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How to improve your win rate in World of tanks. Winning percentage on World of Tanks account Winning percentage of vehicles in wot

Statistics in Word of Tanks are of great importance for those players who want to play in a team and participate in company and clan battles. It is the percentage of victories and efficiency in the game that attention is paid to when recruiting people into these units. Since when starting to play this game, most players did not attach much importance to these numbers, all indicators slid down. And only now, having gained experience, players begin to ask the question: how to increase the winning percentage in world of tanks?

Single player game

At the very beginning, you need to clarify that stock equipment cannot help you in this matter; you need to play only on fully upgraded tanks. Only in this case will you get the full benefit from the car (speed, damage, penetration), be most effective in battle and bring the greatest benefit to your team. By the way, not only getting frags is considered useful. The total amount of damage dealt, exposure of enemy tanks, capture of an enemy base, or failure to capture your base also plays a role. Your task is not to merge under any circumstances and to hold out as long as possible.

Do not rush to despair if there are very few of you left or you have little health. Even in a seemingly critical situation, you can drink the blood of your enemies well. To do this, you must know the advantages and disadvantages of not only your tank, but also the enemy’s equipment. Knowing the tactics of playing on different maps will also help. The main thing is not to rush; sometimes it is better to look at the enemy’s maneuvers before taking any action.

There is another nuance that will allow you to increase your winning percentage. At the beginning of their career, many players buy different entry-level tanks. For example, just to try for comparison. But at this stage, your playing skills, as a rule, do not allow you to achieve good results, and all this is reflected in the statistics. Therefore, you need to go back to the basics and continue to play on them. Firstly, your financial condition will allow you to immediately bring your car to the top, and secondly, in battle at low levels you will meet many newcomers who can be easily destroyed.

What tanks are best to take? Of course, you can increase the victory percentage using any vehicle, but the most effective class of vehicle for these tasks is still one with a reduced level of combat. Install the reindeer meter and simply view the setups of both teams. It turns out in 90% of cases that players who go to random, for example on the IS-6, have at least 50% of the battles. To get nice statistics, don’t hesitate to play at 5-6 levels, and sometimes at 4.

Playing in a platoon

A great opportunity to increase your win percentage in game statistics is to play in a platoon. You can either create a platoon yourself, or join one already created by someone. When creating a platoon, do not put demands on candidates that are much higher than your statistics. The best option is if the team includes your friends who share your aspirations. When creating a platoon, it is better to choose tanks of the same class, preferably other than light tanks, because this increases the likelihood that you will get to higher levels. If you all entered the battle together, this does not mean that the three of you will shoot everyone right now. You just need to do one task together. For example, three can easily protect an entire direction and the enemy’s attack will choke. You must agree with each other before taking any action. Don't forget to upgrade your crew. It is better to choose tanks of level 6 (you won’t spend a lot of money) or level 10 (the best equipment).

In general, we figured out how to increase the win rate. But remember that the main factor influencing your statistics is not any secrets or an invincible tank, but your playing skill, which will make any tank so.

Statistical indicators are highly valued by many World of tanks players. One of the most noticeable and obvious parameters for comparing the skill of WoT players is win percentage.

What is the win rate in WoT

- the ratio of the number of victories to the total number of battles fought by players in World of tanks multiplied by 100%.

As you know from the course of mathematical statistics, the larger the sample, the more reliable the statistical data. What does this mean in World of tanks? This means that it is worth paying attention to the percentage of battles if the player has spent quite a lot of battles in World of tanks (1000 or more). Moreover, the more battles a player has spent in World of tanks, the more reliable the data is displayed in his statistics.

If a player has played more than 10,000 battles and has a win percentage of 50 or higher, this means that he plays better than most WoT players, and the influence of random factors in such a sample is minimal. Statistics and achievements of a tanker can be viewed on the website or in the World of tanks game itself, or in ours.

Does skill reflect win percentage in World of tanks?

There are three possible outcomes in World of tanks battles - victory, defeat, draw. A draw result is rare in World of tanks; let’s leave 1-2% of the total number of battles in WoT for this outcome. Defeat and victory are opposite events; if one team wins, then the second team loses. Therefore, the frequency of victories and defeats should be the same - 49% each (the remaining 1 - 2%, as mentioned above, are draws).

Let's assume that all WoT players are of absolutely the same level of play (skill), and there are no external stimuli influencing the outcome of the battle, then with a sufficiently large number of battles (large sample), each player will have 49% victories - statistics pull the player towards this indicator.

What does a win percentage above 50 mean?

