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How to promote goods in contact. How to organize a shop on the basis of the social network VKontakte? How to open your own store

One of the main tasks of any merchant company is to stimulate the growth of the sale of goods. Usually, this task is solved by holding an advertising company for a specific type of product. But there are other ways to promote goods. Below will understand in the system " trade marketing events "- what is it For the system, how it works.

What is called trad-marketing events

Trade Marketing - This is a special system of events conducted by trading enterprises for stimulating the growth of products in the field of wholesale and retail sales. With the help of certain methods developed by worldwide marketers, this system affects consumers with different levels of income and lifestyle.

At the same time, direct impact is not only on the end consumers of products, but also to intermediate links - trading representatives of manufacturers or wholesale bases. Methods of impacts for the purchase made can be made with accrual bonus savings, discounts on goods, free gifts or other motivating remuneration.

This method of promoting goods is much productive direct Advertising - ATLwhich only reminds possible consumers about the need to buy a brand. Trade Marketing Although it is an indirect advertisement, but it is he who directly convinces the potential consumer, what a choice of product needs to be done.

Targets and Tasks Trade Marketing

the main objective trade Marketing It is to create in potential consumers a positive image of manufacturers and products produced by them. At the same time, the trad marketing strategy is aimed at the long-term period of stimulating sales, but has a short-term tactic.

The key target trad marketing objectives are achieved by solving specific tasks:

  • study of the needs of buyers and their psychology in order to attract attention and consolidate the image of the goods in the subconscious of the possible buyer;
  • fastening and raising the positions of the manufacturer and its products in the setting market competition, by providing the qualitative advantage of the goods offered on the analogues of competitors' products;
  • product sales promotion with the help of technological optimization of the seller's sales hall;
  • management of a potential buyer in the field of the fastest making decisions on the choice and the need to make a purchase, with further proposal of other goods.

Organization of trad marketing in enterprises producing branded product

Trade Marketing - One method from the mass of possible options, stimulating the implementation of the brand to the final consumer. At enterprises producing brand goods It is included in the planning of the work of production, with its budget and the program for the development of the trademark.

A separate unit may be organized in the manufacturing company. trade Marketing. But if production already has a marketing department, then you can take in his staff of a qualified specialist trade marketer.

Most likely, the new trad-marketing unit must enter the department already operating at the enterprise marketing And work together with him to achieve efficiency in the sales of your brand.

The separation of the functions of existing marketing departments and the newly educated structure of trad-marketing can be given outsoring.

New branch trade Marketing There should be an analysis of the situation in the sales markets, develop and implement plans to effectively promote their brand from intermediary enterprises to the end consumer of the trademark.

Toolkit Trade Marketing

Methods of work of trad-marketing are quite diverse, but are key to:

  • Direct stimulation of sales by encouraging customers with bonuses, discounts and gifts for purchases made, as well as with prize competitive merchandise products;
  • Merchandising - this is a special marketing layout of commercial brands on the equipment of the trading room, informing consumers about updates in the brand assortment, advising those who want to learn about the benefits of products, the organization of exhibitions, as well as the development of deployed promotional programs;
  • Special marketing exhibitions For the presentation of new products, conducting training events for employees of intermediary enterprises.

- What is it and which tool to apply in a particular situation, they know and solve specific persons responsible for the implementation of the marketing strategy in trade enterprises.

Trade Intermediaries and Work with them

Trade Marketing Includes a system of methods that affect the active stimulation of the sale of brands among employees of mediation enterprises and distributors of manufacturing companies. Here, the main thing is the material encouragement by producers of the mediation chain, using the organization of shares aimed at:

  • Increase volume wholesale shopping. To do this, reduce the purchasing price, but discounts can be provided with different conditions:
  • With a bulk purchase of goods with an extended range of assortment.
  • Hot discounts.
  • When purchasing a specified volume of products for the contract term.
  • The increase in the volume of sales intermediary, due to its activity in the sale of a specific product:
  • Encouragement of completed sales plans;
  • Draw gifts for employees;
  • Organization of the event "The Secret Customer", with awarding staff with good production indicators;
  • Increase the integration zone of goods by outlets, if an intermediary:
  • Provided the goods in the desired volume into new outlets;
  • The trademark is provided in an enlarged assortment;
  • It produced the conditioned marketing calculations of the branded assortment at trading points.

Merchandising - Part of Marketing

Trade Marketing Determines MerchandisingAs a special system of developed methods to increase the growth in turnover volumes. These events are conducted by the staff of the manufacturer of a trademark as by agreement with intermediaries, and without them.

The main functions of merchandising:

  • Brand display - One of the main responsibilities of the Merchandiser. The nomenclature assortment on the storefront equipment should be decomposed on the developed trad-marketing scheme so that the potential customer wanted to buy it.
  • Regulation of the nomenclature of the presented brand.
  • Equipment Places for brand: Determination of the marketing location of the sales area in the trading room, taking into account the design features of the site; Organization of lighting goods, if necessary, then sound design.
  • Equipment Trade Equipment, mannequins, refrigerated shop windows and other necessary props.
  • Providing a trade enterprise by POS-materials, banners, stands, racks, booklets and corporate price tags.
  • Sound and visual advertising of brands, using modern means of informing.
  • Conducting advertising events in the form of competitions, draws, encouraging probable customers to make the purchase of promoted goods.

Trade marketing activities for managers and merchandisers mediation chain

For merchandisers Special intangible shares are carried out, providing loyalty of the links of the trade turning line, this is:

  • Organization for personnel Intermediary enterprises of introductory seminars for awareness of the trademark.
  • Conferences, representing a meeting of employees of manufacturing companies and personnel mediation. A further interaction is planned here, analyzing working issues and methods of their permission are made, the results of them are. Such shares are conducted by large companies with established and efficient trading networks.
  • Business presents - This is a generally accepted etiquette among businessmen. They are presented solely due to significant events, but taking into account the utility for one of the colleagues or the team of employees.

Trade Marketing for the end user

A variety of effective techniques for working with the final buyer of goods - this work base for trad marketing. Effecting the formation of the subconscious of the potential consumer of the goods, they contribute to the temporary stimulation of demand for progressable products.

Taking as a basis trade Marketing Events - What are these methods, we define the ways of such an influence:

  • Holding game contests and lotteries, involving a gain in the form of a surprise for the consumer who made the purchase of certain products.
  • Organizing clubs from the Community of Consumers of the Brand, with the provision of some privileges when buying products.
  • Sponsorship, shares of charity and event Marketing - It is part in citywide holidays, organizing sports, festivals and concerts.
  • Distribution of POS materials on specific products in the form of printed material with the address of the trading enterprise.
  • A gift for the purchase with an attachment into each package, the investment of an increased amount of goods at the same cost, carrying out popular in the environment of consumers of shares, like "2 + 1".
  • Sampling - issuance to buyers of low-cost branded goods or new products assortment.
  • Actual lowering prices for products during a certain period and distribution of bonus coupons for the subsequent purchase of goods with a discount together with another product, as well as through magazines or orders by mail.

How effective is trad-marketing

Trade Marketing Manager It is obliged to perfectly own professional sales management tools. At the same time, it must make the correct assessment of the effectiveness of the complexes trade marketing. This moment is very significant in the Trade Marketing Strategy.

These events are quite expensive and the leading composition of production companies always wants to know how effective such financial investments are, whether it is necessary to continue and what future prospects in this matter.

