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How to change the system language in Windows 8.1. Settings of different input languages \u200b\u200bfor different windows

Starting to answer the question "How to change the language in the system into Russian" with the most popular Operations - Windows 7, - We will immediately encounter a problem. The complexity of a complete change of tongue in this OS is that such an opportunity officially exists only for two editions: corporate and maximum. If you have one of these editions of Windows on your computer, then the language pack can be downloaded in the update center, after which the OS itself will install the received update, and you, after restarting the computer, you can select in the language configuration on the "Languages \u200b\u200band Keyboards" tab of the new interface language .

If you have a simpler version of Windows 7, such as professional or home, then determine which language pack is possible to install, you can, on this link - Language-Packs.

For example, the Russian version of Windows 7 Professional can download Kazakh, but cannot be installed English.

How to be users who want to establish, for example, English interface language to Russified OS? To change the Windows 7 language language, they only need to follow the instructions below!

Step 1.

  1. Download Language Package as a file of * .exe:

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

    1. Dial the command DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C: \\ 1 \\ press ENTER. The execution of this team takes a long time, approximately 20 minutes. Attention!If you copied the file to another folder, then change the path to it in the command.

Step 5.

    1. Now you can go to the "Control Panel" and in the "Language and Regional Standards" section to choose English interface language.

Step 6.

    1. If you want to download the OS, and the language of all elements (even reference! That is fully Change the Language of the Windows interface) was in English, then in the same window cmd. Follow two more commands:

Windows 8.

Install language pack on Windows 8 or 8.1 is much simpler. The ability to install an additional language depends not from the editors, but only from the main language of the system. Find out what language to which one can be installed, perhaps on the link -\u003dwin8

Immediately say, in Windows 8, the Russian language interface, smoothly, like English, is easy to install on any other language of the system.

For this:

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

    1. Immediately after that you can print in this language, and if you want to change the language of the interface, then go to the next step.

Step 4.

    1. Click "Parameters" near English, then click "Download and Set Language Package". Wait for download and installation, click Finish.

Step 5.

  1. Move the "English" language to the top of the list of languages. Now the OS load, and the language of all elements of the system will be in English.

Here, see another video instruction in which we show how to change the language of Windows 7,8,10 and MacOS:

Language change in Windows 8 is performed only after installing on a laptop or personal PC of the corresponding language pack. Most often, Russian or English is pre-installed by default.

Change the interface language in several ways. Let's look at how to change the Windows language 8 in several simple ways.

Consider at the beginning of the option when the required language package is already pre-installed. In order to change the Language of the Windows 8 interface from the default setting to the desired, you must open the Charms panel in which to click the "Parameters" button.

The open panel has an icon with a plus game "Adding a language". You can change the Language of the Windows 8 interface by adding from the list of the desired language from the "Adding Language" menu.

For example, Ukrainian language is added. Language is added only in the keyboard layout. In order to change the system language in Windows 8, you need to return to the "desktop" and on the "Control Panel" to select the language "Language".

In the Ukrainian language menu that opens is visible as a keyboard layout. In the Ukrainian language menu, there is a right subparagraph "Parameters". In order to occur with the change of language in Windows 8, you need to select "Download and install a language pack" in the window that opens.

You should remember: to perform this operation you need a connected Internet. The package is downloaded and installed without user participation. At the end of the operation, the system notifies the successful completion of the installation procedure.

Changing the Interface Language in Windows 8

You can change the system language by another way: by downloading the necessary Language-Pack from the official Microsoft website or a third-party site with a similar software. For the 32- and 64-bit versions, there are its installation packages. The package has an extension. CAB.

  • Next, using the Win + R keys, the "Run" command is called;
  • The LPKSetup command is entered in the window that opens;
  • Changing the Windows 8 interface language continues with the selection of the "Set of interface languages", where you need to specify the path to the downloaded linguistic package;
  • Confirm operation with OK, "Next" and I Accept.
  • Language package for Windows 8 with the switching language will be automatically installed.

In order to switch the language in Windows 8, the language pack must be applied. For this you need:

  • In the "Control Panel", select the "Add language" item, and in it "Advanced Parameters".
  • The window that opens, the set language is selected from the list of interface languages \u200b\u200bavailable to change.
  • Then under the list, select the link "Apply Language Parameters to the Greeting Screen, System Accounts and User Accounts."
  • Next, in the "Region" window that opens, click the "Copy Parameters" button.
  • In a new window "Screen and user account settings", put a tick in the "Welcome Screen and System Accounts" section and confirm approx.

How many people have so many opinions. This also applies to language switching in Windows 7, 8, 10 operating systems. The switching procedure on all systems is approximately the same, but there are its subtleties, we'll figure it out in more detail.

Changing the language in Windows 8 and 8.1

There are three ways to change the input language that provided developers to simple users.

Change layout using the Charms panel

It is hidden by default on all computers with the Windows operating system. To open it, you need to hover the cursor in right bottom area Screen, after which Charms will appear.

From five elements you need to select the icon " Settings"Or" settings "(in case an interface in English). He looks like a gear.

Changing language via the taskbar

A favorite way to switch all novice users of a personal computer is to use the taskbar. It is the easiest, so you do not need to go anywhere and memorize the combination of keys. Switch is located in the bottom the right side of the screen. To switch the language you need to bring the cursor to the inscription with its abbreviation, click on the mouse left key, then select one of the available languages.