So, we looked at a theoretical example where all World of tanks players are equal, but in reality this is not the case. AND win percentage above fifty, with a large number of battles, it just shows that the tanker acts better than the average enemy, and with his actions he helps the allied team win more often.

The influence of randomness in World of tanks, of course, is great, but it is leveled out by a large number of fights. Since with a large sample the influence of randomness will be minimized - you will be thrown to weak teams in whole series, then to strong ones, the projectile will ricochet, sometimes from you, sometimes from your enemy, all this is equalized with the number of battles.

What does a win percentage below 49 mean?

You can often hear from World of tanks players that if the win percentage is below 49, this means that such a participant only interferes with the team, ruins everything, and it would be better without him at all. Actually this is not true. A win percentage below 49 means that the player is performing worse than his average opponent, that is, he is not causing harm, not being inactive, but not playing well enough - these are, after all, different things. A player's sabotage may be indicated by a win percentage below 40, or a tendency to inflict damage on his own.

If your percentage is below 49, or higher, but you want to improve it, then it can be done. How? Play better and correct the statistics. The more battles there are on an account, the more reliable the statistics are, and the more difficult it is to correct them, since several successfully completed battles will simply disappear into the mass of old unsuccessful ones. But this is not a reason to despair; a large number of unsuccessful battles is a reason to change your approach to the game and conduct many successful battles. The complexity of the task only makes its completion more desirable.

Where to start improving statistics in World of tanks

Begin improved statistics It’s worth studying it, go to World of tanks or your account on the official website of the game and look at which tanks you have a high percentage of victories on, and which ones have a low percentage. At the same time, again, remember that the more battles played on a tank, the more reliable the statistics.

How to increase your win rate in WoT

There are two simple ways improve your win rate in World of tanks. Which one you choose is up to you, but for each of them you will need to play hard, study tactics on a particular tank, and improve your skills.

Method 1 to improve statistics in World of tanks

If, after looking at the statistics, you find that one or two tanks stand out for the better according to the statistics, while there are quite a lot of battles on them, then you can play more on these two (or one) combat vehicles. At the same time, it is worth further studying the information about the tank, looking at guides, noting the strengths and weaknesses of the tank, equipping the selected combat ones with the best consumables, transplanting good crews into them, installing the best modules. Since statistics show that you act correctly on these tanks, you will often be able to influence the outcome of the battle, which means you will improve the overall statistics of your account in World of tanks.

For example, you noticed that your statistics on the KV-1 are good and you win 55% of battles with it, while you have already played more than 700 battles in this heavy vehicle. Choose this tank, improve it as much as possible, just in case, look at our website, note something new for yourself, or, on the contrary, share your skills, and win with it, correcting the overall statistics.

Method 2 to improve your win percentage in World of tanks

If, when looking at statistics, you discovered that you showed the worst results on low-level equipment when you first started play World of tanks, then this situation can be corrected. You can improve summary statistics by bringing unsuccessful results to the level of 49 - 50 percent.

For example, you discovered that on the T-26 tank you have 35 battles and 43 percent victories, buy this tank, watch video lessons on our website, install good equipment on the tank, and level the situation, because now you are an experienced player, and you can perform better in every battle.

Wot was not a pioneer, almost all online games where there are individual battles also have a win percentage. And yes, the higher it is, the better, but for whom?

A newbie to Wot who has not yet fledged his feet immediately gets acquainted with and understands the importance of one statistical parameter of his account - the percentage of wins. He hasn’t even heard of different efficiency ratings yet, but he can already clearly see the percentage of wins on his tanks in the game. And sooner or later the moment comes when the player strives to improve it. By the way, the fact that many people install the user meter mod ( he is also a reindeer hunter), which allows you to evaluate the statistical indicators of players on both teams directly in battle, only contributes to players becoming fixated on their statistics.

Objective and important

Even according to official data from the developers, it is the percentage of victories that is used to adjust the balance of vehicles. Formally, for each tank on average on the server there should be a win percentage of around 48%, and 2% is allocated for draws. If this indicator is significantly exceeded, a particular tank is weakened; if there are not enough victories, the tank is strengthened. So it is precisely 48% that we at will consider to be the line that will distinguish bad players from good ones.

Poor: less than 48%

Everything here is quite objective and understandable; players whose winning percentage on any technique is less than 48% are frankly weak players. A percentage of 43% can be considered a minimum; it is difficult to imagine that without deliberately playing to lose, you can achieve worse results. Indicators of 45-47% are very typical for weak wot players, who are unlikely to be able to show a good level of play even periodically.