High quality and effectively spent trade Marketing Company Shows how it affected image of the brand. This implies an increase in the popularity of the brand, a loyal attitude towards him of the main base of customers, their awareness of the manufacturer of a specific trademark and trading organizations dealing with this product.

Economic analysis of efficiency Trade Marketing It is produced on the basis of the main indicators on sale, purchase, size of client developments and distribution of goods. During such an analysis, the initial indicators are compared to trad marketing and after stimulating the turnover with its help.

Fundamentals of Trade Marketing

Runlying the issue trade Marketing Events - What it is, you need to define plans for the organization of work, sequence of stages, as well as the used toolkit complex Trade marketer Taking into account the peculiarities of each specific event. Main program stages of trad marketing should be denoted:

  • determining the objectives of trad-marketing and expected indicators from its use;
  • adjusting linking links between commodity producers and chains of mediation enterprises, with the analysis of their capabilities provided information base and reviews among colleagues;
  • training of employees of mediation enterprises the basics of trad marketing;
  • raising the level of confidence in the brand of intermediary trade organizations;
  • material and moral effect on the activity of enterprises involved in the mediation chain, during the implementation of trad-marketing events;
  • merchandising retail trade enterprises;
  • organization of work among possible consumers;
  • definition of efficiency and analysis of conducted trad-marketing events.

Ultimately, it will be enough to compare the achievements with the planned parameters of trad marketing. With the introduction of corrective edits in marketing procedures, trade Marketing Process It is necessary to resume to achieve the best results.

The frequency of repetition of marketing activities is associated with the complexity in choosing the best, optimal trade marketing scheme, given the variables internal and external conditions for the sale of products.

This should react enterprises manufacturers, taking required solutions With the introduction of the necessary amendments and changes in its work, to improve the quality of products, the introduction of a new range and increase production efficiency.

The correct organization of joint activities of the whole range of enterprises - from the manufacturing company, through intermediaries - to the final buyer of the progressive product, guaranteed to ensure the positiveness of indicators and performance for all participants trade process.

The distribution of the advertising budget plays a major role in maintaining the interest of buyers to the proposed product. Competent work in this direction can significantly improve the company's profit. In order to interest the retail consumer in the purchase and further promotion of the goods, you should use such a service as trad marketing.

You will learn:

  • What is trad marketing.
  • What tasks solves trad-marketing.
  • How to form an effective trad marketing strategy.
  • How to organize trad marketing in the company.
  • What Trejd Marketing Tools apply.

Trade Marketing (or trade marketing) is a combination of measures aimed at improving the quality of interaction between all parties to the marketing series starting from the manufacturer and ending the product buyer. This technology perceives the market as a field for selling a specific product.

Target trad marketing It is a deeper acquaintance of the buyer with the market, providing detailed information, which will later help determine the choice of goods, based on knowledge and own opinion.

In addition, these methods include activation activities sales of goods through trading networks either dealers. Effective trad marketing contributes to the development of distribution and efficient work of all elements of product promotion technology.

These methods include competitive, financial and price promotion of dealers and employees of the sales department of organizations. They represent an integral component of trading activities.

To the question, what is the essence of trad marketing, you can answer the most simple - this is the main, affordable means of promoting small organizations.

Components Trade marketing is conditionally divided into three groups depending on the type of activity and the role of the company performing it. These categories may differ in different firms, but one model used throughout the world contains a strategic, operational and executive group. Examples of various components of each of these groups:

  1. Strategic components: Trading Policy, Client Service, Market Analysis (Analytical Data).
  2. Operational components: Program for the development of trade, sales and operational planning, management of categories, investments .
  3. Executive components: Managing commercial premises, an increase in the number of contacts, working with clients, events, building relationships with consumers.

Trade marketing activities have certain advantages.

  • The organization may acquire the finished ways of solving problems and choose the best of them in accordance with its requests, using the results of the market analysis performed.
  • The company is available to support from authoritative specialists who have certain experiences, developments and skills in the field of product promotion through proven to be the effectiveness of Trejd Marketing tools.
  • Using the services of the Agency or the Trade Marketing Manager, the customer, spending the minimum of funds, receives a ready-made solution to its task. As a result, it can easily optimize the techniques in the field of promoting his product, guided by the experience of cooperation with similar projects.

Main Tasks Trade Marketing

  1. Effective sales management:
  • high-quality presentation of products in a trading enterprise;
  • familiarization of consumers with new products and existing shares;
  • consolidation in the consciousness of consumers the main features of goods and trademarks;
  • positioning the product with support for the psychological properties of consumers and the factors of attention management;
  • the creation of programs for the promotion of some products or their complexes, during the implementation of which one product causes an increase in sales of others, and additional funds are not spent.
  1. Improving the competitiveness of the company:
  • creating conditions for the sale of consumer demand;
  • the increase in the number of benevolent organizations (store) of customers;
  • fixing in the consciousness of consumers of the characteristic image of the enterprise and product line;
  • creating an atmosphere that contributes to obtaining satisfaction with customers during the purchase of products.
  1. Development of advertising and communication policies:
  • creating a project marketing relationship;
  • providing consumers with the necessary information;
  • in the items of implementation, modernization of species and methods of using advertising;
  • reducing the duration of the mental operation arising from the consumer with the initial acquaintance with the products before its final study.
  1. Development in the organization of trade and technological processes:
  • with the best design of the commercial hall and the order of equipment arrangement in the enterprise, trade and technological processes are regulated;
  • operation of retail space, which gives the greatest effect;
  • coordination of the movement of consumer streams in the shop shopping hall;
  • creating the possibility of acquiring products to consumers without the help of sales agents;
  • organization of accommodation of cognitive means in time and space of the trading hall;
  • reduction of consumer fixture in the store;
  • formation of a benevolent environment for a trading point client without worsering their mental state.
  1. Regulation of buyers' action:
  • assessment and explanation of the circumstances affecting the consumer activity of different categories of the population;
  • increasing the percentage of decision-making by the consumer right in the outlet;
  • an increase in the duration of finding consumers in the store and the number of goods purchased;
  • growth of the average cost of purchase.
  • How to make a marketing plan: recommendations to the head

How to attract customers

In the article e-magazine "Commercial Director" Review of modern, efficient and inexpensive ways to achieve high lidogeneration, as well as the analysis of errors that prevent potential buyers.

How to form an effective trad marketing strategy

With the main policy of the organization, the direction of marketing is firmly connected, including such aspects:

  • study and assessment of the part of the market in the focus of the company's attention;
  • careful study of rivals, comparing their resources with reserves of the company;
  • approval of the goals and objectives of the marketing strategy;
  • study in full potential customers;
  • assessment of economic values \u200b\u200bof the strategy.

Considering individually trad-marketing, it can be noted that its strategies using limited capabilities are focused on achieving the greatest economic results, which include the increase in the number of trade and the profitability of the organization.

Functional Trade Marketing

  1. Merchandising strategybased on the preparation of guidelines for the presentation of products at any stage of sales. The ability to establish the basic and auxiliary positions of the range, form the best line of goods in each store, given its specific features, represents the actual meaning of this strategy. In addition, Merchandising makes it possible to find the place of products in the trading chain and make a minimum required reserves of the goods sold.
  2. Cooperation programs with potential customers. They are trad-marketing tools that have been studied before, namely, stocks, lottery, auctions, discounts, etc.
  3. The system of main signs of the sales team. It allows you to calculate an approximate amount of increase in sales / services at all levels of sales or within a specific area. In addition, the proposed system makes it possible to establish the amount of necessary tools for the implementation of the sales growth program and analyze the actual values \u200b\u200bin comparison with the plan scheduled.

