

Weak, but "there is something". Unfortunately, there are limited time from the Customer, not a little finish.

Next to the queue for study - OsCommerce. But to analyze adequately some particular engine - goes not one day, and there are a lot of different.

I ask for help from the community to tell - which engines did you use how fully the requirements are appropriate under the above and how difficult will the missing functionality in them?

Options for PHP \\ Python \\ Ruby are considered paid and free.

  • The question is asked for more than three years ago.