Average level: 49-52%

A typical average player will have this exact win percentage on their account, with no real correlation between win percentage and the player's objective level within that range. That is, a player with a 49% win rate can play very well and even better than someone with a 52% win rate. A simple reason could be a large number of battles, when it is already difficult to influence the overall win percentage. Those who like to upgrade new branches of tanks will also have a lower victory percentage, because they often have to drive new vehicles and spend more battles using stock vehicles.

Average players can make serious mistakes, but they can also pull off a completely losing battle, especially if they are part of a well-coordinated platoon. In the majority, especially with a large number of battles, such players benefit their team, play thoughtfully, but not perfectly. I would like to believe that average players will make up the bulk of tankers in World of Tanks, but these are just dreams. It is precisely bad players in large numbers that lead to the fact that the average level of tankers in wot is very low.

Good and excellent: more than 53%

It is quite clear that exceeding the level of 53%, or better yet 55%, indicates a good level of the player. In more detail, I do not consciously share this category of players on, since this group can include both unique and talented players, as well as ordinary average players who have skillfully improved their victory statistics in platoon and company battles. Also, always look at the total number of battles on the account; donors can create separate accounts and work solely on statistics.

How to improve your win rate?

So, you have come to the realization that the winning percentage could not hurt to improve. The first thing you need to do is improve your own level of play. Do not rush to create platoons if your level has not yet reached average. You must show good results alone, in a harsh random environment.

I will devote separate articles to training in wot, but here I will only give general recommendations. Watch the waters, watch replays performed by good players, and most importantly, take your time. Both in a specific battle you need endurance, and in terms of improving your win percentage. There is no need to make this an end in itself: play and try to become better. But not the other way around, you don’t need to play with the sole purpose of improving your account statistics.

Well, the simplest thing is that a large number of battles on a particular tank allows you to use it most effectively, so the level of the game will increase. Then you can join a platoon to improve your account win percentage, just don’t take overtly weak players, otherwise the result will be exactly the opposite.

What not to do

The frequent mistakes of inexperienced players who want to improve their winning percentage are well known. Firstly, you don’t need to purposefully play low-level tanks just to increase your win rate. Pedobirstvo in wot is not held in high esteem, everyone can easily see that your winning percentage is high only on sand tanks, and you don’t know how to play on serious machines. This is even worse than if you didn’t try to correct the statistics in this way, and you’ll waste your time.

The second most common mistake is playing in a platoon. Almost everyone knows that platoon play can significantly improve statistics. But many weak players miss a simple detail, because only a platoon of good and average players can improve their statistics. If you combine bad players into a platoon, the situation will only worsen, and there will be even more defeats. After all, in this case, the allied team will have at least two or three bad tankers. What if they are still on high-level tanks? Then there will be no victory at all.


On the one hand, the winning percentage is an objective and important parameter that characterizes the level of play. In a good way, you need to try to play better, which will lead to an increase in your winning percentage. But not the other way around! Once you reach the intermediate level, you can try playing in a platoon.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t get too hung up on statistics, you need to play for pleasure, otherwise wot can cause addiction, painful and meaningless. Naturally, there is no need to try to assemble a platoon of weak players, such a group will only worsen its statistics. Switching to low-level tanks in order to increase the percentage of victories does not make sense at all, because what actually matters is not the overall percentage of victories on the account, but the percentage of victories on each tank separately.

Number of victories in battles or win percentage– one of the important indicators World of Tanks game statistics. When selecting a candidate for company or clan battles, commanders most often evaluate these numbers. But here an unpleasant detail begins to emerge. Starting his “combat journey”, the player did not pay any attention to this and his statistics are in a “deplorable state”. After this he begins to be interested in the question how to increase your win rate in WoT? The "stat" in WoT is not easy to fix. But it is possible. You just have to follow a number of recommendations.
At the beginning of the game, most "tankers" try out different techniques, but then stop using them. But, as a rule, the low data obtained from it reduces the overall statistics of the player. At this point the player wonders how to increase your win percentage. There is only one option as a way out. You will have to return to the “abandoned” tanks and play on them. Moreover, you will have to fight well, increasing the percentage of victories.

Platoon to help you

Playing with two or three players in WoT makes it possible to better coordinate your actions. 3 players on a tank destroyer are able to organize a coordinated defense of the flank and prevent the enemy from breaking through the defense. Two or three medium tanks are able to disrupt all the enemy’s plans and completely paralyze his forces. And a passage along the flank and access to the rear, where defenseless artillery is located... Victory for the team will be guaranteed.

Returning to the sandbox to increase your win rate

Exactly this way and no other way. You'll have to buy tanks of tier 1-2. Equip them with all sorts of additional equipment and go ahead. Some people may not like this return to the past. Of course, everything is long behind us. But if a player sets out to raise these cherished winning percentages, then he even needs to take such measures. For what? At low levels, most players are newbies and defeating them will not be difficult.