All three specified components affect the trad marketing strategy. Only when using all these components that led to the actual increase in the number of consumers and the number of goods sold, it will be correct.

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How to organize trad marketing in the company

Trade marketing is one of a number of various methods that contribute to the activation of product sales. Its in organizations are used in the formation of the enterprise's activity program.

Specificity of implementation

  • At the industrial enterprise creates offices called trad-marketing. If there is a service in the company engaged in the research and promotion of the goods in the company, it is possible to invite a trad marketer to work.
  • Most often, in the existing division on promotion and PR, trad-marketing is in its composition.
  • It is possible to apply outsourcing when distributing responsibilities and functions performed by specialists from the company.
  • The resulting division of trad marketing is obliged to develop products marketing programs, including forming the schemes of productive implementation.

What are the functions of the head of trad marketing

At the same time several posts are included in the specialty of the trad marketer:

  • specialist;
  • analyst;
  • the manager carrying out the brand's promotion;
  • marketer.

Functions include the following items:

  • implementation of the assessment and monitoring of the market, the study of competitive goods;
  • formation of an action plan regarding the promotion of own services and products and, thus, its implementation by means of trad-marketing;
  • checking the functioning process and the introduction of tools that increase the efficiency of the workforce;
  • teaching new main principles of marketing;
  • the use of all knowledge and skills in order to appear previously unknown goods on the market;
  • writing and reporting reports in accordance with the information available.

There is a small similarity between the functional responsibilities of specialists involved in trade marketing, products and brand managers. They are equally involved directly in pricing, in creating and selling any marketing events . Separate employers believe that these are the functions of the same person. At the same time, with a more in-depth study of this issue and understanding the essence of trad-marketing, it turns out that the specialty data for all that does not have similarity.

Trade marketers make selling products right in the store.

Thus, all events organized by these specialists are calculated on the final buyer. As a result, their responsibilities include work with personnel, namely, training, monitoring the workflow, drawing up motivational efficient trade marketing systems. These specialists have direct contact with consumers, therefore are indispensable employees at any enterprise that specializes in sales. After all, on how correctly trad marketers will preliminarize your service or products, sales rates will depend on. They feel great customer and know what needs to be done to stimulate the buyer to acquire goods.

The product of the Product Manager is to develop strategies, including the promotion of goods on all available channels.

If the work is connected not only with the end user, but also with the activities of intermediaries, then this specialization is one step ahead than a trad-marketer.

When mentioning brand managers, it is worth noting that these are people who are responsible primarily for the very promotion and development of the trademark, and not just for the sale. In trade marketing, these are quite significant working units.

Specialists of such a profile must necessarily own PR techniques and wake up the marketing perfectly. And including the development plan contributing to the continuous development of the company. Of course, brand managers use such tools such as advertising and marketing techniques in their work, nevertheless, this is all a little different. In this case, all these events serve to maintain a trading brand afloat and promoting it to the top.

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What tasks decides the Trade Marketing Department

Trade marketing includes a specific set of actions, which makes it possible to subject a specific management to a direct impact on the control object itself. This area contributes to the use of special techniques to achieve goals.

The process of managing trad marketing is characterized by the following actions:

  1. Conducting market opportunities.That is, the organization of trade and marketing research, as well as collecting all useful information regarding existing goods and services from certain enterprises.
  2. Search for a target audience:research regarding demand volumes, as well as customer division according to certain parameters. In Trade Marketing, this is a rather important criterion.
  3. Development of policies of promotion and implementation: Production, value assignment, sales of sales channels and drawing up motivational schemes to help sell one or another product.
  4. Implementation of existing trad-marketing research.

Using the above actions the company can solve the following tasks:

  • increase sales;
  • increasing the market share of the enterprise;
  • getting a big profit increase.

Many people think that the effectiveness of trad marketing is primarily determined by a specific factor, but it is not. The complex of tools that have a direct impact on the result of these methods includes the following:

  • application of the discount system;
  • increasing turnover;
  • application of advertising;
  • quality packaging products.

After analyzing the foregoing, it becomes clear that the trade marketing is directly related to the development of the company, and therefore, can create from anyone who is not well-known products to create a really famous brand.

Thanks to the change of seasons, as well as the new flows of fashion, tastes and preferences of buyers change very much, and to determine which factor is the most affects their choice, it is necessary to consider causal dependence.

Management impact will be valid only when the conditions for the successful functioning of the enterprise on the market will be revealed within the trad marketing. This factors can be attributed to: determining the target audience, drawing up a plan to remove its product into competing positions, establishing and fixing all the circumstances that push the client to buy, upgrade and develop a new service package. All this plays a huge role in traj marketing.

In the case when the company sifts unnecessary customers and produces market segmentation, it receives a number of advantages. In trade marketing, it is focused on a specific audience of people, in connection with this, the forces will not be spent on inherent attempts to bring the buyer who generally does not need your products.

It is always necessary to make a clear plan for how you will interact with consumers, analyze the answers to the questions that arise from them. Trade marketing works on the principle: creating a plan and its successful implementation. Without a clear idea about this, what success can we talk about?

The main task of trading marketing can be considered that the company should initially work on its product, determine its advantages and due to the available information to promote it in the top. That is, first of all we are determined with the focus, then begin to move.

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What Trejd Marketing tools use experts

We list Treed Marketing Tools:

  1. Discounts:
  • according to individual conditions;
  • for a lump-sum procurement;
  • for achieving planned indicators;
  • seasonal / outcast;
  • as a promotion for selling a new product;
  • for comprehensive procurement.
  1. Bonuses:
  • per unit of goods;
  • for the implementation of an individual plan;
  • as a percentage of sales volume;
  • for increasing distribution;
  • as a coupon;
  • in the form of a lottery.
  1. Special events:
  • exhibitions;
  • presentation;
  • demonstration of goods and samples by trading personnel;
  • trainings;
  • seminars and conferences;
  • presentation of certificates and letters.
  1. Merchandising:
  • using POS materials;
  • standing for goods on the shelves;
  • sALES;
  • representation of goods in stores and demonstration;
  • consumer remuneration;
  • coupon delivery;
  • holding games, contests and lotteries for consumers;
  • consultations.

What kind of trad marketing shares are the most effective

In order to increase the separation of products among retail and wholesale businesses, including the growth of the number of sales, stocking uses shares in trad marketing. This method is used in addition when checking the execution of the workflow, when regulating business relationships between suppliers and buyers. About good results and high sales rates will be possible to speak if the company has a specific purpose and its achievement plan. This will be a trad-marketing action.

According to experts, there are two types of stimulating marketing, which are divided based on potential customers.

1. Shares aimed at the end user

If the products are difficult to implement, customers have no information about the product or they have no interest in its systematic acquisition, including there is no commitment to the brand or feedback is not established, then an excellent option is shares focused on the final consumer.

If the role of potential customers is played by the end user, in this case, the shares of trad marketing are called Pull events (from the English "pull"). They are focused on encouraging the buyer to purchase products or, expressing in other words, to extract it from the store's fit.

Three groups of Pull events are distinguished:

  • with image or advertising communication, which includes charitable promotions, POS materials, leaflets, club programs, etc.;
  • compulsory profit: coupon promotions, loyalty programs, sampling, promotional packaging, etc.;
  • with possible profit - these are contests, draws, games and other events.

