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How to cancel synchronization between devices. Turn off the synchronization of call history between iPhones

Faced the problem of displaying my calls from my wife, and my wife's calls in my iPhone. All under one id, family access. I can not understand how to disable synchronization.
- Rafael.

Hello, Rafael.

To begin with, it should be sorted out with family access. This chip is just designed to not use one Apple ID on different devices, and instead it is easy to share shopping and pay for the content of family members.

1. Go to Settings - Apple ID - Configure Family Access.

2. Choose Start work And specify the method of paying purchases.

3. Now in the section Family members You can add up to six Apple ID accounts.

Of course, Wife, Children and other users will have to create a new Apple ID. So no information about calls, contacts and other data will not migrate between devices.

If you decide to stay with one apple ID

You can not configure family access and simply disable synchronization between devices.

1. Go to Settings - Phone - Calls on other devices And disable item Allow calls.

2. After that, open the section Apple ID - ICLOUD and disable iCloud Drive..

With the enabled application switch on the iPhone can synchronize the data on different devices through the cloud. For third-party applications, you can disable synchronization in the settings, and the standard will always be synchronized with the ICloud Drive enabled.

Apple took care of every iOS.-The device after connecting to iTunes immediately moved to data synchronization. "On paper" it is convenient, and correctly - but in life, forced synchronization is often annoying. Below you will find two ways to disable this function at once.

In contact with

The first method will disable synchronization with only one connected device, the second - immediately for all iOS devices. In other words, in the first case you can prohibit iTunes access only to your iPhone, but not to your iPad, in the second - to prohibit the synchronization of all devices immediately.

Prohibition of autosynchronization of one device

1. Connect iPhone. To the computer using a USB cable. Synchronization will start automatically;
2. IN iTunes. Click on the icon with the image of your iPhone. (on the left side of the screen, the white line under the player buttons). You will find yourself in the tab OverviewThe right will be visible the basic information about your device - the size of the available memory, the phone number, serial number, software version, etc.

3. In chapter Parameters Remove the tick opposite the inscription Synchronize automatically if iPhone is connected.

4. Press the button ApplySo that the changes take effect.

Now, after connecting the iPhone to a computer via USB, iTunes will not open automatically and the inevitable synchronization process will not begin. This setting is unique for each device - so if you want to disable the synchronization for the iPad, you will have to do the same actions again.

Prohibition of autosynchronization of all devices

A radical solution of the problem - no iOS-device will synchronize "on the machine". But if the iTunes open up every time it is tired of you over all measures, that's what you need to do:

1. Open iTunes..
2. In the menu bar, click iTunes., then Settings.

3. Choose a section Devices;
4. Check the box opposite the inscription Disable automatic synchronization of iPod devices, iPhone and iPad.

Ready! Now iTunes will not start and will not start autosynchronization when connecting any of your iOS devices.

Do not forget that disabling automatic synchronization is a stick about two ends. Yes, iTunes will no longer annoy your appearance - but it will not create backup copies of your data in ICloud or on a computer. The consequences are obvious - in case of loss or theft of the device, you risk losing important data. So, it is quite possible to disable autosynchronization not at all.

When two or more iPhones are tied to one ICLOUD account, incoming and outgoing calls can be synchronized between them, which causes serious inconveniences from users. In this instruction, they told what to do if you had a similar problem.

Important! Note that this manual describes how to solve the problem with the synchronization of records on incoming and outgoing calls, and not the calls themselves. If you have a call from the other on one of your iPhone (or iPad), just go to the menu " Settings» → FaceTime. and translate switch " Cellular calls iphone"In an inactive position.

Solving the problem with the synchronization of incoming and outgoing calls between two or more iPhone is to remove the associated contacts from the iCloud contact book. Track out which "extra" contacts are synchronized from another iPhone, and then go to the website and delete them.

Step 3. Run the web application " Contacts».

Step 4. Select a contact, the calls on the calls of which are duplicated, click on the gear in the lower left corner page, select " Delete"And confirm deletion.

After this simple operation, information about incoming and outgoing calls will no longer be duplicated on your iPhone. Remote contacts subsequently need to be re-created on the device on which they are needed.

In the century of modern technologies, manufacturers of mobile devices began to start their useful option. Now storing files are available not only on internal memory, but also remotely - in Internet storages. Cloud services quickly became popular, as their volume often multiplies "native" on the gadgets. However, the pairing with storage facilities is not always required to the user, especially when the information has a personal character. There is a need to filter updates.

How to disable sync on xiaomi?

The option is actually disconnected completely. The desire may arise when selling a smartphone or inappropriate. It can be deactivated by actions:

"Settings" → "Accounts" (other "Accounts") → "Google" → Remove all checkmarks.

After the manipulations completed, the new information from Xiaomi will not flow into the network. Neither Mi Cloud, nor Google will be able to exchange data with servers. It is important to understand that when the gadget is lost or breakage, there is a risk of irrevocable loss of records that will not be able to restore through the "cloud".

How to disable Xiaomi contact synchronization

It happens that the user is important to add some data, while others do not want to demonstrate on the network as contacts. Their finding in the network is convenient not always. Use a MI account from different smartphones is not practical. Phone numbers can become open information for someone else. That this does not happen, you should refuse to transfer numbers to the "cloud". The procedure looks like this:

1. In the settings, go to the "Users and Accounts" section.

2. Select in a string with Google "Synchronize".

3. Remove the checkbox from the line "Contacts".

How to remove automatic update

In MIUI smartphones, in addition to the manual way to disable pairing with the storage, there is automatic. It can be turned off. To do this, in the section with accounts, drag the curtain to the opposite direction.

By this action, the pairing will be disabled for all virtual services.

Using the on and off of data update in Internet storages, you can monitor their safety. The function allows you to move the media files there at the desired moment and other folders to release the location on the device.

Many iPhone users face that their gadget itself begins to synchronize with iTunes without the knowledge of the owner. We decided that it would be relevant to tell you how to make the iPhone started automatic synchronization.

Autosynchronization iTunes.

There are 2 ways to disable synchronization in iTunes :

1. Disable auto sync single iPhone.

2. Disable auto synchronization of all devices.

Turn off synchronization when connecting a USB cable:

The first way we will look at the example of the Apple iPhone device:

1. Connect the iPhone to the computer using the cable dock, and start iTunes.

2. In the section " devices"Choose our" iPhone.".

3. In the tab " general"Remove a tick from the field" Open iTunes when connecting iPhone".

So we will disable auto synchronization only for this device.

We refuse to sync any apple device:

Method number two is more practical if you have not only iPhone, and also iPod or iPad. In this way, you turn off the auto synchronization of any Apple device connected to your computer.

1. Run iTunes. Go to the settings " Edit - Settings"

2. Go to the device section, and put a tick at the point " Prevent automatic synchronization of iPod devices, iPhone and iPad".

After the actions described above, your phone will not automatically synchronize with iTunes.