Play what you like best

Each player has their own preferences. Some people like the American Sherman, while others are crazy about the AMX 50 100. Another recommendation would be this: try to play the technique that you like the most. It’s a pleasure to play on it, and the results will immediately show. And you can read it on our website. There is also .

Stock is not for us

A tank with initial characteristics causes boredom and disgust. It is impossible to get good performance on it; the stock gun has low penetration and damage data. The weak engine and chassis do not allow the full potential of the equipment to be used. The World of Tanks game provides an opportunity to solve this problem. All modules can be studied immediately after purchasing the car. This requires free experience. Complete modernization will immediately affect the results and, accordingly, the percentage of victories will rise.

Crew 100% is a good way to increase your win percentage

The same applies to tankers. Their experience and skills must be at a high level. You can use the game currency “silver” and “pump up” your warriors to 75%. But this won't be enough. The best option is to spend your gold reserves and get a fully trained crew that will show what they are capable of in battle.

To reach new heights in World of Tanks, you need to pay attention to your education. You need to study tactics and strategy, carefully analyze replays of battles provided by extra players. Accumulate information about the features of a particular technique. And, of course, apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Play and win, and then the cherished goal of becoming a “statist” will be achieved. We hope our article helped you understand the issue. how to increase your win rate in WoT.

5 years and a month ago Comments: 20


Today we will talk about raising statistics in World of Tanks - why it is needed and how to do it. We all want to fight in good platoons, play in well-established, experienced companies, join the top ones, participate in battles on the Global Map, capture provinces, and receive in-game gold for this. Of course, there are people who just want to show off their achievements in the game to their friends, relatives, and so on. But it's not that simple. After all, for all this you need excellent account statistics.

Account statistics consists of three positions - the overall percentage of victories, (performance rating), and the number of battles.

There are several formulas for calculating performance ratings. We will consider only one formula, which is conventionally designated “eff” (Efficiency). This formula appeared before all the others, so we will consider only it. It includes:
-average damage;
-average number of frags;
-average number of exposed players;
-average number of base capture points;
-average number of base defense points.

Calculation formula:

DAMAGE * (10 / (TIER + 2)) * (0.21 + 3*TIER / 100) + FRAGS * 250 + SPOT * 150 + log (CAP + 1) / log(1.732) * 150 + DEF * 150

  • DAMAGE - average damage
  • FRAGS - average number of frags
  • SPOT - average number of exposed players
  • CAP - average number of capture points
  • DEF - average number of defense points

Here is a battle efficiency rating table:

Well, what are good statistics for? We’ve sorted it out. Now let's see how to make it like this!

Many experienced water players, such as Gleborg, Maracasi, have made at least one video on the topic: “ How to increase your win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks" There they explained how they achieved their highest account statistics results. I'll tell you how it SHOULD be done.

I’ll say right away that you won’t be able to have a high percentage of wins playing solo (alone). Therefore, you will need a platoon, preferably of three people including you. Even if all three of them have bad statistics, then you have more chances to drag in and win than when playing solo, since you can perform coordinated actions, talk, three of you, attack... And plus, playing with comrades is much more fun, that’s why the mood will be better!

Go to your hangar -> Tab " Achievements" -> Tab " Technique» -> Sort by win percentage. There, look at tanks from level 6 with the highest win percentage and average damage.

Take this tank, prepare yourself to bend over and go into battle in a platoon, in a good mood. You work to the maximum in each battle, deal as much damage as possible per battle. If possible, capture the enemy base and defend yours. I think it’s clear, but I’ll say it anyway:
1)NEVER do not ride alone to the flank, without support;
2) Never merge at the beginning of the battle;
3) When playing as a platoon, distribute the damage. Let me explain. For example, if your platoon members have few hit points, you must cover them with your carcass so that they are not killed and you do not lose the potential of your platoon.

There is a legend that if you have been unlucky for a long time and are constantly losing, you can change the server, and everything will go away - you will be beating like in a fairy tale! I personally checked it, albeit a few times - the legend WORKS!!! So try it, maybe you will get lucky.

Let's sum it up

What you need to increase your account statistics:
  • Good, well-played platoon
  • A bending technique is a technique that you are lucky with or enjoy playing.
  • Work to the maximum in battles
  • Change server when there are leaks
  • Play only if you are in a good mood
That's all I have. I wish you to become " purple"! I hope the article was useful, I was with you iLetGo, Good luck to you in life and on the battlefields!