2. Shares aimed at trading intermediaries

In the presence of a minor turnover, the small interest of sales representatives (dealers, distributors and retail sellers), including in the absence of knowledge of sales agents on product benefits, use actions aimed at trading intermediaries.

Promotional marketing shares, if they have trading intermediaries, dealers, etc. are presented as potential customers, are called push events (from English. "Push").

Examples of shares focused on encouraging sales representatives in retail stores or partner companies are issuing bonuses and remuneration, organizing competitions with awards, presenting free specimens, reduce purchase price.

The organization of these activities allows you to find a solution to the following essential tasks:

  • stimulate the commercial agent to buy advanced products in the required amount or composition;
  • encourage mediators to promote goods on the market;
  • stimulate trading agents in retail stores on the appropriate calculation of the products offered.

Consequently, push events make it possible to effectively promote the goods on the store shelves and ensure its interaction with the end user.

It is worth noting the importance of the factor selection of the implementation of trad-marketing actions. Basically, they are held in the output to the market of new products or during a seasonal decline in sales. It is unprofitable to set the duration of one trad marketing promotion over 2 months. The optimal period is 30 days. During this time, a competently planned event should give the desired effect.

One of the main differences in trad-marketing shares from advertising campaigns aimed at the end user is the ability to accurately calculate their effectiveness. This assessment includes a number of indicators: an increase in the number of orders, sales level, distribution, etc.

What other promotions can be interested in today's buyer, find out.

Opinion expert

How to spend a low-budget trad marketing campaign

Irina Pankratova,

head of the Representative Office of CJSC Yoshkar-Olin Meat Processing Plant, Kazan

In order to organize advertising right on the outlets in the absence of financial resources in the budget for a full-scale campaign, we integrate our own opportunities with a variety of trading firms. Due to the fact that these shares allow you to strengthen the commitment of buyers both products and in general stores of stores, they are fairly cost-effective. Here are some examples that take place in our company.

  • Promotion "Tatiana Day"

In several universes at the end of January 2007, promoters began to walk with inexplicable, first, cards in their hands. On the one hand, they were written on them: "I am looking for Tatiana," with the reverse - I am looking for a student. In fact, all buyers received gifts from promoter. The main task of this action was to focus the attention of visitors on a particular department. And how do you think? We had almost 1000 direct interactions only in one day. Consequently, we will have much more buyers due to the presence of such a phenomenon as a srangian radio, with which everyone who received gifts will report this to their friends and relatives. The wages of promoters amounted to only 8000 rubles.

  • The action "Birthday is the best holiday"

Pretty for a long time Our company interacts with Rembrend advertising agency. Joint efforts we decided to apply the following example of trad marketing: took away the consumer from the existing buyers' bases, initiatively manifested themselves during various events that had a birthday at the date of the organization "Birthday - the best holiday". The girl was invited to us in the gym, where we photographed it against the background of different logos and magnificent decorations.

This method has shown itself quite productive, was spent about 3000 rubles.

  • Promotion "Children's Yola La"

To increase the sales level of sausage products "Baby", such an action was organized. Funny clown yola-la met customers at the door to the hypermarket. A promoter during the game of children with clown told his parents that anyone when buying 0.5 kg of sausages "Baby" has the ability to take pictures with clown and get a gift. In the event that parents gave consent, when leaving the store, the second promoter watched checks, gave a prize and photographed. Clown had a name corresponding to the name of the firm trading by sausages. Passersby very enthusiastically looked at what happened, which ensured the success of the action.

For this event, about four thousand rubles were spent. Due to the fact that the event was loud enough, our company did not spend on placing articles in the media, as the trading network itself was answered. The implementation of the sausages of this brand has increased by three hundred percent during this action, then one hundred fifty percent.

10 Tips for the effective promotion of trad marketing

  1. At the heart of advertising initiative, try to create products, an interesting motivated market.
  2. Come up with rather attractive motivation to make the purchase of goods on the action. Constantly control the on the eve of the execution of the BTL program, how far the offer is beneficial and solid for potential customers.
  3. Only having the opportunity to report the criteria for the event to a potential client and organize awareness of it on the highest category, such advertising actions should be carried out.
  4. Thinking out the conditions of the action, eliminate completely obstacles that impede and prevent the role in the promoter.
  5. Do not forget about the budget and look for the opportunity to reduce the costs of promotion. BTL programs are short-term, the short-term effect and costs for them are obliged to be met during the implementation of the event.
  6. Watch the promotions to harden, and not in contradictions with the position of the brand, including they have to strengthen the straight (ATL advertising) products.
  7. In order to increase the performance of promotions, use Internet marketing.
  8. Organize events whose result can be analyzed.
  9. Regularly check the new and duplicate the most successful sales stimulation methods.
  10. Pay attention to the calculation of the performance and simplicity of the share scheme.
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Opinion expert

6 stages of the trad marketing action

Eduard Ostobrod,

vice President for the Development of the company SELA

Stage 1.Selection of a partner corresponding to status

We had the following requirements for the cross-marketing promotion: the network is comparable to our parameters, but does not constitute a direct rival; Potential customers intersect. As a result, we have approached the network of shoe salons of the average price level TERVOLINA. It corresponded to the conditions: over a hundred stores (own and franchising), was part of the Fashion industry, only in its other part, a similar composition of customers - women from 25 to 35 years. A partnership agreement was signed, according to which we distributed each other's coupons.

Stage 2.Development of cross-promotional conditions

The cross-marketing action scheme is as follows: the consumer got a discount coupon in our network in the amount of five hundred rubles when purchasing goods in the amount of five hundred rubles in TERVOLINA. The coupon began to act with a check in the amount of from two thousand rubles. Thus, the buyer, showing the coupon, had a discount of five hundred rubles when purchasing goods more than this amount.

It acted only on products at a cost. Also in the conditions of the promotion, any consumer could answer the questions of the questionnaire and become the owner discount cardwhich gave the right to a seven percent discount. In the case when he already has a three-percent card, it was exchanged for seven-percent. Thus, in our loyalty program, new consumers appeared, whom we stimulated to the regular purchase of goods, or they received another bonus to the already existing.

The event was held in the fall of 2014. Then we had a new collection in the outlets, and the action became particularly attractive for customers. It was possible not to wait for the sale, but get a discount on a new range, since by the next season people mostly replenish their wardrobe. The duration of the action in a month and a half was chosen due to the fact that in a short-term event, buyers do not have time to participate, and with more prolonged interest disappears. The whole share was divided into 2 stages intersecting in time.

The use of discounts by consumers from which 2 stage consisted, lasted from October 31 to December 14. Consequently, the client had the opportunity to immediately apply the received coupon, in connection with this, the timing of the stages were crossed. The remaining 2 weeks were designed to use coupons.

Stage 3.Search for outlets - neighbors for the organization Cross Promo

Judging by the past experience, to organize cross-promotes is only necessary in the nearby outlets, that is, a partner store and our should be located within walking distance. Although having a coupon for a significant amount, the client will not go to the other end of the city, and the money will be spent in charge. Taking a list of stores from partners, we selected twenty-two salons located in the same shopping centers as our. They approached the points that were placed on the same street with our shops, only when it was a street format.

Stage 4.Promotion of action

The main key to the success of the cross-marketing action is the right announcement. We had a partner's employment agreement on extremely fair and efficient work, including the dissemination of information about the action, both in their outlets and by other channels. Posters we milked at the ticket office and in our own fittings, as the fitting of the partner's shoes takes place in the trading room.