Using key combinations

By default, two ways of switching are available from Microsoft's operating system using the combinations of hot keys. First is Alt + Shift., second Win + gap. The result of clicking these buttons will be the same.

To change the keyboard shortcut, you need to select "".

Next, the item "" is selected.

Here is the point that changes the keyboard shortcut when switching languages. You need to go to the item specified in the following screenshot.

Need to choose " Switch input language"And click" Change key combination».

Next, one of the available options is selected.

Change the language in Windows 10

Switching a language in Windows 10 is practically no different, except that it does not have the Charms panel. Also appeared another way to log in in the language settings:

How to change the language in Windows 7

In this case, the procedure is also not different from other systems, with the exception of the lack of the Charms panel and another interface. When changing the language in Windows 7 in the taskbar, the choice will be slightly different. By pressing the left mouse button, the language changes will occur.

And by clicking the right, you can go to the panel settings.

Possible malfunctions

Sometimes computer users with Windows operating system occurs a problem with switching. Language may not switch at all, or maybe there is no lack of a language panel. There may be much time on solving these problems, therefore it is worth familiar with the material presented below.

Language does not switch

If the computer was noted that the text input language cannot be changed, it is necessary to try to make it one of the methods described above. If the computer does not respond to a combination of hot keys, you can try to switch it through the taskbar. If it is missing, you can try reboot a computer. This problem must be eliminated automatically.

In the absence of the ability to restart the computer, there is a way to manually start the language panel, without restarting the "iron". To do this, you need to run cTFMON.EXE filelocated in the "C" disk directory in the System32 folder. She, in turn, is located in another folder - Windows. You need to gradually move from the folder to the folder, or enter the file location address: C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe

If the methods considered are not triggered, this indicates the damage to the registry. To restore it, you will need to enter the following command to the command prompt: regedit.. In the window that opens, you must find a section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run And press the right mouse button.

After that, you need to select the section " String parameter"In the" Create "item. The new parameter must be called ctfmon.exe and assign value C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe. After that, you need to close the registry and restart the computer. After rebooting, the panel should appear in its place.

Settings of different input languages \u200b\u200bfor different windows

Sometimes there are situations when there is a need to memorize a specific input language in each separate operating system window. To do this in Windows 8 and 8.1, you must open the "Control Panel" and go to the item " Change input method».

Next, the link "", located in the left area of \u200b\u200bthe window, is pressed.

After that, put a mark in front of the item specified in the following screenshot.

Often it is simple change language OS Windows 8.1 into Russian or any other. An example of such a need to be a situation with a laptop recently bought abroad or a hybrid tablet operating under the control of this OS. After all, very often by default on such devices has a language of the country of origin: Polish, English.

And then the question arises: "How make Rusification Windows 8.1 Alone? "
It should be noted that changing the language of all "menus" has become much easier. Re-8 Russian version or download separately MUI package, as for Windows XP or the seventh version of the OS, there is no longer necessary.

Alone to install Windows 8 from the flash drive, you can read.

Let's start.
Open settings. To do this, press the "Win + C" key combination. Or go to the menu - Settings - Control Panel- Add Language.

In the window that opens, click - Add a Language.

In this menu, we are looking for a Russian language, choose and press the Add button.

Now we have Russian language in the Change Your Language Preferences menu. Click Options.

Then Download and Install Language Pack. The download of I. will begin installing Russian Language for Windows 8.1.

After installation, close the window. To properly Russification, it is necessary to return to the Options opposite the Russian language pack and click "Make This Primary Language".

When buying a computer with a pre-installed Windows 8, you can notice that only one language is installed. On this occasion, of course, it is not necessary to worry about it as this is not difficult to add a language package in this system. And in Windows 7, everything is much more complicated, there is a function of adding a new linguistic package only in Ultimate version and then through the update center. And in the new eighth version of Windows, everything is much easier, you only need to choose a package with the language you need and install. The process of something even reminds the usual installation of programs.

And now let's try to consider the installation process and settings:

Adding a language pack in Windows 8

1. Click on the keyboard to the "Start" key after which you will open the start screen, in the search bar, enter the text "Language".

3. How do you see the system offers users a huge number of language packs, if it is difficult for you to find the necessary you need, then for convenience and speed of finding, the languages \u200b\u200bfound languages \u200b\u200bcan be grouped.

4. After you select the language package you want to offer you also set multiple dialects. Choose the one that matches your region.

5. After completing 4 points, you must transfer to the previous window with the list of added languages.

6. Now, in front of the selected language pack, you need to click on the "Parameters" item, then you will find the settings window in which you can get your chosen language pack.

Here you can also configure the methods of input, etc. In the event that the Language Package option is not available, then you need to go to the control panel and in the "Languages" section of the "Advanced Settings" menu.

In the place where it is written "Override the Windows Interface Language" in the drop-down list, select "Use List Languages", after that you in the parameters of the selected language pack must appear the link "Loading and installing a language pack".

7. Next, you will have a window in which the system will notify you that the boot and installation process began. Now you need to wait a bit, the package loading speed depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

8. After the packet is established, it is necessary to activate by clicking on "Make the Basic Language".

10. After restart, the entire interface of your operating system must change its language, you also have another input language in the "Start" panel.

On this, everything, if you have any questions left, you can ask them at the bottom in the comments ...