On the sites of shopping centers where there were shops, on a partner resource, on social networks (including on the pages of the companion), on the website in the form of a banner module and a promotion trackers located information that was included in the external communication channels.

Stage 5.Likbez

Explanatory work with employees is the main point in the implementation of the cross-promo. We saw in the last events that misunderstanding generates a bad attitude. The consequence of this was the development of the instruction, in detail explaining the essence of the promotion and its idea. We have proven to merchants that our new consumers are people with coupons. We equally show appreciation for the purchase of goods to their direct customers, initiatively spreading partner coupons.

Stage 6.Continuous Partner Survey

According to prior arrangement with a partner in order to obtain a qualitative effect of cross-promo, we carry out the mutual test on the principle of a secret buyer. At the same time, the presence of POS-materials is controlled, whether trade agents are informed about the action and whether coupons spread when purchasing goods.

We acted as not because the lack of confidence in each other, but due to the fact that they sought to regulate the situation, given the human factor. The results were completely satisfied: the secret buyers gave the opportunity to notice vulnerable places in time and immediately adjust them.

In particular, there are no POS-materials at the box office at the checkout, and in the second they do not inform about the shares. A huge number of trade points and staff participated in the cross-marketing event, therefore, in theory, these errors could have happened. But the most important thing is when these errors are detected, it is necessary to do everything without delay to eliminate them.

With this purpose, we continuously observed the process at the continuation of the entire stock, while identifying deficiencies interacted with each other. In addition, we constantly sent sellers with a detailed explanation of the benefit of this event for the company, which, for example, the action contributes to the creation of an additional consumer flux that helps to make a plan, and in turn it is good for their work.

All outlets filled out a table with a report on the number of common coupons. At the end of the working week, these materials were united, and we shared information with each other.

Result. As a result, using Trejd Marketing Tools, namely Cross Promo, we had a conversion of two percent, we spent sixty rubles to engage in one buyer, at the same time profit from the action 10 times surpassed the costs of its organization.

How to evaluate how effective trade marketing

Trade Marketing Efficiency It is that with the smallest expenditures, high results are achieved. The productivity of the technique is calculated by the level of achievement of the goals and is an aggregate characteristic that the following includes compound:

  • Efficiency: It is estimated to achieve the goals that were supplied by the Trade Marketing program.
  • Economic performance: calculated by the proportion of results and the cost of their receipt. For example, ultimately, when evaluating the degree of profitability of ROMI marketing investments.
  • Savings: With additional external costs, it was possible to save on the production of advertising, promoters and other activities, as well as when using internal costs. In particular, the personnel of merchandisers.
  • Ethiculture and consistency with the psychology of buyers: Whether it was not mistaken when choosing incentives and motivators, how active partners participating in the program were not the result of the organization of trade marketing a change in the image of the brand, the standards and scheme of the event were clearly maintained, there were no deviations from Conditions of brand beech, etc.

Offered step by step algorithm Evaluating the effectiveness of the trad-marketing action or the program is presented in this way:

Step 1.We estimate the sale of goods.

Ideally, the trad marketing campaign should lead to an increase in sales at the level of target indicators planned according to the plan, and not only to improve the sale of products in physical and monetary terms.

The main trends of sales assessment:

  • sales growth relatively to the preceding basic time interval (absolute and relative value, in percent);
  • sales growth towards the same last year's period;
  • sales transformation is relatively set to objectives: thus the campaign efficiency is estimated;
  • a specific increase in the implementation of the implementation on the nested monetary unit, for example, the ruble;
  • the duration of the results of the promotion, the return rate of the sales to the "base", in other words, to the standard value of the number of sales without encouraging.

It is commonly considered normal deviation of the plan / fact within + 6-7particles, + 8-10 percent - as permissible, more than + 10 percent is the reason for parsing flights. Therefore, empirical information in which the previous experience of organizing trade marketing shares is recorded, including the practice of competitors, is important for marketing assessment and sales forecasting.

In most cases, the duration of the result of such an event is determined by an interval of the time between its final date and the initial day of the moment when the relative (in%) sales growth began to zero, in other words, with the return to the "base".

Step 2.Rate Distribution.

The main trends assessment of the sales system:

  1. Analysis of the increase in quantitative distribution indicators (numerical, Numeric Distribution (DN)).

Quantitative (numerical) Distribution is the level (%) of finding your product in retail outlets on all stores in the region carrying out the sales of this product category.

The Numeric Distribution (DN) quantitative distribution indicator, according to the retail-audit information, is found in most cases. It is characterized by a share (percentage) of stores in which this product is present, for example, your brand in its own rule in the period of control.

  1. Determination of increasing the "clean" distribution (an increase in the interest of stores constantly showing goods).

In the role of one of the significant indicators of quantitative distribution, its appearance, called "clean" (continuous), is often used.

"Clean" distribution represents the proportion of stores where your products are continuously in time, for example, during the last quarter.

  1. Installing an increase in weighted distribution (Weighted Distribution, WD).

Due to the fact that the indicators of high-quality (weighted) distribution take into account the amount of sales, they are much more clearly demonstrated which position actually exists with the sale of goods on a specific market. Most of all in trad marketing uses this type of parameter as weighted distribution (Weighted Distribution, WD).

Weighted distribution shows the product sales percentage in stores in the specific territory where the company is located, from the total sales of the elected product line or category or in all stores of this area. In the numerator of the formula there is a volume of implementation of both our products and all products of the category, including competing brands.

The economic value of the indicator is similar to the definition of the "market share". An increase in the value of weighted distribution shows that the efforts of our company and its sales trading partners were concentrated on retail channels with the greatest performance. Apparently, these are famous stores with a large flow of buyers and with good profit. In the presence of products on the shelves of federal and large regional trading networks in this Russian reality, good indicators of high-quality distribution are guaranteed.

Step 3.Rate Visitors reaction.

The main trends of the assessment:

  • an increase in the active base of buyers;
  • the proportion of new consumers as part of the sales;
  • the amount of income that has brought new buyers;
  • good reviews of visitors, trade facilities and agents of the company obtained by survey;
  • share of respondents Trejd Marketing Promotion: (number of respondents share / total consumers from AKB) x 100 percent.

Step 4.We estimate efficiency Product presentation programs.

Mostly, marketing is the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the merchandising program, namely its economic efficiency.

Merchandising work analysis:

  • control over the growth of the absolute number of stores in which the system of merchandising was applied;
  • checking the characteristics of suspended distribution, namely monitoring them increase. The numerator here is the total number of all retail stores that have undergone merchandising;
  • additional trade turnover, including the influence of merchandising (here you can attribute the so-called additional calculation).

Trade marketing is evaluated in the form of a comparison regarding sales dynamics in stores where an additional display has been used either. If you deduct the cost of contacts related to marketing growth, you can easily determine the economic component that the Merchandising system made.

Features of the assessment:

  • Treed marketing implies the use of POSM, but it is possible to consider it efficient only at the moment when the sales volumes are kept at one level, and the cost of POSM does not exceed the planned.
  • The study of the effectiveness of trade marketing is carried out in all types of POSM, but only during the period of time when various changes occurred. That is, the appearance of new products, improve the old, change the accommodation options for goods.

What criteria are assigned to POSM?

  • Net income from POSM application in marketing is equal to an increase in sales for a month, multiplied by an increase from one unit of goods, taking into account the deduction of the work of the POSM application for the number of spent moneythat after folds with the cost of manufacture.
  • Profitability. Trade marketing includes such a concept as profitability. It is called the expected profit from using POSM, divided by the cost of manufacture.
  • Payback time. In the time when it is necessary to calculate the time for which the project will pay for yourself, the following is carried out in marketing: the funds spent on the development of POSM systems are divided into the difference between the numbers between net sales and spent money for the month of use. Trade marketing is close to mathematics, in connection with this it is very important to understand in different formulas.

If we talk about temporary POSM, then in marketing they call such equipment that brings the trading brand to the primary positions in the market for a specific period.

POSM temporal system analysis criteria:

  • income from application;
  • profit from using POSM;
  • the increase in the number of goods sold in absolute and relative volume.

Profit from the use of POSM in trade marketing is equal to the increase in sales over the month, taking into account the deduction of the materials used for a specific period of time and spent money.

Step 5.We analyze the economic efficiency of the budget of trad-marketing events.

  1. Romi rating, that is, the return of money spent on marketing events.

The high ROMI indicator in trad marketing indicates that the economic efficiency of programs will also be acceptable. If Romi is equal to thirty percent, it is considered the norm if fifty percent is a good level, eighty percent is excellent, and the value of 200 percent speaks of your superiority on the network.

  1. Trade marketing contains in itself the calculation of funds in the additional turnover.

This indicator is calculated using the additional or general turnover.

The effect is considered acceptable when promoting the product, when less than ten percent of the budget was spent on the conduct of trad-marketing events.

Information about experts

Irina Pankratova, Head of the Representative Office of CJSC Yoshkar-Olin Meat Processing Plant, Kazan. "Yoshkar-Olin meat processing plant." Field of activity: production of meat products. Organization form: CJSC. Territory: Head Office in Yoshkar-Ola, Representative Offices in Moscow, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Cheboksary, Network from 32 shops in Yoshkar-Ole. The number of personnel: 1000.

Eduard Ostobrod, Vice President for the Development of the company SELA. Edward Ostobrod studied in Israel in the Branch of the University of English Manchester and in ONO College. Has a MBA diploma, specialization - "planning of human resources." In 2000, he began working at Sela Fashion Design (Israel), in 2006 became its general director. From 2009 to 2011, he served as Director General of the SELA Representative Office in China, from 2011 - Vice President for Development and HR. Sela - retail network engaged in selling clothes. There are 400 stores in the cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan. The target audience - Women from 35 years old. Official site -

Trade Marketing Entity

Trade Marketing (Trade Marketing) is a set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of interaction with marketing channel participants (distribution chain) from the manufacturer to the buyer of products. Trade marketing is considering the market as a landfill, as an opportunity to implement an existing product, "push it to its consumer", make the goods, service more affordable to the buyer, convey information about the company's suggestion most accessible to all marketing channel players.

Trade Marketing (trade Marketing) - Stimulation of sales in the trading network and among trading intermediaries. I draw your attention to the fact that Trade Marketing is not only marketing sales support in retail with merchandising and BTL. Thus, the task of trade marketing is the development of distribution and effective functioning of the entire marketing channel.

Trade marketing includes financial, competitive, price stimulation of trading intermediaries and own trading staff of the company and are used by companies constantly and everywhere. Trade marketing a priori is necessary, basic and, often, the only one affordable advancement for small in size companies. Trade marketing, as marketing generally implies observation, active impact and analysis of the impact results on various channels and participants in the sales network. Active impact - motivation to work with a brand of all who stands between the goods and the consumer: from wholesale operators to mini shopping stores.

Typical tools of trade marketing (Trade Marketing) are: bonuses; discounts; Prize of commercial staff when performing the marketing tasks set, promotion promotions, contests, distribution of free samples, etc.

Shares of trade marketing (Trade marketing shares), assist in solving problems related to the expansion of distribution, increasing the volume of procurement, management of warehouse residues, the development of communications between business partners, personnel control, etc. At the same time I always speak and everywhere: marketing actions are from the word action! Only a clear goal, scenario and shows determine the quality of the marketing action, as well as quality as a result determines the sales result.

If you look more systemar, then trade marketing is often used as an element of a complex formation of the trade system loyalty. And the place on the shelf is more expensive, and competition is stronger, the most likely the fact that trade marketing is one of the most effective tools of the loyalty program. And understandable, loyalty to what and to whom?

If the company cannot independently carry out marketing activities, it turns to specialists, for example, to an advertising agency. The reason for contacting trade marketing professionals in addition to the indicated also in the fact that the company may strive to fulfill the large amount of work on promotion in a short time.

  • firm buys ready system solutions and chooses the optimal and market situation based on a qualitative analysis of the market situation;
  • the company appeals to experienced specialists who experience sales development through a system of trade marketing activities established by successful work with well-known brands.
  • The agency or hired specialist will help solve the challenge with the lowest costs, since optimizes trede-marketing solutions based on the experience of previously obtained when working on similar projects.

The purpose of trade marketing

Trade Marketing Objectives (Trade Marketing) are very well and detailed in the article "", it is also compressed here to note only a part of the postulates and conclusions given in the article.

The goal of trade marketing facing the consumer is to stimulate the desire of consumers to choose a specific product, trademark.

As for the purposes, against intermediaries, the trader is interested in increasing the overall profit and the formation of the loyalty of buyers to itself, first of all. It is important for him that the good sales of goods are not the goal, but a means to an increase in their own welfare and name. To preserve and strengthen your influence on consumers, merchants are developing special programs designed to stimulate buyers to acquire goods in his company, store. Of the traditional sales stimulants, the price, discounts and advertising are most significant. However, practice has shown that consumers quickly get used to low pricesDiscounts are perceived as mandatory applications, and their termination causes an outflow of "economic" buyers. People get used to the stimuli used in advertising and remember them.

So how to manage the sales of our goods directly at the merchant? I have enough causes of such a need. Here I would also like to note the following: the more the similarity between the goods, the smaller role when they play the mind (J. Tryut) - the more obvious the need for trading marketing. Therefore, to promote goods that do not have a sustainable consumer motive of preferences (and such in the modern price list most), it is necessary to apply not only traditional methods Sales stimulation, but also new, more efficient funds based on psychology of potential buyers.

It is necessary to achieve psychometric methods to make the buyer pay attention to our goods and perceive them in a favorable light, forming interest in them, thus keeping buying. Trade marketing forms a balance between the natural human natural system (reflexes, attention, perception) and the complex of our external stimuli, when the consumer provides the most rational satisfaction of its own needs as a result of the purchase of our goods.

Most merchants believe that the main goal of marketing trad is to facilitate and stimulate sales in the store, which in turn create conditions for maximum growth in turnover and profits. However, the desire to sell as much product as possible without taking into account the subsequent reaction of the consumer (estimating the degree of satisfaction from consumption) can turn into loss. And since the number of buyers does not increase, while manufacturers and sellers are becoming more and more, the desire to increase the current profits without taking into account its impact on the future can lead to the loss of competitiveness.

Consequently, the main goal of trade marketing - promotion of goods and increasing customer loyalty. Any firm puts and implements not one, but several goals that are important for its functioning and development. The following types of marketing trad targets were the greatest distribution in practice:

  • stimulate the sale of your product in an intermediary;
  • create a competitive advantage of the supplier and individual brands;
  • form commitment to brand; Increase the number of loyal buyers and win new ones.
  • improve advertising and communication policies of the enterprise.
  • improve trade and technological processes of the company (and intermediary);
  • if possible, influence the behavior of consumers.

Main Tasks for Trade Marketing

The main tasks of Trade Marketing, trade marketing can be considered the following.

1. Trade marketing allows you to manage sales:

  • effective representation of goods in a trading enterprise; - attracting consumer attention to new products and special offers;
  • consolidation in the consciousness of consumers of distinctive features of goods and trademarks;
  • positioning of goods based on the psychological characteristics of buyers and the factors of regulation of attention;
  • development of programs for promoting individual goods or their compexes, in which some products stimulate the sale of others without attracting additional investments.

2. The second task of Trade Marketing is to maintain the competitiveness of the enterprise:

  • ensuring more complete satisfaction of customers' needs;
  • increasing the number of loyal enterprises (shop) buyers;
  • consolidation in the consciousness of buyers of the distinguishing image of the store and the range of goods;
  • creating a situation in which visitors would receive pleasure from the shopping process.
  • development of a marketing communications program;
  • providing buyers necessary information;
  • improving the species and ways of applying advertising in places of sale;
  • reducing the duration of the thought process passing from the moment of the first acquaintance of buyers with a commodity until its full development.

4. The object of attention of trade marketing is the improvement of trade and technological processes in the enterprise:

  • organization of trade and technological processes in the store through the optimal planning of the trading hall and the equipment placement system;
  • more efficient use of retail space;
  • regulation of the movement of customer flows in the shopping hall;
  • ensuring the availability of goods for buyers in the process of choice without the participation of sellers of consultants;
  • organization of the distribution of cognitive resources in time and space of the trading hall;
  • reducing the adaptation period of buyers in the trading hall;
  • creating an atmosphere of a store adequate to the psychological state of visitors.

5. Consumer behavior management is also one of the tasks of trad marketing:

  • analysis and interpretation of factors affecting the purchasing behavior of various populations;
  • improving decision-making by the Buyer directly in the store;
  • an increase in the stay of buyers in the store and the number of purchases made by them;
  • an increase in the average purchase amount.

What do trad marketers do?

Very often answering this question, as defined in different interpretation, from different sides, with compiling, absolutely seriously not understanding what the traid marketer is. I suggest familiarizing yourself with the material "What do trad marketers" in the blog "Note on the fields". In the note, in my opinion, this topic is fully disclosed.

Infographics (from Lat. Informatio - clarification, presentation; and other-grade. Γραφικός - writing, from γράφω - I write) - this is a popular visual method of filing information, data and knowledge today. The range of infographics is huge. I will try to tell infographics about what trade marketing is ... Trade marketing infographic in the blog of the marketer.

Trade marketing, or creating incentives for wholesale and retailers

Trade Marketing Even the most large-scale advertising budgets can be considered abandoned to the wind, if the manufacturer does not take care of the stimulation of interest in the product from intermediate buyers - wholesale and retailers. How to encourage Retailler to buy goods and effectively promote it by the links of the distribution network to the final consumer - the task that companies solve with the help of trad marketing.
Trade-marketing is an activity aimed at learning and meeting the needs of the trading link, a phenomenon in some kind of border. In some cases, trad-marketing as a complex of marketing activities designed to solve the tasks of the presence of products in retail outlets on the most best places And at the recommended price, includes marketing in the sphere. In other situations, considering it as a tool that stimulates sales relates to the field of sales.
Now large companies, reducing the costs of direct advertising, many times increase the budgets of trad marketing. The list of tasks that the company can solve resorting to trad marketing methods is very impressive. Competently organized stimulation of trading mediators makes it possible to increase sales and distribution, contributes to an increase in the stock of goods and the growth of trade in the "not season" activity, forms and increases the loyalty of trade to the company and its product. However, it is unlikely to correctly consider TM-activities by Panacea. In addition, the effect of the use of this tool can be obtained, systematically affecting the links of the distribution chain and all channel channels. "For each of the links, there is a specific set of techniques, even inside one unit can be up to a dozen subcategories and options," said Sergey Kalinin, National Director for Trade Marketing and Business He-Trade "San Interbrew". - It is inappropriate and inefficient to offer everyone Types of retail points one stimulation scheme. Obviously, the supermarket is very different from the kiosk, and the pavilion from the discounter. "

Discounts, Bonuses, Contests
The most popular ways to stimulate intermediaries and retailers, allowing to increase the volume of sales at the same time - various types of discounts and bonuses for the agreed purchase volume, the complex purchase of a certain range, etc. "The simplest scheme used by all companies in the juice market is the retail system system, - Says Boris Pozdnyakov, Head of the Trade Marketing Department of the Expo Lebedyansky. - By purchasing a certain amount, at the end of the month the company receives from us or a decrease in receivables, or a free product. "
When developing relationships, the supplier usually provides best Service. The manufacturer can equip the workplaces of the employees of the wholesale company, provide partners with transport and technical resources.
Another common sales promotion method is an organization among resellers of various types of contests and competitions. Last summer, the Barnaul Company "Altan" (trademark "Granmulino") held a campaign "Organized Office". For a certain amount of sales, the distributor could choose from the list of prizes one or another subject for office: computers, telephones, microwaves, etc. Upon completion of the stock company sales growth amounted to 30%.
Events that bind not so much on the material as the emotional component are carried out much less frequently. But with a competent organization and they can bring a tangible effect. At the heart of the "Beer Lovers Club" developed by Ace Target for San Interbrew, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a certain world for chosen. The program was held since October 2002 to April 2003 in a number of southern regions of Russia. "It is believed that the trading network is a complex system consisting of a variety of participants, and it is extremely difficult to consider all their psychological features," says Natalia Nikitina, the Ace Target marketing coordinator. - Therefore, it is stimulated in the main gifts, bonuses, discounts, etc. P. And in this case played a factor of the chosenness. " Members of the "Club", that is, the outlets performing the conditions of the action received not only economic, but also emotional advantages: club cards, the opportunity to participate in the competition, attend VIP events, etc. During the program in the regions where it was conducted The increase in quantitative distribution was 27%.

Primaka for the seller
The next "level", in whose stimulation is interested in the supplier - trading personnel of the distribution company. The conditions offered by the distributor manufacturer may be extremely attractive, but if the procurement and sales managers are not interested in promoting goods, the likelihood that the product will be beneficial presented (if presented at all) in the right retail point is very small. "The assortment with which the Distributor has a deal, may have several thousand commodity positions," explains Valery Pokornak, General Director of Altan. - But there is plenty of reasons why managers are more profitable to work with other names. " Solving this problem, in Altan, they went along the way of organizing the Institute of Exclusive Trade Representatives (ETP). The Altan EtP team in the Russian regions includes distributors' trade managers regularly receiving for the implementation of certain conditions (distribution, sales volumes, carrying out promotions, etc.) bonus from the manufacturer. "This kind of motivational schemes implemented with respect to the operators on the phone or staff of the direct sales department, for example, when starting the brand, are not too expensive and allow you to significantly increase the" return "of trading personnel," says Boris Pozdnyakov .- the opportunity to compete with colleagues will lead from routine . Programs are beneficial and distributors, since they develop its people, which ultimately ensures improvement of the efficiency of the entire company. "
Most likely it will not be possible to solve the tasks of the company, offering a significant additional incentive to the mediator's trade manager, if a person does not get a clear idea that it is selling it. This also applies to the personnel of retail points (sellers and consultants) capable of stimulating consumers to purchase, giving recommendations on this or that product. It is hardly possible to overestimate the importance of events aimed at acquaintance of sellers of representatives with the manufacturer's products, the standards of its work and the most effective sales technologies, experts are unlikely. Trainings, seminars and conferences are a great reason for the exchange of experience and building personal relations, the factor that in Russian conditions can be considered decisive business success.
Pavel Mironov, Director of Business Development of the BTL Agency EMG: "The effectiveness of such tactics can be illustrated by the following real example. Historically, it developed that despite the wide range of producer of food producer not all sold positions were equally known in the market. To change the situation for A number of conferences and procurers were organized a number of conferences on which they not only told about the range of the range, but also gave to try each of the products that were told. As a result, participants, first, found out that the active range of their supplier is significantly wider, Secondly, they themselves were convinced of the high quality of the products with whom they were offered to work. After a series of conferences spent in several Russian cities, a lot of time passed, the growth of orders throughout the spectrum of products remains so far. "

Choosing a moment for conducting activities that stimulate the distribution links is usually due to the need to quickly change the situation. Therefore, TM-shares are mainly launched to promote a new product or during seasonal decline. The minimum duration of TM-campaigns is usually a month - and this turns out to be quite enough to obtain the necessary effect. Thanks to the campaign for one month, Lebedyansky managed to fundamentally change the situation in the channel "Wholesale markets". The share of the company's products on the shelves has grown from 26 to 40%. To organize showcases on the company's standards, merchants of metropolitan markets participating in the program shipped free products. Points, within two weeks provided the presence on the windows of the required number of positions and their correct calculation, three packs of juice were obtained for free. For a month - six packs.
"As practice shows, the effect of competition and excitement disappear if the action lasts longer than the month. No one remembers what you need to fight," says Andrei Filimonov, director of marketing of the Iceovo Group of Companies. - If the period exceeds the month, then the event is better To split into the stages and make at the end of each stage, summing up. When the company has aggressive seizures and it has only three or four months of this season, it is worth run such events at the same time on all sales channels with a difference of several weeks. "
At the same time, trad marketing promotions may have a significantly greater temporary length. Such, let's say, programs to increase the level of distribution or event to increase loyalty to the manufacturer. True, permanent activity, in addition to the necessary budgets, requires partnership relations with resellers, as well as a certain level of competence of the company's trading personnel. And in this case, TM activity is part of the common communicative plan.
Since March 2004, Lebedyansky has implemented a single integrated strategy for working with trading channels. It includes long-term portfolio programs for all channels (including the program covers wholesale markets, kiosks and retail stores) related to both goals, mechanics and time. The main task of the portfolio program is to ensure quantitative and high-quality distribution of all brands of the company. Boris Pozdnyakov: "With the help of this program, we teach a trading point to system work with the company. Shopping points clearly know what they need to do to obtain a bonus, and the integrated scheme gives them such an opportunity. That is, the owner of the point, coming to the market, can find Here is a product in the amount of the program to fulfill the condition of the program. By the number of positions on the shelves, inventory, etc. The second plus is that the system greatly simplifies the work of the sales representative - he knows that during the year for all the company's brands is held one common The program. In addition, a single "portfolio" approach makes it possible to evaluate and compare the efficiency of the company's trading personnel in different regions and different trading channels. "

Expensive pleasure
The use of trad-marketing methods in promoting the product is not cheap. Of course, TM costs are not comparable to television advertising budget, but the trading stimulation is usually much more expensive to promote for end users. "Executions on trade marketing for long-standing foods can be from 0.2-0.5% to 3-5% of the annual turnover, and when the new product is derived, the costs sometimes reach 15%," says Andrei Filimonov.
However, with the right organization of investments in the promotion of the product allow the company to earn. In addition, the effect of the implementation of trad-marketing events, unlike campaigns, stimulating the end user, is measurable - by the increase in the number of orders, sales level, distribution, etc. In retail to control the execution of the shares, checking field staff are carried out or a method is used. "Mysterious buyer."
At the same time, experts approve, the effect of the event is sometimes practically independent of the costs of it. The main condition for the success of any TM-shares is a human factor, and save on this article flow - unforgivable luxury. Valery Pokornok: "Many companies believe that it is enough to give the mediator of money, and he organizes the process as needed. This approach is increasingly erroneous. Without the participation of its own managers who will constantly monitor the situation, train sales of your product, such" Trade -Marking "Just by definition cannot be effective."

Merchandising strategy

Before talking about the Trade Marketing Strategy, we will give the definition of the trad marketing. If you try to formulate the definition of trad marketing in one sentence, then the following will be: Trade-marketing is a tool for the implementation of additional sales, achievement of planning sales and profits due to expertise in category and customer cooperation programs.

Based on the definition, the traid marketing functionality will look like this:

  • Merchandising Strategy (Expertise in category)
  • Trade Marketing Activity (Customer Service Cooperation Programs)
  • Sales Team Indicators System (Sales Planning, Reporting, Correction

Trade marketing strategy is drawn up / adjusted annually together with the formation of a sales plan and budgets for the next year and consists of three items mentioned above. When describing the trad-marketing strategy, we will also use this structure.

Merchandising strategy

The merchandising strategy responds to the following questions for each of the segments of the universe of outlets:

Which SKU should be in the stock assortment?

Where it is necessary to locate the product (in which category, the placement area in the category, cross-categorical placement, additional sales points, etc.).

Number of Faceing and the principles of formation of the minimum stock for each SKU. What a plan should be, in which shopping equipment it is necessary to have a product.

The segmentation of the universe of outlets is made to separate the strategy according to these shopping points. As a rule, the point is segmented by type (supermarket, kiosk, etc.), by turnover, the type of town and so on. In the principle of segmentation, it is necessary to mortgage differences in the strategy, while it is important not to complicate and not use a large number of Conditions, because The strategy should be simple as simplicity and to be understandable to each Silz at the lowest level of your organization. There must also be a clear description of each segment, eliminating a double interpretation or misunderstanding where to attribute one or another outlet.

Sales Team Indicator System

Based on the Merchandising Strategy, the Sales / Distributor Team indicators are being built. The key indicators system allows:

  • Assess the growth potential of sales volumes in the channel / territory and plan the necessary resources for the implementation of the potential;
  • Assess the achievement of the sales team of scheduled values \u200b\u200bon the channel / territory.

The set of indicators should consist of 3-5 key indicators that have the most significant impact on sales in this segment of outlets. The description of the indicators should be accessible to understand and eliminate the possibility of a dual interpretation. Such indicators usually include distribution, assortment in the outlet, situational merchandising indicators, critical for sale category.

Trade Marketing Activity

TM Activity - Tools for implementing the Merchandising Strategy and the achievement of key sales management indicators. Despite the canonical definitions of trad-marketing, in which trade marketing is described exclusively as client marketing, in practice, trade marketing departments implement programs aimed at the sales team and even on end users. This section of the strategy also has a budget for the implementation of activities.

The main criterion for the success of each activity is to achieve the planned indicators. Therefore, already at the planning stage, it is necessary to clearly understand what the indicators will be monitored and is it possible to correctly calculate the result of the promotion performed.

Effective Trad Marketing Strategy

The effectiveness of the strategy is determined by additional sales and profit, so the main guidelines in the development and implementation of the Trade Marketing Strategy are the following principles:

  • The achievement of key indicators provides an increase in the share of the portfolio market in a category or sales of the entire category;
  • The achievement of key indicators ensures the planned values \u200b\u200bof the ROI indicator.